Results for 'Yasuhiko Sueki'

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    Sorai to Konron.Yasuhiko Sueki - 2016 - Yokohama-shi: Shunpūsha.
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  2. Nihilistic Naturalism in the East.Takehiro Sueki - 1979 - Diogenes 27 (105):77-92.
    There are two cultural principles operative in contemporary Japan; one is a relatively new principle derived from the West, and the other a traditional Eastern principle.These two principles are, at least in contemporary Japan, contradictory to one another: the Western principle is considered to be an anti-naturalistic one stressing technique, while the traditional Eastern principle is essentially one founded on naturalism.
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    A Reexamination Of The Kenmitsu Taisei Theory.Sueki Fumihiko - 1996 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 23 (3-4):449-466.
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    Nichiren's Problematic Works.Sueki Fumihiko - 1999 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 26 (3-4):261-280.
  5.  35
    An example of japanese rationalism.Takehiro Sueki - 1974 - Philosophy East and West 24 (3):349-362.
  6.  48
    Buddhist Philosophy of the Dead.Fumihiko Sueki - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 6:259-265.
    Japanese Buddhism is sometimes called “funeral Buddhism” contemptuously. Buddhism is often criticized in that it serves only the dead and does not useful for the living. In truth, the main duties of Buddhist monks are to perform funeral services, maintain graves and perform memorial services for the dead in Japan today. Modern Buddhist leaders in Japan tried to argue against such criticism and insisted that Buddhism in origin was not a religion for the dead but for the living. In the (...)
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  7. Bunseki tetsugaku.Takehiro Sueki (ed.) - 1958
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  8. Chi no konkyo to shite no ronrigaku.Takehiro Sueki (ed.) - 1976
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  9. Gendai ronrigaku.Takehiro Sueki - 1978 - Edited by Sakai, Hidehisa, [From Old Catalog] & Akira Ōide.
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    Han Bukkyōgaku: bukkyō tai rinri.Fumihiko Sueki - 2013 - Tōkyō-to Taitō-ku: Chikuma Shobō.
    人間は本来的に、公共の秩序に収まらない何かを抱えて生きる存在である。常識として通用してきた倫理道徳では対応できない問題が起きたとき、そこに見えてくるのは何なのか。“人間”の領域、つまり倫理的な世界をは み出したところで出会う「他者」、さらにはその極限にある「死者」との関わりを、著者は、古典的な仏教学ではない“現代に生きる仏教”の視座から、根源的に問い直そうとする。倫理を超える新たな地平を示すと同時に 、日本仏教の思想的成果を丹念に抽出し、それを広範な哲学・思想史の中に位置づけ、鍛え直した著書。初版刊行後の理論的展開を書き下ろしで加えた、待望の文庫版。.
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    Hikaku shisō kara mita Nihon Bukkyō.Fumihiko Sueki (ed.) - 2015 - Tōkyō: Sankibō Busshorin.
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  12. Ima Nihon kara okosu tetsugaku.Fumihiko Sueki - 2019 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Puneumasha.
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  13. Kigō-ronrigaku.Takehiro Sueki - 1962
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    解体する言葉と世界: 仏教からの挑戦.Fumihiko Sueki - 1998 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  15. Kaitaisuru kotoba to sekai: Bukkyō kara no chōsen.Fumihiko Sueki - 1998 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  16. Kindai Nihon no shisō saikō.Fumihiko Sueki - 2004 - Tōkyō: Toransubyū.
    1. Meiji shisōka ron -- 2. Kindai Nihon to Bukkyō.
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  17. Nishida Kitarō: sono tetsugaku taikei.Takehiro Sueki - 1983 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
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    Nihon shisō kōkyū: ronri to kōzō.Takehiro Sueki - 2015 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Shunjūsha.
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    Philosophy live: a perspective from Japan.Fumihiko Sueki - 2018 - Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies.
  20. Ronrigaku gairon.Takehiro Sueki - 1969
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    Shisha to reisei: kindai o toinaosu.Fumihiko Sueki (ed.) - 2021 - Tōkyō: Kabushiki Kaisha Iwanami Shoten.
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    Shisō to shite no kindai Bukkyō.Fumihiko Sueki - 2017 - Tōkyō: Chūō Kōron Shinsha.
    日本において「近代仏教」はどのように形成され、展開していったのか。本書は、こうした問いを念頭に、思想と実践の両面から、代表的知識人の営為に光をあてる。また、浄土、日蓮、禅という三系統について、それぞれ の複雑な思想動向を取りあげていく。幅広い視点から、近代仏教の諸相をとらえた充実の書。.
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    Tetsugaku no genba: Nihon de kangaeru to iu koto.Fumihiko Sueki - 2012 - Tōkyō: Toransubyū.
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  24. Toyo No Gorishiso.Takehiro Sueki - 1970 - Kodansha.
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  25. Tōyō no gōri shisō.Takehiro Sueki - 1970
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  26. Tasha shishatachi no kindai.Fumihiko Sueki - 2010 - Tōkyō: Toransubyū.
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  27. Witogenshutain ronri tetsugaku ron kō no kenkyū.Takehiro Sueki - 1977 - Edited by Ludwig Wittgenstein.
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    Kant’s Categories of Quantity and Quality, Reconsidered: From the Point of View of the History of Logic and Natural Science.Yasuhiko Tomida - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2707-2731.
    According to Kant, the division of the categories “is not the result of a search after pure concepts undertaken at haphazard,” but is derived from the “complete” classification of judgments developed by traditional logic. However, the sorts of judgments that he enumerates in his table of judgments are not all ones that traditional logic has dealt with; consequently, we must say that he chose the sorts of judgments in question with a certain intention. Besides, we know that his choice of (...)
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    Phenomenological Analysis of a Japanese Professional Caregiver Specialized in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.Yasuhiko Murakami - 2018 - Neuroethics 13 (2):181-191.
    The present article is based on a interview with a Japanese experienced caregiver who specializes in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which generally leads to the locked-in syndrome. Professional caregivers for ALS patients with ventilator experience two particular temporalities in their practice. First, they must monitor the patient continuously during a seven-hour stay. Because a single problem in the ventilator can have fatal consequences, the care of an ALS patient with a ventilator requires long periods of sustained concentration. Second, trying (...)
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  30. Affection of contact and transcendental telepathy in schizophrenia and autism.Yasuhiko Murakami - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (1):179-194.
    This paper seeks to demonstrate the structural difference in communication of schizophrenia and autism. For a normal adult, spontaneous communication is nothing but the transmission of phantasía (thought) by means of perceptual objects or language. This transmission is first observed in a make-believe play of child. Husserl named this function “perceptual phantasía,” and this function presupposes as its basis the “internalized affection of contact” (which functions empirically in eye contact, body contact, or voice calling me). Regarding autism, because of the (...)
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  31. La demeure, un autre «autrement qu’être».Yasuhiko Murakami - 2007 - Studia Phaenomenologica 7 (9999):129-151.
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  32. Affection and Cogitatio. Psychopathology and Husserl’s Theory of Meaning.Yasuhiko Murakami - 2010 - Studia Phaenomenologica 10:193-204.
    Behind the phase of cognition analysed by Husserl, there is a phase of affection. In this phase, there are significant mental disorders occurring. Similar to the way in which the phase of cognition is divided into reference, meaning (referent), and representation of words (classification according to Husserl's theory of meaning), the phase of affection is also divided into reference, “meaning,” and figure as sphere of “meaning”. The situation as a reference can allow various predications to form different explanations, i.e. different (...)
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  33. Horizons de l’affectivité: l’hyperbole comme method phénoménologique de Lévinas.Yasuhiko Murakami - 2006 - Studia Phaenomenologica 6:17-30.
    The “phenomenological” method according to Emmanuel Lévinas consists of two steps: first, reducing the said (le dit) to the saying (le dire); and second, “hyperbole” in his own words. Reducing the said to the saying, in itself, means in this context of the methodology a method to escape from ontology and cognitive philosophy, and to discover the dimension of inter-human facticity. In the second step of “hyperbole”, Lévinas outlines the horizon of this inter-human facticity as that of affectivity. In this (...)
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    Locke and Berkeley on Abstract Ideas: From the Point of View of the Theory of Reference.Yasuhiko Tomida - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):2161-2182.
    In the Essay Locke argues abstract ideas within the framework of the descriptivist theory of reference. For him, abstract ideas are, in many cases, conceptual ideas that play the role of “descriptions” or “descriptive contents,” determining general terms’ referents. In contrast, in the introduction of the Principles, Berkeley denies Lockean abstract ideas adamantly from an imagistic point of view, and he offers his own theory of reference seemingly consisting of referring expressions and their referents alone. However, interestingly, he mentions a (...)
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  35. Locke's representationalism without veil.Yasuhiko Tomida - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (4):675 – 696.
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    Jiko soshikika de umareru chitsujo: shiroari, ryōshi dotto, ningen shakai.Yasuhiko Arakawa, Takatoshi Imada, Tadao Matsumoto & Osamu Karatsu (eds.) - 2012 - Kyōto-shi: Kei Dī Neobukku.
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  37. Nihonjin no rinri shisō.Yasuhiko Kakei - 1970 - Edited by Ozawa, Tomio & [From Old Catalog].
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    Infōmudo konsento.Yasuhiko Morioka - 1994 - Tōkyō: Nihon Hōsō Shuppan Kyōkai.
  39.  40
    Sobre la disociación en el momento de la experiencia traumática. El sentido fenomenológico de la Psicopatología a la luz de Lévinas.Yasuhiko Murakami - 2012 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:221.
    La disociación, surgida a raíz del acontecimiento traumático, pone de manifiesto algunos caracteres fenomenológicos propios del cuerpo. En primer lugar, la destrucción de la esquematización propia del cuerpo es lo que genera el estado hipnótico. En segundo lugar, sólo si entendemos la facultad de esquematización como relacionada con la auto-conciencia podemos comprender el extraño fenómeno del sí-mismo despegado que se da en el estado de disociación. En tercer lugar, este desmoronamiento de la capacidad esquematizante tiene su origen en la destrucción (...)
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  40. Silence, style, rêve : Merleau-Ponty et la métamorphose du sujet.Yasuhiko Murakami - 2009 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    Le silence et le sommeil constituent la base sur laquelle la cure psychothérapeutique et la créativité humaine se produisent. Or c’est avec le concept de sens latéral que Merleau-Ponty a esquissé la structure phénomé­nologique de la créativité humaine. Du point de vue du sens latéral qui surgit au creux de l’articulation intentionnelle du monde, le corps vivant apparaît comme style qui canalise la production du sens. Chaque surgissement du sens latéral est précédé par un silence qui suspend momentanément l’intention­nalité thématisante (...)
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    The Rhythm of Reorganizing the World. Maldiney and the Theory of Crisis.Yasuhiko Murakami - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:99-115.
    This article examines the work of French phenomenologist Henri Maldiney (1912-2013), a philosopher who shed light on the phenomenon of interrogation by a world that has lost its pre-existing coordinates. While Maldiney himself referred to paintings and mental illness, we try to read his theory as an analysis of social situation and action. His theory helps us understand end-of-life situations in which caregivers encounter scenes where it is difficult to break out of a stalemate. It is a theory of practice (...)
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  42. Jikan, kotoba, ninshiki.Yasuhiko Nagano (ed.) - 1999 - Tōkyō: Hitsuji Shobō.
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    Dickson’s lemma and weak Ramsey theory.Yasuhiko Omata & Florian Pelupessy - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):413-425.
    We explore the connections between Dickson’s lemma and weak Ramsey theory. We show that a weak version of the Paris–Harrington principle for pairs in c colors and miniaturized Dickson’s lemma for c-tuples are equivalent over \. Furthermore, we look at a cascade of consequences for several variants of weak Ramsey’s theorem.
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  44. Gendai kyōiku no tenken to ningen keisei.Yasuhiko Shimoyamada (ed.) - 1980
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    Auto-éveil et témoignage – philosopher autrement (II) : l’École de Kyoto en comparaison avec la philosophie française post-heideggérienne.Yasuhiko Sugimura - 2015 - Philosophie 126 (3):28-49.
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    Auto-éveil et témoignage – philosopher autrement.Yasuhiko Sugimura - 2015 - Philosophie 125 (2):44-62.
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    “Demeurer vivant jusqu’à...”: La question de la vie et de la mort et le “religieux commun” chez le dernier Ricœur.Yasuhiko Sugimura - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (2):26-37.
    In spite of his clear and deliberate distinction between philosophical and religious discourse, Ricoeur lets these two aspects of his thought interweave with respect to the deep "conviction" motiving it. The idea of “attestation”, considered as the "password" granting access to his last "hermeneutics of the self", testifies to this in particular. This term, while containing a religious connotation, refers to what Heidegger calls Fundamentalontologie , in which attestation ( Bezeugung ) is totally de-theologized to indicate how Dasein assumes its (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Geijutsu to sogai.Yasuhiko Sugiyama - 1964
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Yasuhiko Sugimura - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (2):1-3.
    The French Introduction to a special issue on Ricoeur and Theology.
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    (Translation) Le corps « auto-éveillant » : ce qui ressort de l’appréciation nishidienne de Maine de Biran.Yasuhiko Sugimura & Romaric Jannel - 2024 - Philosophie 162 (3):58-74.
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