Results for 'democratic public opinion'

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  1.  45
    Public Opinion, Democratic Legitimacy, and Epistemic Compromise.Dustin Olson - 2021 - In Péter Hartl & Adam Tamas Tuboly (eds.), Science, Freedom, Democracy. New York, Egyesült Államok: Routledge. pp. 158 - 177.
    Using a recent example from US politics as representative of contemporary liberal democracies, this chapter highlights how public opinion is shaped through the exploitation of our epistemic interdependence and partisan bias. Climate change was an important issue leading into the 2010 US mid-term elections. Public opinion on climate change was subject to a number of willfully disseminated distorting influences, having a significant impact on the election’s outcome and subsequent political discourse surrounding climate change policies. One impact (...)
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    Public opinion and democratic culture: The French revolution.Chairperson Raymonde Monnier - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):175-180.
    (1996). Public opinion and democratic culture: The French revolution. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 175-180.
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  3.  43
    Public opinion and democratic culture: The French revolution.Raymonde Monnier - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):175-180.
    (1996). Public opinion and democratic culture: The French revolution. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 175-180.
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    Political theory and public opinion: Against democratic restraint.Alice Baderin - 2016 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 15 (3):209-233.
    How should political theorists go about their work if they are democrats? Given their democratic commitments, should they develop theories that are responsive to the views and concerns of their fellow citizens at large? Is there a balance to be struck, within political theory, between truth seeking and democratic responsiveness? The article addresses this question about the relationship between political theory, public opinion and democracy. I criticize the way in which some political theorists have appealed to (...)
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    Deliberative public opinion.Kieran C. O’Doherty - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (4):124-145.
    Generally, public opinion is measured via polls or survey instruments, with a majority of responses in a particular direction taken to indicate the presence of a given ‘public opinion’. However, discursive psychological and related scholarship has shown that the ontological status of both individual opinion and public opinion is highly suspect. In the first part of this article I draw on this body of work to demonstrate that there is currently no meaningful theoretical (...)
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  6.  12
    Bringing Public Opinion and Electoral Politics Back In: Explaining the Fate of “Clintonomics” and Its Contemporary Relevance.James Shoch - 2008 - Politics and Society 36 (1):89-130.
    In 1992, Bill Clinton won the presidency committed to an ambitious program of “public investment.” Yet the plan Clinton submitted to the Democrat-controlled Congress in early 1993 was sharply scaled back in favor of an emphasis on reducing the federal budget deficit. Congress then made further deep cuts in Clinton's plan. This Democratic retreat from public investment would continue throughout the remainder of Clinton's presidency. In this article, I argue that the fate of “Clintonomics” was due mainly (...)
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    Ethical considerations regarding public opinion polling during election campaigns.Alex C. Michalos - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (6):403 - 422.
    Commercial public opinion polling is an increasingly important element in practically all elections in democratic countries around the world. Poll results and pollsters are relatively new and autonomous voices in our human communities. Here I try to connect such polling directly to morality and democratic processes. Several arguments have been and might be used for and against banning such polling during elections, i.e., for and against effectively silencing these voices. I present the arguments on both sides (...)
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    Democratic Consolidation in Korea: A Trend Analysis of Public Opinion Surveys, 1997–2001.Doh Chull Shin - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 2 (2):177-209.
    The Republic of Korea (Korea hereinafter) has been widely regarded as one of the most vigorous and analytically interesting third-wave democracies (Diamond and Shin, 2000: 1). During the first decade of democratic rule, Korea has successfully carried out a large number of electoral and other reforms to transform the institutions and procedures of military-authoritarian rule into those of a representative democracy. Unlike many of its counterparts in Latin America and elsewhere, Korea has fully restored civilian rule by extricating the (...)
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  9. Bioethics Should Not Seek to Reflect Public Opinion.Benjamin Gregg - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):42-45.
    Bioethicists’ views diverge public opinion on various ethical issues, particularly in healthcare. For instance, bioethicists generally oppose payment for organs and advocate for preventing death at any age, whereas the public is more supportive of organ payment and prioritizing younger patients. I offer four arguments on how best to view this divergence. (a) Bioethicists’ specialized training, objectivity, and reliance on research often lead to views that differ from those of the public, which may be less informed (...)
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  10.  53
    Public Opinion and Its Impacts on the 2000 HR election.Ikuo Kabashima - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 1 (2):341-344.
    This short note analyzes how the public in Japan evaluates the performance of the cabinet and the two major parties, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Democratic Party of Japan (DP), and their impacts on the 2000 House of Representatives election held on 25 June.
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  11. Politesse and Public Opinion in Stendhal’s Red and Black.Richard Boyd - 2005 - European Journal of Political Theory 4 (4):367-392.
    Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America is one of the most celebrated 19th-century explorations of the rise of democracy as a social condition. However, Tocqueville is not the only political thinker of his immediate era to raise questions about the costs and benefits of democracy. This article will consider Stendhal’s novel The Red and the Black as an immediate precursor to Tocqueville’s criticisms of tyrannical public opinion and other ambivalent features of democracy. Like Tocqueville, Stendhal ponders the breakdown (...)
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  12. Experimenting with a democratic ideal: Deliberative polling and public opinion.James Fishkin & Robert Luskin - 2005 - Acta Politica 40 (3):284–98.
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  13.  47
    False starts, dead ends, and new opportunities in public opinion research.Scott L. Althaus - 2006 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 18 (1-3):75-104.
    Empirical research on public opinion has tended to misjudge the normative rationales for modern democracy. Although it is often presumed that citizens' policy preferences are the opinions of interest to democratic theorists, and that democracy requires a highly informed citizenry, neither of these premises represents a dominant position in mainstream democratic theory. Besides incorrect assumptions about major tenets of democratic theory, empirical research on civic engagement is running into dead ends that will require normative analysis (...)
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  14.  93
    SETTINGS OF PRESS FREEDOM AND PUBLIC OPINION IN HEGEL.Agemir Bavaresco & Paulo Roberto Konzen - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (119):63-92.
    New settings for communication are being built, having, at one side, great corporations of television, radio, press and on line media, and at the other side the role of the independent / alternative press, understood as not bound to a private, public or state enterprise or to some economic group. It takes gradually shape the constitution of the opposition between the traditional media and the independent / alternative press, having as a material base the new technologies of information. How (...)
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  15.  78
    The Digital Transformation of the Democratic Public Sphere: Opportunities and Challenges.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2024 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy (2):484-513.
    The liberal democratic regimes rest on a well-developed public sphere accessible to all citizens that favors free discussions based on reason and critical debate and serves as a space where public opinion is formed through reasoned dialogue. The new digital technologies disrupted many parts of contemporary democratic societies and transformed their public sphere. Digital transformation alters industries and markets, changing the perceived subjective value, satisfaction, and usefulness of goods or services and displacing established companies (...)
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  16.  37
    Freedom, Power and Public Opinion: J.S. Mill on the Public Sphere.B. Baum - 2001 - History of Political Thought 22 (3):501-524.
    Mill contends that the fullest publicity and freedom of discussion is essential for all citizens to share in political freedom. Previous commentators have focused on Mill's strictures against censorship; they have paid little attention to his understanding of how freedom of discussion and political will formation are mediated in the public sphere by the distribution of social power in civil society, particularly control of the means of communication. This article shows that Mill's account of the sociology and political economy (...)
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  17.  60
    Between Public Opinion and Public Policy: Human Embryonic Stem-Cell Research and Path-Dependency.Stephen R. Latham - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):800-806.
    My aim in this paper is simply to show that, in bioethics no less than in other areas of health care, policy in democracies is shaped not only by principles and values, but also — and to some extent independently — by the shape and history of particular political institutions and past policies. “Path dependency,” or what one scholar has called the “accidental logics” of already-existing institutions, condition and guide national policy choices. These institutional and historical pressures can even create (...)
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  18.  18
    The Public Spirit in Democratic Age: Tocqueville on Public Sphere and Political Culture.Juan Antonio González de Requena - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):45-56.
    El actual debate sobre el papel de la "esfera pública" en la política moderna no asume un concepto único de lo "público". La reconstrucción habermasiana de la esfera pública enfatiza la apertura inclusiva de la interacción discursiva a través de la sociedad civil, pero también sus efectos políticos al proveer legitimación reflexiva y una formación racional de la opinión. La esfera pública también se relaciona con el aparecer en común y actuar juntos; o es vinculada con la cultura política, con (...)
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  19.  40
    Internet and Democratic Citizenship among the Global Mass Publics: Does Internet Use Increase Political Support for Democracy?Youngho Cho - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (4):661-682.
    This study analyzed public opinion data for the 45 societies from the latest World Values Survey and found that Internet use promotes democratic support in democratic countries but not in authoritarian countries. In advanced democracies, democratic ideas and thoughts are freely produced and disseminated in cyberspace, and Internet users tend to absorb them. On the other hand, this online content is highly controlled by authoritarian governments in non-democratic settings, and Internet users are likely to (...)
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  20.  40
    Should the Mass Public Follow Elite Opinion? It Depends ….Jennifer L. Hochschild - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (4):527-543.
    John Zaller's finding that members of the public usually follow elites' cues may seem normatively disturbing. If true, it might be taken to obviate the need for democracy or to show that elites are manipulating the public. However, as long as the public sometimes fails to follow elites, we can judge cases of public followership according to independent criteria, such as whether the public's occasional rebellions against elite opinion further liberal-democratic or utilitarian purposes. (...)
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  21.  35
    Drug Legalization, Democracy and Public Health: Canadian Stakeholders’ Opinions and Values with Respect to the Legalization of Cannabis.Marianne Rochette, Matthew Valiquette, Claudia Barned & Eric Racine - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (2):175-190.
    The legalization of cannabis in Canada instantiates principles of harm-reduction and safe supply. However, in-depth understanding of values at stake and attitudes toward legalization were not part of extensive democratic deliberation. Through a qualitative exploratory study, we undertook 48 semi-structured interviews with three Canadian stakeholder groups to explore opinions and values with respect to the legalization of cannabis: (1) members of the general public, (2) people with lived experience of addiction and (3) clinicians with experience treating patients with (...)
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  22. Public sociology and democratic theory.Stephen P. Turner - 2009 - In Jeroen Van Bouwel (ed.), The Social Sciences and Democracy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Sociology, as conceived by Comte, was to put an end to the anarchy of opinions characteristic of liberal democracy by replacing opinion with the truths of sociology, imposed through indoctrination. Later sociologists backed away from this, making sociology acceptable to liberal democracy by being politically neutral. The critics of this solution asked 'whose side are we on?' Burawoy provides a novel justification for advocacy scholarship in sociology. Public sociology is intended to have political effects, but also to be (...)
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  23.  24
    Democratization of expertise?: exploring novel forms of scientific advice in political decision-making.Sabine Maasen & Peter Weingart (eds.) - 2005 - London: Springer.
    ‘Scientific advice to politics’, the ‘nature of expertise’, and the ‘relation between experts, policy makers, and the public’ are variations of a topic that currently attracts the attention of social scientists, philosophers of science as well as practitioners in the public sphere and the media. This renewed interest in a persistent theme is initiated by the call for a democratization of expertise that has become the order of the day in the legitimation of research funding. The new significance (...)
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  24.  35
    Deconstructing public participation in the governance of facial recognition technologies in Canada.Maurice Jones & Fenwick McKelvey - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    On February 13, 2020, the Toronto Police Services (TPS) issued a statement admitting that its members had used Clearview AI’s controversial facial recognition technology (FRT). The controversy sparked widespread outcry by the media, civil society, and community groups, and put pressure on policy-makers to address FRTs. Public consultations presented a key tool to contain the scandal in Toronto and across Canada. Drawing on media reports, policy documents, and expert interviews, we investigate four consultations held by the Toronto Police Services (...)
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  25.  53
    Democratic Evaluation and Improvement: A Set of Standards for Citizens and Democratic Institutions.Eduardo Martinez - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
    Each chapter of this dissertation develops a standard with which to evaluate and guide the improvement of a different node of a democratic system. In the first chapter, I consider the relationship between citizens, their environment, and the formal infrastructure of democracy. The standard for this node is democratic health, which is a feature of the social epistemic environment in which citizens operate. I argue that a democratically healthy environment is one that is conducive to the development of (...)
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  26.  31
    Public images and understandings of courts.James L. Gibson - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article focuses on contemporary work on public knowledge of, information about, and public images and judgments of law and courts. It begins with a brief digression on the nature of the scholarship on public opinion and the operation of courts and postulates that courts are political institutions. In order to highlight the importance of judicial knowledge, democratic theory is explained in the article. The theory of judicial influence is a theory of individual-level attitude change. (...)
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  27. Facing Epistemic Authorities: Where Democratic Ideals and Critical Thinking Mislead Cognition.Thomas Grundmann - 2021 - In Sven Bernecker, Amy K. Flowerree & Thomas Grundmann (eds.), The Epistemology of Fake News. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Disrespect for the truth, the rise of conspiracy thinking, and a pervasive distrust in experts are widespread features of the post-truth condition in current politics and public opinion. Among the many good explanations of these phenomena there is one that is only rarely discussed: that something is wrong with our deeply entrenched intellectual standards of (i) using our own critical thinking without any restriction and (ii) respecting the judgment of every rational agent as epistemically relevant. In this paper, (...)
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    Public images and understandings of courts.James L. Gibson - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article focuses on contemporary work on public knowledge of, information about, and public images and judgments of law and courts. It begins with a brief digression on the nature of the scholarship on public opinion and the operation of courts and postulates that courts are political institutions. In order to highlight the importance of judicial knowledge, democratic theory is explained in the article. The theory of judicial influence is a theory of individual-level attitude change. (...)
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    Mass opinion and American political development.Samuel DeCanio - 2006 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 18 (1-3):143-155.
    Despite its origins in explorations of the political and institutional history that had become unfashionable in History departments, the Political Science subfield of American Political Development has drifted toward the “history‐from‐below” view against which it was originally a reaction. Perhaps this is a normal tendency in democratic cultures that ground their legitimacy on the will of the people. But it may also be due to a failure of APD scholars to appreciate that even in a democratic country such (...)
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  30. Democracy, Public Policy, and Lay Assessments of Scientific Testimony.Elizabeth Anderson - 2011 - Episteme 8 (2):144-164.
    Responsible public policy making in a technological society must rely on complex scientific reasoning. Given that ordinary citizens cannot directly assess such reasoning, does this call the democratic legitimacy of technical public policies in question? It does not, provided citizens can make reliable second-order assessments of the consensus of trustworthy scientific experts. I develop criteria for lay assessment of scientific testimony and demonstrate, in the case of claims about anthropogenic global warming, that applying such criteria is easy (...)
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  31.  37
    Indonesia's Democratic Performance: A Popular Assessment.Saiful Mujani & R. William Liddle - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (2):210-226.
    How democratic is contemporary Indonesia? While analysts differ, Indonesian citizens, when asked in systematic public opinion surveys conducted regularly by the authors since 1999, consistently express strong support for democratic principles and also believe that their country's democratic performance is high. Support for democratic performance is highly correlated with support for government performance, as measured by perceptions of the condition of the national economy and political system. At the same time, higher levels of education (...)
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  32.  61
    Does Public Ignorance Matter?Robert S. Erikson - 2007 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 19 (1):23-34.
    ABSTRACT Recent scholarship has attempted to restore the reputation of the American electorate, even though its level of political interest and information has not measurably increased. Scott Althaus’s Collective Preferences in Democratic Politics challenges this revisionist optimism, arguing that opinion polls misrepresent the interests of a large segment of society, and that they therefore get too much attention as a guide to policy makers, because those being polled are so ill informed. But Althaus overestimates the degree to which (...)
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  33.  15
    L'opinion et le Roi : 1940-1944.José Gotovitch - 1978 - Res Publica 20 (1):55-98.
    This present study tries to encircle the image of King Leopold III as it was fashioned by public opinion during the occupation. It excludes the collaborationist movements and the exiled Belgians in London. Different sources have been interrogated : reports on public opinion destinated to the Cabinet-in-exile in London, available diaries and most of all underground leafl,ets and newspapers.The public opinion underwent a strong evolution from 1940 till 1944 and changed according to social classes. (...)
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  34.  19
    Monitoring Public Interest and Sentiment on Basic Income: Using Google and Twitter Data in the U.S.Soomi Lee & Taeyong Park - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (1):31-49.
    This study uses data from Google Trends and Twitter to analyze how public interest and sentiment towards Universal Basic Income (UBI) changed across all 50 states and Washington D.C. between 2018 and 2021. We specifically selected this time period as it includes both Andrew Yang’s UBI campaign during the Democratic primaries in 2019 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when UBI gained attention due to the federal government’s unconditional cash payment to almost all citizens. To overcome the limitations (...)
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  35.  46
    Democracia deliberativa: opinión pública y voluntad política.Cuchumbé Holguín & Nelson Jair - 2010 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 42:87-101.
    El propósito del presente artículo es el de reflexionar sobre la relación política y legitimación del Estado en las sociedades modernas liberales, a partir del enfrentamiento ideológico entre los promotores del “estado de opinión” y los defensores del Estado de Derecho en Colombia. Considero que la participación, la comunicación deliberativa, el uso público de la razón práctica, la autonomía ciudadana y el respeto a los derechos fundamentales son supuestos ético-políticos inevitables sí queremos construir una cultura política democrática y pluralista en (...)
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  36.  32
    The Public Sphere as Site of Emancipation and Enlightenment: A Discourse Theoretic Critique of Digital Communication.David Ingram & Asaf Bar-Tura - unknown
    Habermas claims that an inclusive public sphere is the only deliberative forum for generating public opinion that satisfies the epistemic and normative conditions underlying legitimate decision-making. He adds that digital technologies and other mass media need not undermine – but can extend – rational deliberation when properly instituted. This paper draws from social epistemology and technology studies to demonstrate the epistemic and normative limitations of this extension. We argue that current online communication structures fall short of satisfying (...)
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  37.  49
    Democratic politics and survey research.Lynn M. Sanders - 1999 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 29 (2):248-280.
    Democratically inspired critics identify a number of problems with the contemporaryidentification of survey research and public opinion. Surveys are said tonormalize or rationalize opinion, to promote state or corporate rather thandemocratic interests, to constrain authentic forms of participation, and to forcean individualized conception of public opinion. Some of these criticisms arerelatively easily answered by survey researchers. But the criticisms contain acomplaint that survey researchers have largely failed to address: that surveyresearch discourages the public, visible, (...)
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  38. Dewey in Spanish. John Dewey, La opinion publica y sus problemas (Spanish Translation of The Public and Its Problems). [REVIEW]Shane Ralston - 2006 - Education and Culture 22 (1):51-54.
    With Spanish the third most widely spoken language in the world, one would expect more Spanish translations of important texts in American philosophy. Given the recent publication of a Spanish translation of The Public and Its Problems (1927), more people have access to John Dewey’s ideas about democracy than ever before. A broader readership might bring greater inclusivity to the existing debate over the significance of Dewey’s legacy for democratic theory. For the past few years, this debate has (...)
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  39. (1 other version)The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry Into a Category of Bourgeois Society.Jurgen Habermas - 1991 - Polity.
    This is Jürgen Habermas's most concrete historical-sociological book and one of the key contributions to political thought in the postwar period. It will be a revelation to those who have known Habermas only through his theoretical writing to find his later interests in problems of legitimation and communication foreshadowed in this lucid study of the origins, nature, and evolution of public opinion in democratic societies.
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    The Autonomy of the Democratic State: Rejoinder to Carpenter, Ginsberg, and Shefter.Samuel DeCanio - 2007 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 19 (1):187-196.
    ABSTRACT While democratic states may manipulate public opinion and mobilize society to serve their interests, a focus on such active efforts may distract us from the passive, default condition of ignorance‐based state autonomy. The electorate’s ignorance ensures that most of what modern states do is unknown to “society,” and thus need not even acquire social approval, whether manipulated or spontaneous. Similarly, suggestions that democratic states may be “captured” by societal groups must take cognizance of the factors (...)
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  41. Social Media Filters and Resonances: Democracy and the Contemporary Public Sphere.Hartmut Rosa - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (4):17-35.
    Democratic conceptions of politics are tacitly or explicitly predicated upon a functioning arena for the formation of public opinion in an associated media-space. Policy-making thus requires a reliable connection to processes of ‘public’ will formation. These processes formed the focus for Habermas’s influential study on the public sphere. This contribution presents a look at more recent ‘structural transformation’, the causes of which are by no means limited to social media communication, and examines its consequences. It (...)
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  42.  20
    The theory of the public sphere as a cognitive theory of modern society.Hans-Jörg Trenz - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (1):125-140.
    The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere is a key contribution to political philosophy, media history, democratic theory and political economy – published almost 60 years ago – that left a deep imprint on the process of democratic consolidation of the Federal Republic of Germany. At the same time, the Habermasian model of the public sphere was used to test out the possibilities of democratisation beyond the nation-state. The theory of the public sphere was, however, (...)
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    Deploying Identity for Democratic Ends on Jan Publiek– A Flemish Television Talk Show.Sonja Spee & Kathleen Dixon - 2003 - European Journal of Women's Studies 10 (4):409-422.
    If public self-expression is a crucial feature of democracy, how might it work on the democratic – or at least, mass – medium par excellence, television? Television talk shows often allow ‘ordinary’ participants the opportunity to express themselves, i.e. deploy identities, feelings and opinions, presumably to further their own ends. This article uses speech act theory and Bakhtinian genre theory to analyze the talk on Jan Publiek, a Flemish talk show. This close reading helps to determine how two (...)
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    Press protest and publics: The agency of publics in newspaper campaigns.Jen Birks - 2010 - Discourse and Communication 4 (1):51-67.
    Campaign advocacy is a common but rarely researched practice in British tabloid journalism. Newspaper campaigns give an account of ‘public opinion’ to politicians, make explicit claims to speak for ‘the public’ and authentically represent them, and also address readers in an unconventional way in order to recruit their support. This article therefore examines the effect to which agency is attributed to readers and other publics in two such campaigns, and argues that publics were portrayed as active only (...)
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    The "nation's conscience:" Assessing bioethics commissions as public forums.Albert W. Dzur & Daniel Lessard Levin - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (4):333-360.
    : As the fifth national bioethics commission has concluded its work and a sixth is currently underway, it is time to step back and consider appropriate measures of success. This paper argues that standard measures of commissions' influence fail to fully assess their role as public forums. From the perspective of democratic theory, a critical dimension of this role is public engagement: the ability of a commission to address the concerns of the general public, to learn (...)
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  46. Can a Democrat change US Middle East policy?Noam Chomsky - unknown
    "Eighty-one per cent say when making 'an important decision' government leaders 'should pay attention to public opinion polls because this will help them get a sense of the public's views,"' reports the Program on International Policy Attitudes, in Washington.
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  47.  15
    Dasan Jeong Yagyong’s Theory of The Public and The Private - Theory of Human Nature as Preference(性嗜好說) and Virtue -. 김우진 - 2022 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 109:181-199.
    본 연구의 목적은 현대 민주주의의 공론에서 유학이 가지는 의미를 규명하기 위해 유학의 다양한 스펙트럼 중 성리학의 특징을 분석하고, 성리학의 성론(性論)과 덕론(德論)에 대한 다산 정약용의 비판과 그 비판의 원리를 중심으로 그의 공사론을 규정하는 단초를 마련하는 것이다. 다산 성론과 덕론의 핵심은 덕을 성으로 정의하는 성리학과는 달리, 성을 하늘의 원리가 아니라 선하는 것을 좋아하는 경향으로 규정하고 덕을 도덕적 실천을 통해 나타나는 결과라는 것이다. 이는 성기호설을 바탕으로 하는 그의 공사론이 성리학의 도덕 형이상학적 공사론과 어떻게 다른지 규명하는 데 출발점이 된다.
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    Must Penal Law Be Insulated from Public Influence?Christopher D. Berk - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 40 (1):67-87.
    Punishment and democracy appear to exacerbate each other’s worst features. The institutions and moral intuitions used to punish those that break the law can hollow out civic participation, distort the electorate, and undermine core democratic values. Likewise, many have argued the decentralized character of democracy is a key, albeit indirect, cause of increasingly punitive public policies that are divorced from any reasonable penological purpose. Given the effects of electoral politics, many have called for the separation, or general insulation, (...)
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    Economy and political distrust: Explaining public anti-partyism in the Czech Republic.Vlastimil Havlík - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (1):72-85.
    There is little doubt in the current comparative politics literature about the importance of political parties in modern democracies, nor is there any doubt about the centrality of political parties in the democratic transitions in Central and Eastern Europe after the fall of communism. This holds true for the Czech Republic as well. However, the three most recent general elections in the Czech Republic have shaken the country. Electoral earthquakes are becoming common in the region, and it seems that (...)
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    Ruling passions: political offices and democratic ethics.Andrew Sabl - 2002 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    How should politicians act? When should they try to lead public opinion and when should they follow it? Should politicians see themselves as experts, whose opinions have greater authority than other people's, or as participants in a common dialogue with ordinary citizens? When do virtues like toleration and willingness to compromise deteriorate into moral weakness? In this innovative work, Andrew Sabl answers these questions by exploring what a democratic polity needs from its leaders. He concludes that there (...)
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