Results for 'auto-movement'

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  1.  51
    Feminist Auto/biography as a Means of Empowering Women: A Case Study of Sylvia Plath’s Bell Jar and Janet Frame’s Faces in the Water.Tomasz Fisiak - 2011 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 1 (1):183-197.
    Feminist Auto/biography as a Means of Empowering Women: A Case Study of Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and Janet Frame's Faces in the Water Feminism, as a political, social and cultural movement, pays much attention to the importance of text. Text is the carrier of important thoughts, truths, ideas. It becomes a means of empowering women, a support in their fight for free expression, equality, intellectual emancipation. By "text" one should understand not only official documents, manifestos or articles. (...)
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    Greening auto jobs: a critical analysis of the green job solution.Caleb Goods - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Greening Auto Jobs: A Critical Analysis of the Green Job Solution provides a major contribution to the growing and important field of environmental sociology and labor studies by providing a theoretical and practical understanding of how the broader political-economic relations of society affect the relationship between labor and the environment.
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    (1 other version)La auto-afección del otro: Heidegger y el tiempo que demora el sí-mismo.Cristóbal Durán Rojas - 2015 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 71:53-64.
    We propose a reading of Heidegger’s interpretation of the problem of Self-Affection in the first Kantian Critique. If the Time and the ‘I Think’ are unified is due to the notion of time as pure Self-Affection, that could capture the formation of Self without subordinating it to an extra-temporal connection. We attempt to show that Heidegger’s account considers time as a self-referential movement which however requires a delay and a retreat of itself to release what is coming. In order (...)
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    Auto-affection and the Curvature of Spacetime: Derrida Reading Heidegger Reading Kant.Cathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (3):411-432.
    This paper has a twofold objective. First, it engages with the interrelation of time, space, and matter in Kant, Heidegger, and Derrida and questions whether and how this interrelation effects the possibility of self-relation. In Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics Heidegger suggests that the very structure of subjectivity is constituted by what he calls the ‘pure self-affection’ of time and thus the possibility of self-relation is intimately bound up with the temporalizing of time. In his 1964–65 seminar, Heidegger: the (...)
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  5. Reproductive politics, biopolitics and auto-immunity: From Foucault to Esposito. [REVIEW]Penelope Deutscher - 2010 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (2):217-226.
    The contingent cultural, epistemological and ontological status of biology is highlighted by changes in attitudes towards reproductive politics in the history of feminist movements. Consider, for example, the American, British, and numerous European instances of feminist sympathy for eugenics at the turn of the century. This amounted to a specific formation of the role, in late nineteenth and early twentieth century feminisms, of concepts of biological risk and defence, which were transformed into the justificatory language of rights claims. In this (...)
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    Leaving a Trace in the World: Sexuality and Auto-Affection in Of Grammatology.Mauro Senatore - 2013 - Derrida Today 6 (2):240-254.
    This essay aims to bring to light a specific movement elaborated by Derrida in Of Grammatology, which goes from the experience of dispossession in speech and the economy of signs that replaces speech itself with writing, through the chains of supplements, to the merging of language and auto-erotism into the differentiated totality of auto-affection as the universal rule of experience or as life itself. I will point out that idealization, as the submission of the world to a (...)
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    The Biology of Monster and the Ontology of Difference. 문성균 - 2024 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 106:101-123.
    은 일상적 질서에서 벗어난 존재로서, 자연의 위반, 오류, 무질서 등으로 나타난 다. 이러한 괴물의 이미지는 근․현대 생물학에서 여전히 보존되고 있다. 근․현대 생물학에 서 괴물은 무엇보다도 정상성과 안정성과 관련된다. 생명체의 정상 형태 또는 생명체에서 보존되는 질서의 안정성은 괴물을 어떤 부정의 대상으로 만든다. 한편, 들뢰즈는 차이의 철학을 저주의 상태에 묶인 차이를 해방하는 기획으로 규정한다. 이러한 기획은 괴물에 대 해서도 마찬가지로 적용된다. 차이의 존재론에서 괴물은 정상을 상정하는 비정상이나 질 서를 상정하는 무질서라기보다는 차라리 어떤 이상(anomalie)이다. 이것은 괴물이 유기 체와 동등하게 무한한 변이 가능성을 함축하는 (...)
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    The Crystallization of the Impossible: Derrida and Merleau‐Ponty at the Threshold of Phenomenology.Sabrina Aggleton - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor (eds.), A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 269–286.
    This chapter shows how Derrida's deconstruction in Voiceand Phenomenon exposes a double necessity that undergirds Husserl's phenomenological inquiry in the “First Logical Investigation,” especially with respect to expression and indication. It turns to Derrida's reflections on the aporia of blindness in Memoirs of the Blind in order to further develop the logic of double necessity and to examine Derrida's divergence from Merleau‐Ponty's thought. The chapter examines Derrida's critique of the auto‐affective movement of temporalization in Voice and Phenomenon that (...)
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  9. The Challenges of “Comparative Urbanism” in Post Fordist Cities: The cases of Turin and Detroit.Asma Mehan - 2019 - Contour Journal 1 (4 (Comparing Habitats)):1-14.
    In 1947, the U.S. Secretary of State, George C. Marshall announced that the USA would provide development aid to help the recovery and reconstruction of the economies of Europe, which was widely known as the ‘Marshall Plan’. In Italy, this plan generated a resurgence of modern industrialization and remodeled Italian Industry based on American models of production. As the result of these transnational transfers, the systemic approach known as Fordism largely succeeded and allowed some Italian firms such as Fiat to (...)
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  10.  46
    Artificial Immune System–Negative Selection Classification Algorithm (NSCA) for Four Class Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signals.Nasir Rashid, Javaid Iqbal, Fahad Mahmood, Anam Abid, Umar S. Khan & Mohsin I. Tiwana - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:424534.
    Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) are intelligent algorithms derived on the principles inspired by human immune system. In this research work, electroencephalography (EEG) signals for four distinct motor movement of human limbs are detected and classified using Negative Selection Classification Algorithm (NSCA). For this study, a widely studied open source EEG signal database (BCI IV - Graz dataset 2a, comprising 9 subjects) has been used. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) are extracted as selected feature from recorded EEG signals. Dimensionality reduction (...)
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    Drive to Drive: The Deconstruction of the Freudian Trieb.Mauro Senatore - 2019 - Derrida Today 12 (1):59-79.
    In the essay ‘To Speculate – On “Freud’”, which is published in The Postcards: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond (1980) and draws upon the last part of his unedited lecture course on La Vie la mort (taught in 1975), Jacques Derrida engages a close reading of Sigmund Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle. This article focuses on the deconstruction of the Freudian concept of drive (Trieb) that Derrida unfolds across his reading. It traces the analysis of the movement of (...)
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    Ethical humans: Sounds, bodies, sufferings and aliveness.Victor Jeleniewski Seidler - 2023 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 14 (1):61-90.
    This article explores the way sound, music, rhythm and movement reflect experiences of suffering, trauma and aliveness by reflecting on colonializing and decolonializing modes of understanding the role played by sounds and music in living through suffering, displacement, cultural devastation and illness. Music and sound practices offer people ways of connecting life narratives and coping mechanisms to deal with loss and suffering. A peculiar aliveness of the body is mediated by sound and rhythm. The experiences with personal and cultural (...)
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  13. New media, cultural studies, and critical theory after postmodernism: automodernity from Zizek to Laclau.Robert Samuels - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book argues that we have moved into a new cultural period, automodernity, which represents a social, psychological, and technological reaction to postmodernity. In fact, by showing how individual autonomy is now being generated through technological and cultural automation, Samuels posits that we must rethink modernity and postmodernity. Part of this rethinking entails stressing how the progressive political aspects of postmodernism need to be separated from the aesthetic consumption of differences in automoderntiy. Choosing culturally relevant studies of The Matrix, Grand (...)
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  14.  24
    À propos du refoulement.Nuno Miguel Proença - 2016 - Cultura:167-187.
    The phenomenological reading of psychoanalysis undertook by Michel Henry is surprising in several ways. By inscribing Freud in the philosophical lineage and by affirming that his theses on the unconscious take over (resume), ignoring it, two opposite movements of western metaphysics, Henry intends to show that psychoanalysis has to overcome the primacy of representation in order to get rid of the contradictions that traverse it and that make it a prisoner of a philosophy of consciousness. Without fully rejecting the Freudian (...)
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    Tools, Symbols and Other Selves: II.Alfred Duhrssen - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (3):411 - 425.
    Apart from these reservations, however, the child sacrifices certain immediate ends of satisfaction for ends which by their very transcendence elude him. The consequence of his new attitude on his interpretation of the actions of other individuals will he striking; for, inasmuch as their acts and gestures no longer signify as means to his immediate and tangible ends within his life-space, their behavior will be problematic, and the child will attempt to interrogate its meaning. Under the old dispensation he could (...)
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  16.  24
    Critiquing Critique.Delfo C. Canceran - 2019 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):11-24.
    This paper attempts to briefly sketch the discursive development of critique in critical theories from modernity to postmodernity. Critique has evolved from negative criticism of the product or output of discourse to the production of or the possibility of discourse. Moreover, there has been a movement from a framework of critique to the critique of alterity. The paper demonstrates that this Levinasian critique has shifted from the auto-critique to alter-critique. The other not just returns the gaze of the (...)
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    Automation, Alteration.Jean-Luc Nancy & Daniel Ross - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (2):235-240.
    Is “philosophy after automation” a theme or a question? One might hesitate about this, because we may wonder whether or not it implies that philosophy could disappear after automation, or at least be subject to serious revision. Philosophy could be read as a historical movement towards self-determination [autodétermination] as well as the exposition of the limit of such a program of archi-autonomy. The Cartesian event is essentially ambivalent, and man alone in the world is undoubtedly also the one who (...)
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  18.  27
    The Ordering of Change: Polanyi, Schumpeter and the Nature of The Market Mechanism.Stan Metcalfe & Mark Harvey - 2004 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 14 (2).
    This paper brings about a conversation between Schumpeterian and Polanyian perspectives on markets and their central role in the capitalist economy. For Schumpeter, markets were critical to the process of selftransformation of economic activity, but in his vision, markets as such were largely taken for granted. Markets enabled the introduction of new processes and products equally as well as rendering economic activities obsolete, with the entrepreneur and firm as agents of change, generating new combinations of activities and driven by the (...)
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  19.  28
    BeatWalk: Personalized Music-Based Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease.Valérie Cochen De Cock, Dobromir Dotov, Loic Damm, Sandy Lacombe, Petra Ihalainen, Marie Christine Picot, Florence Galtier, Cindy Lebrun, Aurélie Giordano, Valérie Driss, Christian Geny, Ainara Garzo, Erik Hernandez, Edith Van Dyck, Marc Leman, Rudi Villing, Benoit G. Bardy & Simone Dalla Bella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Taking regular walks when living with Parkinson’s disease has beneficial effects on movement and quality of life. Yet, patients usually show reduced physical activity compared to healthy older adults. Using auditory stimulation such as music can facilitate walking but patients vary significantly in their response. An individualized approach adapting musical tempo to patients’ gait cadence, and capitalizing on these individual differences, is likely to provide a rewarding experience, increasing motivation for walk-in PD. We aim to evaluate the observance, safety, (...)
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  20.  38
    ¿Qué democracia tenemos? ¿Qué democracia queremos?Joan Subirats - 2012 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 46:155-180.
    E l auto r pa r t e de l reconocimient o d e qu e lo s parámetro s e n lo s qu e s e inscribía n las institucione s d e l a democraci a representat iva ha n cambiad o sustancialmente . E n es e nu evo cont e xt o sitú a e l debat e sobr e lo s posi b le s dé f icit s d e l a democraci (...)
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  21.  53
    La Genèse du Social et La Donation Charnelle du Non-Présentable (French).Koji Hirose - 2010 - Chiasmi International 12:333-345.
    The Genesis of the Social and the Carnal Donation of the Non-Presentable. The Range of the Notion of Institution in Merleau-PontyThis article examines the range of the notion of institution that Merleau-Ponty proposes in his course at the Collège de France (1954-55), by notably insisting on the importance of the question of the genesis of the social for the deepening of his thought. By broadening his investigative domains in two complementary directions (that is, lateral passivity and socio-historical institution), Merleau-Ponty aims (...)
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  22.  44
    Biographical Illusion and Methodological Reality.Leland De la Durantaye - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (2):3-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 34.2 (2006) 3-13 [Access article in PDF] Biographical Illusion and Methodological Reality Leland De La Durantaye Pierre Bourdieu. Esquisse Pour Une Auto-Analyse. Paris: Raisons d'Agir, 2004. 1 Like his student and friend Nietzsche, Jacob Burckhardt often stressed the necessity for a scholar to work in solitude. Like Nietzsche, he also possessed a gift for acidic analogy and likened the world of academia to a group of dogs (...)
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  23.  16
    ¿Gobernando el Cambio? Epistemología neoliberal en el arte de gobernar y en las políticas feministas de la ciudad de Madrid.Carlota Carretero García & Andy Eric Castillo Patton - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (2):39-62.
    Actualmente, el feminismo, en su condición de movimiento, pero también de teoría viva, fluctuante y sometida a un proceso de revisión, (auto)crítica y disputa permanente, estaría experimentando importantes cambios en el marco de lo que algunas autoras han denominado como cuarta ola. En todo este proceso de emergencia de nuevos feminismos, pero también de pujanza por la categoría y por la significación de la misma, el papel de las políticas e iniciativas públicas —feministas y no feministas— sería de gran (...)
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    Heisenberg contra Lenard e Stark: O que há de importante na Física Ariana?Fábio Antônio Costa & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1/3):309 - 350.
    O objectivo primário do presente artigo é estudar algumas das implicações, sobretudo epistemológicas, associadas com o auto-intitulado movimento da Física Ariana (Deutsche Physikj, movimento esse que aqui se considera como tendo sido iniciado pelos físicos, laureados com o Prémio Nobel, Philipp Lenard e Johannes Stark. Assim, em primeiro lugar, procura-se analisar questões como a da ligação entre ciência e raça, a da função do método experimental e do método dedutivo nas descobertas das ciências naturais, bem como a da relação (...)
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  25.  21
    Lettre sur les Tute Bianche.Roberto Bui - 2001 - Multitudes 4 (4):33-37.
    Tute Bianche are not a movement but a device of subjectivation working inside vaster movements. Each is free to put or to remove Tute Bianca. It indicates that he respects the style of it: the refusal of the separation violence/nonviolence, reference to t zapatisme, the relationship of a particular type with the media. Tute Bianche are auto-sarcastic, ironic, rich in invention. In search of a hegemony of minority cultures, they put in crisis representations, destabilize media, etc. But if (...)
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  26.  47
    The Secret Power of Suggestion: Scipio Sighele and the Postliberal Subject.Suzanne R. Stewart-Steinberg - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (1):60-79.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 33.1 (2003) 60-79 [Access article in PDF] The Secret Power of Suggestion Scipio Sighele and the Postliberal Subject Suzanne R. Stewart-Steinberg He experiments one by one with about thirty young men. [...] Almost all of them respond immediately to his power of fascination by turning stiff throughout their bodies; their faces become contracted, terrified, sometimes cadaverous; they are at the mercy of the fascinator and follow his movements (...)
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  27. Journal of Biological Physics - Open Access.Stuart Hameroff - unknown
    The 'Conscious Pilot' is a new model of the neural correlate of consciousness (NCC) consistent with the Orch OR model. The basic idea is that spatiotemporal envelopes of dendritic gamma synchrony move through the brain's neuronal networks. The movement is sideways to neurocomputational flow, occurring via dendritic dendritic gap junction electrical synapses. A conscious pilot moving around an airplane while it flies on auto pilot is used as a metaphor for dendritic synchrony moving through the brain's neurocomputational networks, (...)
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    Learned Categorical Perception in Neural Nets: Implications for Symbol Grounding.Stevan Harnad & Stephen J. Hanson - unknown
    After people learn to sort objects into categories they see them differently. Members of the same category look more alike and members of different categories look more different. This phenomenon of within-category compression and between-category separation in similarity space is called categorical perception (CP). It is exhibited by human subjects, animals and neural net models. In backpropagation nets trained first to auto-associate 12 stimuli varying along a onedimensional continuum and then to sort them into 3 categories, CP arises as (...)
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  29. Anachronistic Reading.J. Hillis Miller - 2010 - Derrida Today 3 (1):75-91.
    A poem encrypts, though not predictably, the effects it may have when at some future moment, in another context, it happens to be read and inscribed in a new situation, in ‘an interpretation that transforms the very thing it interprets’, as Jacques Derrida puts it in Specters of Marx. In Wallace Stevens's ‘The Man on the Dump’ (1942), we are told: ‘The dump is full/Of images’. The poem's movement is itself a complex temporal to and fro that aims to (...)
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  30.  14
    Witnessing Self, Witnessing Other in Beauvoir's Life Writings.Ursula Tidd - 2017 - In Laura Hengehold & Nancy Bauer (eds.), A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 406–417.
    Simone de Beauvoir is one of the most well‐known chroniclers of the twentieth century and her formal volumes of autobiography are widely cited as a left‐wing intellectual's account of her era. Yet her life writing extended far beyond formal memoir to include diaries, letters, and biographical testimonies. In this chapter I analyze the broad movements of Beauvoir's engagement with the genre, from her early philosophical diaries to her formal memoirs and biographies, in the context of her own philosophical and literary (...)
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  31. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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  32.  32
    Automobilities.Mike Featherstone - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (4-5):1-24.
    This wide-ranging introduction to the special issue on Automobilities examines various dimensions of the automobile system and car cultures. In its broadest sense we can think of many automobilities - modes of autonomous, self-directed movement. It can be argued that there are many different car cultures and autoscapes which operate around the world, which cannot be seen as making driving (including freeways, motorways and autobahns) a uniform experience of movement in a controlled 'no-place' space. Yet, there clearly is (...)
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    Phenomenology of Interior Life and the Trinity.Robert Farrugia - 2020 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 25 (1):71-88.
    Michel Henry radicalises phenomenology by putting forward the idea of a double manifestation: the “Truth of Life” and “truth of the world.” For Henry, the world turns out to be empty of Life. To find its essence, the self must dive completely inward, away from the exterior movements of intentionality. Hence, Life, or God, for Henry, lies in non-intentional, immanent self-experience, which is felt and yet remains invisible, in an absolutist sense, as an a priori condition of all conscious experience. (...)
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    (1 other version)The posters of May ’68 and their significance for a contemporary critique of capitalism.Jones Irwin - 2020 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 62.
    This essay explores the original political significance of the posters of May ’68 as a critique of capitalism, as well as extending this approach to a critique of contemporary capitalism in 2020. The slogans of ’68 are deceptively simple and we look to the importance of the political ideas expressed aesthetically as having immediate impact in the late 1960s, but also the underlying Situationist philosophy which influenced them.We also explore the contemporary significance of Situationist theory, especially in the context of (...)
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    A white theologian learning how to fall upward.Jakub Urbaniak - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (3):9.
    As a theologian coming from Europe, a ‘postcolonial import’ into South Africa, it is my white privilege in particular that continues to queer my understanding of a social revolution on which our future, as a people, may depend. In this article, I seek to turn my personal experience of grappling with my whiteness into the source of my reflection. Drawing inspiration from fallism – a recent student movement that inscribes itself into a larger decolonial ‘struggle against the globalised system (...)
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  36. Sartre and the Virtual.Henry Somers-Hall - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (Supplement):126-132.
    Based on a close reading of Sartre’s essay, The Transcendence of the Ego, this paper shows the importance of Sartre’s arguments against the transcendental ego for the Deleuzian project of restructuring the transcendental field. Sartre formulates four propositions which he takes to be the implications of the rejection of the transcendental ego as found in Kant and Husserl. The paper attempts to show how these propositions are derived, and furthermore how they become reinterpreted by Deleuze into nascent forms of transcendental (...)
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    Le médium visible. Interface opaque et immersivité non mimétique.Anna Caterina Dalmasso - 2014 - Chiasmi International 16:105-125.
    The Visible Medium. Opaque Interface and Non-Mimetic Immersivity -/- The relation of reciprocal co-implication that Merleau-Ponty formulates—and on which he insists throughout his work—between sense and the sensible, perception and expression, and then visible and invisible, transforms the way in which one conceives of the medium. Merleau-Ponty’s aesthetics reveals an idea of the medium as a support that erases itself in the act of conveying the signifi cation and also shakes the direct correlation between transparency and mimetic simulation. Understood as (...)
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    Gift and Respect: Heidegger's Kant as Taught by Derrida.Mauro Senatore - 2024 - Derrida Today 17 (2):166-176.
    In this article, I focus on the reading of Heidegger's Kant that Derrida offers in his recently published 1978-9 seminar Donner le temps II (§§12–3). Here Derrida tracks across Heidegger's text the auto-affective or auto-dative structure (namely, the originary synthesis of spontaneity and receptivity) in which the Kantian conceptions of the experience of time and of transcendental imagination converge, and which is seen as scandalously underpinning the conception of respect. In particular, I draw attention to the moment in (...)
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    Evaluating in political turmoil: nursing challenges in prevention programs.Hélène Laperrière - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (1):42-50.
    The concrete insertion of nurses into the context of an inquiry contributes to empirical evaluation research of health promotion programs. As interveners and concrete actors in social movements, nurses are in a privileged position to give realism to a local understanding of the political and cultural context of evaluative research. Drawing on the practice of empirical evaluation research, this paper seeks to generate new methodological approaches in a way that broadens nursing inquiries in community health nursing. It explores new ways (...)
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    Self-Knowledge: An Essay in Autobiography.Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev - 1950 - Semantron Press.
    Origins. environment. first influences. the Russian gentry -- Solitude. anguish. freedom. revolt. pity. doubts and wrestlings of the spirit. reflections on eros -- First conversion. search for the meaning of life -- The domain of philosophical knowledge. philosophical sources. existentialism and romanticism -- Conversion to socialism. the domain of revolution. Marxism and idealism -- The russian cultural renascence of the early twentieth century. encounters -- The movement towards christianity. the drama of religion -- The domain of creativity. the meaning (...)
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  41. “All things considered:” sensibility and ethics in the later Merleau-Ponty and Derrida.Ann V. Murphy - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (4):435-447.
    It is one of Jacques Derrida’s later texts, Le Toucher—Jean-Luc Nancy , wherein one finds his most sustained commentary on the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. I argue that Derrida’s criticisms of Merleau-Ponty in this text conceal a significant proximity between his own elaboration of sensibility and that of Merleau-Ponty. Their respective accounts of sensibility are similar in two respects. Firstly, for them both, sensibility is born of a parsing of the self in a hiatus or interval that disrupts the (...) of auto-affection. The self can only be known as such through this exposure to alterity. Secondly, this exposure and opening is in no way normative for either thinker, which is to say that their accounts of sensibility are similar not only in structure but also insofar as sensibility for them both is a non-normative opening to ethics; it is an elaboration of embodiment that provokes the question of response but no definitive or prescriptive answer. Hence the structure of sensibility begs the question of ethics, and the problem of response, but can provide little by way of a normative ethics. (shrink)
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    Derrida and Husserl: The Basic Problem of Phenomenology (review).Ronald Bruzina - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):234-235.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 234-235 [Access article in PDF] Leonard Lawlor. Derrida and Husserl: The Basic Problem of Phenomenology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002. Pp. xii + 286. Paper, $19.95. Ever since Derrida began producing his interpretive critical studies on the giant figures of Husserl and Heidegger, a book of the kind Lawlor offers has been needed. Framing his study by drawing directly from Derrida's (...)
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    Globalisolationism and its Implications for TNCs’ Global Responsibility.Frederick Ahen - 2019 - Humanistic Management Journal 4 (1):33-54.
    The complex structure of the tragic aspects of globalization has been accounted for in extant literature. What remains unclear is how deglobalization, isolationism and all the radically disruptive movements and politics in-between will shape transnational corporations’ organizational practices. The purpose of this study is to interrogate and problematize the implications of anarchic ‘globalisolationism’ vis-à-vis the atlas of insurrection and the TNCs’ global responsibility towards human-centric management practices. We situate our analysis in the heavily politicized and contested discursive space of emergent (...)
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    A demythologised prayer? Religion, myth and poetry in Nancy's deconstruction of christianity.Aukje van Rooden - 2008 - Bijdragen 69 (3):285-304.
    In his ‘deconstruction of Christianity’, Jean-Luc Nancy seeks to show how our modern, secular society and its so-called Christian ‘roots’ are co-original and mutually constitutive. As a result of this mutual constitution, the Christian religion is fundamentally characterised by its own deconstruction. This article focuses on one element of this auto-deconstructive movement of Christianity: that of prayer, or more generally, of addressing God. According to Nancy, prayer reveals how Christianity contains at its core, or rather as its core, (...)
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    The Seamless Web. [REVIEW]M. R. C. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (2):337-337.
    Burnshaw treats virtually every aspect of poetry, but devotes a major theoretical effort to developing a biologically grounded explanation of both creation and the esthetic experience. He extends his theory of creation to every art form, including the fabrication of scientific theories; the rest of the study is devoted exclusively to poetry. Burnshaw claims to be following the lead of John Keble, who described poetry as that which "acts as a safety valve to a full mind." He supports his homeostatic (...)
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    Bringing Up Life With Horses.Stephen J. Smith - 2018 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (2):179-189.
    A key phrase in working with horses, “bringing up life” is taken in its literal sense of moving expressively and energetically in order to animate the movements of the horses. The phrase also points to both what the radical phenomenologist Michel Henry referred to as the auto-affectivity of life and the vital powers of an essential hetero-affectivity. “Bringing up life” is the kinetic, kinaesthetic, affective expression of this fundamental impression that life is shared with other animate beings and that (...)
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    The Collapse and Reconstitution of the Cinematic Narrative: Interactivity vs. Immersion in Game Worlds.Otto Lehto - 2009 - Ec - Rivista Dell'associazione Italiana Studi Semiotici:21-28.
    This article analyses the phenomenology and ontology of videogames through the lens of semiotics. The difference between games and more traditional narrative models (such as those found in books and movies) lies on the structural level. The game narrative needs to be ‘written’ (played) before it can be ‘read’ (interpreted). Games provide fluidity of interactive immersion: the interface as the place of the merger between the player and the game. A connection, without delay, is established between the movement of (...)
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    Podem as Razões Subjacentes a Uma Acção Ser as Causas (Eficientes) dessa Acção? / O Labirinto do Descontínuo: Gramática, Fenomenologia e Ontologia da Acção.Paulo Renato de Jesus - 2011 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 67 (1):105 - 128.
    Razões e causas tipificam duas gramáticas ou jogos de linguagem que tendem para a incomensurabilidade. Estas gramáticas instituem uma discriminação qualitativa entre a auto-eficácia de se ser alguém e a eficácia simétrica, impessoal, de se ser algo. As razões podem comportar-se como causas, embora seja profundamente absurdo interpretar razões como causas e vice-versa. Contudo, para que as razões possam assumir tal eficiência causal, é necessário admitir vários postulados: primeiro, uma ontologia monista assegurando a comunicação de eficiência dinâmica entre duas (...)
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  49. The new/different (of Terms Of Movement) - 2018 - In Tobias Rees (ed.), After ethnos. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Curriculum Materials Reviews.Christian Education Movement - 1992 - Journal of Moral Education 21 (1):81.
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