Results for 'post-modern society'

986 found
  1.  95
    Post-work society as an oxymoron: Why we cannot, and should not, wish work away.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (3):422-439.
    In recent years, theorists have contended that we should move to a mode of social organisation where work and the values attached to it are no longer central, a ‘post-work society’. For these theorists, the modern ideology of work is intrinsically unjust, even irrational and no longer suited to the challenges of our time. The article presents an alternative response to the problems of work and employment. Rather than moving to a ‘post-work’ society, the article (...)
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  2.  28
    The Greek-Catholic Church In Romania Facing The Challenges Of The Post-Modern Society.Ciprian Ghisa - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):195-219.
    Starting mostly with the second half of the 20th century, the churches and the religious communities are facing the challenges raised by the process of secularization, which is considered by some sociologists of religion as irreversible. The most affected ones were / are the traditional churches and the most obvious area where this phenomenon has become very visible is the Western Europe. This study aims to analyze the situation of the traditional churches in Romania, with a special focus on the (...)
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    The Concept of Person between the Christian Tradition and Post-modern Society.Gianfranco Pellegrino - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Post-truth society: a political anthropology of trickster logic.Árpád Szakolczai - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    It is widely asserted that we are now living in a post-truth society. What that means, this book argues, is that the contemporary global world is thoroughly infested not only with trickster figures but an entire and operational trickster logic; or, that we now live in a Trickster Land - an argument advanced by the claim that in modernity liminality has become permanent; or that modern life is patently absurd. The first part of the book presents a (...)
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  5.  25
    Habermas and the `Post-Secular Society'.Austin Harrington - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (4):543-560.
    The article appraises Habermas's recent writings on theology and social theory and their relevance to a new sociology of religion in the `post-secular society'. Beginning with Kant's Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone, Habermas revisits his earlier thesis of the `linguistification of the sacred', arguing for a `rescuing translation' of the traditional contents of religious language through pursuit of a via media between an overconfident project of modernizing secularization, on the one hand, and a fundamentalism of religious (...)
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    The Meanings of Life and Value Priorities of the Post-Soviet Society in the Republic of Belarus.Alexander N. Danilov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (10):25-37.
    The article discusses the meanings of life and value priorities of the post- Soviet society. The author argues that, at present, there are symptoms of a global ideological crisis in the world, that the West does not have its own vision of where and how to move on and has no understanding of the future. Unfortunately, most of the post-Soviet countries do not have such vision as well. In these conditions, there are mistrust, confusion, paradoxical manifestation of (...)
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  7. The Post-Choice Society: Algorithmic Prediction and the Decentring of Choice.Ori Schwarz - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    Choice has played a key role in late-modern economy, society, culture and politics, but recently predictive algorithms are decentring choice and replacing many of its instantiations, offering an alternative way to match individuals with information, cultural goods, and consumer products – and to govern people. This article has two contributions: first, it contextualizes the decentring of choice within the history of capitalism, showing how it emerged once psychological and economics knowledge transformed the meaning of choice from an economic (...)
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  8. Jurgen Habermas' turn to a "post-secular society": from sublation of the sacred to translation of the sacred.Adrian Nicolae Atanasescu - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):113-136.
    In this article I place Jurgen Habermas' recent turn to a "post-secular society" in the context of his previous defence of a "postmetaphysical" view of modernity. My argument is that the concept of "postsecular" introduces significant normative tensions for the formal and pragmatic view of reason defended by Habermas in previous work. In particular, the turn to a "post-secular society" threatens the evolutionary narrative that Habermas espoused in The Theory of Communicative Action, The Philosophical Discourse of (...)
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  9.  21
    Problems and Prospects of Human Capital Development in Post-Industrial Society.Alona Tiurina, Vitalii Nahornyi, Olha Ruban, Mykola Tymoshenko, Vitalii Vedenieiev & Nataliia Terentieva - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):412-424.
    In a post-industrial society, the analysis of human abilities to work, their formation, reproduction and effective functioning is becoming increasingly important for achieving social and economic well-being. In the realities of globalization and total informatization, the figure of a person with his knowledge, creative and intellectual abilities comes to the fore. There is a reorientation of economics from the use of labor resources to the problems of creating a qualitatively new workforce, which takes the form of human capital. (...)
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  10.  39
    The crisis of modern society: Richard Titmuss and Emile Durkheim.John Stewart - 2024 - History of the Human Sciences 37 (1):47-71.
    This article examines the influence of Emile Durkheim's sociology on Richard Titmuss, founder of the academic field of social policy. While operating in different environments and historical eras, they shared concerns about modernity's impact on contemporary societies, heightened by their experiences of living in periods of considerable political and socio-economic upheaval. Their social thought embraced crucial complementarities, and understanding these adds a previously under-explored dimension to Titmuss's influential analyses of Britain's post-war ‘welfare state’.
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  11.  13
    Features of Decentralization Processes of Developed Countries in the Post-Pandemic Society.Svitlana Kovalova, Alla Koval, Snizhana Panchenko, Oksana Pronina & Roman Bykov - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    Globalization and rapid information processes that are inherent in today's post-pandemic society, contributing to the reorganization of the authorities of many countries and their contacts with regions, local territorial units or civil society. Such changes, first of all, provide for delegation of authority at the level of regional and local authorities. However, many developing and today position their own society as post-modern, continue to be in a state of disunity of the branches of government, (...)
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  12.  18
    Mentality as Category of Social Philosophy in the Post-Pandemic Society.Mykola Tulenkov, Eduard Gugnin, Sergiy Shtepa, Oksana Patynok & Mykola Lipin - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1Sup1):393-403.
    The concept of mentality in the context of today's post-pandemic society, its role in the development of historical and socio-postmodern scientific thought are analyzed. Its correlation with other categories has been determined, revealing phenomena that are close in meaning. Revealed the significance of the category of mentality for the study of the development of society.Mentality as a system is a categorical characteristic of a nation, and hence of a society, the core of which is a given (...)
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  13. The De-Modernization Current: An Approach to Understand Ethical and Political Challenges of Post-Soviet Societies.Mykhailo Minakov - 2016 - In Minakov Mykhailo, Ethics and Global Political Theory. Ukrainian Catholic University Press. pp. 64-74.
  14.  51
    Legitimating a theodicy : Peter Berger and the search for meaning in post-Enlightenment society.James A. Collins - unknown
    This thesis seeks to provide an overview and examination of the thought of the significant contemporary sociologist, Peter L. Berger. Berger is concerned with the issue of how meaning is constructed in modern, secular, bureaucratic society. Furthermore, this thesis seeks to outline, and trace the development of, Berger's thought. To achieve this the thesis examines Berger's use of the disciplines of the sociology of knowledge and religion, along with contemporary studies in religion and theology. Berger, by linking the (...)
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  15.  36
    The Post-modern reader.Charles Jencks (ed.) - 1992 - New York: St. Martin' Press.
    The Post-Modern Reader edited by Charles Jencks An Anthology of a World Movement Post-Modernism has been debated, attacked, and defended for a generation, but only in the last few years has it come into focus as a coherent way of thought embracing all areas of culture. This is the first anthology that presents the synthesising trend in all its diversity, a convergence in architecture and literature, film and cultural theory, sociology, feminism and theology, science and economics. It (...)
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  16.  14
    From Marx to Mises: Post-capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation.David Ramsay Steele - 1992 - Manual of Practice; Fd-19.
    This contribution to economic philosophy considers Marx's pronouncements on the organization of future society, and in this context re-examines the long-lasting debate triggered by Mises's argument that modern industrial production requires a system of spontaneously-formed market prices. In an undogmatic, non-technical treatment, Steele contends that both the Marxian conception of future society and the Misesian argument against its feasibility have frequently been misunderstood. The work scrutinizes the replies to Mises, and explores some of the wider issues raised (...)
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  17. Reviews : Zygmunt Bauman, Intimations of Postmodernity (Routledge, 1992); Steven Seidman and David G. Wagner (eds), Postmodernism and Social Theory (Blackwell, 1992); Stephen Crook, Jan Pakulski and Malcolm Wa ters, Postmodernization: Change in Advanced Society (Sage Publica tions, 1992); Gianni Vattimo, The End of Modernity—Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Post-modern Culture (Polity Press, 1988). [REVIEW]David Goodman - 1995 - Thesis Eleven 40 (1):138-146.
    Reviews : Zygmunt Bauman, Intimations of Postmodernity ; Steven Seidman and David G. Wagner, Postmodernism and Social Theory ; Stephen Crook, Jan Pakulski and Malcolm Wa ters, Postmodernization: Change in Advanced Society ; Gianni Vattimo, The End of Modernity—Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Post-modern Culture.
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  18.  7
    New shape of ethics?: reflections on ethical values in post(?)modern American cultures and societies.Teresa Pyzik & Tomasz Sikora (eds.) - 2000 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śla̜skiego.
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    The Appointment of the History Philosophy in Comprehending Modern Civilizational Challenges in a Post-Pandemic Society.Vasyl Marchuk, Ivan Novoselshyi, Vasyl Melnychuk, Vasyl Chorooyskyi & Tetiana Shlemkevych - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup2):74-84.
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  20.  16
    Verbal Representations of Motivational Attitudes of Education Managers in the Post-Information Society.Olena Shaumian, Tetіana Ternavska, Lesia Viktorova, Alla Yarova, Liudmyla Obukh & Alla Serhiieva - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):51-76.
    The article attempts to provide a practical analysis of the psychological basis for the incentives of personality motivation in education managers. In particular, it highlights the results of an empirical study of motivational techniques for normative and value attitudes of education managers in terms of management. It justifies the opinion that leaders of the organizations with strong cooperation between staff and administration and united by a common desire for success, are dominated by the category “hope for success”. And the leaders (...)
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  21.  27
    On the question about current processes of development of modern society.L. I. Pakhar - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (2):171.
    In the article the socio-political and socio-economic processes of the modern post-industrial society and the possible prospects of its future are analyzed. Existing at this moment concepts of the historical process, in particular, formational, civilizational, theories of modernization, do not provide an adequate analysis of the processes taking place in society. Thus, according to the theory of local civilizations, the basis of civilization are unique cultures that are resistant and incapable of self-transformation. However, the modern (...)
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  22.  20
    Where next for comrade? On the use of ideology-based address forms in post-Communist societies.Svetlana Kurteš - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (1):45-69.
    The article reports on some preliminary findings of an ongoing research initiative investigating the pragmatics of daily interaction, cross-culturally and trans-nationally. Phase one of the initiative looks into the specifics of how cultural differences impact on cultural values, social categories and, ultimately, communicative styles, focusing initially on address forms. More specifically, the article looks into the current status of the ideology-based address form comrade, its pragma-semantic profile and rules governing its usage in post-Communist Eastern-European societies, looking primarily into selected (...)
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  23. The post-modern and the post-industrial: a critical analysis.Margaret A. Rose - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers an historical and critical guide to the concepts of the post-modern and the post-industrial. It brings admirable clarity and thoroughness to a discussion of the many different uses made of the term post-modern across a number of different disciplines (including literature, architecture, art history, philosophy, anthropology and geography). It also analyses the concept of the post-industrial society to which the concept of the post-modern has often been related. Dr (...)
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  24.  9
    Relational syntax: aesthetic awareness and ideological experience in post-industrial society.Marco Mazzi (ed.) - 2012 - Firenze: Maschietto editore.
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  25.  53
    On Softheadedness on the Future:From Modernization to Modes of Production: A Critique of the Sociologies of Development and Underdevelopment. John G. Taylor; The Third Century: America as a Post-Industrial Society. Seymour Martin Lipset; World Modernization: The Limits of Convergence. Wilbert E. Moore; History of the Idea of Progress. Robert Nisbet; Capitalism and Progress: A Diagnosis of Western Society. Bob Goudzwaard; After Industrial Society? The Emerging Self-Service Economy. Jonathan Gershuny; Facing the Future: Mastering the Probable and Managing the Unpredictable. OECD Interfutures; Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and Post-Industrial Society. Krishan Kumar. [REVIEW]Arthur L. Stinchcombe - 1982 - Ethics 93 (1):114-.
  26.  34
    The Role of Human Communicative Competence in Post-Industrial Society.Olha Ilishova, Lesia Moroz-Rekotova, Yuliia Semeniako, Nelia Podlevska, Oksana Raniuk & Inna Horiachok - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):402-426.
    The article considers the scientific category of “educational neuroscience” as a promising interdisciplinary field of research that studies relationship between education and the sciences of higher nervous activity. The role of theoretical research in the field of neuroscience for creation of modern distance educational technologies is determined. It is established that use of neuroscience in learning process expands and enhances competency characteristics of higher education students in research, diagnostic and professional activities. The problem of obtaining neuroscientific knowledge by higher (...)
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  27.  12
    Transcendence and History: The Search for Ultimacy from Ancient Societies to Post-Modernity. [REVIEW]James L. Marsh - 2005 - International Philosophical Quarterly 45 (3):418-420.
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    Book Review: A review of Andrew Wright, 2004, Religion, education and post-modernity. London and New York: RoutledgeFalmer. ISBN 0-415-29870-9 . A review of Hans-Georg Ziebertz, 2003, Religious education in a plural western society: Problems and challenges. Munster, Hamburg and London: Lit Verlag. ISBN 3-8258-6692-0. [REVIEW]David Carr - 2005 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 24 (5):429-433.
  29.  2
    Games as Windows and Remedies to Modern Society: A Qualified Defense of Agonistic Encounters.Francisco Javier López Frías - 2025 - Praxis Filosófica 61:e20214699.
    In this article, I explore connections among sport, competition, and capitalist society by drawing from works in the philosophy of sport and critical theory. Initially, I identify games, especially sports, as fundamental activities in contemporary life. In particular, I claim that the glorification of victory in sporting contests permeates the attitude toward competition of individuals in capitalist societies. Thus, sports can be understood as windows to observe the “achievement ethos” inherent in capitalism. Subsequently, I explore both philosophical victory-centric and (...)
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  30.  18
    Post-Folklore as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon of the Network Society.V. Voshchenko - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 47:61-68.
    The article characterizes post-folklore as a cultural phenomenon of the network society and defines various aspects of its functioning − sociocommunicative, cultural and psychological. The research methodology consisted of a set of basic approaches, principles and methods of scientific research. To achieve the goal, a set of general scientific and special methods was used, including the methods of logical analysis, problemchronological, generalization, synthesis, induction, and analogy.Research results. It has been proven that post-folkloric creativity is important for the (...)
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  31.  31
    Charisma and Democracy: Max Weber on the Riddle of Political Change in Modern Societies.Pedro T. Magalhães - 2021 - Topoi 41 (1):69-78.
    The elite theory of Max Weber has recently been rediscovered by political scientists and political theorists who have sought to explore both the heuristic and the normative potential of plebiscitary leader democracy. Notwithstanding the merits of this wave of studies, this paper argues that attention should be shifted from Weber's context-specific defence of plebiscitary leadership in post-WWI Germany to his broader conception of charisma as an attempt to grasp the enigma of significant social and political change. Contemporary democratic theory, (...)
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  32.  15
    Faith, society and the post-secular: Private and public religion in law and theology.Christoffel Lombaard, Iain T. Benson & Eckart Otto - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (3):12.
    In pre-democratic – also pre-modern – times, religion had been at the centre of much of human life, filling the private as well as the public realm of people’s daily existence. However, with the change to democratic rule in major countries in the modern world (see, most influentially, Article 1 of the French Constitution after the French Revolution and the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, influencing all other democracies in their wake), religion has for (...)
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  33.  18
    The path to post-modernity, or, 'god is dead and we did it for the kids!'.Colin D. Pearce - unknown
    This paper attempts to present a 'time line' of the increasing levels of doubt and anxiety about the path of 'Progressive Civilization' from the heyday of Victorian liberalism in the early 19th Century to the rise of postmodernism in our day. It does so by tracking a line of thought through John Stuart Mill, Lord Bryce, Matthew Arnold, Henry Adams, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger and Walter Lippmann. It uses the quip coined by the Yippie leader Abbie Hoffmann in the 1960's (...)
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  34. Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultants: In Search of Professional Status in a Post-Modern World.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2011 - HEC Forum 23 (3):129-145.
    The American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities (ASBH) issued its Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation just as it is becoming ever clearer that secular ethics is intractably plural and without foundations in any reality that is not a social–historical construction (ASBH Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation , 2nd edn. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Glenview, IL, 2011 ). Core Competencies fails to recognize that the ethics of health care ethics consultants is not (...)
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  35.  18
    The Post-Modern Interpretation of History: A Phenomenological-Hermeneutical Critique.James L. Marsh - 1988 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 19 (2):112-127.
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  36.  27
    Communication Opportunities of Civil Society Institutions in Countering the Challenges of Post-Pandemic Postmodernity.Vasyl Marchuk, Liudmyla Pavlova, Hanna Ahafonova, Sergiy Vonsovych & Anna Simonian - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1Sup1):335-345.
    The modern world space, which is affected by the post-pandemic consequences, is noted by the globalization of society, the increasing role of citizenship in making important state and international decisions has become possible in the context of the information revolution and has its own characteristics of communication in information and communication networks. The importance and need for a thorough study of the chosen topic is that the widespread use of various forms and methods of civil communication, free (...)
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  37.  45
    Is a change in the theory of the person necessary? A note on Sampson's discussion of individuality in the post-modern era.Mark S. Anspach - 1991 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 11 (2):111-115.
    Sampson’s hypothesis that the entry of Western society into a post-modern era of “globalization” will necessitate a change in the conceptualization of the person is discussed in light of relevant group process research and current world events. While it does not seem likely that any fundamental change in the theory of the person will occur, it is plausible that the present form of individualism will adapt to the conditions of this new era. 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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  38.  21
    Development of Professionally Oriented Intercultural Competence of Future Tourism Experts in the Conditions of Post-Industrial Postmodern Society.Oksana Bihych, Yana Okopna, Madina Shcherbyna, Nelia Zuienko, Valentyna Chernysh & Bohdana Kuksa - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):389-401.
    The problem of formation of professional intercultural competence is relevant in the conditions of post-industrial postmodern society. The article highlights main trends in factors of intercultural competence. The article considers different approaches to determining the foreign language competence of tourism experts to intercultural competence. The analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches gives grounds to define the concept of German-language competence and qualifications of tourism experts. In the context of the study, the features of intercultural competence are identified. The (...)
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  39.  26
    Judicial Practice of Protecting Human Rights: Problems of the Rule of Law in a Postmodern Society.Nadiia Bortnyk, Iryna Zharovska, Tetiana Panfilova, Ivanna Lisna & Oksana Valetska - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):102-114.
    Human rights issues are present today in almost every area of society and, accordingly, occupy a special place in it. Due to the fact that modern Ukraine is in a transitional state of creating legal, state and public institutions, the process of formation of civil society requires the identification of the nature of legal relations in a transitional period. After all, relations in civil society should be formed on the basis of awareness of the inalienability and (...)
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  40.  42
    Democratizing society and food systems: Or how do we transform modern structures of power? [REVIEW]Kenneth A. Dahlberg - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (2):135-151.
    The evolution of societies and food systems across the grand transitions is traced to show how nature and culture have been transformed along with the basic structures of power, politics, and governance. A central, but neglected, element has been the synergy between the creation of industrial institutions and the exponential, but unsustainable growth of the built environment. The values, goals, and strategies needed to transform and diversify these structures – generally and in terms of food and agriculture – are discussed (...)
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    Liberalism and postmodern Hermeneutics.Elliot Yale Neaman - 1988 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 2 (2-3):149-165.
    HERMENEUTICS AND THE SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE by Susan J. Hekman Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1986. 224 pp., $29.95 HERMENEUTICS AND PRAXIS edited by Robert Hollinger Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1985. 296 pp., $29.95, $12.95 HERMENEUTICS AND MODERN PHILOSOPHY edited by Brice R. Wachterhauser Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986. 506 pp., $49.50. $16.95 RADICAL HERMENEUTICS: REPETITION, DECONSTRUCTION AND THE HERMENEUTIC PROJECT by John D. Caputo Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. 319 pp., (...)
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    Green Politics and postmodern liberalism.Gus diZerega - 1987 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 1 (2):17-41.
    GREEN POLITICS: THE GLOBAL PROMISE, 2nd ed. by Charlene Spretnak and Fritjof Capra New York: E. P. Dutton, 1986; 224 pp., $12.95 SEEING GREEN: THE POLITICS OF ECOLOGY EXPLAINED by Jonathan Porritt Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985; 249 pp., $24.95, $6.95 paper THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF GREEN POLITICS by Charlene Spretnak Santa Fe, N.M.: Bear 95 pp., $4.95 paper.
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    Religion and postmodern liberalism.Mordecai Schwartz & Gus Dizerega - 1987 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 1 (4):109-114.
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    This is the (Post)modern World.Jon Stratton - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (2):149-153.
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  45. Murray Jardine on Christianity and Modern Technological Society.Walter Mead - 2010 - Tradition and Discovery 37 (3):39-58.
    Murray Jardine’s The Making and Unmaking of Technological Society further develops several of the author’s political and economic concerns articulated in his earlier Speech and Political Practice. It probes the impact and implications of both Christianity and modern technology for our understanding of, and ability to cope with, problems that have become endemic to Western and, specifically, American culture. Jardine’s major continuing themes include: the importance to a well-formed self and society to be concretely grounded in a (...)
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    Friedrich Nietzsche and Information Society: Dangers of the Radical Social Division.Ihor Vdovychyn, Viktoriya Bun & Nataliia Khoma - 2022 - Dialogue and Universalism 32 (2):127-140.
    The purpose of the article is to analyse Friedrich Nietzsche’s ideas about the radical social division of society and the domination of the elite over the masses in the context of the latest socio-economic, technological and political realities of the post-industrial society. The authors emphasize the existing social demand for the study of threats that arise from social divisions due to the influence of the information society. In these processes, the authors trace a peculiar kind of (...)
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    Spirituality and Society: Postmodern Visions.David Ray Griffin - 1988 - SUNY Press.
    This book takes a genuinely new spiritual stance reflecting the emergence of a post-modern science and differing from the relativistic nihilism that calls itself postmodern but is really modernism extended to its limit. Based on a direct experience of reality as divine, this postmodern spirituality transcends modernity's individualism and patriarchy, its forced choices between dualism and materialism, anthropocentrism and relativism, supernaturalism and atheism, intolerance and nihilism. Bringing moral and ethical values back into rational discourse, this book provides a (...)
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    Nature, environment, and society.Philip Sutton (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    How have sociologists responded to the emergence of environmentalism? What has sociology to offer the study of environmental problems? This uniquely comprehensive guide traces the origins and development of environmental movements and environmental issues, providing a critical review of the most significant debates in the new field of environmental sociology. It covers environmental ideas, environmental movements, social constructionism, critical realism, "ecocentric" theory, environmental identities, risk society theory, sustainable development, Green consumerism, ecological modernization and debates around modernity and post- (...)
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  49.  8
    Confusion in the West: Retrieving Tradition in the Modern and Post-Modern World.Anna Rist & John M. Rist - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by John M. Rist.
    In their trenchant panoramic overview – ranging from antiquity to the present-day – John and Anna Rist write with authority and ennui about nothing less than the loss of the foundational culture of the West. The authors characterize this culture as the 'original tradition', viewing its erosion as one which has led to anxiety about the entire value of Western thought. The causes of the disintegration are discussed with an intensity rare in academe. Critics of modernity ordinarily concentrate on the (...)
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  50.  10
    The humanist project: will, judgment, and society from Dante to Vico.Peter Carravetta - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Engaging post- and trans-humanist critiques, Carravetta searches the tradition to recover the key notions of free will, judgment, and emblematic projections of the ideal society. From Dante through Vico, compelling existential, ethical, and sociopolitical perspectives are applied to our modern society.
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