Results for 'Video recordings Production and direction.'

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  1.  17
    A Study of Word Complexity Under Conditions of Non-experimental, Natural Overt Speech Production Using ECoG.Olga Glanz, Marina Hader, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Peter Auer & Tonio Ball - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:711886.
    The linguistic complexity of words has largely been studied on the behavioral level and in experimental settings. Only little is known about the neural processes underlying it in uninstructed, spontaneous conversations. We built up a multimodal neurolinguistic corpus composed of synchronized audio, video, and electrocorticographic (ECoG) recordings from the fronto-temporo-parietal cortex to address this phenomenon based on uninstructed, spontaneous speech production. We performed extensive linguistic annotations of the language material and calculated word complexity using several numeric parameters. (...)
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    Gendai eizō geijutsuron: eizō sakka katsudō no shisōteki haikei, 1970-nen-200-nen.Sei Kazama - 2007 - Kodaira-shi: Shuppan Bunka Kenkyūkai.
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    Courteous but not curious: how doctors' politeness masks their existential neglect. A qualitative study of video-recorded patient consultations.K. M. Agledahl, P. Gulbrandsen, R. Forde & A. Wifstad - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (11):650-654.
    Objective To study how doctors care for their patients, both medically and as fellow humans, through observing their conduct in patient–doctor encounters. Design Qualitative study in which 101 videotaped consultations were observed and analysed using a Grounded Theory approach, generating explanatory categories through a hermeneutical analysis of the taped consultations. Setting A 500-bed general teaching hospital in Norway. Participants 71 doctors working in clinical non-psychiatric departments and their patients. Results The doctors were concerned about their patients' health and how their (...)
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    From stage to studio: performances versus recordings in classical music.Amy Blier-Carruthers - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    From Stage to Studio: Performances versus Recordings in Classical Music presents a cultural study of classical music-making through the analysis of live and studio performances of orchestral and operatic repertoire conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras. The close listening analysis is based on detailed research into Mackerras's private collection of over 600 reel-to-reel and cassette tapes containing recordings of over 1,000 live performances which he conducted between the 1950s and the late 1990s. This is contextualized with evidence collected during (...)
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    How to Start a Fight: A Qualitative Video Analysis of the Trajectories Toward Violence Based on Phone-Camera Recorded Fights.Don Weenink, René Tuma & Marly van Bruchem - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (3):577-605.
    We aim to contribute to recent situational approaches to the study of interpersonal violence by elaborating the concept of trajectories. Trajectories are communicative processes in which antagonists act upon each other’s bodily and verbal actions to project a direction for the interaction to take, which is then (con) tested in the exchanges that follow. We use the notion of trajectories to gain insight in how participants turn an antagonistic situation into a violent encounter, which we contrast to interactionist and micro-sociological (...)
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    The musicology of record production.Simon Zagorski-Thomas - 2014 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    The author employs current theories from psychology and sociology to examine how recorded music is made and how we listen to it. Setting out a framework for the study of recorded music and record production, he explains how recorded music is fundamentally different to live performance, how record production influences our interpretation of musical meaning and how the various participants in the process interact with technology to produce recorded music. The book combines ideas from the ecological approach to (...)
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  7. What Do We Lose to a Video?Ian Heckman - 2020 - In Rebecca L. Farinas & Julie Van Camp, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Dance and Philosophy. New York, NY: Methuen Drama. pp. 339-347.
    I think we have come to a point in the current state of technology where we, as appreciators, makers, and producers of live performances, must ask ourselves an important question. We must ask ourselves whether, in a world where we can easily access videotapes of performances, there is something important that we obtain through our engagement with live performances that we cannot get in our engagement with even the best quality videos. The performing arts, as artforms which perform with real (...)
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    Continuous Magnitude Production of Loudness.Josef Schlittenlacher & Wolfgang Ellermeier - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Continuous magnitude estimation and continuous cross-modality matching with line length can efficiently track the momentary loudness of time-varying sounds in behavioural experiments. These methods are known to be prone to systematic biases but may be checked for consistency using their counterpart, magnitude production. Thus, in Experiment 1, we performed such an evaluation for time-varying sounds. Twenty participants produced continuous cross-modality matches to assess the momentary loudness of fourteen songs by continuously adjusting the length of a line. In Experiment 2, (...)
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    The Effect of Cognitive Relevance of Directed Actions on Mathematical Reasoning.Candace Walkington, Mitchell J. Nathan, Min Wang & Kelsey Schenck - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (9):e13180.
    Theories of grounded and embodied cognition offer a range of accounts of how reasoning and body‐based processes are related to each other. To advance theories of grounded and embodied cognition, we explore the cognitive relevance of particular body states to associated math concepts. We test competing models of action‐cognition transduction to investigate the cognitive relevance of directed actions to students’ mathematical reasoning in the area of geometry. The hypotheses we test include (1) that cognitively relevant directed actions have a direct (...)
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    Response actions influence the categorization of directions in auditory space.Marcella C. C. Velten, Bettina E. Bläsing, Thomas Hermann, Constanze Vorwerg & Thomas Schack - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:147772.
    Spatial region concepts such as “front,” “back,” “left,” and “right” reflect our typical interaction with space, and the corresponding surrounding regions have different statuses in memory. We examined the representation of spatial directions in the auditory space, specifically in how far natural response actions, such as orientation movements toward a sound source, would affect the categorization of egocentric auditory space. While standing in the middle of a circle with 16 loudspeakers, participants were presented acoustic stimuli coming from the loudspeakers in (...)
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  11.  54
    Digital video as research practice: Methodology for the millennium.Wesley Shrum, Ricardo Duque & Timothy Brown - 2005 - Journal of Research Practice 1 (1):Article M4.
    This essay has its origin in a project on the globalization of science that rediscovered the wisdom of past research practices through the technology of the future. The main argument of this essay is that a convergence of digital video technologies with practices of social surveillance portends a methodological shift towards a new variety of qualitative methodology. Digital video is changing the way that students of the social world practice their craft, offering not just new ways of presenting (...)
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  12.  41
    “Children Are All Looking at You”: Child socialization, directive trajectories and affective stances in a Russian preschool. [REVIEW]Ekaterina Moore - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (3):317-344.
    This discourse analysis of video-recorded data examines how through the use of directives Russian preschool teachers socialize three-year-old preschool newcomers into becoming competent members of their social setting. I demonstrate that this process involves manipulation of multiple semiotic resources, including language, body, physical objects, and orientation in physical space. Previous research has shown that children “actively develop and use communicative skills to produce socially-ordered events in everyday interaction with adults and peers” (Corsaro 1979: 335). The present study demonstrates that (...)
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  13.  28
    Characterization of the Stages of Creative Writing With Mobile EEG Using Generalized Partial Directed Coherence.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Akshay Sujatha Ravindran, Anastasiya E. Kopteva, Cristina Rivera Garza & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Two stages of the creative writing process were characterized through mobile scalp electroencephalography in a 16-week creative writing workshop. Portable dry EEG systems with synchronized head acceleration, video recordings, and journal entries, recorded mobile brain-body activity of Spanish heritage students. Each student's brain-body activity was recorded as they experienced spaces in Houston, Texas, and while they worked on their creative texts. We used Generalized Partial Directed Coherence to compare the functional connectivity among both stages. There was a trend (...)
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  14.  22
    Do parents modify child-directed signing to emphasize iconicity?Paris Gappmayr, Amy M. Lieberman, Jennie Pyers & Naomi K. Caselli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Iconic signs are overrepresented in the vocabularies of young deaf children, but it is unclear why. It is possible that iconic signs are easier for children to learn, but it is also possible that adults use iconic signs in child-directed signing in ways that make them more learnable, either by using them more often than less iconic signs or by lengthening them. We analyzed videos of naturalistic play sessions between parents and deaf children aged 9–60 months. To determine whether iconic (...)
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  15.  30
    Investigating the Production of University English in Mass Higher Education: Towards an alternative methodology.Ken Jones, Monica McLean, David Amigoni & Margaret Kinsman - 2005 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 4 (3):247-264.
    Two university English seminars were video-recorded to provide data for a pilot project investigating how English is produced or 'actualized' in teaching and learning encounters. The project is positioned within three contexts: national policy about higher education teaching; current research about higher education pedagogy; and, the history and politics of university English. The main aim of the article is to explicate a methodology that takes as its data actual moments of teaching, captured on video tape, and the teachers' (...)
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  16.  21
    Protocol for the Adaptation of a Direct Observational Measure of Parent-Child Interaction for Use With 7–8-Year-Old Children. [REVIEW]Shannon K. Bennetts, Jasmine Love, Elizabeth M. Westrupp, Naomi J. Hackworth, Fiona K. Mensah, Jan M. Nicholson & Penny Levickis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    ObjectiveParenting sensitivity and mutual parent-child attunement are key features of environments that support children’s learning and development. To-date, observational measures of these constructs have focused on children aged 2–6 years and are less relevant to the more sophisticated developmental skills of children aged 7–8 years, despite parenting being equally important at these ages. We undertook a rigorous process to adapt an existing observational measure for 7–8-year-old children and their parents. This paper aimed to: describe a protocol for adapting an existing (...)
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  17. Earlier visual N1 latencies in expert video-game players: a temporal basis of enhanced visuospatial performance.Andrew J. Latham, Lucy L. M. Patston, Christine Westermann, Ian J. Kirk & Lynette J. Tippett - 2013 - PLoS ONE 8 (9).
    Increasing behavioural evidence suggests that expert video game players (VGPs) show enhanced visual attention and visuospatial abilities, but what underlies these enhancements remains unclear. We administered the Poffenberger paradigm with concurrent electroencephalogram (EEG) recording to assess occipital N1 latencies and interhemispheric transfer time (IHTT) in expert VGPs. Participants comprised 15 right-handed male expert VGPs and 16 non-VGP controls matched for age, handedness, IQ and years of education. Expert VGPs began playing before age 10, had a minimum 8 years experience, (...)
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  18. Orbital Contour: Videos by Craig Dongoski.Paul Boshears - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):125-128.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 125-128. What is the nature of sound? What is the nature of volume? William James, in attempting to address these simple questions wrote, “ The voluminousness of the feeling seems to bear very little relation to the size of the ocean that yields it . The ear and eye are comparatively minute organs, yet they give us feelings of great volume” (203-­4, itals. original). This subtle extensivity of sensation finds its peer in the subtle yet significant influence (...)
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  19.  23
    Research on the Influence of New Media Technology on Internet Short Video Content Production under Artificial Intelligence Background.Zhiqin Lu & Inyong Nam - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    With the rapid development of the Internet and smart phone technology, a large number of short videos are shared through social platforms. Therefore, video content analysis is a very important and popular work in machine learning and artificial intelligence currently. However, it is very difficult to analyze all aspects of video content originally produced by large-scale users. How to screen out bad and illegal content from short videos published by a large number of users, select high-quality videos to (...)
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  20. Bi-Directional Evidence Linking Sentence Production and Comprehension: A Cross-Modality Structural Priming Study.Kaitlyn A. Litcofsky & Janet G. Van Hell - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Natural language involves both speaking and listening. Recent models claim that production and comprehension share aspects of processing and are linked within individuals (Dell & Chang, 2014; MacDonald, 2013; Pickering & Garrod, 2004; 2013a). Evidence for this claim has come from studies of cross-modality structural priming, mainly examining processing in the direction of comprehension to production. The current study replicated these comprehension to production findings and developed a novel cross-modal structural priming paradigm from production to comprehension (...)
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  21. What Studios Do.Eliot Bates - 2012 - Journal on the Art of Record Production 7 (1).
    Studios resist reductive analyses. Although isolated, they have their own frontstages and backstages, and like the laboratories studied by Knorr-Cetina, function as more than simply “internal environments.” The placeness of studios leaves both audible traces (the early reflections of sounds) and visible ones, if we think of those studios that become shrines or pilgrimage sites, or photo or video documentation of studios that provide the outside world a brief glimpse into the interior isolation of recording studio life. It would (...)
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  22. Production and circulation in a monastic domain during the Carolingian period: records from the abbey of Saint-Denis.S. Tange - 1997 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 75 (4).
  23. Paradoxical lived experiences of the newly-hired faculty in a university setting.Ivy Eran & Manuel Caingcoy - 2019 - Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences 5 (5):216-225.
    This study explored the experiences of the newly-hired faculty in the university to acquire an in-depth and profound understanding of these experiences. It involved eight purposively chosen faculty in a semi-structured interview and focus group discussion documented in voice and video recorders. Using Colaizzi’s seven step-approach to data analysis, results revealed three paradoxical themes: the joys and struggles of teaching, successes and pains of learning, and the privileges and challenges of serving. On the one hand, the joys and struggles (...)
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  24.  40
    Productivity of Noun Slots in Verb Frames.Anna L. Theakston, Paul Ibbotson, Daniel Freudenthal, Elena V. M. Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (6):1369-1395.
    Productivity is a central concept in the study of language and language acquisition. As a test case for exploring the notion of productivity, we focus on the noun slots of verb frames, such as __want__, __see__, and __get__. We develop a novel combination of measures designed to assess both the flexibility and creativity of use in these slots. We do so using a rigorously controlled sample of child speech and child directed speech from three English-speaking children between the ages of (...)
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  25.  19
    When the Place Matters: Moving the Classroom Into a Museum to Re-design a Public Space.Giovanna Barzanò, Francesca Amenduni, Giancarlo Cutello, Maria Lissoni, Cecilia Pecorelli, Rossana Quarta, Lorenzo Raffio, Claudia Regazzini, Elena Zacchilli & Maria Beatrice Ligorio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:519746.
    In this case-report we describe an experience where alternative places – rather than the classroom – are exploited to implement learning processes. We maintain that this experience is a good example of materiality because it focuses on a project where students had the opportunity to re-design a public space. To this aim, various objects and tools are used to support discussions and exchanges with new stakeholders. Our theoretical vision combines Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s tradition with an innovative framework called the Trialogical (...)
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  26.  14
    Neuromonitoring Correlates of Expertise Level in Surgical Performers: A Systematic Review.Theodore C. Hannah, Daniel Turner, Rebecca Kellner, Joshua Bederson, David Putrino & Christopher P. Kellner - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Surgical expertise does not have a clear definition and is often culturally associated with power, authority, prestige, and case number rather than more objective proxies of excellence. Multiple models of expertise progression have been proposed including the Dreyfus model, however, they all currently require subjective evaluation of skill. Recently, efforts have been made to improve the ways in which surgical excellence is measured and expertise is defined using artificial intelligence, video recordings, and accelerometers. However, these aforementioned methods of (...)
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  27.  26
    Shift Recording in Residential Child Care.Mark Hardy - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (1):88-96.
    Recording is a task often perceived by residential child care workers as boring or taking time away from the ‘real work’, direct engagement with young people. It is required by legislation and policy but has been undertheorized and treated as a technical/rational task. In this essay, Foucauldian and feminist perspectives are applied to shift recording, a routine aspect of residential practice, in order to problematize the positivist approach assumed in legislation and policy. The analysis suggests that this approach represses emotional (...)
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  28.  51
    Theories of modules closed under direct products.Roger Villemaire - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (2):515-521.
    We generalize to theories of modules (complete or not) a result of U. Felgner stating that a complete theory of abelian groups is a Horn theory if and only if it is closed under products. To prove this we show that a reduced product of modules $\Pi_F M_i (i \in I)$ is elementarily equivalent to a direct product of ultraproducts of the modules $M_i (i \in I)$.
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    The Degree of Harmonisation in the Proposed Consumer Rights Directive: A Review in Light of Liability for Products.Reiner Schulze & Geraint Howells - 2009 - In Reiner Schulze & Geraint Howells, Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  30. (1 other version)Educação do Campo à beira da “Faixa”: A (in)existência do lugar como espacialização do fenômeno/Countryside education on the edge of the “strip”: place (in)existence as phenomenon of spacialisation.Wallace Wagner Rodrigues Pantoja - 2015 - GeoTextos 11 (2):221-248.
    This text is part of an on going research. It deals with the relationship between the production and experience of the places on the edge of the Trans-Amazon Highway (BR 230), which cuts the North and a Northeast portion in the East-West direction. Considering its programmatic sense of occupation of the territory, as opposed to the explanation already accepted, which expresses the road as an engineering system, therefore, means to flow, is that I propose to think the road as (...)
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    Recording thoughts while memorizing music: a case study.Tania Lisboa, Roger Chaffin & Alexander P. Demos - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:92829.
    Musicians generally believe that memory differs from one person to the next. As a result, memorizing strategies that could be useful to almost everyone are not widely taught. We describe how an 18-years old piano student (Grade 7, ABRSM), learned to memorize by recording her thoughts, a technique inspired by studies of how experienced soloists memorize. The student, who had previously ignored suggestions that she play from memory, decided to learn to memorize, selecting Schumann’s “Der Dichter Spricht” for this purpose. (...)
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    Correcting the Scholarly Record for Research Integrity: In the Aftermath of Plagiarism.M. V. Dougherty - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume is the first book-length study on post-publication responses to academic plagiarism in humanities disciplines. It demonstrates that the correction of the scholarly literature for plagiarism is not a task for editors and publishers alone; each member of the research community has an indispensable role in maintaining the integrity of the published literature in the aftermath of plagiarism. If untreated, academic plagiarism damages the integrity of the scholarly record, corrupts the surrounding academic enterprise, and creates inefficiencies across all levels (...)
  33.  51
    Narrow coverings of ω-ary product spaces.Randall Dougherty - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 88 (1):47-91.
    Results of Sierpiski and others have shown that certain finite-dimensional product sets can be written as unions of subsets, each of which is ‘narrow’ in a corresponding direction; that is, each line in that direction intersects the subset in a small set. For example, if the set ω × ω is partitioned into two pieces along the diagonal, then one piece meets every horizontal line in a finite set, and the other piece meets each vertical line in a finite set. (...)
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  34.  20
    Regulating generative AIs: (Re)defining video games as cultural products.Manh-Toan Ho - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  35.  22
    Divide et impera?Andrew Johnson & Alison Johnson - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (2):143 - 144.
    Instead of an editorial, in this issue of Environmental Values the publishers have been invited to comment on a local environmental issue that currently looms large in our Scottish island backyard. Divided from mainland Scotland by fifty miles of sea, the Outer Hebrides are a peripheral part of the already peripheral Scottish Highlands - a region of low production, and high demands on thinly spread national services. Fifteen years ago our economic salvation was to be the creation of the (...)
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    Medical Individualism or Medical Familism? A Critical Analysis of China’s New Guidelines for Informed Consent: The Basic Norms of the Documentation of the Medical Record.Lin Bian - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (4):371-386.
    Modern Western medical individualism has had a significant impact on health care in China. This essay demonstrates the ways in which such Western-style individualism has been explicitly endorsed in China’s 2010 directive: The Basic Norms of the Documentation of the Medical Record. The Norms require that the patient himself, rather than a member of his family, sign each informed consent form. This change in clinical practice indicates a shift toward medical individualism in Chinese healthcare legislation. Such individualism, however, is incompatible (...)
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  37.  42
    Electronic health record as a panopticon: A disciplinary apparatus in nursing practice.Jessica Dillard-Wright - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (2):e12239.
    The specific arrangements of power/knowledge that characterize nurse interactions with the electronic health record form a panopticon. As health care moves into the 21st century, sophisticated technologies like the electronic health record shape the terrain of professional possibilities. The longer it is in use, the more it is possible to excavate the inherent disciplinary function of electronic health record. A panopticon is a generalizable, replicable apparatus of power that cultivates discipline when similar behaviours are desired from a group of people. (...)
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    Do Product Characteristics Affect Customers’ Participation in Virtual Brand Communities? An Empirical Study.Zheng ShiYong, Li JiaYing, Wang HaiJian, Suad Dukhaykh, Wang Lei, Li BiQing & Peng Jie - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The virtual brand community has become an important marketing tool for companies. A successful brand community marketing strategy should attract a large number of consumers. Although past studies have revealed consumer motivations for participating in virtual brand communities, they fail to answer an important question: Why is it so easy for some virtual brand communities to attract users while others have such difficulty? In this study, product characteristics are hypothesized to be important factors that determine consumer motivation to participate in (...)
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  39. New directions in Australian foreign policy.Alan McPhate - 2012 - The Australian Humanist 107 (107):12.
    McPhate, Alan History records many stories of re-alignment between stronger and weaker powers. In the mid-twentieth century, for reasons of perceived national survival, Australia re-aligned its foreign policy.
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    Productive freedom.Tully Rector - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    This paper presents and defends a new conception of freedom as a value in the sphere of economic production. It challenges the common, proprietarian-contractual view of economic liberty. My alternative integrates three elements: compossible control, non-alienation, and reason-responsiveness. After surveying various forms of freedom, conceptual ground is cleared for the presentation of those three elements in a relational structure. I define them, show how they interpenetrate, and argue for their shared centrality. Compossible control involves a person’s conditions of economic (...)
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  41. The production of trust during organizational change.Rune Lines, Marcus Selart, Bjarne Espedal & Svein Tvedt Johansen - 2005 - Journal of Change Management 5 (2):221-245.
    This paper investigates the relationships between organizational change and trust in management. It is argued that organizational change represents a critical episode for the production and destruction of trust in management. Although trust in management is seen as a semi stable psychological state, changes in organizations make trust issues salient and organizational members attend to and process trust relevant information resulting in a reassessment of their trust in management. The direction and magnitude of change in trust is dependent on (...)
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    Boolean products of R0-algebras.Xiangnan Zhou & Qingguo Li - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (3):289-298.
    In this paper, the Boolean representation of R0-algebras are investigated. In particular, we show that directly indecomposable R0-algebras are equivalent to local R0-algebras and any nontrivial R0-algebra is representable as a weak Boolean product of local R0-algebras.
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  43. Governing Without A Fundamental Direction of Time: Minimal Primitivism about Laws of Nature.Eddy Keming Chen & Sheldon Goldstein - 2022 - In Yemima Ben-Menahem, Rethinking Laws of Nature. Springer. pp. 21-64.
    The Great Divide in metaphysical debates about laws of nature is between Humeans, who think that laws merely describe the distribution of matter, and non-Humeans, who think that laws govern it. The metaphysics can place demands on the proper formulations of physical theories. It is sometimes assumed that the governing view requires a fundamental / intrinsic direction of time: to govern, laws must be dynamical, producing later states of the world from earlier ones, in accord with the fundamental direction of (...)
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    Unpacking the ethical product.Andrew Crane - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (4):361 - 373.
    Acknowledging the increasing attention in the literature devoted to the incorporation of ethical considerations into consumers' purchase decisions, this paper explores the notion of an ethical product. It is argued that ethical issues have long been involved in consumers' product evaluations, but that there has been little academic investigation of ethics in terms of product concepts and theories. Ethics are thus examined in the context of the augmented product concept, and two dimensions of ethical augmentation are identified: direction and content. (...)
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    Two Kinds of Sport Records.Mika Hämäläinen - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (4):1-13.
    The aim of this paper is to analyse sport records and consider why there are two kinds of them: performance records and statistical records. Usain Bolt?s world record of 9.58?s in a 100?m race is a prominent example of a performance record, while an example of a statistical record is Michael Phelps? 18 Olympic gold medals. This categorisation of two types of sport record is a development of Sigmund Loland?s view. Loland focuses on performance records and largely ignores statistical records; (...)
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    Neglected Factors Bearing on Reaction Time in Language Production.Tobias Scheer & Fabien Mathy - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):13050.
    The input to phonological reasoning are alternations, that is, variations in the pronunciation of related words, such as in electri[k] ‐ electri[s]‐ity. But phonologists cannot agree what counts as a relevant alternation: the issue is highly contentious despite a research record of over 50 years. We believe that the experimental setup presented may contribute to this debate based on a kind of evidence that was not brought to bear to date. Our experiment was thus designed to distinguish between alternations where (...)
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    Recordering the World: The Modern Philosophical Act in the Essays of Montaigne.Ann Hartle - 2017 - Review of Metaphysics 71 (3).
    The modern philosophical act, as it appears in the Essays of Montaigne, reorders the world by radically altering the relationship between the mind and the world. Montaigne replaces the premodern philosophical act of contemplation with the modern philosophical act of judgment. While contemplation is the natural end or natural completion and perfection of the mind, judgment is the freedom of the mind from nature. Contemplation is the receptive attitude of the mind toward the world; judgment is the attitude of mastery. (...)
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    Productive Failure in Learning Math.Manu Kapur - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (5):1008-1022.
    When learning a new math concept, should learners be first taught the concept and its associated procedures and then solve problems, or solve problems first even if it leads to failure and then be taught the concept and the procedures? Two randomized-controlled studies found that both methods lead to high levels of procedural knowledge. However, students who engaged in problem solving before being taught demonstrated significantly greater conceptual understanding and ability to transfer to novel problems than those who were taught (...)
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    Let us Never Speak of It?, on Edward S. Small Direct Theory: Experimental Film/Video as Major Genre.Tammy A. Kinsey - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (7).
    Edward S. Small _Direct Theory: Experimental Film/Video as Major Genre_ Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1994 ISBN 0-8093-1920-9 122 pp.
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    Medical Records: Enhancing Privacy, Preserving the Common Good.Amitai Etzioni - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (2):14.
    Personal medical information is now bought and sold on the open market. Companies use it to make hiring and firing decisions and to identify customers for new products. The justification for providing such access to medical information is that doing so benefits the public by securing public safety, controlling costs, and supporting medical research. And individuals have supposedly consented to it. But we can achieve the common goods while better protecting privacy by making institutional changes in the way information is (...)
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