Results for 'práxis'

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  1.  13
    El origen de la separación entre platonismo medio y neoplatonismo. Leo Catana.Praxis Filosófica - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 47:237-274.
    La separación del platonismo antiguo en platonismo medio y neoplatonismo es relativamente reciente. La base conceptual de esta separación fue cimentada en el trabajo pionero Historia critica philosophiae (1742-67) de Jacob Brucker. En las décadas de 1770 y 1780, el término “neoplatonismo” fue acuñado a partir del análisis de Brucker. Tres conceptos historiográficos fueron decisivos para Brucker: “sistema de filosofía”, “eclecticismo” y “sincretismo”. Valiéndose de estos conceptos, caracterizó al platonismo medio y al neoplatonismo como movimientos filosóficos opuestos, siendo el primero (...)
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  2. Časopis ústavu filozofie a sociológie slovenskej akadémie vied rocnlk 39, 1984, cislo 2.K. Problematike Výchovy Filozofického Dorastu & A. Jeho Využitia V. Praxi - 1984 - Filozofia 39 (2):128.
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    Traktat über rationale Praxis.Hans Albert - 1978 - Tübingen: Mohr.
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  4. Georg Lukács’s Philosophy of Praxis: From Neo-Kantianism to Marxism.[author unknown] - 2018
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    Religion and ecological justice in Africa: Engaging ‘value for community’ as praxis for ecological and socio-economic justice.Obaji M. Agbiji - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (2):01-10.
    This article embarked on a critical evaluation of religious leadership and ecological consciousness in Africa, using the case of the Nigerian Christian religious community. The article argued that the concept of ecological justice lacks strong theological conceptualisation in the Nigerian ecclesiastical community. Therefore, Ime Okopido’s argument in favour of stewardship for the involvement of religious leadership in the pursuit of ecological and socioeconomic justice served as the starting point for this engagement. However, such engagement of the religious leadership and of (...)
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    Inhuman Rationality: Speculative Realism, Normativity, and Praxis.Carool Kersten - 2023 - Sophia 62 (4):723-738.
    This article addresses how the Iranian-born philosopher Reza Negarestani has negotiated human distinctiveness in the course of his intellectual journey from speculative realism to inhuman rationalism (Rather than rationalist inhumanism, as some sources have it (Anon 2021)). Moving from challenging the correlationism of post-Kantian Western philosophy, via critiques of the Deleuze and Guattari’s war machine, Nick Land’s accelerationism, and Ray Brassier’s nihilism, Negarestani eventually turns to the neo-pragmatists of the Pittsburgh School and their reflections on reason, normativity, and praxis. The (...)
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    Heidegger y el despertar: una articulación de su perspectiva del obrar y de la praxis en 1929-1930.Luis Fernando Butierrez - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (2):99-117.
    En este trabajo indagaremos en torno al estatuto de la acción y la praxis en la obra de Heidegger a partir de un análisis de la figura del despertar relativa al aburrimiento profundo, en su trabajo de 1929-1930. Con ello, buscaremos demostrar que las implicancias relativas al actuar, pensar y filosofar allí expuestas, permiten cotejar continuidades y diferencias de tipo fronterizo tanto con sus elaboraciones anteriores, como respecto a su perspectiva posterior a la kehre. Para dar cuenta de ello, primero (...)
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    Immanente Kritik und soziales Leben: selbsttransformative Praxis nach Hegel und Dewey.Arvi Särkelä - 2018 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Anhand einer textnahen Auseinandersetzung mit den Werken Hegels, Deweys und der Kritischen Theorie wird in diesem Buch der Begriff einer immanent-kritisch verfahrenden, naturalistischen Sozialphilosophie entwickelt. In einem ersten Schritt skizziert der Autor eine Konzeption der immanenten Kritik als einer selbsttransformativen sozialen Praxis, die in einem Dialog zwischen dem Philosophen und den alltäglichen Kritikern besteht. Darauf folgt eine Kartographie der ontologischen Voraussetzungen und metaphysischen Implikationen, die eine erfolgreiche philosophische Gesellschaftskritik nach Hegel und Dewey machen muss. Es wird ein Begriff des Sozialen (...)
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    Estudios sobre fenomenología de la praxis.Francisco Leocata - 2007 - Buenos Aires: Proyecto Centro de Estudios Salesiano de Buenos Aires.
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    Combining ethics and compliance: A systems psychodynamic inquiry into praxis and outcomes.Jeremias J. Klerk - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (3):432-446.
    Notwithstanding empirical evidence that combining ethics and compliance into one function or programme is likely to erode an ethical culture in organisations, the praxis to coalesce ethics and compliance conceptually and structurally remains attractive and continues in many organisations. Drawing on systems psychodynamic theory, this study enquires into unconscious complexities and drivers that may contribute to adverse consequences when combining ethics and compliance. Whereas previous research demonstrates that compliance dominates ethics because of self‐regulation issues, this research provides deeper insight into (...)
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    Towards empathy: a human-centred analysis of rationality, ethics and praxis in systems development.Peter J. Carew & Larry Stapleton - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):149-166.
    Functionalism has long been the dominant paradigm in systems development practice. However, functionalism promotes an innate and immutable instrumental rationality that is indifferent to human values, rights, society, culture and international stability. It, in essence, lacks empathy. Although alternative paradigms have been promoted for decades in the systems development literature to help address this deficit, functionalism remains dominant. This paper reiterates the call for a fundamental paradigm shift away from myopic functionalism and towards a more empathic and human-centred philosophy. It (...)
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    Die Intention des Dichters und die Zwecke der Interpreten: zu Theorie und Praxis der Dichterauslegung in den platonischen Dialogen.Hartmut Westermann - 2002 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Main description: Untersucht wird das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen einer Theorie der Interpretation, wie sie von den Dialogfiguren vorgetragen wird, und der Praxis der Dichterauslegung, die in den fingierten Gesprächen von Platon inszeniert wird. Methodisch einer historisch reflektierten Hermeneutik des Dialogs verpflichtet, gewinnt die Analyse neue Einsichten zu Platons literarischem und philosophischem Selbstverständnis.
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    #FeesMustFall as social movement and emancipatory politics? Moving towards an apocalyptic theological praxis outside the limits of party politics.Felipe G. K. Buttelli & Clint Le Bruyns - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    This article proposes three reflexive movements. The first one offers an introduction to Fees Must Fall, pointing to some aspects that allow us to understand it as a social movement and some of its basic features. The second movement is a theoretical one, constructing the notion of emancipatory politics. It is based on the distinctions suggested by Jacques Rancière between ‘police and politics’ and by Michael Neocosmos between ‘excessive and expressive’ politics. It will also present the Freirean notion of ‘conscientisation (...)
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  14. Values, Imagination, and Praxis : Towards a Value Sensitive Future with Technology. [REVIEW]Steven Umbrello - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):495-499.
    A new book by Batya Friedman and David G. Hendry, Value Sensitive Design: Shaping Technology with Moral Imagination, is reviewed. Value Sensitive Design is a project into the ethical and design issues that emerge during the engineering programs of new technologies. This book is intended to build on the over two decades of value sensitive design research, however with a greater emphasis on the developments of the theoretical underpinnings of the approach as well as initial steps that designers can employ (...)
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  15. Aesthetic Autonomy and Praxis: Art and Language in Adorno and Habermas.Jennifer A. McMahon - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (2):155-175.
    Aesthetic autonomy has been given a variety of interpretations, which in many cases involve a number of claims. Key among them are: (i) art eludes conventional conceptual frameworks and their inherent incompatibility with invention and creativity; and (ii) art can communicate aspects of experience too fine‐grained for discursive language. To accommodate such claims one can adopt either a convention‐based account or a natural‐kind account. A natural‐kind theory can explain the first but requires some special scaffolding in order to support the (...)
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    The Possibilities of Indigenous Inquiry and Third Space Youth Development Work – Towards Decolonising Praxis.Sarah Williams & Seuta'afili Gregg Morris - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (2):177-194.
    Despite theorisation and consistent Pracademic (academics who are also practitioners) contributions to the concepts of truth-telling and decolonising epistemologies in the fields of activist research, there remains ongoing need for articulating the everyday praxis and positionality of empirical work. This paper considers the practice of two intercultural Australian-based practitioners’ examination of the ethical practices towards decolonising praxis as a contributor to third-space youth development which considers the space between participants. First Nations terminology is drawn on to explore the empirical nature (...)
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    The Positioned Construction of Water Values: Pluralism, Positionality and Praxis.Antonio A. R. Ioris - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (2):143 - 162.
    Water values serve as an entry point into the intricacies of public policies and management approaches. Values are contingent assessments that emerge out of socio-ecological relations and reflect particular demands, legacies and opportunities. The concept of value positionality is introduced as the synthesis of multiple expressions of worthiness cherished by a social group. Positionality is a metaphor that connects the phenomenological understanding of water value with the politics of everyday life and the broader politico-institutional framework. It entails a cluster of (...)
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    Medien der Anschauung: Theorie und Praxis der Metapher.Anil K. Jain - 2002 - München: Edition Fatal.
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  19. Philosophie als performative Lebensform – als textuelle Praxis und mehr als textuelle Praxis.Letters Glades Road - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (2).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 2 Seiten: 183-205.
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    Ethics and the autonomy of philosophy: breaking ties with traditional Christian praxis and theory.Bernard James Walker - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    In Ethics and the Autonomy of Philosophy, Bernard Walker sets out with two objectives. First, Walker argues that ethics is autonomous as a discipline. Oftentimes ethics books, from a Christian perspective, lean toward grounding ethics in theology or in biblical proof texting. Walker departs from this tradition. Ethics grounded in theology entails a limited scope for those doing ethics in that the Christian God must be assumed for both Christian and non-Christian when at the table of ethical dialogue. For the (...)
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    Der pädagogische Impuls Rudolf Steiners: Theorie u. Praxis d. Waldorfpädagogik.Gerhard Wehr - 1977 - München: Kindler.
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    Primul concept de ideologie elaborat de Marx – intre praxis si religie.Sandu Frunza - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (2):123-140.
    Ideology is an extremely comprehensive, yet ambigous concept. Several aspects of the ideological thought are made obvious through discussing Marx’s first view on ideology, which is the one elaborated in The German Ideology. Here, ideology is understood as an imaginary construction that can be sugestively described as a dis- torted image in camera obscura. Despite the objectivity and scientifity claimed by Marx’s vision (and especialy by the subsequent Marxism-Leninism), various interpretative perspectives brought into discussion argue that, in order to gain (...)
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    2. Politiker und Philosophen: Cicero zur Interdependenz von politischer Theorie und Praxis.Therese Fuhrer - 2017 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Ciceros Staatsphilosophie: Ein Kooperativer Kommentar Zu ›de Re Publica‹ Und ›de Legibus‹. De Gruyter. pp. 19-32.
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  24. La responsabilidad de los educadores en el México actual: conocimientos teóricos como puntales de la praxis ética y ciudadana.Dora Elvira García - 2012 - Apuntes Filosóficos 21 (41).
    En el texto se llevan a cabo una serie de reflexiones en relación a la formación ética en las universidades para desde ahí edificar mejores ciudadanos. La relevancia de los estudios teóricos en la temática ética es crucial para apuntalar la comprensión de la ética y la ciudadanía en la vida práctica: sólo así podremos cambiar algo de este mundo. Además, la complejidad de nuestra realidad requiere de un pensar crítico para poder desbrozar tales complejidades, ayudándonos a comprender mejor nuestra (...)
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  25. Vianney Biboum III, L’oecuménisme d’Augustin d’Hippone dans la controverse donatiste. Théorie et praxis.Paul Mattei - 2024 - Augustinianum 64 (1):244-247.
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    Preparing the Way For a Feminist Praxis.Andrea Nye - 1986 - Hypatia 1 (1):101-116.
    Simone de Beauvoir in The Second Sex identifies the philosophical vantage point from which she will survey the situation of women as existentialist. The ways in which she must later compromise that committment to theory in order to remain true to her feminist insights foreshadow recent developments in feminist ethics and epistemology.
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    The Reverberation Phenomenon and Social Praxis. Notes for a Sound Phenomenology.Francisco Martin Diez Fischer - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (3):297-310.
    In this paper, I aim to show the importance of transferring metaphors from our aesthetic experiences to social praxis. I will therefore focus on reverberation, a phenomenon in the perceptual field of sound, to argue that it offers a deep understanding of social experiences. Reverberation is a secondary concept in Paul Ricœur's hermeneutic phenomenology, but it plays a crucial role in his analysis of imagination. Firstly, I will examine Ricœur's analysis of the phenomenon of reverberation within the framework of his (...)
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    Relational Demography in John 4: Jesus Crossing Cultural Boundaries as Praxis for Christian Leadership.Joy Jones-Carmack - 2016 - Feminist Theology 25 (1):41-52.
    Utilizing social rhetorical criticism and social cultural texture, this exegetical analysis of John 4 examines the transformational interaction of Jesus and a Samaritan woman. Previous research focuses on the woman’s demographic profile without fully investigating the significance of relational demography in the context of first century Mediterranean culture. This analysis of the social cultural texture of John 4 presents a model for Christian leadership that crosses gender, race, and geographic barriers and capitalizes on the benefits of relational demography for organizational (...)
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    Cerebral faith and faith in praxis in the churches of European origin: The Presbyterian Church of South(ern) Africa.Graham A. Duncan - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):11.
    This article investigated the paradox between church response to apartheid and resulting action at the local level in the South African churches of European origin from the perspective of the Presbyterian Church of South(ern) Africa (PCSA). It indicated that this discrepancy arose between the reflections (cerebral faith) at the highest levels of church councils, which operated in an intermittent manner and at a distance, compared with the responses (praxis as faith in action) of local church members who lived at the (...)
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  30. La racionalidad comunicativa y la'praxis' filosófica actual.C. Gaitán - 1992 - Universitas Philosophica 19:63-76.
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    The elephant in the room: The need to re-discover the intersection between poverty, powerlessness and power in ‘Theology and Development’ praxis.Nadine Bowers Du Toit - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-9.
    South Africa remains a divided community on many levels: socially, racially and socioeconomically. This is no more evident than in the recent protests - most notably waged on university campuses and on the streets in the past year. This, the article argues, is closely related to the need to reclaim the notion of power by those who feel they remain relegated to the social and economic peripheries after over 20 years of democracy. While 'theology and development' praxis has been most (...)
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    Non-Evental Novelty: Towards Experimentation as Praxis.Oliver Human - 2013 - Cosmos and History 9 (2):68-85.
    In this article I explore the possibilities of experimentation as a non-foundational praxis for introducing novel ways of being into existence. Beginning with a discussion, following Bataille, of the excess of any thought, I argue that any action in the world is necessarily uncertain. Using the insights of Derridean deconstruction combined with Badiousian truth procedure I argue that experimentation offers a means for acting from this uncertain position. Experimentation takes advantage of the play and uncertainty of our understanding of the (...)
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    Ist die Praxis der Maßstab der Wahrheit?Miodrag Cekić - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 32 (1):83 - 99.
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    Wittgenstein y Gadamer: lenguaje, praxis, razón.Nuria Sara Miras Boronat - 2009 - Dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona
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    A priori and a posteriori in cognitive praxis the model for the regulation of agonistic antagonistic couples.E. Bernard-Weil - 1992 - In G. van der Vijve (ed.), New Perspectives on Cybernetics. pp. 220--59.
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    The intentional texture of communicative praxis and the communion of language as care.Duane H. Davis - 1995 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 26 (2):189-199.
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    Sozialethik in der Konfrontation mit Praxis: Theoretische Aspekte am Beispiel des Praktikums für Theologiestudenten.Volker Drehsen - 1976 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 20 (1):135-143.
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    Insights into the neural mechanisms underlying hand praxis: implications for the neurocognitive rehabilitation of apraxia.Jorge Oliveira & Rodrigo Brito - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    »Die« Pfingstbewegung in Lateinamerika…? Zur Untersuchung des Verhältnisses zwischen religiöser Praxis und gesellschaftlichen Strukturen.Heinrich Schäfer - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 14 (1):53-82.
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    Von der normativen Theorie zur diagnostischen Praxis.Hans Sluga - 2011 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59 (6):819-833.
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    Culinary Turn: Küche, Kochen Und Essen Als Ästhetische Praxis / Aesthetic Practice of Cookery.Nicolaj van der Meulen (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Kitchen, cooking, nutrition, and eating have become omnipresent cultural topics. They stand at the center of design, gastronomy, nutrition science, and agriculture. Artists have appropriated cooking as an aesthetic practice - in turn, cooks are adapting the staging practices that go with an artistic self-image. This development is accompanied by a philosophy of cooking as a speculative cultural technique. This volume investigates the dimensions of a new #on#culinary turn#off#, combining for the very first time contributions from the theory and practice (...)
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    Lukács: Praxis and the Absolute.Daniel Andrés López - 2019 - BRILL.
    In Lukács: Praxis and the Absolute, Daniel Andrés López reassembles Lukács’s philosophy of praxis on a Hegelian basis, as a conceptual-historical totality, both defending him and proposing an unprecedented, immanent critique that raises problems for Marxian philosophy as a whole.
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    Praxis relevance in science.Sven Ove Hansson - 2006 - Foundations of Science 12 (2):139-154.
    Science is praxis relevant to the extent that it guides goal-directed action by telling us how to act in order to achieve the goals. Investigations aiming at high praxis relevance are performed in various disciplines under names such as clinical trials, evaluation research, intervention research and social experiments. In this contribution, the notion of (direct) praxis relevance is delineated, and it is distinguished from related properties of science such as those of being applied and being practically useful in a wider (...)
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  44. Praxis in Ellacuria's conceptual categories. [Spanish].Pedro Pablo Serna S. - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 11:170-187.
    El presente trabajo hace un acercamiento al concepto de praxis en Ignacio Ellacuría, relacionando la praxis con los principales conceptos que Ellacuría presenta en su obra. La praxis, ejercicio fundamental a la hora de abordar el tema de la realidad histórica, objeto último y absoluto de la filosofía, requiere ser sustentada en una serie de elementos que se rescatan en el presente ensayo. Por ello, haremos referencia a algunos componentes propios de la praxis, las condiciones y el lugar para ella.
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  45. Review of: Holger Lindemann (2005) Konstruktivismus und Pädagogik. Grundlagen, Modelle, Wege zur Praxis. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag: Munich, Basel. [REVIEW]E. Glasersfeld - 2006 - Constructivist Foundations 1 (3):1-1.
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  46. Review of: Holger Lindemann (2005) Konstruktivismus und Pädagogik. Grundlagen, Modelle, Wege zur Praxis. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag: Munich, Basel. [REVIEW]Ernst von Glasersfeld - 2006 - Constructivist Foundations 1 (3):131.
    Summary: This book is the first serious attempt to compare the major trends of this school of thought and to discuss their similarities and differences from a non-belligerent position… Lindemann’s book is a competent and very valuable introduction to the ideas of constructivism and their application to pedagogy.
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    From Affluence to Praxis. [REVIEW]J. D. M. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (1):127-128.
    Markovic draws upon the Zagreb school of Marx-interpretation, as well as on the data of the historical development of socialism in Yugoslavia in his attempt to develop a critical social theory. He constantly opposes the use of Marxian theory as an ideological orthodoxy simply legitimating political practice. And he points out how Marxian social thought may be a means of critically comprehending social processes, as well as a self-critical theory developing in relation to the historical data at whose evaluation it (...)
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    Autonome Praxis Und Intelligible Welt: Die Transzendental-Praktische Freiheit in Kants Lehre Vom Höchsten Gut.Walid Faizzada - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    _Autonome Praxis und intelligible Welt_ provides a reconstruction of Kant’s theory of freedom including the concept of transcendental-practical freedom as a specific type of action based on principles and reasons.
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    Praxis: On Acting and Knowing.Friedrich Kratochwil - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Praxis investigates both the existing practices of international politics and relations during and after the Cold War, and the issue of whether problems of praxis can be subjected to a 'theoretical treatment'. The book comes in two parts: the first deals with the constitution of international relations and the role of theoretical norms in guiding decisions, in areas such as sanctions, the punishment of international crimes, governance and 'constitutional' concern, the second is devoted to 'theory building'. While a 'theorization' of (...)
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  50. Liberating praxis: Paulo Freire's legacy for radical education and politics.Peter Mayo - 2004 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers.
    Paulo Freire : the educator, his oeuvre, and changing contexts -- Holistic interpretations of Freire's work : a critical review -- Critical literacy, praxis, and emancipatory politics -- "Remaining on the same side of the river" : neo-liberalism, party movements, and the struggle for greater coherence -- Reinventing Freire in a Southern context : the Mediterranean -- Engaging with practice : a Freirean reflection on different pedagogical sites.
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