Results for 'reports'

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  1.  30
    JllSt AM inute... A Summary of Council Meetings.Your Staff Reporter - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  2. Care and compassion: sharing values in the African context.Group Report - 2012 - In Jesse Ndwiga Kanyua Mugambi & David W. Lutz (eds.), Applied ethics in religion and culture: contextual and global challenges. Nairobi, Kenya: Action Publishers.
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    Constructive belief reports.Bartosz Więckowski - 2015 - Synthese 192 (3):603-633.
    The paper develops a proof-theoretic semantics for belief reports by extending the constructive type-theoretical formalism presented in Więckowski with a specific kind of set-forming operator suited for the representation of belief attitudes. The extended formalism allows us to interpret constructions which involve, e.g., iteration of belief, quantifying into belief contexts, and anaphora in belief reports. Moreover, constructive solutions to canonical instances of the problem of hyperintensionality are suggested. The paper includes a discussion of Ranta’s constructive account of belief (...)
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    Student reports and faculty perceptions of academic dishonesty.Linda Achey Kidwell, Karen Wozniak & Jeanne Phoenix Laurel - 2003 - Teaching Business Ethics 7 (3):205-214.
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    Verbal reports about causal influences on social judgments: Private access versus public theories.Richard E. Nisbett & Nancy Bellows - 1977 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 35 (9):613-624.
    128 female Ss were asked to make 4 judgments about a young woman after reading her "job application portfolio." Five characteristics of the young woman were manipulated orthogonally. Ss were asked to report how each of the 5 manipulated factors had influenced each of their judgments. "Observer Ss," who had access only to very impoverished descriptions of each of the 5 factors, were asked to predict how each of the factors would influence each of the judgments. Results show that S (...)
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    Federal Annual Reports on MAID: Informative but Incomplete Picture.Jaro Kotalik - 2023 - In Jaro Kotalik & David Shannon (eds.), Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in Canada: Key Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    Annual Reports on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) issued by Health CanadaCanada on behalf of the Government of Canada strive to make essential information public, on this large national program that over five years has provided death to over 30,000 Canadians. The source of the information is self-reporting by physicians and nurse practitioners who offer to act as MAID assessors and providers, as well as self-reporting by cooperating pharmacists. Focus of this discussion is the latest available document in this (...)
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  7. Verbal reports as data.K. Anders Ericsson & Herbert A. Simon - 1980 - Psychological Review 87 (3):215-251.
  8. Miracles and Models: Why reports of the death of Structural Realism may be exaggerated.John Worrall - 2007 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 61:125-154.
    What is it reasonable to believe about our most successful scientific theories such as the general theory of relativity or quantum mechanics? That they are true, or at any rate approximately true? Or only that they successfully ‘save the phenomena’, by being ‘empirically adequate’? In earlier work I explored the attractions of a view called Structural Scientific Realism (hereafter: SSR). This holds that it is reasonable to believe that our successful theories are (approximately) structurally correct (and also that this is (...)
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    Global reports of childhood maltreatment versus recall of specific maltreatment experiences: Relationships with dysfunctional attitudes and depressive symptoms.Brandon Gibb, Lauren Alloy & Lyn Abramson - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (6):903-915.
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    Propositional attitude reports.Thomas McKay - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  11. Descriptions, indexicals, and belief reports: Some dilemmas (but not the ones you expect).Stephen Schiffer - 1995 - Mind 104 (413):107-131.
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    Retrospective reports on frequency judgments.Melvin H. Marx - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (4):309-310.
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    Quotational and other opaque belief reports.Wayne A. Davis - 2021 - Analytic Philosophy 63 (4):213-231.
    In a novel move against Russellianism, Heck (2014) has argued that reports of the form S believes that p are semantically opaque on the grounds that there are no other means in English to report psychologically individuated beliefs, such as those Lois Lane reports using the names ‘Superman’ and ‘Clark Kent.’ I show that there are several other ways to meet this need. I focus on quotational reports of the form S believes “p,” which philosophers have overlooked (...)
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  14. Supervaluationism, Indirect Speech Reports, and Demonstratives.Rosanna Keefe - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi (eds.), Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Can supervaluationism successfully handle indirect speech reports? This chapter considers, and rejects, Schiffer’s claim that they cannot. One alleged problem with indirect speech reports is that the truth of “Carla said that Bob is tall” implausibly requires that Carla said all of a huge number of precise things (i.e. that Bob was over n feet tall, for values of n corresponding to precisifications of “tall”). The paper shows why the supervaluationist is not committed to this. Vague singular terms (...)
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  15. Empathetic Attitude Reports.Friederike Moltmann - 2021 - In D. Gutzman & S. Repp (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, 2021.
    I call 'empathetic attitude reports' attitude reports such as 'I believe you that you will come back' and 'I understand you that you are not in the mood'. I will argue that such attitude reports cannot be analysed in terms of two-place attitudinal relations but involve an essential interpersonal relation of trust or understanding.
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    A Note on Belief Reports and Context Dependence.Tadeusz Ciecierski - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (4):447-464.
    The aim of this paper is to pose a problem for theories that claim that belief reports are context dependent. Firstly, I argue that the claim is committed to verbalism, a theory that derives the context sensitivity of belief reports from the context sensitivity of the psychological verbs used in such reports. Secondly, I argue that verbalism is not an attractive theoretical option because it is in conflict with the non-proto-rigidity of verbs like ‘believe’. Finally, I describe (...)
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    Disagreement in spousal reports of current contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa.Stan Becker, Mian B. Hossain & Elizabeth Thomson - 2006 - Journal of Biosocial Science 38 (6):779-796.
    Contraceptive prevalence is a key variable estimated from Demographic and Health Surveys. But the prevalence estimated from reports of husbands differs widely from that estimated for wives. In this research, using data from six Demographic and Health Surveys of sub-Saharan Africa, reports from spouses in monogamous couples with no other reported sex partners in the recent period are examined. Agreement ranged from 47% to 82%, but among couples in which one or both reported use, the category represented less (...)
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    Reports.Tom Meulenbergs, Arie J. G. van Arend & Gwen Anderson - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (5).
  19. Reports of the Deaths of Cultures have been Exaggerated.Marshall Sahlins - 2001 - In Howard Marchitello (ed.), What happens to history: the renewal of ethics in contemporary thought. New York: Routledge. pp. 189--213.
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    Communicative action and corporate annual reports.Kristi Yuthas, Rodney Rogers & Jesse F. Dillard - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (1-2):141 - 157.
    Annual reports are an important element in the genre of corporate public discourse. The reporting practices mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for all publicly traded corporations are intended to render the annual reports a legitimate and trustworthy medium through which management communicates information related to the financial performance of the firm. The following discussion represents an inaugural attempt to investigate the ethical characteristics of the discourse found in corporate annual reports using Habermas' principles of communicative (...)
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  21. First-person reports and the measurement of happiness.Anna Alexandrova - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (5):571 – 583.
    First-person reports are central to the study of subjective well-being in contemporary psychology, but there is much disagreement about exactly what sort of first-person reports should be used. This paper examines an influential proposal to replace all first-person reports of life satisfaction with introspective reports of affect. I argue against the reasoning behind this proposal, and propose instead a new strategy for deciding what measure is appropriate.
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    Do participants’ reports enhance conversation analytic claims? Explanations of one sort or another.Anita Pomerantz - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (4):499-505.
    In response to an article by Waring, Creider, Tarpey and Black, the author argues that the nature of the analytic aims of a research project determines whether or not participants’ reported goals and motives are relevant and useful. Her position is that for traditional conversation analytic studies aimed at explicating culturally shared methods for producing conversational actions and for interpreting interactional behavior, participants’ reports of their goals and motives are irrelevant. She differentiates between explanations based on participants’ reports (...)
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  23. Semantic Plasticity and Speech Reports.Cian Dorr & John Hawthorne - 2014 - Philosophical Review 123 (3):281-338.
    Most meanings we express belong to large families of variant meanings, among which it would be implausible to suppose that some are much more apt for being expressed than others. This abundance of candidate meanings creates pressure to think that the proposition attributing any particular meaning to an expression is modally plastic: its truth depends very sensitively on the exact microphysical state of the world. However, such plasticity seems to threaten ordinary counterfactuals whose consequents contain speech reports, since it (...)
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    Dependencies in evidential reports: The case for informational advantages.Toby D. Pilditch, Ulrike Hahn, Norman Fenton & David Lagnado - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104343.
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  25. Indexicality and de se reports.Philippe Schlenker - forthcoming - In Maienborn von Heusinger & Mouton Gruyter Portneder (eds.), Handbook of Semantics.
  26. A puzzle about belief reports.Kent Bach - 2000 - In Katarzyna Jaszczolt (ed.), The Pragmatics of Propositional Attitude Reports. Elsevier.
    I'd like to present a puzzle about belief reports that's been nagging at me for several years. I've subjected many friends and audiences to various abortive attempts at solving it. Now it's time to get it off my chest and let others try their hand at it.<1>.
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  27. De Re Belief Reports: Response to Gary Ostertag.Stephen Schiffer - 2016 - In Gary Ostertag (ed.), Meanings and Other Things: Themes From the Work of Stephen Schiffer. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
  28. Fine-grained semantics for attitude reports.Harvey Lederman - 2021 - Semantics and Pragmatics 14 (1).
    I observe that the “concept-generator” theory of Percus and Sauerland (2003), Anand (2006), and Charlow and Sharvit (2014) does not predict an intuitive true interpretation of the sentence “Plato did not believe that Hesperus was Phosphorus”. In response, I present a simple theory of attitude reports which employs a fine-grained semantics for names, according to which names which intuitively name the same thing may have distinct compositional semantic values. This simple theory solves the problem with the concept-generator theory, but, (...)
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    Discussion and reports: Notes on social psychology and other things.J. Mark Baldwin - 1902 - Psychological Review 9 (1):57-69.
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    (1 other version)Formats for Reports on Conferences.Kent Emery Jr - 2004 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 46:207-209.
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  31. Environmental information self-reported in listed firms’ annual reports: Risks of environmental commitment cliché, and a call for innovations.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Phuong-Tri Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Periodical reports are important information sources for investors and society to monitor, contribute to, and allocate resources to listed companies contributing to environmental sustainability. This article provides a preliminary investigation into environment-related information disclosure in annual reports of 61 representative companies in Vietnam, a country that has a rapidly developing stock market and is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. It was found that although most of the companies’ reports disclosed the goals to pursue sustainability (...)
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  32. Do belief reports report beliefs?Kent Bach - 1997 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 78 (3):215-241.
    The traditional puzzles about belief reports puzzles rest on a certain seemingly innocuous assumption, that 'that'-clauses specify belief contents. The main theories of belief reports also rest on this "Specification Assumption", that for a belief report of the form 'A believes that p' to be true,' the proposition that p must be among the things A believes. I use Kripke's Paderewski case to call the Specification Assumption into question. Giving up that assumption offers prospects for an intuitively more (...)
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  33. Understanding belief reports.David Braun - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (4):555-595.
    In this paper, I defend a well-known theory of belief reports from an important objection. The theory is Russellianism, sometimes also called `neo-Russellianism', `Millianism', `the direct reference theory', `the "Fido"-Fido theory', or `the naive theory'. The objection concernssubstitution of co-referring names in belief sentences. Russellianism implies that any two belief sentences, that differ only in containing distinct co-referring names, express the same proposition (in any given context). Since `Hesperus' and `Phosphorus' both refer to the planet Venus, this view implies (...)
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  34. Data from introspective reports: Upgrading from common sense to science.Gualtiero Piccinini - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (9-10):141-156.
    Introspective reports are used as sources of information about other minds, in both everyday life and science. Many scientists and philosophers consider this practice unjustified, while others have made the untestable assumption that introspection is a truthful method of private observation. I argue that neither skepticism nor faith concerning introspective reports are warranted. As an alternative, I consider our everyday, commonsensical reliance on each other’s introspective reports. When we hear people talk about their minds, we neither refuse (...)
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    The future in reports: Prediction, commitment and legitimization in corporate social responsibility.Marina Bondi - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (1):57-81.
    Company disclosures are often looked at as narrative rather than argumentative or directive texts. And yet “irrealis” statements – references to future or hypothetical processes – do play a role and contribute greatly to the construction of corporate identity. Combining a corpus and a discourse perspective, the paper looks at references to the future in a corpus of CSR reports. After a preliminary analysis of frequency data, a case study of markers of futurity is presented, focusing on ways of (...)
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  36.  15
    Discussions and reports: The genetic method: Some characteristics of the genetic method.Edward Franklin Buchner - 1902 - Psychological Review 9 (5):490-507.
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  37. Arousal: Reports of Its Demise May Be Premature.Julian F. Thayer & Bruce H. Friedman - 2025 - Emotion Review 17 (1):23-25.
    The concept of general arousal has a long history in emotion research. However, the concept is more complex and nuanced than is generally appreciated. In this comment, we note some of the early conceptualizations of arousal and how they might comport with more modern representations of the construct. Importantly, we show how modern conceptualizations which incorporate the physiological complexity of arousal measurement and peripheral-central nervous system interactions might help to provide a more solid framework for the construct moving forward. The (...)
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    Quotational reports.Wayne A. Davis - 2022 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (5):1063-1090.
    This is a study of the syntax and semantics of reports containing speech-act and propositional attitude verbs with quotational complements. I make the case that while the quotational complements of some verbs, including _utter_, are nominal and metalinguistic, those of others, including _assert_ and _believe_, are clausal and nonmetalinguistic. Quotational reports with ‘say’ are ambiguous. When quotational complements are clausal, they are like _that_-clauses in being subordinate content clauses with main-clause form. Unlike _that_-clauses, quote-clauses force deictic shift and (...)
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    Reports of the icon's impending demise are premature.John Jonides - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):24-25.
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    History of Science Society Reports for 1935.Frederick Brasch, Henry Sigerist & Lao Simons - 1936 - Isis 25 (2):614-619.
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    Proper Names and Belief Reports.Caleb Miller - 1986 - Auslegung 13 (1):23-32.
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  42. Law, politics, society: reports of the 12th International Wittgenstein-Symposium, 7th to 14th August 1987, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria.Ota Weinberger, Peter Koller & Alfred Schramm (eds.) - 1988 - Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
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    News Media Reports of Patient Deaths Following ‘Medical Tourism’ for Cosmetic Surgery and Bariatric Surgery.Leigh Turner - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (1):21-34.
    Contemporary scholarship examining clinical outcomes in medical travel for cosmetic surgery identifies cases in which patients traveled abroad for medical procedures and subsequently returned home with infections and other surgical complications. Though there are peer‐reviewed articles identifying patient deaths in cases where patients traveled abroad for commercial kidney transplantation or stem cell injections, no scholarly publications document deaths of patients who traveled abroad for cosmetic surgery or bariatric surgery. Drawing upon news media reports extending from 1993 to 2011, this (...)
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    More retrospective reports on event-frequency judgments: Shift from multiple traces to strength factor with age.Melvin H. Marx - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (3):183-185.
  45.  12
    Bioethics Commission Reports.Bethany J. Spielman - forthcoming - Bioethics in Law.
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    Variation in reports of covert rehearsal and in STM produced by differential payoff.William E. Montague, William A. Hillix, Harold O. Kiess & Richard Harris - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (2p1):249.
  47.  50
    Painting with the Same Brush? Surveying Unethical Behavior in the Workplace Using Self-Reports and Observer-Reports.Franziska Zuber & Muel Kaptein - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (3):1-32.
    Research by academics, professional organizations, and businesses on ethics in the workplace often relies on surveys that ask employees to report how frequently they have observed others engaging in unethical behavior. But what do these frequencies in observer-reports say about the frequencies of committed unethical behavior? This paper is the first to address this question by empirically exploring the relationship between observer- and self-reports. Our survey research among the Swiss working population shows that for all 37 different forms (...)
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  48.  42
    Phenomenological reports as data.K. Anders Ericsson, William G. Chase & Herbert A. Simon - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):601-602.
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    Case reports and medical progress.Ross J. Simpson & Thomas R. Griggs - 1985 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 28 (3):402-406.
  50. Metamemory influences on reports of recollective experience.Ja Robinson - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):521-521.
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