Results for 'narrativism'

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  1. Narrativism and Performativity in Absurda and Darkened Room.Kristina Sekrst - 2024 - In Andrew M. Winters (ed.), A Critical Companion to David Lynch. Lexington Books.
    This chapter explores narrativism and performativity in David Lynch's short films Darkened Room and Absurda, focusing on how personal identity is constructed through storytelling. Lynch's films often blur the boundaries of identity, with narrativist theories suggesting that identity is shaped by the stories characters and others tell about themselves. The chapter examines Lynch's use of performative utterances, where speech acts alter reality, and how narrative power is central to identity formation. By analyzing these works, the chapter highlights the unique (...)
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    (1 other version)From Narrativism to Pragmatism.Brian Fay - forthcoming - New Content is Available for Journal of the Philosophy of History.
    _ Source: _Page Count 11 Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen’s _Postnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography_ is a major work in the philosophy of history, one that seeks to conceive historiographies not as concerned to represent the past but rather to propose ways of regarding it. To do this requires replacing narrative as the key element in the philosophy of history with the idea that historiographies are informal arguments that propose and defend a thesis about how events or entities of the past should be viewed. (...)
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  3. Beyond Narrativism: The historical past and why it can be known.J. Ahlskog & G. D'Oro - 2021 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 27 (1):5-33.
    This paper examines narrativism’s claim that the historical past cannot be known once and for all because it must be continuously re-described from the standpoint of the present. We argue that this claim is based on a non sequitur. We take narrativism’s claim that the past must be re-described continuously from the perspective of the present to be the result of the following train of thought: 1) “all knowledge is conceptually mediated”; 2) “the conceptual framework through which knowledge (...)
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    Persistence Narrativism and the Determinacy of Personal Identity.Alfonso Muñoz-Corcuera - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (2):723-739.
    We have a strong intuition that personal identity is a determinate relationship. Parfit famously challenged this intuition. In this paper I explain how narrative identity theories can face that challenge and defend that personal identity is determinate thanks to what I call the social narrativity thesis. This move will raise some concerns regarding the also strong intuition that personal identity is what matters when we care about our future existence. I address this concern to show that narrative identity theories can (...)
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    Narrativism, cosmopolitanism, and historical epistemology.David J. Depew - 1985 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 14 (4):357-378.
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    Narrativizing theories: an aesthetic of ambiguity.Benjamin John Peters - 2020 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Ours is an age of offense, a time of reactionary shock—always received, never given. Ours is an age that has forgone cultural narratives, a time of individualism—wherein personal identities trump the collective spirit. Ours is an age of failing earth, a time of ecological collapse—yet the consumption of global capitalism continues to run amok. But don't fear. You have the correct worldview, the best solutions. It’s not your fault these things are happening. It’s the president’s, the immigrant’s, and the Islamicist’s. (...)
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    Can histories be true? Narrativism, positivism, and the "metaphoricalturn".Chris Lorenz - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (3):309–329.
    Narrativism, as represented by Hayden White and Frank Ankersmit, can fruitfully be analyzed as an inversion of two brands of positivism. First, narrativist epistemology can be regarded as an inversion of empiricism. Its thesis that narratives function as metaphors which do not possess a cognitive content is built on an empiricist, "picture view" of knowledge. Moreover, all the non-cognitive aspects attributed to narrative as such are dependent on this picture theory of knowledge and a picture theory of representation. Most (...)
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  8. Narrativ als Mittel der Identitätsschaffung für uns selbst und andere.Janez Vodičar - 2011 - Synthesis Philosophica 26 (1):79-91.
    Das Bedürfnis nach Narration schuf nicht lediglich epische Gedichte und ungezählte Mythologien, sondern repräsentiert P. Ricoeur zufolge den wahren Kern der Wissensbildung über das Selbst. Der Identifikationsprozess durch das Erzählen lenkt uns nicht zum Fokus auf unsere eigene Narration. Andauernd wählen wir zunächst Erzählungen anderer Menschen aus und setzen erst hinterher mit eigener Lebensgeschichte ein. Durch den Prozess der Nachahmung, Mimesis – wie von Ricoeur angesehen – sind wir imstande, zeitgleich sowohl Ethik als auch Moral zu erlernen. Die globale Welt (...)
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  9. Narrativization of human population genetics: Two cases in Iceland and Russia.Vadim Chaly & Olga V. Popova - 2024 - Public Understanding of Science 33 (3):370-386.
    Using the two cases of the Icelandic Health Sector Database and Russian initiatives in biobanking, the article criticizes the view of narratives and imaginaries as a sufficient and unproblematic means of shaping public understanding of genetics and justifying population-wide projects. Narrative representations of national biobanking engage particular imaginaries that are not bound by the universal normative framework of human rights, promote affective thinking, distract the public from recognizing and discussing tangible ethical and socioeconomic issues, and harm trust in science and (...)
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    (1 other version)Narrativism, Reductionism and Four-Dimensionalism.Alfonso Muñoz Corcuera - 2021 - Agora 40 (2):63-86.
    In a successful series of papers, Schroer and Schroer presented a reductionist narrative account of personal identity. They claimed that their reductionist account had advantages over traditional narrative theories. In this paper I intend to show that they were wrong. Although it is possible to defend a reductionist narrative account, the Schroers’ theory has a problem of circularity. And solving that problem will cause their theory to have much more problems than non-reductionist narrative theories. Consequently, they should either present a (...)
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    The Narrativization of Music. Music: Narrative or Proto-Narrative?Jean-Jacques Nattiez - 2013 - Human and Social Studies 2 (2):61-86.
    After describing the main features of the literary narrative and demonstrating its analogy with music, the author underlines the necessity not to consider a priori a musical production as a narrative. He analyses the intonation of musical contours as a form of proto-narrative which he later explains from the standpoint of Daniel Stern’s developmental psychology. It is then emphasized that music should be considered as a proto-narrative and the authors suggests a criticism of the so-called narratological musicology.
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    The Narrativization of Real Events.Hayden White - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 7 (4):793-798.
  13. On Some Moral Implications of Linguistic Narrativism Theory.Natan Elgabsi & Bennett Gilbert - 2020 - De Ethica 6 (1):75-91.
    In this essay we consider the moral claims of one branch of non-realist theory known as linguistic narrativism theory. By highlighting the moral implications of linguistic narrativism theory, we argue that the “moral vision” expressed by this theory can entail, at worst, undesirable moral agnosticism if not related to a transcendental and supra-personal normativity in our moral life. With its appeal to volitionism and intuitionism, the ethical sensitivity of this theory enters into difficulties brought about by several internal (...)
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    Chunqiuzuozhuan’s Narrativism and the Integrative Horizon of Historical Spirit - Focusing upon Historical Content -. 정소영 - 2021 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 106:215-236.
    본고에서는 『춘추좌전』에 담겨있는 역사정신의 본령이나 취지가 어떻게 역사적 서사의 방식을 통해 서술되고 있는지에 대한 문제에 주목한다. 특히 以事解經의 방법은 경전을 해석하는 방식 중의 하나로서 敍事主義的맥락에서 이해된다. 『춘추좌전』은 『춘추』와 달리 敍事의 방법을 통해 義理의 목적에 도달한다. 『춘추』에서는 사건의 구체적 내용을 事例를 통해 서술하는 반면에 『춘추좌전』에서는 서사의 내용을 통해 역사의 본질적인 의도나 취지를 서술한다. 그러므로 『춘추좌전』에 서술된 서사의 내용은 대부분 특정 행위의 결과에 대한 先見之明과 관련되는 경우가 많다. 선견지명은 어떻게 예측하고 판단할 것인가 하는 문제가 반영되어 있다. 서사의 내용들은 절체절명의 天命, 가치지향적 행위, (...)
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    Constructing and Narrativizing the Black Zone.Elliott Butler - Evans - 1988 - American Journal of Semiotics 6 (1):19-35.
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    Held und Narrativ. Zur narrativen Funktion des Heros in der mittelalterlichen Literatur.Udo Friedrich - 2014 - In Heike Sahm & Victor Millet (eds.), Narration and Hero: Recounting the Deeds of Heroes in Literature and Art of the Early Medieval Period. De Gruyter. pp. 175-194.
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    9. Zwischen Narrativ und Norm. Rousseaus Erzählungen über den Ursprung der Gesellschaft: Zweiter Diskurs, zweiter Teil.Karlfriedrich Herb - 2015 - In Lieselotte Steinbrügge & Johannes Rohbeck (eds.), Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Die Beiden Diskurse Zur Zivilisationskritik. De Gruyter. pp. 159-178.
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    Hagiographie und Recht. Narrativierung von Recht und Verrechtlichung des Narrativs in der Vita des Gregor von Agrigent.Philipp Winterhager - 2020 - Das Mittelalter 25 (1):12-29.
    This article examines three episodes from the Life of Gregory of Agrigento, drafted in Greek in the 9th century, in which juridical material and procedure inform the hagiographical narrative, and vice versa. It argues that both spheres depend on, and contribute to, a common ‘nomos’, an idea of the righteous, lawful and cooperative coexistence of imperial and papal power in the church of Sicily. While this coexistence is anachronistic in the hagiographer’s own times, he constructs it through the narrativization of (...)
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  19. Raised from Obscurity: A Narratival and Theological Study of the Characterization of Women in Luke-Acts.[author unknown] - 2015
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    Representing and Narrativizing Science.Paola Spinozzi - 2011 - In Brian Hurwitz & Paola Spinozzi (eds.), Discourses and Narrations in the Biosciences. V&R Unipress. pp. 8--31.
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    How to Cure Narrativism with Rational Evaluation.Eugen Zeleňák - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 11 (1):22-32.
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    Les lettres insérées narrativement dans les Actes des apôtres.Steeve Bélanger - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (3):381-416.
    We find many embedded letters in ancient historiographic narratives. These letters are not simply literary ornaments, but truly historical causes of the narrated events. In other words, they contribute significantly to the course of the plot. Pioneer in Christian historiography, the author of Luke-Acts also uses embedded letters in the second part of his diptych. By reconsidering the embedded letters in the Acts of the Apostles, this paper will question their narrative functions and credibility.
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  23. Never the Twain Shall Meet? How Narrativism and Experience can be reconciled by Dialogical Ethics.Anton Froeyman - 2015 - History and Theory 54 (2):162-177.
    In this article, I question the unspoken assumption in historical theory that there is a trade-off between language or narrative, on the one hand, and experience or presence, on the other. Both critics and proponents of historical experience seem to presuppose that this is indeed the case. I argue that this is not necessarily true, and I analyze how the opposition between language and experience in historical theory can be overcome. More specifically, I identify the necessary conditions for a philosophy (...)
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    Delvis vellykka narrativ fiksjonaliseringSimonStrangerLeksikon om lys og mørke.Roman.Oslo: Aschehoug 2018.SimonStrangerMuseum for mordere og redningsmenn.Roman.Oslo: Aschehoug 2023. [REVIEW]Jakob Lothe - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 42 (1-2):396-406.
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    Constructing and Narrativizing the Black Zone.Elliott Butler-Evans - 1988/1989 - American Journal of Semiotics 6 (1):19-35.
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    Realist Versus Anti‐Realist Moral Selves—and the Irrelevance of Narrativism.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2009 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 39 (2):167-187.
    This paper has three aims. The first is to subject to critical analysis the intractable debate between realists and anti-realists about the status of the so-called self, a debate that traverses various academic disciplines and discursive fields. Realism about selves has fallen on hard times of late, and the second aim of this paper is to get it back on track. Traditional substantive conceptions of the self contain ontological baggage that many moderns will be loath to carry. This paper settles (...)
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    Stories of Disaster as Sites of Mitigation: Knowledge Production and Affective Engagement in the Narrativization of Nuclear Incidents in Different Media.Martin Butler, Sina Farzin, Michael Fuchs, Anna-Katharina Hornidge & Uwe Schimank - forthcoming - Minerva:1-25.
    This article explores how nuclear disaster narratives have both been informed by and articulated collective images of risk and uncertainty since the 1980s. Drawing on ideas from classical and affective narratology that are framed by a perspective informed by the sociology of knowledge, we examine three variations of narrating nuclear disasters in different media: (1) sociologist Charles Perrow’s detailed analysis of the Three Mile Island accident in his popular science book _Normal Accidents_ (1984), (2) Svetlana Alexievich’s _Chernobyl Prayer_ (1997), a (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Die Verwendung der Semiotik der "möglichen Welten" in der Analyse literarischer narrativer Texte.Z. Kanyó - 1980 - In Karóly Csúri (ed.), Literary semantics and possible worlds =. Szeged [Hungary]: Auctoritate et consilio Cathedrae Comparationis Litterarum Universarum Universitatis Szegediensis de Attila József nominatae edita.
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    Truth and Christian Ethics: A Narratival Perspective.Mark Wynn - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (1):22-35.
    In this article, I consider some of the forms that truthfulness can take in the Christian life. Drawing on the notion of storied identity, I address the following questions. In general terms, what does it take to live truthfully with respect to some narrative? More exactly, how might that truthfulness be realized in bodily terms? And, finally, how might living truthfully with respect to a narrative contribute to the further elaboration of the narrative? I examine these questions with reference to (...)
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    Panpsychist, Gewohnheitsmensch oder mythischer Typus: Narrativer Umgang mit Gewalterfahrung in Naturkatastrophen, Krankheit und Krieg.Olivier Del Fabbro - 2023 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 48 (1):129-146.
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    New historicism: Postmodern historiography between narrativism and heterology.Jurgen Pieters - 2000 - History and Theory 39 (1):21–38.
    In recent discussions of the work of new historicist critics like Stephen Greenblatt and Louis Montrose, it has often been remarked that the theory of history underlying their reading practice closely resembles that of postmodern historiographers like Hayden White and Frank Ankersmit. Taking off from one such remark, the aim of the present article is twofold. First, I intend to provide a theoretical basis from which to substantiate the idea that new historicism can indeed be taken to be the literary-critical (...)
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    Mensch ohne Gott, vergöttlichter Mensch: Nietzsches Denken in philosophischer Reflexion und narrativer Praxis des 20. Jahrhunderts: Pirandello, Unamuno, Bataille und Sollers.Julia Maria Pollich - 2019 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Was sind die philosophischen Grundannahmen postmoderner Texte und inwieweit übernehmen sie das Denken Friedrich Nietzsches? Findet sich der postmoderne Stil umgekehrt schon bei Nietzsche selbst? Julia Maria Pollichs romanistisch ausgerichtete Studie verbindet eine originelle literaturwissenschaftliche Deutung von Nietzsches Schriften, welche dessen Übermenschen-Konzept in neuem Licht erscheinen lässt, mit dem Nachdenken über die philosophisch-poetologischen Unterschiede zwischen modernem und postmodernem Schreiben. Anhand von vier Autoren und Werken aus dem Zeitraum zwischen Fin de Siècle und dem französischen Poststrukturalismus wird so eine Brücke zwischen (...)
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    Von Menschen und Geschichten: über philosophische Theorien narrativer Identität.Almut Kristine V. Wedelstaedt - 2016 - Münster: Mentis.
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  34. Nachdenklichkeit, antik- und modern. Sokrates als Urbild narrativer Philosophie.Rüdiger Zill - 2015 - In Melanie Möller (ed.), Prometheus gibt nicht auf: antike Welt und modernes Leben in Hans Blumenbergs Philosophie. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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    L'identité numérique des personnes est-elle déterminée narrativement?Grégoire Lefftz - 2018 - Philosophie 139 (4):35-53.
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    Magnus Hirschfeld’s 1899 psychobiological questionnaire: the paradoxes of de-narrativizing sexual and gender nonconformity.Geertje Mak - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (3):599-617.
    The first scientific questionnaire to establish gender and sexual “intermediate” identities “objectively” was published in 1899 by the internationally renowned sexologist and pioneer of LGBTI emancipation, Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935). In this article, I show that this questionnaire changed how interactions took place between psycho-medical professionals and people who did not conform to sexual or gender norms. Rhetorically, the questionnaire created a delicate balance between self-expression and objectification of the subject. It broke down already existing semiautobiographical case histories into a list (...)
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    Das politische Selbstverhältnis der Moderne – von der Legitimität der Neuzeit zum Narrativ des Gewaltverzichts.Christian Wevelsiep - 2013 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 120 (2):257-276.
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    Review of Untersuchungen zur transtextuellen Poetik assyrischer herrschaftlich-narrativer Texte. [REVIEW]Benjamin R. Foster - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (4):947-950.
    Untersuchungen zur transtextuellen Poetik assyrischer herrschaftlich-narrativer Texte. By Johannes Bach. State Archives of Assyria Studies, vol. 30. Helsinki: the Neo-Assyrian Texxt Corpus Project, 2020. Pp. xvi + 481. $75 (paper). [Distributed by Penn State University Press, State Col- lege, PA].
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    Acts, Events, and Stories. On the History of Danto’s Compatibilist Narrativism.Thomas Uebel - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (1):47-79.
    The response given to C.G. Hempel’s well-known challenge by Arthur Danto in his Analytical Philosophy of History of 1965 – that deductive-nomological and narrative explanations are logically compatible yet employ incommensurable schemata – is here investigated from a historical perspective. It is shown that the developmental trajectory that emerges from an analysis of Danto’s previous writings – including not only a forgotten paper of 1958 but also his PhD dissertation of 1952 – contains distinctive step-changes with publications of 1953 and (...)
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    Zhou-yi’s Gua-yao-ci and the Code of Historical Spirit from the Perspective of Narrativism - A Variation of the Ancient Event and Historical Event -. 정소영 - 2021 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 103:269-288.
    본고에서는『역경』의 점술어로서 卦爻辭에 어떻게 접근할 것인가 하는 문제의식을 지닌다. 전통적으로『주역』을 역사책의 일종으로 보는 시각이 있어 왔다. 이러한 시각은 卦爻辭의 義理的 해석과 관련이 있다. 괘효사는 64괘의 卦象의 법칙과 卦名의 취지 하에 占筮의 결과를 서술한 언어이다. 역사의 시각에서 보자면, 괘효사는 주나라의 특수한 상황이나 정세를 상징적으로 함축한 서사의 특수한 형태이다. 이러한 특수한 형태의 역학은 서사의 방법을 지닌다. 서사의 방법은 괘효사의 의리적 해석을 통해 역사적 사건이나 상황의 단편들을 역사의 시공간적 이야기로 풀어가는 것이다. 이는 易學과 史學의 특수한 관계에 착안하여 故事와 史事의 내재적 관계를 밝히는 작업이다. (...)
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    Plot and complot: the impasse of narrativization, poor cognitive mapping and conspiracy theories.Tomas Lima Pimenta - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400225.
    Resumo: Este artigo tenta revelar o significado da disseminação contemporânea das teorias da conspiração, seguindo a sugestão de Frederic Jameson de que as teorias da conspiração são sintomas de um “mapeamento cognitivo” empobrecido. Para isso, transpõe-se o problema do mapeamento cognitivo para uma questão mais ampla de narratividade, em diálogo com o florescente campo da ética narrativa, interpretando-o por meio das lentes da teoria crítica e da psicanálise. Resumidamente, afirma-se que as teorias da conspiração são narrativas substitutivas para lidar com (...)
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    The Colonized Semites and the Infectious Disease: Theorizing and Narrativizing Anti-Semitism in the Levant, 1870–1914.Orit Bashkin - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (2):189-217.
    This article studies the ways in which Arab intellectuals in Egypt and the Levant wrote about modern anti-Semitism during the four decades preceding the demise of the Ottoman Empire. This period is often described as the era of the Arab Nahda (revival); it refers to an era when Arab thinkers and writers showed great interest in the Arabic language, Islamic history, and Arab culture and consumed European literary and philosophical works. Arab intellectuals in this period wrote about Jewish affairs. They (...)
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    Den store Ånd eller de små spøgelser – om kapitalismens legitimerende narrativer.Andreas Beck Holm - 2018 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 76:135-147.
    THE GREAT SPIRIT OR THE LITTLE GHOSTS? ON THE LEGITIMIZING NARRATIVES OF CAPITALISMBoltanski and Chiapello’s The New Spirit of Capitalism is a monumental work that diagnoses the nature of contemporary network capitalism and gives a compelling statement of a new ideology that sustains and legitimizes capitalism as an economic system. This paper, however, aims to raise a number of objections to Boltanski and Chiapello’s approach. It questions partly whether the ideology they identify is actually capable of legitimizing contemporary capitalism, partly (...)
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    WOMEN ON THE VERGE IN LIVY AND VALERIUS MAXIMUS - (T.) Helmke Exemplarisches Krisenwissen. Gender in Narrativ und Narration des frühen Prinzipats. (Hypomnemata 217.) Pp. 329. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023. Cased, €90. ISBN: 978-3-647-30228-7. [REVIEW]Richard H. Armstrong - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (2):483-485.
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    Christoph Michels – Peter Franz Mittag (Hgg.), Jenseits des Narrativs. Antoninus Pius in den nicht-literarischen Quellen, Stuttgart (Franz Steiner) 2017, 336 S., 116 s/w abb., ISBN 978-3-515-11650-3 (geb.), € 59,–Jenseits des Narrativs. Antoninus Pius in den nicht-literarischen Quellen. [REVIEW]Barbara M. Levick - 2017 - Klio 102 (1):361-363.
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  46. Narrative self-shaping: a modest proposal.Daniel D. Hutto - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (1):21-41.
    Decoupling a modestly construed Narrative Self Shaping Hypothesis from Strong Narrativism this paper attempts to motivate devoting our intellectual energies to the former. Section one briefly introduces the notions of self-shaping and rehearses reasons for thinking that self-shaping, in a suitably tame form, is, at least to some extent, simply unavoidable for reflective beings. It is against this background that the basic commitments of a modest Narrative Self-Shaping Hypothesis are articulated. Section two identifies a foundational commitment—the central tenet—of all (...)
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  47. Tony “Two-Toes”: the pragmatics of nicknames in films.Kristina Šekrst - 2022 - Quarterly Review of Film and Video.
    Films frequently employ nicknames not only for villains but also for non-criminal characters. In this paper, I present a classification of nicknames used in films, along with various examples, mostly from crime-related films. I argue that the use of nicknames in films is important not for the sake of reference, but for the sake of an additional narrative told by the nickname as a shorthand description of a character's background (cf. Tony “Two-Toes”, “Dirty” Harry, “Doc” Erwin or “Hatchet” Harry Lonsdale). (...)
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  48. Slippin' Identity (Better Call Saul and Philosophy).Kristina Šekrst - 2022 - In Brett Coppenger, Joshua Heter & Daniel Carr (eds.), Better Call Saul and Philosophy: I Think Therefore I Scam. United States: Carus Books. pp. 101-109.
    Saul Goodman, Slipping Jimmy, Charlie Hustle, Gene Takavic, Viktor Saint Claire, and many others — all seem to be aliases of one James McGill. The characterization question, from the point of view of the metaphysics of identity, is trying to answer what determines personal identity. The notion of persistence describes necessary and sufficient conditions for a person to continue or cease to exist as a person. The practical importance of persistence includes both responsibility for a person's actions and the fact (...)
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    “Strong” narrativity—a response to Hutto.Anthony Rudd - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (1):43-49.
    This paper responds to Dan Hutto’s paper, ‘Narrative Self-Shaping: a Modest Proposal’. Hutto there attacks the “strong” narrativism defended in my recent book, ‘Self, Value and Narrative’ and in recent work by Marya Schechtman. I rebut Hutto’s argument that non-narrative forms of evaluative self-shaping can plausibly be conceived, and defend the notion of implicit narrative against his criticisms. I conclude by briefly indicating some difficulties that arise for the “modest” form of narrativism that Hutto defends.
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  50. On the prototype theory of concepts and the definition of art.Thomas Adajian - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (3):231–236.
    It has been claimed that the prototype theory of concepts supports two controversial claims in the philosophy of art: that art cannot be defined, and that the possession of a certain sort of historical narrative is a sufficient but not necessary means of determining the art status of contested works. It is argued here that two sorts of considerations undermine the thesis that prototype theory offers significant support to anti-definitionism and historical narrativism. First, there is reason to think that (...)
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