Results for 'ethical optimism'

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  1.  18
    Factors affecting ethical optimism of purchasing professionals in India.Johanan Collins, Stephen Newell & Satish P. Deshpande - 2021 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 10 (2):315-329.
    This study examines the impact of various ethical climate types, dependency factors, and ethical training on ethical optimism of purchasing professionals (n = 151) in India. Instrumental and independence climate types had a significant negative impact on ethical optimism. Other climate types (professional, caring, rules, and efficiency) had no significant impact on ethical optimism. Among the dependency factors, while task uncertainty had a significant positive impact, monitoring had a significant negative impact on (...)
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    An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Ethical Optimism of Nurses.Jacob Joseph & Satish P. Deshpande - 1996 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 15 (4):21-35.
  3.  20
    Optimistic Fiction as a Tool for Ethical Reflection in STEM.Kathryn Strong Hansen - 2021 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (3):425-439.
    Greater emphasis on ethical issues is needed in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. The fiction for specific purposes (FSP) approach, using optimistic science fiction texts, offers a way to focus on ethical reflection that capitalizes on role models rather than negative examples. This article discusses the benefits of using FSP in STEM education more broadly, and then explains how using optimistic fictions in particular encourages students to think in ethically constructive ways. Using examples of science fiction (...)
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    Jewish ethics in a post-Madoff world: a case for optimism.Moses L. Pava - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The number and magnitude of the ethics failures reported on a nearly daily basis in newspapers and on blogs are seemingly unprecedented. The "castle is on fire," to borrow a rabbinic metaphor, and each one of us is faced with the question: Is there anything we can do about it? In this book, Moses Pava explores new and alternative ways of relating to Jewish texts and concepts. In doing so, he invents a nuanced, flexible, and sufficiently sensitive vocabulary to conduct (...)
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  5. The Ethics of Enlightened Optimism.Roy H. Hessen - 1953 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 34 (2):133.
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    Unrealistic optimism and the ethics of phase I cancer research.Joshua Crites & Eric Kodish - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (6):403-406.
    One of the most pressing ethical challenges facing phase I cancer research centres is the process of informed consent. Historically, most scholarship has been devoted to redressing therapeutic misconception, that is, the conflation of the nature and goals of research with those of therapy. While therapeutic misconception continues to be a major ethical concern, recent scholarship has begun to recognise that the informed consent process is more complex than merely a transfer of information and therefore cannot be evaluated (...)
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    Philosophical Optimism and Philosophy of Historical Progress in Slovak Lutheran Ethics in the First Half of the 19th Century.Vasil Gluchman - 2022 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 64 (1):124-138.
    SummaryThe author studies the form of philosophical optimism in Slovak Lutheran ethics in the first half of the 19th century in the views of Ján Kollár and Ján Chalupka. Herder’s philosophy of history and his philosophy of historical progress significantly influenced Slovak Lutheran ethics of the given period. In the author’s view, Kollár and Chalupka mainly appreciated human history as progress in all parts of life and refused glorification of the past. However, they did not limit their assessment to (...)
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    Clinical Ethics Consultations: Reasons for Optimism, But Problems Exist.Henry S. Perkins - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (2):133-137.
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  9. A defense of two optimistic claims in ethical theory.Stuart Rachels - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 112 (1):1-30.
    I aim to show that (i) there are good ways to argue about what has intrinsic value; and (ii) good ethical arguments needn't make ethical assumptions. I support (i) and(ii) by rebutting direct attacks, by discussing nine plausible ways to argue about intrinsic value, and by arguing for pains intrinsic badness without making ethical assumptions. If (i) and (ii) are correct, then ethical theory has more resources than many philosophers have thought: empirical evidence, and evidence bearing (...)
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    Unrealistic optimism in early-phase oncology trials.Lynn A. Jansen, Paul S. Appelbaum, William Mp Klein, Neil D. Weinstein, William Cook, Jessica S. Fogel & Daniel P. Sulmasy - 2011 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 33 (1):1.
    Unrealistic optimism is a bias that leads people to believe, with respect to a specific event or hazard, that they are more likely to experience positive outcomes and/or less likely to experience negative outcomes than similar others. The phenomenon has been seen in a range of health-related contexts—including when prospective participants are presented with the risks and benefits of participating in a clinical trial. In order to test for the prevalence of unrealistic optimism among participants of early-phase oncology (...)
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  11. Neopragmatist epistemology for ethics and the sciences: An optimistic sketch.Olaf L. Müller - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (2):173-182.
    Neopragmatist epistemology rejects any significant distinction between ethics and the sciences. The idea is that in ethics, we acquire knowledge in similar ways as in the natural sciences. Quine/duhem holism applies to both fields, which explains why the aim of reaching reflective equilibrium is prominent in many meta-ethical accounts: As in the sciences, our ethical system of belief is constrained by logic, observation, coherence, simplicity and parsimony. Whereas considerations of beauty (an important ingredient of scientific methodology) are irrelevant (...)
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  12.  65
    Is the Optimism in CEO’s Letters to Shareholders Sincere? Impression Management Versus Communicative Action During the Economic Crisis.Lorenzo Patelli & Matteo Pedrini - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (1):19-34.
    In this study, we explore the sincerity of the rhetorical tone of 664 annual letters to shareholders (CEO letters). Prior studies adopt Impression Management theory to predict that firms obfuscate failures and emphasize successes to unfairly enhance their image and maintain organizational legitimacy. Yuthas et al. (J Bus Ethics 41:141–157, 2002) challenged such a view, showing that firms reporting earnings surprises engage in ethical discourse with shareholders. We adopt the methodology of Yuthas et al. (J Bus Ethics 41:141–157, 2002) (...)
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  13. Optimism, Agency, and Success.Lisa Bortolotti - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (3):1-15.
    Does optimism lead to success? Friends of optimism argue that positive beliefs about ourselves and our future contribute to fitness and mental health, and are correlated with good functioning, productivity, resilience, and pro-social behaviour. Sceptics, instead, claim that when we are optimistic we fail to react constructively to negative feedback, and put ourselves at risk because we underestimate threats. Thus, it is controversial whether optimistic beliefs are conducive to success, intended as the fulfilment of our goals in a (...)
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  14.  13
    Communication ethics and tenacious hope: contemporary implications of the Scottish enlightenment.Ronald C. Arnett - 2022 - Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Edited by Thomas M. Lessl.
    From Optimism to Tenacious Hope: Communication Ethics and the Scottish Enlightenment works with the Scottish Enlightenment as the intellectual and performative background for the illustration of the differentiation between optimism and tenacious hope.
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  15.  52
    The Future of Business Ethics: An Optimistic View.LaRue Tone Hosmer - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (4):781-786.
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  16.  48
    The Hope and Limits of Legal Optimism: A Comment on the Theories of Orts and Nesteruk Regarding the Impact of Law on Corporate Ethics.David Hoch & J. Brooke Hamilton Iii - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (4):677-688.
    Abstract:Joining the dialogue on the relationship between the law and business ethics, Jeffrey Nesteruk and Eric W. Orts have offered conceptions of the law as a positive influence rather than a negative curb on corporate behavior. While these “legal optimists” pursue a noble end in promoting higher ethical standards for corporations through the law, they may be overly optimistic in their suggestion that these more skillfully wielded legal models will influence corporate behavior for the better. Reviewing the basic tenets (...)
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  17.  22
    The Hope and Limits of Legal Optimism: A Comment on the Theories of Orts and Nesteruk Regarding the Impact of Law on Corporate Ethics.David Hoch & J. Brooke Hamilton - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (4):677-688.
    Joining the dialogue on the relationship between the law and business ethics, Jeffrey Nesteruk and Eric W. Orts have offeredconceptions of the law as a positive influence rather than a negative curb on corporate behavior. While these “legal optimists” pursue anoble end in promoting higher ethical standards for corporations through the law, they may be overly optimistic in their suggestion that these more skillfully wielded legal models will influence corporate behavior for the better. Reviewing the basic tenets of their (...)
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  18.  31
    Cruel Optimism and Precarious Employment: The Crisis Ordinariness of Academic Work.Kate Daisy Bone - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):275-290.
    Precarious employment is commonplace within the University-as-business model. Neoliberal and New Public Management agendas have influenced widespread insecurity, and limited career progression pathways within academic work. Qualitative multi-case data inform this investigation of how young academic workers cope with, and justify, their precarious situations in a large Australian university. This article introduces the notion of cruel optimism to analyse the unethical exploitation of desires of precariously employed academics. This analytical engagement extends empathetic engagement with the lived experiences and rationalisations (...)
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  19.  40
    ‘Cruel Optimism’ and Contemporary Australian Critical Theory in Educational Research.Mary Lou Rasmussen - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (2):192-206.
    Abstract‘Cruel optimism’ is a term coined by Lauren Berlant. In conceptualizing this term, Berlant draws on the resources of critical theory to interrogate people’s desires for things they think may improve their lot, but actually act as obstacles to flourishing. This notion may be useful for analysing the current state of education in Australia, and the desire to believe that My School, and the associated data it provides, will enable schools to address social inequalities. For Berlant, the promise of (...)
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  20.  17
    Optimism about Wild Fish Welfare.Kyle York - 2024 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 37 (16):1-16.
    Many philosophers and Effective Altruist researchers have argued that the overall welfare of wild fish is negative. Since there are more fish than any other kind of wild vertebrate on earth (even when taken together), the view that suffering is predominate among wild fish is a key part of their larger suggestion that the overall welfare of wild vertebrates is negative, a view I’ll call ‘wildlife pessimism.’ Correspondingly, undermining the wildlife pessimist’s view might largely be accomplished simply by taking a (...)
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  21.  61
    Deep brain stimulation in the media: over-optimistic media portrayals calls for a new strategy involving journalists and scientifics in the ethical debate.Frederic Gilbert & Ovadia Daniela - 2011 - Journal of Integrative in Neuroscience 5 (16).
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is optimistically portrayed in contemporary media. This already happened with psychosurgery during the first half of the twentieth century. The tendency of popular media to hype the benefits of DBS therapies, without equally highlighting risks, fosters public expectations also due to the lack of ethical analysis in the scientific literature. Media are not expected (and often not prepared) to raise the ethical issues which remain unaddressed by the scientific community. To obtain a more objective (...)
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  22. Ethical Considerations Regarding the Use of Social Robots in the Fourth Age.Catrin Misselhorn, Ulrike Pompe & Mog Stapleton - 2013 - Geropsych 26 (2):121-133.
    The debate about the use of robots in the care of older adults has often been dominated by either overly optimistic visions (coming particularly from Japan), in which robots are seamlessly incorporated into society thereby enhancing quality of life for everyone; or by extremely pessimistic scenarios that paint such a future as horrifying. We reject this dichotomy and argue for a more differentiated ethical evaluation of the possibilities and risks involved with the use of social robots. In a critical (...)
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  23.  38
    Optimism about Measuring Animal Feelings.Heather Browning & Walter Veit - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (3):351-355.
    While animal sentience research has flourished in the last decade, scepticism about our ability to accurately measure animal feelings has unfortunately remained fairly common. Here, we argue that evolutionary considerations about the functions of feelings will give us more reason for optimism and outline a method for how this might be achieved.
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  24.  12
    Is Humanism Too Optimistic? An Analysis of Religion as Religion.Paul Cliteur - 2015 - In Andrew Copson & A. C. Grayling (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 374–402.
    A widespread complaint about humanism is that it is ‘too optimistic’. It is a nice and open attitude towards life but as a philosophy it cannot be taken seriously. This chapter shows that although people pay lip service to religion as the foundation of morals, in fact it is morals that are increasingly seen as the basis of religion. There is a strange psychological process at work: on the one hand people repeatedly state that morals are in need of a (...)
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  25.  46
    Reasonable Optimism.Peter Caldwell & Michaelis Michael - 1998 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 6 (3):19-31.
  26.  40
    Epistemology, Moral Philosophy and Optimism: A Comparative Analysis Between Managers and their Subordinates.Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas, Hadi Abdul-Rahman Hammoud & Karthik N. S. Iyer - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (1):5-42.
    The process of making ethical judgments is much more complex than studying only personal moral philosophy variables (idealism and relativism). The renewed interest in epistemic values (virtue and vice epistemology) in contemporary philosophy has shown significant relevance to understanding ethical behavior and such values may be better predictors than studying only idealism and relativism. The purpose of this exploratory study is to examine employees’ personal moral philosophies, optimism, epistemic values, and various organizational unethical practices as compared to (...)
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  27.  46
    Therapeutic optimism in the consent forms of phase 1 gene transfer trials: an empirical analysis.J. Kimmelman - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (4):209-214.
    Background: “Therapeutic misconception” arises when human subjects interpret a clinical trial as aimed primarily at therapy rather than producing knowledge. Therapeutic misconceptions may be more prevalent in trials enrolling gravely ill subjects or involving novel and well publicised investigational agents.Objective: To examine the extent to which investigators express therapeutic optimism in phase 1 human gene transfer consent documents, whether highly active gene transfer researchers are more prone to expressing therapeutic optimism, and whether consent forms have grown more optimistic (...)
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  28.  12
    Exuberant optimism vs the precautionary principle.J. Cairns - 2001 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 1:46-50.
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  29.  65
    Beyond Blind Optimism and Unfounded Fears: Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment Resistant Depression.Veronica Johansson, Martin Garwicz, Martin Kanje, Helena Röcklinsberg, Jens Schouenborg, Anders Tingström & Ulf Görman - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (3):457-471.
    The introduction of new medical treatments based on invasive technologies has often been surrounded by both hopes and fears. Hope, since a new intervention can create new opportunities either in terms of providing a cure for the disease or impairment at hand; or as alleviation of symptoms. Fear, since an invasive treatment involving implanting a medical device can result in unknown complications such as hardware failure and undesirable medical consequences. However, hopes and fears may also arise due to the cultural (...)
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  30.  73
    The Optimistic Implications of Idealism.J. D. Logan - 1902 - International Journal of Ethics 12 (4):494-501.
  31.  35
    Two concepts of therapeutic optimism.L. A. Jansen - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (9):563-566.
    Researchers and ethicists have long been concerned about the expectations for direct medical benefit expressed by participants in early phase clinical trials. Early work on the issue considered the possibility that participants misunderstand the purpose of clinical research or that they are misinformed about the prospects for medical benefit from these trials. Recently, however, attention has turned to the possibility that research participants are simply expressing optimism or hope about their participation in these trials. The ethical significance of (...)
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  32.  29
    Environmental Optimism.Ullrich Melle - 1997 - Ethical Perspectives 4 (3):191-203.
    Recently there has arisen a new wave of optimism in the discussions about the environment. According to Gregg Easterbrook, one of the most prominent of the environmental optimists, we are presently witnessing fundamental and far-reaching changes for the better: “the Western world today is on the verge of the greatest ecological renewal that humankind has known; perhaps the greatest that the Earth has known” .The optimism of these new environmental optimists is not simply strategic, a mere psychological stimulant (...)
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    Some Ethical Dilemmas for Agency Social Workers.Malcolm Carey - 2007 - Ethics and Social Welfare 1 (3):342-347.
    This article considers some ethical consequences which are linked to the more recent rapid expansion in contingency social work. It is noted that increased privatisation within state social work has led to a much greater reliance upon flexible labour. Consequentially, the relationship between temporary workers and clients has altered, and new beliefs and attitudes have formed amongst some employees who lack permanency. With reference to Nietzsche, Marx and Hobbes, it is suggested that if this political process of market-led ?atomisation? (...)
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  34. Factors Impacting Ethical Behavior in Hospitals.Satish P. Deshpande, Jacob Joseph & Rashmi Prasad - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (2):207-216.
    This study examines factors impacting ethical behavior of 203 hospital employees in Midwestern and Northwestern United States. Ethical behavior of peers had the most significant impact on ethical behavior. Ethical behavior of successful managers, professional education in ethics and sex of the respondents also significantly impacted ethical behavior. Nurses were significantly more ethical than other employees. Race of the respondent did not impact ethical behavior. Overclaiming scales indicated that social desirability bias did not (...)
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  35.  32
    Ethical Motivations and the Phenomenon of Disappointment in Two Types of Environmental Movements: Neo-Environmentalism and the Dark Mountain Project.Hana Librová & Vojtěch Pelikán - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (2):167-193.
    This study takes up the phenomenon of disappointment in today's environmental movements. It analyses two distinct streams of environmental movements – neo-environmentalism and the Dark Mountain Project. On the basis of their published written statements, it describes these movements, analyses the opinions of their members regarding possible future developments and examines their ethical motivations. It examines the members’ motivations in terms of three categories – teleological, deontological and virtue ethics – and asserts that each of these contains various expectations, (...)
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  36.  3
    The tragedy of optimism: writings on Hermann Cohen.Steven S. Schwarzschild - 2018 - Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. Edited by George Y. Kohler.
    Complete collection of Schwarzschild’s essays on the neo-Kantian Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen. Steven S. Schwarzschild (1924–1989) was arguably the leading expositor of German-Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen (1842–1918), undertaking a lifelong effort to reintroduce Cohen’s thought into contemporary philosophical discourse. In The Tragedy of Optimism, George Y. Kohler brings together all of Schwarzschild’s work on Cohen for the first time. Schwarzschild’s readings of Cohen are unique and profound; he was conversant with both worlds that shaped Cohen’s thought, neo-Kantian German idealism (...)
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  37.  21
    Pessimism and Optimism in the Debate on Climate Change: A Critical Analysis.Anders Nordgren - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (4):1-23.
    In the debate on climate change commentators often express pessimistic or optimistic views. We see this mainly in the media and popular literature, but also in various academic fields. The aim of this paper is to investigate different kinds of pessimistic and optimistic views put forward in this debate and suggest explanations of the diversity of views. The paper concludes that pessimism and optimism may concern, for example, climate change as an unmitigated or poorly mitigated process, mitigation of climate (...)
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  38. A Study of Ethical Decision Making by Physicians and Nurses in Hospitals.Satish P. Deshpande - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (3):387-397.
    This research investigates the impact of various factors on ethical behavior of 180 not-for-profit hospital employees. Ethical behavior of peers, ethical behavior of successful managers, and emotional intelligence had a significant positive impact on ethical behavior of respondents. Physicians and hospital employees with political connections within the organization were significantly less ethical than other employees. The results have many implications for researchers and healthcare practitioners.
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  39.  56
    The austere optimist.Julian Baggini - 2009 - The Philosophers' Magazine 47:25-33.
    If you’re thinking ethically you ought to try to take the point of view from which you consider whether you could prescribe the action if you were in the position of all of those affected by it. I think that if you consider the situation of poverty and affluence, if you were really to put yourself in the position of the poor person and the affluent person, and ask yourself whether you could support the view that the affluent person doesn’t (...)
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  40. Hume’s Optimism and Williams’s Pessimism From ‘Science of Man’ to Genealogical Critique.Paul Russell - 2018 - In Sophie Grace Chappell & Marcel van Ackeren (eds.), Ethics Beyond the Limits: New Essays on Bernard Williams' Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 37-52.
    Bernard Williams is widely recognized as belonging among the greatest and most influential moral philosophers of the twentieth-century – and arguably the greatest British moral philosopher of the late twentieth-century. His various contributions over a period of nearly half a century changed the course of the subject and challenged many of its deepest assumptions and prejudices. There are, nevertheless, a number of respects in which the interpretation of his work is neither easy nor straightforward. One reason for this is that (...)
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  41.  55
    Informed consent for early-phase clinical trials: therapeutic misestimation, unrealistic optimism and appreciation.Jodi Halpern, David Paolo & Andrew Huang - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (6):384-387.
    Unrealistic therapeutic beliefs are very common—the majority of patient-subjects (up to 94%) enrol in phase 1 trials seeking and expecting significant medical benefit, even though the likelihood of such benefit has historically proven very low. The high prevalence of therapeutic misestimation and unrealistic optimism in particular has stimulated debate about whether unrealistic therapeutic beliefs in early-phase clinical trials preclude adequate informed consent. We seek here to help resolve this controversy by showing that a crucial determination of when such therapeutic (...)
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  42.  44
    Trust in early phase research: therapeutic optimism and protective pessimism.Scott Y. H. Kim, Robert G. Holloway, Samuel Frank, Renee Wilson & Karl Kieburtz - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (4):393-401.
    Bioethicists have long been concerned that seriously ill patients entering early phase (‘phase I’) treatment trials are motivated by therapeutic benefit even though the likelihood of benefit is low. In spite of these concerns, consent forms for phase I studies involving seriously ill patients generally employ indeterminate benefit statements rather than unambiguous statements of unlikely benefit. This seeming mismatch between attitudes and actions suggests a need to better understand research ethics committee members’ attitudes toward communication of potential benefits and risks (...)
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    Albert Schweitzer's ethical vision: a sourcebook.Albert Schweitzer - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Predrag Cicovacki.
    Western and Indian thought -- The historical Jesus -- The kingdom of God -- Religion in modern civilization -- The decay of civilization -- Civilization and ethics -- The optimistic world-view in Kant -- Schopenhauer and Nietzsche's quest for elementary ethics -- Reverence for life -- The ethics of reverence for life -- The problem of ethics in the evolution of human thought -- Bach and aesthetics -- Goethe the philosopher -- Gandhi and the force of nonviolence -- The problem (...)
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    Ethical Analysis in Plato's Earlier Dialogues.Norman Gulley - 1952 - Classical Quarterly 2 (1-2):74-.
    In the dialogues earlier than the Republic, Plato indicates in many ways his lack of confidence that any method of ethical analysis will lead to a discovery of the truth. The doubts which he expresses or implies have not always been given the attention which they deserve, and there has often been a reluctance to accept them as an expression of Plato's genuine conviction. There is, admittedly, some justification for this reluctance. Plato does not always seem to be consistent. (...)
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  45. Ethics for Everyday Life: Designing a Core Philosophy Course.K. Lindsey Chambers - 2024 - In Brynn Welch (ed.), The art of teaching philosophy: reflective values and concrete practices. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 69-76.
    At my university, many non-philosophy majors take our introductory ethics course to fulfill a core or general education requirement. I designed a course with these non-majors in mind called, "The Ethics of a Human Life." The course traces the arc of a human life by way of investigating a series of pessimistic ethical issues that arise: why it might be bad to be born, the challenges of being a child or an adolescent, the moral dangers of friendship, sex, love, (...)
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    (1 other version)Universalism and optimism.Paul Gomberg - 1994 - Ethics 104 (3):536-557.
  47.  48
    The Ethics of Emotional Artificial Intelligence: A Mixed Method Analysis.Nader Ghotbi - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (4):417-430.
    Emotions play a significant role in human relations, decision-making, and the motivation to act on those decisions. There are ongoing attempts to use artificial intelligence (AI) to read human emotions, and to predict human behavior or actions that may follow those emotions. However, a person’s emotions cannot be easily identified, measured, and evaluated by others, including automated machines and algorithms run by AI. The ethics of emotional AI is under research and this study has examined the emotional variables as well (...)
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    Hope and Optimism in Pediatric Deep Brain Stimulation: Key Stakeholder Perspectives.Natalie Dorfman, Lilly Snellman, Ynez Kerley, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz, Eric A. Storch & Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (3):1-15.
    IntroductionDeep brain stimulation (DBS) is utilized to treat pediatric refractory dystonia and its use in pediatric patients is expected to grow. One important question concerns the impact of hope and unrealistic optimism on decision-making, especially in “last resort” intervention scenarios such as DBS for refractory conditions.ObjectiveThis study examined stakeholder experiences and perspectives on hope and unrealistic optimism in the context of decision-making about DBS for childhood dystonia and provides insights for clinicians seeking to implement effective communication strategies.Materials and (...)
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  49.  82
    On Optimism and Opportunism in Applied Mathematics: Mark Wilson Meets John Von Neumann on Mathematical Ontology. [REVIEW]Michael Stöltzner - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (1):121-145.
    Applied mathematics often operates by way of shakily rationalizedexpedients that can neither be understood in a deductive-nomological nor in an anti-realist setting.Rather do these complexities, so a recent paper of Mark Wilson argues, indicate some element in ourmathematical descriptions that is alien to the physical world. In this vein the mathematical opportunistopenly seeks or engineers appropriate conditions for mathematics to get hold on a given problem.Honest mathematical optimists, instead, try to liberalize mathematical ontology so as to include all physicalsolutions. Following (...)
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    Ethical Progress and the Goldilocks Problem.Cynthia Gayman - 2010 - Southwest Philosophy Review 26 (1):153-161.
    I argue that a number of non-utopian accounts of ethical progress—specifically, those offered by Wiggins, Moody-Adams, and Rorty—face a trade-off between objectivity and the radical revision of values. I suggest that each of these views is unsatisfactory because they face the Goldilocks problem—none of the views is able to get the trade-off between objectivity and radical revision of values “just right.” Moody-Adams and Wiggins offer accounts which are too conservative with regard to ethical progress in not allowing radical (...)
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