Results for 'espace de rencontre, Métacadre, Europe, dispositif, Meta-frameworks, contact centres for parents and children, provision of care, Europe'

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  1.  18
    Métacadres et organisateurs psychiques des espaces de rencontre enfant-parent à travers l’Europe occidentale.Emmanuel Gratton & Philippe Drweski - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 240 (2):89-105.
    Les espaces de rencontre enfants-parents sont des dispositifs qui ont émergé il y a plusieurs décennies en Europe occidentale avec des modalités de fonctionnement en partie convergentes. Cet article s’intéresse aux analogies de fonctionnement entre les différents dispositifs européens à partir des discours professionnels ou institutionnels. Les auteurs font l’hypothèse que ces derniers sont soutenus, en partie, par des métacadres culturels communs. Afin de traiter de cette problématique, l’article s’inscrit, sur le plan méthodologique, dans une double perspective : (...)
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    L’exercice de la parentalité en espace de rencontre. Conditions et limites de l’usage d’un dispositif socio-judiciaire.Arnaud Morange - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 240 (2):21-37.
    Le présent article est le fruit d’une recherche qualitative auprès de l’ensemble des acteurs concernés par le dispositif « Espace de rencontre » ( er ) en France. Ce dispositif tant judiciaire que répondant aux nouvelles aspirations sociales autour de la famille vient soutenir le lien parent-enfant dans le cadre de séparations conflictuelles ou en cas d’incapacité de l’un des parents d’accueillir son ou ses enfants. Cette recherche, conduite entre 2017 et 2020 au sein de douze structures, visait (...)
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    Espace de rencontre français vs centre de contact anglais : divergences et convergences.Pierre Lalart, Phil Coleman, Lise Baccou, Philippe Drweski & Emmanuel Gratton - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 240 (2):107-126.
    Cet entretien croisé propose un échange avec Pierre Lalart, président de la Fédération française de espaces de rencontre, et Phil Coleman, chargé de communication pour les centres de contact au Royaume-Uni. Il repose sur un rapport établi par les deux pays concernant les points de divergence et de convergence entre eux. L’interview comprend trois domaines d’investigation : le premier porte sur l’histoire et le fonctionnement de chaque structure, le deuxième précise l’évolution des pratiques cliniques et sociales en leur (...)
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    De la séparation parentale aux visites en espace de rencontre : clinique du lien parent-enfant.Claudine Veuillet-Combier - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 240 (2):73-88.
    Les espaces de rencontre existent depuis plus de trente ans en France. Le dispositif est une ressource en cas de séparation conjugale conflictuelle. Il offre un lieu, dit « neutre », pour l’exercice du droit de visite et permet de maintenir ou parfois de créer le lien parent-enfant dans des contextes difficiles. L’auteure s’appuie sur une vignette clinique extraite d’une étude française sur le vécu des enfants passés en espace de rencontre qui, devenus adultes, témoignent de leur expérience. Elle (...)
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    Exploring the Spiritual Dimension of Care.E. S. Farmer & Scottish Highlands Centre for Human Caring - 1996
    In July 1993, the Scottish Highlands Centre for Human Caring sponsored a conference with the title Exploring the Spirituality in Caring. The papers given at the conference and included in this volume are offered as a contribution to the debate that must take place in nursing and in the wider context of health care provision. Ann Bradshaw's paper puts the debate in context arguing that nursing is fundamentally a loving response to the human being created in the image of (...)
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    Configurations d’un espace d’alliance thérapeutique et de négociation du soin, entre un adolescent malade chronique, ses parents et des soignants.Martine Janner-Raimondi, Diane Bedoin & Carole Baeza - 2019 - Revue Phronesis 8 (3-4):62-71.
    This article aims at achieving a detailed qualitative vision of the chronic disease in the adolescent population and its specific issues. To that end, a first-person experiential research based on significant events regarding healthcare pathways was developed. Six interviews were conducted with three practitioners. The results of this researchallow us to identify spaces of configuration in terms of parenthood, of therapeutic alliances and of negotiating care strategies between teenagers, parents and professionals.Which co-construction spaces should be built with the teenagers (...)
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    No Decrease in Muscle Strength after Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injection in Children with Cerebral Palsy.Meta Nyström Eek & Kate Himmelmann - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:194629.
    Spasticity and muscle weakness is common in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Spasticity can be treated with Botulinum Neurotoxin-A (BoNT-A), but this drug has also been reported to induce muscle weakness. Our purpose was to describe the effect on muscle strength in the lower extremities after BoNT-A injections in children with cerebral palsy. A secondary aim was to relate the effect of BoNT-A to gait pattern and range of motion. Twenty children with spastic cerebral palsy were included in the study, (...)
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    Soutenir la parentalité dans un espace de rencontre : écueils et perspectives.Hanane Boumaiza & Claire Metz - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 241 (3):95-110.
    Les situations de séparation conflictuelle entre parents peuvent provoquer une rupture du lien entre l’enfant et un de ses parents. L’espace de rencontre ( er ), en mettant en place des droits de visite encadrés, est alors le dernier recours de ces parents pour retisser un lien. Dans l’ er dont il est question dans cet article, les visites concernent principalement le père, la mère étant alors le parent gardien. Dans ce cadre ont été rencontrés des (...)
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  9. Licensing Parents to Protect Our Children?Jurgen De Wispelaere & Daniel Weinstock - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (2):195-205.
    In this paper we re-examine Hugh LaFollette's proposal that the state carefully determine the eligibility and suitability of prospective parents before granting them a ?license to parent?. Assuming a prima facie case for licensing parents grounded in our duty to promote the welfare of the child, we offer several considerations that complicate LaFollette's radical proposal. We suggest that LaFollette can only escape these problems by revising his proposal in a way that renders the license effectively obsolete, a route (...)
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  10. The Duty to Care in a Pandemic.Joint Centre for Bioethics Pandemic Ethics Working Group - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (8):31-33.
    Malm and colleagues (2008) consider (and reject) five arguments putatively justifying the idea that healthcare workers (HCWs) have a duty to treat (DTT) during a pandemic. We do not have sufficient...
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  11.  20
    Do Reasons Matter? Navigating Parents’ Reasons in Healthcare Decisions for Children.Bryanna Moore & Amy Caruso Brown - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-16.
    Bioethics has dedicated itself to exploring and defending both reasons for and against certain aspects of clinical care, biomedical research and health policy, including what decisions must be made, who should make them, and how they should be made. In pediatrics, it’s widely acknowledged that parents’ reasons may matter pragmatically; attending to parents’ reasons is important if we want to work with families. Yet the conventional view in pediatric ethics is that parents’ reasons are irrelevant to whether (...)
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    Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to Adulthood.Anonymous One, Anonymous Two, Lorri Centineo, Anonymous Three, Virginia Clapp, Catherine Cornell, Nancy Coughlin, David McDonald, Mark Osteen, Laura Shumaker, Julie Van der Poel & Anonymous Four - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):151-181.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to AdulthoodAnonymous One, Anonymous Two, Lorri Centineo, Anonymous Three, Virginia Clapp, Catherine Cornell, Nancy Coughlin, David McDonald, Mark Osteen, Laura Shumaker, Julie Van der Poel, Anonymous FourMy Son's Life with Autistic Spectrum DisorderAnonymous OneThis is the story of how my son, David, has tried to become independent. David is now 25–years–old. His immediate family is his dad, a brother (age (...)
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    Putting Children at the Centre: Making policy as if children mattered.Susan St John - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (9):1004-1017.
    What do we mean when we say we want to put children at the centre of policy? What are the moral justifications for this approach? Has it become harder for us to understand this concept, when in practice paid work has been at the centre? In part confusion arises because the unpaid work of caring for children is invisible until it is marketized. In turn, the underlying problem is that we have forgotten our traditions of egalitarianism and adopted a powerful (...)
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  14. How Shoud We Understand Family-Centred Care?Suzanne Uniacke, Tamara Kayali Browne & Linda Shields - 2018 - Journal of Child Health Care 22 (3):460-469.
    What is family-centred care of a hospitalized child? A critical understanding of the concept of family-centred care is necessary if this widely preferred model is to be differentiated from other health care ideals and properly evaluated as appropriate to the care of hospitalized children. The article identifies distinguishable interpretations of family-centred care that can pull health professionals in different, sometimes conflicting directions. Some of these interpretations are not qualitatively different from robust interpretations of the ideals of parental participation, care-by-parent and (...)
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    Conditional normative reasoning as a fragment of HOL.Xavier Parent & Christoph Benzmüller - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (4):561-592.
    We report on the mechanisation of (preference-based) conditional normative reasoning. Our focus is on Åqvist's system E for conditional obligation, and its extensions. Our mechanisation is achieved via a shallow semantical embedding in Isabelle/HOL. We consider two possible uses of the framework. The first one is as a tool for meta-reasoning about the considered logic. We employ it for the automated verification of deontic correspondences (broadly conceived) and related matters, analogous to what has been previously achieved for the modal (...)
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    The family rule: a framework for obtaining ethical consent for medical interventions from children.D. M. Foreman - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):491-500.
    Children's consent to treatment remains a contentious topic, with confusing legal precepts and advice. This paper proposes that informed consent in children should be regarded as shared between children and their families, the balance being determined by implicit, developmentally based negotiations between child and parent--a "family rule" for consent. Consistent, operationalized procedures for ethically obtaining consent can be derived from its application to both routine and contentious situations. Therefore, use of the "family Rule" concept can consistently define negligent procedure in (...)
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  17.  63
    Caring for parents: a consequentialist approach.William Sin - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (1):3-10.
    In this paper, I explain the demands of filial obligations from act and rule consequentialism. More specifically, I defend a rule-consequentialist explanation of filial obligations, and identify a few factors in relation to the determination of filial demands; they include the costs of internalization of filial obligations, and the proportions of the young and the old generations in a population pyramid. I believe that in a society with an aging population, we may accept a strong view of filial obligation. Towards (...)
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  18.  42
    Parentalité, conjugalité et espaces de rencontre : l'enfant dans la tourmente.Serge Bédère - 2015 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 207 (1):31-44.
    Les espaces de rencontre, ou d’accueil enfants-parents lors de séparation ou divorce conflictuel, sont intrinsèquement très sensibles à la parentalité et à son évolution. Cet article tente ainsi de repérer le travail de « scénarisation » des professionnels face aux liens emmêlés entre parents et enfants. L’auteur montre d’abord comment la pression s’accentue sur l’enfant, plus que jamais « coupable d’être » et responsable des « chagrins d’amour » de ses parents, comme l’illustrent plusieurs exemples littéraires. Il (...)
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  19.  23
    Parents as secondary patients: Towards a more family-centred approach to care.Johanna Https://Orcidorg Eichinger, Bernice Elger, Tian Yi Jiao, Insa Koné & David Martin Shaw - forthcoming - .
    The definition of ‘patient’ is commonly taken for granted and considered as obvious, but the term is rather underconceptualised in the literature. In this paper, it will be argued that the criterion of suffering can be considered a sufficient criterion for a parent to be considered a secondary patient when their seriously ill child is receiving medical care (i.e. not necessarily the parents themselves) – these parents are sufferers in virtue of the suffering of others. The nature of (...)
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  20.  43
    Parents as secondary patients: Towards a more family-centred approach to care.Johanna Eichinger, Bernice Elger, Tian Yi Jiao, Insa Koné & David Martin Shaw - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (4):368-374.
    The definition of ‘patient’ is commonly taken for granted and considered as obvious, but the term is rather underconceptualised in the literature. In this paper, it will be argued that the criterion of suffering can be considered a sufficient criterion for a parent to be considered a secondary patient when their seriously ill child is receiving medical care (i.e. not necessarily the parents themselves) – these parents are sufferers in virtue of the suffering of others. The nature of (...)
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  21.  37
    North Thames multi-centre service evaluation: Ethical considerations during COVID-19.Namithaa Sunil Kumar, Pippa Sipanoun, Mariana Dittborn, Mary Doyle & Sarah Aylett - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):215-223.
    Objectives During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare resources including staff were diverted from paediatric services to support COVID-positive adult patients. Hospital visiting restrictions and reductions in face-to-face paediatric care were also enforced. We investigated the impact of service changes during the first wave of the pandemic on children and young people (CYP), to inform recommendations for maintaining their care during future pandemics. Design A multi-centre service evaluation was performed through a survey of consultant paediatricians working within the North Thames Paediatric Network, (...)
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  22.  11
    Accueillir, évaluer et orienter les familles des jeunes adolescents au Relais étudiants-lycéens… de la clinique médico-pédagogique Dupré.Anthony Brault, Marie Villette, Agnès Mora-Oger & Nadège Dumas - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 236 (2):17-30.
    Le Relais de Sceaux (clinique Dupré, Fondation santé des étudiants de France), qui reçoit des adolescents et jeunes adultes et leurs familles, est une porte d’entrée aux soins médico-psychologiques. À partir de 2013, l’ouverture de l’accueil aux 11-15 ans a bouleversé le fonctionnement de départ du Relais. À côté du dispositif d’accueil sans rendez-vous des 16-25 ans, un protocole spécifique adapté aux collégiens a été mis en place. Il s’appuie sur un contact téléphonique avec les parents préparant la (...)
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  23.  18
    The Ethical Challenges of Emerging Medical Technologies.Arthur L. Caplan & Brendan Parent - 2016 - Routledge.
    This collection of essays emphasizes society s increasingly responsible engagement with ethical challenges in emerging medical technology. Expansion of technological capacity and attention to patient safety have long been integral to improving healthcare delivery but only relatively recently have concepts like respect, distributive justice, privacy, and autonomy gained some power to shape the development, use, and refinement of medical tools and techniques. Medical ethics goes beyond making better medicine to thinking about how to make the field of medicine better. These (...)
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  24.  14
    Parent Provision of Choice Is a Key Component of Autonomy Support in Predicting Child Executive Function Skills.Romulus J. Castelo, Alyssa S. Meuwissen, Rebecca Distefano, Megan M. McClelland, Ellen Galinsky, Philip David Zelazo & Stephanie M. Carlson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although previous work has linked parent autonomy support to the development of children’s executive function skills, the role of specific autonomy-supportive behaviors has not been thoroughly investigated. We compiled data from four preschool-age samples in the Midwestern United States to examine three relevant autonomy-supportive behaviors and their associations with child EF. We coded parent autonomy-supportive behaviors from a 10-min interaction between parent and child dyads working on challenging jigsaw puzzles together. Children completed a battery of EF. Overall, child EF was (...)
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    Vers une théologie du dialogue et des rencontres.Geneviève Comeau - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 4 (4):571-594.
    Pratiques des rencontres et réflexion théologique s’interrogent et se fécondent mutuellement. Ainsi existe-t-il deux dialogues : le dialogue entre croyants de différentes religions, d’une part, où il peut y avoir interférence du théologique, mais pas toujours, le vivre ensemble étant souvent à l’origine ; et, d’autre part, le dialogue théologique au sein des communautés chrétiennes, dialogue suscité par l’existence du pluralisme religieux et donc la question de son interprétation. Sans ignorer la complexité des réalités, G. Comeau, s’appuyant sur son expérience (...)
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    Should Children Have a Veto over Parental Decisions to Relocate?Bouke Https://Orcidorg de Vries - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 7 (2):321-334.
    Many people move house at some point during their childhood and not rarely more than once. While relocations are not always harmful for under-aged children, they can, and frequently do, cause great disruption to their lives by severing their social ties as well as any attachments that they might have to their neighbourhood, town, or wider geographical region, with long-lasting psychological effects in some cases. Since it is increasingly recognised within normative philosophy as well as within Western societies that older (...)
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    A pedagogical framework for facilitating parents’ learning in nurse–parent partnership.Nick Hopwood, Teena Clerke & Anne Nguyen - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (2):e12220.
    Nursing work increasingly demands forms of expertise that complement specialist knowledge. In child and family nursing, this need arises when nurses work in partnership with parents of young children at risk. Partnership means working with parents in respectful, negotiated and empowering ways. Existing partnership literature emphasises communicative and relational skills, but this paper focuses on nurses’ capacities to facilitate parents’ learning. Referring to data from home visiting, day‐stay and specialist toddler clinic services in Sydney, a pedagogical framework (...)
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    Квалитативная оценка межкультурного обучения с семиотической точки зрения. Резюме.Roger Parent & Stanley Varnhagen - 2013 - Sign Systems Studies 41 (1):139-139.
    This second of a two-part series of articles on applied semiotics and intercultural training provides a qualitative evaluation of the research initiative Tools for Cultural Development. The discussion will firstly centre on several theoretical and methodological challenges inherent to the qualitative research paradigm and then relate these shifting concerns to convergent findings in poststructuralist semiotics, especially with respect to phenomenology and pragmatics. Analysis of four focus group interviews in France and Australia will examine and evaluate the 2007 training experience in (...)
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  29. The Right to Parent One's Biological Baby.Anca Gheaus - 2011 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (4):432-455.
    This paper provides an answer to the question why birth parents have a moral right to keep and raise their biological babies. I start with a critical discussion of the parent-centred model of justifying parents’ rights, recently proposed by Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift. Their account successfully defends a fundamental moral right to parent in general but, because it does not provide an account of how individuals acquire the right to parent a particular baby, it is insufficient for (...)
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    Deflating Parental Rights.James G. Dwyer - 2021 - Law and Philosophy 40 (4):387-418.
    Perhaps the greatest determinant of individual and societal welfare is who raises children and with what degree of discretion. Philosophers have endeavored in myriad ways to provide normative justification for ascribing a right to be a legal parent and to possess particular legal powers as a parent. This Article shows why they fail and offers an alternative theoretical framework for delimiting parental rights. The prevailing tendency in philosophical writing on the topic is to begin with observations and intuitions specific to (...)
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  31.  19
    Be a good sport: A care ethical inquiry into sport parenting.Esther Schoots, Alistair Niemeijer & Gustaaf Bos - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-16.
    In recent years, reports on youth sports excesses and abuses of minors underscore the need for a safer sport environment. However, the way in which parents guide their children in dealing with winning and losing in sports is less understood. A care ethical inquiry into sport parenting might contribute to a better understanding of the role parents play in creating a safe sport environment for their children. This study applies theoretical perspectives from care ethics into practical context focusing (...)
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  32. Huge variation in obtaining ethical permission for a non-interventional observational study in Europe.Dylan W. de Lange, Bertrand Guidet, Finn H. Andersen, Antonio Artigas, Guidio Bertolini, Rui Moreno, Steffen Christensen, Maurizio Cecconi, Christina Agvald-Ohman, Primoz Gradisek, Christian Jung, Brian J. Marsh, Sandra Oeyen, Bernardo Bollen Pinto, Wojciech Szczeklik, Ximena Watson, Tilemachos Zafeiridis & Hans Flaatten - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):39.
    Ethical approval must be obtained before medical research can start. We describe the differences in EA for an pseudonymous, non-interventional, observational European study. Sixteen European national coordinators of the international study on very old intensive care patients answered an online questionnaire concerning their experience getting EA. N = 8/16 of the NCs could apply at one single national ethical committee, while the others had to apply to various regional ECs and/or individual hospital institutional research boards. The time between applying for (...)
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    Scientific Breeding in Central Europe during the Early Nineteenth Century: Background to Mendel’s Later Work.Roger J. Wood & Vítězslav Orel - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2):239-272.
    Efforts to bring science into early 19th century breeding practices in Central Europe, organised from Brno, the Hapsburg city in which Mendel would later turn breeding experiments into a body of timeless theory, are here considered as a significant prelude to the great discovery. During those years prior to Mendel's arrival in Brno, enlightened breeders were seeking ways to regulate the process of heredity, which they viewed as a force to be controlled. Many were specialising in sheep breeding for (...)
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    Doctor–Parent Disagreement for Preterm Infants Born in the Grey Zone: Do Ethical Frameworks Help?Alice Cavolo, Danya F. Vears, Gunnar Naulaers, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Lynn Gillam & Chris Gastmans - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (4):723-734.
    Objective: To examine i) how ethical frameworks can be used in concrete cases of parent–doctors’ disagreements for extremely preterm infants born in the grey zone to guide such difficult decision-making; and ii) what challenges stakeholders may encounter in using these frameworks. Design: We did a case analysis of a concrete case of parent–doctor disagreement in the grey zone using two ethical frameworks: the best interest standard and the zone of parental discretion. Results: Both ethical frameworks entailed similar advantages and challenges. (...)
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  35. Corrupting the Youth: Should Parents Feed their Children Meat?Daniel Butt - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (4):981-997.
    This article is concerned with choices that parents or guardians make about the food they give to their children. Those with primary responsibility for the care of young children determine the set of foods that their children eat and have a significant impact on children’s subsequent dietary choices, both in later childhood and in adulthood. I argue that parents have a morally significant reason not to feed meat to their children, which stems from their fiduciary responsibility for the (...)
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    Typologie et fonctionnement des espaces de discussion éthique en France dans le domaine de la Santé.Côme Bommier & Laura Simon - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (2):20-35.
    Introduction: Medical ethics raises the question of the meaning of medical practices in light of the humanities. In France, the spaces for ethical discussion (SED) are multiple and heterogeneous. The objective of this study was to investigate the typology and functioning of SEDs in the health field. Methods: Twenty-one semi-structured interviews were conducted with members of eleven different SEDs in France. The data were analyzed according to the basic steps of qualitative research: coding, categorization, linking and presentation of results. Results: (...)
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    Filial obligations to elderly parents: a duty to care?Maria Stuifbergen & Johannes Delden - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (1):63-71.
    A continuing need for care for elderly, combined with looser family structures prompt the question what filial obligations are. Do adult children of elderly have a duty to care? Several theories of filial obligation are reviewed. The reciprocity argument is not sensitive to the parent–child relationship after childhood. A theory of friendship does not offer a correct parallel for the relationship between adult child and elderly parent. Arguments based on need or vulnerability run the risk of being unjust to those (...)
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  38. Parenting in a technological age.Geertrui Smedts - 2008 - Ethics and Education 3 (2):121-134.
    Technology is not just a tool but an amalgam of conceptual, institutional, and interactional issues that occupy the space of technical reason. In this space, parents' identity is becoming narrowed according to a limited conception in which the place of caring is in danger of being lost. Parents are increasingly required to adopt knowledge on parent ing instead of adapting it to their child's needs. By use of the Heideggerian idea of Enframing, I argue that educational experts and (...)
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  39. The Endless Umbilical Cord: Parental Obligation to Grown Children.Rivka Weinberg - 2018 - Journal of Practical Ethics 6 (2):55-72.
    One might think that parental obligation to children ends with the end of childhood. I argue that if we consider why parents are obligated to their children, we will see that this view is false. Creating children exposes them to life’s risks. When we expose others to risks, we are often obligated to minimize damages and compensate for harms. Life’s risks last a lifetime, therefore parental obligation to one’s children does too. Grown children’s autonomy, and grown children’s independent responsibility (...)
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  40. Deep Brain Stimulation in Children: Parental Authority Versus Shared Decision-Making.Farah Focquaert - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (3):447-455.
    This paper discusses the use of deep brain stimulation for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders in children. At present, deep brain stimulation is used to treat movement disorders in children and a few cases of deep brain stimulation for psychiatric disorders in adolescents have been reported. Ethical guidelines on the use of deep brain stimulation in children are therefore urgently needed. This paper focuses on the decision-making process, and provides an ethical framework for (future) treatment decisions in pediatric (...)
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  41. Parents’ Rights, Children’s Religion: A Familial Relationship Goods Approach.Adam Swift - 2020 - Journal of Practical Ethics 8 (2):30-65.
    The article presents a theory of the basis and nature of parents’ rights that appeals to the goods distinctively produced by intimate-but-authoritative relationships between adults and the children they parent. It explores the implications of that theory for questions about parents’ rights to raise their children as members of a religion, with particular attention to the issue of religious schooling. Even if not obstructing the development of their children’s capacity for autonomy, parents exceed the bounds of their (...)
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    Osteopathic Care as (En)active Inference: A Theoretical Framework for Developing an Integrative Hypothesis in Osteopathy.Jorge E. Esteves, Francesco Cerritelli, Joohan Kim & Karl J. Friston - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Osteopathy is a person-centred healthcare discipline that emphasizes the body’s structure-function interrelationship—and its self-regulatory mechanisms—to inform a whole-person approach to health and wellbeing. This paper aims to provide a theoretical framework for developing an integrative hypothesis in osteopathy, which is based on the enactivist and active inference accounts. We propose that osteopathic care can be reconceptualised under active inference as a unifying framework. Active inference suggests that action-perception cycles operate to minimize uncertainty and optimize an individual’s internal model of the (...)
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  43. Parents for a Future: How Loving our Children can Prevent Climate Collapse.Rupert Read - 2021 - Norwich, UK: UEA Publishing Project.
    That our ecological future appears grave can no longer come as any surprise. And yet we have so far failed, collectively and individually, to begin the kind of action necessary to shift our path away from catastrophic climate collapse. -/- In this stark and startling little book, Rupert Read helps us to understand the direness of our predicament while showing us a metaphor and a method — a way of thinking — by which we might transform it. From the relatively (...)
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  44. The Empirical Case against Infallibilism.T. Parent - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (1):223-242.
    Philosophers and psychologists generally hold that, in light of the empirical data, a subject lacks infallible access to her own mental states. However, while subjects certainly are fallible in some ways, I show that the data fails to discredit that a subject has infallible access to her own occurrent thoughts and judgments. This is argued, first, by revisiting the empirical studies, and carefully scrutinizing what is shown exactly. Second, I argue that if the data were interpreted to rule out all (...)
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    Good enough? Parental decisions to use DIY looping technology to manage type 1 diabetes in children.Carolyn Johnston - 2021 - Monash Bioethics Review 39 (Suppl 1):26-41.
    People are using innovative internet of things technologies to gain individualised management of their type 1 diabetes. The #WeAreNotWaiting movement supports them to build their own hybrid closed loop systems and access their real time blood sugar data via any web connected device. A small number of parents in Australia use such DIY looping systems to manage their child’s type 1 diabetes, but these systems have not been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia, creating ethical dilemmas for (...)
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    The 6S‐model for person‐centred palliative care: A theoretical framework.Jane Österlind & Ingela Henoch - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (2):e12334.
    Palliative care is provided at a certain timepoint, both in a person's life and in a societal context. What is considered to be a good death can therefore vary over time depending on prevailing social values and norms, and the person's own view and interpretation of life. This means that there are many interpretations of what a good death can actually mean for an individual. On a more general level, research in palliative care shows that individuals have basic common needs, (...)
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    Parental Occupation Inspiring Science Interest: Perspectives From Physical Scientists.Robert H. Tai & Devasmita Chakraverty - 2013 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 33 (1-2):44-52.
    Children’s early science interest begins well before middle school, and parents can be important in generating and sustaining such interest. This qualitative study addresses how parental occupations shape physical scientists’ early science interest. Our framework uses Social Cognitive Career Theory, and our research question is, “How do parental occupations create learning opportunities for children and motivate them to pursue physical science?” We examine interviews from 17 physical scientists in Project Crossover, a sequential mixed-methods study that broadly examines factors influencing (...)
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    Split views among parents regarding children's right to decide about participation in research: a questionnaire survey.U. Swartling, G. Helgesson, M. G. Hansson & J. Ludvigsson - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7):450-455.
    Based on extensive questionnaire data, this paper focuses on parents’ views about children’s right to decide about participation in research. The data originates from 4000 families participating in a longitudinal prospective screening as 1997. Although current regulations and recommendations underline that children should have influence over their participation, many parents in this study disagree. Most (66%) were positive providing information to the child about relevant aspects of the study. However, responding parents were split about whether or not (...)
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    Parental manual ventilation in resource-limited settings: an ethical controversy.Emily Barsky & Sadath Sayeed - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (7):459-464.
    Lower respiratory tract infections are a leading cause of paediatric morbidity and mortality worldwide. Children in low-income countries are disproportionately affected. This is in large part due to limitations in healthcare resources and medical technologies. Mechanical ventilation can be a life-saving therapy for many children with acute respiratory failure. The scarcity of functioning ventilators in low-income countries results in countless preventable deaths. Some hospitals have attempted to adapt to this scarcity by using hand-bag ventilation, as either a bridge to a (...)
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    El giro posthumanista en las humanidades y sus implicaciones para la filosofía de la técnica.Diego Parente - 2020 - Isegoría 63:329-348.
    This paper aims to critically evaluate some impacts of the so-called “posthumanist turn” for philosophy of technology, with special reference to the problem of ontological status of artifacts. In the first place, we reconstruct the meaning and scope of posthumanist turn in social and human sciences, while we indicate in what sense this turn questions a group of traditional operative concepts for philosophy. Second, we propose to admit a “weak” version of posthumanism for philosophy of technology. In this sense, two (...)
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