Results for 'Mireille Mercier-Roy'

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  1.  29
    What’s in an App? Investigating the Moral Struggles Behind a Sharing Economy Device.Mireille Mercier-Roy & Chantale Mailhot - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):977-996.
    In recent years, the sharing economy has attracted considerable attention, both scholarly and popular, relating to its capacity to enforce or undermine extant economic conventions. However, the process through which technological developments can effectively have this outcome of altering extant conventions on what is morally acceptable or desirable is still unclear. In this paper, we draw on the work of Boltanski and Thévenot and the notion of agencement to investigate the moral and performative dimension of controversies related to the SE. (...)
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    (1 other version)Psychosocial determinants of physicians’ intention to practice euthanasia in palliative care.Mireille Lavoie, Gaston Godin, Lydi-Anne Vézina-Im, Danielle Blondeau, Isabelle Martineau & Louis Roy - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):6.
    Euthanasia remains controversial in Canada and an issue of debate among physicians. Most studies have explored the opinion of health professionals regarding its legalization, but have not investigated their intentions when faced with performing euthanasia. These studies are also considered atheoretical. The purposes of the present study were to fill this gap in the literature by identifying the psychosocial determinants of physicians’ intention to practice euthanasia in palliative care and verifying whether respecting the patient’s autonomy is important for physicians.
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    Yves Roy, Autorité politique et liberté, VLB Éditeur, collection « Enjeux philosophiques », Montréal, 1988, 255 p.Yves Roy, Autorité politique et liberté, VLB Éditeur, collection « Enjeux philosophiques », Montréal, 1988, 255 p. [REVIEW]Benoit Mercier - 1989 - Philosophiques 16 (2):407-410.
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    Meaningful affordances.Roy Dings - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1855-1875.
    It has been argued that affordances are not meaningful and are thus not useful to be applied in contexts where specifically meaningfulness of experience is at stake (e.g. clinical contexts or discussions of autonomous agency). This paper aims to reconceptualize affordances such as to make them relevant and applicable in such contexts. It starts by investigating the ‘ambiguity’ of (possibilities for) action. In both philosophy of action and affordance research, this ambiguity is typically resolved by adhering to the agents intentions (...)
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    Companions or patients? The impact of family presence in genetic consultations for inherited breast cancer: Relational autonomy in practice.Roy Gilbar & Sivia Barnoy - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (6):378-387.
    As in other areas of medical practice, relatives accompany patients to genetic consultations. However, unlike in other areas, the consultations may be relevant to the relatives’ health because they may be at risk of developing the same genetic condition as the patient. The presence of relatives in genetic consultation may affect the decision‐making process and it raises questions about the perception of patient autonomy and the way it is practiced in genetics. However, these issues have not been examined in previous (...)
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    Lie for me: the intent to deceive fails to scale up.Roy Sorensen - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-15.
    To understand lying, we naturally focus on small scale lies involving one speaker, one listener, one assertion. This methodology confers artificial plausibility upon the requirement that liars intend to deceive. For it excludes principal-agent conflicts that emerge from linguistic division of labor. When an employee lies for her boss, she need not inherit his motive to deceive. She displays loyalty even if her lie does not deceive. Focus on a single lie in isolation also blinds us to tactical deceptions such (...)
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    Mathematical consensus: a research program.Roy Wagner - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (3):1185-1204.
    One of the distinguishing features of mathematics is the exceptional level of consensus among mathematicians. However, an analysis of what mathematicians agree on, how they achieve this agreement, and the relevant historical conditions is lacking. This paper is a programmatic intervention providing a preliminary analysis and outlining a research program in this direction.First, I review the process of ‘negotiation’ that yields agreement about the validity of proofs. This process most often does generate consensus, however, it may give rise to another (...)
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    Psychopathology, phenomenology and affordances.Roy Dings - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 18:56-66.
    Can affordances help in understanding psychiatric illness and psychopathological experience? In recent work on the philosophy of psychiatry and phenomenology, the answer appears to be a clear ‘yes’, but some recent worries have emerged that the affordance-concept might be “insufficiently discerning” and thus ill-suited to make sense of psychiatric illness and experience. In this paper I briefly review recent attempts to use the affordance-concept to make sense of psychopathology, as well as the worries voiced by the critics. I argue that (...)
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    Future generations and the metaphysics of the self: Western and indian philosophical perspectives.Roy W. Perrett - 2003 - Asian Philosophy 13 (1):29 – 37.
    Our present actions can have effects on future generations - affecting not only the environment they will inherit, but even perhaps their very existence. This raises a number of important moral issues, many of which have only recently received serious philosophical attention. I begin by discussing some contemporary Western philosophical perspectives on the problem of our obligations to future generations, and then go on to consider how these approaches might relate to the classical Indian philosophical tradition. Although the Indian commitment (...)
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  10.  68
    (1 other version)Constructing the Past: the Relevance of the Narrative Self in Modulating Episodic Memory.Roy Dings & Albert Newen - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-26.
    Episodic memories can no longer be seen as the re-activation of stored experiences but are the product of an intense construction process based on a memory trace. Episodic recall is a result of a process of scenario construction. If one accepts this generative framework of episodic memory, there is still a be big gap in understanding the role of the narrative self in shaping scenario construction. Some philosophers are in principle sceptic by claiming that a narrative self cannot be more (...)
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  11.  39
    The Science of Culture.Roy Wood Sellars - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (4):586-587.
  12.  49
    A philosophical exploration of experience-based expertise in mental health care.Roy Dings & Şerife Tekin - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (7):1415-1434.
    1. Imagine the following hypothetical scenario: Sarah is often called an expert on depression: after all, she graduated from medical school and has a PhD in neuroscience. She knows all theories of...
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    Hypotheses of neuroleptic action: Levels of progress.Roy A. Wise - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):78-87.
  14.  7
    Cognitive enhancement with transcranial direct current stimulation: Support, skepticism, and steps forward.Roy Hamilton - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  15.  30
    Naturalizing Intention in Action.Franck Grammont (ed.) - 2010 - Bradford.
    Intention was seen traditionally as a philosophical concept, before being debated more recently from psychological and social perspectives. Today the cognitive sciences approach intention empirically, at the level of its underlying mechanisms. This naturalization of intention makes it more concrete and graspable by empirical sciences. This volume offers an interdisciplinary integration of current research on intentional processes naturalized through action, drawing on the theoretical and empirical approaches of cognitive neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and sociology. Each chapter integrates several disciplinary perspectives. Taken (...)
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    Paul Cohen’s philosophy of mathematics and its reflection in his mathematical practice.Roy Wagner - 2023 - Synthese 202 (2):1-22.
    This paper studies Paul Cohen’s philosophy of mathematics and mathematical practice as expressed in his writing on set-theoretic consistency proofs using his method of forcing. Since Cohen did not consider himself a philosopher and was somewhat reluctant about philosophy, the analysis uses semiotic and literary textual methodologies rather than mainstream philosophical ones. Specifically, I follow some ideas of Lévi-Strauss’s structural semiotics and some literary narratological methodologies. I show how Cohen’s reflections and rhetoric attempt to bridge what he experiences as an (...)
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    The Quest for Archives of British Men of Science.Roy M. MacLeod & James R. Friday - 1973 - History of Science 11 (1):8-20.
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  18.  33
    The Seeds of Time: The Life of Sir Macfarlane BurnetChristopher Sexton.Roy Macleod - 1993 - Isis 84 (3):615-617.
  19.  27
    Linguistics in East Asia and South East AsiaCurrent Trends in Linguistics, Volume II.Roy Andrew Miller, Yuen Ren Chao, Richard B. Noss, Joseph K. Yamagiwa, John R. Krueger & Thomas A. Sebeok - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1):137.
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    The Myth of Areïthoos Korynetes and Related Cult in Arkadia.James Roy - 2023 - Kernos 36:9-22.
    The myth of Areïthoos the Clubman (Korynetes), killed by Lykourgos, told in simple form by Homer, was developed in later Greek literature, and linked to Arkadia by identifying Lykourgos with the son of Aleos, king of Tegea. All later versions seem to have developed from the Homeric account, but sometimes in divergent forms that disagreed with each other. Interest in the myth led to cult in Arkadia. At the Moleia Lykourgos was honoured and Areïthoos’ death remembered. The name of the (...)
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    The Implications of Determinism.Roy Weatherford - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    The problem of determinism arises in all the major areas of philosophy. The first part of this book, first published in 1991, is a critical and historical exposition of the problem and the most important ideas and arguments which have arisen over the many years of debate. The second part considers the various forms of determinism and the implications that they engender.
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    Beyond nursing nihilism, a N ietzschean transvaluation of neoliberal values.Pawel J. Krol & Mireille Lavoie - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (2):112-124.
    Like most goods‐producing sectors in the West, modern health‐care systems have been profoundly changed by globalization and the neoliberal policies that attend it. Since the 1970s, the role of the welfare state has been considerably reduced; funding and management of health systems have been subjected to wave upon wave of reorganization and assimilated to the private sector. At the same time, neoliberal policy has imposed the notion of patient empowerment, thus turning patients into consumers of health. The literature on nursing (...)
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  23. Self-deception and scattered events.Roy A. Sorensen - 1985 - Mind 94 (373):64-69.
  24. Gospel, gossip, and Ghent : how should we understand the new Star Wars?Roy T. Cook & Nathan Kellen - 2015 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    A History of Prayer: The First to the Fifteenth Century.Roy Hammerling (ed.) - 2008 - Brill.
    Ancient prayers exist in a rich variety of often unexamined forms, and so they require a comprehensive study. This volume includes diverse scholars, who reveal the wondrous breadth of prayerful religious traditions from the first to the fifteenth centuries.
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  26. Saussure for all Seasons.Roy Harris - 2000 - Semiotica 131 (3-4):273-287.
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  27. Homes and" a Few Well Placed Fruit Trees": an Object Lesson in Federal Housing.Roy Lubove - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  28.  28
    On Race and Racism in America: Confessions in Philosophy.Roy Martinez (ed.) - 2010 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    On Race and Racism in America offers a variety of perspectives on American Philosophy's relative blindness to issues of race.
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    Mean time?Roy Porter & Michèle Stokes - 1999 - Cultural Values 3 (2):235-243.
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  30. Conditional blindspots and the knowledge squeeze: A solution to the prediction paradox.Roy A. Sorensen - 1984 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 62 (2):126 – 135.
    (1984). Conditional blindspots and the knowledge squeeze: A solution to the prediction paradox. Australasian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 126-135.
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    On teaching information.Roy Gladstone - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
  32.  10
    India's message.M. N. Roy - 1950 - Calcutta,: Renaissance Publishers.
    The spirit of enquiry should overwhelm the respect for tradition. The essays collected in this volume are expected to quicken that spirit.
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    A séance with an immortal.Roy Sorensen - 2006 - Philosophy 81 (3):395-416.
    To understand death, you need to compare mortality with immortality. I am here to help. In addition to my personal testimony, I present highlights from a survey of immortal species and a survey of infinitistic varieties of mortality. These field studies rebut Fredrich Nietzsche’s thesis that immortality is inevitably repetitious, Bernard Williams’ allegation that immortality is inevitably boring, and Epicurus’ thesis that death cannot be bad for you. On the positive side, the study shows that the main difference between immortality (...)
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    Education and the death of love.Roy Stevens - 1978 - London: Epworth Press.
  35.  20
    Pour en finir avec le « pouvoir des journalistes ».Jean-Marie Charon & Arnaud Mercier - 2003 - Hermes 35.
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    Online and Mobile Interventions for Problem Gambling, Alcohol, and Drugs: A Systematic Review.Isabelle Giroux, Annie Goulet, Jonathan Mercier, Christian Jacques & Stéphane Bouchard - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Du droit moderne au droit de la Terre.Richard Janda & Mireille Fournier - 2018 - Symposium 22 (2):43-71.
    Les auteurs se penchent ici sur le droit comme « mode d’existence » des Modernes, tel que décrit par Bruno Latour dans son Enquête sur les modes d’existence. Ils complètent dans un premier temps la cartographie de ce mode [DRO] et retracent le rôle joué par celui-ci dans l’Enquête de Latour. Dans un deuxième temps, ils s'interrogent sur les croisements et les harmoniques que génère ce mode [DRO] avec d’autres modes d’existence, notamment celui que Latour appelle [ORG] – le mode (...)
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  38. Philippa Foot and the Doctrine of Double Effect.Roy Weatherford - 1979 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):105.
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    Predictive Movements and Human Reinforcement Learning of Sequential Action.Roy Kleijn, George Kachergis & Bernhard Hommel - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S3):783-808.
    Sequential action makes up the bulk of human daily activity, and yet much remains unknown about how people learn such actions. In one motor learning paradigm, the serial reaction time (SRT) task, people are taught a consistent sequence of button presses by cueing them with the next target response. However, the SRT task only records keypress response times to a cued target, and thus it cannot reveal the full time‐course of motion, including predictive movements. This paper describes a mouse movement (...)
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  40.  21
    Love, Sex, and Madness in Eighteenth-Century England.Roy Porter - 1986 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 53.
  41. Ātmasamarpaṇayoga.Motilal Roy - 1970 - [1377,: I. E..
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    Theory of Value: Indian Philosophy.Roy W. Perrett (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
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    La Macchina della terra: Teorie geologiche dal seicento all'ottocento. Nicoletta Morello.Roy Porter - 1981 - Isis 72 (4):664-665.
  44.  30
    Poison in the Pot: The Legacy of LeadRichard P. Wedeen.Roy Porter - 1986 - Isis 77 (1):178-179.
  45. Fictional Theism.Roy Sorensen - 2015 - Analysis 75 (4):539-550.
    Creationists believe that C. K. Chesterton created Father Brown in his detective stories. Since creating implies a creation, Father Brown exists. Atheists object that the same reasoning could prove the existence of God. But creationists such as Jonathan Schaffer insist atheists do believe that God exists. Serious metaphysics rarely concerns existence. The disagreement between the theist and the atheist is about the nature of God, not His existence. Schaffer underestimates the religious imagination. There could be a religion that explicitly regarded (...)
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    The Return to Reason. Essays in Realistic Philosophy.Roy Wood Sellars - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15 (1):104-111.
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  47. Disease, Medicine, and Empire: Perspectives on Western Medicine and the Experience of European Expansion.Roy Macleod & Milton Lewis - 1989
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  48. Spectacular absences : a companion guide.Roy Sorensen - 2018 - In Thomas Crowther & Clare Mac Cumhaill (eds.), Perceptual Ephemera. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Object salience and code separation in picture naming.Roy Lachman, Janet L. Lachman, Carroll Thronesbery & Linda S. Sala - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (3):187-190.
  50. Dogme et critique, Études de philosophie et de critique religieuse.Edouard Le Roy - 1907 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 15 (4):3-4.
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