Results for 'auto-intimación'

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  1.  50
    (2 other versions)Sartre: A Self-Representational Theory of Consciousness.Esteban Diego Ortiz Medina - 2018 - Journal of Humanities of Valparaiso 11:115-137.
    The aim of this paper is to propose a self-representational theory of phenomenal consciousness from Sartre. For it I will clarify and show the closeness of two ideas. The first of these is the so-called self-representational theory of consciousness, which holds that a mental state is conscious if and only if it represents itself in the right way. The second of these are the descriptions of consciousness from Sartre, which say that all consciousness is self-consciousness of itself, or more precisely: (...)
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  2. Servicio de Publicaciones del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, Sevilla, 1994, 2ª edición. ECHARRI, J.:“Un influjo español desconocido en la formación del sistema cartesiano. Dos textos paralelos de Toledo y Descartes sobre el espacio”. [REVIEW]Autos de la Inquisición de Sevilla - 1950 - Pensamiento 6:291-323.
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    Auto-interprétation, délibération et expression. Moran, Finkelstein et la connaissance de soi.Sophie Djigo - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    Partant de l'idée énoncée par le philosophe Charles Taylor, selon laquelle les êtres humains sont « des animaux capables d'auto-interprétation », cet article vise à comprendre le rôle constitutif de l'auto-interprétation dans la connaissance de soi. Une conception satisfaisante de l'auto-interprétation devrait à la fois rendre compte de l'autorité de la connaissance de soi en première personne et satisfaire les exigences du réalisme ordinaire. Si la version constitutiviste de l'auto-interprétation semble incompatible avec de telles exigences, c'est (...)
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    Haciendo [Auto] Etnografia Politicamente.Norman K. Denzin - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 14:224-248.
    Basado en argumentos previos, propongo una [auto] etnografía civil, públicamente responsable, que aborde las temáticas centrales de self, raza, género, clase, sociedad y democracia. Comienzo con la pedagogía de la esperanza y la imaginación sociológica y etnográfica. Paso entonces al etnógrafo y los estudios culturales, revisando varios modelos de etnografía crítica. A continuación, examino la pedagogía performativa crítica, la política y la teoría racial crítica, concluyendo con una breve discusión sobre la práctica de una política cultural performativa.
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    Auto-operação.Ana Paula da Cunha - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):695-707.
    Auto-operação manifesta uma co-presença de feminismos, a partir do eixo de pensamento que contrapõe a noção de sexo como biológico a ideia de gênero como construção sociocultural. Os trabalhos apresentados refletem tanto um tempo existencial, subjetivado, íntimo e interiorizado, quanto o âmbito comunicacional, maquínico e exteriorizado da produção sensível.
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    Greening auto jobs: a critical analysis of the green job solution.Caleb Goods - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Greening Auto Jobs: A Critical Analysis of the Green Job Solution provides a major contribution to the growing and important field of environmental sociology and labor studies by providing a theoretical and practical understanding of how the broader political-economic relations of society affect the relationship between labor and the environment.
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    Auto-affection et événement.Roberto J. Walton - 2016 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 7:19-34.
    Cette contribution témoigne de l’importance de la réception de la phénoménologie de langue française en Amérique Latine. En revisitant la thèse de la duplicité de l’apparaître – apparaître de la vie comme affect et comme force, apparaître du monde comme sens et distance –, Roberto J. Walton s’attache au concept fondamental de la phénoménologie de la vie, en mettant en avant des modalités dans lesquelles l’auto-affection opère sans hétéro-affection d’une manière avérée. Il précise d’emblée que cette auto-affection sans (...)
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    Autos, idipsum: aspects de l'identité d'Homère à Augustin.Dominique Doucet & Isabelle Koch (eds.) - 2014 - Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence.
    Idipsum est une locution qu'Augustin utilise pour désigner Dieu. Elle signifie littéralement "cela même". Ce minimalisme sémantique ne laisse pas de la rendre mystérieuse. Faut-il y voir un emprunt à certains textes bibliques qui déjà en font usage? Dans ce cas, idipsum, tel un nom propre vide de toute signification, se bornerait à indiquer Dieu en tant qu'il échappe à toute définition rationnelle. Ou bien faut-il rattacher idipsum à la tradition platonicienne qui recourt à des locutions grecques similaires pour désigner (...)
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    La (auto)responsabilidad y la idea de renovación del hombre y la cultura en la ética personalista de Husserl. Una aproximación desde el parricidio Karamázov.Nelson Jair Cuchumbé Holguín & Jeison Andrés Suarez Astaiza - 2015 - Discusiones Filosóficas 16 (27):175-192.
    In this paper we examine Husserl’s ethics contribution to the understanding of human action determined by self-responsibility. We admit that self-responsibility is that ‘capacity’ of any subject to take a reflective stance on himself and his life. In this sense, the subject only experiences fully being responsible when guides his reason in the multidimensionality of his actions, aiming at a personal and cultural renewal. To show this, we firstly analyze the project of renewal of man and culture in the personalist (...)
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  10.  67
    Auto-epistemology and updating.Matthias Hild - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 92 (3):321-361.
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    Trans Auto-Antonym Theory (The Masc–Femme Dialectic).Jules Gill-Peterson - 2023 - Paragraph 46 (1):108-123.
    Despite its imperative to include all gendered positions under one umbrella, ‘trans’ is continually riven by intramural confrontation over the differences between its masculine and feminine iterations. Whether in political organizing, on social media or in the pages of academic trans theory, it sometimes seems like ‘trans’ is subject to an interminable and gendered custody battle. Dissatisfied with the terms of masc–femme antagonism, this essay uses the gendered interfaces of critique and autotheory to enmesh the work of Jules Gill-Peterson and (...)
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  12. Auto-biography: On the Immanent Commodification of Personal Infor-mation.Kenneth C. Werbin - 2012 - International Review of Information Ethics 17:07.
    In the last years, a series of automated self-representational social media sites have emerged that shed light on the information ethics associated with participation in Web 2.0. Sites like,, and not only continually mine and aggregate personal information and biographic data from the web and beyond to automatically represent the lives of people, but they also engage algorithmic networking logics to represent connections between them; capturing not only who people are, but whom they are connected to. (...)
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  13. Auto-organización y autopoiesis.Arantza Etxeberria & Leonardo Bich - 2017 - In Etxeberria Arantza & Bich Leonardo (eds.), Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral. Instituto de Filosofía - Universidad Austral.
    El prefijo “auto” en autoorganización y autopoiesis se refiere a la existencia de una identidad o agencialidad implicada en el orden, organización o producción de un sistema que se corresponde con el sistema mismo, en contraste con el diseño o la influencia de carácter externo. La autoorganización (AO) estudia la manera en la que los procesos de un sistema alcanzan de forma espontánea un orden u organización complejo, bien como una estructura o patrón emergente, bien como algún tipo de (...)
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    Brain-based elementary auto-reflection mechanisms for conscious robots: Some philosophical implications.Bernhard J. Mitterauer - 2011 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 3 (02):283-308.
    A brain model based on glial-neuronal interactions is proposed. Glial-neuronal synaptic units are interpreted as elementary reflection mechanisms, called proemial synapses. In glial networks (syncytia), cyclic intentional programs are generated, interpreted as auto-reflective intentional programming. Both types of reflection mechanisms are formally described and may be implementable in a robot brain. Based on the logic of acceptance and rejection, the robot is capable of rejecting irrelevant environmental information, showing at least a "touch" of subjective behavior. Since reflective intentional programming (...)
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  15.  51
    Feminist Auto/biography as a Means of Empowering Women: A Case Study of Sylvia Plath’s Bell Jar and Janet Frame’s Faces in the Water.Tomasz Fisiak - 2011 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 1 (1):183-197.
    Feminist Auto/biography as a Means of Empowering Women: A Case Study of Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and Janet Frame's Faces in the Water Feminism, as a political, social and cultural movement, pays much attention to the importance of text. Text is the carrier of important thoughts, truths, ideas. It becomes a means of empowering women, a support in their fight for free expression, equality, intellectual emancipation. By "text" one should understand not only official documents, manifestos or articles. The (...)
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    Welcoming (auto)biography without waving away fiction.Mariëtte Willemsen - 2006 - Metaphilosophy 37 (2):277–283.
    This article is a response to Ole Martin Skilleås's "Knowledge and Imagination in Fiction and Biography." The first section of the article summarizes the line of the argument in four theses: (1) What is real is more influential than what is made up; (2) there is no metaphysical chasm between autobiographers and us; (3) (auto)biographies are not just empirical; and (4) the moral lesson of a fiction need not be accepted. In the second section each of these theses is (...)
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    Auto-affection and Ethics.Zeynep Direk - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (1):203-213.
    This essay starts with the possibility of situating Derrida’s aporetic ethics in the domain of normative ethics and argues that Derrida’s reflection on ethics is enrooted in the specific way he conceives the phenomenological notion of auto-affection. In the second section, I analyze, in the early work, auto-affection with signs and show its centrality in Derrida’s first encounter with Levinas’s philosophy. Derrida refuses to substitute the hetero-affective relation to the Other for auto-affection as the source of universal (...)
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    Auto-organización: entre el orden y el caos.Ruano Gómez & Juan de Dios - 1996 - [La Coruña]: Universidade da Coruña, Servicio de Publicacións.
    Exposición de algunas teorías de la auto-organización en el paradigma de la orden a través del desorden. Se analizan las crisis y las catastrofes por su valor auto-organizador en la formación de comportamientos colectivos.
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    Auto-Photography as Research Practice: Identity and Self-Esteem Research.Carey M. Noland - 2006 - Journal of Research Practice 2 (1):Article M1.
    This paper explores auto-photography as a form of research practice in the area of identity and self-esteem research. It allows researchers to capture and articulate the ways identity guides human action and thought. It involves the generation and examination of the static images that participants themselves believe best represent them. Auto-photography is an important tool for building bridges with marginalized groups in the research process, since it offers researchers a way to let participants speak for themselves. Furthermore, by (...)
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  20.  12
    Beyond Auto Mode: A Guide to Taking Control of Your Photography.Jennifer Bebb - 2013 - Wiley.
    Take full advantage of your dSLR camera, and do it with confidence Many people buy dSLR cameras for their flexibility, but find themselves so intimidated by all the options and controls that they rarely venture beyond the automatic mode. With a friendly tone and clear, understandable instruction, photographer and educator Jen Bebb introduces you to every mode and setting on your sophisticated dSLR. After thoroughly explaining shutter speed, aperture, depth of field, ISO, and basic composition, she offers direction on what (...)
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  21.  27
    O auto-debate é possível? Dissolvendo alguns de seus supostos paradoxos.Marcelo Dascal - 2006 - Manuscrito 29 (2):319-349.
    O debate consigo mesmo é um fenômeno corriqueiro. Diaria-mente tomamos decisões – sejam elas importantes ou triviais, teóricas ou práticas – em questões nas quais temos que escolher entre pelo menos duas opções. Para fazê-lo confrontamos uma com a outra seja deliberan-do pausadamente a respeito dos méritos de cada uma, seja impulsiva-mente adotando uma delas e descartando as demais. Os auto-debates que mais têm chamado a atenção dos filósofos são aqueles em que pareceria que a racionalidade é violada: do (...)
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  22. Simple Auto‐Associative Networks Succeed at Universal Generalization of the Identity Function and Reduplication Rule.Kenneth J. Kurtz - 2025 - Cognitive Science 49 (1):e70033.
    It has become widely accepted that standard connectionist models are unable to show identity‐based relational reasoning that requires universal generalization. The purpose of this brief report is to show how one of the simplest forms of such models, feed‐forward auto‐associative networks, satisfies two of the most well‐known challenges: universal generalization of the identity function and the reduplication rule. Given the simplicity of the modeling account provided, along with the clarity of the evidence, these demonstrations invite a shift in this (...)
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  23. Auto de fe: crisis de fe en el proyecto moderno.Paola Fernández Luna - 2009 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 16:73-94.
    Este trabajo de investigación se ocupa de un análisis sociocrítico de la puesta en forma de la novela Auto de fe del escritor austriaco Elías Canetti. El análisis se centra en el tratamiento crítico de la realidad y la visión desesperanzada que Canetti objetiva en la obra sobre los procesos de modernidad. Elías Canetti, desde una posición realista crítica, evalúa descarnadamente la confianza ciega en el ideal ilustrado, a partir de una modernidad exacerbada que se materializa en la axiología (...)
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  24. From Time to Time: Auto-Affection in Derrida’s 1964-65 Heidegger Course.Tracy Colony - 2019 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 27 (1):14-33.
    Derrida always stressed the importance of his engagement with Heidegger and often returned throughout his life to different aspects of Heidegger’s thought. With the recent publication of his 1964-65 course, Heidegger: The Question of Being and History greater insight is now possible into the exact terms of Derrida’s early engagement with Heidegger and the significance he would accord it in the major works of 1967 and beyond. With the reception of this text just beginning, many lines of interpretation are being (...)
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    O auto-debate é possível? Dissolvendo alguns de seus supostos paradoxos/Is self-debate possible? Dissolving some of its apparent paradoxes.Marcelo Dascal - 2007 - Manuscrito 30 (2):599-629.
    O debate consigo mesmo é um fenômeno corriqueiro. Diariamente tomamos decisões – sejam elas importantes ou triviais, teóricas ou práticas – em questões nas quais temos que escolher entre pelo menos duas opções. Para fazê-lo confrontamos uma com a outra seja deliberando pausadamente a respeito dos méritos de cada uma, seja impulsiva-mente adotando uma delas e descartando as demais. Os auto-debates que mais têm cha-mado a atenção dos filósofos são aqueles em que pareceria que a racionalidade é violada: do (...)
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    Auto-immunity in the study of religions(s): Ontotheology, historicism and the theorization of indic culture.Arvind Mandair - 2004 - Sophia 43 (2):63-85.
    Despite the prevalence of post-colonial theory in the humanities and social sciences, why is it that the two main secular formations in the study of religion(s), as philosophy of religion and history of religions, continue to deploy very similar mechanisms that reconstitute past imperialisms such as the hegemony of theory as specifically Western and/or the division of labor between universal and particular knowledge formations? To answer this question this paper stages an oblique engagement between the seemingly divergent discourses: (i) philosophy (...)
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    Auto-Immunity of Trust Without Trust.Badredine Arfi - 2010 - Journal of International Political Theory 6 (2):188-216.
    Trust has been widely investigated both theoretically and empirically. Whether thought of as the result of a calculation of costs/benefits, a shared identity, or a leap of faith, there always seems to be an ‘as if’ rhetorical gesture which is ultimately needed to explain how actors move from the base of trust to expectations of trust via suspending judgment on uncertainty and fear of vulnerability to betrayal and exploitation — the actors ultimately act ‘as if’ they do not fear uncertainty (...)
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  28.  13
    La importancia del auto-engaño en la Fenomenología del espíritu.Matías von dem Bussche Rivera - 2020 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 3 (2):38-59.
    El presente estudio tiene por objetivo demostrar lo siguiente: que no es posible comprender suficientemente, al menos en un aspecto, el método de ejecución(Methode der Ausführung) de la Fenomenología del espíritu como “la exposición del saber que aparece” (die Darstellung des erscheinenden Wissens), si es que no se comprende la relación que tiene dicho método de ejecución con la temática del auto-engaño. Este objetivo se lleva a cabo de la siguiente manera: 1) se propone el tipo de relación que (...)
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  29. Auto‐Affectivity and Michel Henry's Material Phenomenology.Brian Harding - 2012 - Philosophical Forum 43 (1):91-100.
    This paper provides an introduction and overview of Michel Henry's work, with particular emphasis on his understanding of auto-affectivity. It concludes by pointing to some objections or questions sympathetic phenomenologists may have for his work.
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    Auto-Assignment and Enrollment in Medicaid Managed Care Programs.Joel D. Ferber - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (2):99-107.
    In the face of escalating Medicaid costs and anticipated reductions in federal Medicaid spending, states are increasingly converting from fee-for-service to managed health care systems. The interrelated issues of enrollment and auto-assignment are fundamental to the overall success or failure of Medicaid managed care programs. The purpose of this article is to suggest how policy makers, consumer advocates, and providers should address these issues. My major premise is that implementation of managed care will proceed more smoothly if states adopt (...)
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    An auto-associative neural network for sparse representations: Analysis and application to models of recognition and cued recall.Mark Chappell & Michael S. Humphreys - 1994 - Psychological Review 101 (1):103-128.
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    Auto-memoration, Con-memoration: A ‘Self’/Reflection.Nicole Anderson - 2022 - Oxford Literary Review 44 (1):64-69.
    Exploring who, what and how we remember, this piece proposes that to remember requires, on the one hand, an auto-memoration, and at the same time, on the other hand, auto-memoration always detours through the world and through the other, which requires ‘con-memoration’. Referring to Derrida and Nancy, this piece argues that the memories of ourselves, and of others, is always already mediated because structured by differance and the other, and thus entails also a forgetting.
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    Auto-affection and the Curvature of Spacetime: Derrida Reading Heidegger Reading Kant.Cathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (3):411-432.
    This paper has a twofold objective. First, it engages with the interrelation of time, space, and matter in Kant, Heidegger, and Derrida and questions whether and how this interrelation effects the possibility of self-relation. In Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics Heidegger suggests that the very structure of subjectivity is constituted by what he calls the ‘pure self-affection’ of time and thus the possibility of self-relation is intimately bound up with the temporalizing of time. In his 1964–65 seminar, Heidegger: the (...)
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  34. Phenomenology: Neither auto- nor hetero- be.John J. Drummond - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (1-2):57-74.
    Dennett’s contrast between auto- and hetero-phenomenology is badly drawn, primarily because Dennett identifies phenomenologists as introspective psychologists. The contrast I draw between phenomenology and hetero-phenomenology is not in terms of the difference between a first-person, introspective perspective and a third-person perspective but rather in terms of the difference between two third-person accounts – a descriptive phenomenology and an explanatory psychology – both of which take the first-person perspective into account.
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    L'auto-réfutation du Sceptique vue de la scène antique.Anne Gabrièle Wersinger & Sylvie Perceau - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (1):25-43.
    Si l ’ on peut bien affirmer que certains Sceptiques s ’ auto-réfutent, ce n ’ est pas le cas de Sextus Empiricus. En distinguant entre les modèles auto-référentiel et performatif de l ’ auto-réfutation auxquels on confronte les problèmes anciens du Menteur et du renversement ( peritropè ), on peut montrer que Sextus recourt à ce qu ’ il désigne par le mot sumperigraphè, qu ’ il convient de considérer comme un schème topologique verbal (une boucle (...)
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    Auto-organización: entre el orden y el caos.Juan de Dios Ruano Gómez - 1996 - [La Coruña]: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións.
    Exposición de algunas teorías de la auto-organización en el paradigma de la orden a través del desorden. Se analizan las crisis y las catastrofes por su valor auto-organizador en la formación de comportamientos colectivos.
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  37. Selbstfahrende Autos und Trolley-Probleme: Zum Aufrechnen von Menschenleben im Falle unausweichlicher Unfälle.Alexander Hevelke & Julian Nida-Rümelin - 2015 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 19 (1):5-24.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 19 Heft: 1 Seiten: 5-24.
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  38. Auto-essentialization: Gender in automated facial analysis as extended colonial project.Alex Hanna, Madeleine Pape & Morgan Klaus Scheuerman - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Scholars are increasingly concerned about social biases in facial analysis systems, particularly with regard to the tangible consequences of misidentification of marginalized groups. However, few have examined how automated facial analysis technologies intersect with the historical genealogy of racialized gender—the gender binary and its classification as a highly racialized tool of colonial power and control. In this paper, we introduce the concept of auto-essentialization: the use of automated technologies to re-inscribe the essential notions of difference that were established under (...)
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  39. Prins Autos Herredomme: Psykologi I Naturbidenskabens Tidsalder.Daniel Hutto - 1992 - Philosophia: tidsskrift for filosofi 21 (1-2):61-80.
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    Auto-affection and Synthesis of Reproduction.Claudia Jáuregui - 2006 - Kant Studien 97 (3):369-381.
    I The Kantian notion of ‘affection’ is indeed problematic and obscure. In so far as the subject is finite and does not create the object of knowledge, the latter must always be somehow given. The passive faculty of sensibility makes it possible for the object to appear. But this receptive character of the subject correlates to some affection. Something affects us, and our sensibility receives this affection under the pure forms of space and time. The question that immediately arises is (...)
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    Langage auto-implicatif et langage biblique selon Evans.J. A. Ladrière - 1966 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 28 (3):441 - 494.
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  42. Feminist auto/biography.Gayle Letherby - 2014 - In Mary Evans, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Sumi Madhok, Ania Plomien & Sadie Wearing (eds.), The SAGE handbook of feminist theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE reference.
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    La auto-relación auténtica en O lo uno o lo otro II de Kierkegaard: el amor a sí mismo como superación ética de la desesperación.Pablo Uriel Rodríguez - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 48 (1):011-011.
    The article explores the notion of "self-love" in Kierkegaard's Either / Or. B, the ethical pseudonymous, proposes not only a negative concept of "self-love" or "egoism", but also a positive concept of "self-love". Without "self love", the authentic personality can not be developed: to love oneself means "choose oneself". By “choosing oneself” the individual integrates the different aspects of his personality into a unity, finds his own duties and sets the basis for a true relationship with the world and the (...)
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    "Autism Autos": Literally.Simon Baron-Cohen - 2005 - In Todd E. Feinberg & Julian Paul Keenan (eds.), The Lost Self:Pathologies of the Brain and Identity: Pathologies of the Brain and Identity. Oxford University Press.
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    Auto-destrucción y auto-constitución en el pensamiento de Kierkegaard: un análisis de la primera parte de La enfermedad mortal.Pablo Uriel Rodríguez - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (1):26-53.
    El punto de partida de este trabajo es que la idea de autoconservación es constitutiva para la comprensión y el desarrollo histórico de la subjetividad moderna. El análisis kierkegaardiano de la psicología del individuo moderno en La enfermedad mortal retoma y reelabora el tópico de la autoconservación. Anti-Climacus (el pseudónimo kierkegaardiano) sostiene que los seres humanos no están ocupados con el mantenimiento de un yo ya determinado y concluido; sino, más bien, con la constitución misma de ese yo. En su (...)
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    A Auto-Organização No Círio de Nazaré.Antonio Sérgio Nunes - 2023 - Complexitas – Revista de Filosofia Temática 7 (2).
    Comentaremos neste trabalho sobre o ecossistema do Círio de Nazaré, com base na Teoria dos Sistemas Complexos, para isso utilizarei quatro autores relevantes, Edgar Morin (2018), Ettore Bresciani Filho (2008), Eunice Quilici Gonzalez (1998) e Michael Debrun (1998), sobre os conceitos de sistemas, sistemas complexos, organização, auto-organização e atratores. No livro Introdução ao Pensamento Complexo de Edgar Morin (2008), o autor discute as noções de complexidade, sistemas, organização e auto-organização. Trabalharemos os primeiros capítulos do livro, utilizando-o como base (...)
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    Auto-biographie psychologique.Pierre Janet - 1946 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 1 (2):81 - 87.
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    Das Auto im Garten und § 142 StGB.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke (eds.), Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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  49. Auto-poiesis, legitimidad funcional y democracia sistémica.Óscar Mejía Quintana - 2000 - Ideas Y Valores 49 (113):45-71.
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    Auto-reflexão, ou interpretação sem sujeito? Habermas intérprete de Freud.Bento Prado Jr - 1983 - Discurso 14:49-66.
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