Results for 'normative models'

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  1. Normative Models and Their Success.Lukas Beck & Marcel Jahn - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (2):123-150.
    In this paper, we explore an under-investigated question concerning the class of formal models that aim at providing normative guidance. We call such models normative models. In particular, we examine the question of how normative models can successfully exert normative guidance. First, we highlight the absence of a discussion of this question – which is surprising given the extensive debate about the success conditions of descriptive models – and motivate its importance. (...)
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  2. Three normative models of work.Nicholas H. Smith - 2011 - In Nicholas Smith & Jean-Philippe Dr Deranty, New Philosophies of Labour: Work and the Social Bond. Brill. pp. 181-206.
    I suggest that the post-Hegelian tradition presents us with three contrasting normative models of work. According to the first model, the core norms of work are those of means-ends rationality. In this model, the modern world of work is constitutively a matter of deploying the most effective means to bring about given ends. The rational kernel of modern work, the core norm that has shaped its development, is on this view instrumental reason, and this very same normative (...)
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    Normative models in psychology are here to stay.Keith E. Stanovich - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (5):268-269.
    Elqayam & Evans (E&E) drive a wedge between Bayesianism and instrumental rationality that most decision scientists will not recognize. Their analogy from linguistics to judgment and decision making is inapt. Normative models remain extremely useful in the progressive research programs of the judgment and decision making field.
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  4. Three normative models of democracy.Jürgen Habermas - 1994 - Constellations 1 (1):1-10.
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    Normative Models of Rational Agency: The Theoretical Disutility of Certain Approaches.Dov Gabbay & John Woods - 2003 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 11 (6):597-613.
    Much of cognitive science seeks to provide principled descriptions of various kinds and aspects of rational behaviour, especially in beings like us or AI simulacra of beings like us. For the most part, these investigators presuppose an unarticulated common sense appreciation of the rationality that such behaviour consists in. On those occasions when they undertake to bring the relevant norms to the surface and to give an account of that to which they owe their legitimacy, these investigators tend to favour (...)
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  6. Three Normative Models of the Welfare State.Joseph Heath - 2011 - Public Reason 3 (2).
  7. Idealisations in normative models.Mark Colyvan - 2013 - Synthese 190 (8):1337-1350.
    In this paper I discuss the kinds of idealisations invoked in normative theories—logic, epistemology, and decision theory. I argue that very often the so-called norms of rationality are in fact mere idealisations invoked to make life easier. As such, these idealisations are not too different from various idealisations employed in scientific modelling. Examples of the latter include: fluids are incompressible (in fluid mechanics), growth rates are constant (in population ecology), and the gravitational influence of distant bodies can be ignored (...)
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    Why Ethics Commissions? Four Normative Models.Eilev Hegstad - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (1):67-85.
    Ethics commissions are government advisory commissions mandated to give expert advice on contentious moral issues. As this requires making explicit value judgments, members with expert knowledge of ethics have a natural place as members of such commissions. Apart from these commissions being widespread, their recommendations assume a special normative authority within the legislative process. This raises many fundamental questions concerning the nature of moral expertise and how such commissions should deal with the political contexts in which they operate. Through (...)
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    Kants normatives Modell der Demokratie.Óscar Cubo Ugarte - 2013 - In Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner & Carsten Olk, Das Leben der Vernunft. Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 416-435.
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    A Normative Model of Classical Reasoning in Higher Order Languages.Peter Zahn - 2006 - Synthese 148 (2):309-343.
    The present paper is concerned with a ramified type theory (cf. (Lorenzen 1955), (Russell), (Schütte), (Weyl), e.g.,) in a cumulative version. §0 deals with reasoning in first order languages. is introduced as a first order set.
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    Descriptive versus normative models of sequential inference judgment.James Shanteau - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 93 (1):63.
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    Democracy and Civic Space: Normative Models and Ukrainian Discourse.Olena Lazorenko & Agnieszka Kwiatkowska - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:71-102.
    The article, authored by Ukrainian and Polish social researchers, analyses normative approaches towards understanding models of democracy and their relation to civic space. Despite the existence of multiple models of democracy, they can largely be reduced to two main forms: direct and representative democracy.Deliberative democracy is posited as a third form, which, according to some scientists, combines elements of representative, direct, and participatory democracy. The analysis is based on the assessment of democracy and civic space in Ukraine, (...)
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    Shared Intentionality in Nonhuman Great Apes: a Normative Model.Dennis Papadopoulos - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (4):1125-1145.
    Michael Tomasello ( 2016 ) prominently defends the view that there are uniquely human capacities required for shared intentions, therefore great apes do not share intentions. I show that these uniquely human capacities for abstraction are not necessary for shared intentionality. Excluding great apes from shared intentions because they lack certain capacities for abstraction assumes a specific interpretation of shared intentionality, which I call the Roleplaying Model. I undermine the necessity of abstraction for shared intentionality by presenting an alternative model (...)
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    What Is Pedagogy? Discovering the Hidden Pedagogical Dimension.Norm Friesen & Hanno Su - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (1):6-28.
    What is pedagogy, exactly? Merriam-Webster defines it simply as “the art, science, or profession of teaching.” In contemporary academic discourse, however, pedagogy is generally left undefined — with its apparent implicit meanings ranging anywhere from a specific “model for teaching” (e.g., behaviorist or progressivist instruction) to a broadly political philosophy of education in general (most famously, a “pedagogy of the oppressed”). In this paper, Norm Friesen and Hanno Su follow the Continental pedagogical tradition in giving pedagogy a general but explicit (...)
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    For a Negative, Normative Model of Consent, With a Comment on Preference-Skepticism.Donald Dripps - 1996 - Legal Theory 2 (2):113-120.
    Let me begin by admitting that I am wary of any comprehensive definition of consent. This bias stems from my professional concentration on criminal law, in which nouons of freedom and responsibility play vital roles in a wide range of contexts. In each context, however, one discovers that freedom means something different. A voluntary act is any bodily movement not caused by external force or nervous disorder. On the other hand, a voluntary act, however horrific its results, ordinarily may be (...)
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  16. Bíos Kinikós : animal life as normative model in ancient cynicism.Iván de los Ríos - 2013 - In Gabriela Rossi, Nature and the Best Life: Exploring the Natural Bases of Practical Normativity in Ancient Philosophy. Hildesheim - Zurich - New York: G. Olms.
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  17. Normative Formal Epistemology as Modelling.Joe Roussos - forthcoming - The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    I argue that normative formal epistemology (NFE) is best understood as modelling, in the sense that this is the reconstruction of its methodology on which NFE is doing best. I focus on Bayesianism and show that it has the characteristics of modelling. But modelling is a scientific enterprise, while NFE is normative. I thus develop an account of normative models on which they are idealised representations put to normative purposes. Normative assumptions, such as the (...)
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    Another look at reasoning experiments: Rationality, normative models and conversational factors.Alexander Todorov - 1997 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 27 (4):387–417.
    In many studies, human reasoning has been depicted as “biased” or deviating from normative models in both areas of deductive and inductive reasoning. Two criteria for evaluation of reasoning studies are proposed in this paper. The first criterion concerns the selection and application of normative models against which human performance is assessed. The second criterion concerns the role of conversational factors in the differential selection of information used in the subsequent judgment. These two criteria were applied (...)
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    Wide Reflective Equilibrium as a Normative Model for Responsible Governance.Neelke Doorn - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (1):29-43.
    Soft regulatory measures are often promoted as an alternative for existing regulatory regimes for nanotechnologies. The call for new regulatory approaches stems from several challenges that traditional approaches have difficulties dealing with. These challenges relate to general problems of governability, tensions between public interests, but also (and maybe particularly) to almost complete lack of certainty about the implications of nanotechnologies. At the same time, the field of nanotechnology can be characterized by a high level of diversity. In this paper, we (...)
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  20. From unreliable sources: Bayesian critique and normative modelling of HUMINT inferences.Aviezer Tucker - 2023 - Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism 18:1-17.
    This paper applies Bayesian theories to critically analyse and offer reforms of intelligence analysis, collection, analysis, and decision making on the basis of Human Intelligence, Signals Intelligence, and Communication Intelligence. The article criticises the reliabilities of existing intelligence methodologies to demonstrate the need for Bayesian reforms. The proposed epistemic reform program for intelligence analysis should generate more reliable inferences. It distinguishes the transmission of knowledge from its generation, and consists of Bayesian three stages modular model for the generation of reliable (...)
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    The Emergence of Word-Meaning in Early China: Normative Models for Words.Jane Geaney - 2022 - SUNY Press.
    The Emergence of Word-Meaning in Early China makes an innovative contribution to studies of language by historicizing the Chinese notion that words have "meaning" (content independent of instances of use). Rather than presuming that the concept of word-meaning had always existed, Jane Geaney explains how and why it arose in China. To account for why a normative term (yi, "duty, morality, appropriateness") came to be used for "meanings" found in dictionaries, Geaney examines interrelated patterns of word usage threading through (...)
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    The Normative Impotence of Ideal Models.John Woods - unknown
    In the methodology of theory construction, the concept of "intuitions" is commonly assigned a central role. This is especially true of philosophical and social scientific theories or rational human agency. An equally important trait of such accounts is the theorist's employment of "ideal models" or rational agency. It is frequently supposed that the concept of intuitions and the concept of ideal models link in such a way as to give rise to a coherent and load-bearing notion of "objective (...)
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    Editorial: From Is to Ought: The Place of Normative Models in the Study of Human Thought.Shira Elqayam & David E. Over - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Ethics and Organizational Leadership: Developing a Normative Model.Mick Fryer - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    This book sets out to redress the balance and develop an understanding of what comprises ethical leadership in organizations.
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  25. Normative Concepts: A Connectedness Model.Laura Schroeter - 2014 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    This paper proposes a new relational account of concepts and shows how it is particularly well suited to characterizing normative concepts. The key advantage of our ‘connectedness’ model is that it explains how subjects can share the same normative concepts despite radical divergences in the descriptive or motivational commitments they associate with them. The connectedness model builds social and historical facts into the foundations of concept identity. This aspect of the model, we suggest, reshapes normative epistemology and (...)
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  26. Sovereign Intolerance, New Androgyny and Normative Models.V. Vitale - 1991 - Filosofia 42 (2):313-335.
  27. Modelling in Normative Ethics.Joe Roussos - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (5):1-25.
    This is a paper about the methodology of normative ethics. I claim that much work in normative ethics can be interpreted as modelling, the form of inquiry familiar from science, involving idealised representations. I begin with the anti-theory debate in ethics, and note that the debate utilises the vocabulary of scientific theories without recognising the role models play in science. I characterise modelling, and show that work with these characteristics is common in ethics. This establishes the plausibility (...)
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    Sobre el derecho, la medicina y los cuerpos en transformación. Hacia un modelo normativo de autodeterminación sexual | Law, medicine and changing bodies. Towards a normative model of sexual self-determination.Victor Merino Sancho - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 35:116-139.
    Resumen: En este trabajo se parte de las tesis de Foucault sobre la integración de ciertos dispositivos de control y de un régimen médico-sexual en el Derecho, que definieron las identidades de los sujetos, para explicar el modo en que estos mecanismos han influido en la regulación jurídica de los cambios de identidad de género. Asimismo, se detalla cómo la medicalización de las identidades por parte del Derecho contradice la evolución del concepto de género. A partir de este análisis, el (...)
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    Models of Political Competence: The Evolution of Political Norms in the Works of Burgundian and Habsburg Court Historians, C. 1470-1700.Maria Golubeva - 2013 - Leiden: Brill.
    Offering a systematic analysis of texts produced between the court of Burgundy in the 1470s and the court of the Austrian Habsburgs in the early 1700s, this book traces the development of the idea of successful and competent political behaviour as seen through the eyes of court historians between the fifteenth and the eighteenth centuries.
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  30. Normative versus situational ethics, Chrisian versus taoist-confucian socioanthropological model of human-behavior.M. Carnogurska - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (3):164-171.
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  31. Evolutionary models and the normative significance of stability.Arnon Levy - 2018 - Biology and Philosophy 33 (5-6):33.
    Many have expected that understanding the evolution of norms should, in some way, bear on our first-order normative outlook: How norms evolve should shape which norms we accept. But recent philosophy has not done much to shore up this expectation. Most existing discussions of evolution and norms either jump headlong into the is/ought gap or else target meta-ethical issues, such as the objectivity of norms. My aim in this paper is to sketch a different way in which evolutionary considerations (...)
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    Social Norms and Agent Types: Bridging the Gap Between the Theoretical Models and Their Applications.Vojtěch Zachník - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (1):3-30.
    The paper presents a novel view of social norms that reflects the importance of different agent types, their specific motivations and roles. How one identifies with a role and behavioral options available to the agent is crucial for the sustainability of the social norms. The analysis of a simple case of social norm is suggested as a default model for analysis, and then the classification of subjects, enforcers, and audience is introduced. This triangular typology of agents is extended by introducing (...)
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    Normativity and moral psychology : the social intuitionist model and a world without normative moral rules?Radosław Zyzik - 2011 - In Jerzy Stelmach & Bartosz Brożek, The normativity of law. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
    The paper pores over the recent conceptions of normative judgement developed against the background of advances in psychology and neuroscience. It begins by analyzing what normative claim of morality and law consists of before presenting and criticizing the Social Intuitionist Model of normative judgement developed by Jonathan Haidt. The model poses serious challenges for well-established normative concepts, and the concept of normativity as objective reason for action in particular. A question is asked of what the relationship (...)
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  34. Defeasibility, norms and exceptions: normalcy model.Vojko Strahovnik - 2016 - Revus 29 (29).
    The paper discusses the notion of defeasibility and focuses specifically on defeasible norms. First, it delineates a robust notion of the phenomenon of defeasibility, which poses a serious problem for both moral and legal theory. It does this by laying out the conditions and desiderata that a model of defeasibility should be able to meet. It further focuses on a specific model of defeasibility that utilises the notion of normal conditions to expound the robust notion of defeasibility. It argues that (...)
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    Uklonljivost, norme in izjeme: model normalnosti.Vojko Strahovnik - 2016 - Revus 29:77-92.
    Članek se ukvarja s pojmom uklonljivosti, s posebnim ozirom na uklonljivost moralnih in pravnih norm. Na začetku začrtamo grob oris pojava uklonljivosti, ki je zahteven izziv tako za moralno kot tudi za pravno teorijo. Opozorimo na pogoje in primerjalne prednosti, ki naj bi jih izpolnjeval oz. imel model uklonljivosti. Nadalje se v članku osredotočimo na svojstven model uklonljivosti, ki uporablja pojem normalnih pogojev da bi zajel omenjeni pojem uklonljivosti norm. Trdimo, da temu modelu pri tem spodleti, posebej z vidika predpostavke (...)
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    Norms and Models in Early Modern France and England. A Study in Comparative Ethics.Michel Despland - 1982 - Journal of Religious Ethics 10 (1):68 - 102.
    The author analyzes the transformation of norms and values in France and England during the preindustrial period (1500-1760). The relationship between religion and reason, the nature of popular fears, witchcraft, marriage, attitudes toward death, and persecution of confessional minorities are singled out for closer examination. The interplay between the two national traditions and the Catholic and Protestant ways remains under constant focus. The new norms and models for behavior that arose in each country in this period, besides being different, (...)
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    New normative standards of conditional reasoning and the dual-source model.Henrik Singmann, Karl Christoph Klauer & David Over - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Law, normativity and the model of norms.G. Pavlakos - 2011 - In Stefano Bertea & George Pavlakos, New essays on the normativity of law. Portland, Or.: Hart. pp. 246-280.
    There exists a widespread consensus amongst contemporary jurisprudents, positivists and non-positivists alike, that the meaning of ‘obligation’ should not radically shift from law to morality, or any of the other domains of practical reason. Yet there is limited effort in contemporary discussions of legal obligation to engage with the metaphysics of normativity with an eye to a well-founded account of those elements that deliver its non-conditional character. On a recent occasion I discussed the shortcomings of a prominent positivist account of (...)
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    Aesthetic Normativity in Kant’s Account: A Regulative Model.Serena Feloj - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):105-122.
    The notion of normativity has been key to an actualizing reading of the subjective universality that for Kant characterizes the aesthetic judgment. However, in the scholarly literature little discussion is made, somehow unsurprisingly, of what exactly we should understand by normativity when it comes to Kant’s aesthetics. Recent trends show indeed the tendency to take normativity very broadly to the point of nuancing most of its core meaning. Based on how we speak about normativity in aesthetics, we seem indeed to (...)
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    Young Children Selectively Imitate Models Conforming to Social Norms.Katalin Oláh & Ildikó Király - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Self-Control, Injunctive Norms, and Descriptive Norms Predict Engagement in Plagiarism in a Theory of Planned Behavior Model.Guy J. Curtis, Emily Cowcher, Brady R. Greene, Kiata Rundle, Megan Paull & Melissa C. Davis - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (3):225-239.
    The Theory of Planned Behavior predicts that a combination of attitudes, perceived norms, and perceived behavioral control predict intentions, and that intentions ultimately predict behavior. Previous studies have found that the TPB can predict students’ engagement in plagiarism. Furthermore, the General Theory of Crime suggests that self-control is particularly important in predicting engagement in unethical behavior such as plagiarism. In Study 1, we incorporated self-control in a TPB model and tested whether norms, attitudes, and self-control predicted intention to plagiarize and (...)
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    Reflective Equilibrium as a Normative Empirical Model.Ghislaine Jmw| van Delden van Thiel & Johannes Jm van Delden - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (2):183.
    People who work and live in a certain moral practice usually possess a specific form of moral wisdom. If we manage to incorporate their moral intuitions in ethical reasoning, we can arrive at judgements and theories that grasp a moral experience that generally cannot be found outside the said practice. To achieve this goal, we need a legitimate way to balance moral intuitions, ethical principles and general theories. In the present contribution, we describe a version of the model of Reflective (...)
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    Incorporating institutions, norms and territories in a generic model to simulate the management of renewable resources.Sigrid Aubert & Jean-Pierre Müller - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 21 (1):47 - 78.
    Management of the renewable natural resources in Madagascar is gradually being transferred to the local communities, particularly that of forest resources. However, these local communities are struggling to assess the consequences of management plans that they themselves must develop and implement on ecologically, economically and socially sustainable grounds. In order to highlight key aspects of different management options beforehand, we have developed MIRANA, a computer model to simulate various scenarios of management plan implementation. MIRANA differs from other simulation models (...)
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    A normative pragmatic model of making fear appeals.Beth Innocenti - 2011 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 44 (3):273-290.
    Broadly speaking, it seems plausible to say that fear appeals are designed to induce action—to generate persuasive force for addressees to act in order to avoid a fearful outcome (Walton 2000, 1-2, 20, 22, 143; Witte 1994, 113; Witte 1992, 329). Because a fear appeal is a kind of argument about harmful consequences, and because arguments about harmful consequences are commonplace in deliberations, fear appeals are practically inevitable in civic discourse. And, as some scholars have recently confirmed, making fear appeals (...)
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    The Normativity of Ecological Restoration Reference Models: An Analysis of Carrifran Wildwood, Scotland, and Walden Woods, United States.Jonathan Prior & Laura Smith - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (2):214-233.
    ABSTRACTIn this article, we explore how ecological restoration reference models are produced and what work they do within an ecological restoration project. By tracing the genesis of two restoratio...
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    The Generalized Means Model for non-deterministic decision making: Its normative and descriptive power, including sketch of the representation theorem.Hector A. Munera - 1985 - Theory and Decision 18 (2):173-202.
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    How Do Social Norms and Expectations About Others Influence Individual Behavior?: A Quantum Model of Self/other-perspective Interaction in Strategic Decision-Making.Jakub Tesar - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (1):135-150.
    Social norms can be understood as the grammar of social interaction. Like grammar in speech, they specify what is acceptable in a given context. But what are the specific rules that direct human compliance with the norm? This paper presents a quantitative model of self- and the other-perspective interaction based on a ‘quantum model of decision-making’, which can explain some of the ‘fallacies’ of the classical model of strategic choice. By connecting two fields of social science research—norms compliance, and strategic (...)
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  48. Reflective Equilibrium as a Normative Empirical Model.Ghislaine J. M. W. van Thiel & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (2):183-202.
    People who work and live in a certain moral practice usually possess a specific form of moral wisdom. If we manage to incorporate their moral intuitions in ethical reasoning, we can arrive at judgements and theories that grasp a moral experience that generally cannot be found outside the said practice. To achieve this goal, we need a legitimate way to balance moral intuitions, ethical principles and general theories. In the present contribution, we describe a version of the model of Reflective (...)
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    Could Present Laws Legitimately Bind Future Generations? A Normative Analysis of the Jeffersonian Model.Shai Agmon - 2016 - Intergenerational Justice Review 9 (2).
    Thomas Jefferson’s famous proposal; whereby a state’s constitution should be re-enacted every 19 years by a majority vote; purports to solve the intergenerational problem caused by perpetual constitutions: namely that laws which were enacted by people who are already dead bind living citizens without their consent. I argue that the model fails to fulfil its own normative consent-based aspirations. This is because it produces two groups of people who will end up living under laws to which they did not (...)
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  50. Dynamic Models in Imperative Logic (Imperatives in Action: Changing Minds and Norms).Berislav Žarnić - 2013 - In Anna Brożek, Jacek Jadacki & Berislav Žarnić, Theory of Imperatives from Different Points of View (2). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper.
    The theory of imperatives is philosophically relevant since in building it — some of the long standing problems need to be addressed, and presumably some new ones are waiting to be discovered. The relevance of the theory of imperatives for philosophical research is remarkable, but usually recognized only within the field of practical philosophy. Nevertheless, the emphasis can be put on problems of theoretical philosophy. Proper understanding of imperatives is likely to raise doubts about some of our deeply entrenched and (...)
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