Results for 'civil authority'

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  1.  28
    Civil authority and the articulation of markets.Fred Carstensen - 1995 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 9 (4):585-594.
    Markets, law, and regulation are intimately intertwined. Thus, recent studies (by Morton Keller and Donald McCloskey et al.) of the intersection between public policy and the economy are both necessary and welcome. But the absence in these works of a nuanced conceptualization of the critical, constructive role of civil authority in the creation and maintenance of open, competitive markets, and the virtual absence of a concern for and understanding of the engines of real economic growth, results in scholarship (...)
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  2. Francisco De Vitoria on the Nature and Source of Civil Authority.Thomas M. Osborne - 2023 - Review of Politics 85 (85):1-22.
    Readers have found at least two distinct and perhaps contradictory accounts of civil authority in the works of Francisco de Vitoria, and some hold that Vitoria himself holds contradictory positions. This article argues that Vitoria holds one consistent position, namely that civil power is based on a necessity that is rooted in human nature, and in particular on the final cause of human life, and not on a necessity that is a result of any historical decision or (...)
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    The Relationship of the Old Testament Prophets with Civil Authorities.Cătălin Varga - 2019 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 2:87-107.
    The present study aims to analyze from a different point of view the already established message, the theological message behind the episode “Naboth’s Vineyard”. For this, we propose to look strictly from the perspective of Old Testament culture, the relationship between the prophet of God and the representative of civil authority, insisting on the particularity of human rights (as they were left by God in the Torah). We pay close attention to whether they are widely respected, and if (...)
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    Conflicting obligations: Pufendorf, Leibniz and Barbeyrac on civil authority.Ian Hunter - 2004 - History of Political Thought 25 (4):670-699.
    Barbeyrac's republication of and commentary on Leibniz' attack on Pufendorf's natural-law doctrine is often seen as symptomatic of the failure of all three early moderns to solve a particular moral-philosophical problem: that of the relationship between civil authority and morality. Making use of the first English translation of Barbeyrac's work, this article departs from the usual view by arguing that here we are confronted by three conflicting constructions of civil obligation, arising not from the common intellectual terrain (...)
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    Séminaires et groupes de travail 2022-2023.No Author - 2023 - Methodos 23.
    Séminaire « Penser ensemble le droit et la société » Organisateurs : Cécile Lavergne & Gabrielle Radica _Programme des séances : _ _Mardi 4 octobre 2022_. Richard Sobel (U-Lille, CLERSÉ) « Droit du travail et analyse du rapport salarial. Quelques réflexions épistémologiques sur la mobilisation du droit en économie politique institutionnaliste » _Mercredi 9 novembre 2022_ - Daniel Adjerad (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, HIPHIMO EA 1451) : « Peut-on tout rapper? » _Mardi 6 décembre 2022_ - Cécile Degiovanni (Oxford University, Oxford (...)
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    ‘Τείχισμα Πελαργικόν’: Notes on Callimachus frr. 97–97a Harder.Gabriele Busnellicorresponding Author Blegen Librarypo Box - Cincinnatiunited States of Americaemailother Articles by This Author:De Gruyter Onlinegoogle Scholar - forthcoming - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption.
    Philologus, founded in 1846, is one of the oldest and most respected periodicals in the field of Classics. It publishes articles on Greek and Latin literature, historiography, philosophy, history of religion, linguistics, reception, and the history of scholarship. The journal aims to contribute to our understanding of Greco-Roman culture and its lasting influence on European civilization. The journal Philologus, conceived as a forum for discussion among different methodological approaches to the study of ancient texts and their reception, publishes original scholarly (...)
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    Political Authority, Civil Disobedience, Revolution.Alexander Kaufman - 2013 - In Jon Mandle & David A. Reidy (eds.), A Companion to Rawls. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 216–231.
    The notions of duty and obligation constitute the central focus of Rawls's account of political authority. This chapter examines Rawls's accounts of (1) the justification of political authority; (2) the essential elements of a just constitutional regime; (3) the conditions under which resistance to just institutions is permissible or required; and (4) the conditions under which institutions cease to deserve fidelity and obedience. It commences with Rawls's accounts of duty and obligation, focusing on his accounts of (1) the (...)
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  8.  19
    The Phases of Venus in Germanicus: A Note on German. fr. 4.73–76.Piazza dei Cavalieri Adalberto MagnavaccaCorresponding authorScuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, ItaliaScuola Normale SuperiorePiazza dei Cavalieri & Italyemailother Articles by This Author:De Gruyter Onlinegoogle Scholar Pisa - forthcoming - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption.
    Philologus, founded in 1846, is one of the oldest and most respected periodicals in the field of Classics. It publishes articles on Greek and Latin literature, historiography, philosophy, history of religion, linguistics, reception, and the history of scholarship. The journal aims to contribute to our understanding of Greco-Roman culture and its lasting influence on European civilization. The journal Philologus, conceived as a forum for discussion among different methodological approaches to the study of ancient texts and their reception, publishes original scholarly (...)
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    Un ignorato adespotum poetico in Esichio.Stefano Vecchiatocorresponding Authorscuola Normale Superiorepiazza Dei Cavalieri I. – Pisaitalyemailother Articles by This Author:De Gruyter Onlinegoogle Scholar - forthcoming - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption.
    Philologus, founded in 1846, is one of the oldest and most respected periodicals in the field of Classics. It publishes articles on Greek and Latin literature, historiography, philosophy, history of religion, linguistics, reception, and the history of scholarship. The journal aims to contribute to our understanding of Greco-Roman culture and its lasting influence on European civilization. The journal Philologus, conceived as a forum for discussion among different methodological approaches to the study of ancient texts and their reception, publishes original scholarly (...)
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  10.  35
    European civilization from a scientific and technological point of view. Author's reply.Botond Gaal, Adolfo Garcia de la Sienra, Chang Huai-Chen, Aba Amissah Quainoo & Roel A. Jongeneel - 2001 - Philosophia Reformata 66 (1):66-96.
    Adrian Vlot used a lot of information when he wrote his article. I do not intend this brief presentation to give additional information or remarks on the topic. My aim is to support his ideas. I am a mathematician, physicist and theologian. I interpret science as a human activity describing and understanding the phenomena of the created universe based on observation, explaining the relationships in the universe afterwards and, in addition, discovering further areas via human intellectual abilities. In my interpretation (...)
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  11.  13
    Civil Strife, Power and Authority in the Judicial Sphere: A Case Study from Roman Palestine.Kimberley Czajkowski - 2017 - Klio 99 (2):566-585.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 99 Heft: 2 Seiten: 566-585.
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  12.  60
    Civil Disobedience, Epistocracy, and the Question of whether Superior Political Judgment Defeats Majority Authority.Tine Hindkjaer Madsen - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (6):606-632.
    I outline a new approach to the question of when civil disobedience is legitimate by drawing on insights from the epistocracy literature. I argue that civil disobedience and epistocracy are similar in the sense that they both involve the idea that superior political judgment defeats majority authority, because this can lead to correct, i.e. just, prudent or morally right, political decisions. By reflecting on the question of when superior political judgment defeats majority authority in the epistocracy (...)
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  13.  51
    Revolutionary, advocate, agent, or authority: context-based assessment of the democratic legitimacy of transnational civil society actors.Christopher L. Pallas - 2010 - Ethics and Global Politics 3 (3):217-238.
    The literature on transnational civil society encompasses a number of conflicting views regarding civil society organizations’ (CSOs) behavior and impacts and the desirability of civil society involvement in international policymaking. This piece suggests that this lack of consensus arises from the diverse range of contexts in which CSOs operate and the wide variety of activities in which it engages. This article seeks to organize and analyze the disparate data on civil society by developing a context-based standard (...)
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  14.  13
    Conclusion: ‘Ghostly Authority against the Civill’.Reid Barbour - 2003 - In John Selden: Measures of the Holy Commonwealth in Seventeenth-Century England. University of Toronto Press. pp. 343-382.
  15.  43
    Authority, reason, and the civilizing process.John Alt - 1981 - Theory and Society 10 (3):387-405.
  16.  99
    Reconstructing civil society with intermedia communities.Aldo de Moor - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (3):279-289.
    A healthy civil society is essential in order to deal with “wicked” societal problems. Merely involving institutional actors and mass media is not sufficient. Intermedia can play a crucial complementary role in strengthening civil society. However, the potential of these technologies needs to be carefully tailored to the requirements and constraints of the communities grown around them. The GRASS system for group report authoring is one carefully tailored socio-technical system aimed at unlocking this potential. Such systems may help (...)
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  17.  34
    Authority as a Subject of Social Science and Philosophy.David Braybrooke - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (3):469 - 485.
    Authority does, of course, raise practical questions, and sometimes these have been so provocative as to amount to social crises. People in the awakening colonial countries have had to cope with a painful transition between old foreign authorities and new indigenous ones. In the metropolitan centers of colonial authority, especially in France, there has been profound agitation about received political forms, though fortunately this has not yet resulted in the catastrophic disintegration of civil authority which Italy (...)
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  18.  29
    Civil Disobedience in Focus.Hugo Adam Bedau (ed.) - 1991 - Routledge.
    The issues surrounding civil disobedience have been discussed since at least 399 BC and, in the wake of such recent events as the protest at Tiananmen Square, are still of great relevance. By presenting classic and current philosophical reflections on the issues, this book presents all the basic materials needed for a philosophical assessment of the nature and justification of civil disobedience. The pieces included range from classic essays by leading contemporary thinkers such as Rawls, Raz and Singer. (...)
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  19. The Unity of Western Civilization, Essays by various authors, by F. M. Stawell. [REVIEW]F. S. Marvin - 1915 - International Journal of Ethics 26:550.
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  20.  14
    Civil Society Groups and the Democratisation Process in Nigeria, 1960-2007.Adewunmi James Falode - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 71:6-16.
    Source: Author: Adewunmi James Falode This paper analyses the significant role the civil society groups played in the democratisation process in Nigeria between 1960 and 2007. The paper discovers that the CSGs made use of the conceptual mechanism in the democratisation process of Nigeria. The conceptual mechanism allowed the CSGs to inject such important concepts as accountability, rule of law, democracy, transparency, human rights and due process into the democratisation process between 1960 and 2007. These concepts were used to (...)
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  21. The Authority of the State.Leslie Green - 1988 - Clarendon Press.
    The modern state claims supreme authority over the lives of all its citizens. Drawing together political philosophy, jurisprudence, and public choice theory, this book forces the reader to reconsider some basic assumptions about the authority of the state. Various popular and influential theories - conventionalism, contractarianism, and communitarianism - are assessed by the author and found to fail. Leslie Green argues that only the consent of the governed can justify the state's claims to authority. While he denies (...)
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  22. Civil Society and "Women's Movements" in Post-Communist Europe. An Appraisal 25 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall.Yvanka B. Raynova - 2015 - In Community, Praxis, and Values in a Postmetaphysical Age: Studies on Exclusion and Social Integration in Feminist Theory and Contemporary Philosophy. Axia Academic Publishers. pp. 184-204.
    The aim of the article is to argue the thesis that, 25 years after the fall of communism, with the exception of former Yugoslavia, there has been and still is, a lack of „women’s movements“ in the post-communist countries. The author also proposes some explanations as to why there are dozens of women’s organizations but no women’s movements. In order to support her thesis, Raynova emphasizes the difference between “women’s movements”, “feminist movements” and “social movements”, and shows the weakness of (...)
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  23.  78
    Civilization and the poetics of slavery.Robbie Shilliam - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 108 (1):99-117.
    Civilizational analysis is increasingly being used to capture the plurality of routes to and through the modern world order. However, the concept of civilization betrays a colonial legacy, namely, a denial that colonized peoples possessed the creative ability to cultivate their own subjecthoods. This denial was especially acute when it came to enslaved Africans in the New World whose bodies were imagined to be deracinated and deculturated. This article proposes that civilizational analysis has yet to fully address this legacy and, (...)
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  24.  54
    Civil obedience and disobedience.Maeve Cooke - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (10):995-1003.
    This article offers a general framework for thinking about civil disobedience as transformative political action. Positing authority as the mode of power corresponding to obedience, and authority and freedom as internally related, it proposes a model of freedom and political authority as a basis for this framework. The framework is sufficiently general to allow for context-dependent variations – for example, as to whether publicity or non-violence is required – while specifying a view of civil disobedience (...)
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  25. Little Republics: Authority and the Political Nature of the Firm.Iñigo González-Ricoy - 2022 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 50 (1):90-120.
    Political theorists have recently sought to replace the liberal, contractual theory of the firm with a political view that models the authority relation of employee to firm, and its appropriate regulation, on that of subject to state. This view is liable to serious difficulties, however, given existing discontinuities between corporate and civil authority as to their coerciveness, entry and exit conditions, scope, legal standing, and efficiency constraints. I here inspect these, and argue that, albeit in some cases (...)
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  26.  17
    Civilizations, Autonomy, and War.Richard Sakwa - 2022 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2022 (201):84-108.
    ExcerptThe Ukraine war since February 2022 has exposed stark cleavages in international politics. The end of history long ago ended, and with it the conviction that Western civilization and its distinctive form of modernity would become universal.1 The clash of civilizations, in the model outlined by Samuel Huntington, has also been shown to be misdirected, although not entirely misguided.2 There is a struggle between civilizations, but the line is drawn not between the great religious blocs but along rather different lines. (...)
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  27.  51
    Civil Disobedience: A Philosophical Overview.Piero Moraro - 2019 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    What is the difference between civil and uncivil disobedience? How can illegal protest be compatible with a democratic regime based on the rule of law? Is Edward Snowden a civil disobedient? This book follows the philosophical debate around these and other issues, showing how the notion of civil disobedience has evolved from a form of passive resistance against injustice, to an active way to engage with the political life of the community. The author presents the major contributions (...)
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  28. The authority of law: essays on law and morality.Joseph Raz - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Legitimate authority -- The claims of law -- Legal positivism and the sources of law -- Legal reasons, sources, and gaps -- The identity of legal systems -- The institutional nature of law -- Kelsen's theory of the basic norm -- Legal validity -- The functions of law -- Law and value in adjudication -- The rule of law and its virtue -- The obligation to obey the law -- Respect for law -- A right to dissent? : (...) disobedience -- A right to dissent? : conscientious objection -- The purity of the pure theory -- The argument from justice, or how not to reply to legal positivism. (shrink)
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  29.  24
    Civil expertise of scientific knowledge in the digital era.Natalia V. Grishechkina & Sofia V. Tikhonova - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (2):123-138.
    Modern dialogue of society and science proceeds in the conditions of social media distribution and the convergence of scientific knowledge. This processes change system of mass information and communication channels between scientific actors, leaders of public opinion and organizers of public initiatives. The conflict between an elite normativity of a scientific discourse and an egalitarian normativity of a public discourse takes the new forms. Authors show how in large quantities extending practice of civil expertise, based on civil journalism (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Morality, Authority, and Law.Stephen L. Darwall - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Stephen Darwall presents a series of essays that explore the Second-Person Standpoint --an argument which advances an analysis of central moral concepts as irreducibly second personal in the sense of entailing mutual accountability and the authority to address demands. He illustrates the power of the second-personal framework to illuminate a wide variety of issues in moral, political, and legal philosophy. Section I concerns morality: for example, its distinctiveness among normative concepts, the relation between 'bipolar' obligations and moral obligation period, (...)
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  31. The authority of law: essays on law and morality.Joseph Raz - 1979 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Legitimate authority -- The claims of law -- Legal positivism and the sources of law -- Legal reasons, sources, and gaps -- The identity of legal systems -- The institutional nature of law -- Kelsen's theory of the basic norm -- Legal validity -- The functions of law -- Law and value in adjudication -- The rule of law and its virtue -- The obligation to obey the law -- Respect for law -- A right to dissent? : (...) disobedience -- A right to dissent? : conscientious objection --The purity of the pure theory -- The argument from justice, or how not to reply to legal positivism. (shrink)
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  32.  65
    Technological Civilization.Vladimir Davchev - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 48:5-23.
    One of the 20th century's most popular non-realistic genre is absurd. The root "absurd," connotes something that does not follow the roots of logic. Existence is fragmented, pointless. There is no truth so the search for truth is abandoned in Absurdist works. Language is reduced to a bantering game where words obfuscate rather elucidate the truth. Action moves outside of the realm of causality to chaos. Absurdists minimalize the sense of place. Characters are forced to move in an incomprehensible, void-like (...)
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  33.  72
    Civil Disobedience, Climate Protests and a Rawlsian Argument for ‘Atmospheric’ Fairness.Simo Kyllönen - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (5):593-613.
    Activities protesting against major polluters who cause climate change may cause damage to private property in the process. This paper investigates the case for a more international general basis of moral justification for such protests. Specific reference is made to the Kingsnorth case, which involved a protest by Greenpeace against coal-powered electricity generation in the UK. An appeal is made to Rawlsian fairness arguments, traditionally employed to support the obligation of citizens to their national governments as opposed to their international (...)
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  34. Creating Civil Citizens? The Value and Limits of Teaching Civility in Schools.Andrée-Anne Cormier & Harry Brighouse - 2019 - In Colin Macleod & Christine Tappolet (eds.), Philosophical Perspectives on Moral and Civic Education: Shaping Citizens and Their Schools. Routledge.
    Andrée-Anne Cormier and Harry Brighouse explore the question of whether there are good reasons for schools to try and produce citizens disposed to use, and practiced in, civil discourse and behavior, and if so, what this implies for schools. First, the authors propose an account of the value (and disvalue) of civility, drawing on Cheshire Calhoun’s conception. They argue that civility is good in many circumstances, but not always. In some circumstances, it is neither beneficial nor morally required. Second, (...)
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  35.  33
    Authority, Legitimacy and Sovereignty: Religion and Politics in the Roman Empire before Constantine.Robin W. Lovin - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (2):177-189.
    This essay traces Christian thinking about sacred and secular authority during the early centuries of the Roman Empire. Christian martyrdom, interpreted by apologists such as Tertullian, established a place for Christianity in Roman society and gave it authority against imperial power. From this confrontation there emerged a differentiation of religious and civil authority that provided a starting point for later constitutional ideas of separate and balanced powers and distinctions between state and civil society. A comparative (...)
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  36.  11
    Terrorism, Civil Liberties, and Preventive Approaches to Technology: The Difficult Choices Western Societies Face in the War on Terrorism.Arnd Jürgensen - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (1):55-59.
    This article explores public policy alternatives to the current war on terrorism. Western society’s vulnerability to terrorism has been dealt with primarily by expanding the law enforcement and surveillance authority of governments at the expense of the freedoms and civil liberties of the public. This approach threatens to undermine the prerequisites to meaningful democratic institutions. An alternative public policy might target high-risk technologies (civilian airlines, nuclear reactors, etc.) as the source of vulnerability to terrorism, thereby protecting civil (...)
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  37.  63
    The coherence of Hobbes's Leviathan: civil and religious authority combined.Eric Brandon - 2007 - New York: Continuum.
    Two conditions for internal peace : absolutism and identification --Four approaches to Leviathan -- Outline of a new approach -- Reason, natural law, and absolutism -- The role of part 1 in Leviathan -- The metaphysical conception of human nature -- The state of nature -- The argument for absolutism -- Criteria for the identification of the sovereign -- Natural law -- Reason, revelation, and the interpretation of scripture -- Historical background : sola scriptura and biblical criticism -- Hobbes and (...)
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  38.  11
    Civil Socialization of Youth in the Conditions of the Postmodern Information Society.Yaroslava Yurkiv & Nataliia Krasnova - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):74-90.
    The article deals with the analysis of the problem of civil socialization of youth in Ukraine in conditions of postmodern information society. The authors analyze definitions and main characteristics of civil socialization, define the role of information and communication in the process of civil socialization of youth, outline mechanisms of civil socialization of youth in the information society, represent the results of the conducted survey dealing with the peculiarities of civil socialization of the youth of (...)
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  39.  25
    Civil Society Discourse in Russian Modernism and French Post-Modernism.Svetlana Klimova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:121-127.
    Various approaches to civil society research are considered. Two key problems caused by impact of post-modernism are discussed, that are: crises of identification with the society and problems of personal identity. A particular personality crisis that is specific for contemporary Russia is noticed. The crisis is caused by the combination of two factors. They are: social abandonment, atomization and loneliness and total relativism produced by expansion of post-modernism. The second factor influences the Western citizenship as well. That’s why “re-emergence” (...)
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  40.  15
    Civil Society and State: A Historical Review.Venugopal B. Menon & Chinnu Jolly Jerome - 2017 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):33-42.
    The article attempts to trace the evolution of the concept of civil society. Drawing from the work of political philosophers from the classical period, the period of renaissance, scientific revolution, the period of Enlightenment in the 18th century, and ideologies from the Marxist and Gramscian discourses, the article demonstrates the shifts in the meaning and implications of the concept, its relations to public spaces, accountability, governance, normative ideals of state and the relationship between the state and its citizens. The (...)
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  41.  40
    Civil Power and the Deconstruction of Scholasticism in the Thought of Marc'antonio de Dominis.Benjamin Slingo - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (4):507-526.
    SummaryMarc'antonio de Dominis is well known to historians as a figure in the political and religious culture of early modern Britain and Europe. This article contends that he was also a major theorist of civil power: his critique of Catholic scholastic political thought is compelling and his account of divine right kingship sheds light on conceptual problems that troubled a range of early modern thinkers. De Dominis dismantled the scholastic theory of political power on its own terms, insisting that (...)
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  42.  17
    Socrates Meets Freud: The Father of Philosophy Meets the Father of Psychology : Socrates Cross-Examines the Author of Civilization and its Discontents.Peter Kreeft - 2013 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    Probably no single thinker since Jesus has influenced the thoughts and lives of more people living in the Western world today than Sigmund Freud. Even agnostics like William Barrett, in Irrational Man, and atheists like Nietzsche, agree that the single most radical change in the last thousand years of Western civilization has been the decline of religion. And the four most influential critics of religion have certainly been Nietzsche, Marx, Darwin, and Freud. Of the four, Freud is by far the (...)
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    Ontología de la sociedad civil.Alfonso Galindo Hervás - 2006 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 39:133-150.
    This article analyzes the connections among ontology, political thought and politics. Firstly, the author analyzes the normative aspect of the concept of civil society, with special attention to Cohen and Aratoʼs theory, and second, he studies the ontologycal style from Jean-Luc Nancy, Giorgio Agamben and Antonio Negri about the social and political aspects of the human reality, and he values theirs consistency and appropriateness.
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    Civility and Democracy.Carole Gayet-Viaud - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (1).
    By taking seriously the idea that democracy is a way of life, a pragmatist approach to democracy invites us to reconsider how manners and the political realm of free thought may be related. The present contribution argues that civil interactions are part of the experience of citizenship and represent one of the ways through which political principles can come to life. Civility is therefore described as an activity rather than a set of rules, the role of which in democratic (...)
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  45. The "Right to Rebel" in Early China: Civil Disobedience, Agency, and Moral Authority in Classical Chinese Philosophy.Lisa Indraccolo - 2022 - Bochumer Jahrbuch Zur Ostasienforschung 45:177-193.
    In early China, the mandate to rule or "Mandate of Heaven" is of divine origin. However, the ruler is an ordinary human being whose right to govern can be revoked by the supreme deity should he fall short in his duties towards his subjects, and neglect his role of benevolent guardian who has to provide for and ensure acceptable life conditions for his subjects. This concept has led some early thinkers to theorize the admissibility for the people to rebel against (...)
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    Beyond ‘civil religion’ – on Pascalian influence in Tocqueville.Yuji Takayama - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (5):518-535.
    ABSTRACT In volume two of his work Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville argued that religion could guarantee individual liberties against the tyranny of the majority. However, in volume one of this work, Tocqueville presented a conventional ‘civil religion’ as a phenomenon that was identical to or subsumed by American social mores or opinions. Thus, the following questions are raised: How can such a religion represent a brake on potential tyranny? How can genuine religion be distinguished from common opinion? (...)
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  47.  6
    The Entangled Civilization: Democracy, Equality, and Freedom at a Loss.Michio Kitahara - 1995 - Upa.
    Why are democracy, equality and freedom currently in such turmoil? Kitahara discusses the confusion and pessimism in Western civilization today. The author presents his theory of civilization and suggests how the enormous problems within Western civilization can be addressed by pursuing the original basis of Western civilization-individualism. The three key values of democracy, equality and freedom are then re-interpreted from the perspective of individualism, and possibilities for dealing with the problems of Western civilization are suggested. Contents: PART I: PROBLEMS OF (...)
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    Civil Society in Southeast Europe.Dane R. Gordon & David C. Durst - 2004 - Rodopi.
    Since the fall of communism in 1989 Southeast Europe has been a site of far-reaching societal transformation, much of it marked by political crisis, economic upheaval, ethnic tension, and bitter war. The book comprises articles investigating the history and development of civil society in post-communist Southeast Europe. How is civil society to be grasped, what are the historical factors shaping the civil societies of the region?, what is the function of civil society in the transition to (...)
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  49.  12
    Hebrew Authors and English Copyright Law in Mandate Palestine.Michael D. Birnhack - 2011 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 12 (1):201-240.
    This Article discusses the first steps of Israeli copyright law, dating it back to Ottoman times, which is earlier than thus far discussed in the literature. The account provides an early case of legal globalization through colonialism. The imposition of copyright law in Palestine enables us to observe the difficulties of applying an uninvited legal transplant and to trace its dynamics. The discussion queries the fate of copyright law in Mandate Palestine from two perspectives. First, the Colonial-Imperial point of view: (...)
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  50. Participatory policy-making, participatory civil society: A key for dissolving elite rule in new democracies in the era of globalization.Umut Korkut - 2007 - World Futures 63 (5 & 6):340 – 352.
    The author argues that in democracies a strong state and strong civil society are not mutually exclusive. Only a democratic, legitimate, and strong state can provide the environment for civil society activities to flourish; in return, only a strong and a participatory civil society can outline the reach of state strength vis-à-vis the society. The author discusses the need for civil society organizations to collaborate with policy-making institutions, in which they can negotiate policy concerns with ministers (...)
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