Results for 'gender binarism'

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  1.  29
    Binarism Grammatical Lacuna as an Ensemble of Diverse Epistemic Injustices.Carla Carmona - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (3):339-363.
    This paper characterizes a phenomenon I call ‘binarism grammatical lacuna’ (BGL). BGL occurs when non-binary sex and gender identities are forced to choose between being he or she by the grammar of a language owing to the sex/gender binary. Although hermeneutical injustice (HI) lies at its core, given that non-binary communities come up with hermeneutical devices to overcome unintelligibility and these tools are discredited, a variety of epistemic injustices, besides HI, intertwine in BGL. I address contributory injustice, (...)
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  2. Gender and Its Discontents.Lia Lola Vlado Kotnik - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Gender produces multiple discontents (unease, discomfort, embarrassment, irritation, annoyance) in society. With this straightforward thesis the author addresses the problem of gender—Butlerian “gender trouble”—as a form of cultural discontent or unease. During the ground-breaking and path-paving women’s, feminist, gay and lesbian movements, gender, then female gender, caused cultural irritation for the patriarchy of the then societies and continues to do so to this very day. However, with the recent transgender movement, this cultural unease about (...) has taken on entirely new dimensions, including turning gender into an alarming issue, a threatening global specter and annoyingly omnipresent conflict not only in wider society but also in academia. These uneasy issues are here tackled in two ways, through the theory and practice of gender. The way subversive gender theory can trigger collective unease, even if it is falsely imposed, artificially induced, and manipulatively orchestrated, is shown using the example of the abuse of Judith Butler’s gender theory by polemicists in culture war debates surrounding gender and proponents and supporters of the anti-gender movement, clearly betraying their intention of harming communities of gender non-conforming people and those communities’ efforts towards social, political, and legal emancipation. The way transgressive gender practice can trigger relational discomfort in everyday interactions is illustrated through the author’s own “gender story” in the form of a short autoethnography of gender unease, to illustrate the problem of deep sex/gender binarism, essentialism, primordialism, perennialism, and naturalism permeating, completely spontaneously and unreflexively, all our thoughts, words, actions, relationships, institutions, and collectives. (shrink)
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  3. L’injustice épistémique vécue par les personnes intersexuées : l’effacement des corps intersexués comme violence institutionnelle.Cyndelle Gagnon - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (2-3):12-22.
    Intersex is an umbrella term for variations in sexual characteristics. Although 1.7% to 4% of the population is born outside the framework of sexual binarity, the bodies of intersex people are pathologized and, according to medical specialists, in need of “repair”. This institutional stigmatization takes the form of sex reassignment surgery or hormone treatments, justified by socio-cultural premises based on heterosexist norms. Medical discourse is based less on the health, physical and psychological dangers of intersex patients than on safeguarding gendered (...)
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  4. Post-Queer: In Defense of a 'Trans-Gender Approach' or Trans-Gender as an Analytical Category.Patrick Cardon - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (1):138-150.
    The notion of gender, introduced into France by queens and drags in the late 20th century (the glorious period of the "drag-queens") and revitalized by American "queer", follows a traditionally feminist path where homosexual and particularly male issues are once again being hidden away. Having played a big part in popularizing that first version, Patrick Cardon proposes, in order to avoid any misunderstanding and escape once for all from any attempts at reification, to use the term and the universal (...)
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    Linguistic Hermeneutical Injustice.Martina Rosola - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Grammatical gender languages mark gender on every noun and agreement target such as adjectives and pronouns. While the norm for personal nouns provides that the term’s grammatical gender corresponds to its referent’s gender, in certain circumstances, a discrepancy arises between the term and its referent’s gender. Taking Italian as a case study, I identify four such circumstances: reference to non-binary people, women and non-binary professionals in traditionally male-dominated fields, generic or unknown individuals and mixed-gender (...)
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    Clearing the fuzziness: comments on Ashley Tauchert’s fuzzy gender.Hazel T. Biana & Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - 2019 - Journal of Gender Studies 1.
    In ‘Fuzzy gender: between female embodiment and intersex’, Ashley Tauchert offers a ‘fuzzy’ model for gender. Her proposed model aims to account for the normative boundaries of sex and gender, especially between females, transwomen, and intersexuals, in terms of a ‘gender line’ on which different gender categories are located. This reply paper aims to clear the fuzziness in Tauchert’s model by pointing out two critical problems. First, her model appears to be self-defeating, since the marginalized (...)
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    Le modificazioni dei genitali femminili nel discorso dei diritti umani delle donne. Morale umanitaria, assoggettamento e vernacolarizzazione.Giovanna Cavatorta & Michela Fusaschi - 2021 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 33 (64):33-51.
    Genital modifications are rites of institution related to gender binarism. The article elucidates how only some of them came to be depicted as “traditional”, irrational, backward, and harmful by the humanitarian morality, which, after having associated them to “non-therapeutic” reasons, labelled them as “Female Genital Mutilation”. The authors illustrate the problematical aspects of this globalised order of discourse on FGM, by articulating theories on humanitarian reason, gendered subjection and vernacularization. Thanks to the ethnography, the essay highlights that critical (...)
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    Guattari with Duchamp, or Du champ from One Sign to the Other.Eric Alliez - 2022 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (4):579-599.
    Taking as the focus of enquiry the engagements of Félix Guattari with Marcel Duchamp, namely, those rare passages in Schizoanalytic Cartographies and Chaosmosis, the question of the encounter is posed in the field of the sign, but of a sign ‘destructured’ (as Duchamp du signe), in the sense also that Guattari started by destructuring Lacan (from Psychoanalysis and Transversality to Anti-Oedipus). Introduced by the relationships between Guattari and Foucault to better play in between the early and the late Guattari, Guattari’s (...)
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    Questionamentos Butlerianos Ao Construtivismo Discursivo: Uma Problemática Epistemológica Do Corpo Na Psicanálise.Virginia Helena Ferreira da Costa - 2022 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 63 (152):359-378.
    ABSTRACT This text intends to rethink the dispute of feminist epistemologies regarding the conception of gender discursive constructions from the background of Freud and Lacan’s thesis. Our basis is Butler’s critique of binary feminist theories regarding the substantialization of the sexual body: if the sexual body is constructed by discourse, it is also a subversive element of discourse, since it cannot be completely determined by cultural gender binarism. We use excerpts from the debate between Butler-Freudian and Lacanian (...)
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    ‘Post-Feminism’ in the Legal Academy?Margaret Thornton - 2010 - Feminist Review 95 (1):92-98.
    Against the background of the political swing from social liberalism to neo-liberalism in Australia, this paper considers the discomfiting relationship between feminism and the legal academy over the last three decades. It briefly traces the trajectory of the liaison, the course of the brief affair, the parting of the ways and the cold shoulder. In considering the reasons for the retreat from feminism, it is suggested that it has been engineered by neo-liberalism through the market's deployment of third-wave feminism, particularly (...)
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    Language use before and after Stonewall: A corpus-based study of gay men’s pre-Stonewall narratives.Heiko Motschenbacher - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (1):64-86.
    This study presents a contrastive corpus linguistic analysis of language use before and after Stonewall. It uses theoretical insights on normativity from the field of language and sexuality to investigate how the shifting normativities associated with the Stonewall Riots – widely considered the central event of gay liberation in the Western world – have shaped our conceptualization of sexuality as it surfaces in language use. Drawing on two corpora of gay men’s pre-Stonewall narratives dating from two time periods, the analysis (...)
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    Das Problem der Kolonialität des Geschlechts.Breny Mendoza - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (1):67-82.
    In this article, Breny Mendoza examines and critically discusses María Lugones’ concept of the “coloniality of gender.” Lugones’ influential thesis asserts that the binarity of gender was introduced in the colonies as part of colonial rule and displaced previously predominant egalitarian systems of gender relations. As Mendoza outlines, this thesis has been challenged in recent years by Latin American and indigenous feminisms (such as the Argentinean anthropologist Rita Segato, and indigenous feminists from countries such as Bolivia, Guatemala, (...)
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    The Scent of Memory: Strangers, Our Own, and Others.Avtar Brah - 1999 - Feminist Review 61 (1):4-26.
    Using, as a point of departure, Tim Lott's recent autobiography where he attempts to make sense of his mother's suicide of 1988 through a reconstruction of his family genealogy, this article tries to map the production of gendered, classed, and racialized subjects and subjectivity in west London. It addresses the tension between Lott's discourse of his own white working-class boyhood during the 1970s where questions of ‘race’ are all but absent, and the racialized ‘commonsense’ that pervades the interviews with other (...)
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    Ich, Körper, Geschlecht. Die rechtlichen Implikationen der Sexualität in der Grundlage des Naturrechts (1796).Benedetta Bisol - 2017 - Fichte-Studien 44:275-288.
    The paper discuses topics related to individuality, human corporeality and gender in Foundations of Natural Right (1796) within a systematic point of view. According to Fichte, the notion of human corporeality is crucial to achieving the foundations of right. In this context Fichte applies a gender-neutral notion of the human body: all individuals are equal despite their gender differences, because reason is neither masculine nor feminine. Besides the male/female binary, Fichte does not discuss issues of sexual identity (...)
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    Toward a Responsible Fairness Analysis: From Binary to Multiclass and Multigroup Assessment in Graph Neural Network-Based User Modeling Tasks.Erasmo Purificato, Ludovico Boratto & Ernesto William De Luca - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (3):1-34.
    User modeling is a key topic in many applications, mainly social networks and information retrieval systems. To assess the effectiveness of a user modeling approach, its capability to classify personal characteristics (e.g., the gender, age, or consumption grade of the users) is evaluated. Due to the fact that some of the attributes to predict are multiclass (e.g., age usually encompasses multiple ranges), assessing fairness in user modeling becomes a challenge since most of the related metrics work with binary attributes. (...)
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  16. This Universalism which is not One: Ernesto Laclau's Emancipations.Linda M. G. Zerilli - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (2):3-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:This Universalism Which Is Not OneLinda M. G. Zerilli (bio)Ernesto Laclau. Emancipation(s). London: Verso, 1996.Judging from the recent spate of publications devoted to the question of the universal, it appears that, in the view of some critics, we are witnessing a reevaluation of its dismantling in twentieth-century thought. One of the many oddities about this “return of the universal” 1 is the idea that contemporary engagements with it are (...)
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    A critical analysis of Purnomo and colleagues’ interpretation in Matthew 6:9–13.Harman Z. Laia & Sri Binar - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (1):8.
    The reinterpretation of the Lord’s Prayer (Mt 6:9–13) as a prayer of thanksgiving rather than petition, based on their argument that the aorist tense in imperative and/or subjunctive verbs signifies actions completed in the past, along with their critique of the Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI) translation as erroneous, sparked debates among Christians in Indonesia and was leveraged by non-Christian groups to question the Bible’s authenticity. This study aimed to evaluate the validity of Purnomo et al.’s research by focussing on their (...)
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  18. The political economy of context : theories of economic development and the study of conceptual change.Joel Isaac Gender - 2021 - In Annabel S. Brett, Megan Donaldson & Martti Koskenniemi (eds.), History, politics, law: thinking internationally. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  19.  21
    698 philosophical abstracts.Objectivity Gender & Alan Realism - 1994 - The Monist 77 (4).
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    Kathryn Pauly Morgan.Gender Police - 2005 - In Shelley Tremain (ed.), _Foucault and the Government of Disability_. University of Michigan Press. pp. 298.
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    Learning from Practice: Case Studies.Gender Equality - 2010 - In Irene Dankelman (ed.), Gender and Climate Change: An Introduction. Earthscan. pp. 107.
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  22. Keele University, 28–30 June 2002.Sexuality Gender & I. I. Law - 2002 - Feminist Legal Studies 10:111-112.
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    Enhancing Gender.Hazem Zohny, Brian D. Earp & Julian Savulescu - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (2):225-237.
    Transgender healthcare faces a dilemma. On the one hand, access to certain medical interventions, including hormone treatments or surgeries, where desired, may be beneficial or even vital for some gender dysphoric trans people. But on the other hand, access to medical interventions typically requires a diagnosis, which, in turn, seems to imply the existence of a pathological state—something that many transgender people reject as a false and stigmatizing characterization of their experience or identity. In this paper we argue that (...)
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  24. 17 From High Heels to Swathed Bodies.Gendered Meanings Under - 2001 - In Abigail J. Stewart (ed.), Theorizing feminism: parallel trends in the humanities and social sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  25. Gender and Gender Terms.Elizabeth Barnes - 2019 - Noûs 54 (3):704-730.
    Philosophical theories of gender are typically understood as theories of what it is to be a woman, a man, a nonbinary person, and so on. In this paper, I argue that this is a mistake. There’s good reason to suppose that our best philosophical theory of gender might not directly match up to or give the extensions of ordinary gender categories like ‘woman’.
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  26. Nancy S. Jecker.Donnie J. Self & Gender-Based Explanations - 1994 - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics 16:58.
  27. " Business Story is Better Than Love".Economic Deeelopment Gender - 1996 - In Brackette F. Williams (ed.), Women out of place: the gender of agency and the race of nationality. New York: Routledge.
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    18 Crossing Boundaries.Gender Race - 2002 - In Patricia Mohammed (ed.), Gendered realities: essays in Caribbean feminist thought. Mona, Jamaica: Centre for Gender and Development Studies. pp. 325.
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    CEO Gender, Ethical Leadership, and Accounting Conservatism.Simon S. M. Ho, Annie Yuansha Li, Kinsun Tam & Feida Zhang - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):351-370.
    Since male CEOs dominate corporate leadership, the literature on top management decision making suffers from an implicit masculine bias. Although research indicates that males and females are biologically and psychologically different, the leadership characteristics of female CEOs are largely unexplored. Two of these characteristics, risk aversion and ethical sensitivity, are tied to key accounting issues, such as conservatism in financial reporting and steadfast opposition to fraud. In this study, we examine the relationship between CEO gender and accounting conservatism, and (...)
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    Who Gets More of the Pie? Predictors of Perceived Gender Inequity at Work.Hang-Yue Ngo, Sharon Foley, Angela Wong & Raymond Loi - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (3):227 - 241.
    Gender inequity is prevalent in the workplace. It violates the principle of equal treatment for all employees, and often leads to problems with retention, morale, and performance. Individuals, however, may have different perceptions of gender inequity. In this study, we examined the relationship between individual and organizational level variables and perceived gender inequity for a sample of church workers. Regression analysis was used to test several hypotheses informed by social psychological theories. The results showed that (1) individuals (...)
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  31. The business of ethics and gender.A. Catherine McCabe, Rhea Ingram & Mary Conway Dato-on - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64 (2):101 - 116.
    Unethical decision-making behavior within organizations has received increasing attention over the past ten years. As a result, a plethora of studies have examined the relationship between gender and business ethics. However, these studies report conflicting results as to whether or not men and women differ with regards to business ethics. In this article, we propose that gender identity theory [Spence: 1993, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 64, 624–635], provides both the theory and empirical measures to explore the (...)
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  32. Meaning: Anthropological Perspectives on Self-Injury and BPD.Body Gender - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):25-27.
  33. (1 other version)The Importance of Feminist Critique for Contemporary Cell Biology.the Biology Group & Gender Study - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (1):61-76.
    Biology is seen not merely as a privileged oppressor of women but as a co-victim of masculinist social assumptions. We see feminist critique as one of the normative controls that any scientist must perform whenever analyzing data, and we seek to demonstrate what has happened when this control has not been utilized. Narratives of fertilization and sex determination traditionally have been modeled on the cultural patterns of male/female interaction, leading to gender associations being placed on cells and their components. (...)
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    Rada Ivekovic.Gender as A. Form - 2007 - In Robin May Schott & Kirsten Klercke (eds.), Philosophy on the border. Lancaster: Gazelle Drake Academic [distributor]. pp. 25.
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  35. Gender and the Biological Sciences.Kathleen Okruhlik - 1994 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 20 (sup1):21-42.
    Feminist critiques of science provide fertile ground for any investigation of the ways in which social influences may shape the content of science. Many authors working in this field are from the natural and social sciences; others are philosophers. For philosophers of science, recent work on sexist and androcentric bias in science raises hard questions about the extent to which reigning accounts of scientific rationality can deal successfully with mounting evidence that gender ideology has had deep and extensive effects (...)
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    Varieties of deprivation.Social Credit & Gender-Neutral Freedom - 1995 - In Edith Kuiper & Jolande Sap (eds.), Out of the margin: feminist perspectives on economics. New York: Routledge. pp. 51.
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    Gender and Violence in Focus: A Background for Gender Justice in Reparations.Margaret Urban Walker - unknown
  38.  36
    Gender Struggles: Practical Approaches to Contemporary Feminism.Kathryn Pyne Addelson, Sandra Lee Bartky, Susan Bordo, Rosi Braidotti, Susan J. Brison, Judith Butler, Drucilla L. Cornell, Deirdre E. Davis, Nancy Fraser, Evelynn M. Hammonds, Nancy J. Hirschmann, Eva Feder Kittay, Sharon Marcus, Marsha Marotta, Julien S. Murphy, Iris MarionYoung & Linda M. G. Zerilli (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The sixteen essays in Gender Struggles address a wide range of issues in gender struggles, from the more familiar ones that, for the last thirty years, have been the mainstay of feminist scholarship, such as motherhood, beauty, and sexual violence, to new topics inspired by post-industrialization and multiculturalism, such as the welfare state, cyberspace, hate speech, and queer politics, and finally to topics that traditionally have not been seen as appropriate subjects for philosophizing, such as adoption, care work, (...)
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  39.  28
    A Gender Lens on Religion.Rachel Rinaldo, Afshan Jafar & Orit Avishai - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (1):5-25.
    This special issue is the result of concerns about the marginalized status of gender within the sociology of religion. The collection of exciting new research in this special issue advocates for the importance of a gender lens on questions of religion in order to highlight issues, practices, peoples, and theories that would otherwise not be central to the discipline. We encourage sociologists who study religion to engage more in interdisciplinary and intersectional scholarship, acknowledge developments in the global South, (...)
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  40. Gender-Specific Values.Charlene Haddock Seigfried - 1984 - Philosophical Forum 15 (4):425.
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    Race, Gender, and the History of Early Analytic Philosophy.Matt LaVine - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Matt LaVine argues that there is more potential in bringing the history of early analytic philosophy and critical theories of race and gender together than has been traditionally recognized. In particular, he explores the changes associated with a shift from revolutionary aspects of early analytic philosophy.
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    Debating gender.Brian D. Earp - 2021 - Think 20 (57):9-21.
    There is an ongoing public debate about sex, gender and identity that is often quite heated. This is an edited transcript of an informal lecture I recorded in 2019 to serve as a friendly guide to these complex issues. It represents my best attempt, not to score political points for any particular side, but to give an introductory map of the territory so that you can think for yourself, investigate further, and reach your own conclusions about such controversial questions (...)
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  43. Etniciteit, gender, seksualiteit en de verbeelding van globalisering.Ginette Verstraete - 2000 - Krisis 1 (3):25-37.
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  44. Gender related differences in science activities.Kenneth Tobin & Pamela Garnett - 1987 - Science Education 71 (1):91-103.
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    (2 other versions)Sex, Gender, and Christian Ethics.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    Cahill addresses the ethics of sexuality, marriage, parenthood and family from a feminist Christian standpoint. She wants to reaffirm the traditional unity of sex, love and parenthood, not as an absolute norm, but a guiding framework. The book also develops the significance of New Testament models of community and of moral formation, to argue that the human values associated with sex and family should be embodied in a context of concern for society's poor and marginalized. Roman Catholicism receives special but (...)
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    Does Board Gender Diversity Have a Financial Impact? Evidence Using Stock Portfolio Performance.Larelle Chapple & Jacquelyn E. Humphrey - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):709-723.
    There is growing regulatory pressure on firms worldwide to address the under-representation of women in senior positions. Regulators have taken a variety of approaches to the issue. We investigate a jurisdiction that has issued recommendations and disclosure requirements, rather than implementing quotas. Much of the rhetoric surrounding gender diversity centres on whether diversity has a financial impact. In this paper we take an aggregate (market-level) approach and compare the performance of portfolios of firms with gender diverse boards to (...)
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  47. Cyborg, gender, and the posthuman self.J. Jeanine Thweatt - 2022 - In Arvin M. Gouw, Brian Patrick Green & Ted Peters (eds.), Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Gender,'race', and diaspora: racialized identities of emigrant Irish women.”.Bronwen Walter - 1997 - In John Paul Jones, Heidi J. Nast & Susan M. Roberts (eds.), Thresholds in feminist geography: difference, methodology, and representation. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 339--360.
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    Agnes Goes to Prison: Gender Authenticity, Transgender Inmates in Prisons for Men, and Pursuit of “The Real Deal”.Sarah Fenstermaker & Valerie Jenness - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (1):5-31.
    Historically developed along gender lines and arguably the most sex segregated of institutions, U.S. prisons are organized around the assumption of a gender binary. In this context, the existence and increasing visibility of transgender prisoners raise questions about how gender is accomplished by transgender prisoners in prisons for men. This analysis draws on official data and original interview data from 315 transgender inmates in 27 California prisons for men to focus analytic attention on the pursuit of “the (...)
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  50. Gender Theory in Troubled Times.[author unknown] - 2020
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