Results for 'justice, empire, cosmopolitanism, rights, Kant, universalism'

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  1. Justice and Imperialism: On the Very Idea of a Universal Standard.Duncan Ivison - 2010 - In Shaunnagh Dorsett & Ian Hunter, Law and Politics in British Colonial Thought: Transpositions of Empire. Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 31-48.
    How does empire become transposed onto justice? There are two kinds of question here, one historical the other conceptual, though they are often entwined. First, we may ask whether there are particular arguments about justice that were subsequently used in the justification of empire or colonialism. Or, we may seek to trace the conceptual structure of argu- ments justifying imperialism to their roots in particular philosophical views, debunking their supposed universalism.3 Second, we may ask about the very nature of (...)
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    Cosmopolitan Justice and Minority Rights: The Case of Minority Nations.Ferran Requejo - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):83.
    This chapter links a conception of global justice, moral cosmopolitanism, with plurinational democracies. After giving a brief description of moral cosmopolitanism, I go on to analyse notions of cosmopolitanism and patriotism in Kant's work and the political significance that the notion of unsocial sociability and the Ideas of Pure Reason of Kant's first Critique have for cosmopolitanism. Finally, I analyse the relationship between cosmopolitanism and minority nations based on the preceding sections. I postulate the need for a moral and institutional (...)
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    Has social justice any legitimacy in Kant's theory of right? The empirical conditions of the legal state as a civil union.Nuria Sánches Madrid - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (2):127-146.
    This paper aims at shedding light on an obscure point in Kant's theory of the state. It discusses whether Kant's rational theory of the state recognises the fact that certain exceptional social situations, such as the extreme poverty of some parts of the population, could request institutional state support in order to guarantee the attainment of a minimum threshold of civil independence. It has three aims: 1) to show that Kant's Doctrine of Right can offer solutions for the complex relation (...)
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    (1 other version)Grounding Cosmopolitanism: From Kant to the Idea of a Cosmopolitan Constitution.Garrett Wallace Brown - 2009 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    In a new interpretation, Garrett Wallace Brown considers Kant's cosmopolitan thought as a form of international constitutional jurisprudence that requires minimal legal demands. He explores and defends topics such as cosmopolitan law, cosmopolitan right, the laws of hospitality, a Kantian federation of states, a cosmopolitan epistemology of culture and a possible normative basis for a Kantian form of global distributive justice.
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  5. Patriotism, Poverty, and Global Justice: A Kantian Engagement with Pauline Kleingeld's Kant and Cosmopolitanism.Helga Varden - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (2):251-266.
    In this article I critically engage some of the philosophical ideas Kleingeld presents in Kant and Cosmopolitanism, namely patriotism, poverty and global justice. Against Kleingeld, I propose, first, that perhaps democracy is less important and affectionate love more so to both Kant himself as well as to an account that can successfully refute a Bernard Williams style objection to Kantian patriotism; second, that guaranteeing unconditional poverty relief for all its citizens is constitutive of the minimally just state for Kant; and, (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2001 - Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
    If human rights express the equal claim of every person to the recognition and protection of their vital interests, they necessarily assert universal obligations of justice that cross borders. Sharon Anderson-Gold asks here whether there is a normative consensus on human rights and articulates the role of a cosmopolitan or global community in shaping the theory and practice of international politics. She considers several important works in the field of universal human rights and discusses whether a cosmopolitan system of law (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Cosmopolitanism and human rights: Radicalism in a global age.Robert Fine - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (1):8-23.
    Abstract: The cosmopolitan imagination constructs a world order in which the idea of human rights is an operative principle of justice. Does it also construct an idealisation of human rights? The radicality of Enlightenment cosmopolitanism, as developed by Kant, lay in its analysis of the roots of organised violence in the modern world and its visionary programme for changing the world. Today, the temptation that faces the cosmopolitan imagination is to turn itself into an endorsement of the existing order of (...)
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  8. Kant and cosmopolitanism: the philosophical ideal of world citizenship.Pauline Kleingeld - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first comprehensive account of Kant’s cosmopolitanism, highlighting its moral, political, legal, economic, cultural, and psychological aspects. Contrasting Kant’s views with those of his German contemporaries, and relating them to current debates, Pauline Kleingeld sheds new light on texts that have been hitherto neglected or underestimated. In clear and carefully argued discussions, she shows that Kant’s philosophical cosmopolitanism underwent a radical transformation in the mid 1790s and that the resulting theory is philosophically stronger than is usually thought. Using (...)
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    The Rights of States, the Rule of Law, and Coercion: Reflections on Pauline Kleingeld's Kant and Cosmopolitanism.Alyssa R. Bernstein - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (2):233-249.
    Pauline Kleingeld argues that according to Kant it would be wrong to coerce a state into an international federation, due to the wrongness of paternalism. Although I agree that Kant opposes the waging of war as a means to peace, I disagree with Kleingeld's account of the reasons why he would oppose coercing a state into a federation. Since she does not address the broader question of the permissibility of interstate coercion, she does not properly address the narrower question of (...)
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    Ethics of the ILO: Kohlberg's Universal Moral Development scale.Thomas Klikauer - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):33.
    International institutions such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) have been examined from various industrial relations viewpoints. This article seeks to discuss the ILO from the standpoint of moral philosophy. Traditionally, philosophy has not been concerned with industrial relations (IR) and IR writers have not engaged with ethics either. Nonetheless, all IR agents and institutions, international or otherwise, are moral agents. Being part of the United Nations (UN), the ILO follows the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). In philosophical terms, (...)
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    Hospitality, or Kant’s Critique of Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights.Christopher Meckstroth - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (4):537-559.
    Kant’s theory of international politics and his right of hospitality are commonly associated with expansive projects of securing human rights or cosmopolitan governance beyond state borders. This article shows how this view misunderstands Kant’s criticism of the law of nations ( ius gentium) tradition as handed down into the eighteenth century as well as the logic of his radical alternative, which was designed to explain the conditions of possibility of global peace as a solution to the Hobbesian problem of a (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism: from the Kantian legacy to contemporary approaches.Cristina Foroni Consani, Joel T. Klein & Soraya Nour (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    This book investigates several dimensions of the concept of cosmopolitanism since Kant. The first of these dimensions is a world vision that considers the construction of a 'cosmopolitan self' as a question of justice. The second is the idea that a local political-legal order is fully democratic only if it respects the environment and the human rights of all people of the world, regardless of their citizenship. The third dimension concerns the practice of crossborder associations between individuals, institutionalized or not (...)
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    The ethics and politics of world heritage: local application at the site of Laponia.Annika Bergman Rosamond - 2022 - Journal of Global Ethics 18 (2):286-305.
    This article explores the ethics of world heritage (WH) through a cosmopolitan lens. It proposes that cosmopolitanism provides fertile ground for the study of WH, in particular if combined with sensitivity to distinct indigenous ethical and political claims. Underpinning my article is the question of whether the politics of WH, despite its peaceful and universalist intensions, obscures local disputes and subaltern voices. The empirical emphasis is placed on the WH site of Laponia in the North of Sweden – a location (...)
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  14. Gillian Brock, Global justice: a cosmopolitan account.Stan van Hooft - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (4):369-382.
    This is a review of Gillian Brock’s new book, Global justice: a cosmopolitan account (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009) which sets out the central theses of the book and then offers a critical appraisal of its central arguments. My specific concern is that Brock gives an insufficiently robust account of human rights with which to define the nature of global justice and thereby leaves cosmopolitanism too vulnerable to the normative pull of local and traditional moral conceptions that fall short of (...)
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    Enlightenment, reason and universalism: Kant’s Critical Insights.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2016 - Studies in East European Thought 68 (2-3):127-148.
    ‘Universalist’ moral principles have fallen into disfavour because too often they have been pretexts for unilateral impositions upon others, whether domestically or internationally. Too widely neglected has been Kant’s specifically Critical re-analysis of the scope and character of rational justification in all non-formal domains, including the entirety of epistemology and moral philosophy, including both justice and ethics. Rational judgment is inherently normative because it is in part constituted by our self-assessment of whether the considerations we now integrate into a candidate (...)
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    World Poverty and Human Rights.Kok-Chor Tan - 2004 - Philosophical Review 113 (4):584-587.
    Since his Realizing Rawls a decade and a half ago, Thomas Pogge has established himself as one of the most important and influential writers on the subject of global justice in contemporary philosophy. World Poverty and Human Rights is a valuable collection of some of his essays written during 1990–2001. These essays cover various central topics of global justice—from fundamental philosophical ones, such as the concept of justice and human rights and the universalistic nature of moral reasoning, to the more (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  18.  20
    Radical Cosmopolitics: The Ethics and Politics of Democratic Universalism.James D. Ingram - 2013 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    While supporting the cosmopolitan pursuit of a world that respects all rights and interests, James D. Ingram believes political theorists have, in their approach to this project, compromised its egalitarian and emancipatory principles. Focusing on recent debates without losing sight of cosmopolitanism's ancient and Enlightenment roots, Ingram confronts the philosophical difficulties of defending universal ideals and the implications for ethics and political theory. In morality as in politics, theorists have generally focused first on discovering universal values and second on their (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant on Structural Domination and Global Justice.Tamara Jugov - 2019 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2019 (4):91-105.
    This paper offers a novel reading of Immanuel Kant’s mature political philosophy. It argues that Kant’s doctrine of right is best understood as dealing with the question of how to justify practices of social power. It thereby suggests that the main object of Kant’s doctrine of right should be read in terms of individuals’ higher order power of free choice and action (“Willkür”). It then argues that the main normative problem Kant discusses in the doctrine of right is the problem (...)
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  20. Kant, Rawls and Pogge on Global Justice.Thomas Mertens - manuscript
    Pogge’s writings on international distributive justice, some of them now collected in ‘World Poverty and Human Rights’ (2002),1 exhibit a masterly interplay of moral argumentation and empirical data. In this contribution, I cannot do justice to both and will therefore focus on Pogge’s moral arguments, the origins of which are to be found in the legal philosophies of Kant and Rawls. Contrary to these philosophers, however, Pogge does argue in favor of an institutionalized global order. That is, he argues, what (...)
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    Global Coordination and Regulation of Tourism: Radicalizing Kant’s Cosmopolitanism.Tazim Jamal & Jaume Guia - 2021 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 26 (1):9-31.
    Tourism is a complex phenomenon in scale and scope. Interrelated with other systems from the local to the global, its impacts and effects transcend borders, making coordination and regulation highly challenging. Global mobilities and neoliberal globalization further complicate enabling just and sustainable tourism. New forms of governance are needed to address global threats like climate change and pandemics. This paper explores Immanuel Kant’s transcendental perspective on “perpetual peace” and traces his evolving cosmopolitanism over a decade of essays. We then turn (...)
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    (1 other version)Institutionalising Kant’s political philosophy: Foregrounding cosmopolitan right.Luke Ulaş - 2018 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (3):421-442.
    There exists a longstanding debate over the global institutional implications of Immanuel Kant's political philosophy: does such a philosophy entail a federal world government, or instead only a co...
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    Rigorist cosmopolitanism.Shmuel Nili - 2013 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 12 (3):260-287.
    What counts as global ‘harm’? This article explores this question through critical engagement with Thomas Pogge’s conception of negative duties not to harm. My purpose here is to show that while Pogge is right to orient global moral claims around negative duties not to harm, he is mistaken in departing from the standard understanding of these duties. Pogge ties negative duties to global institutions, but I argue that truly negative duties cannot apply to such institutions. In order to retain the (...)
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    Towards a Critical Politics of Hospitality? Cosmopolitanism in and beyond Kant.Julie Saada - 2024 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 60:157-181.
    While the concept of hospitality involves paradoxes, Kant’s theory of cosmopolitanism partly overcomes them by transforming the ethical requirement of hospitality into a condition for realizing any right. Because exchange, commerce (commercium), and the mutual recognition of freedoms are at the basis of any political association, as they are on a larger scale of any coexistence of political communities, they constitute the primary relationship on which the duty of hospitality is based. Therefore, the Kantian theory of cosmopolitanism is a theory (...)
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  25. Cosmopolitanism and Democracy: Global Governance without a Global State.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2009 - Social Philosophy Today 25:209-222.
    Global governance has become a topic of interest to many contemporary political theorists. Issues arising from the nature of global markets and multinational corporations can no longer be locally contained. These developments signal the decline of the nation state and therewith the end of the liberal moral and political theory that justified national institutions. The alternative possible orders appear bleak, including anarchy, hegemonic power or the most horrific of all specters, the liberty crushing “world state.” Kant’s cosmopolitan theory of justice (...)
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  26. Cosmopolitanism in Kant’s Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View: Regulative Ideas and Empirical Evidence.Roberta Pasquarè - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 10 (2019):140-161.
    With this paper I analyze Kant’s account of the human vocation to cosmopolitanism discussed in the last section of the Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (7:321-333) and show how Kant’s notion of cosmopolitanism requires the cooperation of pure reason and pragmatic anthropology. My main thesis is that pure reason provides regulative ideas, thereby maintaining a foundational role, and pragmatic anthropology provides empirical evidence, thereby reinforcing the theoretical and practical status of reason’s ideas. In developing my analysis, I argue (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Rightness as Fairness: A Moral and Political Theory.Marcus Arvan - 2016 - New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
    This book argues that moral philosophy should be based on seven scientific principles of theory selection. It then argues that a new moral theory—Rightness as Fairness—satisfies those principles more successfully than existing theories. Chapter 1 explicates the seven principles of theory-selection, arguing that moral philosophy must conform to them to be truth-apt. Chapter 2 argues those principles jointly support founding moral philosophy in known facts of empirical moral psychology: specifically, our capacities for mental time-travel and modal imagination. Chapter 2 then (...)
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  28. The international significance of human rights.Thomas Pogge - 2000 - The Journal of Ethics 4 (1-2):45-69.
    A comparative examination of four alternative ways of understandingwhat human rights are supports an institutional understanding assuggested by Article 28 of the Universal Declaration: Human rightsare weighty moral claims on any coercively imposed institutionalorder, national or international (as Article 28 confirms). Any suchorder must afford the persons on whom it is imposed secure accessto the objects of their human rights. This understanding of humanrights is broadly sharable across cultures and narrows the philosophical and practical differences between the friends ofcivil and (...)
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  29. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Justice and East Asian Philosophy.Janusz Salamon & Hsin-Wen Lee (eds.) - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury.
    Breaking out of the dominance of Anglo-American scholarship, this volume centralises East Asian philosophical traditions to explore cross-cultural perspectives in the field of global justice studies. By bringing together diverse traditions of thinking about justice that contrasts East Asian and Western thinkers’ traditions avoids the shortcomings of narrow and one-sided conceptualisations of global justice. A range of contributors from East Asia, Europe, and the US who are conversant with both Western and East Asian philosophical traditions provide a rich engagement with (...)
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    Conceiving human rights without ontology.Anthony J. Langlois - 2005 - Human Rights Review 6 (2):5-24.
    In his book, World Poverty and Human Rights, Pogge sets out to articulate an approach to basic justice that is inversal and cosmopolitan. This notion of justice is to be articulated through the language of human rights. Pogge’s arguments about justice, moral universalism and cosmopolitanism are impressive and reward serious study. It is to be hoped. indeed, that many aspects of his argument might be adopted by the elite ruling classes of world politics; they have much to offer in (...)
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  31. Perpetual Strangers: animals and the cosmopolitan right.Steve Cooke - 2014 - Political Studies 62 (4):930–944.
    In this article I propose a cosmopolitan approach to animal rights based upon Kant's right of universal hospitality. Many approaches to animal rights buttress their arguments by finding similarities between humans and non-human animals; in this way they represent or resemble ethics of partiality. In this article I propose an approach to animal rights that initially rejects similarity approaches and is instead based upon the adoption of a cosmopolitan mindset acknowledging and respecting difference. Furthermore, and in agreement with Martha Nussbaum, (...)
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    Jurgen Habermas's Theory of Cosmopolitanism.Robert Fine & Will Smith - 2003 - Constellations 10 (4):469-487.
    In this paper we explore the sustained and multifaceted attempt of Jürgen Habermas to reconstruct Kant's theory of cosmopolitan right for our own times. In a series of articles written in the post‐1989 period, Habermas has argued that the challenge posed both by the catastrophes of the twentieth century, and by social forces of globalization, has given new impetus to the idea of cosmopolitan justice that Kant first expressed. He recognizes that today we cannot simply repeat Kant's eighteenth‐century vision: that (...)
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    Global ethics: dimensions and prospects.Nigel Dower - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (1):8-15.
    Global ethics is an emerging discipline which has not yet reached maturity. The main tasks before it to gain maturity are: first, to achieve a greater integration of various domains of enquiry all of which are concerned with global normative issues. At a general level this includes integrating global ethics with cosmopolitanism, global justice and human right discourse. At the level of areas of concern, there needs to be greater integration of various areas such as development, trade, environment and climate (...)
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  34. The Laws of Hospitality, Asylum Seekers and Cosmopolitan Right: A Kantian Response to Jacques Derrida.Garrett W. Brown - 2010 - European Journal of Political Theory 9 (3):308-327.
    The purpose of this article is to respond to Jacques Derrida’s reading of Immanuel Kant’s laws of hospitality and to offer a deeper exploration into Kant’s separation of a cosmopolitan right to visit ( Besuchsrecht) and the idea of a universal right to reside ( Gastrecht). Through this discussion, the various laws of hospitality will be examined, extrapolated and outlined, particularly in response to the tensions articulated by Derrida. By doing so, this article will offer a reinterpretation of the laws (...)
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  35. Reconstructing Rawls: The Kantian Foundations of Justice as Fairness.Robert S. Taylor - 2011 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    With the publication of A Theory of Justice in 1971, John Rawls not only rejuvenated contemporary political philosophy but also defended a Kantian form of Enlightenment liberalism called “justice as fairness.” Enlightenment liberalism stresses the development and exercise of our capacity for autonomy, while Reformation liberalism emphasizes diversity and the toleration that encourages it. These two strands of liberalism are often mutually supporting, but they conflict in a surprising number of cases, whether over the accommodation of group difference, the design (...)
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    Liberal internationalism and global social justice.Kostas Koukouzelis - 2009 - Journal of Global Ethics 5 (2):97-108.
    Theories of global justice have moved from issues relating to crimes against humanity and war crimes or, furthermore, ?negative duties? with respect to non-citizens, towards problems of distributive justice and global inequality. Thomas Nagel's Storrs Lectures from 2005, exemplifying Rawlsian internationalism, argue that liberal requirements concerning duties of distributive justice apply exclusively within a single nation-state, and do not extend to duties of this nature between rich and poor countries. Nagel even argues that the demand for global equality is not (...)
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  37. The Politics of Justice and Human Rights: Southeast Asia and Universalist Theory.Anthony J. Langlois - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book, first published in 2001, makes a major contribution to the theory and practice of human rights, engaging in particular with the 'Asian values' debates of the 1990s. It is especially concerned with the tension between a universal regime of human rights and its ability to accommodate diversity. Incorporating original fieldwork from Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, the book also draws out the significance of Southeast Asian developments for international human rights discourse. The book advances beyond the stalemate that the (...)
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    Critical jurisprudence: the political philosophy of justice.Costas Douzinas - 2005 - Portland, Or.: Hart Publishing. Edited by Adam Gearey.
    Jurisprudence is the prudence of jus, law's consciousness and conscience. Throughout history, when thinkers wanted to contemplate the organisation of society or the relationship between authority and the subject, they turned to law. All great philosophers, from Plato to Hobbes, Kant, Hegel, Marx and Weber had either studied the law or had a deep understanding of legal operations. But jurisprudence is also the conscience of law, the exploration of law's justice and of an ideal law or equity at the bar (...)
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    A Poggean passport for fairness? Why Rawls’ Theory of Justice did not become global.Shmuel Nili - 2010 - Ethics and Global Politics 3 (4):277-301.
    Thomas Pogge has been challenging liberal thinking on global politics, often through critical engagement with John Rawls’ work. Pogge presents both normative and empirical arguments against Rawls: normatively, Rawls’ domestic Theory of Justice and global Law of Peoples are incompatible ideal theories; empirically, LP is too removed from the actual world to guide the foreign policy of liberal societies. My main purpose here is to contest the first, ideal theory criticism in order to direct more attention to the second, non-ideal (...)
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    Human rights and empire: the political philosophy of cosmopolitanism.Costas Douzinas - 2007 - New York: Routledge-Cavendish.
    Erudite and timely, this book is a key contribution to the renewal of radical theory and politics.
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    [Book review] global justice, defending cosmopolitanism. [REVIEW]Charles Jones - 2002 - Ethics 112 (3):618-621.
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    Kant on Human Progress and Global Inequality.Fausto Corvino - 2019 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75 (1):477-512.
    In this article I discuss whether from Kant’s philosophy we can determine a moral duty to deal with global inequality, a problem that in Kant’s time was inexistent since it is a modern trend resulting from the industrial revolution. In doing this, I consider three main issues related to Kant’s thought and partially re-developed by contemporary authors: the individual moral duty to collaborate with nature’s purposiveness, which is aimed at attaining perpetual peace through humans fully developing their capacities, the normative (...)
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    (1 other version)A Kantian Argument against World Poverty.Merten Reglitz - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (4): 489–507.
    Immanuel Kant is recognized as one of the first philosophers who wrote systematically about global justice and world peace. In the current debate on global justice he is mostly appealed to by critics of extensive duties of global justice. However, I show in this paper that an analysis of Kant’s late work on rights and justice provides ample resources for disagreeing with those who take Kant to call for only modest changes in global politics. Kant’s comments in the Doctrine of (...)
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    Liberal Nationalism and Cosmopolitan Justice.Will Kymlicka - 2006 - In Seyla Benhabib, Another Cosmopolitanism. Hospitality, Sovereignty, and Democratic Iterations. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book discusses a number of important developments in Europe, developments that challenge our most basic ideas of the nature of political community and of membership within it. This chapter has a different interpretation of some of these developments and of their implications for political philosophy, which it tries to spell out here. It discusses that the predominant ideal of political community and of citizenship has two main features. They are underlying values, which have typically been defined in liberal-democratic terms (...)
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  45. Applying the Categorial Imperative in Kant's Rechtslehre.Nelson Potter - 2003 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 11.
    Kant's "supreme principle of morality," which he calls the "categorical imperative," is often applied by him to specific cases to reach conclusions about particular moral duties, e.g., to abstain from suicide, to not make lying promises, to render assistance to others. There are a number of such applications in the first part of his Metaphysik der Sitten , entitled the Rechtslehre, that have had less attention paid to them. In the Rechtslehre Kant is concerned with state-created laws enforced by punishment, (...)
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  46. From Justice to Fairness: Does Kant’s Doctrine of Right Imply a Theory of Distributive Justice?Jeppe Platz & Mike Nance - 2018 - In Kate A. Moran, Kant on Freedom and Spontaneity. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Cosmopolitanism for Earth Dwellers: Kant on the Right to be Somewhere.Jakob Huber - 2017 - Kantian Review 22 (1):1-25.
    The paper provides a systematic account of Kant’s ‘right to be somewhere’ as introduced in the Doctrine of Right. My claim is that Kant’s concern with the concurrent existence of a plurality of corporeal agents on the earth’s surface occupies a rarely appreciated conceptual space in his mature political philosophy. In grounding a particular kind of moral relation that is ‘external’ but not property-mediated, it provides us with a fundamentally new perspective on Kant’s cosmopolitanism, which I construe as a cosmopolitanism (...)
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  48. Justice, Cosmopolitanism and Policy Prescription: Gillian Brock’s "Global Justice".Cindy Holder - 2012 - Diametros 31:138-145.
    In Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account Gillian Brock makes three important claims: that we have duties of justice to all human beings and not only those with whom we share a state; that our duties to those outside our states are of the same scope and normative weight as our duties to those with whom we share a state; and that the existing framework of international institutions affords us a number of straightforward and accessible means to act on our duties (...)
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    Transnational Cosmopolitanism: Kant, du Bois, and Justice as a Political Craft.Inés Valdez - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Based on the theoretical reconstruction of neglected post-WWI writings and political action of W. E. B. Du Bois, this volume offers a normative account of transnational cosmopolitanism. Pointing out the limitations of Kant's cosmopolitanism through a novel contextual account of Perpetual Peace, Transnational Cosmopolitanism shows how these limits remain in neo-Kantian scholarship. Inés Valdez's framework overcomes these limitations in a methodologically unique way, taking Du Bois's writings and his coalitional political action both as text that should inform our theorization and (...)
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  50. Il relativismo etico fra antropologia culturale e filosofia analitica.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 2007 - In Ilario Tolomio, Sergio Cremaschi, Antonio Da Re, Italo Francesco Baldo, Gian Luigi Brena, Giovanni Chimirri, Giovanni Giordano, Markus Krienke, Gian Paolo Terravecchia, Giovanna Varani, Lisa Bressan, Flavia Marcacci, Saverio Di Liso, Alice Ponchio, Edoardo Simonetti, Marco Bastianelli, Gian Luca Sanna, Valentina Caffieri, Salvatore Muscolino, Fabio Schiappa, Stefania Miscioscia, Renata Battaglin & Rossella Spinaci, Rileggere l'etica tra contingenza e principi. Ilario Tolomio (ed.). Padova: CLUEP. pp. 15-46.
    I intend to: a) clarify the origins and de facto meanings of the term relativism; b) reconstruct the reasons for the birth of the thesis named “cultural relativism”; d) reconstruct ethical implications of the above thesis; c) revisit the recent discussion between universalists and particularists in the light of the idea of cultural relativism.. -/- 1.Prescriptive Moral Relativism: “everybody is justified in acting in the way imposed by criteria accepted by the group he belongs to”. Universalism: there are at (...)
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