Results for 'arcitecture, Dialogue, Synergy, Globalisation,, Philosophy'

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  1.  53
    Synergy and Dialogue: Influence of Society on Architecture.Napoleon Ono Imaah - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (11/12):57-67.
    This paper acknowledges the fact human beings are social animals, as they tend to live in well-organized societies. However, human population expansion explodes into internal implosions that continue to wreck havoc globally on the social, economic, political, architectural, and aesthetic environments. To harness the universal territorial imperatives, of contending components harmoniously, the world requires synergy and dialogue.
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  2. Effective Altruism and Religion: Synergies, Tensions, Dialogue.Stefan Riedener, Dominic Roser & Markus Huppenbauer (eds.) - 2021 - Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.
    Effective altruism has become a worldwide phenomenon. The movement combines empathy and reason in the attempt to improve the world. Adherents don’t let moral gut instincts dictate their altruistic efforts, but use evidence and reflection to do the most good they can. Effective altruism originated, and primarily grew, in strongly secular environments—such as philosophy departments or Silicon Valley. So far, a religious perspective on this movement has been lacking. What can people of faith learn from effective altruism? What may (...)
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  3. Globalization as dialogue of culture : From conflict to convergence.George F. McLean - 2005 - In Theophilus Okere, J. Obi Oguejiofor & Godfrey Igwebuike Onah, African philosophy and the hermeneutics of culture: essays in honour of Theophilus Okere. Piscataway, NJ: Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers.
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    The Birth of Complementarity from Historic Dialectics and the Spirit of Dialogue—Towards the Complementarity and Synergy of Secularand Religious Universalism as Metanoia and the Fulfillment of the Essence of Life and History.Janusz Kuczyński - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (7/8):179-185.
    I. THE ORIGINS OF THE COMPLEMENTARITY CONCEPT IN SECULAR AND RELIGIOUS UNIVERSALISMa) Keywords, categoriesb) G. McLean: the emergence of philosophical and social complementarity from the Polish dialogue and Solidarityc) Secularity open to all human dimensions including the sacral (the structure of religious values approved not ontologically but on the ethical and cultural plane)d) The Catholicism of John Paul from Cracow and Rome as realistic global and dialogue-based universalisme) Laborem Exercens—source of modern universalismf) “John Paul II’s ‘Labour Manifesto’ and universal society (...)
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    Synergies in Innovation: Lessons Learnt from Innovation Ethics for Responsible Innovation.Michel Bourban & Johan Rochel - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (2):373-394.
    This paper draws on the emerging field of innovation ethics to complement the more established field of responsible innovation by focusing on key ethical issues raised by technological innovations. One key limitation of influential frameworks of RI is that they tend to neglect some key ethical issues raised by innovation, as well as major normative dimensions of the notion of responsibility. We explain how IE could enrich RI by stressing the more important role that ethical analysis should play in RI. (...)
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    Dialogue in the Philosophical and Educational Postmodern View.Halyna Zhukova, Olha Vashevich, Oksana Patlaichuk, Tetiana Shvets, Nataliia Torchynska & Iryna Maidaniuk - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):303-320.
    The article analyses the modern assimilations of the definition ‘dialog’ and its rendering by the world academic community. Attention is drawn to the exceptional empirical significance of dialogics as a general scientific universal. The etymology of dialogue as a key category of philosophical, educational and pedagogical knowledge is identified. The evolution of the lead notionalists` ideas about the kernel and nature of dialogue that are relevant of the humanity itself, human mind and constant search of true knowledge is studied. A (...)
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  7.  58
    Reading Gramsci in an Era of Globalising Capitalism.Mark Rupert - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (4):483-497.
    It is possible to read Gramsci ? and through him, the tradition of historical materialism ? in such a way that we are enabled to realise a potentially transformative politics of solidarity in a world where capitalist relations are extending and deepening, but which is nonetheless plural. A Gramscian?inflected historical materialism enables an understanding of globalising capitalism, its relations of power and structures of governance, as the product of struggles ? at once material and ideological ? among concretely situated social (...)
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  8.  44
    The teleonic approach to smart partnership: Synergy between individuals, organisations and societies.Gyorgy Jaros & Tony Bunn - 1998 - World Futures 52 (1):1-33.
    The Information Age that has dawned upon us requires a new way of thinking about problems. Teleonics, which is a process?based systems approach, can be used for this purpose. The main aspects of teleonics are described, including structure, action, goal?relatedness and ethos, goal and ethos related systems, the web of life, with its spheres and levels, uncertainty and the synergy of complements. In particular, out of the Langkawi International Dialogues, organised in Malaysia in 1995, 1996 and 1997, has emerged the (...)
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  9.  26
    In cultural dialogue with cda: Cultural discourse studies. Shi-xu - 2014 - Critical Discourse Studies 11 (3):360-369.
    Critical Discourse Analysis has excelled with its functional and ideological analysis of socio-political texts. Its capacities and achievements notwithstanding, this tradition is constituted of Western concepts, values, ways of thinking, analytic tools and topics of interest; such becomes problematic when universalised and globalised in international academic discourse. It is against this backdrop of cultural and intellectual tension that a culturally conscious and critical paradigm of discourse and communication research is emerging: Cultural Discourse Studies. It is manifested in the forms of (...)
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  10. Interview: Antonio Negri and Danilo Zolo: Empire and the multitude: A dialogue on the new order of globalization.Antonio Negri & Danilo Zolo - 2003 - Radical Philosophy 120.
  11.  8
    Religion and Culture in Dialogue: East and West Perspectives.Janis Talivaldis Ozolinš (ed.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume addresses the issue of the human encounter with the Mystery of God and the purpose of human life. It explores major themes from diverse cultural and philosophical traditions, starting with questions about the possibility of belief in God, His transcendence as seen in both East and West, and ending with questions about ethics and about personhood, human dignity and human rights. Taking an eclectic approach, the chapters in this book each uniquely address aspects of the human encounter with (...)
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  12.  29
    The impact of globalization on the art market and national art cultures.Vadim Vadimovich Shatilov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The object of the study is the process of globalization, the subject of the study is its impact on the structure of the art market and national artistic cultures. Based on the idea of a dialogical cultural model, which was adhered to by V. Bybler and M. Bakhtin, the author justifies the use of the term "dialogue of cultures" to characterize the processes taking place in the space of the modern art market. Special attention in the study is paid to (...)
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  13.  38
    Commentary: Solidarity and Universalism as Premises of Overcoming the Perils of Liberal Globalisation.Charles Brown - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (11-12):81-97.
    Many scholars have argued that neoliberal economic theory articulates the justifying ideology for contemporary globalization. This ideology claims that “free market” solutions are always the best mechanisms for not only promoting economic growth but for all human problems. This first part of this paper provides a conceptual and historical overview of neoliberal economic theory with critical commentary on two key neoliberal dogma, viz., the idea that markets know best and that privatization and deregulation are inevitable. The second part of the (...)
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  14. Globalization and views on value of east asia.Sun Weiping - 2009 - In Jinfen Yan & David E. Schrader, Creating a Global Dialogue on Value Inquiry: Papers From the Xxii Congress of Philosophy (Rethinking Philosophy Today). Edwin Mellen Press.
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    Humanity after selfish Prometheus: chances of dialogue and ethics in a technicized world.Janez Juhant & Bojan Žalec (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: Lit.
    Neither any technological development nor any institutional mechanisms (economical, legal, political etc.) can compensate the lack of ethical persons. Reaching sustainable development and life of quality is possible only on the basis of view which is not trapped, flat and reducing, on the basis of an effort, which ca - founded on temperance and humility (in relation to the nature, self, others and (O)other) - (co)create cooperation, higher order synthesis and synergy of the crafts that are the conditio sine qua (...)
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  16.  33
    The Contributions of Chinese Yin-Yang Thinking to the Contemporary Dialogue Between Science and Religion.Fan Meijun, Liu Xiaoting & Wang Zhihe - 2014 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):117-126.
    As a non-dualistic but holistic and harmonious way of thinking, Chinese Yin-Yang Thinking can make great contributions to the contemporary dialogue between science and religion, especially in its emphasis on interdependence, mutual complementarity, and mutual transformation. It can help us understand the complex and multifaceted relationship between science and religion, and provides a middle way to move beyond the impasse between scientism and religious fundamentalism. This paper explores the following three contributions that Yin-Yang Thinking can make to the contemporary dialogue (...)
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  17.  29
    Alexandre Kojève: Adventures between Philosophy and Wisdom.Galin Tihanov - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 178 (1):66-71.
    This article examines Alexandre Kojève’s attempts to differentiate between philosophy and wisdom; he thought of the two, particularly later on in his career, but also earlier, as distinctly non-identical. I trace Kojève’s transition from philosophy to practice in the corridors of power, motivated by his quest for wisdom, by outlining in some detail his stance on globalisation and the role of the state in his post-war dialogue with Carl Schmitt.
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    Globalization and Multi-cultural Knowledge of Human Rights.Jay Drydyk - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 7:7-14.
    Responding to a call by Pierre Sané, Secretary-General of Amnesty International, for a worldwide political movement to overcome the social damage that has been wrought by economic globalization, this paper asks whether such a movement can invoke current conceptions of human rights. In particular, if human rights are Euro-centric, how well would they serve the self-understanding of a movement that is to be global, culturally pluralistic and counterhegemonic to Northern capital? I argue that it is not human rights that are (...)
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  19.  74
    Globalization and Value Changes in Vietnam.Ho Si Quy - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 9:179-192.
    The main purpose of this paper is to show that under globalization many traditional concepts are no longer acceptable, and may be preconceived. In Vietnam, the system of values Jriend-enemy, success-failure, chance-risk, endogenous-exotic has somehow changed in globalization. Globalization in se marks a new trend, a new change for humankind. A considerable difference in the consumption of goods exists between population strata. The "world of things" owned by the poor has become distant from that owned by the rich to such (...)
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  20.  41
    Globalization and Sustainable Development.M. Sokolov Sergey - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 46:93-98.
    From the end of the XX century academic community has been extensively discussing globalization issues affecting economy, politics and culture. First and foremost there grew anticipations of an ecological disaster on a global scale associated with environmental pollution. Solution of these problems on a global scale is based on a sustainable development strategy. The sustainable development is a balance between natural environment (biosphere) and artificial environment (technosphere). Russian thinkers of the early XX century introduced a notion of noosphere. One of (...)
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  21.  19
    The Platonic Art of Philosophy.George Boys-Stones, Dimitri El Murr & Christopher Gill (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a collection of essays written by leading experts in honour of Christopher Rowe, and inspired by his groundbreaking work in the exegesis of Plato. The authors represent scholarly traditions which are sometimes very different in their approaches and interests, and so rarely brought into dialogue with each other. This volume, by contrast, aims to explore synergies between them. Key topics include: the literary unity of Plato's works; the presence and role of his contemporaries in his dialogues; the function (...)
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  22.  24
    Hospitality as a pivotal value in leadership: A transdisciplinary engagement with the case of Chief Albert Luthuli.Yolande Steenkamp & Derick de Jongh - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-10.
    This article presents hospitality as a pivotal value in the context of increasing diversity that characterises the complex relations in which leadership emerges. After reviewing the concept of Otherness in philosophy, the notion of hospitality as developed by Richard Kearney in relation to his philosophy of religion is introduced. The case of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Chief Albert Luthuli is then presented as a biographical leadership study from the African context to illustrate how hospitality as open response to (...)
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  23.  13
    La plus belle histoire de la philosophie.Luc Ferry - 2014 - Paris: Robert Laffont. Edited by Claude Capelier.
    C’est une longue épopée, engagée depuis l’Antiquité, qui se poursuit encore aujourd’hui, une aventure pleine de passions, de révoltes, de revirements et de coups de génie. Telle est l’histoire de la philosophie, vue et racontée par Luc Ferry : une conquête obstinée, menée au fil des siècles par une poignée d’explorateurs qui, soudain, trouvent une nouvelle clef pour donner un sens à la condition humaine et bouleversent fondamentalement notre manière de penser. Pourquoi et quand s’est-on mis à philosopher? Comment les (...)
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  24. Kant, Confucianism, and “Global Rooted Philosophy” in Taiwan: From Mou Zongsan to Lee Ming-huei.Jana Rošker - 2021 - Synthesis Philosophica 71:217-238.
    In Taiwan, the Confucian revival was always defined by the search for a synthesis between Western and traditional Confucian thought. Taiwanese Modern Confucians aimed to create a system of ideas and values capable of resolving modern, globalised societies’ social and political problems. Mou Zongsan, the best-known member of the second generation of Modern New Confucianism, aimed to revive the Chinese philosophical tradition through a dialogue with Modern European philosophy, especially with the works of Immanuel Kant. His follower Lee Ming-huei (...)
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  25.  34
    Globalization and the Planetary Ethics Establishment.Nysanbayev Abdumalik - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 3:75-81.
    The global principles must be the response to the globalizing world. If it is a global selfishness, the humanity will collapse. That is why; the global elfishness should be opposed by the common to all humanity sacral values or the lanetary ethics. Planetary ethics is the whole complex of interconnected principles, ideas and sets, - the complex that ought to be brought to a working system, - dynamic and strict. All these ideals and principles flows from the common to all (...)
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  26.  11
    The Platonic Art of philosophy.G. Boys-Stones, C. Gill & D. El-Murr (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a collection of essays written by leading experts in honour of Christopher Rowe, and inspired by his groundbreaking work in the exegesis of Plato. The authors represent scholarly traditions which are sometimes very different in their approaches and interests, and so rarely brought into dialogue with each other. This volume, by contrast, aims to explore synergies between them. Key topics include: the literary unity of Plato's works; the presence and role of his contemporaries in his dialogues; the function (...)
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  27.  23
    Globalization and Universalist Ideologies.Robert Piotrowski - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (3-4):103-107.
    Globalization is defined as reduction in world’s diversity due to cultural Gleichschaltung and compactification. A question is asked how the process is linkedwith the presence of universalist ideologies as great religions, utilitarianism, Socialism or ecologism. Some suggestions concerning further research are made.
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    Challenges of Globalization: Rethinking Nature, Culture, and Freedom.Daniel E. Shannon (ed.) - 2007 - Hobokon, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume contains eleven essays dealing with the question of how to face the current challenges of globalization. The essays included in this volume were originally presented at the Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland, on the occasion of the Sixth World Congress of the International Society for Universal Dialogue (ISUD) Presents Keynote addresses or prize-winning papers from the Congress Central theme explores the need to rethink our concepts of nature, culture, and freedom in an (...)
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    Semiotics of Globalization as a Subject of Philosophical Reflection.Emiliya A. Taysina - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (3):137-151.
    Examining dialogue, one may underline its being amicable or not, intellectual or not, useful or useless, plainly transferring message or hinting metamessage, serving social or private goals etc. However, speaking about dialogue in general we speak in terms of semiotics.Considering globalization in general one should adopt the semiotic framework within which globalization is not just a collection of cases, and globalistics is not only a catalogue registering it. It will turn globalization into the subject of philosophical interest. The paper presents (...)
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  30.  45
    Globalization, Universalism and Changes in the World--System.Eugeniusz Górski - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (3-4):85-102.
    The author outlines several globalization theories, focusing on those best represented in Polish literature. He clearly disagrees with the general definitions and interpretations of today’s globalization process, which he sets against the Polish universalistic tradition and its views on the world’s growing internationalization and universalization. Polish universalism embraces several nationally-oriented and Christian-universalistic philosophical schools.
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    Beyond Economic Critique of Globalization.Olatunji A. Oyeshile - 2008 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 22 (2):265-280.
    This essay takes a deviant stance against the prevailing perspective on globalization as an imperialistic enterprise championed by the Western nations to perpetuate their exploitative tendencies on the underdeveloped nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America. While it acknowledges that globalization has sometimes been used to exploit third world countries, nevertheless there is some salutary underpinning within globalization that can enhance growth and social order especially in the third world countries. This underpinning factor stems from certain universal, not necessarily absolute, (...)
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  32.  13
    Globalization and the Question of African Cultural Identity.Ọmọ́táyọ̀ Ayọ̀dèjì Ọládèbóa - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (3):125-140.
    This paper engages in the debate between cultural modernists and cultural traditionalists concerning the importance of cultural fidelity as faced by African people via globalization and its alleged homogenizing tendency. Central to this debate is the issue of cultural truths and its use, that is, development. The paper therefore argues that African peoples do not need to “essentialize” their cultures. This is because the “truths about reality” with which they intend to employ in this quest for development are not exclusive (...)
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  33.  49
    Globalization and Human Values.David E. Schrader - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 4 (10):22-31.
    In this paper I argue for an account of the evolution of human values according to which it is only through the resolution of local conflicts that broader social values develop. Global issues can only be understood as issues of increasingly broadening our understanding of the local, our understanding of who are the neighbors with whom we must productively and amicably engage. My analysis argues primarily for open dialogue based on listening carefully and maintaining a strong awareness of our own (...)
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  34.  36
    Culture of Gift as Alternative To Risks of Cultural Globalization.S. E. Yachin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:201-206.
    The basic risk for culture in conditions of globalization consists in full submission of its existence to economic (market) rules. The masscult deprived a variety - a product of such submission. But a source of creative development was and there is a cultural variety. Domination of a masscult leads to decrease in creative potential of the person and a society. Becoming of metaculture as culture of gift of a modern society represents alternative as to principles of a masscult, and ideas (...)
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    The Aesthetics of the Invisible—At the Margins of Phenomenology.Technology Meirav Almog Kibbutzim College of Education, the ArtsMeirav Almog, the Arts in Tel-Aviv Technology, in Particular Israelshe Specializes in Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics Her Research Interests Phenomenology, Alterity Publications Concern Questions Regarding Corporeality, Intersubjective Relations Dialogue & Human Existence The Relations Between Style - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):47-61.
    The paper focuses on the complex relations between aesthetics and phenomenology as they show themselves within the core locus of their interplay—the realm of the visible and the invisible. To do so, the paper examines a specific case study, a Rembrandt painting—A Woman Bathing in a Stream (1654)—through which the discussion illuminates the interconnected and inseparable relationship between aesthetics and phenomenology in relation to Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of the visible and the invisible. The reading addresses both dimensions of the visible: the (...)
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  36.  9
    Dialogues of Modern Philosophy.Philip E. Davis - 1977 - Allyn & Bacon.
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  37.  80
    Globalization, Culture and Society.Kuniko Miyanaga - 2012 - Dialogue and Universalism 22 (4):7-16.
    The presentation is focused on the idea that culture promotes a hierarchy of values and language as its major part imposes a certain style of reasoning. For this reason, learning English is confrontational to the Japanese and even causes a kind of culture shock. Still, they need to learn English to maintain a leading position in the global economic community. What is most confrontational about English for the Japanese is its analytical reasoning. Firstly, English has two levels of articulation, concrete (...)
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  38.  48
    Globalization: Rationalities and Irrationalities.Lech W. Zacher - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (3):107-120.
  39.  33
    Європоцентризм : Ідеологія, теорія і практика.Mykola Kozlovets - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 76:13-29.
    T opicality of the study of eurocentrism essence is caused by progressive globalization, the assertion of the systemic integrity of the world that highlites fundamentally new accent on the nature of the interaction of individual civilizations, leads to the unification of the civilizational process, its subordination to common principles and values. In philosophical and sociopolitical thought, the question of further orientations and development priorities of countries and peoples has recently become particularly acute. Analysis of the literature. We used the works (...)
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  40. A Dialogue Concerning ‘Doing Philosophy with and within Computer Games’ – or: Twenty rainy minutes in Krakow.Michelle Westerlaken & Stefano Gualeni - 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference of the Philosophy of Computer Games.
    ‘Philosophical dialogue’ indicates both a form of philosophical inquiry and its corresponding literary genre. In its written form, it typically features two or more characters who engage in a discussion concerning morals, knowledge, as well as a variety of topics that can be widely labelled as ‘philosophical’. Our philosophical dialogue takes place in Krakow, Poland. It is a rainy morning and two strangers are waiting at a tram stop. One of them is dressed neatly, and cannot stop fidgeting with his (...)
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    Ціннісні імпульси екологічної етики в релігійних ідеях.Oleksandr Brodetskyi - 2016 - Схід 5 (145):68-74.
    Power, informational equipment of industrial potential of human civilization, of course, thanks to the growing scientific and technical progress. At the same time its effects often cause the technological, ecological, anthropological disasters. All this actualize the role of ethics in its practical dimensions. It is very important to use the philosophical and heuristic potential of ethics, its sensitivity to humanistic sense of contemporary environmental and biomedical problems. Their solution depends largely the future of human life and fate of the planet. (...)
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  42. Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion.John Hick (ed.) - 2001 - Palgrave.
    This is a collection of John Hick's essays on the understanding of the world's religions as different human responses to the same ultimate transcendent reality. Hicks is in dialogue with contemporary philosophers (some of whom contribute new responses); with Evangelicals; with the Vatican and other both Catholic and Protestant theologians. The book is alive with current argument for all interested in contemporary philosophy of religion and theology.
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    Two Dialogues: Introductions to Philosophy and Libertarianism.J. C. Lester - 2016 - Buckingham, England: The University of Buckingham Press.
    Why learn about philosophy? Because it is the master subject; more fundamental than all of the others: it critically examines their fundamental assumptions and presuppositions. And without some grasp of philosophy one cannot be fully educated or even intellectually autonomous: one is the meme-marionette of unexamined traditions, fashions, and commonsense assumptions. *** -/- Why learn about libertarianism? Because politics causes or exacerbates the very problems that it purports to solve, or it misperceives voluntary behaviour and free markets as (...)
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    Dialogue in the philosophy of education.Howard Ozmon - 1972 - Columbus, Ohio,: Merrill.
  45. Dialogues on the Philosophy of Marxism: From the Proceedings of the Society for the Philosophical Study of Dialectical Materialism.John Somerville & Howard L. Parsons - 1976 - Science and Society 40 (1):119-123.
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  46. Dialogues on the philosophy of Marxism, from the proceedings of the Society for the Philosophical Study of Dialectical Materialism.John Somerville & Howard L. Parsons (eds.) - 1974 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
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  47. Dialogue on Natural Philosophy.Matthew Curr & Italo Ronca (eds.) - 1997 - University of Notre Dame Press.
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  48. The Right to Justification: Elements of a Constructivist Theory of Justice.Rainer Forst - 2011 - Columbia University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Flynn.
    Introduction: the foundation of justice -- Practical reason and justifying reasons: on the foundation of morality -- Moral autonomy and the autonomy of morality : toward a theory of normativity after Kant -- Ethics and morality -- The justification of justice: Rawls's political liberalism and Habermas's discourse theory in dialogue -- Political liberty: integrating five conceptions of autonomy -- A critical theory of multicultural toleration -- The rule of reasons: three models of deliberative democracy -- Social justice, justification, and power (...)
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    Dialogue, Culture and Globalisation.Gerald Cipriani - 2018 - Culture and Dialogue 6 (2):119-125.
    Globalisation has pervaded all aspects of our lives in many parts of the world. The phenomenon is obviously not only economic and technological; globalisation has affected human and cultural relationships, identity formations, and our ability and willingness to be attentive to our fellow human beings and the places of our worlds. Globalisation has generated particular forms of cultural practices and the ways we perceive and interpret them. But beyond the simple realisation of such mutations, the question is whether cultural experience, (...)
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    Global Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion: From Religious Experience to the Afterlife.Yujin Nagasawa & Mohammad Saleh Zarepour (eds.) - 2024 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Leading scholars representing the world's five great religious traditions--Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam--discuss fundamental philosophical questions on revelation and religious experience; analysis of faith; science and religion; the foundation of morality; and life and the afterlife.
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