Results for 'William Gaetz'

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  1.  13
    Magnetoencephalogram recording during simulated driving: Towards an ecologically-valid paradigm.Elizabeth Walshe, William Gaetz, Daniel Romer, Timothy Roberts & Flaura Winston - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  2.  33
    Editorial: New Insights on Basic and Clinical Aspects of EEG and MEG Connectome.Ryouhei Ishii, Roberto D. Pascual-Marqui, Leonides Canuet, Jing Xiang & William C. Gaetz - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  3. Ethical Vaccine Distribution Planning for Pandemic Influenza: Prioritizing Homeless and Hard-to-Reach Populations.K. Buccieri & S. Gaetz - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (2):185-196.
    The manner in which limited vaccines are distributed during a pandemic is an ethical issue. The utility principle has been used to argue priority be given to certain individuals based on factors such as the epidemiology of the spread of disease and maintaining the functioning of society. The equity principle has been used to encourage fair practices that account for the economic and social costs of all decisions made. We argue that both principles are met through priority vaccination of homeless (...)
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  4. An introduction to cybernetics.William Ross Ashby - 1956 - New York,: J. Wiley.
    We must, therefore, make a study of mechanism; but some introduction is advisable, for cybernetics treats the subject from a new, and therefore unusual, ...
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  5. Philosophy of perception: a contemporary introduction.William Fish (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction: Three key principles -- Sense datum theories -- Adverbial theories -- Belief acquisition theories -- Intentional theories -- Disjunctive theories -- Perception and causation -- Perception and the sciences of the mind -- Perception and other sense modalities.
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  6.  63
    Philosophy of language.William P. Alston - 1964 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
  7.  14
    An Outline of Psychology.William McDougall - 2007 - Sigaud Press.
    This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1902 r' = radius of moon, or other body. P = moon's horizontal parallax = earth's angular semidiameter as seen from the moon. f = moon's angular semidiameter. Now = P (in circular measure), r'-r = r (in circular measure);.'. r: r':: P: P', or (radius of earth): (radios of (...)
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  8. On Seeing That Someone is Angry.William McNeill - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (4):575-597.
    Abstract: Some propose that the question of how you know that James is angry can be adequately answered with the claim that you see that James is angry. Call this the Perceptual Hypothesis. Here, I examine that hypothesis. I argue that there are two different ways in which the Perceptual Hypothesis could be made true. You might see that James is angry by seeing his bodily features. Alternatively, you might see that James is angry by seeing his anger. If you (...)
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    The nature of science in science education: An introduction.William F. Mccomas, Hiya Almazroa & Michael P. Clough - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (6):511-532.
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  10.  27
    An Introduction to Social Psychology.William K. Wright - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21:242.
  11. (3 other versions)Body and mind.William McDougall - 1911 - Boston,: Beacon Press.
  12. State of the Art: The Duty to Obey the Law.William A. Edmundson - 2004 - Legal Theory 10 (4):215–259.
    Philosophy, despite its typical attitude of detachment and abstraction, has for most of its long history been engaged with the practical and mundane-seeming question of whether there is a duty to obey the law. As Matthew Kramer has recently summarized: “For centuries, political and legal theorists have pondered whether each person is under a general obligation of obedience to the legal norms of the society wherein he or she lives. The obligation at issue in those theorists' discussions is usually taken (...)
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  13. Hegel and the transformation of philosophical critique.William F. Bristow - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hegel's objection -- Is Kant's idealism subjective? -- An ambiguity in 'subjectivism' -- The epistemological problem -- The transcendental deduction of the categories and subjectivism -- Are Kant's categories subjective? -- Hegel's suspicion : Kantian critique and subjectivism -- What is kantian philosophical criticism? -- Hegel's suspicion : initial formulation -- A shallow suspicion? -- Deepening the suspicion : criticism, autonomy, and subjectivism -- Directions of response -- Critique and suspicion : unmasking the critical philosophy -- Hegel's transformation of critique (...)
  14. Against the Compositional View of Facts.William Bynoe - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (1):91-100.
    It is commonly assumed that facts would be complex entities made out of particulars and universals. This thesis, which I call Compositionalism, holds that parthood may be construed broadly enough so that the relation that holds between a fact and the entities it ‘ties’ together counts as a kind of parthood. I argue firstly that Compositionalism is incompatible with the possibility of certain kinds of fact and universal, and, secondly, that such facts and universals are possible. I conclude that Compositionalism (...)
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  15.  84
    Lying: The Impact of Decision Context.William T. Ross & Diana C. Robertson - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (2):409-440.
    Abstract:This study tests the usefulness of a person-situation interactionist framework in examining the willingness of a salesperson to lie to get an order. Using a survey of 389 salespersons, our results demonstrate that organizational relationships influence willingness to lie. Specifically, salespersons are less willing to lie to their own company than to their customer, than to a channel partner, and finally, than to a competitor firm. Furthermore, respondents from firms with a clear and positive ethical climate are less willing to (...)
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  16. Political Authority, Moral Powers and the Intrinsic Value of Obedience.William Edmundson - 2010 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 30 (1):179-191.
    Three concepts—authority, obedience and obligation—are central to understanding law and political institutions. The three are also involved in the legitimation of the state: an apology for the state has to make a normative case for the state’s authority, for its right to command obedience, and for the citizen’s obligation to obey the state’s commands. Recent discussions manifest a cumulative scepticism about the apologist’s task. Getting clear about the three concepts is, of..
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  17.  50
    Growing up with Philosophy.William F. Losito, Matthew Lipman & Ann Margaret Sharp - 1980 - British Journal of Educational Studies 28 (2):148.
  18. Wettstein on definite descriptions.William K. Blackburn - 1988 - Philosophical Studies 53 (2):263 - 278.
    I critically examine an argument, due to howard wettstein, purporting to show that sentences containing definite descriptions are semantically ambiguous between referential and attributive readings. Wettstein argues that many sentences containing nonidentifying descriptions--descriptions that apply to more than one object--cannot be given a Russellian analysis, and that the descriptions in these sentences should be understood as directly referential terms. But because Wettstein does not justify treating referential uses of nonidentifying descriptions differently than attributive uses of nonidentifying descriptions, his argument fails.
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  19.  8
    Promising stabs in the Dark: theory virtues and pursuit-worthiness in the Dark Energy problem.William J. Wolf & Patrick M. Duerr - 2024 - Synthese 204 (6):1-40.
    This paper argues that we ought to conceive of the Dark Energy problem—the question of how to account for observational data, naturally interpreted as accelerated expansion of the universe—as a crisis of underdetermined pursuit-worthiness. Not only are the various approaches to the Dark Energy problem evidentially underdetermined; at present, no compelling reasons single out any of them as more likely to be true than the other. More vexingly for working scientists, none of the approaches stands out as uncontroversially preferable over (...)
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  20. Christian Experience and Christian Belief.William P. Alston - 1983 - In Alvin Plantinga & Nicholas Wolterstorff, Faith and Rationality: Reason and Belief in God. University of Notre Dame Press.
  21. Thomson's turnabout on the trolley.William J. FitzPatrick - 2009 - Analysis 69 (4):636-643.
    The famous ‘trolley problem’ began as a simple variation on an example given in passing by Philippa Foot , involving a runaway trolley that cannot be stopped but can be steered to a path of lesser harm. By switching from the perspective of the driver to that of a bystander, Judith Jarvis Thomson showed how the case raises difficulties for the normative theory Foot meant to be defending, and Thomson compounded the challenge with further variations that created still more puzzles (...)
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  22. Coherentism, truth, and witness agreement.William A. Roche - 2010 - Acta Analytica 25 (2):243-257.
    Coherentists on epistemic justification claim that all justification is inferential, and that beliefs, when justified, get their justification together (not in isolation) as members of a coherent belief system. Some recent work in formal epistemology shows that “individual credibility” is needed for “witness agreement” to increase the probability of truth and generate a high probability of truth. It can seem that, from this result in formal epistemology, it follows that coherentist justification is not truth-conducive, that it is not the case (...)
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  23.  30
    Understanding curriculum as phenomenological and deconstructed text.William F. Pinar & William M. Reynolds (eds.) - 2016 - Kingston, NY: Educators International Press.
  24.  38
    An Outline of Abnormal Psychology.William McDougall - 2015 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1926, a complement to the author's Outline of Psychology, this book surveys the field of neurotic and mental disorders in so far as they are not due to gross organic lesions. A book, not for the medical expert only, but for every man or woman interested in the riddle of human personality.
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    A History of Science and its Relations with Philosophy & Religion.William Dampier - 1929 - London: Cambridge University Press.
    This famous book, first published in 1929 was considerably revised and enlarged in its fourth edition, which is being reprinted now.
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  26. Scorekeeping trolls.William Tuckwell & Kai Tanter - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):215-224.
    Keith DeRose defends contextualism: the view that the truth-conditions of knowledge ascriptions vary with the context of the ascriber. Mark Richard has criticised contextualism for being unable to vindicate intuitions about disagreement. To account for these intuitions, DeRose has proposed truth-conditions for “knows” called the Gap view. According to this view, knowledge ascriptions are true iff the epistemic standards of each conversational participant are met, false iff each participant's standards aren't met, and truth-valueless otherwise. An implication of the Gap view (...)
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  27.  45
    (1 other version)Modalities in the survey system of strict implication.William Tuthill Parry - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):137-154.
  28.  16
    Labyrinths of reason: paradox, puzzles, and the frailty of knowledge.William Poundstone - 1988 - New York: Anchor Books.
    This sharply intelligent, consistently provocative book takes the reader on an astonishing, thought-provoking voyage into the realm of delightful uncertainty--a world of paradox in which logical argument leads to contradiction and common sense is seemingly rendered irrelevant.
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  29. Rationalism, Empiricism, and Evidence-Based Medicine: A Call for a New Galenic Synthesis.William Webb - 2018 - Medicines 5 (2).
    Thirty years after the rise of the evidence-based medicine (EBM) movement, formal training in philosophy remains poorly represented among medical students and their educators. In this paper, I argue that EBM’s reception in this context has resulted in a privileging of empiricism over rationalism in clinical reasoning with unintended consequences for medical practice. After a limited review of the history of medical epistemology, I argue that a solution to this problem can be found in the method of the 2nd-century Roman (...)
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  30. Some principles require principals : why banning 'conflicts of interest' won't solve incentive problems in biomedical research.William M. Sage - 2010 - In Thomas H. Murray & Josephine Johnston, Trust and integrity in biomedical research: the case of financial conflicts of interest. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  31. Direct Arguments for the Truth-Condition Theory of Meaning.William G. Lycan - 2010 - Topoi 29 (2):99-108.
    The truth-condition theory of meaning is, naturally, thought of an as explanatory theory whose explananda are the meaning facts. But there are at least two deductive arguments that purport to establish the truth of the theory irrespective of its explanatory virtues. This paper examines those arguments and concludes that they succeed.
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  32. Time and ambiguity: Reassessing Merleau-ponty on Sartrean freedom.William Wilkerson - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2):pp. 207-234.
    Argues that standard interpretations of Merleau-Ponty's criticisms of Sartrean freedom fail and presents an alternative interpretation that argues that the fundamental issue concerns their different theories of time.
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    Ideas of the great philosophers.William S. Sahakian - 1966 - New York,: Barnes & Noble. Edited by Mabel Lewis Sahakian.
    If you never understood why Plato's philosophy of Ideal Forms is called Realism, Ideas of the Great Philosophers makes ideal reading. This compact book provides a veritable brief history of philosophy, offering precise descriptions of the major branches of philosophical thought and exploring the contributions of great thinkers to the various fields of philosophic inquiry. -- Amazon.
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    Free recall of word lists varying in length and rate of presentation: A test of total-time hypotheses.William A. Roberts - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (3):365.
  35.  3
    Memetics does not provide a useful way of understanding cultural evolution : a developmental perspective.William C. Wimsatt - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp, Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 273-291.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Some Commonalities Can a Memetic Approach to Cultural Change Work? Memetics and Genetics Memetics and Epidemiology The Myth of Self‐replication An Alternative Approach Differential Dependency and Generative Entrenchment as Bases for a Theory of Evolutionary Change Elements of a Developmental Theory of Cultural Evolution New Predictions of This Theory Conclusion Postscript: Counterpoint Notes References.
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  36.  17
    Socrates: Socratic method.William J. Prior (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    This four volume set is a collection of some of the most significant scholarship published on the philosophy of Socrates in the last half century. The contributors include many of the most prominent scholars in this field. As the growth in Socratic studies in the past three decades is due in large part to the influential work of Gregory Vlastos, articles by him figure prominently in the collection, and works by other authors are generally related to his work. The volumes (...)
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  37.  70
    Human Rights in an Ecological Era.William Aiken - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (3):191 - 203.
    After presenting a brief history of the idea of a human right to an adequate environment as it has evolved in the United Nations documents, I assess this approach to our moral responsibility with regard to the environment. I argue that although this rights approach has some substantial weaknesses, these are outweighed by such clear advantages as its action-guiding nature and its political potency.
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    If You Would Not Criminalize Poverty, Do Not Medicalize It.William M. Sage & Jennifer E. Laurin - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):573-581.
    American society tends to medicalize or criminalize social problems. Criminal justice reformers have made arguments for a positive role in the relief of poverty that are similar to those aired in healthcare today. The consequences of criminalizing poverty caution against its continued medicalization.
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  39.  61
    A self-referential 'cogito'.William Boos - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 44 (2):269 - 290.
  40.  80
    (2 other versions)Body and Mind: A History and a Defense of Animism.William Mcdougall - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (5):585-592.
  41.  24
    Can Long-Term Training in Highly Focused Forms of Observation Potientially Influence Performace in Terms of the Observer Model In Physics? Consideration of Adepts of Observational Meditation Practice.William C. Bushell - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (2):31-43.
  42. The reconceptualization of curriculum studies.William F. Pinar - 2004 - In David J. Flinders & Stephen J. Thornton, The Curriculum Studies Reader. Routledge.
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    Presuppositional Epistemic Contextualism and Non-ideal Contexts.William Tuckwell - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Conversational contextualists claim that the truth-conditions of knowledge claims depend upon the dynamics of the conversation in which the knowledge claim is made. However, they have failed to appreciate the ways in which conversational dynamics are influenced by unjust distributions of power. What would the implications be for conversational contextualism if its proponents were not guilty of this oversight? I ask this question for Blome-Tillmann’s presuppositional epistemic contextualism (PEC), perhaps the most sophisticated form of conversational contextualism. The investigation turns up (...)
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  44. Parmenides 132c-133a and the Development of Plato's Thought.William J. Prior - 1979 - Phronesis 24 (3):230-240.
    In this paper I argue against the view of G.E.L. Owen that the second version of the Third Man Argument is a sound objection to Plato's conception of Forms as paradigms and that Plato knew it. The argument can be formulated so as to be valid, but Plato need not be committed to one of its premises. Forms are self-predicative, but the ground of self-predication is not the same as that of ordinary predication.
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    Alone Together.William Butchard & Robert D’Amico - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (3):315-330.
    In two articles, Smits, Buekens, and du Plessis have argued that John Searle’s account of institutional facts suffers serious flaws and should be replaced with a reductive account they call “incentivization.” We argue against their view in two ways. First, the specific flaws they find in Searle are based on misunderstandings. Second, “incentivization,” as they present it, fails as a reduction of strict collective actions and, thus, cannot account for institutional facts such as money or property.
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    A theory of the compositional work of music.William E. Webster - 1974 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 33 (1):59-66.
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  47. (1 other version)Philosophical analysis and history.William H. Dray - 1966 - [New York,: Harper & Row.
  48.  26
    Autonomy as Free Will.William Simkulet - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 4 (4):71-72.
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  49.  57
    The “Carrying Capacity” Equivocation.William Aiken - 1980 - Social Theory and Practice 6 (1):1-11.
  50.  53
    Plato.William J. Prior - 1979 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 17 (4):460-460.
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