Results for 'temporality, time, kairos, hubris, festina lente, détencion'

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  1.  27
    Conceptions of Temporality: Reconsidering Time in an Age of Impending Emergency.Kristin Sampson - 2020 - Theoria 86 (6):769-782.
    The predominant contemporary concept of time is arguably measurable time, promoted as being in accordance with science. This is commonly understood as the time of physics, as, for instance, E. A. Milne claims in an article from 1950 on the modern conception of time, contrasting this with Plato's description of time as the “moving image of eternity”. The prevalence of an emphasis on measurability within such a conception of time is hard to avoid, although this can be nuanced somewhat. In (...)
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    Time and Temporality in the Garden.Mara Miller - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien (eds.), Gardening ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 178–191.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Chronos and Kairos Chronos and Scientific Time Climate and Garden Aesthetics Subjective Time Objective or Shared Time Cyclical Time The Garden's Times Moving Through the Garden Experiences of Time in the Garden Notes.
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    Benjamin’s Rhetoric: Kairos, Time, and History.Susan Wells - 2022 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 55 (3):252-273.
    ABSTRACT The welcome expansion of kairos beyond its traditional locus in public debate to a broad range of discourse forms and persuasive actions has not been matched by a reevaluation of the temporal logic of kairos, which is still seen as located in teleologic time. This article suggests that Walter Benjamin’s understanding of time could refigure kairos as a nonteleological relationship among past, present, and future. Benjamin provides a theoretical rationale for kairotic action that is distributed in time and space (...)
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    Kairós doloroso y aburrimiento: esperar por el preciso momento.Reynaldo Padilla-Teruel - 2018 - Universitas Philosophica 35 (71):295-321.
    In this article we reflect on the phenomenon of waiting, interpreted in our own context, but drawn from a text by Heidegger. The text implies that the bored person is waiting for the moment in which something will, as they presume, dissipate their boredom. We will proceed to show the internal structure of time as a lived experience of the phenomenon of waiting while bored, and how this time is existentially configured as pain. To do this, the temporal structure of (...)
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    Ethics and Time: Ethos of Temporal Orientation in Politics and Religion of the Niger Delta.Melissa Browning - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethics and Time: Ethos of Temporal Orientation in Politics and Religion of the Niger DeltaMelissa BrowningEthics and Time: Ethos of Temporal Orientation in Politics and Religion of the Niger Delta Nimi Wariboko Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2010. 193 pp. $60.00In Ethics and Time: Ethos of Temporal Orientation in Politics and Religion of the Niger Delta, Nimi Wariboko offers a new definition of temporal orientation, arguing that this new (...)
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    (1 other version)Guest Editor’s Introduction: A Moment for Kairos.Tina Skouen - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):267-273.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Guest Editor's Introduction:A Moment for KairosTina SkouenHow does one describe a crucial moment, a moment that calls for action? What kinds of time are opened, disclosed, or foreclosed in such moments? This section explores a concept that has a long history in rhetoric and philosophy, but which is urgently called for now, in a time that many think of as critical, catastrophic, or even apocalyptic. Changes in the economy, (...)
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    Revolution in the Event: The Problem of Kairós.Roland Boer - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):116-134.
    This article undertakes a dual task. The first is to argue that the various positions of major Marxist thinkers on revolution may be gathered under the common framework of kairós, understood as a resolutely temporal term relating to the critical time, the opportune moment that appears unexpectedly and must be seized. The second task is to question the nature of kairós in terms of its biblical, class and economic residues. An investigation of the use of the term in classical Greece (...)
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    Temporal arrows in space-time.Friedel Weinert - 2013 - Kairos 8:13-44.
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    Imagens do kairos: Temporalidade E política.Jonnefer Barbosa - 2013 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 22:18-34.
    This article analyzes some of the issues involved in contemporary revisitation of Giorgio Agamben make about the concepts of history and temporality of Walter Benjamin, basically in works like Infanzia e storia: destruzione dell’esperienza e origine della storia and Il tempo che resta : un comento alla Lettera ai Romani , raising from philosophical sources ranging from Hippocrates to cynicism a problematization around the relationship between kairological time and political action.
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    The Threefold Root of Temporality. Elements of Whiteheadian Organic Metaphysics.Michel Weber - 2021
    Michel Weber, The Threefold Root of Temporality. Elements of Whiteheadian Organic Metaphysics, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2021 ; 978-2-930517-76-6, pdf 978-2-930517-77-3 ; 120 pp. ; 16 € -/- The question of the nature of time is as old as philosophy itself. Before philosophy, time was not problematized, it was a pure common-sensical matter. There were various experiences of time, and, accordingly, different words to name it. Whitehead’s solution of the temporal conundrum lies in the concept of “creative advance of nature” that (...)
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  11. Plotinus' Experience of Time.Deepa Majumdar - 2000 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    In Ennead III.7.11--13, Plotinus describes the genesis of time, and time's nature as the life of soul, and the moving image of eternity. In this dissertation, Ennead III.7.11--13 was read, using an exegetical method, which comprised, raising questions, and answering them, in strictly Plotinian terms, by contemplating the pieces that best fit into these puzzles. Some answers discovered were as follows. ;Before its appearance, time exists as the seed of time in Intellect. This is a state of rest because of (...)
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  12. Ghostly pasts and postponed futures: The disorder of time during the corona pandemic.Siobhan Kattago - 2021 - Memory Studies 14 (6):1401-1413.
    Since the first lockdown in March 2020, time seems to have slowed to a continuous present tense. The Greek language has three words to express different experiences of time: aion, chronos and kairos. If aion is the boundless and limbo-like time of eternity, chronos represents chronological, sequential, and linear time. Kairos, however, signifies the rupture of ordinary time with the opportune moment, epiphany and redemption, revolution, and most broadly, crisis and emergency. This paper argues that the pandemic is impacting how (...)
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  13.  23
    Nothingness and Time.Tom Griffin Boland - 2019 - Temporalités 29.
    Unemployment is not just an economic category but is constituted by governmentality, most evidently by the increase of interventions into the lives of the unemployed through Active Labour Market Policies. Furthermore, the International Labour Organization definition of unemployment as being without work, available for work and seeking work is a shifting classification which categorises unemployment on multiple temporal horizons, with the passive element of being without work increasingly superseded by the emphasis on seeking work. Through biographical interviews with unemployed in (...)
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    Phenomenological Problems for the Kairological Reading of Augenblick in Being and Time.Hakhamanesh Zangeneh - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (4):539-561.
    In this paper we examine the key phenomena associated with the notion of kairos in Heidegger’s pre‐Being and Time writings and show that they all fall short of the methodological constraints and conceptual requirements placed on authentic presence in 1927. Though Heidegger’s early studies of Aristotle and the New‐Testament are broadly suggestive of the notion of temporality that is presented in his systematic treatise, none of those earlier texts carry the differentiations within which the Augenblick of Being and Time is (...)
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  15.  24
    The Ethics of Typography in the Erasmian Festina Lente.Stefano Gulizia - 2017 - Erasmus Studies 37 (1):68-108.
    _ Source: _Volume 37, Issue 1, pp 68 - 108 This essay proposes an exercise of detailed and contextual reading of the Erasmian adage _Festina lente_, which contains a cultural diagnosis of Aldus Manutius as a prominent historical actor within a motley Venetian cohort of printing _personae_ ranging from humanists to street peddlers. While the central sections are taken, successively, by Roman antiquarian themes, bibliophilic assessment, and the epistemic problem of _marginalia_ in a Byzantine lexicon consulted by Erasmus while in (...)
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  16.  54
    Time and Qualitative Time.John E. Smith - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 40 (1):3 - 16.
    IN A PREVIOUS study entitled, "Time, Times and the 'Right Time': Chronos and Kairos," I explored the distinction between these two aspects of time and their relations to each other. I wish to return to the topic in this paper, building on my previous discussion but bringing in some new dimensions that were unknown to me earlier on. I did not know, for example, that kairos, although it has metaphysical, historical, ethical and esthetic applications, is a concept whose original home, (...)
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  17.  26
    Understanding the Nature of Oneness Experience in Meditators Using Collective Intelligence Methods.Eric Van Lente & Michael J. Hogan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Research on meditation and mindfulness practice has flourished in recent years. While much of this research has focused on well-being outcomes associated with mindfulness practice, less research has focused on how perception of self may change as a result of mindfulness practice, or whether these changes in self-perception may be mechanisms of mindfulness in action. This is somewhat surprising given that mindfulness derives from traditions often described as guiding people to realise and experience the non-separation of self from the world (...)
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  18.  33
    Using Versus Excusing: The Hudson’s Bay Company’s Long-Term Engagement with Its (Problematic) Past.Wim Van Lent & Andrew D. Smith - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):215-231.
    Increased scrutiny of corporate legitimacy has sparked an interest in “historic corporate social responsibility”, or the mechanism through which firms take responsibility for past misdeeds. Extant theory on historic CSR implicitly treats corporate engagement with historical criticism as intentional and dichotomous, with firms choosing either a limited or a high engagement strategy. However, this conceptualization is puzzling because a firm’s engagement with historic claims involves organizational practices that managers don’t necessarily control; hence, it might materialize differently than anticipated. Furthermore, multiple (...)
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  19. Politics and its Time: Derrida, Lazarus and Badiou.Antonio Calcagno - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Guelph (Canada)
    Jacques Derrida, Alain Badiou and Sylvain Lazarus have devoted significant consideration to the problem of time and politics, especially in their more recent works. ;For Derrida, the relationship between and time and politics is articulated in his notion of the democracy to come and the undecidability that ensues from the double bind 'folded into' the democracy to come. Sylvain Lazarus argues that in order to think the "interiority" of politics we have to abolish the category of time altogether. Finally, Badiou (...)
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  20.  18
    Concerning the Right Time: καιρός in Plato’s Statesman.Chelsea Harry - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 2 (2):145-151.
    In her book, Method and politics in Plato’s Statesman, Melissa Lane discusses the relationship between political authority and time. Namely, she asks what the source of political authority could be when, in the Statesman, the Stranger tells us that law cannot be applicable in all situations, for all people, in all times. In this paper I agree with Lane that the apparent contradiction in the dialogue between, on the one hand, the temporal laws and, on the other hand, the contingency (...)
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  21.  43
    Overcoming Competition through Kairological Enjoyment: The Implications of Qoheleth’s Theology of Time for the Ethics of Work.Tyler Atkinson - 2013 - Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (4):395-409.
    In this essay, I seek to enhance eschatological perspectives on work through specific engagement with Qoheleth’s theology of time in Eccl. 2–3. I suggest that prior to a perceptual transformation in the first of the book’s so-called carpe diem passages, Qoheleth is dissatisfied with his labour because he construes it temporally-speaking within a chronology characterised by competition. Within such a construal, death poses the ultimate obstacle to the enjoyment of labour, because it strips away the promise of an immortal inheritance (...)
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  22. Anna Grear.Anthropocene "Time"? A. Reflection on Temporalities in the "New Age of The Human" - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The Chronos Principle: “Knowing Thy Time” in Communication Management.Gavin F. Hurley - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (4):507-522.
    This article develops how wider understandings of time may help inform managers’ communication decisions. Using Peter F. Drucker as an initial touchstone—but going much deeper—the article employs an applied liberal arts methodology to establish a time-minded attitude toward communication. Applying perspectives from both classical philosophy (specifically Plato and Aristotle) as well as twentieth century rhetoricians (specifically Richard Weaver, James Kinneavy, and Walter Beale), this article celebrates both physical and metaphysical structures of reality. To this end, it proposes a theoretical equation (...)
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  24. Emily Grabham.Praxiographies' of Time : Law, Temporalities & Material Worlds - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  25. Vi. philosophy.Human Temporality & H. L. Dreyfus - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence (eds.), The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 2--150.
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    The Buried Promise of Sections 74 and 75 of Chapter V of Division Two of Heidegger’s Being and Time (1927) in light of New Testament Christianity. [REVIEW]Rajesh Sampath - 2023 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 10 (1):129-148.
    This article will offer a close reading of sections 74 and 75 of “Chapter V: Temporality and Historicality” of Division Two of Heidegger’s Being and Time (1927). Our goal is to expand on a speculative metaphysical reconstruction of Chapter 17 of the Gospel of John, when Jesus is finished speaking to the disciples and is addressing the Father alone. This is right before his Passion, namely the arrest, trial, crucifixion, and ultimate Resurrection. The work is not situated in either abstract (...)
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    Practical Applications as a Source of Credibility: A Comparison of Three Fields of Dutch Academic Chemistry. [REVIEW]Laurens K. Hessels & Harro van Lente - 2011 - Minerva 49 (2):215-240.
    In many Western science systems, funding structures increasingly stimulate academic research to contribute to practical applications, but at the same time the rise of bibliometric performance assessments have strengthened the pressure on academics to conduct excellent basic research that can be published in scholarly literature. We analyze the interplay between these two developments in a set of three case studies of fields of chemistry in the Netherlands. First, we describe how the conditions under which academic chemists work have changed since (...)
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  28. Some Free Thinking about Time.Two Essays on Temporal Realism - 1996 - In Brian Jack Copeland (ed.), Logic and reality: essays on the legacy of Arthur Prior. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  29.  42
    Of Orchids, insects, and natural theology: Timing, tactics, and cultural critique in darwin's post-?Origin? strategy. [REVIEW]John Angus Campbell - 1994 - Argumentation 8 (1):63-80.
    This essay examines the relation of Darwin's orchids book to a central persuasive flaw in theOrigin: Its inability to give variation sufficient “presence” to break the hold of “design” in the mind of the reader. Darwin characterized the orchids book as “a flank movement on the enemy”; this essay identifies the “enemy” as Paley's natural theology and the “flank” as thetopoi, maxims, and habits of perception that led Darwin's colleagues and contemporaries to see design in nature. Moreover, this essay examines (...)
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  30.  42
    About chronos and kairos. On Agamben’s interpretation of Pauline temporality through Heidegger.Ezra Delahaye - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 77 (3):85-101.
    One of the key concepts in Giorgio Agamben’s reading of Paul is temporality. In this article, Delahaye examines this concept. Delahaye shows that Agamben’s understanding of messianic temporality hinges on the opposition between kairos and chronos, which Agamben takes for granted. He consequently traces this opposition back to Heidegger’s influence on Agamben. This leads Delahaye to conclude that messianic temporality can be understood as a variation on Heidegger’s idea of ecstatic temporality.
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    De chrónos à aión – onde habitam os tempos da inf'ncia?Janice Débora de Alencar Batista Araújo, Rebeka Rodrigues Alves da Costa & Ana Maria Monte Coelho Frota - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-24.
    This article reflects on childhood times based on the words chrónos, kairós and aión, which the Greeks use to conceptualize time, in dialogue with different authors, such as Kohan, Pohlmann, Skliar, Kohan and Fernandes. In the pedagogical field, we explore how Pedagogy of Childhood has focused on the importance of childhood temporality and children’s agency, with contributions from Hoyuelos, Parrini, Aguilera et al., Barbosa, Oliveira-Formosinho e Araújo, Oliveira-Formosinho, Pinazza and Gobbi. We reflect on what forms of organizing time are possible (...)
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  32. The temporal Kairos and the non-becoming of eternity: Opposition or encounter?: The constructive scanning of life: The spread and horizons of Chronos and Kairos.F. Bosio - 1996 - Analecta Husserliana 48:61-67.
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    Ethnographies of Youth and Temporality: Time Objectified.Anne Line Dalsgard, Martin Frederiksen, Susanne Hojlund & Lotte Meinert (eds.) - 2014 - Temple University Press.
    As we experience and manipulate time—be it as boredom or impatience—it becomes an object: something materialized and social, something that affects perception, or something that may motivate reconsideration and change. The editors and contributors to this important new book, _Ethnographies of Youth and Temporality, _have provided a diverse collection of ethnographic studies and theoretical explorations of youth experiencing time in a variety of contemporary socio-cultural settings. The essays in this volume focus on time as an external and often troubling factor (...)
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    Ethnographies of Youth and Temporality: Time Objectified.Michael G. Flaherty - 2014 - Temple University Press.
    Provides a diverse collection of ethnographic studies and theoretical explorations of youth experiencing time in a variety of contemporary socio-cultural settings.
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    Method and Politics in Plato's Statesman (review).Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):159-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Method and Politics in Plato’s Statesman by M. S. LaneFrancisco J. GonzalezM. S. Lane. Method and Politics in Plato’s Statesman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xiii + 229. Cloth, $59.95.This rewarding book not only is another sign of growing interest in the Statesman, but also does much to justify this interest. The reasons for the dialogue’s relative neglect until recently are easily stated: readers have been puzzled (...)
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    Voices off: Stanley Milgram’s cyranoids in historical context.Marcia Holmes & Daniel Pick - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (5):28-55.
    This article revisits a forgotten, late project by the social psychologist Stanley Milgram: the ‘cyranoid’ studies he conducted from 1977 to 1984. These investigations, inspired by the play Cyrano de Bergerac, explored how individuals often fail to notice when others do not speak their own thoughts, but instead relay messages from a hidden source. We situate these experiments amidst the intellectual, cultural, and political concerns of late Cold War America, and show how Milgram’s studies pulled together a variety of ideas, (...)
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  37. The Moment Unbound: When Romance Broke Free from Epic.Fredrik Renard - 2025 - Critical Inquiry 51 (2):268-289.
    This article puts forth a theory and history of the experiential moment of romance, traced from Homer’s Odyssey to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Differing from other forms of the moment that have been bequeathed by Western tradition—such as kairos, conversio, the Aristotelian pair peripeteia and anagnorisis, or the Romantic Augenblick—the experiential moment foregrounds experientiality within a self-enclosed and atelic temporality: a time that goes nowhere. Building on previous theories of epic and romance that see them as conflicting temporal forms, the first part (...)
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  38. Temporality, selfhood, and creative intentionality: Mead's phenomenological synthesis: The constructive scanning of life: The spread and horizons of Chronos and Kairos.S. B. Rosenthal - 1996 - Analecta Husserliana 48:69-76.
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    (1 other version)Kairos and Crisis: Responsibility and Time in Benjamin, Heidegger, and Tillich.Felix Ó Murchadha - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3-4):287-302.
    The sense of kairos is of time as having an event-like character. Fundamental here is a split between quantitative time and a qualitatively distinct moment. The decisive moment connects the kairological to crisis. By exploring the accounts of kairos in three contemporaries responding to the sense of crisis in 1920s Germany—Benjamin, Heidegger, and Tillich—this article shows the manner in action in the kairos can be understood as both responsive and non-opportunist. Themes such as the “tiger leap” (Benjamin), the “moment of (...)
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    Deep Time and Microtime: Anthropocene Temporalities and Silicon Valley’s Longtermist Scope.Jakko Kemper - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (6):21-36.
    Living in Anthropocene times entails living in relation to two seemingly separate temporalities – the microtime of digital operations and the deep time of geological upheaval. Though divergent, these temporalities are united by their unavailability to perception; microtime proceeds too fast to perceive directly, while deep time is too vast to apprehend. Taking these temporalities as a point of departure, this paper develops three arguments. First, it asserts that the temporalities of deep time and microtime increasingly impact contemporary existence, complicating (...)
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    Between bets and rational choices.Ivo Assad Ibri - 2023 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 68 (1):e44913.
    Starting from the exposition of the fundamental guiding principles of Peirce's philosophy, mainly, its three categories viewed under his Phenomenology and its correlated Ontology, I conjecture about three possible dimensions of Time, considering the function of predicting the future course of events with varying degrees of certainty as the main role of our human rationality. In these three dimensions, the affection of the first of the three Peircean categories occurs with differentiated intensity, this first category precisely the one that includes (...)
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    ¿Por qué hay un antes y un después? La posición de aristóteles en física IV 11, 219a10-19.Paloma Baño Henriquez - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 1 (2):31.
    La referencia a un orden anterior-posterior es parte de la definición del tiempo ofrecida por Aristóteles. De ahí que sea razonable suponer que, además del habi­tual sentido temporal, el par conceptual anterior-pos­terior debe tener también un sentido distinto, del que pueda depender el sentido temporal. Tal idea parece corroborada por la tesis de Aristóteles según la cual el tiempo sigue al movimiento y el movimiento sigue a la magnitud recorrida. De acuerdo a ello, el orden an­terior-posterior del tiempo se originaría (...)
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    "Kairos": Between Cosmic Order and Human Agency: A Comparative Study of Aurelius and Confucius.Rui Zhu - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (1):115 - 138.
    In nontheistic moral traditions, there is a typical ethical conundrum concerning the relation between cosmic order and human agency. Within those traditions, it is generally recognized that the universe has its own order and history that are independent of human will. A moral discourse has to find space to accommodate human agency in the midst of the iron grid of cosmic law. Both Confucius and Aurelius use the concept of timeliness (kairos) to resolve the difficult issue. But their philosophies take (...)
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    God Is Not Eternal, Nor Are We.Jon Paul Sydnor - 2018 - Process Studies 47 (1):172-190.
    The association of God with eternity, and eternity with timelessness, harms Christian spiritual life. If eternity is superior to time, then God’s placement of human beings within time is ungenerous. Fortunately, the Christian concept of God as triune commends divine becoming through time. In particular, the social Trinitarian view that God is three persons united through love demands divine temporality. Relationality relies on change for its content. So, for God to be internally related, God must be internally timeful. Moreover, to (...)
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    Argumentation and the Challenge of Time: Perelman, Temporality, and the Future of Argument.Blake D. Scott - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (1):25-37.
    Central to Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s philosophical revival of rhetoric and dialectic is the importance given to the temporal character of argumentation. Unlike demonstration, situated within the “empty time” of a single instant, the authors of The New Rhetoric understand argumentation as an action that unfolds within the “full time” of meaningful human life. By taking a broader view of his work beyond The New Rhetoric, I first outline Perelman’s understanding of time and temporality and the challenge that it poses for (...)
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    Crunch Time: The Urgency to Take the Temporal Dimension of Sustainability Seriously.Coline Ruwet - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (1):25-43.
    This paper argues that, to tackle the issue of sustainability, we should pay more attention to the temporality of socioecological processes. Only thus can we better understand current subjective and institutional constraints, as well as envision new potential pathways for transformative change. Two main arguments are developed: (1) there is a uniqueness in the temporality of Earth system processes associated with planetary boundaries that deeply transforms our time horizon and the pace of change, and (2) this situation creates a disruption (...)
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    The buddhist conception of time and temporality.David J. Kalupahana - 1974 - Philosophy East and West 24 (2):181-191.
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    Time, Temporality, and Paradox.Richard M. Gale - 2002 - In The Blackwell Guide to Metaphysics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 66–86.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Temporal Paradoxes Agency‐Based Disanalogies Objectivity‐Based Disanalogies Conclusion.
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    Time will tell: Temporal landmarks influence metaphorical associations between space and time.Heng Li & Yu Cao - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (4):677-701.
    According to the Temporal Focus Hypothesis (TFH), people’s implicit spatial conceptions are shaped by their temporal focus. Whereas previous studies have demonstrated that people’s cultural or individual differences related to certain temporal focus may influence their spatializations of time, we focus on temporal landmarks as potential additional influences on people’s space-time mappings. In Experiment 1, we investigated how personally-related events influence students’ conceptions of time. The results showed that student examinees were more likely to think about time according to the (...)
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    Introducing Temporal Theory to the Field of Sport Psychology: Toward a Conceptual Model of Time Perspectives in Athletes’ Functioning.Maciej Stolarski, Wojciech Waleriańczyk & Dominika Pruszczak - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:413060.
    Time perspective theory provides a robust conceptual framework for analyzing human behavior in the context of time. So far, the concept has been studied and applied in multiple life domains, such as education, health, social relationships, environmental behavior, or financial behavior; however its explanatory potential has been completely neglected within the domain of sport. In the present paper we provide a deepened theoretical analysis of the potential role of temporal framing of human experience for sport-related attitudes, emotions, and athletic performance. (...)
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