Results for 'W. Whetham'

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  1. “Decadence and civilisation”.W. Whetham & C. Whetham - 1911 - Hibbert Journal 10 (1):179-200.
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    Heredity and destitution.W. C. D. Whetham - 1911 - The Eugenics Review 3 (2):131.
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    Military Ethics Education – What Is It, How Should It Be Done, and Why Is It Important?David Whetham - 2023 - Conatus 8 (2):759-774.
    This paper explores the topic of military ethics, what we mean by that term, what it covers, how it is understood, and how it is taught. It suggests that the unifying factor that makes this a coherent subject beyond individual national interpretations of it is the core idea of military professionalism. The paper draws out the distinction between training and education and draws on research conducted by a number of different people and agencies, including the International Committee of the Red (...)
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    “Are We Fighting Yet?” Can Traditional Just War Concepts Cope with Contemporary Conflict and the Changing Character of War?David Whetham - 2016 - The Monist 99 (1):55-69.
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    The Challenge of Ethical Relativism in a Coalition Environment.David Whetham - 2008 - Journal of Military Ethics 7 (4):302-316.
    It appears fairly obvious that different cultures look at things in different ways. In Book III of his History, Herodotus gives an excellent and well-known example of ethical relativism by explaini...
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    An Introduction and Review: The King’s College London Centre for Military Ethics.David Whetham - 2018 - Journal of Military Ethics 17 (1):72-78.
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    'Saying No': Command Responsibility and the Ethics of Selective Conscientious Objection.David Whetham & Don Carrick - 2009 - Journal of Military Ethics 8 (2):87-89.
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  8. ABCA coalition operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and beyond: two decades of military ethics challenges and leadership responses.David Whetham - 2017 - In Peter Olsthoorn, Military Ethics and Leadership. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
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    Response to Michael Gross: Human Shields, Participatory Liability, and Different Sets of Rules.David Whetham - 2015 - Journal of Military Ethics 14 (3-4):255-259.
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  10. Morality and War: Can War Be Just in the Twenty-first Century?David Whetham - 2012 - Journal of Military Ethics 11 (1):75-77.
  11. Academia de Defensa de Reino Unido, Reino Unido. La tradición de la guerra justa: un compromiso pragmático.Ph D. Daniel Whetham - 2014 - In Javier Fernández Leal, S. Contreras & Jorge Orlando, Los retos éticos de las fuerzas militares. Medellín, Colombia: Biblioteca Jurídica Diké.
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  12. A concluding reflection on military ethical decision-making.David Whetham - 2024 - In Deane-Peter Baker, Ethics at war: how should military personnel make ethical decisions? New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  13. Challenges to the professional military ethics education landscape.David Whetham - 2018 - In Don Carrick, James Connelly & David Whetham, Making the Military Moral: Contemporary Challenges and Responses in Military Ethics Education. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Eugenics and national baby week.C. D. Whetham - 1917 - The Eugenics Review 9 (3):234.
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    Ethics and the family.D. Whetham - 1913 - The Eugenics Review 4 (4):407.
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    Ethics, law, and military operations.David Whetham (ed.) - 2011 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    While there are many legal textbooks on the laws of armed conflict and academic works on ethical issues in international relations, this is the first text on the relevance of legal and normative issues in military practice. It covers the entire spectrum of military operations and is written with military deicision-makers particularly in mind.
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    Targeted Killing: Accountability and Oversight via a Drone Accountability Regime.David Whetham - 2015 - Ethics and International Affairs 29 (1):59-65.
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    Military Virtues.Michael Skerker, David Whetham & Don Carrick (eds.) - 2019 - Havant: Howgate Publishing.
    At a minimum, military professionals need to have a clear and working knowledge of the ethical decisions that underpin their profession in order to evaluate situations quickly. In the search for such clarity, this volume identifies 14 key virtues of the military professional and through opening commentaries and real world examples of those virtues in practice, it provides guidance for service personnel at every stage of their career.
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    Making the Military Moral: Contemporary Challenges and Responses in Military Ethics Education.Don Carrick, James Connelly & David Whetham (eds.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book offers a critical analysis, both theoretical and practical, of ethics education in the military. In the twenty-first century, it has become increasingly important to ensure that the armed forces of Western and other democracies fight justly and behave ethically. The 'good soldier' has to be not only professionally skilled but morally intelligent. At a time of relentless media scrutiny, the publicising of incidents of morally and legally unacceptable behaviour, such as the gross mistreatment of prisoners and the torture (...)
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    Cyber Warfare Ethics.Michael Skerker & David Whetham (eds.) - 2021 - Howgate Publishing.
    Cyber technology gives states the ability to accomplish effects that once required kinetic action. These effects can now be achieved with cyber means in a manner that is covert, deniable, cheap, and technologically feasible for many governments. In some cases, cyber means are morally preferable to conventional military operations, but in other cases, cyber's unique qualities can lead to greater mischief than governments would have chanced using kinetic means. This volume addresses the applicability of traditional military ethics to cyber operations, (...)
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    Neuroenhancements in the Military: A Mixed-Method Pilot Study on Attitudes of Staff Officers to Ethics and Rules.Agnes Allansdottir, Gian Galeazzi, Jonathan Moreno, Imre Bárd, David Whetham, Ilina Singh, Edward Jacobs & Sebastian Sattler - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (1):1-18.
    Utilising science and technology to maximize human performance is often an essential feature of military activity. This can often be focused on mission success rather than just the welfare of the individuals involved. This tension has the potential to threaten the autonomy of soldiers and military physicians around the taking or administering of enhancement neurotechnologies (e.g., pills, neural implants, and neuroprostheses). The Hybrid Framework was proposed by academic researchers working in the U.S. context and comprises “rules” for military neuroenhancement (e.g., (...)
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  22. Military Virtues.Michael Skerker, Donald G. Carrick & David Whetham (eds.) - 2019 - Howgate Publishing Limited.
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  23. Contributions of the Inductive Method to the Teaching of Military Ethics.Andrés Eduardo Fernández-Osorio, Marina Miron & David Whetham - 2025 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 38:79-105.
    La formación ética de las fuerzas militares es esencial para la democracia, pues orienta el respeto por los derechos humanos, la observancia de las leyes de la guerra y la protección de lalegitimidad institucional. Por tal motivo, la ética militar se convierte en una herramienta crucialpara guiar el comportamiento de los militares en entornos complejos y garantizar la toma de decisiones responsables. En ese contexto, este artículo evalúa el impacto del curso Conceptos Básicos en Ética Militar y su enfoque inductivo (...)
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    Delivering Military Ethics Education to the Colombian Armed Forces: Centre for Military Ethics’ Collaboration with Colombian Military Educational Facilities.Marina Miron, Andres Eduardo Fernandez-Osorio & David Whetham - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (2):74-90.
    This article describes the progress and impact of the King’s College London Centre for Military Ethics since its collaboration with the Colombian military forces’ educational institutions. More specifically, the article focusses on expanding the military ethics course across different educational facilities of the Colombian Army and the Colombian Navy and Air Force. The impact of the education delivered using an online course designed to be completed without a tutor is analysed and presented. The final part of the article describes a (...)
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    A History of Science and Its Relations with Philosophy and Religion. William Cecil Dampier-Whetham.George Sarton - 1930 - Isis 14 (1):263-265.
  26.  44
    Science and the Human Mind. Whetham William Cecil Dampier, Whetham Catherine Durning.George Sarton - 1913 - Isis 1 (1):125-132.
  27.  13
    Collected Papers on Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and History of Philosophy.W. Stegmüller - 1977 - Dordrecht and Boston: Springer Verlag.
    These two volumes contain all of my articles published between 1956 and 1975 which might be of interest to readers in the English-speaking world. The first three essays in Vol. 1 deal with historical themes. In each case I as far as possible, meets con have attempted a rational reconstruction which, temporary standards of exactness. In The Problem of Universals Then and Now some ideas of W.V. Quine and N. Goodman are used to create a modern sketch of the history (...)
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    Theorists of Economic Growth From David Hume to the Present: With a Perspective on the Next Century.W. W. Rostow - 1990 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This history of theories and theorists of economic growth elucidates the economic theory, economic history, and public policy observations of the renowned scholar W. W. Rostow. Looking at the economic growth theories of the classic economists up to 1870, Rostow compares Hume and Adam Smith, Malthus and Ricardo, and J.S. Mill and Karl Marx. He then examines the period 1870-1939 and its economic theorists, including Schumpeter, Colin Clark, Kuznets, and Harrod, and surveys the three forms of growth analysis in the (...)
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  29. "Words are Things": The Settler Colonial Politics of Post Humanist Materialism in Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian.W. Oliver Baker - 2016 - Mediations 30 (1).
    Via a reading of Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian and a critical appraisal of Foucault’s break with historical materialism, W. Oliver Baker finds, at the limits of the new materialisms, space for a new post-humanist critical materialism that sees utopia not in post-human assemblages, but in the abolition of colonial and capitalist structures that condition those assemblages in the first place.
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    Will humanity survive religion?: beyond divisive absolutes.W. Royce Clark - 2020 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic.
    When the "human sciences" in the West followed the physical sciences in the 18th and 19th centuries with new measurements, methods, and language, the "metaphysics of infinity" lost its credibility. The response of Western religions was to retrench in a stronger authoritarianism, especially by the last half of the 19th century. While the new human sciences were being extended even to study the history and philosophy of religions, those religions themselves placed more emphasis on their understanding of the Absolute or (...)
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    Notes on Seneca, Epistvlae and Natvrales Qvaestiones.W. S. Watt - 1994 - Classical Quarterly 44 (01):185-.
    By far the best edition is that of L. D. Reynolds . Other modern editions referred to are those of W. C. Summers ; R. M. Gummere ; F. Préchac et H. Noblot.
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    Petrarch and the Genealogy of Asceticism.W. Scott Blanchard - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (3):401-423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.3 (2001) 401-423 [Access article in PDF] Petrarch and the Genealogy of Asceticism W. Scott Blanchard The morality of thought lies in a procedure that is neither entrenched nor detached. --Theodor Adorno Perhaps no author within or outside of the canon of Western literature wrote as extensively on the topic of solitude as did Francesco Petrarch. While many of our modern associations with (...)
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    One-Dimensional Man. [REVIEW]W. L. M. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):630-630.
    A severe critique of contemporary society as one in which there remains no significant class or group capable of radically opposing things as they are. Marcuse works on the assumption that advanced industrial society is indeed sick, much as some recent sociologists have depicted it to be. He sees evidence of alienation in political and cultural life, in the technical jargon of the bureaucracy, in the technological cult of "operationalism," and especially in contemporary analytic philosophy, which he sees as the (...)
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    The Ethics of Special Ops: Raids, Recoveries, Reconnaissance, and Rebels, by Deane-Peter Baker, Roger Herbert, and David Whetham (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2023), 255 pp., $110 cloth, $110 eBook. [REVIEW]Jovana Davidovic - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (2):235-238.
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  35. A History of Science and its Relations with Philosophy and Religion. By Sir William Cecil Dampier (formerly Whetham), Sc.D., F.R.S. Fellow and sometime Senior Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. Fellow of Winchester College. Third Edition. Revised and Enlarged. (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1942. Pp. xxiii + 574. Price 25s.). [REVIEW]A. Wolf - 1942 - Philosophy 17 (68):368-.
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    Totalité et Infini. [REVIEW]W. E. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (4):677-677.
    This metaphysical essay opposes all theories which place man's ultimate significance within a totality. The priority of a rupture of the totality is asserted in such phenomena as desire, enjoyment, will, reason, and communication. The reasoning and problems chosen are too often dependent upon a special existential-phenomenological vocabulary.--E. W.
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  37. W. B. Gallie’s “Essentially Contested Concepts”.W. B. Gallie - 1994 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 14 (1):2-2.
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    Aristotle on Memory. [REVIEW]A. F. W. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):546-547.
    This book centers around a new translation of Aristotle’s small treatise, On Memory. It is preceded by three essays by Sorabji and is followed by a section of notes. The treatise treats of the distinction between memory and recollection and what each is. Memory is "the having of an image regarded as a copy of that which it is an image" and it belongs to "the primary perception part [of the soul] and that with which we perceive time." Here the (...)
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    Art, Perception, and Reality. [REVIEW]A. F. W., J. Hochberg & E. H. Gombrich - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):525-526.
    This book contains three essays: "The Mask and the Face: The Perception of Physiognomic Likeness in Life and Art" by Gombrich, the renowned art historian and critic; "The Representation of Things and People" by psychologist, Julian Hochberg; and "How Do Pictures Represent" by philosopher, Max Black. The book is based upon lectures delivered in the Johns Hopkins 1970 Thalheimer Lectures, where, taking off from the question "how there can be an underlying identity in the manifold and changing facial expression of (...)
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    Introduction to Philosophy. [REVIEW]W. C. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (1):163-163.
    "An invitation addressed to the average reader to learn about, and to join in, the eternal quest." The author deals, in a series of informal, non-technical chapters, with such topics as reality, life, death, God, man, beauty, and the good life.--W. C.
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    De l'Amour et de l'Etre. [REVIEW]W. E. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):148-148.
    The starting-point is the soul, as the subject of power, will and participation in being; about it the activities of man are to be ranged. A dialectic of liberation appears, sometimes explicitly sketched, sometimes underlying the comments and analyses of human experiences. The central steps show that understanding is love, and therein lies a source of liberty, an opportunity to discover the infinite depths of Being. Love is the constraint and the aspiration to seek deliverance from temporality, finitude, unhappiness. The (...)
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  42.  12
    Dictionary of Moral Theology. [REVIEW]W. E. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):402-402.
    A project accomplished largely by Roman members of Catholic Action. It is a compendium of maxims and discussion in moral theology, arranged alphabetically by subject. The book shows a sustained effort to incorporate evidence from, and problems posed by, contemporary jurisprudence, medicine and psychiatry, and political and social theory; but the moral authority founded upon revelation, Catholic tradition, and the pronouncements of Pius XII is never qualified. An introduction spells out in detail the purpose and standpoint of the work. A (...)
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    The Philosophy of Aristotle. [REVIEW]W. G. E. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (2):389-390.
    A very useful collection of extensive selections from the Metaphysics, the Categories, On Interpretation, Posterior Analytics, the Physics, On the Soul, Ethics, Politics and Poetics. Entire works, or groups of related books within a work are given. The translations are popular. In the general introduction and the commentaries before each major section, the editor attempts to briefly state the issues in the context of present discussion and relate Aristotle's doctrine to current work in British and American analytic philosophy. The collection (...)
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    Philosophy in Process. [REVIEW]W. G. E. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):382-383.
    In fascicles 9 through 12 of this volume, Weiss continues his analyses of art and begins to develop themes for his discussion of history and religion. There are also significant and lengthy sections devoted to metaphilosophy with critiques of Kant, Hegel, and Wittgenstein. The discussion of the arts reaches a degree of insight and breadth of synthesis not matched in the earlier fascicles, nor in The World of Art and The Nine Basic Arts. For here Weiss achieves a systematic relation (...)
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    Factor T. [REVIEW]W. S. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):169-169.
    Two brief essays, one on ethics, the other on beliefs, are presented in the form of short allegories and connecting comments. The approach is that of contemporary British analysis, and the style has a refreshing novelty. Several Thurber-like cartoons and a "Somatic Sonata" complete this brief volume.--W. S. L.
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    What is History? [REVIEW]W. L. M. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (1):164-164.
    A leading British historian brings considerable philosophical insight to bear in criticizing the cult of facts, treatments of great men in isolation from their societies, and the view that historians should make moral judgments upon their subjects. His esteem for Collingwood and other idealists is tempered by a warning against their excessive subjectivism. Carr upholds the reality of historical causation, and the belief in some progress.--W. L. M.
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    Galen on Anatomical Procedures. [REVIEW]W. R. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (1):165-165.
    A translation of the earlier books of Galen's On Anatomical Procedures, extant in the original Greek text, was published by Charles Singer in 1956. The remainder, surviving in an Arabic translation, is here presented in a handsomely published English translation. A welcome supplement to the meagre Loch Galen.--R. W.
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    Augustine and the Greek Philosophers. [REVIEW]D. T. W. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):748-749.
    In this 1964 Saint Augustine Lecture, Callahan shows how Augustine refashioned three major doctrines which he inherited from his Greek and Christian predecessors. By far the most interesting doctrine that Callahan presents deals with the evolution of the concept of perfection. The author traces the development of the concept from its most anthropomorphic appearance in Homer and the pre-Socratics to its most famous expression in the ontological argument of Anselm. He shows how Anselm had derived his own argument for God's (...)
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    An Elementary Christian Metaphysics. [REVIEW]G. E. W. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):631-632.
    A densely-packed and comprehensive textbook of scholastic metaphysics. Metaphysics is understood as including "not only a general investigation of beings but also the study of knowledge and of the divine nature and attributes in the light of natural reason." Owens brings to this task the Gilsonian understanding of a Christian philosophy, his own considerable knowledge of Aristotle, Aquinas and scholastic philosophy generally, and a conviction that metaphysics is a knowledge of the universe and the things within it, founded on necessary (...)
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  50.  26
    Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. [REVIEW]B. K. W. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):383-384.
    These essays were originally presented at the first of an annual series of seminars in the humanities at John Hopkins. To avoid imposing an artificial unity on the subject, the contributors were deliberately left unguided in their choice of subject and method. The result of this policy is a rich and stimulating collection ranging from gardens to musicology. Reproductions of paintings and copious printings of musical scores show that no expense was spared to make the book as useful as possible. (...)
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