Results for 'animal adult-cell cloning'

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  1.  85
    Filling the gaps in the risks vs. benefits of mammalian adult-cell cloning: Taking Bernard Rollin's philosophy its next step.Lantz Miller - 1998 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 11 (1):1-16.
    A critique is made of Bernard Rollin''s examination of the ethics of cloning adult mammalian cells. The primary concern is less to propound an anticloning or procloning position than to call for full exploration of the ethical complexities before a rush to judgment is made. Indeed, the ethical examination in question rushes toward an ethical position in such a way that does not appear consistent with Rollin''s usual methodology. By extending this methodology – which entails full weighing of (...)
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    Bioethics and cloning, part I.Susan Cartier Poland & Laura Jane Bishop - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (3):305-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12.3 (2002) 305-323 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note 41 Bioethics and Cloning, Part I Susan Cartier Poland and Laura Jane Bishop This is Part One of a two part Scope Note on Bioethics and Cloning. Part Two will be published in the December 2002 issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal and as a separate reprint. Contents For Parts 1 (...)
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    Procreation by Cloning: Crafting Anticipatory Guidelines.Andrea L. Bonnicksen - 1997 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 25 (4):273-282.
    To clone humans is deliberately to generate two or more individuals who share the same nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid. Using animals, researchers have performed two basic types of cloning that will eventually yield commercial benefits. Embryo twinning involves separating the individual cells of an embryo and allowing each to cleave for later transfer to a uterus. Cloning by nuclear transfer involves removing the nuclei from embryonic cells or fetal or adult somatic cells and fusing those nuclei with enucleated (...)
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    Cloning, Ethics, and Religion.Lee M. Silver - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (2):168-172.
    On Sunday morning, 23 February 1997, the world awoke to a technological advance that shook the foundations of biology and philosophy. On that day, we were introduced to Dolly, a 6-month-old lamb that had been cloned directly from a single cell taken from the breast tissue of an adult donor. Perhaps more astonished by this accomplishment than any of their neighbors were the scientists who actually worked in the field of mammalian genetics and embryology. Outside the lab where (...)
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    Transfer of yeast artificial chromosomes from yeast to mammalian cells.Clare Huxley & Andreas Gnirke - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (10):545-550.
    Human DNA can be cloned as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), each of which contains several hundred kilobases of human DNA. This DNA can be manipulated in the yeast host using homologous recombination and yeast selectable markers. In relatively few steps it is possible to make virtually any change in the cloned human DNA from single base pair changes to deletions and insertions. In order to study the function of the cloned DNA and the effects of the changes made in the (...)
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  6. Developments in stem cell research and therapeutic cloning: Islamic ethical positions, a review.Hossam E. Fadel - 2010 - Bioethics 26 (3):128-135.
    Stem cell research is very promising. The use of human embryos has been confronted with objections based on ethical and religious positions. The recent production of reprogrammed adult (induced pluripotent) cells does not – in the opinion of scientists – reduce the need to continue human embryonic stem cell research. So the debate continues.Islam always encouraged scientific research, particularly research directed toward finding cures for human disease. Based on the expectation of potential benefits, Islamic teachings permit and (...)
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    Stem cell research: A target article collection part II - what's in a name: Embryos, clones, and stem cells.Jane Maienschein - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (1):12 – 19.
    In 2001, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the "Human Cloning Prohibition Act" and President Bush announced his decision to allow only limited research on existing stem cell lines but not on "embryos." In contrast, the U.K. has explicitly authorized "therapeutic cloning." Much more will be said about bioethical, legal, and social implications, but subtleties of the science and careful definitions of terms have received much less consideration. Legislators and reporters struggle to discuss "cloning," "pluripotency," "stem (...)
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  8.  31
    Animal breeding in the age of biotechnology: the investigative pathway behind the cloning of Dolly the sheep.Miguel García-Sancho - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (3):282-304.
    This paper addresses the 1996 cloning of Dolly the sheep, locating it within a long-standing tradition of animal breeding research in Edinburgh. Far from being an end in itself, the cell-nuclear transfer experiment from which Dolly was born should be seen as a step in an investigative pathway that sought the production of medically relevant transgenic animals. By historicising Dolly, I illustrate how the birth of this sheep captures a dramatic redefinition of the life sciences, when in (...)
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  9.  86
    A clone of your own?: the science and ethics of cloning.Arlene Judith Klotzko - 2004 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Someday soon (if it hasn't happened in secret already), a human will be cloned, and mankind will embark on a scientific and moral journey whose destination cannot be foretold. In Copycats: The Science and Ethics of Cloning, Arlene Judith Klotzko describes the new world of possibilities that can be glimpsed over the horizon. In a lucid and engaging narrative, she explains that the technology to create clones of living beings already exists, inaugurated in 1996 by Dolly the sheep, the (...)
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  10.  7
    SCNT Method and the Application for Patent Eligibility on Cloned Animals.Norman K. Swazo - 2016 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 7 (2):14-24.
    Patents recognize economic right and are important for both individual and social economic benefit. Nonetheless, mere economic right does not eliminate the requirement for moral assessment when adjudicating intellectual property claims, especially in the case of claims associated with applications of biomedical technology [e.g., somatic cell nuclear transfer methods]. This is so for applications for patent in the case of live-born animal clones, as governed in the setting of the judicial system of the USA. Here recent federal court (...)
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  11.  31
    Cloning After Dolly: Who's Still Afraid?Gregory E. Pence - 2004 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    As the #1 topic in bioethics, cloning has made big news since Dolly's announced birth in 1998. In a new book building on his classic Who's Afraid of Human Cloning?, pioneering bioethicist Gregory E. Pence continues to advocate a reasoned view of cloning. Beginning with his surreal experiences as an expert witness before Congressional and California legislative committees, Pence analyzes the astounding recent progress in animal cloning; the coming surprises about human cloning; the links (...)
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  12.  42
    On Clone as Genetic Copy: Critique of a Metaphor.Samuel Camenzind - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (1):23-37.
    A common feature of scientific and ethical debates is that clones are generally described and understood as “copies” or, more specifically defined, as “genetic copies.” The attempt of this paper is to question this widespread definition. It first argues that the terminology of “clone as copy” can only be understood as a metaphor, and therefore, a clone is not a “genetic copy” in a strict literal sense, but in a figurative one. Second, the copy metaphor has a normative component that (...)
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  13.  20
    Cloning: The Human as Created Co-Creator.Bart Hansen & Paul Schotsmans - 2001 - Ethical Perspectives 8 (2):75-87.
    Certain events settle themselves in the collective memory of humankind where they keep functioning for decades as points of reference for future generations. The announcement of the successful cloning of Dolly was such an event. Every one of us will remember this thought-provoking occasion or will, at least, be confronted with the extended media coverage of this breakthrough in medical science. Immediately, world leaders reacted and the question was raised how long it would take before the shepherd was cloned. (...)
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  14.  68
    Can Friends be Copied? Ethical Aspects of Cloning Dogs as Companion Animals.K. Heðinsdóttir, S. Kondrup, H. Röcklinsberg & M. Gjerris - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (1):17-29.
    Since the first successful attempt to clone a dog in 2005, dogs have been cloned by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer for a variety of purposes. One of these is to clone dogs as companion animals. In this paper we discuss some of the ethical implications that cloning companion dogs through SCNT encompasses, specifically in relation to human–dog relationships, but also regarding animal welfare and animal integrity. We argue that insofar as we understand the relationship with our (...)
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  15.  34
    Cloning.Katrien Devolder - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Many countries or jurisdictions have legally banned human cloning or are in the process of doing so. In some countries, including France and Singapore, reproductive cloning of humans is a criminal offence. In 2005, the United Nations adopted a ‘Declaration on Human Cloning’, which calls for a universal ban on human cloning. The debate on human reproductive cloning seems to have drawn to a close. However, since reproductive cloning of mammals has become routine in (...)
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  16.  27
    Reproductive cloning and arguments from potential.Justin Oakley - 2006 - Monash Bioethics Review 25 (1):42-47.
    The possibility of human reproductive cloning has led some bioethicists to suggest that potentiality-based arguments for fetal moral status become untenable, as such arguments would be committed to making the implausible claim that any adult somatic cell is itself a potential person. In this article I defend potentiality-based arguments for fetal moral status against such a reductio. Starling from the widely-held claim that the maintenance of numerical identity throughout successive changes places constraints on what a given entity (...)
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  17. Human cloning and embryo research: The 2003 John J. Conley lecture on medical ethics.Robert P. George - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (1):3-20.
    The author, a member of the U.S.President's Council on Bioethics, discussesethical issues raised by human cloning, whetherfor purposes of bringing babies to birth or forresearch purposes. He first argues that everycloned human embryo is a new, distinct, andenduring organism, belonging to the speciesHomo sapiens, and directing its owndevelopment toward maturity. He then distinguishesbetween two types of capacities belonging toindividual organisms belonging to this species,an immediately exerciseable capacity and abasic natural capacity that develops over time. He argues that it is (...)
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  18.  22
    On Cloning: Advocating History of Biology in the Public Interest. [REVIEW]Jane Maienschein - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (3):423 - 432.
    Cloning -- the process of creating a cell, tissue line or even a complete organism from a single cell -- or the strands that led to the cloning of a mammal, Dolly, are not new. Yet the media coverage of Dolly's inception raised a range of reactions from fear or moral repulsion, to cautious optimism. The implications for controlling human reproduction were clearly in the forefront, though many issues about animals emerged as well. On topics of (...)
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  19.  60
    Embryos and pseudoembryos: parthenotes, reprogrammed oocytes and headless clones.H. Watt - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (9):554-556.
    What makes something an embryo—as opposed to what is actually, and not just in biotech parlance, a collection of cells? This question has come to the fore in recent years with proposals for producing embryonic stem cells for research. While some of those opposed to use of standard embryonic stem cells emphasise that adult cells have a clinical track record, others argue that there may be further benefits obtainable from cells very like those of embryos, provided such cells can (...)
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  20.  55
    Mom, Dad, Clone: Implications for Reproductive Privacy.Lori B. Andrews - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (2):176-186.
    On 5 July 1996 a sheep named Dolly was born in Scotland, the result of the transfer of the nucleus of an adult mammary tissue cell to the enucleated egg cell of an unrelated sheep, and gestation in a third, surrogate mother sheep. Although for the past ten years scientists have routinely cloned sheep and cows from embryo cells, this was the first cloning experiment that apparently succeeded using the nucleus of an adult cell.
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  21. Cloning.Ruth F. Chadwick - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (220):201 - 209.
    Every body cell of an animal or human being contains the same complete set of genes. In theory any of these cells can be used to start a new embryo. The technique has been employed in the case of frogs. The nucleus is taken out of a body cell of a frog and implanted in an enucleated frog's egg. The resulting egg cell is stimulated to develop into a normal frog, and will be an exact copy (...)
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  22.  65
    Genetic science, animal exploitation, and the challenge for democracy.Steven Best - 2006 - AI and Society 20 (1):6-21.
    As the debates over cloning and stem cell research indicate, issues raised by biotechnology combine research into the genetic sciences, perspectives and contexts articulated by the social sciences, and the ethical and anthropological concerns of philosophy. Consequently, I argue that intervening in the debates over biotechnology requires supra-disciplinary critical philosophy and social theory to illuminate the problems and their stakes. In addition, debates over cloning and stem cell research raise exceptionally important challenges to bioethics and a (...)
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  23. Direct Reprogramming and Ethics in Stem Cell Research.W. Malcolm Byrnes - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (2):277-290.
    The recent successful conversion of adult cells into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells through direct reprogramming opens a new chapter in the study of disease and the development of regenerative medicine. It also provides a historic opportunity to turn away from the ethically problematic use of embryonic stem cells isolated through the destruction of human embryos. Moreover, because iPS cells are patient specific, they render therapeutic cloning unnecessary. To maximize therapeutic benefit, adult stem cell research will (...)
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  24.  67
    Response to “Cloning and Infertility” by Carson Strong.Timothy F. Murphy - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (3):364-368.
    Carson Strong has argued that if human cloning were safe it should be available to some infertile couples as a matter of ethics and law. He holds that cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer should be available as a reproductive option for infertile couples who could not otherwise have a child genetically related to one member of the couple. In this analysis, Strong overlooks an important category of people to whom his argument might apply, couples he has (...)
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  25. stem Cell Research And Respect For Life.Ronnie Hawkins - 2001 - Florida Philosophical Review 1 (1):49-62.
    This paper queries why we are more reluctant to perform stem cell research on human than on nonhuman embryos, given their remarkable similarities together with the former's greater promise for addressing human illnesses. I begin by examining two leading arguments for prohibiting stem cell research on human embryos. The first type of argument suggests that we should not interfere with the potential for human life. This argument, advanced in different ways by both utilitarians and religious believers, inadequately grapples (...)
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    Animal Development, an Open-Ended Segment of Life.Alessandro Minelli - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (1):4-15.
    No comprehensive theory of development is available yet. Traditionally, we regard the development of animals as a sequence of changes through which an adult multicellular animal is produced, starting from a single cell which is usually a fertilized egg, through increasingly complex stages. However, many phenomena that would not qualify as developmental according to these criteria would nevertheless qualify as developmental in that they imply nontrivial (e.g., non degenerative) changes of form, and/or substantial changes in gene expression. (...)
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  27. Stem cell research in Germany: Ethics of healing vs. human dignity. [REVIEW]Fuat S. Oduncu - 2003 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6 (1):5-16.
    On 25 April 2002, the German Parliament has passed a strict new law referring to stem cell research. This law took effect on July 1, 2002. The so-called embryonic Stem Cell Act ( Stammzellgesetz — StZG ) permits the import of embryonic stem (ES) cells isolated from surplus IvF-embryos for research reasons. The production itself of ES cells from human blastocysts has been prohibited by the German Embryo Protection Act of 1990, with the exception of the use of (...)
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  28.  35
    From Cells to Structures to Evolutionary Novelties: Creating a Continuum.Catherine Anne Boisvert - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (3):211-220.
    This thematic issue addresses questions of constraints on the evolution of form—physical, biological, and technical. Here, form is defined as an embodiment of a specific structure, which can be hierarchically different yet emerge from the same processes. The focus of this contribution is about how developmental biology and paleontology can be better integrated and compared in order to produce hypotheses about the evolution of form. The constraints on current EvoDevo research stem from the disconnect in the focus of study for (...)
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  29.  63
    The work of the Animal Research Station, Cambridge.Chris Polge - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (2):511-520.
    This paper traces the history of the Animal Research Station, Cambridge from its establishment in 1932 to its closure in 1986. The author worked there for forty years and was Director from 1979. Originally set up as a field station for Cambridge University’s School of Agriculture, the Station was expanded after World War II as the Agricultural Research Council’s Unit of Animal Reproduction. Beginning with semen and artificial insemination, research at the Station soon embraced superovulation and embryo transfer (...)
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  30.  70
    Uncertain translation, uncertain benefit and uncertain risk: Ethical challenges facing first-in-human trials of induced pluripotent stem (ips) cells.Ronald K. F. Fung & Ian H. Kerridge - 2011 - Bioethics 27 (2):89-96.
    The discovery of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in 2006 was heralded as a major breakthrough in stem cell research. Since then, progress in iPS cell technology has paved the way towards clinical application, particularly cell replacement therapy, which has refueled debate on the ethics of stem cell research. However, much of the discourse has focused on questions of moral status and potentiality, overlooking the ethical issues which are introduced by the clinical testing of iPS (...) replacement therapy. First-in-human trials, in particular, raise a number of ethical concerns including informed consent, subject recruitment and harm minimisation as well as the inherent uncertainty and risks which are involved in testing medical procedures on humans for the first time. These issues, while a feature of any human research, become more complex in the case of iPS cell therapy, given the seriousness of the potential risks, the unreliability of available animal models, the vulnerability of the target patient group, and the high stakes of such an intensely public area of science. Our paper will present a detailed case study of iPS cell replacement therapy for Parkinson's disease to highlight these broader ethical and epistemological concerns. If we accept that iPS cell technology is fraught with challenges which go far beyond merely refuting the potentiality of the stem cell line, we conclude that iPS cell research should not replace, but proceed alongside embryonic and adult somatic stem cell research to promote cross-fertilisation of knowledge and better clinical outcomes. (shrink)
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  31.  54
    Regeneration and Development in Animals.Michel Vervoort - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (1):25-35.
    Regeneration capabilities are found in most or all animals. Whether regeneration is part of the development of an animal or a distinct phenomenon independent of development is a debatable question. If we consider regeneration as a process belonging to development, similarly to embryogenesis or metamorphosis, the existence of regenerative capabilities in adults can be seen as an argument in favor of the theory that development continues throughout the life of animals. Here I perform a comparative analysis of regeneration versus (...)
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  32.  40
    What happened to the stem cells?T. Hviid Nielsen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (12):852-857.
    Five partly successive and partly overlapping framings have dominated the public debate about human embryonic stem cells since they first were “derived” a decade ago. Geron Corporation staged the initial framings as 1) basic research and 2) medical hope, but these two were immediately refuted and opposed by 3) bioethical concerns, voiced by influential politicians and leaders of opinion. Thereafter, the research community presented adult stem cells and therapeutic cloning as 4) techno-fix solutions supposed to bypass these ethical (...)
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  33.  47
    From DNA transcription to visible structure: What the development of multicellular animals teaches us.Rosine Chandebois & Jacob Faber - 1987 - Acta Biotheoretica 36 (2):61-119.
    This article is concerned with the problem of the relation between the genetic information contained in the DNA and the emergence of visible structure in multicellular animals. The answer is sought in a reappraisal of the data of experimental embryology, considering molecular, cellular and organismal aspects. The presence of specific molecules only confers a tissue identity on the cells when their concentration exceeds the threshold of differentiation. When this condition is not fulfilled the activity of the genes that code for (...)
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  34. Ethical issues in human embryonic stem cell research.Philip J. Nickel - 2007 - In Kristen Renwick Monroe, Ronald Miller & Jerome Tobis (eds.), Fundamentals of the Stem Cell Debate: The Scientific, Religious, Ethical, and Political Issues. University of California Press.
    As a moral philosopher, the perspective I will take in this chapter is one of argumentation and informed judgment about two main questions: whether individuals should ever choose to conduct human embryonic stem cell research, and whether the law should permit this type of research. I will also touch upon a secondary question, that of whether the government ought to pay for this type of research. I will discuss some of the main arguments at stake, and explain how the (...)
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  35.  15
    The promise of perfect adult tissue repair and regeneration in mammals: Learning from regenerative amphibians and fish.James Godwin - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (9):861-871.
    Regenerative medicine promises to greatly impact on human health by improving repair outcomes in a range of tissues and injury contexts. Successful therapies will rely on identifying both intrinsic and extrinsic biological circuits that control wound healing, proliferation, cell survival, and developmental cell fate. Animals such as the zebrafish and the salamander display powerful examples of near‐perfect regeneration and scar‐free healing in a range of injury contexts not attained in mammals. By studying regeneration in a range of highly (...)
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    Asymmetric nuclear reprogramming in somatic cell nuclear transfer?Pasqualino Loi, Nathalie Beaujean, Saadi Khochbin, Josef Fulka & Grazyna Ptak - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (1):66-74.
    Despite the progress achieved over the last decade after the birth of the first cloned mammal, the efficiency of reproductive cloning remains invariably low. However, research aiming at the use of nuclear transfer for the production of patient‐tailored stem cells for cell/tissue therapy is progressing rapidly. Yet, reproductive cloning has many potential implications for animal breeding, transgenic research and the conservation of endangered species. In this article we suggest that the changes in the epi‐/genotype observed in (...)
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  37. Posterior elongation in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii involves stem cells molecularly related to primordial germ cells.Gazave Eve, Béhague Julien, Lucie Laplane, Guillou Aurélien, Demilly Adrien, Balavoine Guillaume & Vervoort Michel - 2013 - Developmental Biology 1 (382):246-267.
    Like most bilaterian animals, the annelid Platynereis dumerilii generates the majority of its body axis in an anterior to posterior temporal progression with new segments added sequentially. This process relies on a posterior subterminal proliferative body region, known as the "segment addition zone" (SAZ). We explored some of the molecular and cellular aspects of posterior elongation in Platynereis, in particular to test the hypothesis that the SAZ contains a specific set of stem cells dedicated to posterior elongation.We cloned and characterized (...)
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  38. Gene expression patterns in a novel animal appendage: The sea urchin pluteus arm.A. C. Love, M. E. Lee & R. A. Raff - 2007 - Evolution & Development 9:51–68.
    The larval arms of echinoid plutei are used for locomotion and feeding. They are composed of internal calcite skeletal rods covered by an ectoderm layer bearing a ciliary band. Skeletogenesis includes an autonomous molecular differentiation program in primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs), initiated when PMCs leave the vegetal plate for the blastocoel, and a patterning of the differentiated skeletal units that requires molecular cues from the overlaying ectoderm. The arms represent a larval feature that arose in the echinoid lineage during the (...)
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  39. The Revolutionary Ethics of Embryo Research.Peter Singer - unknown
    What appeared to be the most momentous scientific advance of 2005 is currently under siege. In June, the prestigious journal Science published an article by the South Korean scientist Woo-Suk Hwang and an international team of co-authors describing how they had developed what were, in effect, “made to order†lines of human stem cells cloned from an adult. Although the scientific validity of their research is now the subject of several separate investigations, it is no less important to examine (...)
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    Oocyte Cytoplasm Transfers and the Ethics of Germ-Line Intervention.John A. Robertson - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (3):211-220.
    The February 1997 announcement of the birth of Dolly, the sheep cloned from a mammary cell of an adult ewe, has drawn attention to the growing ability to select, alter, or otherwise manipulate the genome of offspring. Prior to Dolly, ethical discussion of genes in reproduction had focused on negative selection: carrier screening, prenatal diagnosis, and abortion or embryo discard. After Dolly, ethical debate will have to consider the direct or positive use of genetic selection or alteration technology.The (...)
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  41. The ethics of cellular reprogramming.Anna Smajdor & Adrian Villalba - forthcoming - Cellular Reprogramming 25.
    Louise Brown's birth in 1978 heralded a new era not just in reproductive technology, but in the relationship between science, cells, and society. For the first time, human embryos could be created, selected, studied, manipulated, frozen, altered, or destroyed, outside the human body. But with this possibility came a plethora of ethical questions. Is it acceptable to destroy a human embryo for the purpose of research? Or to create an embryo with the specific purpose of destroying it for research? In (...)
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    Amphibian metamorphosis: An immunologic opportunity!Laurens N. Ruben, Richard H. Clothier, Michael Balls & John D. Horton - 1989 - Bioessays 10 (1):8-12.
    Anuran amphibian metamorphosis is an immunologically interesting period. For the investigator, it provides an unusual opportunity for analyzing both humoral regulation of the immune response and the development and maintenance of self‐tolerance. Some of the questions one can ask are: Why don't immunocompetent larvae destroy antigenically disparate adult cells as they differentiate within them during metamorphosis? Do the dramatic hormonal changes occurring during this period regulate immunological function? How do animals in metamophorsis protect themselves from their immunologically hostile environment?
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  43. Stem cells, cloning, and abortion: Making careful distinctions.Dena S. Davis - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (1):47 – 49.
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    'Crook' pipettes: embryonic emigrations from agriculture to reproductive biomedicine.Sarah Franklin - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (2):358-373.
    While cloning, stem cells, and regenerative medicine are often imagined in a futurial idiom—as expectations, hype, hope and promises—this article approaches the remaking of genealogy in such contexts from a historical route. Through a series of somewhat disparate historical connections linking Australian sheep to the development of clinical IVF and the cloning of Dolly at the Roslin Institute in Scotland in 1996, this article explores the linkages through which agriculture, embryology, and reproductive biomedicine are thickly intertwined. Key to (...)
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    The molecular biology of taste transduction.Robert F. Margolskee - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (10):645-650.
    Taste cells respond to a wide variety of chemical stimuli: certain ions are perceived as salty (Na+) or sour (H+); other small molecules are perceived as sweet (sugars) and bitter (alkaloids). Taste has evolutionary value allowing animals to respond positively (to sweet carhohydrates and salty NaCl) or aversively (to bitter poisons and corrosive acids). Recently, some of the proteins involved in taste transduction have been cloned. Several different G proteins have been identified and cloned from taste tissue: gustducin is a (...)
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    Contact inhibition in the failure of mammalian CNS axonal regeneration.Alan R. Johnson - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (12):807-813.
    Anamniote animals, such as fish and amphibians, are able to regenerate damaged CNS nerves following injury, but regeneration in the mammalian CNS tracts, such as the optic nerve, does not occur. However, severed adult mammalian retinal axons can regenerate into peripheral nerve segments grafted into the brain and this finding has emphasized the importance of the environment in explaining regenerative failure in the adult mammalian CNS. Following lesions, regenerating axons encounter the glial cells, oligodendrocytes and astro‐cytes, and their (...)
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    Etyka klonowania.Krzysztof Tittebrun - 1988 - Etyka 23:133-149.
    Cloning is a biological technique of producing any required number of individuals with identical properties as the parent organism from a single cell of the latter. Cloning of protozoa, plants and lower animals meets with no moral objections, but the as yet hypothetical but increasingly more realistic prospect of cloning human beings appears to be highly objectionable. The analysis of the arguments used in the discussion of cloning indicates that mass-scale or repeated replication of human (...)
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    (2 other versions)Responsible conduct of research.Adil E. Shamoo - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by David B. Resnik.
    Scientific research and ethics -- Ethical theory and decision making -- Data acquisition and management -- Mentoring and professional relationship -- Collaboration in research -- Authorship -- Publication and peer review -- Misconduct in research -- Intellectual property -- Conflicts of interest and scientific objectivity -- The use of animals in research -- The use of human subjects in research -- The use of vulnerable subjects in research -- Genetics, cloning, and stem cell research -- International research.
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  49. Homsap: Elixir of Holiness: Stem cell cloning and religious absolutism.Richard Dawkins - 2002 - Free Inquiry 22.
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    Dualism Revisited: Body vs. Mind vs. Soul.Rebekah Richert & Paul Harris - 2008 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 8 (1-2):99-115.
    A large, diverse sample of adults was interviewed about their conception of the ontological and functional properties of the mind as compared to the soul. The existence of the mind was generally tied to the human lifecycle of conception, birth, growth and death, and was primarily associated with cognitive as opposed to spiritual functions. In contrast, the existence of the soul was less systematically tied to the lifecycle and frequently associated with spiritual as opposed to cognitive functions. Participants were also (...)
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