Results for 'differential extinction to 2 stimuli after within-S acquisition, rat'

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  1.  35
    Differential extinction performance to two stimuli following within-subject acquisition.Karen Galbraith - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (2):343.
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    Within-subject partial reinforcement effects: Differential extinction following nondifferential percentage of reinforcement in acquisition.Dennis G. Dyck, Roger L. Mellgren & Jeffrey A. Seybert - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (3):391.
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    Examining conceptual generalisation after acquisition, extinction, and reinstatement in evaluative conditioning.Rachel R. Patterson, Ottmar V. Lipp & Camilla C. Luck - 2025 - Cognition and Emotion 39 (2):297-319.
    In evaluative conditioning, a neutral conditional stimulus (CS) acquires the valence of a pleasant or unpleasant unconditional stimulus (US) after the CS and US are paired (acquisition). Valence acquired by the CS can generalise to other stimuli from the same category. Presenting the CS alone can reduce evaluative conditioning (extinction), but evaluations can return after the US is presented alone (reinstatement). The current research investigated whether extinction and reinstatement generalise to other category members (generalisation (...), GS). In Experiment 1, evaluations generalised in acquisition after conditioning with one category exemplar, but GS evaluations were unaffected by extinction and reinstatement. In Experiment 2, we aimed to enhance generalisation by presenting multiple category exemplars during conditioning. This strengthened the generalisation of evaluations in extinction but not reinstatement. In Experiment 3, conditioning with multiple exemplars caused explicit and implicit evaluations (measured using an affective priming task) to generalise in acquisition but not in extinction or reinstatement. The acquisition and extinction of US expectancy generalised in all experiments, but the reinstatement generalised in Experiment 3 only. Overall, we found partial evidence of evaluative generalisation during extinction (but not reinstatement) and demonstrated that the extinction and reinstatement of US expectancy generalises in evaluative conditioning. (shrink)
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    Simulating the Acquisition of Verb Inflection in Typically Developing Children and Children With Developmental Language Disorder in English and Spanish.Daniel Freudenthal, Michael Ramscar, Laurence B. Leonard & Julian M. Pine - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (3):e12945.
    Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) have significant deficits in language ability that cannot be attributed to neurological damage, hearing impairment, or intellectual disability. The symptoms displayed by children with DLD differ across languages. In English, DLD is often marked by severe difficulties acquiring verb inflection. Such difficulties are less apparent in languages with rich verb morphology like Spanish and Italian. Here we show how these differential profiles can be understood in terms of an interaction between properties of the (...)
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    Regulation of vertebrate muscle differentiation by thyroid hormone: the role of the myoD gene family.George E. O. Muscat, Michael Downes & Dennis H. Dowhan - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (3):211-218.
    Skeletal myoblasts have their origin early in embryogenesis within specific somites. Determined myoblasts are committed to a myogenic fate; however, they only differentiate and express a muscle‐specific phenotype after they have received the appropriate environmental signals. Once proliferating myoblasts enter the differentiation programme they withdraw from the cell cycle and form post‐mitotic multinucleated myofibres (myogenesis); this transformation is accompanied by muscle‐specific gene expression. Muscle development is associated with complex and diverse protein isoform transitions, generated by differential gene (...)
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    The Differential Effects of Auditory and Visual Stimuli on Learning, Retention and Reactivation of a Perceptual-Motor Temporal Sequence in Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder.Mélody Blais, Mélanie Jucla, Stéphanie Maziero, Jean-Michel Albaret, Yves Chaix & Jessica Tallet - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    This study investigates the procedural learning, retention, and reactivation of temporal sensorimotor sequences in children with and without developmental coordination disorder. Twenty typically-developing children and 12 children with DCD took part in this study. The children were required to tap on a keyboard, synchronizing with auditory or visual stimuli presented as an isochronous temporal sequence, and practice non-isochronous temporal sequences to memorize them. Immediate and delayed retention of the audio-motor and visuo-motor non-isochronous sequences were tested by removing auditory or (...)
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  7.  39
    Differential Resistance to Extinction Determined by a Small Number of Differential Instrumental Conditioning Trials.James R. Ison & Allen A. Adinolfi - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2):350.
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    After Extinction ed. by Richard Grusin, and: Anthropocene Poetics: Deep Time, Sacrifice Zones and Extinction by David Farrier (review).Chris Crews - 2022 - Substance 51 (3):156-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:After Extinction ed. by Richard Grusin, and: Anthropocene Poetics: Deep Time, Sacrifice Zones and Extinction by David FarrierChris CrewsRichard Grusin, editor. After Extinction. University of Minnesota Press, 2018. 272pp.David Farrier. Anthropocene Poetics: Deep Time, Sacrifice Zones and Extinction. University of Minnesota Press, 2019. 176pp.Thinking Critically and Poetically with the AnthropocenePublished within a year of each other, Richard Grusin’s edited collection, (...) Extinction, and David Farrier’s Anthropocene Poetics offer two valuable perspectives on the themes of extinction and the Anthropocene. Most readers are likely familiar with some version of the Anthropocene by now, and its usage in these books (with a few exceptions) follows a common refrain in the humanities and social sciences, where it is used as an umbrella term to describe a wide range of (mostly negative) impacts to the Earth associated with industrial civilization and human activities.The topic of extinction is a much older issue, but increasingly frequent (and alarming) reports about biodiversity loss and extinction from bodies like the United Nations, combined with activism from groups like Extinction Rebellion, have raised its profile. Elizabeth Kolbert’s 2014 book The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, which performs a sort of Derridean hauntology throughout the pages of After Extinction, further reinforced this trend. As Richard Grusin notes in his Introduction to After Extinction, the book emerged from a conference hosted by the Center for Twenty-First Century Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee which focused on the question of what comes after extinction. Each chapter is thought-provoking, but at times they sat uneasily together, producing a sort of Chthulucenic cacophony drawn from multiple disciplines and themes, from entangled humanism and the power of photography to a rethinking of disability and Indigenous languages in the Anthropocene. [End Page 156]I found David Farrier’s Anthropocene Poetics harder to pin down, despite being a more cohesive text. The book offers a series of ecocritical musings that engage with a series of poets and authors whose work Farrier uses to draw out a poetic imagination of the Anthropocene. Farrier develops this Anthropocene poetics through a dizzying array of textual and artistic examples that draws inspiration from queer ecology and New Materialism (e.g., Elizabeth Grosz, Timothy Morton, Jane Bennett, Quentin Meillassoux) to problematize the liminal spaces and borders between human and non-human agencies and affect, animacies and intimacies, while suggesting that poetry is well suited (perhaps best suited?) to help us rethink our relationship to deep time and geologic agency. While reading Farrier’s book, I could not help but think of Bruno Latour’s comments about how we need a new geostory to help us make sense of the Anthropocene.Farrier engages widely with Donna Haraway and Anna Tsing to develop some key themes, yet there is no attempt to force the concept of the Anthropocene into any prefigured box, despite his study’s grounding in ecocriticism and his stated sympathy with the fledgling field of Anthropocene studies. As Farrier notes, “I pursue a more inclusive approach to defining the Anthropocene, that is, that each discipline must do so according to its own terms and, by implication, that each discipline must reappraise its boundaries and assumptions in the Anthropocene’s shadows” (3). Farrier’s familiarity with both the scientific basis and cultural debates around the Anthropocene allows him to pull this off successfully.A key aim for Farrier is to explore what an Anthropocene poetics might look like, and to show how such a poetics can allow for more fluid engagements with the Anthropocene. He does this through three framing devices: intimacy (deep time), entanglements (sacrifice zones), and swerve (kin-making), each of which allows him to think more deeply about our growing awareness of deep time (past and future) and our entanglements with a changing planet. Farrier suggests this awareness is creating a deeper appreciation for how the human project is (and always has been) deeply bound up with other than human beings and non-human agencies. As Farrier argues: “One of the most striking and unsettling aspects of the Anthropocene is the newly poignant sense that our present is in fact accompanied by deep pasts and... (shrink)
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    Disentangling Effects of Input Frequency and Morphophonological Complexity on Children's Acquisition of Verb Inflection: An Elicited Production Study of Japanese.Tomoko Tatsumi, Ben Ambridge & Julian M. Pine - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S2):555-577.
    This study aims to disentangle the often-confounded effects of input frequency and morphophonological complexity in the acquisition of inflection, by focusing on simple and complex verb forms in Japanese. Study 1 tested 28 children aged 3;3–4;3 on stative and simple past forms, and Study 2 tested 30 children aged 3;5–5;3 on completive and simple past forms, with both studies using a production priming paradigm. Mixed effects models for children's responses were built to test the prediction that children's verb use is (...)
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    Reduced Frequency of Knowledge of Results Enhances Acquisition of Skills in Rats as in Humans.Alliston K. Reid & Paige G. Bolton Swafford - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Macphail’s (1985) null hypothesis challenged researchers to demonstrate any differences in intelligence between vertebrate species. Rather than focus on differences, we asked whether rats would show the same unexpected, counterintuitive features of skill learning observed in humans: Factors that degrade performance during acquisition often enhance performance in a subsequent retention/autonomy phase. Providing post-trial “knowledge of results” (KR) on 30%-67% of trials instead of 100% degrades accuracy, yet increases retention in a subsequent phase without KR. We tested this feature by providing (...)
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  11. Effective Altruism and Extreme Poverty.Fırat Akova - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Warwick
    Effective altruism is a movement which aims to maximise good. Effective altruists are concerned with extreme poverty and many of them think that individuals have an obligation to donate to effective charities to alleviate extreme poverty. Their reasoning, which I will scrutinise, is as follows: -/- Premise 1. Extreme poverty is very bad. -/- Premise 2. If it is in our power to prevent something very bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything else morally significant, we ought, morally, to do (...)
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    Induction in differential instrumental conditioning.James R. Ison & Richard V. Krane - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (1):183.
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    Compensatory movement strategies differentially affect attention allocation and gait parameters in persons with Parkinson’s disease.Galit Yogev-Seligmann, Tal Krasovsky & Michal Kafri - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Persons with Parkinson’s disease are advised to use compensatory strategies such as external cues or cognitive movement strategies to overcome gait disturbances. It is suggested that external cues involve the processing of sensory stimulation, while cognitive-movement strategies use attention allocation. This study aimed to compare over time changes in attention allocation in PwP between prolonged walking with cognitive movement strategy and external cues; to compare the effect of cognitive movement strategies and external cues on gait parameters; and evaluate whether these (...)
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  14. The ethics of species extinctions.Anna Wienhues, Patrik Baard, Alfonso Donoso & Markku Oksanen - 2023 - Cambridge Prisms: Extinction 1 (e23):1–15.
    This review provides an overview of the ethics of extinctions with a focus on the Western analytical environmental ethics literature. It thereby gives special attention to the possible philosophical grounds for Michael Soulé’s assertion that the untimely ‘extinction of populations and species is bad’. Illustrating such debates in environmental ethics, the guiding question for this review concerns why – or when – anthropogenic extinctions are bad or wrong, which also includes the question of when that might not be the (...)
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  15. Language Acquisition And Learning On Children.Fernandes Arung - 2016 - Journal of English Education 1 (1):1-9.
    Debating on Second Language Acquisition is not merely in terms of concept but also the real phenomena which postulate each research result. It needs more investigation on SLA due to the various realities on how children and adults acquire and learn any language. This research aims to describe how children and adults acquire and learn their first and second language. Participants consisted of children and adults whose ages determined by the researcher based on the purposive sampling technique. They were all (...)
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    Preschoolers' Acquisition of Novel Verbs in the Double Object Dative.Sudha Arunachalam - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S4):831-854.
    Children have difficulty comprehending novel verbs in the double object dative as compared to the prepositional dative. We explored this pattern with 3 and 4 year olds. In Experiment 1, we replicated the documented difficulty with the double object frame, even though we provided more contextual support. In Experiment 2, we tested a novel hypothesis that children would comprehend novel verbs in, and generalize them to, the double object frame if they were first familiarized to the verbs in the prepositional (...)
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    Acquisition and extinction after initial trials without reward.Norman E. Spear, Winfred F. Hill & Denis J. O'Sullivan - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (1):25.
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    The Acquisition of Survey Knowledge by Individuals With Down Syndrome.Zachary M. Himmelberger, Edward C. Merrill, Frances A. Conners, Beverly Roskos, Yingying Yang & Trent Robinson - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:516353.
    People with Down syndrome often exhibit deficiencies in wayfinding activities, particularly route learning (e.g., Courbois et al., 2013 ; Davis et al., 2014 ; Farran et al., 2015 ). Evidence concerning more sophisticated survey learning has been sparse. In the research reported here, two experiments are reported that evaluated survey learning of youth with DS and typically developing children (TD) matched on mental age. In Experiment 1, participants learned two overlapping routes consisting of three turns each through a virtual environment (...)
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    Vision Verbs Emerge First in English Acquisition but Touch, not Audition, Follows Second.Lila San Roque, Elisabeth Norcliffe & Asifa Majid - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (6):e13469.
    Words that describe sensory perception give insight into how language mediates human experience, and the acquisition of these words is one way to examine how we learn to categorize and communicate sensation. We examine the differential predictions of the typological prevalence hypothesis and embodiment hypothesis regarding the acquisition of perception verbs. Studies 1 and 2 examine the acquisition trajectories of perception verbs across 12 languages using parent questionnaire responses, while Study 3 examines their relative frequencies in English corpus data. (...)
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  20. Catenins, Wnt signaling and cancer.Nick Barker & Hans Clevers - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (11):961-965.
    Recent studies indicate that plakoglobin may have a similar function to that of β-catenin within the Wnt signaling pathway. β-catenin is known to be an oncogene in many forms of human cancer, following acquisition of stabilizing mutations in amino terminal sequences. Kolligs1 and coworkers show, however, that unlike β-catenin, plakoglobin induces neoplastic transformation of rat epithelial cells in the absence of such stabilizing mutations. Cellular transformation by plakoglobin also appears to be distinct from that of β-catenin in that it (...)
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  21.  29
    Effects of conditioned appetitive stimuli on the acquisition and extinction of a runway response.Robert C. Bolles, Neal E. Grossen, George E. Hargrave & Perry M. Duncan - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (1):138.
  22. The differential point of view of the infinitesimal calculus in Spinoza, Leibniz and Deleuze.Simon Duffy - 2006 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 37 (3):286-307.
    In Hegel ou Spinoza,1 Pierre Macherey challenges the influence of Hegel’s reading of Spinoza by stressing the degree to which Spinoza eludes the grasp of the Hegelian dialectical progression of the history of philosophy. He argues that Hegel provides a defensive misreading of Spinoza, and that he had to “misread him” in order to maintain his subjective idealism. The suggestion being that Spinoza’s philosophy represents, not a moment that can simply be sublated and subsumed within the dialectical progression of (...)
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    Prospects for a Psychology of Concept Acquisition.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Fodor gained a certain amount of embarrassment in 1981 after realizing that the intentional integrity of the link between the concept and the cause may be questioned. While the older Fodor, the one in 1998, is able to acknowledge that his earlier conceptions had to be modified, Fodor emphasizes that acquiring a concept is not to be recognized as a psychological process. In this chapter, however, we look into how psychological processing plays, in fact, no small part in the (...)
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    Number of food pellets and the partial reinforcement extinction effect after extended acquisition.Abram Amsel, C. Thomas Surridge & James J. Hug - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (3):578.
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    The bountiful mind: memory, cognition and knowledge acquisition in Plato’s Meno.Selina Beaugrand - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    The Meno has traditionally been viewed as "one of Plato's earliest and most noteworthy forays into epistemology." In this dialogue, and in the course of a discussion between Socrates and his young interlocutor, Meno, about the nature of virtue and whether it can be taught, “Meno raises an epistemological question unprecedented in the Socratic dialogues.” This question - or rather, dilemma - has come to be known in the philosophical literature as Meno’s Paradox of Inquiry, due its apparently containing an (...)
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    The Impact of Goal Specificity on Strategy Use and the Acquisition of Problem Structure.Regina Vollmeyer, Bruce D. Burns & Keith J. Holyoak - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (1):75-100.
    Theories of skill acquisition have made radically different predictions about the role of general problem‐solving methods in acquiring rules that promote effective transfer to new problems. Under one view, methods that focus on reaching specific goals, such as means‐ends analysis, are assumed to provide the basis for efficient knowledge compilation (Anderson, 1987), whereas under an alternative view such methods are believed to disrupt rule induction (Sweller, 1988). We suggest that the role of general methods in learning varies with both the (...)
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  27. Differential effects of age-of-acquisition for concrete nouns and action verbs: evidence for partly distinct representations?Véronique Boulenger, Nathalie Décoppet, Alice C. Roy, Yves Paulignan & Tatjana A. Nazir - 2007 - Cognition 103 (1):131-46.
    There is growing evidence that words that are acquired early in life are processed faster and more accurately than words acquired later, even by adults. As neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies have implicated different brain networks in the processing of action verbs and concrete nouns, the present study was aimed at contrasting reaction times to early and later-acquired action verbs and concrete nouns, in order to determine whether effects of word learning age express differently for the two types of words. Our (...)
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    Differential Effects of Physical and Social Enriched Environment on Angiogenesis in Male Rats After Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury.Xin Zhang, Jing-Ying Liu, Wei-Jing Liao & Xiu-Ping Chen - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Different housing conditions, including housing space and the physiological and social environment, may affect rodent behavior. Here, we examined the effects of different housing conditions on post-stroke angiogenesis and functional recovery to clarify the ambiguity about environmental enrichment and its components. Male rats in the model groups underwent right middle cerebral artery occlusion followed by reperfusion. The MCAO rats were divided into four groups: the physical enrichment group, the social enrichment group, the combined physical and social enrichment group and the (...)
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    Words in the brain's language. PulvermÜ & Friedemann Ller - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):253-279.
    If the cortex is an associative memory, strongly connected cell assemblies will form when neurons in different cortical areas are frequently active at the same time. The cortical distributions of these assemblies must be a consequence of where in the cortex correlated neuronal activity occurred during learning. An assembly can be considered a functional unit exhibiting activity states such as full activation (“ignition”) after appropriate sensory stimulation (possibly related to perception) and continuous reverberation of excitation within the assembly (...)
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  30.  25
    Spontaneous recovery of R1 following interpolated acquisition and extinction of R2[REVIEW]Albert E. Hickey Jr - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (2):155.
  31. Temporal changes in ovarian gonadotropin-releasing hormone mRNA levels by gonadotropins in the rat.Sun Kyeong Yu - 1994 - Mol Cells 4:39-44.
    Temporal Changes in Ovarian Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone mRNA Levels by Gonadotropins in the Rat Sung Ho Lee, Eun-Seob Song, Sun Kyeong Yu, Changmee Kim, Dae Kee Lee, Wan Sung Choi l and Kyungjin Kim* Department of Molecular Biofogy and SRC for Cell Differentiation, Seoul National University, Seoul 150-742, Korea; IDepartment of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Gyeongsanf; National University, Chinju 660-280, Korea (Recei·. cd on December 29, 1993) The present study examines whether gonadotropins are involved in the regulation of ovarian GnRH gene (...)
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    Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Religious Culture and Ethics Teachers on Differentiated Instruction.Mehmet Yildiz - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):661-683.
    Differentiated instruction is an approach that centers on the fact that every student is different and shapes the teaching process according to this reality. Students in the learning environment differ from each other in terms of characteristics such as prior knowledge, interest, needs, learning style, socio-cultural background, cognitive-affective-psychomotor readiness. In order for students with different characteristics to benefit from education in the best way, it is necessary to diversify education in terms of content, teaching-learning process and measurement-evaluation dimensions, taking these (...)
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  33. Reparations after species extinctions: An account of reparative interspecies justice.Anna Wienhues & Alfonso Donoso - 2024 - Journal of Social Philosophy:1-21.
    While anthropogenic species extinctions can be considered morally problematic for a range of reasons, they can also be described as a problem of interspecies justice. That is the focus of this paper in which we argue that human-caused species extinctions can be integrated within a non-anthropocentric account of reparative justice that is significantly similar to how reparation is understood within political theory at large. An account such as this faces a series of difficulties, such as how to make (...)
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    Is Negative Emotion Differentiation Associated With Emotion Regulation Choice? Investigations at the Person and Day Level.Mia S. O'Toole, Emma Elkjær & Mai B. Mikkelsen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Negative emotion differentiation has been suggested to be important for adaptive emotion regulation. However, knowledge concerning how ED may impact specific ER strategy choice remains surprisingly sparse. We therefore investigated if person-level negative ED was associated with habitual use of individual ER strategies, how person-level negative ED was associated with daily use of individual ER strategies, and finally how within-person daily fluctuations in negative ED were associated with daily use of individual ER strategies. During a 10-day experience sampling study, (...)
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    Justice and Generality After Critique.Lisa Landoe Hedrick - 2024 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 45 (1):12-19.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Justice and Generality After CritiqueLisa Landoe Hedrick (bio)The context for my paper is Wesley J. Wildman's understanding of the dispute between modernity and postmodernity; namely, that it is fundamentally a dispute about generality and justice. Where postmodern critique goes wrong, he argues, is in failing to appreciate how a tireless commitment to self-criticism can manage the risks of assertion. We need both consciousness-raising critique and orienting conceptual interpretations (...)
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  36. Does cognitive reappraisal facilitate extinction?Kaneez Fatima Dar & Manish Kumar Asthana - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Extinction learning although initially successful in blocking fear responses, can result in relapse in some individuals over time. This deficit demands a strategy that could reinforce the extinction of fear. The current study aimed to investigate the top-down regulatory processes like cognitive reappraisal and the nature of reappraisal on augmentation of fear extinction and retention. We used a screaming lady fear conditioning paradigm with 63 participants (M = 43, F = 20; Mean (SD) age = 20.6 (1.40) (...)
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  37. Resurrecting Extinct Species: Ethics and Authenticity.Douglas Ian Campbell & Patrick Michael Whittle - 2017 - London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. Edited by Patrick Michael Whittle.
    This book is about the philosophy of de-extinction. -/- CHAPTER 1 introduces the two main philosophical questions that are raised by the prospect of extinct species being brought back from the dead—namely, the ‘Authenticity Question’ and the ‘Ethical Question’. It distinguishes the many different types and methods of de-extinction. Finally, it examines the aims of wildlife conservation with a view to whether they are compatible with de-extinction, or not. -/- CHAPTER 2 examines three prime candidates for de- (...)—namely, the aurochs, the woolly mammoth, and the passenger pigeon. It is about what these animals were like, why people want to resurrect them, and the methods by which their resurrections could be accomplished. -/- CHAPTER 3 is about the authenticity of de-extinct animals. Critics of de-extinction have offered many reasons for thinking that the products of de-extinction will be inauthentic. The bulk of the chapter is taken up with surveying their arguments. We attempt to show that none are convincing, and end the chapter by offering and defending two arguments in favour of the view that authentic de-extinctions are possible. -/- CHAPTER 4 surveys and critically evaluates all the main arguments both for and against de-extinction. It presents a qualified defence of the claim that conservationists should embrace de-extinction. It ends with a list of do’s and don’ts for conservationist de-extinction projects. (shrink)
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    The defense motivation system: A theory of avoidance behavior.Fred A. Masterson & Mary Crawford - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):661-675.
    A motivational system approach to avoidance behavior is presented. According to this approach, a motivational state increases the probability of relevant response patterns and establishes the appropriate or “ideal” consummatory stimuli as positive reinforcers. In the case of feeding motivation, for example, hungry rats are likely to explore and gnaw, and to learn to persist in activities correlated with the reception of consummatory stimuli produced by ingestion of palatable substances. In the case of defense motivation, fearful rats are (...)
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    Warning: Extinction Ahead! Theorizing the Spatial Disruption and Place Contestation of Climate Justice Activism.Stephen Axon - 2019 - Environment, Space, Place 11 (2):1-26.
    Abstract:Since 31 October 2018, Extinction Rebellion has advocated in numerous examples of civil disobedience across the UK in an attempt to call for further action to address climate change. Following this example, similar activism has also been seen across Europe and North America. Such activism falls within the context of climate justice (the framing of climate change as an ethical and political issue); given the disproportionate impacts that climate change has on the most vulnerable people in society, e.g., (...)
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    Extinction of likes and dislikes: effects of feature-specific attention allocation.Jolien Vanaelst, Adriaan Spruyt, Tom Everaert & Jan De Houwer - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1595-1609.
    The evaluative conditioning effect refers to the change in the liking of a neutral stimulus due to its pairing with another stimulus. We examined whether the extinction rate of the EC effect is moderated by feature-specific attention allocation. In two experiments, CSs were abstract Gabor patches varying along two orthogonal, perceptual dimensions. During the acquisition phase, one of these dimensions was predictive of the valence of the USs. During the extinction phase, CSs were presented alone and participants were (...)
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    Resistance to extinction following blocking of the instrumental response during acquisition.W. Edward Bacon - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (5):515.
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    Extinction and the Repeatability of the End: Wells, Cuvier, Nietzsche.Marisa Žele - 2022 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (3).
    The paper explores the contact between the literary notion of the end of the world as depicted in H.G. Wells’s science fiction novel _The Time Machine_ and the concept of extinction, in the sense developed by the French naturalist Georges Cuvier, who at the turn of the 19 th century formulated a thesis about the structure of the world with a built-in end. The time traveller in Wells’s novel is driven into the distant future by an obsessive desire to (...)
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    Life: Differentiation and Harmony... Vegetal, Animal, Human.M. Kronegger & Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    In her Introduction, Tymieniecka states the core theme of the present book sharply: Is culture an excess of nature's prodigious expansiveness - an excess which might turn out to be dangerous for nature itself if it goes too far - or is culture a 'natural', congenial prolongation of nature-life? If the latter, then culture is assimilated into nature and thus would lose its claim to autonomy: its criteria would be superseded by those of nature alone. Of course, nature and culture (...)
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    The effect of differential extinction on spontaneous recovery.Alvin M. Liberman - 1948 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 38 (6):722.
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    Working Memory Performance for Differentially Conditioned Stimuli.Richard T. Ward, Salahadin Lotfi, Daniel M. Stout, Sofia Mattson, Han-Joo Lee & Christine L. Larson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous work suggests that threat-related stimuli are stored to a greater degree in working memory compared to neutral stimuli. However, most of this research has focused on stimuli with physically salient threat attributes, failing to account for how a “neutral” stimulus that has acquired threat-related associations through differential aversive conditioning influences working memory. The current study examined how differentially conditioned safe and threat stimuli are stored in working memory relative to a novel, non-associated stimuli. (...)
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    The acquisition of auxiliary syntax: BE and HAVE.Anna L. Theakston, Elena V. M. Lieven, Julian M. Pine & Caroline F. Rowland - 2005 - Cognitive Linguistics 16 (1):247-277.
    This study examined patterns of auxiliary provision and omission for the auxiliaries BE and HAVE in a longitudinal data set from 11 children between the ages of two and three years. Four possible explanations for auxiliary omission—a lack of lexical knowledge, performance limitations in production, the Optional Infinitive hypothesis, and patterns of auxiliary use in the input—were examined. The data suggest that although none of these accounts provides a full explanation for the pattern of auxiliary use and nonuse observed in (...)
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    Acquisition of Pitjantjatjara Clause Chains.Rebecca Defina - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In Pitjantjatjara, a central Australian Indigenous language, speakers typically describe sequences of actions using clause chaining constructions. While similar constructions are common among the world’s languages, very little is known about how children acquire them. A notable exception are the converb constructions of Turkish, which have been relatively well-studied. The present paper examines the acquisition of Pitjantjatara clause chaining constructions and compares this with the acquisition of Turkish converb constructions. Data is drawn from a naturalistic corpus recorded between 2016 and (...)
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    Rights differentiation within the bounds of egalitarian justice.Daniel Sharp - 2025 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 28 (1):18-38.
    Can awarding migrants fewer legal rights than citizens ever be just? This paper explores this issue. I first outline an abstract argument in favor of rights differentiation. According to this argument, people’s rights ought to track their independent claims; since these claims may vary, some rights differentiation is permissible. I then suggest that this argument threatens to undermine the institution of citizenship because citizens’ claims on the state can differ in just the way migrants’ claims can, and the rights of (...)
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    The differential similarity of positive and negative information – an affect-induced processing outcome?Hans Alves, Alex Koch & Christian Unkelbach - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1224-1238.
    People judge positive information to be more alike than negative information. This good-bad asymmetry in similarity was argued to constitute a true property of the information ecology (Alves, H., Koch, A., & Unkelbach, C. (2017). Why good is more alike than bad: Processing implications. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21, 69–79). Alternatively, the asymmetry may constitute a processing outcome itself, namely an influence of phasic affect on information processing. Because no research has yet tested whether phasic affect influences perceived similarity among (...)
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    Sexual differentiation of callosal size: Hormonal mechanisms and the choice of an animal model.M. J. Baum & S. A. Tobet - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):328-328.
    Studies of callosal sexual differentiation have concentrated on global measures of callosal size, using the rat as a model for studies of potential hormonal mechanisms. It is time to shift the study of callosal sexual differentiation to a more cellular level. Finally, there are potential problems with using the female rat as the primary model for understanding hormonal mechanisms during postnatal life.
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