Results for 'honour shame'

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  1.  48
    Honor, Shame, and Identity.Peter A. French - forthcoming - Public Affairs Quarterly.
  2.  35
    Defending honour, keeping face: Interpersonal affordances of anger and shame in Turkey and Japan.Michael Boiger, Derya Güngör, Mayumi Karasawa & Batja Mesquita - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (7):1255-1269.
    In the present study, we tested the idea that emotions are afforded to the extent that they benefit central cultural concerns. We predicted that emotions that are beneficial for the Turkish concern for defending honour (both anger and shame) are afforded frequently in Turkey, whereas emotions that are beneficial for the Japanese concern for keeping face (shame but not anger) are afforded frequently in Japan. N = 563 students from Turkey and Japan indicated how frequently people in (...)
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    Shame and Honor: Aristotle’s Thumos as a Basic Desire.Victor Saenz - 2018 - Apeiron 51 (1):73-95.
    One of three basic types of desire, claims Aristotle, is thumos (‘spirit,’ ‘passion,’ ‘heart,’ ‘anger,’ ‘impulse’). The other two are epithumia (‘appetite’) and boulêsis (‘wish,’ ‘rational desire’). Yet, he never gives us an account of thumos; it has also received relatively little scholarly attention. I argue that thumos has two key features. First, it is able to cognize what I call ‘social value,’ the agent’s own perceived standing relative to others in a certain domain. In human animals, shame and (...)
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    Honor and harmed social-image. Muslims’ anger and shame about the cartoon controversy.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (6):1205-1219.
    ABSTRACTTwo studies examined anger and shame, and their associated appraisals and behavioral intentions, in response to harm to an in-group's social-image. In Study 1, 37 British Muslims reported incidents in which they were devalued as Muslims. In Study 2, 108 British Muslims were presented with objective evidence of their in-group's devaluation: the controversial cartoons about Prophet Muhammad The appraisal of harm to social-image predicted anger and shame, whereas the appraisal of offense only predicted anger. Anger was a more (...)
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  5. Honor dishonorable: Shameful shame.John Hollander - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 70 (4):1061-1074.
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    Honour and shame as key concepts in Chrysostom’s exegesis of the Gospel of John.H. F. Stander - 2003 - HTS Theological Studies 59 (3).
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    Honor and Shame in Early China. By Mark Edward Lewis.Garret Pagenstecher Olberding - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (3):757-759.
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    The Role of Honour-related vs. Individualistic Values in Conceptualising Pride, Shame, and Anger: Spanish and Dutch Cultural Prototypes.Agneta H. Fischer - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (2):149-179.
  9. Shame and the samurai: Institutions, trustworthiness, and autonomy in the elite honor culture.Eiko Ikegami - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 70 (4):1351-1378.
  10.  92
    Aidōs: The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature.Douglas L. Cairns - 1993 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Introduction; Aidos in Homer; From Hesiod to the Fifth Century; Aeschylus; Sophocles; Euripides; The Sophists, Plato, and Aristotle; References; Glossary; Index of Principal Passages; General Index.
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    Attack, disapproval, or withdrawal? The role of honour in anger and shame responses to being insulted.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera, Agneta H. Fischer, Antony S. R. Manstead & Ruud Zaalberg - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (8):1471-1498.
    Insults elicit intense emotion. This study tests the hypothesis that one's social image, which is especially salient in honour cultures, influences the way in which one reacts to an insult. Seventy-seven honour-oriented and 72 non-honour oriented participants answered questions about a recent insult episode. Participants experienced both anger and shame in reaction to the insult. However, these emotions resulted in different behaviours. Anger led to verbal attack (i.e., criticising, insulting in return) among all participants. This relationship (...)
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    Duelling with doctors, restoring honour and avoiding shame? A cross-sectional study of sick-listed patients' experiences of negative healthcare encounters with special reference to feeling wronged and shame.Niels Lynøe, Maja Wessel, Daniel Olsson, Kristina Alexanderson, Torbjörn Tännsjö & Niklas Juth - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (10):654-657.
    Aims The aim of this study was to examine if it is plausible to interpret the appearance of shame in a Swedish healthcare setting as a reaction to having one's honour wronged. Methods Using a questionnaire, we studied answers from a sample of long-term sick-listed patients who had experienced negative encounters (n=1628) and of these 64% also felt wronged. We used feeling wronged to examine emotional reactions such as feeling ashamed and made the assumption that feeling shame (...)
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    Transformations of Shame and Honor: Ideology, Diagnostics, and Liberation from State Interests.Christian Matheis - 2019 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 25 (2):20-31.
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    Shame, Pleasure, and Honor in Phaedra's Great Speech.David Kovacs - 1980 - American Journal of Philology 101 (3):287.
  15. Shame and Contempt in Kant's Moral Theory.Krista K. Thomason - 2013 - Kantian Review 18 (2):221-240.
    Attitudes like shame and contempt seem to be at odds with basic tenets of Kantian moral theory. I argue on the contrary that both attitudes play a central role in Kantian morality. Shame and contempt are attitudes that protect our love of honour, or the esteem we have for ourselves as moral persons. The question arises: how are these attitudes compatible with Kant's claim that all persons deserve respect? I argue that the proper object of shame (...)
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  16. [Book review] aidos, the psychology and ethics of honour and shame in ancient greek literature. [REVIEW]A. W. H. Adkins - 1994 - Ethics 105 (1):181-.
  17.  50
    Honor: a phenomenology.Robert L. Oprisko - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Part I. An introduction to honor: introduction; honor and value; honor and identity -- Part II. External honor: prestige; shame; face; esteem; affiliated honor; glory -- Part III. Internal honor: honorableness; dignity -- Part IV. The politics of honor: rebellion and revolution; lessons from honor -- Appendix I: key concepts.
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    Tιμιώτερα Books, Talking Objects, Honour and Shame in the Phaedrus.Cristiana Caserta - 2015 - Peitho 6 (1):113-146.
    In the Phaedrus, the expression τὰ γεγραμμένα φαῦλα ἀποδεῖξαι, „to demonstrate the inadequacy of its own written” could mean „to make a palinody.” The requirements to define someone as a philosopher that Socrates provides describe in theoretical and normative form what the dialogue has already represented in its dramatic form. Plato has targeted the speech of Lysias and the first speech of Socrates as belonging to a literary genre that is still in statu nascendi: a sophistic conference in which the (...)
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    The Banyamulenge people: Their angst, honour and shame in the light of the Matthean Community.S. L. Rukundwa - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (1/2).
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  20. Understanding Honor.Whitley Kaufman - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (4):557-573.
    The concept of honor continues to be among the most widely misunderstood of human ideals. It has long been claimed that honor is an essentially external ideal, motivated by shame at one's appearance before others rather than an inward sense of guilt, the implication being that honor is a superficial moral ideal and one superseded by the higher ideal of the moral conscience. This account does not, however, stand up to scrutiny; honor is a genuinely "internal" value as much (...)
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  21. Shame and Punishment in Kant's Doctrine of Right.David Sussman - 2008 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (231):299–317.
    In the Doctrine of Right, Kant claims that killings motivated by the fear of disgrace should be punished less severely than other murders. I consider how Kant understands the mitigating force of such motives, and argue that Kant takes agents to have a moral right to defend their honour. Unlike other rights, however, this right of honour can only be defended personally, so that individuals remain in a 'state of nature' with regard to any such rights, regardless of (...)
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    Putting the shameful body to death: some critiques and a way forward in the soteriology of shame.Christoph Ochs & Simon Cozens - 2019 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 36 (4):233-245.
    The concepts of ‘honour and shame’ have emerged in contemporary missiological discourse as a key tool for ministry among ‘shame cultures’. While a recognition of different cultural values is an important step towards contextualisation, the soteriological models presented in these discussions are primarily based on a number of hidden assumptions which require further investigation: that shame is overcome by an outpouring of honour; that shame is a problem between humanity and God; and that the (...)
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    Jesus Also Died For Our Corrupted Shame.Edmund Ng - 2022 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 15 (2):269-282.
    A number of theological writers have averred that principally our Lord Jesus Christ came to die not only for our sin but also for our shame. After establishing the case for this by highlighting the honor-shame significance of the cross through both theological and psychological theory and research, this article further argues that Jesus did not die for our natural and healthy shame but for our corrupted shame. The paper then concludes by explaining from the theological, (...)
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  24. Honour (draft of entry for Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy).Dan Demetriou - 2020 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Given its psychological and sociological importance, especially in non-liberal societies, honor may be the most undertheorized normative phenomenon. Philosophical neglect of honor is due partly to the doubtful moral bona fides of honor: honor-typical motives have been usually viewed by philosophers in both the Christian and liberal West as either non-moral or immoral but replaced by morally sounder ones. More practically, honor (and what is usually translated into the English “honor”) connotes a number of apparently contradictory meanings, further bedeviling analyses. (...)
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    Xenophon's Hybris: Leadership, Violence and the Normative Use of Shame in Anabasis 5.8.Matteo Zaccarini - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):152-166.
    Through a detailed analysis of Xenophon's defence against a charge forhybrisamong the Ten Thousand, this paper discusses violence, reputation and hierarchy in Greek military and social contexts. Contrary to other recent treatments of the episode, the study highlights the centrality of honour/shame dynamics and of desert in establishing and upholding social order, showing that these notions are found consistently in numerous examples as early as Homer. Addressing the apparent lack of strict discipline in Greek armies, the paper concludes (...)
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    Feminism, Honor and Self-Defense: A Response to Hereth.Daniel Statman - 2023 - Public Affairs Quarterly 37 (1):64-78.
    Sometimes victims cannot defend themselves against the threat posed to them, but they can nevertheless harm or even kill their aggressors. Since they cannot defend themselves, it is unclear how such harming can be justified under the title of self-defense. According to the “Honor Solution,” by violently resisting their aggressors, victims do (partially) defend themselves because they protect their honor. Blake Hereth recently argued that this solution is incompatible with the feminist commitment that sexual assault victims ought not to be (...)
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  27. Honour, face and reputation in political theory.Peter Olsthoorn - 2008 - European Journal of Political Theory 7 (4):472-491.
    Until fairly recently it was not uncommon for political theorists to hold the view that people cannot be expected to act in accordance with the public interest without some incentive. Authors such as Marcus Tullius Cicero, John Locke, David Hume and Adam Smith, for instance, held that people often act in accordance with the public interest, but more from a concern for their honour and reputation than from a concern for the greater good. Today, most authors take a more (...)
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  28. Aidōs D. L. Cairns: Aidōs. The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature. Pp. xvi + 474. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. £50. [REVIEW]M. J. Edwards - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (02):290-292.
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    Honor in the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.Laurie Johnson & Dan Demetriou (eds.) - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington.
    After a century-long hiatus, honor is back. Academics, pundits, and everyday citizens alike are rediscovering the importance of this ancient and powerful human motive. This volume brings together some of the foremost researchers of honor to debate honor’s meaning and its compatibility with liberalism, democracy, and modernity. Contributors—representing philosophy, sociology, political science, history, psychology, leadership studies, and military science—examine honor past to present, from masculine and feminine perspectives, and in North American, European, and African contexts. Topics include the role of (...)
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    The role of honour concerns in emotional reactions to offences.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera, Antony S. R. Manstead & Agneta H. Fischer - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (1):143-163.
    We investigated the role of honour concerns in mediating the effect of nationality and gender on the reported intensity of anger and shame in reaction to insult vignettes. Spain, an honour culture, and The Netherlands, where honour is of less central significance, were selected for comparison. A total of 260 (125 Dutch, 135 Spanish) persons participated in the research. Participants completed a measure of honour concerns and answered questions about emotional reactions of anger and (...) to vignettes depicting insults in which type of threat was manipulated. It was found that Spanish participants responded especially intensely to insults that threaten family honour, and that this effect of nationality on emotional reactions to threats to family honour was mediated by individual differences in concern for family honour. (shrink)
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    [Book review] aidos, the psychology and ethics of honour and shame in ancient greek literature. [REVIEW]L. Cairns Douglas - 1994 - In Peter Singer (ed.), Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 105--1.
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  32. The Ethical Significance of Shame: Insights of Aristotle and Xunzi.Antonio S. Cua - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (2):147 - 202.
    A constructive interpretation of the Confucian conception of shame is offered here. Xunzi's discussion is considered the locus classicus of the Confucian conception of shame as contrasted with honor. In order to show his conception as an articulation and development of the more inchoate attitudes of Confucius and Mencius, and excursion is made into the Lunyu and the Mengzi. Aristotle's conception of shame is used as a sort of catalyst, an opening for appreciating Xunzi's complementary insights.
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    Women in the Crossfire: Understanding and Ending Honor Killing.Robert Paul Churchill - 2018 - , US: Oup Usa.
    Women in the Crossfire seeks to understand the practice of honor killing from a variety of cultural and disciplinary perspectives and analyzes empirical research on honor killing, including a large original study published here for the first time. The book examines the root causes of honor killing both in human psychology and cultural evolution, and it recommends specific measures for protecting potential victims and ending honor killing altogether.
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    Hybris - N. R. E. Fisher: Hybris: A Study in the Values of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greece. Pp. xvi + 526. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1992. Paper, £35. [REVIEW]Douglas L. Cairns - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):76-79.
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    Praise, Honor, and the Noble. 전헌상 - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 139:29-56.
    이 글의 목적은 아리스토텔레스의 윤리학적 저작들에서 논의되는 고귀한 것(to kalon)의 주요한 측면 하나를 추적해 보는 것이다. 우선 그 저작들에서 고귀한 것이 탁월성과 연계되어 이야기되고 있는 구절들, 그 중에서도 특히 고귀한 것이 수치스러운 것(to aischron)과 대비되면서 함께 이야기되고 있는 구절들을 살펴보고, 그 저작들에서 고귀한 것-수치스러운 것의 짝이 칭찬(받을 만한 것)-비난(받을 만한 것)의 짝과 밀접하게 연관되어 이야기된다는 점을 확인한다. 이것은 탁월성과 연관되어 이야기되는 고귀한 것의 의미를 규명하는 중요한 실마리가 어떤 것들이 왜 칭찬받을 만한 것이 되는가를 규명하는 것임을 의미한다. 필자는 이 물음에 관한 (...)
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    Guilt and Shame in Western and African Ethics: A Comparative Analysis.Philemon Ayibo - 2021 - Philosophia Africana 20 (1):19-43.
    The idea behind right and wrong is premised on ethics. There have been controversies about the philosophy of right and wrong in Western and African thoughts. There is a perception that the essential difference between right and wrong is honor-orientation versus justice-orientation, which is believed to be based on shame and guilt. With the aforementioned, the researcher sought to explore the comparative analysis on guilt and shame in Western and African ethics using a qualitative research design to make (...)
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  37.  40
    Aristotle on Shame and Learning to Be Good by Marta Jimenez. [REVIEW]Jerry Green - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (1):151-152.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aristotle on Shame and Learning to Be Good by Marta JimenezJerry GreenMarta Jimenez. Aristotle on Shame and Learning to Be Good. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 224. Hardback, $70.00.Aristotle on Shame and Learning to Be Good is a close examination of an underappreciated topic in Aristotle's theories of moral psychology and moral development: shame. Jimenez argues that shame is a sui generis (...)
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  38.  32
    “The Most Naked Phase of Our Struggle”: Gendered Shaming and Masculinist Desiring‐Production in Turkey's War on Terror.Fulden İbrahimhakkıoğlu - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):418-433.
    The photographs that circulated on social media depicting the atrocious acts committed by the Turkish military forces in southeast Turkey are indicative of an aesthetic construction of militarized masculinity that serves as a metonym for the nation‐state. As violence is aestheticized in a gendered fashion in these depictions, the Kurdish resistance movement is shamed as feminine. Gendered shaming, in this context, conjoins racialization and gendering as subjugating mechanisms of the state. Women's peace movements seek to disrupt this heteropatriarchal logic of (...)
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    Betraying dignity: the toxic seduction of social media, shaming, and radicalization.Orit Kamir - 2019 - Vancouver: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    Introduction : why worry about dignity, honor, and values -- Escape from dignity to honor : an overview -- The honor game -- Divine human glory : in the image of God -- The concept of dignity that underlies human rights -- Respect : the value of our singularity -- Escape from dignity and respect.
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  40. Ancient Greek Recognition? Homer, Plato, and the Struggle for Honor.Jonathan Fine - forthcoming - In Thomas Khurana & Matthew Congdon (eds.), The Philosophy of Recognition. Routledge.
    According to a prominent narrative, the problem of recognition arises in the modern period in opposition to premodern notions of honor. This chapter invites us to reconsider this narrative by examining two views of honor in ancient Greek thought. I first show that Homeric honor includes contestable norms of reciprocal respect and esteem for individual virtue. I then show how Plato appropriates the Homeric view in his ethical psychology yet articulates a competing view of the nature and value of honor. (...)
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  41. Fighting Fair: The Ecology of Honor in Humans and Animals.Dan Demetriou - 2015 - In Jonathan Kadane Crane (ed.), Beastly Morality: Animals as Ethical Agents. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 123-154.
    This essay distinguishes between honor-typical and authoritarian behavior in humans and animals. Whereas authoritarianism concerns hierarchies coordinated by control and obedience, honor concerns rankings of prestige determined by fair contests. Honor-typical behavior is identifiable in non-human species, and is to be expected in polygynous species with non-resource-based mating systems. This picture lends further support to an increasingly popular psychological theory that sees morality as constituted by a variety of moral systems. If moral cognition is pluralistic in this way, then the (...)
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  42.  13
    ‘For themistocles of phrearrhioi, on account of honour’: Ostracism, honour and the nature of athenian politics.Matteo Barbato - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):500-519.
    This article offers a new interpretation of the Athenian institution of ostracism and explores its significance for our understanding of democratic politics. A popular scholarly trend interprets ostracism as an instrument for pursuing conflict among aristocratic politicians, in accordance with a view of Athenian democracy as dominated by a restricted elite competing for power and prestige. This article aims to reassess this picture by investigating ostracism in the light of recent studies of honour, which have stressed honour's potential (...)
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  43.  27
    Consider Your Man Card Reissued: Masculine Honor and Gun Violence.Amy Shuffelton - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (4):387-403.
    In this article, Amy Shuffelton addresses school shootings through an investigation of honor and masculinity. Drawing on recent scholarship on honor, including Bernard Williams's Shame and Necessity and Kwame Anthony Appiah's The Honor Code, Shuffelton points out that honor has been misconstrued as exclusively a matter of hierarchical, competitive relationships. A second kind of honor, which exists within relationships of mutual respect between equals, she suggests, merits theorists' further consideration. In its hierarchical mode, honor is often a source of (...)
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    Plato's Attempt to Moralize Shame.Dan Lyons - 2011 - Philosophy 86 (3):353-374.
    I'd like to trace here a great rhetorical-philosophical project which runs through the writings of Plato – his attempt to moralize norms of honor and glory, his attempt to harness the powerful feelings of shame and glory to the ineffectual norms of justice.
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  45. Feminist Reflections on Researching So-called 'Honour' Killings.Aisha K. Gill - 2013 - Feminist Legal Studies 21 (3):241-261.
    Drawing on 2 years of field research conducted between 2008 and 2010 in London’s Kurdish community, I discuss the practical and ethical challenges that confront researchers dealing with violence against women committed in the name of ‘honour’. In examining how feminist methodologies and principles inform my research, I address issues of researcher positioning and the importance of speaking with, rather than for, marginalised groups. I then explore the difficulties of operationalising this position when dealing with honour-based violence. Using (...)
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    Equality and Gender at Work in Islam: The Case of the Berber Population of the High Atlas Mountains.Claudia Eger - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (2):210-241.
    This article investigates how religion-based social norms and values shape women’s access to employment in Muslim-majority countries. It develops a religiously sensitive conceptualization of the differential valence of genders based on respect, which serves to produce inequality. Drawing on an ethnographic study of work practice in Berber communities in Morocco, aspects of respect are analyzed through an honor–shame continuum that serves to moralize and mediate gender relations. The findings show that respect and shame function as key inequality-producing mechanisms. (...)
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    Gifts of Humiliation: Charis and Tragic Experience in Alcestis.Mark Padilla - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (2):179-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.2 (2000) 179-211 [Access article in PDF] Gifts of Humiliation: Charis and Tragic Experience In Alcestis Mark Padilla Charis is always what bears charis. (Soph. Aj. 522) Not for many does charis breed charis. (Anaxandrides fr. 69 PCG II) A gift that does nothing to enhance solidarity is a contradiction. --Mary Douglas on Marcel Mauss Whether or not in the spring of 438 B.C.E. Euripides (...)
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    Power, Pleasure, and Profit: Insatiable Appetites from Machiavelli to Madison.David Wootton - 2018 - Boston: Harvard University Press.
    A provocative history of the changing values that have given rise to our present discontents. We pursue power, pleasure, and profit. We want as much as we can get, and we deploy instrumental reasoning—cost-benefit analysis—to get it. We judge ourselves and others by how well we succeed. It is a way of life and thought that seems natural, inevitable, and inescapable. As David Wootton shows, it is anything but. In Power, Pleasure, and Profit, he traces an intellectual and cultural revolution (...)
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  49. Sworn Virgins of the Balkan Highlands.Marija Brujić & Vladimir Krstić - 2022 - Traditiones 50 (3):113–130.
    Once widely spread in the Dinaric Mountains part of the Balkan Peninsula, swearing to virginity was a social and cultural custom recorded among all groups inhabiting the area. In the absence of a capable adult man in the household, a daughter would take over his social role by ‘becoming’ a man. The standard explanation is that the function of this practice is enabling the continuation of the household’s economic, social, and religious activities. We argue that this explanation fails. A better (...)
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  50. Beauty Before the Eyes of Others.Jonathan Fine - 2016 - In Fabian Dorsch & Dan-Eugen Ratiu (eds.), Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics. University of Fribourg. pp. 164-176.
    This paper pursues the philosophical significance of a relatively unexplored point of Platonic aesthetics: the social dimension of beauty. The social dimension of beauty resides in its conceptual connection to shame and honour. This dimension of beauty is fundamental to the aesthetic education of the Republic, as becoming virtuous for Plato presupposes a desire to appear and to be admired as beautiful. The ethical significance of beauty, shame, and honour redound to an ethically rich notion of (...)
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