Results for 'knowledge design'

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  1.  29
    Knowledge Design: A Much Needed Discipline.Alessandro Carrera - 2016 - Nóema 7 (1).
    In the age of print, the disposition and density of words on the page conveyed specific messages about how texts were supposed to be read. In the current proliferation of electronic supports, “knowledge design” is required to make sure that the process of passing on information becomes an effective transfer of knowledge. The article addresses the cohabitation of print environment and digital environment with reference to the recent debate on the digitization of learning and the so-called “digital (...)
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    Situated Knowledges through Game Design : A Transformative Exercise with Ants.Michelle Westerlaken & Stefano Gualeni - unknown
    The increasing body of knowledge in fields like animal ethology, biology, and technology has not necessarily led to the improvement of animal welfare. On the contrary, it has enabled humans to exploit animals more functionally and on increasing scales of magnitude. Building on approaches that stem from posthumanism and critical animal studies, we argue that instead of aiming for more general production of scientific knowledge, what is needed to counter exploitation and oppression is an increased sensitivity towards animals (...)
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    Knowledge before belief ascription? Yes and no (depending on the type of “knowledge” under consideration).Hannes Rakoczy & Marina Proft - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:988754.
    Knowledge before belief ascription? Yes and no (depending on the type of “knowledge” under consideration). In an influential paper, Jonathan Phillips and colleagues have recently presented a fascinating and provocative big picture that challenges foundational assumptions of traditional Theory of Mind research (Phillips et al., 2020). Conceptually, this big picture is built around the main claim that ascription of knowledge is primary relative to ascription of belief. The primary form of Theory of Mind (ToM) thus is so-called (...)
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    Making Knowledge in Synthetic Biology: Design Meets Kludge.Maureen A. O’Malley - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (4):378-389.
    Synthetic biology is an umbrella term that covers a range of aims, approaches, and techniques. They are all brought together by common practices of analogizing, synthesizing, mechanicizing, and kludging. With a focus on kludging as the connection point between biology, engineering, and evolution, I show how synthetic biology’s successes depend on custom-built kludges and a creative, “make-it-work” attitude to the construction of biological systems. Such practices do not fit neatly, however, into synthetic biology’s celebration of rational design. Nor do (...)
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  5. Research, Knowledge and Design.Greg Bamford - 2003 - In Clare Newton, Sandra Kaj-O'Grady & Simon Wollan (eds.), Design + Research: Project Based Research in Architecture. Second International Conference of the Association of Australasian Schools of Architecture, Melbourne 28 – 30 September, 2003. Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia.
    The discussion about relations between research and design has a number of strands, and presumably motivations. Putting aside the question whether or not design or “creative endeavour” should be counted as research, for reasons to do with institutional recognition or reward, the question remains how, if at all, is design research? This question is unlikely to have attracted much interest but for matters external to Architecture within the modern university. But Architecture as a discipline now needs to (...)
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    Why Designing Is Not Experimenting: Design Methods, Epistemic Praxis and Strategies of Knowledge Acquisition in Architecture.Sabine Ammon - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (4):495-520.
    Using the example of architecture, this article defends the thesis that designing should not be regarded as a kind of experimenting. This is in contrast to a widespread methodological claim that design processes are equivalent to experimentation processes. The contrary thesis can be proven by focusing on actual practices, techniques and design strategies. Closely connected with the thesis is an even more important epistemological claim, which contends that designing serves not only to develop artefacts but is also a (...)
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  7. Design Knowledge Representation: An Ontological Perspective.Emilio M. Sanfilippo, Claudio Masolo & Daniele Porello - 2015 - In Emilio M. Sanfilippo, Claudio Masolo & Daniele Porello (eds.), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Design, {A} workshop of the {XIV} International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2015), Ferrara, Italy, September 22, 2015. pp. 41-54.
    We present a preliminary high-level formal theory, grounded on knowledge representation techniques and foundational ontologies, for the uniform and integrated representation of the different kinds of (quali- tative and quantitative) knowledge involved in the designing process. We discuss the conceptual nature of engineering design by individuating and analyzing the involved notions. These notions are then formally charac- terized by extending the DOLCE foundational ontology. Our ultimate purpose is twofold: (i) to contribute to foundational issues of design; (...)
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  8. Knowledge in a social world.Alvin I. Goldman - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Knowledge in a Social World offers a philosophy for the information age. Alvin Goldman explores new frontiers by creating a thoroughgoing social epistemology, moving beyond the traditional focus on solitary knowers. Against the tides of postmodernism and social constructionism Goldman defends the integrity of truth and shows how to promote it by well-designed forms of social interaction. From science to education, from law to democracy, he shows why and how public institutions should seek knowledge-enhancing practices. The result is (...)
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    Past Designs as Repositories of Tacit Collective Knowledge.Mark Addis, Claudia Eckert & Martin Stacey - 2023 - In Albrecht Fritzsche & Andrés Santa-María (eds.), Rethinking Technology and Engineering: Dialogues Across Disciplines and Geographies. Springer Verlag. pp. 55-66.
    As most engineering design proceeds by modifying past designs and reusing and adapting existing components and solution principles, a significant part of the knowledge engineers employ in design is encapsulated in the past designs they are familiar with. References to past designs, as well as encounters with them, serve to invoke the knowledge associated with them and constructed from them. This chapter argues that much of this knowledge is tacit consisting in and/or made available by (...)
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    Designing Trustworthy Product Recommendation Virtual Agents Operating Positive Emotion and Having Copious Amount of Knowledge.Tetsuya Matsui & Seiji Yamada - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Anthropomorphic agents used in online-shopping need to be trusted by users so that users feel comfortable buying products. In this paper, we propose a model for designing trustworthy agents by assuming two factors of trust, that is, emotion and knowledgeableness perceived. Our hypothesis is that when a user feels happy and perceives an agent as being highly knowledgeable, a high level of trust results between the user and agent. We conducted four experiments with participants to verify this hypothesis by preparing (...)
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    Local Histories/Global Designs: Coloniality, Subaltern Knowledges, and Border Thinking.Walter Mignolo - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    "Local History/Global Designs" is one of the most important books in the historical humanities to have emerged since the end of the Cold War University. This is vintage Mignolo: packed with insights, breadth, and intellectual zeal.
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  12. Knowledge and design.Bruce Hunter - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (2):309-334.
    Ruth Millikan and Alvin Plantinga claim, roughly, that knowledge is true belief produced by processes in circumstances for which they are designed to yield truth. Neither offers the account as a conceptual analysis of knowledge. Instead, for Plantinga it represents the core concept of knowledge characterizing central cases, and for Millikan an empirically warranted theoretical definition of knowledge as a natural phenomenon. Counterexamples are then dismissed as appropriately called "knowledge" only in some analogically extended sense. (...)
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    Distributed (design) knowledge exchange.Ann Heylighen, Francis Heylighen, Johan Bollen & Mathias Casaer - 2007 - AI and Society 22 (2):145-154.
    Despite the intrinsic complexity of integrating individual, social and technologically supported intelligence, the paper proposes a relatively simple ‘connectionist’ framework for conceptualizing distributed cognitive systems. Shared information sources (documents) are represented as nodes connected by links of variable strength, which increases as the documents co-occur in the usage patterns. This learning procedure captures and exploits its users’ implicit knowledge to help them find relevant information, thus supporting an unconscious form of exchange. These principles are applied to a concrete problem (...)
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    A ‘Knowledge Ecologies’ Analysis of Co-designing Water and Sanitation Services in Alaska.Dena Fam & Zoë Sofoulis - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1059-1083.
    Willingness to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries is necessary but not sufficient for project success. This is a case study of a transdisciplinary project whose success was constrained by contextual factors that ultimately favoured technical and scientific forms of knowledge over the cultural intelligence that might ensure technical solutions were socially feasible. In response to Alaskan Water and Sewer Challenge, an international team with expertise in engineering, consultative design and public health formed in 2013 to collaborate on a two-year (...)
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    Designs of Learning and the Formation and Transformation of Knowledge in an Era of Globalization.Staffan Selander - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (4):267-281.
    In this article, the formation and transformation of knowledge and the role of designs for learning will be elaborated and discussed in relation to the introduction of national curricula and school textbooks during the beginning of the industrialized era vs. the introduction of individual curricula and new digital learning resources in the post-industrialized era of globalization and multiculturalism. Quite different teaching and learning strategies have been emphasized, which I will call here “designed information and teaching” vs. “designs for learning”. (...)
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    Relationship Between Knowledge Base and Innovation-Driven Growth: Moderated by Organizational Character.Dengke Yu & Hongling Yan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Purpose:On the background of innovation-driven growth strategy of the Chinese government, this study aims to explore the impact of the knowledge base on innovation-driven growth of a firm, which is moderated by organizational character.Design/methodology/approach:Based on the data of 965 Chinese listed companies, some hypotheses were tested using the method of hierarchical regression analysis.Findings:Organizational growth relies on both technological and business model innovations and their interactive effect. Knowledge base, both breadth and depth, makes a positive impact on the (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Group Knowledge and Group Rationality: A Judgment Aggregation Perspective.Christian List - 2005 - Episteme 2 (1):25-38.
    In this paper, I introduce the emerging theory of judgment aggregation as a framework for studying institutional design in social epistemology. When a group or collective organization is given an epistemic task, its performance may depend on its ‘aggregation procedure’, i.e. its mechanism for aggregating the group members’ individual beliefs or judgments into corresponding collective beliefs or judgments endorsed by the group as a whole. I argue that a group’s aggregation procedure plays an important role in determining whether the (...)
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  18. Design and functions of data bases on traditional knowledge : The case of venezuela.María J. O. Jiménez - 2009 - In Evanson C. Kamau & Gerd Winter (eds.), Genetic resources, traditional knowledge and the law: solutions for access and benefit sharing. Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
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    Postdisciplinary knowledge.Tomas Pernecky (ed.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Postdisciplinary Knowledge is the first book to articulate postdisciplinarity in philosophical, theoretical and methodological terms, helping to establish it as an important intellectual movement of the 21st century. It formulates what postdisciplinarity is, and how it can be implemented in research practice. The diverse chapters present a rich collection of highly creative thought-provoking essays and methodological insights. Written by a number of pioneering intellectuals with a range of backgrounds and research foci, these chapters cover a broad spectrum of areas (...)
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    Next generation knowledge machines: design and architecture.Syed V. Ahamed - 2013 - Amsterdam: Elsevier.
    Deals with topics and insight into the design and architecture of next-generation computing systems that deal with human and social problems. Processor and Internet technologies form the subject matter and focal point, while information and knowledge on the Internet delivered by next-generation mobile networks form the technical core presented.
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  21. Knowledge Management Processes and Their Role in Achieving Competitive Advantage at Al-Quds Open University.Nader H. Abusharekh, Husam R. Ahmad, Samer M. Arqawi, Samy S. Abu Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 3 (9):24-41.
    The study aimed to identify the knowledge management processes and their role in achieving competitive advantage at Al-Quds Open University. The study was based on the descriptive analytical method, and the study population consists of academic and administrative staff in each of the branches of Al-Quds Open University in (Tulkarm, Nablus and Jenin). The researchers selected a sample of the study population by the intentional non-probability method, the size of (70) employees. A questionnaire was prepared and supervised by a (...)
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  22.  46
    Project knowledge and its resituation in the design of research projects: Seymour Benzer's behavioral genetics, 1965-1974.Robert Meunier - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 77:39-53.
  23.  44
    Capturing and Retaining Knowledge to Improve Design Group Performance.Seymour Roworth-Stokes - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (2):Article M14.
    This article explores the management and organisational context for capturing and retaining knowledge transferred through the design process. It is widely acknowledged that our ability to successfully organise and transfer design knowledge is dependant upon the context in which it is situated. However the knowledge generated through the creative process is often viewed from the perspective of the artefact rather the process itself. An understanding of the socially complex knowledge-based resources operating within design (...)
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  24. WISE design for knowledge integration.Marcia C. Linn, Douglas Clark & James D. Slotta - 2003 - Science Education 87 (4):517-538.
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    Local Knowledge in Institutional Epistemology 1.Elizabeth Anderson - forthcoming - Australasian Philosophical Review.
    This paper discusses the importance of local knowledge for institutional epistemology—the study of the epistemic capacities and dysfunctions of institutions, and the choice and design of institutions needed to discover, correct, and transmit the information needed to solve collective action problems. Local knowledge is knowledge of particulars held by individuals and communities with deep familiarity with those particulars. Political economists in anti-authoritarian traditions have long stressed the importance of local knowledge for solving many collective action (...)
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  26. Managing Knowledge Representation in Design.Jennifer Whyte, Boris Ewenstein, Mike Hales, Joe Tidd & David Gann - 2008 - In Harry Scarbrough (ed.), The Evolution of Business Knowledge. Oxford University Press.
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  27. Knowledge-based systems that determine the appropriate students major: In the faculty of engineering and information technology.Samy S. Abu Naser & Ihab S. Zaqout - 2016 - World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2 (10):26-34.
    In this paper a Knowledge-Based System (KBS) for determining the appropriate students major according to his/her preferences for sophomore student enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology in Al-Azhar University of Gaza was developed and tested. A set of predefined criterions that is taken into consideration before a sophomore student can select a major is outlined. Such criterion as high school score, score of subject such as Math I, Math II, Electrical Circuit I, and Electronics I taken (...)
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  28. Development of Professional Knowledge in Action. Experiences from an Action Science Design Focusing on'Acknowledging Communication'in Mental Health.Solfrid Vatne - 2008 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 24:9-29.
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    (1 other version)Knowledge in co-action: social intelligence in collaborative design activity.Satinder P. Gill & Jan Borchers - 2003 - AI and Society 17 (3-4):322-339.
  30. Indigenous knowledge and species assessment for the Alexander Archipelago wolf: successes, challenges, and lessons learned.Jeffrey J. Brooks, I. Markegard, Sarah, J. Langdon, Stephen, Delvin Anderstrom, Michael Douville, A. George, Thomas, Michael Jackson, Scott Jackson, Thomas Mills, Judith Ramos, Jon Rowan, Tony Sanderson & Chuck Smythe - 2024 - Journal of Wildlife Management 88 (6):e22563.
    The United States Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska, USA, conducted a species status assessment for a petition to list the Alexander Archipelago wolf (Canis lupus ligoni) under the Endangered Species Act in 2020-2022. This federal undertaking could not be adequately prepared without including the knowledge of Indigenous People who have a deep cultural connection with the subspecies. Our objective is to communicate the authoritative expertise and voice of the Indigenous People who partnered on the project by demonstrating how (...)
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  31. Knowledge Based System for Diabetes Diagnosis Using SL5 Object.Ibtesam M. Dheir, Alaa Soliman Abu Mettleq, Abeer A. Elsharif, Mohammed N. Abu Al-Qumboz & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (4):1-10.
    Diabetes is a major public health issue that affects the nations of our time to a large extent and is described as a non-communicable epidemic. Diabetes mellitus is a common disease where there is too much sugar (glucose) floating around in your blood. This occurs because either the pancreas can’t produce enough insulin or the cells in body have become resistant to insulin. The concentration in this paper is on diagnosis diabetes by designing a proposed expert system. The main goal (...)
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  32. Natural 'Knowledge' and Natural 'Design'.Richard Dawkins - 2006 - Free Inquiry 26:34-35.
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  33. Carnal knowledge: towards a 'new materialism' through the arts.Estelle Barrett & Barbara Bolt (eds.) - 2013 - New York: I.B. Tauris.
    Carnal Knowledge is an outcome of the renewed energy and interest in moving beyond the discursive construction of reality to understand the relationship between what is conceived of as reality and materiality, described as the "material turn." It draws together established and emerging writers, whose research spans dance, music, film, fashion, design, photography, literature, painting and stereo-immersive VR, to demonstrate how art allows us to map the complex relations between nature and culture, between the body, language and (...). These writings are unique in the field because they represent the authors' commitment to a new materialism through the creative arts. The questions they address include: Does the material turn in the creative arts take a different turn from continental epistemology, philosophy and the humanities? How does the agency of matter, the material nature of artistic practice and the notion of "truth to materials" affect what we understand as the "new materialism?" In engaging with these questions the book offers perspectives on the emergence of this exciting fresh field of new materialism. (shrink)
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  34. (1 other version)Computational Design: Design in the Age of a Knowledge Society.Mihai Nadin - unknown
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  35. Lay Denial of Knowledge for Justified True Beliefs.Jennifer Nagel, Valerie San Juan & Raymond A. Mar - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):652-661.
    Intuitively, there is a difference between knowledge and mere belief. Contemporary philosophical work on the nature of this difference has focused on scenarios known as “Gettier cases.” Designed as counterexamples to the classical theory that knowledge is justified true belief, these cases feature agents who arrive at true beliefs in ways which seem reasonable or justified, while nevertheless seeming to lack knowledge. Prior empirical investigation of these cases has raised questions about whether lay people generally share philosophers’ (...)
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  36. Designs for knowledge evolution: Towards a prescriptive theory for integrating first-and second-hand knowledge.Daniel L. Schwartz, Taylor Martin & Na'ilah Nasir - 2005 - In Peter Gardenfors, Petter Johansson & N. J. Mahwah (eds.), Cognition, education, and communication technology. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 21--54.
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  37. Knowledge Based System for the Diagnosis of Dengue Disease.Aysha I. Mansour & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 3 (4):12-19.
    Background: Dengue Disease is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus, symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. This may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash. Dengue serology is applied in different settings, such as for surveillance, in health care facilities in endemic areas and in travel clinics in non-endemic areas. The applicability and quality of serological tests in dengue endemic regions has to be judged against a (...)
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    Nurses’ knowledge and performance of the patients’ bill of rights.Abbas Sheikhtaheri, Monireh Sadeqi Jabali & Zahra Hashemi Dehaghi - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (8):866-876.
    Background: Observance of the patients’ bill of rights is one of the main features of moral codes in hospitals. In this regard, nurses bear great responsibility because they spend a long time with patients. Therefore, the continuous evaluation of the nurses’ performance and assessing their knowledge about the patients’ bill of rights are a need. Objectives: We aimed to determine the nurses’ awareness of the patients’ rights and measure their performance in this regard. Research design and participants: This (...)
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  39. A Proposed Knowledge Based System for Desktop PC Troubleshooting.Ahmed Wahib Dahouk & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2 (6):1-8.
    Abstract: Background: In spite of the fact that computers continue to improve in speed and functions operation, they remain complex to use. Problems frequently happen, and it is hard to resolve or find solutions for them. This paper outlines the significance and feasibility of building a desktop PC problems diagnosis system. The system gathers problem symptoms from users’ desktops, rather than the user describes his/her problems to primary search engines. It automatically searches global databases of problem symptoms and solutions, and (...)
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  40. Technological knowledge in disability design / Ashley Shew - The effects of social networking sites on critical self-reflection.Ivan Guajardo - 2020 - In Andrew Wells Garnar & Ashley Shew (eds.), Feedback Loops: Pragmatism about Science and Technology. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Technological Knowledge.Anthonie W. M. Meijers & Marc J. de Vries - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 70–74.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Types of Knowledge in Technology A Neglected Topic Empirical Studies Philosophical Explorations References and Further Reading.
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  42. Technological knowledge in disability design.Ashley Shew - 2020 - In Andrew Wells Garnar & Ashley Shew (eds.), Feedback Loops: Pragmatism about Science and Technology. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  43. Tacit knowledge management.Rodrigo Ribeiro - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (2):337-366.
    How can we identify and estimate workers’ tacit knowledge? How can we design a personnel mix aimed at improving and speeding up its transfer and development? How is it possible to implement tacit knowledge sustainable projects in remote areas? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to distinguish between types of tacit knowledge, to establish what they allow for and to consider their sources. It is also essential to find a way of managing the (...)
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  44. Knowledge Isn’t Closed on Saturday: A Study in Ordinary Language.Wesley Buckwalter - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (3):395-406.
    Recent theories of epistemic contextualism have challenged traditional invariantist positions in epistemology by claiming that the truth conditions of knowledge attributions fluctuate between conversational contexts. Contextualists often garner support for this view by appealing to folk intuitions regarding ordinary knowledge practices. Proposed is an experiment designed to test the descriptive conditions upon which these types of contextualist defenses rely. In the cases tested, the folk pattern of knowledge attribution runs contrary to what contextualism predicts. While preliminary, these (...)
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    Institutional Values Influence the Design and Evaluation of Transition Knowledge in Funding Proposals at NOAA.Steve Elliott, Gina Eosco, Laura Newcomb & Joseph Conran - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90:1286 - 1296.
    This paper shows how institutional values influence the design and evaluation of arguments in funding proposals for research. We characterize a general argument made within proposals and several kinds of subarguments that contribute to it. We indicate that funders’ values inform the kinds of proposal documents funders require and their relative weighting of them. We illustrate these points by showing how a program office in the U.S. federal agency NOAA uses its public service mission to require and heavily weigh (...)
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    Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward aged sexuality in Flemish nursing homes.Lieslot Mahieu, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Jolien Acke, Hanne Vandermarliere, Kim Van Elssen, Steffen Fieuws & Chris Gastmans - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (6):605-623.
    Background: Admission to a nursing home does not necessarily diminish an older person’s desire for sexual expression and fulfillment. Given that nursing staff directly and indirectly influence the range of acceptable sexual expressions of nursing home residents, their knowledge and attitudes toward aged sexuality can have far-reaching effects on both the quality of care they provide to residents and the self-image and well-being of these residents. Research objectives: To investigate nursing staff’s knowledge and attitudes toward aged sexuality, to (...)
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    Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward aged sexuality in Flemish nursing homes.Lieslot Mahieu, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Jolien Acke, Hanne Vandermarliere, Kim Van Elssen, Steffen Fieuws & Chris Gastmans - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (6):605-623.
    Background:Admission to a nursing home does not necessarily diminish an older person’s desire for sexual expression and fulfillment. Given that nursing staff directly and indirectly influence the range of acceptable sexual expressions of nursing home residents, their knowledge and attitudes toward aged sexuality can have far-reaching effects on both the quality of care they provide to residents and the self-image and well-being of these residents.Research objectives:To investigate nursing staff’s knowledge and attitudes toward aged sexuality, to determine whether certain (...)
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    The role of teacher knowledge in esp course design.Bożena Górska-Poręcka - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 34 (1):27-42.
    English for specific purposes has been conceptualized by its leading scholars, like Hutchinson and Waters or Dudley-Evans and St. John, as a multi-stage process, where the ESP practitioner fulfils a variety of roles, including that of learner needs researcher, course designer, language instructor, learning assessor, and course evaluator. The performance of these roles requires considerable knowledge of a linguistic, socio-cultural and pedagogical nature, necessary to inform the teacher’s cognitive processes, par- ticularly those involved in course decision making. The necessary (...)
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    Reframing semiotic telematic knowledge spaces, and the anthropological challenge to designing interhuman relations.Ren Stettler - 2008 - Technoetic Arts 6 (2):163-170.
    Drawing on Vilm Flusser's view of the relationship between humans and the computer (machines), I explore a new ontological framework for our beingin-the-world. I begin by raising critical questions regarding our endeavours and efforts to create endlessly expanding semiotic knowledge spaces based on technological innovation (e.g. Wikipedia or the Universal Electronic Library) in order to reflect on this development from a Flusserian perspective, i.e. as an anthropological challenge to designing interhuman relations. By searching for new ontological conditions for humans, (...)
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    Human-centred knowledge based systems design.Jon Young - 1989 - AI and Society 3 (2):80-87.
    It is held that the quality of the working environment afforded to an individual critically affects the health and well-being of that individual. This has consequences for both the quality of work which that individual can actually perform, and for the quality of the society in which that individual has a place. Conceptions of a fit working environment have led to the idea of a human-centred system, and this idea is applicable to the area of knowledge-based systems (KBS). A (...)
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