Results for 'Vincent Capdepuy'

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  1.  13
    Le monde ou rien: histoire d'un concept géographique.Vincent Capdepuy - 2023 - Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon.
    Dans son acception la plus commune, le terme mondialisation s'apparente à un phénomène économique. Mais, en élargissant un peu la focale, on s'aperçoit qu'il correspond aussi au processus par lequel un monde advient, à la mise en monde de l'humanité. Il s'agit alors de s'interroger sur la notion même de 'monde.' D'ailleurs, s'agit-il du Monde ou des mondes? À quelle époque ce mot a-t-il pris les différents sens qu'on lui connaît? Quelles réalités a-t-il recouvertes et comment a-t-il été compris? De (...)
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    On uniform definability of types over finite sets.Vincent Guingona - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):499-514.
    In this paper, using definability of types over indiscernible sequences as a template, we study a property of formulas and theories called "uniform definability of types over finite sets" (UDTFS). We explore UDTFS and show how it relates to well-known properties in model theory. We recall that stable theories and weakly o-minimal theories have UDTFS and UDTFS implies dependence. We then show that all dp-minimal theories have UDTFS.
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    A History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences.Vincent Oolapietro - 1988 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 16 (50):11-12.
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    La preuve de l'information donnée: quelle prévention ?Catherine Paley-Vincent - 1997 - Médecine et Droit 1997 (24):14-14.
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    Environmental and social performance.Vincent diNorcia - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (7):773-784.
    If an organization cares for nature, this paper contends, it will act so as not to harm the ecosystems it affects, or when it cannot so act at the moment it will commit itself to such action over time. For an organization's commitment to ecologically beneficent performance to be credible, one requires an action plan with specified targets determining the best ecologically beneficent pollution abatement and ecosystem improvement approaches in a situation. To this end the 4 Direct Environmental Performance Measures (...)
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  6. New Waves in Epistemology.Vincent Hendricks (ed.) - 2007 - Aldershot, England and Burlington, VT, USA: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book provides a valuable look at the work of up and coming epistemologists. The topics covered range from the central issues of mainstream epistemology to the more formal issues in epistemic logic and confirmation theory. This book should be read by anyone interested in seeing where epistemology is currently focused and where it is heading. - Stewart Cohen , Arizona State University..
  7.  21
    Delos and the canonical plan of the Etruscan-Roman house.Vincent Jolivet - 2020 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 144.
    Le plan canonique rigoureusement normé de la domus étrusco-romaine, attesté dans la plus grande partie de l’Italie, pour l’essentiel, du vie au ier siècle av. J.‑C., a connu un succès très limité en dehors de la péninsule, où de fortes traditions autochtones, grecques ou puniques, semblent en avoir entravé le développement. Le cas de Délos présente un intérêt particulier à cet égard, compte tenu de l’importance de la composante italique de sa population. L’étude des maisons d’habitation du site, ici envisagée (...)
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  8. “The First Amendment and the Claim that Muslim Emigrants Be Denied Entrance into the United States,”.Vincent Samar - 2016 - Emory International Law Review 30:2092-2104.
    Terrorist attacks throughout the world and particularly within the United States have given rise to a new chapter in the ongoing debate over liberty versus security. The most recent manifestation of this dispute focuses on whether Muslim refugees can be denied entry as a class into the United States, based on their religion alone, for fear they might be harboring potential terrorists. This Essay shows that such a policy cannot be justified under the First Amendment Establishment Clause, as well the (...)
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    Philosophy, politics, and citizenship: the life and thought of the British idealists.Andrew Vincent - 1984 - Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Blackwell. Edited by Raymond Plant.
  10. The blue(s) road of knowledge.Vincent Pieterse - 2017 - In Johan Jansen & Hugo K. Letiche (eds.), Post formalism, pedagogy lives: as inspired by Joe L. Kincheloe. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
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    Whitehead and Chinese Philosophy: The Ontological Principle and Huayan Buddhism’s Concept of shi.Vincent Shen - 2008 - In Michel Weber and Will Desmond (ed.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 613-627.
  12. The Middle East.A. Vincent - 1953 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 27 (3):270-293.
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    Ascent to being.Vincent P. Miceli - 1965 - New York,: Desclee Co..
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  14. The speculative reconsidered.Vincent Michael Colapietro - 2000 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (1):7-16.
  15. Toward a Pragmatist Acknowledgment of the Freudian Unconscious: Para um Reconhecimento Pragmatico do Inconsciente Freudiano.Vincent Colapietro - 2008 - Cognitio 9 (2).
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    L’épochè de la parole (la parole soustraite de Heidegger).Vincent Houillon - 2011 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 19:141-155.
    « … ne rendre à l’aventure que des sons vagues et profonds, devenir un arbre que le vent étreint et berce, c’est un but vers lequel on peut s’efforcer ; par le plus humain des moyens qui est le langage ; être sorti de l’humanité et préférer des sons de feuilles, de gong, d’avalanches, sortir de l’humanité et la surplomber, la couvrir de son ombre, la couvrir de son bruit, l’enfouir sous son feuillage, cela est digne d’efforts », Pierre Michon, (...)
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  17. Le concept de tradition Selon Ricœur: Perspectives herméneutiques et pragmatiques.Gilbert Vincent - 2006 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 86 (1):111-143.
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  18. Quantum mechanical evolution of relativistic particles.Philippe Droz-Vincent - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (1):67-90.
    This is a tentative theory of quantum measurement performed on particles with unspecified mass. For such a particle, the center of the wave packet undergoes a classical motion which is a precious guide to our approach. The framework is manifestly covariant and a priori nonlocal. It allows for describing an irreversible process which lasts during a nonvanishing lapse of time. The possibility to measure a dynamical variable in an arbitrary slate is discussed. Our picture is most satisfactory if we focus (...)
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    Wisdom in depth.Vincent F. Daues (ed.) - 1966 - Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co..
    Henri J. Renard, S. J.: a sketch, by J. P. Jelinek.--The good as undefinable, by M. Childress.--Gottlieb Söhngen's sacramental doctrine on the mass, by J. F. Clarkson.--Christ's eucharistic action and history, by B. J. Cooke.--Objective reality of human ideas: Descartes and Suarez, by T. J. Cronin.--A medieval commentator on some Aristotelian educational themes, by J. W. Donohue.--God as sole cause of existence, by M. Holloway.--Knowledge, commitment, and the real, by R. O. Johann.--John Locke and sense realism, by H. R. Klocker.--The (...)
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  20. The Principle of Determination.Vincent Descombes - 1991 - Thesis Eleven 29 (1):47-62.
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    Foreword.Vincent Descombes - 1995 - In Jacques Bouveresse (ed.), Wittgenstein Reads Freud: The Myth of the Unconscious. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
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    « Faire son métier d’homme ». L’engagement d’Albert Camus.Vincent Duclert - 2021 - Cités 85 (1):101-106.
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  23. A Naturalistic Theory of Justice--A Critique of C. I. Lewis' Ethics.Vincent L. Luizzi - 1973 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
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  24. Morally Educating Our Lawyers.Vincent Luizzi - 1981 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 6.
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  25. Christian moral life.Vincent MacNamara - 2009 - In Enda McDonagh & Vincent MacNamara (eds.), An Irish reader in moral theology: the legacy of the last fifty years. Dublin: Columba Press.
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    Advice on Choosing a School for a Child.Vincent McNabb - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (1/2):213-213.
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    Rethinking Constitutional Interpretation to Affirm Human Rights and Dignity.Vincent Samar - 2019 - Hastings Constitutional Law 47:83-144.
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  28. Toward a New Separation of Church and State: Implications for Analogies to Last Year’s Supreme Court Decision in Hobby Lobby by this Year’s Decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.Vincent Samar - 2016 - Boston College Journal of Law and Social Justice 36 (1):1-31.
    In June 2015, in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court of the United States determined that there is a fundamental right to marriage that extends to same-sex couples. This Article analyzes the Obergefell decision in light of the Court’s 2014 decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby regarding religious protections that might by analogy be afforded under state Religious Freedom Restoration Acts. In particular, the article considers whether a government official may claim the right to religious freedom to deny issuing marriage (...)
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    Another Look at the PhilosophesThe Age of Ideas, from Reaction to Revolution in Eighteenth-Century France.Vincent Buranelli & George R. Havens - 1957 - Journal of the History of Ideas 18 (1):128.
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    Tradition, Dialectic, and Ideology.Vincent Colapietro - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (2):253-266.
    The task of philosophy is examined in reference to the actual circumstances of academic philosophy, principally in the United States. The author challenges the still prevalent tendency to conceive academic philosophy as an affair split into two camps—most often identified as analytic and Continental philosophy. Moreover, he proposes a distinctive understanding of the dialectical approach to philosophical query, one attuned to the traditional character of the relevant alternatives and also to the ideological dimension of contemporary disputes, but not one necessarily (...)
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    Testing Our Traditional “Intuitions”.Vincent Colapietro - 1999 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 73:265-274.
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    The problem of evil.Vincent Shen - 2014 - The Philosophers' Magazine 65:99-103.
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    La philosophie et Henri de lubac: Le paradoxe.Vincent Carraud - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
  34.  8
    Pascal: des connaissances naturelles à l'étude de l'homme.Vincent Carraud - 2007 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Pascal a revendique l'abandon de l'etude des sciences au profit de celle de l'homme. Qu'entendre par l'etude de l'homme? D'abord la recherche de la nature du moi humain. La fecondite que L'art de persuader accorde au je pense donc je suis, en tant que principe d'une physique entiere, est telle qu'en est deniee toute portee au cogito augustinien. Mais si Pascal prend acte de l'innovation radicale des Meditationes en creant en francais le moi, c'est pour dessaisir ce moi de sa (...)
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    Pascal’s Principles of Philosophy.Vincent Buranelli - 1956 - New Scholasticism 30 (3):330-349.
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    Reply to Anderson.Vincent Colapietro - 1992 - International Philosophical Quarterly 32 (3):377-384.
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    Some Thoughts on Intercultural Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy.Vincent Shen - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 30 (3-4):357-372.
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    Qu'est-ce que la philosophie indienne?Vincent Eltschinger - 2023 - [Paris]: Gallimard. Edited by Isabelle Ratié.
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    Possibilité et impossibilité de la philosophie chez Richard Rorty.Vincent Renault - 2022 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 72 (2):67-77.
    Pensant la philosophie selon son déroulement dans le temps, Rorty suggère que le projet qui l’a soutenue au cours de plusieurs siècles, fonder la connaissance sur des principes sûrs, s’est avéré inachevable parce que circulaire. Est-ce donc que la philosophie serait finalement impossible? Non, parce qu’alors une nouvelle démarche philosophique émerge, consistant à « soutenir la conversation », c’est-à-dire à empêcher que la libre recherche du meilleur discours sur le monde ou sur la conduite ne soit entravée par des prétentions (...)
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  40. Tribute to a footbridge : contact dance and sound spaces improvisations in Choisy-le-Roi.Vincent Rioux - 2017 - In Christine Guillebaud (ed.), Towards an anthropology of ambient sound. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  41. “Identifying Super-Precedents in an Era of Human Rights”.Vincent Samar - 2021 - Pace Law Review 41:1-55.
    This Article discusses what a “super-precedent” is in American Constitutional Law. Additionally, it describes the current criteria used to identify super-precedents and the limitations of these criteria. It then mentions the various precedents that have been afforded this august title and suggests the need for an additional criterion to ensure the continued protection of those precedents most closely associated with the protection of human rights. Finally, the article identifies three additional precedents, beyond those usually recognized, that ought to be ranked (...)
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    Nietzsche tegenover Schmitt.Vincent Seminck - 2020 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 112 (2):201-234.
    Nietzsche versus Schmitt. Agonal versus political thinking This article concerns the reception of Friedrich Nietzsche by Carl Schmitt with regard to the concept of the agon. In the 1933 edition of Der Begriff des Politischen Schmitt states that there is a ‘great metaphysical opposition’ (große metaphysische Gegensatz) between his political thinking and agonal thinking, the latter of which is associated with Nietzscheans like Alfred Baeumler and Ernst Jünger. It is argued that this metaphysical opposition is best explained in light of (...)
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  43. From Method to Road-Thaddaeus Hang and Methodology of Studying Chinese Philosophy.Vincent Shen - 2005 - Philosophy and Culture 32 (9):61-78.
    Contemporary scholars in Chinese philosophy, Thaddaeus particularly concerned about Chinese philosophy and methodological issues. Of this paper is designed to make way for the study of Chinese philosophy, the discussion to commemorate him, the first part will describe Thaddaeus study of Chinese philosophy, methods and contribution to the idea, the latter part of the study will be my personal view of Chinese philosophy, methods to further to call upon and complement. Thaddaeus based on the fundamental principles of truth and goodness, (...)
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  44. Introduction: Scholastic Philosophy in China.Vincent Shen - 2010 - Philosophy and Culture 37 (11):1-4.
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    Optimal Harmony, Mutual Enrichment and Strangification.Vincent Shen - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (4):108-121.
    This paper studies the relation between modern democracy and Chinese cultural patterns. It introducing the concept of 'Multiple Others' to explain how the classical concept of harmony can help integrating cultural and social differences within a social body, thus allowing social cohesion to integrate diversity. The main classical concepts of ren, li, and yi are analyzed in both Confucianism and Daoism, and compared to the concepts of recognition and dialogue developed by modern political theorists like Ch. Taylor and J. Habermas.
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  46. Philosophical Discourses on Scientia Dei-A Comparative Study with Buddha's Wisdom.Vincent Shen - 2009 - Philosophy and Culture 36 (7):95-113.
    Discussion on God's knowledge, awareness of God with people though are different, but still closely related. This article talks about God's knowledge, although knowledge of God and the people, but not for the medieval Shengboerna the so-called "secular knowledge" and "God of knowledge" distinction; this will only be God's own knowledge or wisdom, philosophical discussion. First, the paper will compare the start, mainly related to the so-called Fozhi Buddhism and Western philosophers such as Aristotle,圣多瑪斯, Hegel and others about God, know (...)
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  47. Restoring the Way to Sanity-Meaning, Communication and Life Praxis.Vincent Shen - 1997 - Philosophy and Culture 24 (8):725-737.
    Healthy life is both balanced and creativity of the physical and mental state, in which, as I desire meaning of power can fully realize their potential, build a meaningful life. This paper argues that language acquisition and talking the whole way interaction for the complex of fundamental importance. Return healthy life-style is necessary to recognize the Other, and adjust the I and he who [includes others and nature] of the relationship, until the Self and with other things integrated in the (...)
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  48. Some Ethical Notions for Non-Philosophers Teaching Professional Ethics.Vincent Shen - 1998 - Philosophy and Culture 25 (8):690-705.
    The purpose of this paper is to philosophy and have not received professional training, but are engaged in professional ethics teaching university teachers teach to share my personal views of professional ethics. Basically, the professional ethics courses, each of us is being in the study. My idea is to敎good this course, we must first increase the individual's moral experience, and the introduction of the professional conduct of the consideration; Second, to strengthen their own for the professional in the most optimal (...)
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  49. Speeches on "On Time: Analysis and Comments of Augustinus' Confessiones XI".Vincent Shen - 2011 - Philosophy and Culture 38 (1):151-183.
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    Emil Cioran : la déchirure d'exister ou les affres de l'insoluble.Vincent Piednoir - 2006 - Horizons Philosophiques 16 (2):119-141.
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