Results for 'popular economy'

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  1.  41
    "Sister Carrie'"s Popular Economy.Walter Benn Michaels - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 7 (2):373-390.
    Instead of seeing satisfaction as the necessary and appropriate goal of desire, Dreiser seems to see it only as an inevitable but potentially fatal by-product. Desire, for him, is most powerful when it outstrips its object; indeed, it is the very fact of this excessiveness that fuels Sister Carrie's economy—which is one reason why Carrie is right to think of money as "power itself." The economy runs on desire, which is to say, money, or the impossibility of ever (...)
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    Human Development and Class Struggle in Venezuela’s Popular Economy: The Paradox of ‘Twenty-First Century Socialism’.Manuel Larrabure - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (4):177-200.
    In this paper, I outline what I take to be the most important theoretical claims and innovations of ‘twenty-first century socialism’ in Venezuela. These, I argue, consist of an emphasis on human development through popular-economy initiatives, and the importance of building popular power through the state, rather than by ignoring or fighting against it. I then present evidence on Venezuela’s Socialist Production Units, one of Venezuela’s newest state-supported popular-economy organisations. I argue that, consistent with the (...)
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    Political Economy to the Fore: Burke, Malthus and the Whig Response to Popular Radicalism in the Age of the French Revolution.D. McNally - 2000 - History of Political Thought 21 (3):427-448.
    In the face of new forms of popular radicalism in the 1790s, British Whigs turned increasingly hostile to the French Revolution and doctrines of radical social improvement. Yet, rather than turn to Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France to frame their anti-radical arguments, Whiggism took up the claims of Thomas Malthus' Essay on the Principle of Population. By eschewing the voluntarist idiom of Burke's Reflections in favour of a Newtonian rhetoric which resonated with the discursive traditions of radicalism (...)
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    Political Economy in the Eighteenth Century: Popular or Despotic? The Physiocrats Against the Right to Existence.Florence Gauthier - 2015 - Economic Thought 4 (1):47-66.
    Control over food supply was advanced in the kingdom of France in the Eighteenth century by Physiocrat economists under the seemingly advantageous label of 'freedom of grain trade'. In 1764 these reforms brought about a rise in grain prices and generated an artificial dearth that ruined the poor, some of whom died from malnutrition. The King halted the reform and re-established the old regime of regulated prices; in order to maintain the delicate balance between prices and wages, the monarchy tried (...)
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  5.  48
    A Cáritas brasileira e a Economia Popular Solidária: O Agente de Cáritas e a Caridade Libertadora (Brazilian Caritas and the Popular Solidarity Economy: The Agent of Caritas and the Charity Liberating) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n32p1506. [REVIEW]Alicia Ferreira Gonçalves & Joannes Paulus Silva Forte - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1506-1524.
    O presente artigo analisa as ligações entre a Cáritas Brasileira e a Economia Popular Solidária a partir do trabalho do Agente de Cáritas. A problemática central do artigo remete às representações sociais que esses Agentes constroem em seus relatos sobre os princípios da Teologia da Libertação que norteiam os projetos em economia solidária da referida instituição religiosa. A metodologia de base qualitativa e etnográfica consistiu na realização da revisão bibliográfica, consulta a materiais institucionais, observação in loco e entrevistas semiestruturadas (...)
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  6.  88
    Moral economy and normative ethics.Joakim Sandberg - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (2):176-187.
    ‘Moral economy’ has become a popular concept in empirical research in disciplines such as history, anthropology, sociology and political science. This research utilizes normative concepts and has obvious normative implications and relevance. However, there has been little to no dialogue between this research and philosophers working on normative ethics. The present article seeks to remedy this situation by highlighting fertile points of dialogue between descriptive and normative ethicists. The proposition is that empirical researchers can become more precise and (...)
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  7.  13
    A history of the moral economy: markets, custom, and the philosophy of popular entitlement.John R. Owen - 2009 - North Melbourne, Vic.: Australian Scholarly.
  8.  76
    Filosofía de la cultura popular: una lectura de la teoría crítica desde la perspectiva de Hannah Arendt.María Luengo - 2011 - Cinta de Moebio 40:64-83.
    El ámbito de la cultura popular ha privilegiado una visión técnica de sus objetos en el sentido que Aristóteles dio al término téchne. Este enfoque ha prevalecido hasta hoy en la forma de un determinismo económico y tecnológico que enfatiza la estructura social frente a la acción cultural. Se trata de un presupuesto racionalista que comparten las teorías sociológicas y culturales dominantes en el área: la teoría crítica, los análisis de economía política y, en menor medida, los estudios culturales. (...)
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    Popular Science as Cultural Dispositif: On the German Way of Science Communication in the Twentieth Century.Arne Schirrmacher - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (3):473-508.
    ArgumentGerman twentieth-century history is characterized by stark changes in the political system and the momentous consequences of World Wars I and II. However, instead of uncovering specific kinds or periods of “Kaiserreich science,” “Weimar science,” or “Nazi science” together with their public manifestations and in such a way observing a narrow link between popular science and political orders, this paper tries to exhibit some remarkable stability and continuity in popular science on a longer scale. Thanks to the rich (...)
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  10. The Collaborative Economy in Action: Context and Outline of Country Reports.Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuitytė & Gabriela Avram - 2021 - In Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram (eds.), The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Limerick: University of Limerick. pp. 6–21.
    The term collaborative economy itself is relatively new, and according to the European Commission, the term is used interchangeably with the term sharing economy. The term SE was frequently used when early models, such as Airbnb or ZipCar, appeared and gained popularity, especially in the United States, but it was afterwards substituted with the term CE in the European contexts. The country reports in this collection often use the two terms interchangeably, further illustrating the fact that a generally (...)
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  11.  50
    Soberanía popular y concepción fiduciaria de los representantes públicos en Maximilien Robespierre.Pablo Scotto - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 81:81-96.
    En su discurso del 10 de mayo de 1793 sobre la Constitución, Robespierre combina una concepción fiduciaria de los representantes públicos con una defensa de las virtudes de la democracia, el único sistema político en el que los gobernantes, al ser parte del pueblo, tienen los mismos intereses que este. Es esta defensa de la soberanía popular, así como de la primacía del poder legislativo, lo que constituye la esencia de su “economía política popular”, una expresión que toma (...)
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  12.  30
    Économie et politique des thèses de Thomas Piketty.Gérard Duménil & Dominique Lévy - 2015 - Actuel Marx 57 (1):186-204.
    The main purpose of this second article devoted to T. Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century (the first was published in the previous issue of Actuel Marx) is to introduce our alternative reading of history. The tendencies manifest during the last decades of the 20th century and the early 21st century are not, it is argued, the replication of the tendencies which prevailed prior to World War I. The starting-point for our analysis is the beginning of the 20th century, a (...)
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  13.  10
    Against Amateur Economies: Spec Work Competitions and the Anti-spec Movement.Helen Kennedy - 2013 - Cultural Studies Review 19 (1).
    The rise and rise of the amateur cultural producer has been greeted with a spectacular amount of celebratory rhetoric, in both popular and academic writing. It has also been criticised, often for the inferior quality of amateur productions compared to the fruits of professional labour. But apart from that by a small number of journalism scholars, little empirical research has been carried out with professional creative labourers about the impact of amateur economies on their work, and their responses to (...)
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  14.  7
    Peasant Women in Popular Agroecology: ¿An Emancipatory Praxis? The Experience of MOCASE - Vía Campesina.Mariela Pena - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:308-335.
    En este artículo indago el accionar de mujeres campesinas en experiencias agroecológicas que se inscriben en proyectos de economía popular impulsadas desde programas estatales y, al mismo tiempo, en una trayectoria organizacional de tintes más autonomistas. Poniendo en diálogo diferentes líneas de trabajo y discusiones, complejizo el interrogante en torno a las posibilidades de reapropiación de proyectos económicos diseñados para una población pensada de modo homogéneo como “sectores populares”, en el marco de una territorialidad específica. En función de ello, (...)
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  15. Morali, economie, giochi linguistici.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1993 - In Mauro Magatti (ed.), La porta stretta. Etica ed economia negli anni '90. Franco Angeli. pp. 131-150.
    Recent popularity of the relationship of 'ethics' and 'economics' is at once revealing and misleading. It marks the withering away of a dogmatic confidence in a self-regulating and water-proof economic 'sphere'. It is also a muddled way of treating a number of interrelated but different issues: the interrelations between moralities (as historically given institutions) and markets (as partially self-regulating socially institutionalized mechanisms), the relationship between ethics and economic theory, and finally issues of distributive justice.
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  16.  26
    Three bodies of moral economy: the diffusion of a concept.Johanna Siméant - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (2):163-175.
    This article explores some aspects of the renewed interest in moral economy and draws attention to the pitfalls if the concept is used too loosely. Edward P. Thompson and James C. Scott's model is examined to see how their elaboration of moral economy can be used to link food, popular indignation, reinvention of tradition, and relationships to the elite. Moral economy was an alternative to considering crowds as irrational, eruptive, or driven only by hunger. By studying (...)
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  17.  13
    Design of digital economy consumer psychology prediction model based on canopy clustering algorithm.Yue Zhang, Peng Ruan & Jingfeng Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the continuous improvement of the level of science and technology, the popularization of the Internet and the development of applications, online consumption has become a major force in personal consumption. As a result, digital consumption is born, and digital consumption is not only reflected in transaction consumption at the monetary level. Like some intangible services similar to the use of dating software, it can also become digital consumption. In this environment, a new economic concept, the digital economy, has (...)
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  18.  12
    U. S. Political Economy on Migrants-Citizens Relations: State-Raids Vs. Church-Sanctuaries.Jesús J. Sánchez-Barricarte & Antonio Sánchez-Bayón - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (4):3-25.
    This is a Political Economy study on migrants-citizens relations management in the United States of America, with special attention to the religious factor and the pendulum effect. There is a model switch, from integration policies to official persecution, under a high social opportunity cost. Also, there is a split between the State and civil society, causing civil disobedience and sanctuary network across the country. The paper focuses on the development of the Sanctuary Movement, as a case of popular (...)
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  19.  11
    Exploratory Study on Circular Economy Approaches: A Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice.Laura Frodermann - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    The concept of a circular economy gains more and more popularity for companies and politics. In theory the concept holds not only ecological and social but also several economic advantages for the applying companies. This book addresses the following research questions: How is the concept of the circular economy implemented? What impact has the implementation of circular economy on organizations? What are the challenges deriving from circular economy implementation? A qualitative study with companies from various industries (...)
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  20. The Collaborative Economy in Action: Context and Outline of Country Reports.Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuitytė & Gabriela Avram - 2021 - In Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram (eds.), The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Limerick: University of Limerick. pp. 6-21.
    The term collaborative economy itself is relatively new, and according to the European Commission, the term is used interchangeably with the term sharing economy. The term SE was frequently used when early models, such as Airbnb or ZipCar, appeared and gained popularity, especially in the United States, but it was afterwards substituted with the term CE in the European contexts. The country reports in this collection often use the two terms interchangeably, further illustrating the fact that a generally (...)
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  21.  21
    Ordo-Responsibility in the Sharing Economy: A Social Contracts Perspective.Stefan Hielscher, Sebastian Everding & Ingo Pies - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (3):404-437.
    Can private companies legitimately regulate sharing markets, and if yes, how? Whereas scholars have either criticized sharing platforms for expanding into private and public arenas or welcomed them to counterbalance encroaching government regulations, studies document their unbridled popularity. On the basis of a special version of social contracts theory pioneered by James Buchanan, we develop a heuristics that helps guide reasoning about the legitimacy of the sharing economy’s regulatory function. First, we discuss the conditions under which free and responsible (...)
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  22.  15
    Gender in the Prozac Nation: Popular Discourse and Productive Femininity.Nena F. Stracuzzi & Linda M. Blum - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (3):269-286.
    Since Prozac emerged on the market at the end of 1987, there has been a dramatic increase in antidepressant use and in its discussion by popular media. Yet there has been little analysis of the gendered character of this phenomenon despite feminist traditions scrutinizing the medical control of women’s bodies. The authors begin to fill this gap through a detailed content analysis of the 83 major articles on Prozac and its “chemical cousins” appearing in large-circulation periodicals in Prozac’s first (...)
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  23.  35
    (1 other version)Visions of popular sovereignty: Mapping the contested terrain of contemporary western populisms.David Laycock - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (2):125-144.
    In this essay I investigate conceptual foundations of populist ideological attempts to decontest the language, symbols and ambitions of popular sovereignty. Using Michael Freeden's morphological approach to analysing ideologies, I argue that unpacking the conceptual basis of populist incursions into contemporary political narratives sheds important light on left?right contests over the nature of democracy. From this vantage point, we see that forces on the left and right contest the normative and policy implications of three key features in populism's normative (...)
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  24.  30
    From Science to Popularization, and Back – The Science and Journalism of the Belgian Economist Gustave de Molinari.Maarten Van Dijck - 2008 - Science in Context 21 (3):377-402.
    ArgumentSociologists and historians of science, such as Richard Whitley and Stephen Hilgartner, identified a culturally dominant discourse of science popularization in the broader society. In this dominant view, a clear distinction is maintained between scientific knowledge and popularized knowledge. Popularization of science is seen as the process of transmitting real science to a lay public. This discourse on science popularization was criticized by Whitley and Hilgartner as an inadequate simplification. Yet, the battered traditional model of popularization remains remarkably resistant to (...)
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  25.  10
    The Cases of Death and Disappearance of Young People and Their Mothers in Popular Sectors (Córdoba, Argentina).Natalia Bermúdez - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):17-28.
    Within the framework of broader processes in Latin America Argentina has seen a progressive policing of the governance of security. Criminal policies in recent decades have focused on police militarization, increased incarceration, spatial segregation and judicial expansion that especially affect the sectors that are economically most impoverished. I am interested in showing, from ethnographic cases, how the dynamics of delinquency mainly affect young men from popular sectors, both residents and police. Each one of the deaths and disappearances with which (...)
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  26.  72
    Victimhood in Bataille‘s Reading of Sade and in Popular Sovereignty.James Griffith - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (4):789-805.
    This article reveals three aspects of victimhood in Bataille’s reading of Sade (of the other, of the self, and Sade’s language) and relates them to some of Bataille’s metaphysical and political notions: the impossible, the general and the restricted economy, sovereignty, and transgression. Doing so shows a progressive simplification of possibilities for transgression from the pre-Christian world to that of popular sovereignty, i.e., the sovereignty of the crowd, the latter leaving open one avenue for transgression: Sadean victimhood. The (...)
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  27. Critics of Capitalism: Victorian Reactions to 'Political Economy'.Elisabeth Jay & Richard Jay (eds.) - 1986 - Cambridge University Press.
    By the start of the Victorian period the school of British economists acknowledging Adam Smith as its master was in the ascendancy. 'Political Economy', a catch-all title which ignored the diversity of viewpoints to be found amongst the discipline's leading proponents, became associated in the popular mind with moral and political forces held to be uniquely conducive to the progress of an increasingly industrialised and competitive society. 'Political Economy' served in turn as the focus for critics of (...)
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  28.  20
    It's Not the Flu: Popular Perceptions of the Impact of COVID-19 in the U.S.Laura Niemi, Kevin M. Kniffin & John M. Doris - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Messaging from U.S. authorities about COVID-19 has been widely divergent. This research aims to clarify popular perceptions of the COVID-19 threat and its effects on victims. In four studies with over 4,100 U.S. participants, we consistently found that people perceive the threat of COVID-19 to be substantially greater than that of several other causes of death to which it has recently been compared, including the seasonal flu and automobile accidents. Participants were less willing to help COVID-19 victims, who they (...)
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  29.  17
    Islam and the Spirits of Capitalism: Competing Articulations of the Islamic Economy.Aisalkyn Botoeva - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (2):235-264.
    Why has the Islamic economy, as a model of socioeconomic development, gained traction as a viable option? The existing literature suggests that the Islamic economy has been popularized by a combination of factors, including anticolonial movements, a global renewal of religiosity, and the activities of new social strata who merge piety with capitalist orientations. These approaches, however, tend to homogenize social actors, subsuming them under the overarching label of Islamism. In contrast, this article employs the lens of “intra-hegemonic (...)
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  30.  13
    The moral economy of the modern city: reading Rousseau's Discourse on Wealth.C. Ellison - 1991 - History of Political Thought 12 (2):253-261.
    This article focuses on one dimension of the interplay of national decline and urban corruption in Rousseau's thought -- what I call Rousseau's analysis of the moral economy of the modern city. It is perhaps fitting that E.P.Thompson has used the concept of 'moral economy' to describe a popular consensus embedded in patterns of deeply rooted assumptions, belief and conduct among the urban poor in eighteenth-century England. Food riots, rooted in a belief in the customary practice of (...)
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  31.  16
    Biopolitics after neuroscience: morality and the economy of virtue.Jeffrey Paul Bishop - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by M. Therese Lysaught & Andrew A. Michel.
    This book offers a provocative analysis of the neuroscience of morality. Written by three leading scholars of science, medicine, and bioethics, it critiques contemporary neuroscientific claims about individual morality and notions of good and evil. Winner of a 2021 prize from the Expanded Reason Institute, it connects moral philosophy to neoliberal economics and successfully challenges the idea that we can locate morality in the brain. Instead of discovering the source of morality in the brain as they claim to do, the (...)
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  32.  22
    Resource Ecologies, Political Economies, and the Ethics of Audio Technologies in the Anthropocene.Eliot Bates - 2020 - Popular Music 39 (1):66-87.
    Understanding how recorded and amplified stage musics contribute towards producing the Anthropocene necessitates attending to complex transnational flows of material, capital and labor, and how they coalesce into technological objects. This is complicated by the wide array of sites, practices and knowledges involved during various stages of the production process, from initial resource extraction, to smelting, component manufacturing, technology assembly, and distribution. To develop a suitable technological ethics, and to understand what happens to environments and to human, animal and plant (...)
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  33.  12
    The Sharing Economy: Social Welfare in a Technologically Networked Economy[REVIEW]Mariusz Baranowski - 2021 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 41 (1):20-30.
    This article attempts to descriptively characterize the impact of the sharing economy, using Uber as an example, on the social welfare of those people working via the app. For this purpose, the author proposes a theoretical concept of a technologically networked economy, which is a component of a broader heuristic model of a technologically networked reality. Furthermore, a critical review of the different approaches to the sharing economy and the diverse practices within it have been carried out. (...)
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  34. The political economy of very large space projects.John Hickman - 11999 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 4 (1):1-14.
    While popular science writers typically describe the benefits to be derived from their favorite very large space development project in detail; their treatment of the crucial initial capitalization of such projects is typically sparse or implausible. Capitalization is a crucial problem for these projects because the total capital investment required is very large and the investment takes a very long time before producing economic returns. “Chunky” investments are unattractive to most private investors and lenders. Very large space development projects (...)
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  35.  30
    Rethinking Alternatives with Marx: Economy, Ecology and Migration.Marcello Musto (ed.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a Marx that is in many ways different from the one popularized by the dominant currents of twentieth-century Marxism. The dual aim of this edited volume is to contribute to a new critical discussion of some of the classical themes of Marx’s thought and to develop a deeper analysis of certain questions to which relatively little attention has been paid until recently. Contributions of globally renowned scholars, from nine countries and multiple academic disciplines, offer diverse and innovative (...)
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    What’s in an App? Investigating the Moral Struggles Behind a Sharing Economy Device.Mireille Mercier-Roy & Chantale Mailhot - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):977-996.
    In recent years, the sharing economy has attracted considerable attention, both scholarly and popular, relating to its capacity to enforce or undermine extant economic conventions. However, the process through which technological developments can effectively have this outcome of altering extant conventions on what is morally acceptable or desirable is still unclear. In this paper, we draw on the work of Boltanski and Thévenot and the notion of agencement to investigate the moral and performative dimension of controversies related to (...)
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  37.  35
    (1 other version)Damaged Life as Exuberant Vitality in America: Adorno, Alienation, and the Psychic Economy.Shannon Mariotti - 2009 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2009 (149):169-190.
    In the aphorism “The Health Unto Death,” in Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life, Adorno issues a provocation and a challenge: “If such a thing as a psycho-analysis of today's prototypical culture were possible,” it would need to “show the sickness proper to the time to consist precisely in normality.”1 Investigating this unique form of illness would require questioning the traditional markers of health: “unruffled calm,” an “unhampered capacity for happiness,” “exuberant vitality,” and even the “champagne jollity” of “the regular (...)
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  38. Egalitarian political economy beyond market socialism. A comment on John E. Roemer.Martin Beckstein - 2013 - .
    On reflecting about the prospects of advancing the egalitarian cause in the United States, John Roemer makes the case for more traditional strategies than the coupon socialism model he advocated in earlier work. First of all, he suggests, an ethos of solidarity must be developed and the super-rich be subjected to higher taxation. This comment assesses this proposal. On the one hand it is discussed whether the ethos of solidarity Roemer calls for in order to counteract the culture of greed (...)
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    Conceptualizing and Key Development Factors of the Sharing Economy in Contemporary Environment.Anna Valer’Yevna Markeeva - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3Sup1):94-112.
    We are already witnessing the emergence of a new economic paradigm - the sharing economy - that will radical transform way of life of society. The new economic paradigm is based on the values of a post-modern society - the imperative of sustainable development models, the growth of meaningful consumption and the development of new types of solidarity. The diversity of business and non-profit sharing services is a result of the growing areas of the sharing economy, the improvement (...)
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    Indonesia's Democratic Performance: A Popular Assessment.Saiful Mujani & R. William Liddle - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (2):210-226.
    How democratic is contemporary Indonesia? While analysts differ, Indonesian citizens, when asked in systematic public opinion surveys conducted regularly by the authors since 1999, consistently express strong support for democratic principles and also believe that their country's democratic performance is high. Support for democratic performance is highly correlated with support for government performance, as measured by perceptions of the condition of the national economy and political system. At the same time, higher levels of education and income, in Indonesia as (...)
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    Is Gender-Based Violence a Social Norm? Rethinking Power in a Popular Development Intervention.Elise Klein, Kalissa Alexeyeff, Amanda Gilbertson & Amy Piedalue - 2020 - Feminist Review 126 (1):89-105.
    Changing social norms has become the preferred approach in global efforts to prevent gender-based violence (GBV). In this article, we trace the rise of social norms within GBV-related policy and practice and their transformation from social processes that exist in the world to beliefs that exist in the minds of individuals. The analytic framework that underpins social norms approaches has been subject to ongoing critical revision but continues to have significant issues in its conceptualisation of power and its sidelining of (...)
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    Comment on John E. Roemer: Egalitarian Political Economy beyond Market Socialism.Martin Beckstein - 2013 - Analyse & Kritik 35 (1):65-70.
    On reflecting about the prospects of advancing the egalitarian cause in the United States, John Roemer makes the case for more traditional strategies than the coupon socialism model he advocated in earlier work. First of all, he suggests, an ethos of solidarity must be developed and the super-rich be subjected to higher taxation. This comment assesses this proposal. On the one hand it is discussed whether the ethos of solidarity Roemer calls for in order to counteract the culture of greed (...)
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    “Korean Wave” as a Massive Popular Cultural Phenomenon of the Modern Time.Е Дарюга - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:49-60.
    Nowadays, young people from all over the world are fascinated by the mass popular culture of South Korea. This process of spread of Korean culture in the world came to be called “Korean current” or “Korean wave”, which became a kind of “Korean cultural boom”. The spread of the “Korean wave” has been compared to a viral disease that first spread throughout East Asia, then Southeast Asia, and eventually engulfed the entire world. Despite the fact that the phenomenon of (...)
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    The the Other Adam Smith: Popular Contention, Commercial Society, and the Birth of Necro-Economics.Mike Hill & Warren Montag - 2014 - Stanford University Press.
    _The Other Adam Smith_ represents the next wave of critical thinking about the still under-examined work of this paradigmatic Enlightenment thinker. Not simply another book about Adam Smith, it allows and even necessitates his inclusion in the realm of theory in the broadest sense. Moving beyond his usual economic and moral philosophical texts, Mike Hill and Warren Montag take seriously Smith's entire corpus, his writing on knowledge, affect, sociability and government, and political economy, as constituting a comprehensive—though highly contestable—system (...)
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  45.  85
    On the Failure of Libertarianism to Capture the Popular Imagination*: JONATHAN R. MACEY.Jonathan R. Macey - 1998 - Social Philosophy and Policy 15 (2):372-411.
    In this essay, I identify the reasons that libertarian principles have failed to capture the popular imagination as an acceptable form of civil society. By the term “libertarian” I mean a belief in and commitment to a set of methods and policies that have as their common aim greater freedom under law for individuals. The term “freedom” in this context means not only a commitment to civil liberties, such as freedom of expression, but also to economic liberties, including a (...)
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  46.  23
    Expanding Choice through Defined Contributions: Overcoming a Non-Participatory Health Care Economy.Robert E. Moffit - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (3):558-573.
    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is the law of the land. But it faces an uncertain future.During congressional deliberations on the 2,700-page legislation leading up to its enactment, from February to March 2010, not one major survey recorded majority support for the legislation. Since its enactment, popular opposition to the Affordable Care Act has hardened, and was a significant factor in the 2010 congressional election, in which Democrats lost 63 seats and Republicans regained the majority (...)
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    Assessment of the Financial Condition of Knowledge Based Economy Entities – an Example of Polish Video Game Sector.Rafał Rydzewski - 2021 - Studia Humana 10 (3):19-29.
    The video game producers are currently in spotlight of market information services. Successes and huge budgets of such companies attract many readers. However, scientific studies related to this sector do not share the same popularity. A reflection on the source of value in this sector shows that what generates revenues is not disclosed in the report. Great examples are customers’ relationships or the value of employees creating the game code and story of the game. Video games producers sector presents a (...)
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  48. When and how does hope spring eternal in personal and popular economics? Thoughts from West Africa to America.Jane Guyer - 2016 - In Hirokazu Miyazaki & Richard Swedberg (eds.), The Economy of Hope. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
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    A Reply to Richard Rorty: What Is Pragmatism?Steven Knapp & Walter Benn Michaels - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (3):466-473.
    We are grateful to Stanley Fish for demonstrating what “Against Theory” had merely assumed, that the only kind of theory worth attacking is the kind which claims to be more than just another form of practice. Some readers have thought that our arguments were directed against all general reflection about literature or criticism. Others have thought that we were resisting the encroachment on literary study of themes derived from politics, or psychoanalysis, or philosophy. These are plausible misreading of our intention, (...)
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    Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy: Volume I Context and Considerations.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2015 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Ageing populations are a major consideration for socio-economic development in the early twenty first century. This demographic change is mainly seen as a threat rather than as an opportunity to improve the quality of human life, especially in Europe, where ageing has resulted in a reduction in economic competitiveness. Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy mixes the silver economy, the creative economy, and the social economy to construct positive solutions for an ageing population. Klimczuk covers theoretical analyses (...)
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