Results for 'Wilhelm Brauns'

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    Fortschritt als Ideologie: Wilhelm Ostwald und der Monismus.Andreas Braune - 2009 - [Leipzig]: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
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    Irimbert von Admont.Johann Wilhelm Braun - 1973 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 7 (1):266-323.
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  3. Workshop on Mobile and Networking Technologies for Social Applications (MONET)-Architecture and Middleware-MobiSoft: An Agent-Based Middleware for Social-Mobile Applications.Steffen Braun Kern & Wilhelm Rossak - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 984-993.
  4. Wundt, Wilhelm, Sinnliche und übersinnliche Welt.Otto Braun - 1915 - Kant Studien 20:322.
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  5. Schellings zwiespältige Wirklichkeit. Das Problem der Natur in seinem Denken.B. Braun - 1985 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 47 (4):684-684.
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  6. (1 other version)Nestle, Wilhelm, Die Vorsokratiker. In Auswahl übersetzt. [REVIEW]O. Braun - 1908 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 13:488.
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  7. Wundt, Wilhelm, Kleine Schriften. [REVIEW]O. Braun - 1911 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 16:323.
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    (1 other version)von Humboldt, Wilhelm, Der Staat, herausg. von A. von Gleichen-Russwurm. [REVIEW]O. Braun - 1920 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 24:148.
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  9. Wilhelm Fraenger, Hieronymus Bosch. Epilogue by Patrik Reuterswärd. Photographs by Lutz Braun. 10th ed. Dresden and Basel: Verlag der Kunst, 1994. Paper. Pp. 518; many color, folding color, and black-and-white figures. Distributed in North America by the University of Toronto Press. [REVIEW]Walter S. Gibson - 1997 - Speculum 72 (4):1171-1173.
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    Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie. Hrsg. von Engelbert Kirschbaum SJ † in Zusammenarbeit mit Günter Bandmann, Wolfgang Braun f els, Johannes Kollwitz †, Wilhelm Mrazek, Al f red A. Schmidt, Hugo Schnell. 4. Bd. Allg. Ikonographie. Saba. Königin von - Zypresse. Nachträge. Verlag Herder. Rom, Freiburg, Basel, Wien 1972, 674 pp., 294 Abb., Stichwortverzeichnisse Englisch und Französisch. Gertrud Schiller: Ikonographie der christlichen Kunst. Bd. 3. Die Auferstehung und Erhöhung Christi. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, Gütersloh 1971. 604 pp., 721. [REVIEW]Michael Thomas - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (2):188-191.
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    Schriften zur Ästhetik und Poetik.Karl Philipp Moritz - 1962 - Tübingen,: M. Niemeyer. Edited by Hans Joachim Schrimpf.
    Die 1876 von Wilhelm Braune als Neudrucke deutscher Literaturwerke des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts begründete Reihe wird seit 1961 in einer neuen Folge fortgeführt. Je nach Eigenart und Bedeutung der Autoren und Werke finden Gesamtausgaben ebenso Aufnahme wie Auswahlausgaben oder Einzelwerke, für die ihrer Bedeutung und Überlieferung wegen eine kritische Edition erforderlich ist.
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    Preußische Kulturpolitik im Spiegel von Hegels Ästhetik: 263. Sitzung am 20. Januar 1982 in Düsseldorf.Otto Pöggeler - 1987 - Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
    Die Gedanken des folgenden Vortrags wurden erstmals am 11. November 1981 im Otto-Braun-Saal der Staatsbibliothek Preu6ischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin vorge­ tragen. Mit diesem Vortrag wurde eine Ausstellung eroffnet, in der die Staatsbiblio­ thek Preu6ischer Kulturbesitz Berlin zusammen mit dem Goethe-Museum Dussel­ dorf (Anton-und-Katharina-Kippenberg-Stiftung) und dem Hegel-Archiv der Ruhr-Universitat Bochum im Rahmen des sog. "Preu6en-Jahres" des 150. Todes­ 1 tages Hegels gedachte. Der Vortrag wurde in erweiterter und veranderter Form in der Rheinisch-Westfalischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 20. Januar 1982 gehalten - (...)
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    Braun, Otto, Schellings Philosophie herausgegeben und eingeleitet.Otto Braun - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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    Brann, Otto α.Nora. Herders Ideen zur K ulturphilosophie. Ausgewählt und herausgegeben von Otto Braun und Nora Braun.Otto Braun - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    Weisheit in der Weltgeschichte: Philosophiegeschichte zwischen Barock und Aufklärung.Sicco Lehmann-Brauns - 2004 - Tübingen: Niemeyer.
    Die Studie untersucht die Entstehung der modernen Philosophiegeschichte, wie sie sich im Übergang vom Barock zur Aufklärung als philosophische Disziplin innerhalb des gelehrten Diskurses der historia literaria konstituierte. Die Auffassung, daß Philosophie ein Produkt menschlicher Verstandestätigkeit sei und mit dem Denken der Griechen beginne, erweist sich dabei als Resultat eines Traditionsbruchs, mit dem die entstehende Aufklärung sich vom christlichen Aristotelismus der Schulphilosophie sowie von den platonisch-hermetischen Spekulationen der Schwärmer und Pansophen absetzte. In der Umbruchphase zwischen Barock und Aufklärung entsteht so (...)
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    Braun, Otto, Dr. phil. Hinauf zum Idealismus.O. Braun - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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    Braun, Otto, Der Student und die neue Zeit.Otto Braun - 1920 - Kant Studien 25 (1).
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    A Leap of Faith: Is There a Formula for “Trustworthy” AI?Matthias Braun, Hannah Bleher & Patrik Hummel - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (3):17-22.
    Trust is one of the big buzzwords in debates about the shaping of society, democracy, and emerging technologies. For example, one prominent idea put forward by the High‐Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence appointed by the European Commission is that artificial intelligence should be trustworthy. In this essay, we explore the notion of trust and argue that both proponents and critics of trustworthy AI have flawed pictures of the nature of trust. We develop an approach to understanding trust in AI (...)
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    Braun, Otto, Geistesprobleme und Lebensfragen. Ausgewählte Abschnitte aus Euckens Werken.Otto Braun - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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  20. Review: Christina von Braun: Versuch über den Schwindel. Religion, Schrift, Bild, Geschlecht.Christina von Braun - 2004 - Die Philosophin 15 (30):153-156.
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    Schriften von ®tto Braun.Otto Braun - 1912 - In Grundriß Einer Philosophie des Schaffens Als Kulturphilosophie: Einführung in Die Philosophie Als Weltanschauungslehre. De Gruyter. pp. 263-263.
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  22. Russellianism and psychological generalizations.David Braun - 2000 - Noûs 34 (2):203-236.
    (1) Harry believes that Twain is a writer. (2) Harry believes that Clemens is a writer. I say that this is Russellianism's most notorious consequence because it is so often used to argue against the view: many philosophers think that it is obvious that (1) and (2) can differ in truth value, and so they conclude that Russellianism is false. Let's call this the Substitution Objection to Russellianism.
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    Tackling Structural Injustices: On the Entanglement of Visibility and Justice in Emerging Technologies.Matthias Braun, Hannah Bleher, Eva Maria Hille & Jenny Krutzinna - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):100-102.
    In today’s world, Artificial Intelligence plays a central role in many decision-making processes. However, its use can lead to structural and epistemic injustices—especially in the context of healt...
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    Andree Chedid.Micheline Tison-Braun & Bettina Knapp - 1986 - Substance 14 (3):94.
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  25. Cognitive significance, attitude ascriptions, and ways of believing propositions.David Braun - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 108 (1-2):65-81.
    We use names to talk about objects. We use predicates to talk about properties and relations. We use sentences to attribute properties and relations to objects. We say things when we utter sentences, often things we believe.
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  26. Now you know who Hong oak yun is.David Braun - 2006 - Philosophical Issues 16 (1):24-42.
    Hong Oak Yun is a person who is over three inches tall. And now you know who Hong Oak Yun is. For if someone were to ask you ‘Who is Hong Oak Yun?’, you could answer that Hong Oak Yun is a person who is over three inches tall, and you would know what you were saying. So you know an answer to the question ‘Who is Hong Oak Yun?’, and that is sufficient for knowing who Hong Oak Yun is. (...)
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    Rethinking the Criterion for Assessing Cia-targeted Killings: Drones, Proportionality and Jus Ad Vim.Megan Braun & Daniel R. Brunstetter - 2013 - Journal of Military Ethics 12 (4):304-324.
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    The Senses of Agency and Ownership: A Review.Niclas Braun, Stefan Debener, Nadine Spychala, Edith Bongartz, Peter Sörös, Helge H. O. Müller & Alexandra Philipsen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  29. An autonomy-based approach to assisted suicide: a way to avoid the expressivist objection against assisted dying laws.Esther Braun - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):497-501.
    In several jurisdictions, irremediable suffering from a medical condition is a legal requirement for access to assisted dying. According to the expressivist objection, allowing assisted dying for a specific group of persons, such as those with irremediable medical conditions, expresses the judgment that their lives are not worth living. While the expressivist objection has often been used to argue that assisted dying should not be legalised, I show that there is an alternative solution available to its proponents. An autonomy-based approach (...)
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    The imperatives of narrative: Health interest groups and morality in network news.Joshua A. Braun - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (8):6 – 14.
    This article examines some of the story conventions of network television news to explain the ways in which healthcare interest groups develop and maintain their presence in this medium—a process that has significant implications for public understanding of healthcare issues, and therefore to bioethics. The article is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on three major normative conventions of television news: adherence to a simple narrative structure, the balance ethic, and avoidance of the “think-piece” and outlines the basic (...)
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    Timing skills and expertise: discrete and continuous timed movements among musicians and athletes.Thenille Braun Janzen, William Forde Thompson, Paolo Ammirante & Ronald Ranvaud - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Coal, Identity, and the Gendering of Environmental Justice Activism in Central Appalachia.Yvonne A. Braun & Shannon Elizabeth Bell - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (6):794-813.
    Women generally initiate, lead, and constitute the rank and file of environmental justice activism. However, there is little research on why there are comparatively so few men involved in these movements. Using the environmental justice movement in the Central Appalachian coalfields as a case study, we examine the ways that environmental justice activism is gendered, with a focus on how women’s and men’s identities both shape and constrain their involvement in gendered ways. The analysis relies on 20 interviews with women (...)
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    The Morality of Retributive Targeted Killing.Christian Nikolaus Braun - 2019 - Journal of Military Ethics 18 (3):170-188.
    ABSTRACTThis article assesses whether the contemporary consensus of just war thinking to allow only for defence as just cause for war between states should also be applied to the practice of target...
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    Kritische Theorie Versus Kritizismus: Zur Kant-Kritik Theodor W. Adornos.Carl Braun - 1983 - De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren damit den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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    Represent me: please! Towards an ethics of digital twins in medicine.Matthias Braun - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (6):394-400.
    Simulations are used in very different contexts and for very different purposes. An emerging development is the possibility of using simulations to obtain a more or less representative reproduction of organs or even entire persons. Such simulations are framed and discussed using the term ‘digital twin’. This paper unpacks and scrutinises the current use of such digital twins in medicine and the ideas embedded in this practice. First, the paper maps the different types of digital twins. A special focus is (...)
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  36. Making the canon? : the early reception of the republique in Castilian political thought.Harald E. Braun - 2013 - In Howell A. Lloyd (ed.), The Reception of Bodin. Boston: Brill.
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  37. Contextualism about 'might' and says-that ascriptions.David Braun - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (2):485-511.
    Contextualism about ‘might’ says that the property that ‘might’ expresses varies from context to context. I argue against contextualism. I focus on problems that contextualism apparently has with attitude ascriptions in which ‘might’ appears in an embedded ‘that’-clause. I argue that contextualists can deal rather easily with many of these problems, but I also argue that serious difficulties remain with collective and quantified says-that ascriptions. Herman Cappelen and John Hawthorne atempt to deal with these remaining problems, but I argue that (...)
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    Die Religionsphilosophie Ludwig Feuerbachs.Hans-Jürg Braun - 1972 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt,: F. Frommann.
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    Ilustración y utilitarismo en Iberoamérica.Carlos Rodríguez Braun - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (3):95-109.
    Expondré a continuación algunas notas sobre el pensamiento económico en América Latina a finales del siglo XVIII y comienzos del XIX. Me referiré al pensamiento ilustrado y al mercantilismo, y haré entrar a una filosofía que ejerció bastante influencia entonces -con particular relevancia desde finales de la década de 1810- en España e Iberoamérica, en un episodio poco estudiado en la historia de las ideas: el utilitarismo.
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    Vita materna. Mütterliches Denken in Nietzsches Werk.Stephan Braun - 2012 - Nietzscheforschung 19 (1).
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    V. Philosophiegeschichte im Rahmen der Kirchengeschichte - Die Frage nach dem Ursprung der Philosophie vor ihrer frühaufklärerischen Emanzipation.Sicco Lehmann-Brauns - 2004 - In Weisheit in der Weltgeschichte: Philosophiegeschichte zwischen Barock und Aufklärung. Tübingen: Niemeyer. pp. 223-265.
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    Crossover of Work–Life Balance Perceptions: Does Authentic Leadership Matter?Susanne Braun & Claudia Peus - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (4):875-893.
    This research contributes to an improved understanding of authentic leadership at the work–life interface. We build on conservation of resources theory to develop a leader–follower crossover model of the impact of authentic leadership on followers’ job satisfaction through leaders’ and followers’ work–life balance. The model integrates authentic leadership and crossover literatures to suggest that followers perceive authentic leaders to better balance their professional and private lives, which in turn enables followers to achieve a positive work–life balance, and ultimately makes them (...)
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    ‘The Ethics of Attention to Language’ Introducing Conceptual Injustice.Camille Braune - 2024 - Wittgenstein-Studien 15 (1):145-174.
    What is conceptual injustice, and how can it supplement hermeneutical injustice? By bringing feminist epistemology, in particular Miranda Fricker’s notion of hermeneutical injustice, into dialogue with conceptual ethics and conceptual engineering, this article sheds light on what conceptual injustice is and how it can supplement hermeneutical injustice. What needs to be understood is how concepts can be advantageous to some and disadvantageous to others. For this, I propose approaching language in its relationship with ethics: something I call the ethics of (...)
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    Deception in journalism.Paul Braun - 1988 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 3 (1):77 – 83.
    Does the Journalist have the ethical right to deceive in pursuit of a story? This article discusses the ethical implications of deception in the news?gathering process and offers some suggestions to aid journalists in knowing when to go undercover in pursuit of a story. The essay was written by Paul Braun, a spohomore, for an ethics course taught by Prof essor Ronald Koshoshek.
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    Blindsight in normal observers.F. C. Kolb & Jochen Braun - 1995 - Nature 377:336-8.
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    Vulnerable Life: Reflections on the Relationship Between Theological and Philosophical Ethics.Matthias Braun - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (12):21-23.
    It is very timely and highly important to think the relationship between theological and philosophical ethics. In this issue, Michael McCarthy et al. make a plea for a stronger dialogue...
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    Invariantism about 'can' and 'may' (as well as 'might').David Braun - 2013 - Linguistics and Philosophy 36 (2):181-185.
    Braun (Linguistics & Philosophy 35, 461–489, 2012) argued for a non- relativist, invariantist theory of ‘might’. Yanovich (Linguistics & Philosophy, 2013) argues that Braun’s theory is inconsistent with certain facts concerning diachronic meaning changes in ‘might’, ‘can’, and ‘may’. This paper replies to Yanovich’s objection.
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    Anne Michaels and the Affirmation of Being in the Poetics of Suffering and Trauma.Connie T. Braun - 2010 - Renascence 62 (2):157-173.
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    Beyond schooling: an anarchist challenge.Annette Braun - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (4):517-518.
  50.  6
    B. Zur erklärung und kritik der schriftsteller.Ph Braun, H. Deiter, Philipp Keiper & Th Stangl - 1885 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 44 (2):366-371.
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