Results for 'moral culture'

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  1.  22
    Moral culture.Keith Tester - 1997 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    If sociology is about society must it not also be about morality? In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the identification between sociology and morality was clear cut; Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Spencer, and Veblen all dealt with moral issues and one might argue that they saw themselves as engaged in a moral vocation. Now, one might argue that the connections between sociology and moral currents have become more tenuous. Moral Culture examines what it means to (...)
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    The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment: 1690–1805.Thomas Ahnert - 2014 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    In the European Enlightenments it was often argued that moral conduct rather than adherence to certain theological doctrines was the true measure of religious belief. Thomas Ahnert argues that this characteristically “enlightened” emphasis on conduct in religion was less reliant on arguments from reason alone than is commonly believed. In fact, the champions of the Scottish Enlightenment were deeply skeptical of the power of unassisted natural reason in achieving “enlightened” virtue and piety. They advocated a practical program of “ (...) culture,” in which revealed religion was of central importance. Ahnert traces this to theological controversies going back as far as the Reformation concerning the key question of early modern theology, the conditions of salvation. His findings present a new point of departure for all scholars interested in the intersection of religion and Enlightenment. (shrink)
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    Morality, culture, and the educational stigmata of capitalism.Hanna-Maija Huhtala - 2018 - SATS 19 (2):111-138.
    Journal Name: SATS Issue: Ahead of print.
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  4. Morality, Culture, and History: Essays on German Philosophy.Raymond Geuss - 1999 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 17:89-91.
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    Medicine, Morality, & Culture: International Bioethics.Strachan Donnelley - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (4):2-2.
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    Morality, culture, and history: essays on German philosophy.Raymond Geuss - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Raymond Geuss has been a distinctive contributor to the analysis and evaluation of German philosophy and to recent debates in ethics. In this new collection he treats a variety of topics in ethics, aesthetics, and the philosophy of history with special reference to the work of Hegel, Nietzsche, and Adorno. Two of the essays in the volume deal with central aspects of the philosophy of Nietzsche. The collection also contains an essay on the history of conceptions of 'culture' and (...)
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  7. The moral-culture.D. Stankov - 1980 - Filosoficky Casopis 28 (2):237-249.
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    Patrimoine, culture et démocratie au Mexique.Gloria López Morales & Daniel Arapu - 2008 - Diogène 220 (4):118-121.
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    Moral Culture and the Financial Crisis in Light of the Icelandic Experience.Vilhjálmur Árnason & Salvör Nordal - 2018 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 42 (1):117-132.
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    Moral culture as a science.Theoda Wilkins - 1900 - San Francisco,: The Whitaker and Ray co.. Edited by Bertha S. [From Old Catalog] Wilkins.
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    Confucian Moral Culture and Modern Society Development. 최문기 - 2018 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (120):1-22.
    이 논문의 일차적 목적은 ‘유가의 도덕문화’가 ‘현대사회의 발전’에 기여할 수 있는 부분을 밝히고자 하는 것이다. 유가의 도덕문화를 해석하기 위해 채택한 이론적 배경은 ‘문화적 지식 구성 이론(Cultural Knowledge Construct Theory)’이고, 여기에 추가해서 유가의 도덕문화가 ‘현대사회의 발전’에 함의하는 바를 해석하기 위해 채택한 이론적 배경은 ‘인간체계 이론(Human Systems Theory)’이다. 이 연구의 특징은 한 마디로 기존의 정통 유가사상에서 다루었던 도덕문화와 사회발전 관계를 ‘문화적 지식-구성 이론’과 ‘인간체계 이론’에 의거해서 새롭게 해석하고자 하는데 있다고 하겠다. 이 논문에서의 논의 전개는 크게 두 부분으로 구성되는데, 먼저 1) 유가사상이 지향한 (...)
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  12. Fieldwork in familiar places: morality, culture, and philosophy.Michele M. Moody-Adams - 1997 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Fieldwork in Familiar Places challenges the misconceptions about morality, culture, and objectivity that support these skepticisms, to show that we can take ...
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    Fieldwork in Familiar Places: Morality, Culture, and Philosophy.David Phillips & Michele Moody-Adams - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (3):436.
    This book has two principle aims. The first is to criticize moral relativism by criticizing the claim that there are deep and rationally intractable moral disagreements. The second is to develop an account of morality and moral inquiry that allows for moral objectivity of a sort that relativists would deny, without modeling moral inquiry on scientific inquiry.
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  14.  23
    Morality, Culture, and History: Essays on German Philosophy. [REVIEW]Gordon E. Michalson Jr - 2002 - Review of Metaphysics 55 (3):631-631.
    In this collection of seven essays, Raymond Geuss brings his distinctive philosophical perspective to bear on the interrelations among the three issues announced in his title. At one point calling his approach an “excursion into conceptual history”, Geuss manages to keep his potentially intractable topic under control by integrating very broad thematic elements with extended moments of textual analysis, focusing on such thinkers as Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Theodor Adorno, and Ernst Tugendhat. Although the essays range fairly widely, it becomes evident (...)
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  15.  7
    Negotiating Empire: The Cultural Politics of Schools in Puerto Rico, 1898–1952.Solsiree del Moral - 2013 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    After the United States invaded Puerto Rico in 1898, the new unincorporated territory sought to define its future. Seeking to shape the next generation and generate popular support for colonial rule, U.S. officials looked to education as a key venue for promoting the benefits of Americanization. At the same time, public schools became a site where Puerto Rican teachers, parents, and students could formulate and advance their own projects for building citizenship. In _Negotiating Empire_, Solsiree del Moral demonstrates how (...)
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    Moralizing Cultures.Vytautas Kavolis - 1993 - Upa.
    This book takes part in the current revival of social-scientific interest in the study of moralities by seeking to introduce as its foundation a cross-civilizational framework that makes it possible to subject all traditions seeking to induce socially responsible behavior, both religious and secular, to systematic investigation.
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    Historical-cultural notes on library extensions in health libraries.Yalily Laborda Barrios & Yosimary Romero Morales - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (2):405-416.
    RESUMEN El Servicio de Extensión Bibliotecaria es el medio adecuado que tiene la biblioteca para expandirse hacia la comunidad, de esa forma permite que aquellos usuarios que no la visitan hagan uso de sus servicios y documentos. Sin embargo, pocos conocen su historia y evolución a través del tiempo. Se muestra una revisión bibliográfica y el estado actual de este servicio. Los elementos incluidos en esta recolección abarcan publicaciones periódicas, sitios web, revistas electrónicas, publicados entre el siglo XVIII y el (...)
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    Bioethics after God: Morality, Culture, and Medicine by Mark J. Cherry.Cristina Batt - 2024 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 24 (2):387-389.
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    Fieldwork in Familiar Places: Morality, Culture, and Philosophy. [REVIEW]Anthony Flood - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (1):182-183.
    Moody-Adams has written an in-depth and comprehensive book that scrutinizes relativists’ claims of the reality of “rationally irresolvable moral disagreement”. Tight arguments are offered challenging the misconceptions about morality, culture, and other anthropological issues that are employed to demonstrate the validity of moral relativism. Furthermore, there is an original reconception of the tasks of moral philosophy with an emphasis on the nature of moral inquiry.
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  20. Raymond Geuss, Morality, Culture, and History: Essays in German Philosophy Reviewed by.Andrew Edgar - 1999 - Philosophy in Review 19 (6):416-418.
  21.  34
    (1 other version)Enlightenment Rhetoric Reconsidered: Hume’s Discursive Transcendence in “Of Eloquence”.Alexander W. Morales - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):242-266.
    ABSTRACT The phrase “Enlightenment rhetoric” typically denotes discourses bent on rejecting classical oratorical styles in favor of purportedly scientific ones. Likewise, scholars often associate Enlightenment rhetorical styles with the scientific epistemologies that emerged in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This article reconsiders Enlightenment rhetoric by analyzing David Hume’s 1742 essay “Of Eloquence.” More specifically, the article argues that the Scottish Enlightenment context necessitated a rhetoric that compensated for the discursive limitations of new scientific worldviews. In so doing, the article argues (...)
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  22.  16
    Creating global moral iconicity: The Nobel Prizes and the constitution of world moral culture.David Inglis - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (3):304-321.
    Since at least the late nineteenth century, a world-level moral culture has developed, providing a space for certain persons to be presented as global moral icons. This global moral space was already pointed to by Kant as an emergent form, and was later theorized by Durkheim. This article shows that an important institutionalization of global moral culture involved the founding of the Nobel Prizes, the subsequent mutations of which were also important in the constitution (...)
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  23.  11
    Psychological and Behavioral Outcomes From the Perspective of Moral Culture: A Study of College Students.Wen Hu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although the issue of moral identity and morality is under investigation for the last many years, there is still a need to investigate its role in how it promotes behavior. This study tends to extend this string of literature and attempted to investigate the mediating role of moral reasoning among the elements of moral culture, prosocial behavior, and psychological wellbeing. For this purpose, college students were selected as participants in this study. For this purpose, a two-wave (...)
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  24. Equality as Reciprocity: John Stuart Mill's "the Subjection of Women".Maria Helena Morales - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    I put equality at the center of John Stuart Mill's practical philosophy. His principle of "perfect equality" embodies a substantive relational ideal, which I call "equality as reciprocity." This ideal requires removing injustices due to domination and subjection in human associations, including the family. Justice grounded on perfect equality must be the basis of personal, social, and political life, because the moral sentiments, chief among human beings' "higher" faculties, find adequate channels only under equality. Genuine happiness, which involves the (...)
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  25.  18
    Coelho, Jonas. "Externalismo social: mente, pensamento e linguagem", Trans/Form/Ação [Universidade Estadual.Juan Diego Morales - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):285-288.
    El presente trabajo investiga las tesis sobre el poder civil de Alonso de la Veracruz que buscan incorporar en la comunidad política española a los habitantes autóctonos del Nuevo Mundo, tesis que suelen relacionarse con F. de Vitoria y el tomismo español, y que últimamente son consideradas parte del republicanismo novohispano elaborado desde la periferia americana. Se busca demostrar que su propósito era aplicar una teoría de derechos naturales, sin que ello implique participación política de los indios americanos. Se analiza (...)
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  26.  87
    Heritage, Culture and Democracy in Mexico.Gloria López Morales - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (4):105-107.
    This short paper deals with the difficult articulation of a diverse cultural heritage within a society and the democratic forms of assuring its social cohesion. Special attention is paid to the links between immaterial culture and the environment that transforms it into a structural element of social cohesion. Culture is seen as a 'mould' which shapes a shared behaviour, and democracy can be conceived as a system made up of elements of a cultural nature that go as far (...)
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    Michele M. Moody-Adams: Fieldwork in Familiar Places. Morality, Culture, & Philosophy.Michele M. Moody-Adams - 1999 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2 (4):427-432.
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  28. Ficción y verdad : el laberinto de la perplejidad estética.Ricardo Piñero Moral - 2011 - In Joaquín Esteban Ortega & Rafael Argullol (eds.), Palabra y ficción: literatura y pensamiento en tiempo de crisis cultural. Valladolid: Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes.
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  29. Individualism in African Moral Cultures.Motsamai Molefe - 2017 - Cultura 14 (2):49-68.
    This article repudiates the dichotomy that African ethics is communitarian (relational) and Western ethics is individualistic. ‘Communitarianism’ is the view that morality is ultimately grounded on some relational properties like love or friendship; and, ‘individualism’ is the view that morality is ultimately a function of some individual property like a soul or welfare. Generally, this article departs from the intuition that all morality including African ethics, philosophically interpreted, is best understood in terms of individualism. But, in this article, I limit (...)
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    Traditional knowledge and pest management in the Guatemalan highlands.Helda Morales & Ivette Perfecto - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (1):49-63.
    Adoption of integrated pest management(IPM) practices in the Guatemalan highlands has beenlimited by the failure of researchers andextensionists to promote genuine farmer participationin their efforts. Some attempts have been made toredress this failure in the diffusion-adoptionprocess, but farmers are still largely excluded fromthe research process. Understanding farmers'agricultural knowledge must be an early step toward amore participatory research process. With this inmind, we conducted a semi-structured survey of 75Cakchiquel Maya farmers in Patzún, Guatemala, tobegin documenting their pest control practices. Theirresponses revealed (...)
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  31. Between principle and situation: Contrasting styles in the japanese and korean traditions of moral culture.Chae-sik Chung - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (2):253-280.
    : We may better understand the development of the Neo-Confucian religiousethical tradition in East Asia if we can discern the different ways that the scholars of Japan and Korea reacted to and adjusted the discourse of the tradition. Focusing on the optimistic concept of human nature and an ethic of situation developed by the Kogakuha scholars in Japan, we will contrast them with the more rigoristic philosophy of kyŏng (reverential seriousness) and an ethic of principle emphasized by the Korean Neo-Confucian (...)
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  32.  13
    La pensée utopique et la pérennité des pratiques culturelles au Mexique.Gloria López Morales - 2005 - Diogène 209 (1):69-75.
    Résumé 1492. Les terres d’Amérique interpellent les européens. Certains y voient l’opportunité d’une utopie, d’autres l’utopie déjà à l’œuvre, à l’état naturel. Instantanément, deux processus de domination se mettent à l’œuvre : l’un soutenu par la force des armes, et l’autre par la puissance des idées et des croyances. Si les défenseurs de la pensée utopique furent capables de réaliser une œuvre durable, c’est parce qu’ils on su assortir leurs idées aux principes qui régissaient la vie sociale des populations autochtones (...)
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  33.  26
    It is no easy job to situate a discus-sion of the will within anthropology, which is perhaps why the editors of this volume chose the title they did. It is a subject some of us might want to move toward, but there is no sense of arrival. Even the paths toward it are dauntingly elusive. One is either faced with too much relevant literature or too little. On the too little side, there has been scant explicit consideration of willing as a cultural phenomenon, in contrast to philosophy and psychology where ... [REVIEW]Moral Willing & As Narrative - 2010 - In Keith M. Murphy & C. Jason Throop (eds.), Toward an Anthropology of the Will. Stanford University Press. pp. 50.
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  34. H. Tristram Engelhardt, jr.Universality Morality - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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    Thomas Ahnert, The Moral Culture of Scottish Enlightenment, 1690–1805. [REVIEW]Christian Maurer - 2016 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 14 (2):200-205.
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    Reflection and synthesis: How moral agents learn and moral cultures evolve.Joanna Burch-Brown - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (6):935-948.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 55, Issue 6, Page 935-948, December 2021.
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    Linguistic and cultural integration program: Non Spanish-speaking migration.Valeria Sumonte Rojas, Miguel Friz Carrillo, Susan Sanhueza & Karla Rosalía Morales Mendoza - 2019 - Alpha (Osorno) 48:179-193.
    Resumen: Chile, a pesar de su historia migratoria, no ha generado programas educativos sustentados por políticas gubernamentales que propicien la adquisición de la variedad lingüística de la comunidad de acogida, por parte de la inmigración no hispanoparlante, integrando los referentes culturales de ambos colectivos. Se propone una alternativa a este olvido histórico y nos planteamos lo siguiente: ¿Qué elementos debiesen integrar un programa de adquisición de la variedad lingüística de la comunidad de acogida dirigido a inmigrantes haitianos propiciando el conocimiento (...)
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    Utopian Thought and the Survival of Cultural Practices in Mexico.Gloria López Morales - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (1):62-67.
    1492. The American continent was drawing Europeans on. Some saw in it the chance of a utopia, others saw it as utopia already coming about, in its natural state. All at once two processes of domination were triggered: one supported by the force of arms, and the other by the power of ideas and beliefs. If the defenders of utopian thinking were able to create a lasting achievement, it is because they managed to make their ideas fit with the principles (...)
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    Alan Patten’s theory of equal recognition and its contribution to the debate over multiculturalism.Sergi Morales-Gálvez & Nenad Stojanović - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (1):1-7.
    © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. In this introduction, we first give a brief overview of the debate over multiculturalism in political theory. We then situate Alan Patten’s Equal Recognition in that context by highlighting his major normative thesis, according to which there are reasons of principle, in a liberal democracy, to grant special forms of public recognition and accommodation to cultural minorities. Finally, we present a succinct summary of the nine articles that follow this (...)
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    Voces Del bosque: Entrevero de seres humanos Y árboles en la emergencia de Una nueva comunidad moral en la cordillera Del sur de chile.Juan Carlos Skewes Vodanovic, Lorenzo Palma Morales & Debbie Guerra Maldonado - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 45:105-126.
    Resumen: Las cambiantes relaciones entre seres humanos y árboles en los relatos de los habitantes cordilleranos del sur de Chile invitan a revisar los límites de la comunidad moral para incluir en ella a los seres con que se convive y de los que se depende. La presencia de prácticas mapuches cordilleranas de largo aliento junto con las transformaciones experimentadas por las poblaciones madereras y los relatos de las personas que explotaron los árboles nativos se encarnan en conversaciones que (...)
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    Antigone rising: the subversive power of the ancient myths.Helen Morales - 2020 - New York: Bold Type Books.
    The picture of classical antiquity most of us learned in school is framed in certain ways -- glossing over misogyny while omitting the seeds of feminist resistance. Many of today's harmful practices, like school dress codes, exploitation of the environment, and rape culture, have their roots in the ancient world. But in Antigone Rising, classicist Helen Morales reminds us that the myths have subversive power because they are told -- and read -- in different ways. Through these stories, whether (...)
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  42.  23
    Culturally-sensitive moral distress experiences of intensive care nurses: A scoping review.Mustafa Sabri Kovanci & Imatullah Akyar - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1476-1490.
    Background Moral distress is a phenomenon that all nurses experience at different levels and contexts. The level of moral distress can be affected by individual values and the local culture. The sources of the values shape the level of moral distress experienced and the nurses’ decisions. Aim The present scoping review was conducted to examine the situations that cause moral distress in ICU nurses in different countries. Results A scoping review methodology was adopted for the (...)
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  43. Religião e conexões geopolíticas no terceiro milênio / religion and geopolitics in the third millennium.Pamela Morales, Marília Peluso & Wallace Pantoja - 2020 - Belém, PA, Brasil: Independent.
    The book intends to interpret how different religions articulate their territories and manage the relationship with other religions, understanding systems and multiple everyday spaces, in a dynamic that is not only a component of contemporary reality, but is central to living it. The underlying thesis is that religion is the great geopolitical issue of our time, but an interpretation is only possible in terms of religious plurality and how ideas, symbolism, subjectivities and practices are incorporated in the daily life of (...)
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  44. Moral Objectivism in Cross-Cultural Perspective”.James Beebe, Runya Qiaoan, Tomasz Wysocki & Miguel A. Endara - 2015 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 15 (3-4):386-401.
    Moral psychologists have recently turned their attention to the study of folk metaethical beliefs. We report the results of a cross-cultural study using Chinese, Polish and Ecuadorian participants that seeks to advance this line of investigation. Individuals in all three demographic groups were observed to attribute objectivity to ethical statements in very similar patterns. Differences in participants’ strength of opinion about an issue, the level of societal agreement or disagreement about an issue, and participants’ age were found to significantly (...)
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  45. Part III.Moral Dilemmas In Health Care - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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    Moral distress among critical care nurses: A cross-cultural comparison.Kaoru Ashida, Tetsuharu Kawashima, Aki Kawakami & Makoto Tanaka - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1341-1352.
    Background Although, moral distress presents a serious problem among critical care nurses in many countries, limited research has been conducted on it. A validated scale has been developed to evaluate moral distress and has enabled cross-cultural comparison for seeking its root causes. Research aims This study aimed to (1) clarify the current status of moral distress among nurses who worked in critical care areas in Japan, (2) compare the moral distress levels among nurses in Japan with (...)
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    Moral, believing animals: human personhood and culture.Christian Smith - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What kind of animals are human beings? And how do our visions of the human shape our theories of social action and institutions? In Moral, Believing Animals>, Christian Smith advances a creative theory of human persons and culture that offers innovative, challenging answers to these and other fundamental questions in sociological, cultural, and religious theory. Smith suggests that human beings have a peculiar set of capacities and proclivities that distinguishes them significantly from other animals on this planet. Despite (...)
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    Saudi Arabia and professional football.Jørn Sønderholm Culture - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-16.
    This article critically examines common criticisms of Saudi Arabia’s sports strategy, particularly its impact on professional football. Central to Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 is a significant investment in sports, demonstrated by hosting major international events and acquiring both domestic and foreign sports teams. Critics argue that this approach risks undermining football as a sport, and some claim that foreign players who join Saudi clubs engage in morally questionable behavior. This article challenges these critiques. While acknowledging the moral shortcomings of (...)
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    Autosacrificio genital entre los mayas yucatecos del postclásico.Manuel Alberto Morales Damián - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e93558.
    El objetivo de este ensayo es establecer la función del ritual colectivo de derramar sangre atravesando la piel del pene con una cuerda. A pesar de que la punción genital es un ritual de larga tradición, consignado desde el Preclásico, el estudio se ciñe al período Postclásico. Se analizan las evidencias visuales del Códice Trocortesiano (Madrid) y las sucintas descripciones de algunos documentos novohispanos, en especial, la Relación de las cosas de Yucatán de Landa. Se recurre a la epigrafía y (...)
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    Creating a Culture of Ethical Practice in Health Care Delivery Systems.Cynda Hylton Rushton - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (S1):28-31.
    Undisputedly, the United States’ health care system is in the midst of unprecedented complexity and transformation. In 2014 alone there were well over thirty‐five million admissions to hospitals in the nation, indicating that there was an extraordinary number of very sick and frail people requiring highly skilled clinicians to manage and coordinate their complex care across multiple care settings. Medical advances give us the ability to send patients home more efficiently than ever before and simultaneously create ethical questions about the (...)
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