Results for 'robotic cognition'

962 found
  1.  20
    A Robotic Cognitive Control Framework for Collaborative Task Execution and Learning.Riccardo Caccavale & Alberto Finzi - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (2):327-343.
    Topics in Cognitive Science, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 327-343, April 2022.
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    Solving the Frame Problem: A Mathematical Investigation of the Common Sense Law of Inertia.Murray Shanahan & Professor of Cognitive Robotics Murray Shanahan - 1997 - MIT Press.
    In 1969, John McCarthy and Pat Hayes uncovered a problem that has haunted the field of artificial intelligence ever since--the frame problem. The problem arises when logic is used to describe the effects of actions and events. Put simply, it is the problem of representing what remains unchanged as a result of an action or event. Many researchers in artificial intelligence believe that its solution is vital to the realization of the field's goals. Solving the Frame Problem presents the various (...)
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  3. Embodied Cognition for Autonomous Interactive Robots.Guy Hoffman - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (4):759-772.
    In the past, notions of embodiment have been applied to robotics mainly in the realm of very simple robots, and supporting low-level mechanisms such as dynamics and navigation. In contrast, most human-like, interactive, and socially adept robotic systems turn away from embodiment and use amodal, symbolic, and modular approaches to cognition and interaction. At the same time, recent research in Embodied Cognition (EC) is spanning an increasing number of complex cognitive processes, including language, nonverbal communication, learning, and (...)
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    Robotic search: What's in it for comparative cognition?Carlo De Lillo - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1057-1057.
    Although the advantage of biorobotics over traditional modelling tools is not always evident from the studies on animal search addressed in the target article, this commentary argues that testing different robotic architectures and specific biological organisms in structured search spaces, where environmental constraints matter, might prove one of the most promising research strategies in comparative cognition.
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    Meta-cognition about social robots could be difficult, making self-reports about some cognitive processes less useful.Matthew Rueben - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e44.
    There are reasons to suspect that meta-cognition about construing social robots as depictions would be more difficult – or absent – than Clark and Fischer discuss. Self-reports about the cognitive processes involved might therefore tend to be incomplete or inaccurate, limiting their usefulness as measures.
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  6. The implications of an externalist theory of rule-following behavior for robot cognition.Diane Proudfoot - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (3):283-308.
    Given (1) Wittgensteins externalist analysis of the distinction between following a rule and behaving in accordance with a rule, (2) prima facie connections between rule-following and psychological capacities, and (3) pragmatic issues about training, it follows that most, even all, future artificially intelligent computers and robots will not use language, possess concepts, or reason. This argument suggests that AIs traditional aim of building machines with minds, exemplified in current work on cognitive robotics, is in need of substantial revision.
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  7. Cognitive robot architectures: Proceedings of EUCognition 2016.Ron Chrisley, Vincent C. Müller, Yulia Sandamirskaya & Markus Vincze (eds.) - 2017 - Hamburg: CEUR-WS.
    The European Association for Cognitive Systems is the association resulting from the EUCog network, which has been active since 2006. It has ca. 1000 members and is currently chaired by Vincent C. Müller. We ran our annual conference on December 08-09 2016, kindly hosted by the Technical University of Vienna with Markus Vincze as local chair. The invited speakers were David Vernon and Paul F.M.J. Verschure. Out of the 49 submissions for the meeting, we accepted 18 a papers and 25 (...)
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  8. Towards cognitive robotics: Robotics, biology and developmental psychology.Mark Lee, Ulrich Nehmzow & Marcos Rodrigues - 2012 - In David McFarland, Keith Stenning & Maggie McGonigle (eds.), The Complex Mind: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 103.
    This chapter summarises the autors' work in embodied robotics, emphasising the need for scientific tools to measure chaos and sensitivity to intial conditions, the role of novelty and development, and the relevance of human behaviour in natural environments.
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    Artificial cognition for social human–robot interaction: An implementation.Séverin Lemaignan, Mathieu Warnier, E. Akin Sisbot, Aurélie Clodic & Rachid Alami - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 247:45-69.
  10. Towards a Vygotskyan Cognitive Robotics: The Role of Language as a Cognitive Tool.Marco Mirolli - 2011 - New Ideas in Psychology 29:298-311.
    Cognitive Robotics can be defined as the study of cognitive phenomena by their modeling in physical artifacts such as robots. This is a very lively and fascinating field which has already given fundamental contributions to our understanding of natural cognition. Nonetheless, robotics has to date addressed mainly very basic, low­level cognitive phenomena like sensory­motor coordination, perception, and navigation, and it is not clear how the current approach might scale up to explain high­level human cognition. In this paper we (...)
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  11. How Albot0 Finds Its Way Home: A Novel Approach to Cognitive Mapping Using Robots.Wai K. Yeap - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (4):707-721.
    Much of what we know about cognitive mapping comes from observing how biological agents behave in their physical environments, and several of these ideas were implemented on robots, imitating such a process. In this paper a novel approach to cognitive mapping is presented whereby robots are treated as a species of their own and their cognitive mapping is being investigated. Such robots are referred to as Albots. The design of the first Albot, Albot0, is presented. Albot0 computes an imprecise map (...)
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  12. Cognition in context: Phenomenology, situated robotics and the frame problem.Michael Wheeler - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (3):323 – 349.
    The frame problem is the difficulty of explaining how non-magical systems think and act in ways that are adaptively sensitive to context-dependent relevance. Influenced centrally by Heideggerian phenomenology, Hubert Dreyfus has argued that the frame problem is, in part, a consequence of the assumption (made by mainstream cognitive science and artificial intelligence) that intelligent behaviour is representation-guided behaviour. Dreyfus' Heideggerian analysis suggests that the frame problem dissolves if we reject representationalism about intelligence and recognize that human agents realize the property (...)
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  13. Scenarios of robot-assisted play for children with cognitive and physical disabilities.Ben Robins, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Ester Ferrari, Gernot Kronreif, Barbara Prazak-Aram, Patrizia Marti, Iolanda Iacono, Gert Jan Gelderblom, Tanja Bernd, Francesca Caprino & Elena Laudanna - 2012 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 13 (2):189-234.
    This article presents a novel set of ten play scenarios for robot-assisted play for children with special needs. This set of scenarios is one of the key outcomes of the IROMEC project that investigated how robotic toys can become social mediators, encouraging children with special needs to discover a range of play styles, from solitary to collaborative play. The target user groups in the project were children with Mild Mental Retardation,1 children with Severe Motor Impairment and children with Autism. (...)
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  14. Cognitive robotics, enactive perception, and learning in the real world.A. Morse & Tom Ziemke - unknown
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  15.  50
    Social cognition and social robots.Shaun Gallagher - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (3):435-453.
    Social robots are robots designed to interact with humans or with each other in ways that approximate human social interaction. It seems clear that one question relevant to the project of designing such robots concerns how humans themselves interact to achieve social understanding. If we turn to psychology, philosophy, or the cognitive sciences in general, we find two models of social cognition vying for dominance under the heading of theory of mind: theory theory and simulation theory. It is therefore (...)
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  16.  42
    Robots without Sophisticated Cognitive Capacities: Are They Persons?Nancy S. Jecker - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (2):1-5.
    This Commentary critiques Paul Showler’s combination view of robot moral status, which combines sophisticated cognitive capacities like consciousness with highly valued machine-human relationships. Showler holds that a combined approach carries the advantage of more fully accounting for ordinary folk psychology views about of what it means to have moral standing and be a person. This commentary paper is largely sympathetic to Showler, but argues for a stronger view: being a person is a cluster concept that can include a combination of (...)
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    Action and Language Integration: From Humans to Cognitive Robots.Anna M. Borghi & Angelo Cangelosi - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (3):344-358.
    The topic is characterized by a highly interdisciplinary approach to the issue of action and language integration. Such an approach, combining computational models and cognitive robotics experiments with neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and linguistic approaches, can be a powerful means that can help researchers disentangle ambiguous issues, provide better and clearer definitions, and formulate clearer predictions on the links between action and language. In the introduction we briefly describe the papers and discuss the challenges they pose to future research. We identify (...)
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  18.  54
    Considering sex robots for older adults with cognitive impairments.Andria Bianchi - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):37-38.
    Determining whether and/or how to enable older persons with disabilities to engage in sex raises several ethical considerations. With the goal of enabling the sexual functioning of older adults with disabilities, Jecker argues that sex robots could be used as a helpful tool. In her article, ‘Nothing to be Ashamed of: Sex Robots for Older Adults with Disabilities’, Jecker acknowledges the importance of sexual functioning and the fact that ageist assumptions incorrectly classify older persons as asexual. Additionally, older adults may (...)
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  19. Towards a cognitive robotics.Andy Clark & Rick Grush - 1999 - Adaptive Behavior 7 (1):5-16.
    There is a definite challenge in the air regarding the pivotal notion of internal representation. This challenge is explicit in, e.g., van Gelder, 1995; Beer, 1995; Thelen & Smith, 1994; Wheeler, 1994; and elsewhere. We think it is a challenge that can be met and that (importantly) can be met by arguing from within a general framework that accepts many of the basic premises of the work (in new robotics and in dynamical systems theory) that motivates such scepticism in the (...)
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  20.  30
    Action Selection and Execution in Everyday Activities: A Cognitive Robotics and Situation Model Perspective.David Vernon, Josefine Albert, Michael Beetz, Shiau-Chuen Chiou, Helge Ritter & Werner X. Schneider - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (2):344-362.
    Topics in Cognitive Science, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 344-362, April 2022.
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    Robots and Other Cognitive Systems: Challenges and European Responses. [REVIEW]Neelie Kroes - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (3):355-357.
  22.  99
    Robots As Intentional Agents: Using Neuroscientific Methods to Make Robots Appear More Social.Eva Wiese, Giorgio Metta & Agnieszka Wykowska - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:281017.
    Robots are increasingly envisaged as our future cohabitants. However, while considerable progress has been made in recent years in terms of their technological realization, the ability of robots to inter-act with humans in an intuitive and social way is still quite limited. An important challenge for social robotics is to determine how to design robots that can perceive the user’s needs, feelings, and intentions, and adapt to users over a broad range of cognitive abilities. It is conceivable that if robots (...)
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  23.  33
    Reciprocity between second-person neuroscience and cognitive robotics.Peter Ford Dominey - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):418-419.
    As there is in the neuroscience of individuals engaged in dynamic interactions, similar dark matter is present in the domain of interaction between humans and cognitive robots. Progress in second-person neuroscience will contribute to the development of robotic cognitive systems, and such developed robotic systems will be used to test the validity of the underlying theories.
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    09341 Abstracts Collection--Cognition, Control and Learning for Robot Manipulation in Human Environments}.Michael Beetz, Oliver Brock, Gordon Cheng & Jan Peters - unknown
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  25. Integrating robot ethics and machine morality: the study and design of moral competence in robots.Bertram F. Malle - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (4):243-256.
    Robot ethics encompasses ethical questions about how humans should design, deploy, and treat robots; machine morality encompasses questions about what moral capacities a robot should have and how these capacities could be computationally implemented. Publications on both of these topics have doubled twice in the past 10 years but have often remained separate from one another. In an attempt to better integrate the two, I offer a framework for what a morally competent robot would look like and discuss a number (...)
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  26. From Robotics and Cybernetic Vehicles to Autonomous Systems: the organism lost and found.C. Emmeche - 2001 - Communication and Cognition - Artificial Intelligence Journal (Cc-Ai) 17 (3-4):159-187.
    A historical sketch of Autonomous Systems Research (ASR) is presented to show its roots in cybernetics, AI, Robotics, Cognitive Science, and in theoretical biology. These connections are considered in the light of the epistemology of human observers as a special kind of agents modeling other systems as representing and eventually realising autonomy. It is argued that ASR must primarily be understood as an opposition to traditional AI style ‘disembodied’ robotics, and that contemporary ASR provides a partial shift of focus towards (...)
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    09341 Summary--Cognition, Control and Learning for Robot Manipulation in Human Environments}.Michael Beetz, Oliver Brock, Gordon Cheng & Jan Peters - unknown
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  28. Robotics, philosophy and the problems of autonomy.Willem Haselager - 2005 - Pragmatics and Cognition 13 (3):515-532.
    Robotics can be seen as a cognitive technology, assisting us in understanding various aspects of autonomy. In this paper I will investigate a difference between the interpretations of autonomy that exist within robotics and philosophy. Based on a brief review of some historical developments I suggest that within robotics a technical interpretation of autonomy arose, related to the independent performance of tasks. This interpretation is far removed from philosophical analyses of autonomy focusing on the capacity to choose goals for oneself. (...)
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    Going Beyond the “Synthetic Method”: New Paradigms Cross-Fertilizing Robotics and Cognitive Neuroscience.Edoardo Datteri, Thierry Chaminade & Donato Romano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In so-called ethorobotics and robot-supported social cognitive neurosciences, robots are used as scientific tools to study animal behavior and cognition. Building on previous epistemological analyses of biorobotics, in this article it is argued that these two research fields, widely differing from one another in the kinds of robots involved and in the research questions addressed, share a common methodology, which significantly differs from the “synthetic method” that, until recently, dominated biorobotics. The methodological novelty of this strategy, the research opportunities (...)
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  30. Learning robots and human responsibility.Dante Marino & Guglielmo Tamburrini - 2006 - International Review of Information Ethics 6:46-51.
    Epistemic limitations concerning prediction and explanation of the behaviour of robots that learn from experience are selectively examined by reference to machine learning methods and computational theories of supervised inductive learning. Moral responsibility and liability ascription problems concerning damages caused by learning robot actions are discussed in the light of these epistemic limitations. In shaping responsibility ascription policies one has to take into account the fact that robots and softbots - by combining learning with autonomy, pro-activity, reasoning, and planning - (...)
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    Why animals are not robots.Theresa S. S. Schilhab - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (3):599-611.
    In disciplines traditionally studying expertise such as sociology, philosophy, and pedagogy, discussions of demarcation criteria typically centre on how and why human expertise differs from the expertise of artificial expert systems. Therefore, the demarcation criteria has been drawn between robots as formalized logical architectures and humans as creative, social subjects, creating a bipartite division that leaves out animals. However, by downsizing the discussion of animal cognition and implicitly intuiting assimilation of living organisms to robots, key features to explain why (...)
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  32.  27
    Mind Perception of Robots Varies With Their Economic Versus Social Function.Xijing Wang & Eva G. Krumhuber - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:344193.
    While robots were traditionally built to achieve economic efficiency and financial profits, their roles are likely to change in the future with the aim to provide social support and companionship. In this research, we examined whether the robot’s proposed function (social vs. economic) impacts judgments of mind and moral treatment. Studies 1a and 1b demonstrated that robots with social function were perceived to possess greater ability for emotional experience, but not cognition, compared to those with economic function and whose (...)
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  33.  10
    An Efficient Cognitive Architecture for Service Robots.Maurizio Piaggio - 1999 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 9 (3-4):177-202.
  34. Feeling robots and human zombies: Mind perception and the uncanny valley.Kurt Gray & Daniel M. Wegner - 2012 - Cognition 125 (1):125-130.
    The uncanny valley—the unnerving nature of humanlike robots—is an intriguing idea, but both its existence and its underlying cause are debated. We propose that humanlike robots are not only unnerving, but are so because their appearance prompts attributions of mind. In particular, we suggest that machines become unnerving when people ascribe to them experience, rather than agency. Experiment 1 examined whether a machine’s humanlike appearance prompts both ascriptions of experience and feelings of unease. Experiment 2 tested whether a machine capable (...)
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    A Robot Hand Testbed Designed for Enhancing Embodiment and Functional Neurorehabilitation of Body Schema in Subjects with Upper Limb Impairment or Loss.Randall B. Hellman, Eric Chang, Justin Tanner, Stephen I. Helms Tillery & Veronica J. Santos - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:116641.
    Many upper limb amputees experience an incessant, post-amputation “phantom limb pain” and report that their missing limbs feel paralyzed in an uncomfortable posture. One hypothesis is that efferent commands no longer generate expected afferent signals, such as proprioceptive feedback from changes in limb configuration, and that the mismatch of motor commands and visual feedback is interpreted as pain. Non-invasive therapeutic techniques for treating phantom limb pain, such as mirror visual feedback (MVF), rely on visualizations of postural changes. Advances in neural (...)
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  36. Anthropomorphism in Human–Robot Co-evolution.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:468.
    Social robotics entertains a particular relationship with anthropomorphism, which it neither sees as a cognitive error, nor as a sign of immaturity. Rather it considers that this common human tendency, which is hypothesized to have evolved because it favored cooperation among early humans, can be used today to facilitate social interactions between humans and a new type of cooperative and interactive agents - social robots. This approach leads social robotics to focus research on the engineering of robots that activate anthropomorphic (...)
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  37.  33
    Could a robot flirt? 4E cognition, reactive attitudes, and robot autonomy.Charles Lassiter - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):675-686.
    In this paper, I develop a view about machine autonomy grounded in the theoretical frameworks of 4E cognition and PF Strawson’s reactive attitudes. I begin with critical discussion of White, and conclude that his view is strongly committed to functionalism as it has developed in mainstream analytic philosophy since the 1950s. After suggesting that there is good reason to resist this view by appeal to developments in 4E cognition, I propose an alternative view of machine autonomy. Namely, machines (...)
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  38.  54
    Cognitive factors that affect the adoption of autonomous agriculture.S. Kate Devitt - 2018 - Farm Policy Journal 15 (2):49-60.
    Robotic and Autonomous Agricultural Technologies (RAAT) are increasingly available yet may fail to be adopted. This paper focusses specifically on cognitive factors that affect adoption including: inability to generate trust, loss of farming knowledge and reduced social cognition. It is recommended that agriculture develops its own framework for the performance and safety of RAAT drawing on human factors research in aerospace engineering including human inputs (individual variance in knowledge, skills, abilities, preferences, needs and traits), trust, situational awareness and (...)
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    A Cognition Knowledge Representation Model Based on Multidimensional Heterogeneous Data.Dong Zhong, Yi-An Zhu, Lanqing Wang, Junhua Duan & Jiaxuan He - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-17.
    The information in the working environment of industrial Internet is characterized by diversity, semantics, hierarchy, and relevance. However, the existing representation methods of environmental information mostly emphasize the concepts and relationships in the environment and have an insufficient understanding of the items and relationships at the instance level. There are also some problems such as low visualization of knowledge representation, poor human-machine interaction ability, insufficient knowledge reasoning ability, and slow knowledge search speed, which cannot meet the needs of intelligent and (...)
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  40. Robotics, biological grounding and the Fregean tradition.Marti Hooijmans & Fred Keijzer - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (3):515-546.
    Dynamic, embodied and situated cognition set up organism-environment interaction — agency for short — as the core of cognitive systems. Robotics became an important way to study this behavioral kernel of cognition. In this paper, we discuss the implications of what we call the biological grounding problem for robotic studies: Natural and artificial agents are hugely different and it will be necessary to articulate what must be replicated by artificial agents such as robots. Interestingly, once this issue (...)
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    Selmer Bringsjord, What Robots Can and Can't Be, Studies in Cognitive Systems. [REVIEW]Hauser Larry - 1997 - Minds and Machines 7 (3):433-438.
  42. Lecture @ EASE Fall School on Cognition-enabled Robotics.Antonio Lieto - 2022 - EASE Fall School, University of Bremen.
    Commonsense reasoning is one of the main open problems in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) while, on the other hand, seems to be a very intuitive and default reasoning mode in humans and other animals. In this lecture, I will present the TCL reasoning framework that has been developed to address the problem of dynamic, goal-directed, knowledge invention and will show how it has been applied to different case studies and applications in the areas of cognitive robotics, cognitive architectures (...)
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  43. How to psychoanalyze a robot: Unconscious cognition and the evolution of intentionality. [REVIEW]Donald Levy - 2003 - Minds and Machines 13 (2):203-212.
    According to a common philosophical distinction, the `original' intentionality, or `aboutness' possessed by our thoughts, beliefs and desires, is categorically different from the `derived' intentionality manifested in some of our artifacts –- our words, books and pictures, for example. Those making the distinction claim that the intentionality of our artifacts is `parasitic' on the `genuine' intentionality to be found in members of the former class of things. In Kinds of Minds: Toward an Understanding of Consciousness, Daniel Dennett criticizes that claim (...)
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    Robot-assisted surgery: an emerging platform for human neuroscience research.Anthony M. Jarc & Ilana Nisky - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:145657.
    Classic studies in human sensorimotor control use simplified tasks to uncover fundamental control strategies employed by the nervous system. Such simple tasks are critical for isolating specific features of motor, sensory, or cognitive processes, and for inferring causality between these features and observed behavioral changes. However, it remains unclear how these theories translate to complex sensorimotor tasks or to natural behaviors. Part of the difficulty in performing such experiments has been the lack of appropriate tools for measuring complex motor skills (...)
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    The Intervention of Robot Caregivers and the Cultivation of Children’s Capability to Play.Yvette Pearson & Jason Borenstein - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (1):123-137.
    In this article, the authors examine whether and how robot caregivers can contribute to the welfare of children with various cognitive and physical impairments by expanding recreational opportunities for these children. The capabilities approach is used as a basis for informing the relevant discussion. Though important in its own right, having the opportunity to play is essential to the development of other capabilities central to human flourishing. Drawing from empirical studies, the authors show that the use of various types of (...)
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    Embodiment in Cognitive Systems: on the Mutual Dependence of Cognition & Robotics.David Vernon, Giorgio Metta & Giulio Sandini - unknown
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    Sociality and Normativity for Robots. Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality.Raul Hakli & Johanna Seibt (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume offers eleven philosophical investigations into our future relations with social robots--robots that are specially designed to engage and connect with human beings. The contributors present cutting edge research that examines whether, and on which terms, robots can become members of human societies. Can our relations to robots be said to be "social"? Can robots enter into normative relationships with human beings? How will human social relations change when we interact with robots at work and at home? The authors (...)
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  48. Reasons, robots and the extended mind.Andy Clark - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (2):121-145.
    A suitable project for the new Millenium is to radically reconfigure our image of human rationality. Such a project is already underway, within the Cognitive Sciences, under the umbrellas of work in Situated Cognition, Distributed and De-centralized Cogition, Real-world Robotics and Artificial Life1. Such approaches, however, are often criticized for giving certain aspects of rationality too wide a berth. They focus their attention on on such superficially poor cousins as.
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    Robots as moral environments.Tomislav Furlanis, Takayuki Kanda & Dražen Brščić - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-19.
    In this philosophical exploration, we investigate the concept of robotic moral environment interaction. The common view understands moral interaction to occur between agents endowed with ethical and interactive capacities. However, recent developments in moral philosophy argue that moral interaction also occurs in relation to the environment. Here conditions and situations of the environment contribute to human moral cognition and the formation of our moral experiences. Based on this philosophical position, we imagine robots interacting as moral environments—a novel conceptualization (...)
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  50. A Self for robots: core elements and ascription by humans.S. Incao, F. Rea & A. Sciutti - 2021 - Hri 2021 Workshop Robo-Identity: Artificial Identity and Multi-Embodiment.
    Modern robotics is interested in developing humanoid robots with meta-cognitive capabilities in order to create systems that have the possibility of dealing efficiently with the presence of novel situations and unforeseen inputs. Given the relational nature of human beings, with a glimpse into the future of assistive robots, it seems relevant to start thinking about the nature of the interaction with such robots, increasingly human-like not only from the outside but also in terms of behavior. The question posed in this (...)
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