Results for 'species membership'

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  1.  45
    Species Membership and the Veil of Ignorance: What Principles of Justice would the Representatives of all Animals Choose?Hallie Liberto - 2017 - Utilitas 29 (3):299-320.
    Mark Rowlands gives a compelling argument that, if John Rawls's contractarianism is consistently applied, and Rawls's premises fully explained, then we have powerful reasons to believe that representatives behind the Veil of Ignorance should be blind to species membership in the same way that they are blind to economic status and natural talent.1I argue that even if we suppose this to be correct, these agents would not choose the two principles of justice, but instead ones that more closely (...)
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    On justifying arguments of species membership.Markus Rothhaar - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (2):159-165.
    In the debate about the moral status of human beings at the margins of life, arguments of species membership are often considered to be the least plausible ones. Against this backdrop, this article explores two possible ways to formulate feasible arguments of species membership. The first is an (in the broadest sense of the word) Aristotelian or neo‐Aristotelian argument; the second is an argument from the intrinsic logic of human rights, which Robert Spaemann refers toas a (...)
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  3. Frontiers of justice: disability, nationality, species membership.Martha C. Nussbaum (ed.) - 2006 - Belknap Press.
    Theories of social justice are necessarily abstract, reaching beyond the particular and the immediate to the general and the timeless. Yet such theories, addressing the world and its problems, must respond to the real and changing dilemmas of the day. A brilliant work of practical philosophy, Frontiers of Justice is dedicated to this proposition. Taking up three urgent problems of social justice neglected by current theories and thus harder to tackle in practical terms and everyday life, Martha Nussbaum seeks a (...)
  4.  43
    Individualism, type specimens, and the scrutability of species membership.Alex Levine - 2001 - Biology and Philosophy 16 (3):325-38.
    The view that species are individuals, as developed by Ghiselinand Hull, has been touted as explaining the role of type specimens intaxonomy. The kinship of this explanation with the Kripke-Putnam theoryof names has long been recognized. In light of this kinship, however,Hull's account of type specimens can be seen to entail two relatedinscrutability problems – unreasonable limits placed on the natureand extent of biological knowledge. An appreciation for these problemsinvites us to consider the proper relation between metaphysical andepistemological inquires (...)
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  5.  14
    Review of Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership by Martha Nussbaum. [REVIEW]Margaret Urban Walker - unknown
  6. Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership[REVIEW]Andy Lamey - 2007 - Philosophical Books 48 (4):376-81.
    Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership, by Martha Nussbaum, Harvard University Press, 2006. How should we measure human development? The most popular method used to be to focus on wealth and income, as when international development agencies rank countries according to their per capita gross domestic product. Critics, however, have long noted shortcomings with this approach. Consider for example a wealthy person in a wheelchair: her problem is not a financial one, but a lack of access to (...)
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    Book ReviewsMartha C Nussbaum,. Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Belknap Press, 2006. Pp. 487. $35.00 ; $18.95. [REVIEW]Margaret Urban Walker - 2008 - Ethics 118 (4):742-746.
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    Review - Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership.Alexandra Couto - 2007 - Metapsychology Online Reviews 11 (30).
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    The Tanner Lectures on Human Values<br></br> Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership.Ramona Ilea - 2008 - Society and Animals 16 (1):94-97.
  10.  39
    Review of “Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality and Species Membership”. [REVIEW]Anca Gheaus - 2007 - Essays in Philosophy 8 (1):5.
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    Review of “Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership”. [REVIEW]Michael Corrado - 2008 - Essays in Philosophy 9 (1):4.
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    Review of Martha Nussbaum, Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership[REVIEW]Margaret Urban Walker - forthcoming - Ethics.
  13.  16
    Review of Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality and Species Membership, by Martha Nussbaum. [REVIEW]Anca Gheaus - 2007 - Essays in Philosophy 8 (1):196-205.
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    The Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership[REVIEW]Jean Chambers - 2007 - Philosophy Now 60:44-45.
  15. Review of Martha C. Nussbaum, frontiers of justice: Disability, nationality, species membership (cambridge, ma: Harvard university press, 2006), pp. XIII + 487. [REVIEW]Shlomi Segall - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (4):526-529.
  16.  79
    Book Review: Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership[REVIEW]Peter Barham - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (4):103-106.
  17.  62
    Beyond Extensions of Liberalism Martha Nussbaum ,Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006), 512 pp., £21.95/$35.00 cloth, £12.95/$18.95 paper. Bernard Williams ,In the Beginning Was the Deed: Realism and Moralism in Political Argument(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005), 200 pp., £18.95/$29.95 cloth, £10.95/$17.95 paper. [REVIEW]Donald Beggs - 2008 - Journal of International Political Theory 4 (1):157-166.
    Not only does a shared expertise in classical philosophy and literature inform the works of Martha Nussbaum and Bernard Williams, each has also written and spoken on contemporary social and political issues. Given such ranges of reference, it is not surprising that their two recent books, Frontiers of Justice, a treatise, and In the Beginning Was the Deed, selected essays, confidently take up fundamental political questions. Yet these books differ in their intentions, organising structures, and discursive strategies, and they have (...)
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  18.  47
    A Species‐Focused Approach to Assessing Speciesism.Alex Murphy - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (4):714-730.
    Speciesism, broadly understood as the view that species membership is a morally relevant property, has been a central topic of debate within animal ethics for around 50 years. However, in all this time, animal ethicists have paid relatively scant attention to the nature of species membership itself. This seems potentially regrettable, since species membership's precise nature is presumably highly pertinent to the question of its exact moral relevance. Here, I advocate for a ‘species-focused’ (...)
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  19. Species, essence and explanation.Tim Lewens - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (4):751-757.
    Michael and has argued that species have intrinsic essences. This paper rebuts Devitt’s arguments, but in so doing it shores up the anti-essentialist consensus in two ways that have more general interest. First, species membership can be explanatory even when species have no essences; that is, Tamsin’s membership of the tiger species can explain her stripyness, without this committing us to any further claim about essential properties of tigers. Second, even the views of (...) that appear most congenial to essentialism—namely phenetic and genotypic cluster accounts—do not entail strong forms of intrinsic essentialism. (shrink)
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  20.  43
    The Ontology of Species: Commentary on Kasperbauer’s ‘Should We Bring Back the Passenger Pigeon? The Ethics of De-Extinction’.Jonathan Beever - 2017 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 20 (1):18-20.
    Beneath important ethical questions about the impacts of de-extinct species on ecosystems and the potential harms to individual organisms lies a more fundamental assumption; namely, that the thing being "de-extinct-ed" is indeed a member of previously existing species. This is the ontological assumption: that genetic make-up of the individual is both a necessary and sufficient condition for species membership. Questioning this ontological assumption poses an even more critical challenge for de-extinction. Genes a member of a (...) do not make. They represent a mere necessary condition. Sufficiency entails a broad set of ecological connections, inside and out. In this commentary on Kasperbauer’s target article, I argue for the primacy of ontology in the ethical analysis of de-extinction. (shrink)
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    Membership in a kind: Nature, norms, and profound disability.John Vorhaus - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 53 (1):25-37.
    Metaphilosophy, Volume 53, Issue 1, Page 25-37, January 2022.
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  22. Species and the Good in Anne Conway's Metaethics.John R. T. Grey - 2019 - In Colin Marshall (ed.), Comparative Metaethics: Neglected Perspectives on the Foundations of Morality. London: Routledge. pp. 102-118.
    Anne Conway rejects the view that creatures are essentially members of any natural kind more specific than the kind 'creature'. That is, she rejects essentialism about species membership. This chapter provides an analysis of one of Anne Conway's arguments against such essentialism, which (as I argue) is drawn from metaethical rather than metaphysical premises. In her view, if a creature's species or kind were inscribed in its essence, that essence would constitute a limit on the creature's potential (...)
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  23. Essential membership.Joseph LaPorte - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (1):96-112.
    In this paper I take issue with the doctrine that organisms belong of their very essence to the natural kinds (or biological taxa, if these are not kinds) to which they belong. This view holds that any human essentially belongs to the species Homo sapiens, any feline essentially belongs to the cat family, and so on. I survey the various competing views in biological systematics. These offer different explanations for what it is that makes a member of one (...), family, etc. a member of that taxon. Unfortunately, none of them offers an explanation that is compatible with the essentialism in question. (shrink)
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  24. Species as a relationship.Julia Tanner - 2008 - Acta Analytica 23 (4):337-347.
    The fact that humans have a special relationship to each other insofar as they belong in the same species is often taken to be a morally relevant difference between humans and other animals, one which justifies a greater moral status for all humans, regardless of their individual capacities. I give some reasons why this kind of relationship is not an appropriate ground for differential treatment of humans and nonhumans. I then argue that even if relationships do matter morally (...) membership cannot justify a difference in moral status. This has important implications because it removes one barrier to giving animals greater moral status. (shrink)
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  25. Why do species matter?Lilly-Marlene Russow - 1981 - Environmental Ethics 3 (2):101-112.
    One seldom-noted consequence of most recent arguments for “animal rights” or against “speciesism” is their inability to provide a justification for differential treatment on the basis of species membership, even in cases of rare or endangered species. I defend the claim that arguments about the moral status of individual animals inadequately deal with this issue, and go on, with the help of several test cases, to reject three traditional analyses of our alleged obligation to protect endangered (...). I conclude (a) that these traditional analyses fail, (b) that there is an important conceptual confusion in any attempt to ascribe value to a species, and (c) that our obligation must ultimately rest on the value---often aesthetic-of individual members of certain species. (shrink)
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  26. Species as individuals.Berit Brogaard - 2004 - Biology and Philosophy 19 (2):223-242.
    There is no question that the constituents of cells and organisms are joined together by the part-whole relation. Genes are part of cells, and cells are part of organisms. Species taxa, however, have traditionally been conceived of, not as wholes with parts, but as classes with members. But why does the relation change abruptly from part-whole to class-membership above the level of organisms? Ghiselin, Hull and others have argued that it doesn't. Cells and organisms are cohesive mereological sums, (...)
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    Species as Models.Jun Otsuka - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):1075-1086.
    This article characterizes various species concepts in terms of set-theoretic models that license biological inferences and illustrates the logical connections among different species concepts. Species in this construal are abstract models, rather than biological or even tangible entities, and relate to individual organisms via representation, rather than the membership or mereological whole/part relationship. The proposal sheds new light on vexed issues of species and situates them within broader philosophical contexts of model selection, scientific representation, and (...)
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  28. Join the international iguana so-ciety and help save endangered species of iguanas. Yearly membership $25, includes quarterlyjournal, iguana times. Send check or money order to: Iis, dept. V, po box. [REVIEW]Pro Exotics, Rainwater Reptiles, Rainbow Mealworms, Cricket Rep-Cal, Reptile Haven, Sandfire Dragon Ranch, Sticky Tongue Farms, Sweetman Exotics, That Pet Place & Top Hat Cricket Farm - 1998 - Vivarium 9:64.
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    Permanent Group Membership.Frans L. Roes - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (3):318-324.
    This article is divided into two main sections. The first discusses “Female Inheritance and the Male Retention Hypothesis.” Permanent groups (groups with no inherent limit on group longevity) exist in several species because over generations members share important interests. Considering the association between cooperation and degree of relatedness, it seems to follow that a collective interest is more likely to be achieved when members show a higher degree of relatedness. I argue that if membership is inherited by only (...)
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  30. The biological species as a Gene-flow community. Species essentialism does not imply species universalism.Werner Kunz & Markus Werning - unknown
    We defend a realistic attitude towards biological species. We argue that two species are not different species because they differ in intrinsic features, be they phenotypic or genomic, but because they are separated with regard to gene flow. There are no intrinsic species essences. However, there are relational ones. We argue that bearing a gene flow relation to conspecifics may serve as the essence of a species. Our view of the species as a Gene-Flow (...)
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  31. Permissible killing and the irrelevance of being human.Rahul Kumar - 2007 - The Journal of Ethics 12 (1):57-80.
    This is a review essay of Jeff McMahan's recent book The Ethics of Killing : Problems at the Margins of Life. In the first part, I lay out the central features of McMahan's account of the wrongness of killing and its implications for when it is permissible to kill. In the second part of the essay, I argue that we ought not to accept McMahan's rejection of species membership as having any bearing on whether it is permissible to (...)
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  32. A Conceptualist View in the Metaphysics of Species.Ciro De Florio & Aldo Frigerio - 2019 - In Richard Davies (ed.), Natural and Artifactual Objects in Contemporary Metaphysics: Exercises in Analytic Ontology. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 121-139.
    The species concept is one of the central concepts in biological science. Although modern systematics speculates about the existence of a complex hierarchy of nested taxa, biological species are considered particularly important for the active role they play in evolution. However, neither theoretical biologists nor philosophers of biology have come to an agreement about what a species is. In this chapter, we address two questions pertaining to biological species: (1) are they individuals or universals? and (2) (...)
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  33. Bounded Mirroring. Joint action and group membership in political theory and cognitive neuroscience.Machiel Keestra - 2012 - In Frank Vandervalk (ed.), Thinking about the Body Politic: Essays on Neuroscience and Political Theory. Routledge. pp. 222--249.
    A crucial socio-political challenge for our age is how to rede!ne or extend group membership in such a way that it adequately responds to phenomena related to globalization like the prevalence of migration, the transformation of family and social networks, and changes in the position of the nation state. Two centuries ago Immanuel Kant assumed that international connectedness between humans would inevitably lead to the realization of world citizen rights. Nonetheless, globalization does not just foster cosmopolitanism but simultaneously yields (...)
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  34.  9
    Art and Signaling in a Cultural Species.Jan Verpooten - 2015 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    In recent years, the research field of the evolution of art has witnessed contributions from a wide range of disciplines across the "three cultures". In this thesis, I make both a critical review of existing explanations, and try to do elucidate the evolution of art by employing insights, methods and concepts from different disciplines. First, I critically evaluate the evidentiary criteria from standard evolutionary psychology some accounts employ to demonstrate that art qualifies as a human biological adaptation. I argue that (...)
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    (1 other version)Personhood.Michael Tooley - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.), A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 127–139.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Basic Moral Principles and the Concept of a Person Human Persons and Human Organisms The Concept of a Person and the Wrongness of Killing What Makes Something a Person? Is Personhood a Matter of Degree? Is Potential Personhood Morally Significant? Is Species Membership Morally Significant? The Moral Status of Human Embryos, Fetuses, and Newborn Infants Summing Up: Ethics and the Concept of a Person References.
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    "Realism and the Problem of" Infimae Species".Crawford Elder - 2007 - American Philosophical Quarterly 44 (2):111 - 127.
    Modal conventionalism is the view that two crucial forms of sameness are mind-dependent. There is no phenomenon of sameness in kind, on this view, except in virtue of our conventions for individuating nature’s kinds; there is no phenomenon of numerical sameness across time, for an individual member of some natural kind, except in virtue of our conventions for individuating such members.1 Modal conventionalism has its realist opponents. These opponents have argued, following Kripke’s lead more than thirty years ago (Kripke 1972), (...)
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  37.  5
    Global Metaphors for Wisdom: Philosophy as a Species of the Genus Hao-Xue.Joshua Mason - unknown
    Many philosophers have refused to recognize Chinese traditions as genuinely philosophical. The conceptual foundations of these exclusionary efforts appear in Aristotle’s dividing philosophy from rhetoric, then associating philosophy with truth, and rhetoric with metaphor. The Chinese have frequently been defined as metaphorical thinkers, in contrast with the logical, scientific, or literal pursuits of Occidental traditions. Because metaphor is classed with rhetoric, and Chinese was associated with metaphor, critics had a way to say that the Chinese weren’t participating in philia-sophia as (...)
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  38.  46
    Towards an Epistemology of ‘Speciesist Ignorance’.Emnée van den Brandeler - 2024 - Res Publica (4).
    The literature on the epistemology of ignorance already discusses how certain forms of discrimination, such as racism and sexism, are perpetuated by the ignorance of individuals and groups. However, little attention has been given to how speciesism—a form of discrimination on the basis of species membership—is sustained through ignorance_._ Of the few animal ethicists who explicitly discuss ignorance, none have related this concept to speciesism as a form of discrimination. However, it is crucial to explore this connection, I (...)
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  39.  60
    Speciesism and Speciescentrism.Frauke Albersmeier - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (2):511-527.
    The term ‘speciesism’ was once coined to name discrimination against nonhuman animals as well as the bias that such discrimination expresses. It has sparked a debate on criteria for being morally considerable and the relative significance of human and nonhuman animals’ interests. Many defenses of the preferential consideration of humans have come with a denial of the normative meaning of the term ‘speciesism’ itself. In fact, defenders of the moral relevance of species membership and their critics alike have (...)
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  40. Not So Human, After All?Brendan Shea - 2016 - In Courtland Lewis & Kevin McCain (eds.), Red Rising and Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court. pp. 15-25.
    If asked to explain why the Golds’ treatment of other colors in Red Rising is wrong, it is tempting to say something like “they are all human beings, and it is wrong to treat humans in this way!” In this essay, I’ll argue that this simple answer is considerably complicated by the fact that the different colors might not be members of the same biological species, and it is in fact unclear whether any of them are the same (...) as current humans. Explaining why exactly this is so will lead us to an exploration the long-running debate in biology and philosophy over what exactly it means for two organisms to be “members of the same species.” I’ll begin by discussing the biological essentialism of Aristotle and his followers, who held that an individual organism’s species was determined by essence. One can easily imagine that the Golds might find this attractive, since it would suggest that their “superior” mental and physical capacities made them a different (and probably “higher”) species of humanity than the other colors. Unfortunately for Aristotle, this turns out to be inconsistent with Charles Darwin’s account of evolution by natural selection. This development has led many modern biologists and philosophers of biology to conceptualize species not as an abstract “form” that serves to classify organisms, but rather as a concrete collection of organisms relatively close to each other in space and time. In contrast to biological essentialism, this view of “species as concrete individual” might seem to support the Reds’ claim to the “same species” as the Gold, since they are both part of the same overarching society. Next, I’ll consider how we might tell where one species “ends” and another one “begins.” As it turns out, biologists have many ways of answering his question, each of which makes different judgments about the species of Red Rising’s characters. So, for example, the “Biological Species Concept” bases judgements about species membership on the ability to produce fertile offspring. This concept is far from perfect, however, for reasons that Red Rising makes clear: it doesn’t deal clearly with cases where reproduction is possible but very difficult (a Red and a Gold having a child) or for organisms that do not reproduce sexually (such as Pinks). I’ll then explore a few prominent alternatives to BSC, including both genetically and ecologically based species concepts, and consider their consequences for the society of Red Rising. I’ll conclude by advocating for a “pluralism” about species membership, and will suggest that the people of Red Rising (as well as in the real world) should beware of basing arguments for moral or political equality on the all-too-slippery notion of “shared humanity.” Instead, they should focus on the qualities that make the lives of the individuals (regardless of their species) worth caring about, such as their shared desires to avoid suffering and to lead fulfilling, meaningful lives. (shrink)
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    Abortion and Infanticide.Michael Tooley - 1983 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    This book has two main concerns. The first is to isolate the fundamental issues that must be resolved if one is to be able to formulate a defensible position on the question of the moral status of abortion. The second is to determine the most plausible answer to that question. With respect to the first question, the author argues that the following issue–most of which are ignored in public debate on the question of abortion–need to be considered. First, can the (...)
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  42. The WroNGNeSS oF SeX WiTh ANiMALS.Tony Milligan - 2011 - Public Affairs Quarterly 25 (3):241-256.
    For sexual purposes, animals are off limits. But if we regard attributions of species membership as unimportant in familiar ethical contexts, then it may be difficult to explain why this is the case. Someone who is unimpressed by appeals to species membership as a basis for favoring humans over non-humans may remain similarly unimpressed by such appeals when sex becomes an issue. Species barriers may seem to be beside the point. Peter Singer’s attitude toward human (...)
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    Spezieszugehörigkeit und Entwicklungspotential – Was impliziert ihre biotechnische Manipulierbarkeit für das Recht des Embryonenschutzes?Markus Rothhaar - 2020 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 28 (1):27-38.
    In the German legislation on embryo protection, the scope of protection is defined by its membership to the human species and by the embryo’s inherent potential to develop into a born human being. Both criteria refer to well-known bioethical arguments: the argument from species membership and the potentiality argument. With recent progresses in biotechnology it has, however, become possible manipulate the development potential of human embryos and to blur the boundaries between species. Hence, we must (...)
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    3 It Takes More Than All Kinds to Make a World.Marc Lange - 2011 - In Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke & Matthew H. Slater (eds.), Carving nature at its joints: natural kinds in metaphysics and science. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. pp. 53.
    This chapter presents arguments positing that there is an important sense in which it takes more than all of the actual kinds to make a world, contrary to the popular saying that goes “it takes all kinds to make a world.” In a variety of ways, the various species of elementary particles are ideal cases of natural kinds since each belongs to exactly one of these natural kinds and it essentially belongs to that kind. There exists perfect uniformities within (...)
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  45. Children and the Argument from 'Marginal' Cases.Amy Mullin - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (3):291-305.
    I characterize the main approaches to the moral consideration of children developed in the light of the argument from 'marginal' cases, and develop a more adequate strategy that provides guidance about the moral responsibilities adults have towards children. The first approach discounts the significance of children's potential and makes obligations to all children indirect, dependent upon interests others may have in children being treated well. The next approaches agree that the potential of children is morally considerable, but disagree as to (...)
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    Blurring nature at its boundaries. Vague phenomena in current stem cell debate.Martin Hähnel - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (3):373-381.
    This paper illuminates the explanatory role of vagueness und species membership against the background of scientific developments in recent stem cell research. With the help of the Neo-Aristotelian concept of “life form naturalism” ontologically vague entities such as stem cells, all above induced pluripotent stem cells, could be described as necessary constituents for the correct sorting and naming of natural processes and its bearers. Furthermore this specific assessment allows drawing some important ontological and ethical consequences.
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  47. Moral Autonomy, Self-Determination and Animal Rights.Robert Elliot - 1987 - The Monist 70 (1):83-97.
    Two perspectives dominate the general attempt to articulate the philosophical foundations of the animal liberation movement. On the one hand there is the utilitarian perspective typified by the work of Peter Singer. Here the morality of our treatment of nonhumans, and for that matter humans, is determined by an overarching concern to maximize a utility function. In Singer’s case this utility function is in some way composite. Singer urges the maximization of objective preference satisfaction and the maximization of pleasure. The (...)
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    Can Humans and Robots Be Friends?Ben Mulvey - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (2):49-64.
    This essay engages the question whether it makes sense to talk about friendship between human beings and robots. Encountering the question of human and robot friendship, many might initially dismiss the possibility of such relationships out of hand. But such dismissals, it seems, based solely on the basis of species membership, are nothing more than unjustifiable speciesism. Mitias’s analysis of friendship is helpful, but makes the conditions for friendship demanding. Nevertheless, his framework implies that human and robot friendships (...)
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  49. What is a person?: untapped insights from Africa.Nancy Ann Silbergeld Jecker - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Caesar A. Atuire.
    Stepping back from the above analysis, it is helpful to ask whether the shift to a more individualistic conception of persons carries traction for those who do not share its religious underpinnings. Judeo-Christian personhood was grounded on the idea that all and only human beings are made in the image of God (imago dei); for contemporary secular philosophers, there seems to be no corollary justification for claiming that all and only human beings qualify as persons. Some contemporary Christians, such as (...)
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    How the Politics of Inclusion/Exclusion and the Neuroscience of Dehumanization/Rehumanization Can Contribute to Animal Activists' Strategies: Bestia Sacer II.Robin Mackenzie - 2011 - Society and Animals 19 (4):407-424.
    Juxtaposing the continental philosophy of inclusion/exclusion and the cognitive and affective neuroscience of dehumanization, infrahumanization, and rehumanization may inform animal activists’ strategies. Both fields focus upon how we decide who counts and who doesn’t. Decisions over who’s human and who isn’t are not simply about species membership but involve biopolitical value judgments over who we wish to include or exclude. Posthumanists seek to disrupt the biopolitics of inclusion/exclusion, partly to heal ethical and political relations between human and nonhuman (...)
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