Results for 'denoting concept'

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  1. Denoting concepts, reference, and the logic of names, classes as many, groups, and plurals.Nino B. Cocchiarella - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (2):135 - 179.
    Bertrand Russell introduced several novel ideas in his 1903 Principles of Mathematics that he later gave up and never went back to in his subsequent work. Two of these are the related notions of denoting concepts and classes as many. In this paper we reconstruct each of these notions in the framework of conceptual realism and connect them through a logic of names that encompasses both proper and common names, and among the latter, complex as well as simple common (...)
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  2. Acquaintance, denoting concepts, and sense.James Levine - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (3):415-445.
    In a recent article, Michael Kremer revisits Russell's "Gray's Elegy" argument—the argument in "On Denoting" in which Russell rejects "the whole distinction of meaning and denotation". Kremer argues that the Gray's Elegy argument is directed not at Frege's distinction between Sinn and Bedeutung but rather at Russell's own theory of "denoting concepts" in his earlier Principles of Mathematics. Furthermore, and more originally, Kremer argues that Russell's views of acquaintance play a central role in the argument. For Kremer, it (...)
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  3. Polyadic Quantification via Denoting Concepts.Ori Simchen - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (3):373-381.
    The question of the origin of polyadic expressivity is explored and the results are brought to bear on Bertrand Russell's 1903 theory of denoting concepts, which is the main object of criticism in his 1905 "On Denoting". It is shown that, appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, the background ontology of the earlier theory of denoting enables the full-blown expressive power of first-order polyadic quantification theory without any syntactic accommodation of scopal differences among denoting phrases such as (...)
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  4. Denoting Concepts and Ontology in Russell's Principles of Mathematics.Wouter Adriaan Cohen - 2022 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 10 (7).
    Bertrand Russell’s _Principles of Mathematics_ (1903) gives rise to several interpretational challenges, especially concerning the theory of denoting concepts. Only relatively recently, for instance, has it been properly realised that Russell accepted denoting concepts that do not denote anything. Such empty denoting concepts are sometimes thought to enable Russell, whether he was aware of it or not, to avoid commitment to some of the problematic non-existent entities he seems to accept, such as the Homeric gods and chimeras. (...)
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  5. The ‘Gray’s Elegy’ Argument, and The Prospects for the Theory of Denoting Concepts.B. Brogaard - 2006 - Synthese 152 (1):47-79.
    Russell's new theory of denoting phrases introduced in "On Denoting" in Mind 1905 is now a paradigm of analytic philosophy. The main argument for Russell's new theory is the so-called 'Gray's Elegy' argument, which purports to show that the theory of denoting concepts promoted by Russell in the 1903 Principles of Mathematics is incoherent. The 'Gray's Elegy' argument rests on the premise that if a denoting concept occurs in a proposition, then the proposition is not (...)
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    A theory of fictional entities based on denoting concepts.Francesco Orilia - 2012 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 262 (4):577-592.
    There are many data suggesting that we should acknowledge fictional entities in our ontological inventory, in spite of the paraphrasing strategies that Russell’s theory of descriptions can offer. Thus the realist attitude toward fictional entities of Meinongian and artifactualist accounts may seem well-motivated. Yet, these approaches infringe the Russellian “robust sense of reality.” A different realist account is proposed here, one that is compatible with the Russellian “robust sense of reality” in that it identifies fictional entities with denoting concepts, (...)
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  7. (1 other version)"On Denoting" and the Principle of Acquaintance.Russell Wahl - 2007 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 27 (1):7-23.
    While Russell’s concerns in developing the theory of descriptions were primarily with his foundation of logic, he was aware of the epistemological uses of both the theory of denoting concepts and the 1905 theory of deWnite descriptions. At the end of “On Denoting” he suggests that the principle of acquaintance is a “result” of the new theory of denoting. In this paper I examine the relation between the theory of descriptions and the principle of acquaintance, and I (...)
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  8. Meaning, denotation, signification and reference in TIL theory.B. Cakovska - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (3):176-184.
    The Transparent Intensional Logic explicates the meaning of a linguistic expression as a construction. The construction is a hyperintensional entity. It is characterised as instructions for a „calculation“ of a concrete value. In the terminology of Pavel Tichy a linguistic expression denotes its meaning , which construes the signification of the expression. If the signification is an intension, we can call it a reference of the expression. In several semantic conceptions the question of the denotation and of the reference are (...)
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    Denotational Semantics for Modal Systems S3–S5 Extended by Axioms for Propositional Quantifiers and Identity.Steffen Lewitzka - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (3):507-544.
    There are logics where necessity is defined by means of a given identity connective: \ is a tautology). On the other hand, in many standard modal logics the concept of propositional identity \ can be defined by strict equivalence \}\). All these approaches to modality involve a principle that we call the Collapse Axiom : “There is only one necessary proposition.” In this paper, we consider a notion of PI which relies on the identity axioms of Suszko’s non-Fregean logic (...)
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  10.  89
    Denoting and Disquoting.Michael Rieppel - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (3):548-561.
    ABSTRACTFregeans hold that predicates denote things, albeit things different in kind from what singular terms denote. This leads to a familiar problem: it seems impossible to say what any given predicate denotes. One strategy for avoiding this problem reduces the Fregean position to form of nominalism. I develop an alternative strategy that lets the Fregean hold on to the view that predicate denote things by reconceiving the nature of singular denotation and of Fregean objects.
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    Truth & Denotation: A Study in Semantical Theory.R. M. Martin - 1958 - London,: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1958. A study in the logical foundations of modern theoretical semantics, this book is concerned with notions of designation and consistency as well as denotation and truth. It presents several semantical theories, each of which with what were new concepts or treatments from the author. Talking at a time when semantical theory was gained great ground, this book also looks at the methodology of the sciences and the semantics of scientific language alongside analysis of meaning and expression. (...)
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    Denotation as Complex and Chronologically Extended: anvitābhidhāna in Śālikanātha’s Vākyārthamātṛkā - I.Shishir Saxena - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (3):489-506.
    The two theories of verbal cognition, namely abhihitānvaya and anvitābhidhāna, first put forth by the Bhāṭṭa and Prābhākara Mīmāṃsakas respectively in the second half of the first millennium C.E., can be considered as being foundational as all subsequent thinkers of the Sanskritic intellectual tradition engaged with and elaborated upon these while debating the nature of language and meaning. In this paper, I focus on the first chapter of Śālikanātha’s Vākyārthamātṛkā and outline the process of anvitābhidhāna described therein. Śālikanātha explains this (...)
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  13.  17
    Representation and Denotation in Scientific Modeling.Demetris Portides - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 62:131-136.
    Nelson Goodman argued convincingly that in order to understand the representation relation one should dissociate it from the relation of resemblance because of the logical differences between the two concepts. Resemblance is reflexive and symmetric whereas representation is not. Furthermore, Goodman suggested that what lies at the core of representation is denotation. According to Goodman, if X represents Y then X must denote Y, but he recognized that by opting for an analysis of representation only based on this idea of (...)
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  14. Russell as a platonic dialogue: The matter of denoting.J. Alberto Coffa - 1980 - Synthese 45 (1):43-70.
    At first russell thought (p) that whatever a proposition is about must be a constituent of it. Then, Around 1900, He discovered denoting concepts and realized that a proposition could be about something and have only its denoting concept as constituent. However, A number of remarks that he made through the years can only be understood as inspired by (p). In particular, The arguments offered in "on denoting" against the doctrine of denotation of "principles" are grounded (...)
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    Dewey’s Denotative Method.Andrii Leonov - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (1).
    In this paper, I critically approach the essence of Dewey’s philosophy: his method. In particular, it is what Dewey termed as denotative method is at the center of my attention. I approach Dewey’s denotative method via what I call the “genealogical deconstruction” that is followed by the “pragmatic reconstruction.” This meta-approach is not alien to Dewey’s philosophy, and in fact was employed by Dewey himself in Experience and Nature. The paper consists of two parts. In Part 1, I genealogically deconstruct (...)
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    Conception, sense, and reference in Peircean semiotics.Risto Hilpinen - 2015 - Synthese 192 (4):1-28.
    In his Logical Investigations Edmund Husserl criticizes John Stuart Mill’s account of meaning as connotation, especially Mill’s failure to separate the distinction between connotative and non-connotative names from the distinction between the meaningful and the meaningless. According to Husserl, both connotative and non-connotative names have meaning or “signification”, that is, what Gottlob Frege calls the sense (“Sinn”) of an expression. The distinction between connotative and non-connotative names is a distinction between two kinds of meaning (or sense), attributive and non-attributive meaning (...)
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    Concepts are a functional kind. Comment on Machery's Doing Without Concepts.Elisabetta Lalumera - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):217-18.
    This commentary focuses on Machery's eliminativist claim, that ought to be eliminated from the theoretical vocabulary of psychology because it fails to denote a natural kind. I argue for the more traditional view that concepts are a functional kind, which provides the simplest account of the empirical evidence discussed by Machery.
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    Référence et dénotation des termes scientifiques.Éric Bourneuf - 1991 - Philosophiques 18 (2):27-62.
    Le point de départ de l'article est la théorie de la signification et de la référence des termes scientifiques présentée par Hilary Putnam dans son article « The Meaning of 'Meaning7 » et quelques autres essais de Mind, Language and Reality. Dans la partie critique du texte la thèse et les arguments de Putnam, ainsi que sa prétention d'éviter le problème de rincommensurabilité des théories rivales, sont évalués à la lumière de la distinction que nous introduisons entre référence et dénotation. (...)
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    Key Concepts: Associationism.Manfred Spitzer - 1994 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1 (2):135-137.
    Associationism can be broadly defined as a school of thought in philosophy and psychology that holds that mental activity can be accounted for by processes that combine simple elements or ideas. More than a century ago, scientific psychology started taking measurements of word associations, and only a few years later, word associations became a major research tool in psychiatry. With the advent of neurobiology and the discovery of the neuron, the term association came to denote physical connections between cells or (...)
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  20. Dewey’s Denotative Method: A Critical Approach.Andrii Leonov - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (1):1-19.
    In this paper, I critically approach the essence of Dewey’s philosophy: his method. In particular, it is what Dewey termed as denotative method is at the center of my attention. I approach Dewey’s denotative method via what I call the “genealogical deconstruction” that is followed by the “pragmatic reconstruction.” This meta-approach is not alien to Dewey’s philosophy, and in fact was employed by Dewey himself in Experience and Nature. The paper consists of two parts. In Part 1, I genealogically deconstruct (...)
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  21. Why Frege Should Not Have Said "The Concept Horse is Not a Concept".Terence Parsons - 1986 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 3 (4):449 - 465.
    Frege held various views about language and its relation to non-linguistic things. These views led him to the paradoxical-sounding conclusion that "the concept horse is NOT a concept." A key assumption that led him to say this is the assumption that phrases beginning with the definite article "the" denote objects, not concepts. In sections I-III this issue is explained. In sections IV-V Frege's theory is articulated, and it is shown that he was incorrect in thinking that this theory (...)
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  22. The Concept of Complementarity and its Role in Quantum Entanglement and Generalized Entanglement.Thilo Hinterberger & Nikolaus Stillfried - 2013 - Axiomathes 23 (3):443-459.
    The term complementarity plays a central role in quantum physics, not least in various approaches to defining entanglement and the conditions for its occurrence. It has, however, been used in a variety of ways by different authors, denoting different concepts and relationships. Here we describe and clarify some of them and analyze the role they play with respect to the phenomenon of entanglement. Based on these considerations we discuss the recently proposed system-theoretical generalization of the concepts entanglement and complementarity (...)
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  23. The concept of intrinsic value and transgenic animals.H. Verhoog - 1992 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5 (2):147-160.
    The creation of transgenic animals by means of modern techniques of genetic manipulation is evaluated in the light of different interpretations of the concept of intrinsic value. The zoocentric interpretation, emphasizing the suffering of individual, sentient animals, is described as an extension of the anthropocentric interpretation. In a biocentric or ecocentric approach the concept of intrinsic value first of all denotes independence of humans and a non-instrumental relation to animals. In the zoocentric approach of Bernard Rollin, genetic engineering (...)
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    Understanding and Advancing the Concept of `Nonmarket'.Jean J. Boddewyn - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (3):297-327.
    The term nonmarket is increasingly applied to environments, institutions, organizations, and exchanges that are also labeled as noneconomic and social. Why has this new term been coined and widely adopted, and what are its distinct denotations? The author traces the development of this concept through four perspectives on nonmarket, which are integrated into an overarching definition, after relating them to major theories and pointing to major research challenges. The constituting and correcting of markets, firms, and noneconomic institutions are the (...)
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  25. Renaissance concept of impetus.Maarten Van Dyck & Ivan Malara - 2019 - Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy.
    The concept of impetus denoted the transmission of a power from the mover to the object moved. Many authors resorted to this concept to explain why a projectile keeps on moving when no longer in contact with its initial mover. But its application went further, as impetus was also appealed to in attempts to explain the acceleration of falling bodies or the motion of the heavens. It was widely applied in Renaissance natural philosophy, but it also raised a (...)
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    Towards a richer conception of vocational preparation.Gerard Lum - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 37 (1):1–15.
    This paper identifies the key assumptions underpinning current arrangements in vocational education and training (VET) in the UK. These assumptions, and the idea of vocational capability they denote, are rejected in favour of a more coherent conception—a conception centred not on the traditional dichotomy of ‘knowing how-knowing that’ but on what I refer to as the ‘constitutive understandings’ from which both practical and theoretical capabilities can be seen to derive. It is argued that an account of vocational capability in these (...)
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  27. The Thin Moral Concept of Evil.Michael Wilby - 2022 - Studies in the History of Philosophy 13 (3):39-62.
    Evil-scepticism comes in two varieties: one variety is descriptive, where it is claimed that the concept of evil doesn’t successfully denote anything in the world; the other variety is normative, where it is claimed that the concept of evil is not a helpful or useful concept to be employing in either our social or interpersonal lives. This paper argues that evil-scepticism can be responded to by understanding the concept of evil as a thin moral concept. (...)
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    Dogma, its concept and genesis in Christianity.M. Stadnyk - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 10:28-33.
    The concept of "dogma" comes from the Greek word dogmatus, which means "thought", "doctrine". Traditionally, these concepts denote such basic provisions of the doctrine of a denomination, which are recognized as eternal and immutable truths, which are established by the supposedly God Himself and are obligatory for faith in them to all followers of a particular religious course.
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    (1 other version)Figurative uses of the head-denoting words baş and kafa in Turkish idioms.Melike Baş - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (2):138-163.
    This study analyzes the metaphoric and metonymic nature ofbaş/kafa‘head’ in Turkish idiomatic expressions from a cognitive linguistic perspective. The database for the study is composed of idioms containing the two head-denoting wordsbaşandkafa. Idioms and their definitions are analyzed in terms of their figurative uses of abstract concepts, and the conceptual metaphors and metonymies are identified. Findings are examined under five categories: head as the representative of the person, the seat of mental faculties, the locus of emotions, the sign of (...)
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  30. Fodor on concepts and Frege puzzles.Murat Aydede - 1998 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 79 (4):289-294.
    ABSTRACT. Fodor characterizes concepts as consisting of two dimensions: one is content, which is purely denotational/broad, the other the Mentalese vehicle bearing that content, which Fodor calls the Mode of Presentation (MOP), understood "syntactically." I argue that, so understood, concepts are not interpersonally sharable; so Fodor's own account violates what he calls the Publicity Constraint in his (1998) book. Furthermore, I argue that Fodor's non-semantic, or "syntactic," solution to Frege cases succumbs to the problem of providing interpersonally applicable functional roles (...)
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    Conception and Philosophy of Science.Dmitry M. Koshlakov & Alexander I. Shvyrkov - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (2):124-141.
    The authors try to show that even Wittgensteinian definition of concept is not always sufficient to analyze what really happens in science. As a result, in addition to “concept” we propose “conception” as a new promising tool for philosophy of science. We provide a brief historical analysis of this term and reveal two main interpretations of “conception” in philosophy and scientific disciplines. In accordance with the first view, conception appears as either a “twin” of the concept, or (...)
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    Shpet, Humboldt, Kant: Forms, Concepts, Schemes. Terms and Ideas.Victor I. Molchanov - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):23-46.
    The article examines the interpretation of the teaching of Wilhelm von Humboldt on language by Gustav Shpet together with Shpet’s perception of the influence of Kant’s philosophy on Humboldt. Special emphasis is laid on terminological analysis, the underlying thesis of this analysis being that words, terms and concepts are not the same thing: one and the same word or word combination can denote different terms, and the concept is a term in each particular doctrine. The object of critical analysis (...)
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  33.  33
    Learning and Processing Abstract Words and Concepts: Insights From Typical and Atypical Development.Gabriella Vigliocco, Marta Ponari & Courtenay Norbury - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (3):533-549.
    The Affective grounding hypothesis suggests that affective experiences play a crucial role in abstract concepts’ processing (Kousta et al. 2011). Vigliocco and colleagues test the role of affective experiences as well as the role of language in learning words denoting abstract concepts, comparing children with typical and atypical development. They conclude that besides the affective experiences also language plays a critical role in the processing of words referring to abstract concepts.
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    The Concept of Complementarity and its Role in Quantum Entanglement and Generalized Entanglement.Thilo Hinterberger & Nikolaus von Stillfried - 2013 - Global Philosophy 23 (3):443-459.
    The term complementarity plays a central role in quantum physics, not least in various approaches to defining entanglement and the conditions for its occurrence. It has, however, been used in a variety of ways by different authors, denoting different concepts and relationships. Here we describe and clarify some of them and analyze the role they play with respect to the phenomenon of entanglement. Based on these considerations we discuss the recently proposed system-theoretical generalization of the concepts entanglement and complementarity (...)
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    The Transformation of the Concept of the “Transcendental” in Anglo-American Analytic Philosophy.Natascha Gruber - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 15:263-271.
    My presentation deals with developments and transformations of the concept of the transcendental within Anglo-American analytical philosophy. According to Kant – the “founding father” of transcendental philosophy – the methodical domain of the transcendental is to denote and to expose the a priori epistemic structureof human mind and cognition (perception, experience, knowledge), as well as to provide a priori foundations for normative ethics. Analytical philosophy has adopted the term of the transcendental, mostly within sceptical argumentations or for sceptical refutations. (...)
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    Philosophy of forms and concepts in the conceptual and terminological dimension.В. И Молчанов - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (1):5-20.
    The article critically analyzes one of the main lines of philosophy, which is designated as the philosophy of forms and concepts. The main stages in the formation of a philosophy of this type are identified, which culminates in two fundamental principles: in the Kantian idea of the formation of objects through internal forms from the primary material of sen­sations and in the Hegelian idea of the identity of being and thinking. The question of the natural and unnatural origin of concepts (...)
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  37. Readings in philosophical analysis. Selected and edited by Feigl Herbert and Sellars Wilfrid. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., New York, 1949, x + 626 pp.Quine W. V.. Designation and existence, pp. 44–51.Tarski Alfred. The semantic conception of truth, pp. 52–84.Frege Gottlob. On sense and nominatum, pp. 85–102.Russell Bertrand. On denoting, pp. 103–115.Nagel Ernest. Logic without ontology, pp. 191–210.Hempel Carl G.. On the nature of mathematical truth, pp. 222–237.Carnap Rudolf. The two concepts of probability, pp. 330–348.Chisholm Roderick M.. The contrary-to-fact conditional, pp. 482–497. [REVIEW]Max Black - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):184-185.
  38.  9
    Indonesian concept of ikhtiar: implications for palliative care practice.Raditya Bagas Wicaksono, Suzanne Metselaar & Mehrunisha Suleman - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Indonesia, an archipelagic country with 17 000 islands with 281 million inhabitants, is a democratic country with Islam as the major religion. Currently, Indonesia is the second country with the largest Muslim population in the world. The Islamic tradition in Indonesia has assimilated and intersected with the richness and diversity of Indonesian culture. This is reflected in the use and meaning of Islamic concepts in Indonesia, such as ikhtiar. Ikhtiar is important to Indonesian Muslims and may have profound ethical implications (...)
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    Conflating the Concept with the Thing.Itay Shani - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (3):348-350.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Conflatingion with Empirical Observation: The False Mind-Matter Dichotomy” by Bernardo Kastrup. Upshot: Kastrup’s attempt to undermine the dichotomy between mind and matter is interesting but it leaves much to be desired. In particular, it suffers from the following three difficulties. First, it is predicated on a misguided working definition of dichotomy. Second, it conflates the concept of matter with the putative denotation of that concept. Lastly, it effectively presupposes the refutation of materialism, (...)
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    The concepts “spravedlyvist” and “pravda” in Ukrainian legal texts of the second half of the 16th–the first half of the 17th century). [REVIEW]Larysa Dovga - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (2):46-63.
    The paper studies the vocabulary the Ukrainian intellectuals of the second half of the 16th–the early 17th century used to signify a number of moral, ethical, and legal concepts. The first part of the article examines legal documents, including the Statutes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and several court documents. The author comes to the following conclusions: the lexeme “justice” is consistently used in legal documents written in Old Ukrainian to denote practices related to litigation and acquires clear features (...)
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    The 'volatile' Marxian concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat.Zoltan Barany - 1997 - Studies in East European Thought 49 (1):1-21.
    The thesis of this paper is that even some of the most fundamental concepts of Marxism have been used and abused to fit their advocates' purposes. More specifically, the interpretation of the concept of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" has been subject to a dual development. First, the dictatorship of the proletariat has come to denote an increasingly violent regime. Second, the term has been used to refer to a rule exercised by an ever smaller segment of society. This (...)
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    Russell’s Concepts "Name", "Existence" and "Unique Object of Reference" in Light of Modern Physics.Paul Weingartner - 2007 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 27 (1):125-143.
    With his theory of descriptions Russell wanted to solve two problems concerning denotation and reference, which are formulated here as Problem I and Problem II. After presenting each problem, we describe the main points of Russell’s solution. We deal with Russell’s concepts of existence and then elaborate his presuppositions concerning the relation of denoting and referring. Next we discuss the presuppositions or principles which underlie Russell’s understanding of the _objects_ of reference. These principles are such that if the objects (...)
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  43. Gödel on Concepts.Gabriella Crocco - 2006 - History and Philosophy of Logic 27 (2):171-191.
    This article is an attempt to present Gödel's discussion on concepts, from 1944 to the late 1970s, in particular relation to the thought of Frege and Russell. The discussion takes its point of departure from Gödel's claim in notes on Bernay's review of ?Russell's mathematical logic?. It then retraces the historical background of the notion of intension which both Russell and Gödel use, and offers some grounds for claiming that Gödel consistently considered logic as a free-type theory of concepts, called (...)
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    Internal Perception: The Role of Bodily Information in Concepts and Word Mastery.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2017 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Edited by Luigi Pastore.
    Chapter 1 First Person Access to Mental States. Mind Science and Subjective Qualities -/- Abstract. The philosophy of mind as we know it today starts with Ryle. What defines and at the same time differentiates it from the previous tradition of study on mind is the persuasion that any rigorous approach to mental phenomena must conform to the criteria of scientificity applied by the natural sciences, i.e. its investigations and results must be intersubjectively and publicly controllable. In Ryle’s view, philosophy (...)
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    The concept of democratic socialism as the basis of intellectual projects of the Russian Social Democrats (the Mensheviks) in the 1920s.M. I. Zhbannikova & M. V. Pyatikova - 2017 - Liberal Arts in Russia 6 (6):513.
    The article devoted to the analysis of theoretical and conceptual developments of the Russian Social Democrats in the emigrant period. The authors note that the concept of democratic socialism, which began to be formed in 1917, was considerably amended and deepened when the Mensheviks created a new party program developed in 1922-1924. The significance of this program of the RSDLP is practically not evaluated in the science literature. In the analysis of Soviet historiography, the authors of the article outlined (...)
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    Two concepts of directed obligation.Brendan de Kenessey - 2025 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (3):913-938.
    This paper argues that there are two importantly distinct normative relations that can be referred to using phrases like ‘X is obligated to Y,’ ‘Y has a right against X,’ or ‘X wronged Y.’ When we say that I am obligated to you not to read your diary, one thing we might mean is that I am subject to a deontological constraint against reading your diary that gives me a non-instrumental, agent-relative reason not to do so, and which you are (...)
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  47. Modelling Equivalent Definitions of Concepts.Daniele Porello - 2015 - In Modeling and Using Context - 9th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, {CONTEXT} 2015, Lanarca, Cyprus, November 2-6, 2015. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9405. pp. 506-512.
    We introduce the notions of syntactic synonymy and referential syn- onymy due to Moschovakis. Those notions are capable of accounting for fine- grained aspects of the meaning of linguistic expressions, by formalizing the Fregean distinction between sense and denotation. We integrate Moschovakis’s theory with the theory of concepts developed in the foundational ontology DOLCE, in order to enable a formal treatment of equivalence between concepts.
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    Evolution of the concept of the absolute in Fiche.Olha Netrebiak - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:96-109.
    The article offers an analysis of the concept of the Absolute in Fichte’s philosophy. Despite the difficulty of the definition, this concept receives a rich and creative rethinking in Fichte and will further influence the philosophical systems of thought. Gradually introducing this concept into his philosophical project of Wissenschaftslehre Fichte often changes its interpretation. So, starting with a somewhat vague understanding of the concept of the "absolute I" through Schelling's criticism of the Absolute, he develops the (...)
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  49. (1 other version)The Concept of God in the Bhagavad-Gita: A Panentheistic Account.Ricardo Silvestre & Alan Herbert - forthcoming - In R. Silvestre, A. Herbert & B. Göcke (eds.), Concepts of God in Vaishnavism: Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge.
    In this chapter, Ricardo Silvestre and Alan Herbert offer a reconstruction of the Gītā’s concept of God with a focus on the relationship between God and the world. They try to explain the claim that the Gītā is panentheistic. This is done with the help of some key notions of contemporary metaphysics (such as ontological dependence and fundamentality) along with the Indic notion of prakṛti, considered as a metaphysical primitive denoting the intimate relationship that exists between matter and (...)
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    Symbolic revolutions. Mobilizing a neglected Bourdieusian concept for historical sociology.Martin Petzke - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (3):487-510.
    The article builds on a recent literature that has sought to underscore the relevance of Bourdieu’s field theory for historical-sociological analysis. It draws attention to symbolic revolutions, a concept that has been given short shrift in this literature and even in Bourdieu’s own expositions of his field-theoretical apparatus. The article argues that symbolic revolutions denote a universal mechanism of field-internal change which extends and complements a conceptual battery of mostly structural universals of fields. In a synoptic reading of Bourdieu’s (...)
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