Results for 'theoretical techniques'

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  1.  14
    Anthropological-Technique analysis of Juan Downey’s work: Theoretical-Methodological approach to his visual anthropology.Emilio Adolfo Guzmán Lagreze - 2018 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 12:187-207.
    The aim of this text is to develop an epistemological-technique approach which permit analyze the work of Juan Downey, and his use of technical medias and also include the struggle against the State in the political and cultural model of the primitive societies of the Yano- mani, particularly by the work of Pierre Clastres and Jacques Lizot, and also their point of view of the methods of production in the societies of abundance, as theorized the anthropologist Marshall Sahlins, considering these (...)
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    Modern Mathematical Techniques in Theoretical Physics.Carroll F. Blakemore - 1980 - In A. R. Marlow, Quantum theory and gravitation. New York: Academic Press. pp. 1--233.
  3.  24
    Theoretical and Technological Basis of the Organization of Inclusive Education of Children in a Distance Learning.Y. N. Mukminova & R. Ch Shaymardanov - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (1):66.
    Realities of the formed information society made actual for inclusive education a problem of formation of professionals of the new directions capable to apply information technologies to improvement of interaction between participants of process of distance learning. Until recent time the institute of distance learning had no analogs in our educational system. It has to become one of the most important elements of the organization of remote education. Inclusive education becomes the new strategic direction of modern education in Russia, its (...)
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    Proof-theoretic analysis by iterated reflection.Lev D. Beklemishev - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (6):515-552.
    Progressions of iterated reflection principles can be used as a tool for the ordinal analysis of formal systems. We discuss various notions of proof-theoretic ordinals and compare the information obtained by means of the reflection principles with the results obtained by the more usual proof-theoretic techniques. In some cases we obtain sharper results, e.g., we define proof-theoretic ordinals relevant to logical complexity Π1 0 and, similarly, for any class Π n 0 . We provide a more general version of (...)
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    Memory and history: Oral techniques in the East African context.Julius M. Gathogo - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2):9.
    Some historians have always erred in ignoring oral history methods, as it is always assumed wrongly that the only reliable and trustworthy source of history is the written word. The aim of this article is to underscore the nature and significance of oral histories, which rely on the memory of the narrators. In the case of both Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s and Wole Soyinka’s literary works, their respective childhood experiences are well captured, as they employ both the use of postcolonial and (...)
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    Theoretical Childhood and Adulthood: Plato’s Account of Human Intellectual Development.Susanna Saracco - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (3):845-863.
    The Platonic description of the cognitive development of the human being is a crucial part of his philosophy. This account emphasizes not only the existence of phases of rational growth but also the need that the cognitive progress of the individuals is investigated further. I will reconstruct what rational growth is for Plato in light of the deliberate choice of the philosopher to leave incomplete his schematization of human intellectual development. I will argue that this is a means chosen by (...)
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  7.  49
    Model Theoretical Aspects of Weakly Aggregative Modal Logic.Jixin Liu, Yifeng Ding & Yanjing Wang - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (2):261-286.
    Weakly Aggregative Modal Logic ) is a collection of disguised polyadic modal logics with n-ary modalities whose arguments are all the same. \ has interesting applications on epistemic logic, deontic logic, and the logic of belief. In this paper, we study some basic model theoretical aspects of \. Specifically, we first give a van Benthem–Rosen characterization theorem of \ based on an intuitive notion of bisimulation. Then, in contrast to many well known normal or non-normal modal logics, we show (...)
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    Techniques of futuring: On how imagined futures become socially performative.Maarten A. Hajer, Jesse Hoffman & Jeroen Oomen - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (2):252-270.
    The concept of the future is re-emerging as an urgent topic on the academic agenda. In this article, we focus on the ‘politics of the future’: the social processes and practices that allow particular imagined futures to become socially performative. Acknowledging that the performativity of such imagined futures is well-understood, we argue that how particular visions come about and why they become performative is underexplained. Drawing on constructivist sociological theory, this article aims to fill this gap by exploring the question (...)
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  9.  32
    Between fact and technique: The beginnings of hybridoma technology.Alberto Cambrosio & Peter Keating - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (2):175-230.
    At several places in this paper we have made use of a well-known rhetorical device: an argument was made; a character —dubbed “fictional reader” — was then evoked who voiced some objections against that particular argument; and finally, we answered those objections, thus bringing to a close, at least temporarily, our argument. The use of this device raises a question: “How is the presence of the ‘fictional reader” to be understood?” Is it a “mere” rhetorical tool, or does this character (...)
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  10.  38
    Type-theoretical Grammar.Aarne Ranta - 1994 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press on Demand.
    It is the aim of INDICES to document recent explorations in the various fields of philosophical logic and formal linguistics and their applications in other disciplines. The main emphasis of this series is on self-contained monographs covering particular areas of recent research and surveys of methods, problems, and results in all fields of inquiry where recourse to logical analysis and logical methods has been fruitful. INDICES will contain monographs dealing with the central areas of philosophical logic (extensional and intensional systems, (...)
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  11.  19
    Conversational Techniques Used in Transferring Knowledge between Medical Experts and Non-experts.Elisabeth Gülich - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (2):235-263.
    Unlike a great deal of research on expert/non-expert communication, most of which is based on written materials, this article focuses on face-to-face communication. The analysis is based on a large corpus of transcribed recordings of medical seminars in rehabilitation centres and of interviews with chronically ill patients suffering from heart conditions. The focus is on procedures of illustration, which are often combined with reformulation procedures. Four main types are described: metaphors, exemplification, `scenarios', concretization. Whatever the type of illustration used, participants (...)
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  12.  14
    Galileo and the telescope: The status of theoretical and practical knowledge and techniques of measurement and experimentation in the development of the instrument.Yaakov Zik - 1999 - Nuncius 2:31-67.
  13.  4
    Technique as utopia and ideology: a reading of Bacon’s New Atlantis.Hugo Estevam Moraes de Sousa - 2024 - Griot 24 (3):268-284.
    This paper aims to discuss technique as utopia and ideology based on Bacon’s New Atlantis. First, it will be necessary to establish the meaning of utopia and ideology. The philosophical thought of Paul Ricoeur is the theoretical basis. On the one hand, Utopia is characterized by a critique of establishment and proposes other ways of exercising power. On the other hand, ideology intends to maintain a status quo. Thus, it will be possible to analyze Bacon's New Atlantis, regarding on (...)
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  14. A Technique for Determining Closure in Semantic Tableaux.Steven James Bartlett - 1983 - Methodology and Science: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Empirical Study of the Foundations of Science and Their Methodology 16 (1):1-16.
    The author considers the model-theoretic character of proofs and disproofs by means of attempted counterexample constructions, distinguishes this proof format from formal derivations, then contrasts two approaches to semantic tableaux proposed by Beth and Lambert-van Fraassen. It is noted that Beth's original approach has not as yet been provided with a precisely formulated rule of closure for detecting tableau sequences terminating in contradiction. To remedy this deficiency, a technique is proposed to clarify tableau operations.
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    Theoretical concepts.Raimo Tuomela - 1973 - New York,: Springer Verlag.
    to that goal, and it is hoped that it will incorporate further works dealing in an exact way with interesting philosophical issues. Zurich, April 1973 Mario Bunge Preface In this book I have investigated the logical and methodological role of the much debated theoretical concepts in scientific theories. The philosophical viewpoint underlying my argumentation is critical scientific realism. My method of exposition has been to express ideas first in general terms and then to develop and elaborate them within a (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Contraction: On the Decision-Theoretical Origins of Minimal Change and Entrenchment.Horacio Arló-Costa & Isaac Levi - 2006 - Synthese 152 (1):129 - 154.
    We present a decision-theoretically motivated notion of contraction which, we claim, encodes the principles of minimal change and entrenchment. Contraction is seen as an operation whose goal is to minimize loses of informational value. The operation is also compatible with the principle that in contracting A one should preserve the sentences better entrenched than A (when the belief set contains A). Even when the principle of minimal change and the latter motivation for entrenchment figure prominently among the basic intuitions in (...)
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  17.  46
    From technique to normativity: the influence of Kant on Georges Canguilhem’s philosophy of life.Emiliano Sfara - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (2):1-33.
    Many historical studies tend to underline two central Kantian themes frequently emerging in Georges Canguilhem’s works: (1) a conception of activity, primarily stemming from the Critique of Pure Reason, as a mental and abstract synthesis of judgment; and (2) a notion of organism, inspired by the Critique of Judgment, as an integral totality of parts. Canguilhem was particularly faithful to the first theme from the 1920s to the first half of the 1930s, whereas the second theme became important in the (...)
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  18.  27
    Afterword: Cultural Techniques and Media Studies.Jussi Parikka - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):147-159.
    This text reflects cultural techniques in relation to other concepts in cultural and media studies by addressing their relation to selected Anglo-American and French discussions. It also investigates the relation of cultural techniques to more recent material and speculative turns. Suggesting that the cultural techniques approaches introduce their own important material dimension to media-specific analysis of culture, the article argues that cultural techniques should be read in relation to recent post-Fordist political theory and explorations of the (...)
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  19.  7
    A Study into Ge Hong(葛洪)'s Nurturing Life - On the Lineage, Theoretical Foundation and Practice and Meaning of the Main Nurturing Life Techniques -.Jung Woo Jin - 2013 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 40:339-369.
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    Critique as a technique of self: a Butlerian analysis of Judith Butler's prefaces.Tom Boland - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (3):105-122.
    This article considers `critique' as performative, being on the one hand a reiterative performance, that enacts the `critic' through the act of critique, and on the other hand reflecting the constitution of the subject. While this approach takes on the conceptual framework of Judith Butler's work, it differs by refusing critique — or its correlates; parody, subversion or similar — any special status. Like any other performance critique is taken here as a cultural practice, as a Foucauldian `technique of self', (...)
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  21. ‘Non-finito’ Sculpture Technique and Codes of Ethics.Ender Büyüközkara - 2013 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 3 (1-2):47-54.
    Capable of being otherwise, human actions are in the field of variability and probability, not of constancy and necessity. Therefore it is not possible to find any fixed and complete set of moral rules and ethical principles, in accordance with which one can act morally. All those kinds of rules and principles are disputable – theoretically at least, and every new circumstance encountered in life requires a new deliberation and practical reasoning for deciding what is to be done, so that (...)
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  22.  40
    A proof-theoretical analysis of ptykes.J. R. G. Catlow - 1994 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 33 (1):57-79.
    The notion of a “ptyx” is formalised in second-order arithmetic, and, using proof-theoretic techniques based on sequent-calculus, bounds are obtained for the ptykes of type 1 and 2 which can be proved to be ptykes using arithmetic comprehension.
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  23.  84
    Theoretical and Methodological Levels in Educational Research.Emilio Ortiz - 2012 - Cinta de Moebio 43:14-23.
    Within the current theoretical and methodological conceptions that approach the educational processes and phenomena there are several levels that, with a systemic character, offer coherence and unity from their more general argumentation to the description of how they should be studied. However, this reality, that is implicit in the different theories, is unnoticed by the researchers and thus it brings about theoretical and methodological in-consequences in the investigation which damage the strictness of the research process. The aim of (...)
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  24.  30
    Theoretical Foundations for Digital Text Analysis.Gabe Ignatow - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (1):104-120.
    Much of social life now takes place online, and records of online social interactions are available for social science research in the form of massive digital text archives. But cultural social science has contributed little to the development of machine-assisted text analysis methods. As a result few text analysis methods have been developed that link digital text data to theories about culture and discourse. This paper attempts to lay the groundwork for development of such methods by proposing metatheoretical and (...) foundations suitable for machine-assisted semantic text analysis. Metatheoretically I draw on the work of Elder-Vass, Kaidesoja and others to argue that digital text analysis methods ought to be based on a realist constructionist ontology that treats discourses as ontologically real emergent social entities that have causal relationships with non-discursive social and cognitive processes. Theoretically I follow Feldman and many others in arguing that language is fundamentally shaped by processes of embodied cognition. Researchers developing digital text analysis techniques must theoretically account for such processes if they wish to produce algorithms that can interpret texts in ways that supplement, and not only amplify, human interpretation. I critically survey contemporary text analysis methods that implicitly share these metatheoretical and theoretical positions and discuss some ways these can be further developed with newly available software. (shrink)
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  25.  76
    Mapping Reflexive Body Techniques: On Body Modification and Maintenance.Nick Crossley - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (1):1-35.
    This article aims to do two things. The first of these is to introduce the concept of reflexive body techniques into the debate on body modification/maintenance. The value of the concept in relation to this debate, in part, is that it ensures that we conceive of the body as both a subject and an object, modifier and modified, and that we thereby avoid the trap of conceptualizing modification in dualistic (mind/body or body/society) terms. Second, the article seeks to explore (...)
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  26.  15
    Technique and enlightenment: limits of instrumental reason.Ian H. Angus - 1984 - Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
    This volume, co-published with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, presents the argument that a philosophy of technology is a central component of a contemporary political philosophy. It provides a theoretical groundwork for the encounter of phenomenology and critical theory. Written for courses in social and political theory, phenomenology and critical theory.
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  27.  23
    Information-Theoretic Interpretation of Quantum Formalism.Michel Feldmann - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (3):1-59.
    We present an information-theoretic interpretation of quantum formalism based on a Bayesian framework and devoid of any extra axiom or principle. Quantum information is construed as a technique for analyzing a logical system subject to classical constraints, based on a question-and-answer procedure. The problem is posed from a particular batch of queries while the constraints are represented by the truth table of a set of Boolean functions. The Bayesian inference technique consists in assigning a probability distribution within a real-valued probability (...)
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  28.  28
    Culture, Technology, Cultural Techniques – Moving Beyond Text 1.Sybille Krämer & Horst Bredekamp - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):20-29.
    Originally published in 2003, this article presents one of the first attempts to provide a systematic summary of the new concept of cultural technique. It is, in essence, an extended checklist aimed at overcoming the textualist bias of traditional cultural theory by highlighting what is elided by this bias. On the one hand, to speak of cultural techniques redirects our attention to material and physical practices that all too often assume the shape of inconspicuous quotidian practices resistant to accustomed (...)
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  29. The Nikolais/Louis Dance Technique: A Philosophy and Method of Modern Dance.Alwin Nikolais - 2005 - Routledge. Edited by Murray Louis.
    The Nikolais/Louis Dance Technique provides the definite resource for understanding and practicing the influential dance technique developed by two pioneers of modern dance, Alwin Nikolais and Murray Louis. The Nikolais/Louis technique is presented in a week-to-week classroom manual, providing an indispensable tool for teachers and students of this widely studied movement practice. Theoretical background for further reading is set off from the manual for those interested in deeper study. Their philosophy and methodology span a broad readership and offer an (...)
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  30. Tiering as a recursion technique.Harold Simmons - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):321-350.
    I survey the syntactic technique of tiering which can be used to restrict the power of a recursion scheme. I show how various results can be obtained entirely proof theoretically without the use of a model of computation.
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  31. Two Techniques of Theorisation : Scientific Versus Darsanika Knowledge.Virendra Shekhawat - 1981 - Diogenes 29 (116):107-127.
    According to Karl Popper, who is the latest link in the chain of Western rationalist-empiricist debate, knowledge does not have any infallible base in either senses or reason. Taking modern science as the paradigm of human knowledge, he argues that the process of growth of scientic knowledge involves imaginative proposals of hypotheses or conjectures and their refutation on empirical grounds in a continuing series of steps. Thus, scientific knowledge continuously evolves in a series of revolutions whereby the accepted theoretic constructs (...)
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    Disrupt Pique Technique: When Disrupting First Increases the Effectiveness of the Pique Technique.Jacob Céline, Nicolas Guéguen, Pascual Alexandre & Lamy Lubomir - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:32-36.
    This study examined the effect of the pique technique preceded by a disrupting process. Passersby in the street were asked for money, either for a common amount of change (control) or 37 cents (pique technique). In half of the cases, the requester added a disrupting sentence at the beginning of the request. Results showed that the pique technique alone and the disrupting technique alone increased compliance with the request. Adding a first disrupting sentence to the pique also increased compliance compared (...)
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  33.  34
    Technique without theory or theory from technique? An examination of practical, philosophical, and foundational issues in data mining.A. R. Korukonda - 2007 - AI and Society 21 (3):347-355.
    In this paper, it is argued that although data mining (DM) is being touted as a solution to many business problems and is basking in the glory of electronic business environments of today, as practiced currently, it reflects a preoccupation with short-run commercial applications and a neglect of the underlying theoretical issues. Although an argument can be made that theoretical precedence is not a necessary prerequisite for practical application or for commercial success, it can also be argued that (...)
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  34.  44
    Theoretical explanation and errors of measurement.John Forge - 1990 - Erkenntnis 33 (3):371 - 390.
    By using the concept of a uniformity, the Structuralists have given us a most useful means of representing approximations. In the second section of this paper, I have made use of this technique to show how we can deal with errors of measurement — imprecise explananda — in the context of theoretical explanation. As well as (I hope) providing further demonstration of the power of the Structuralist approach, this also serves to support the ontic conception of explanation by showing (...)
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  35.  29
    Proof-Theoretic Aspects of Paraconsistency with Strong Consistency Operator.Victoria Arce Pistone & Martín Figallo - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-38.
    In order to develop efficient tools for automated reasoning with inconsistency (theorem provers), eventually making Logics of Formal inconsistency (_LFI_) a more appealing formalism for reasoning under uncertainty, it is important to develop the proof theory of the first-order versions of such _LFI_s. Here, we intend to make a first step in this direction. On the other hand, the logic _Ciore_ was developed to provide new logical systems in the study of inconsistent databases from the point of view of _LFI_s. (...)
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    Merging traditional technique vocabularies with democratic teaching perspectives in dance education: A consideration of aesthetic values and their sociopolitical contexts.Becky Dyer - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (4):pp. 108-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Merging Traditional Technique Vocabularies with Democratic Teaching Perspectives in Dance EducationA Consideration of Aesthetic Values and Their Sociopolitical ContextsBecky Dyer (bio)IntroductionConventional aesthetic values in dance traditionally have been wed to long-established authoritarian teaching approaches in American professional dance companies and university dance programs. Developed over time from a mixture of enduring cultural tastes, aesthetic ideals, and historical influences, aesthetic values play a significant role in teaching and learning processes (...)
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  37. Sanjaya Bellatthiputta's Technique of "Denials and Deny Denials": An Original Critique of Knowledge and Judgment.Mathew Varghese - 2007 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 36 (1).
    The question of knowledge and judgment is a problem in the history philosophy. We can even predict that the conflicts in philosophical understanding are due to finding appropriate knowledge for suitable judgments. Discussion on this aspect was a part of the Indian philosophical tradition during the time of the Buddha. We here try to understand the concept of "denials and deny denials" introduced by Sanjaya Bellatthiputta whose philosophical school is known as Amaravikkhepa. Here we examine this concept in relation to (...)
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    Comic Business: Theatricality, Technique, and Performance Contexts in Aristophanic Comedy (review).C. W. Marshall - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (3):431-435.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Comic Business: Theatricality, Technique, and Performance Contexts in Aristophanic ComedyC. W. MarshallMartin Revermann. Comic Business: Theatricality, Technique, and Performance Contexts in Aristophanic Comedy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. xiv + 396 pp. 15 black-and-white plates. 3 black-and-white figs. 5 tables. Cloth, $115.The cover illustration of Martin Revermann's book on Aristophanic performance betrays the author's personal and intellectual debts: caricatures of five scholars thanked in the preface, drawn as (...)
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    The Coronavirus as a Revenge Effect: The Pandemic from the Perspective of Philosophy of Technique.Manuel Carabantes - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (3):544-567.
    The 2020 coronavirus pandemic is a phenomenon of great interest from the point of view of philosophy of technique. In this paper, we propose an interpretation of its causes and its current and foreseeable effects through a dual theoretical framework. On the one hand, we will use Edward Tenner’s concept of the revenge effect, which refers to the phenomenon by which a technique produces unexpected consequences that cancel its objective. In this case, modern mobility techniques, by spreading the (...)
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  40. Logic: techniques of formal reasoning. [REVIEW]J. M. P. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):591-591.
    In this textbook on elementary logic the authors present a rigorous treatment of first the propositional, and then the predicate calculi. The first two chapters deal with the former topic exclusively: there is much emphasis on translation of ordinary-language sentences into logic and testing their validity; also a proof notation consisting of nested boxes, similar to the Fitch subproof technique, is introduced and used. The third and fourth chapters are concerned with quantification theory in application to language analysis; the next (...)
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  41.  14
    Can the Attention Training Technique Reduce Stress in Students? A Controlled Study of Stress Appraisals and Meta-Worry.Peter Myhr, Timo Hursti, Katarina Emanuelsson, Elina Löfgren & Odin Hjemdal - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The present study tested the impact of attention training on cognition; secondary appraisal of perceived stress, and on metacognition; meta-worry in stressed students. Theoretically derived from the Self-Regulatory Executive Function model (S-REF model; Wells & Matthews, 1994a; 1996), the Attention Training Technique (ATT; Wells, 1990) is intended to promote flexible, voluntary external attention and has been shown to reduce symptoms of psychological distress. The present experimental study explored the effects of ATT on cognitive and metacognitive levels of appraisal, namely perceived (...)
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    Application of Referencing Techniques in EEG-Based Recordings of Contact Heat Evoked Potentials.Malte Anders, Björn Anders, Matthias Kreuzer, Sebastian Zinn & Carmen Walter - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Evoked potentials in the amplitude-time spectrum of the electroencephalogram are commonly used to assess the extent of brain responses to stimulation with noxious contact heat. The magnitude of the N- and P-waves are used as a semi-objective measure of the response to the painful stimulus: the higher the magnitude, the more painful the stimulus has been perceived. The strength of the N-P-wave response is also largely dependent on the chosen reference electrode site. The goal of this study was to examine (...)
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    Creativity through Lateral Thinking Techniques.Konstantine Alexopoulos & Theodore Scaltsas - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:11-17.
    Creativity is an emerging field of research for philosophy. A diachronic cultural value and fundamental human ability, creativity poses a host of questions that challenge us both on a theoretical and practical level. In this paper we explore creativity through the use of problem-solving lateral thinking techniques, as part of the C2Learn European Community research program. Lateral thinking is defined and then classified into three distinct kinds: conceptual, diagrammatic and emotive. Each kind is then explicated and its basic (...)
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  44. Objectivity in experimental inquiry: Breaking data-technique circles.Sylvia Culp - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (3):438-458.
    I respond to H. M. Collins's claim (1985, 1990, 1993) that experimental inquiry cannot be objective because the only criterium experimentalists have for determining whether a technique is "working" is the production of "correct" (i.e., the expected) data. Collins claims that the "experimenters' regress," the name he gives to this data-technique circle, cannot be broken using the resources of experiment alone. I argue that the data-technique circle, can be broken even though any interpretation of the raw data produced by (...) is theory-dependent. However, it is possible to break this circle by eliminating dependence on even those theoretical presuppositions that are shared by an entire scientific community through the use of multiple independently theory-dependent techniques to produce robust bodies of data. Moreover, I argue, that it is the production of robust bodies of data that convinces experimentalists of the objectivity of their data interpretations. (shrink)
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    Fraud as Legitimate Retribution for Colonial Injustice: Neutralization Techniques in Interviews with Police and Online Romance Fraud Offenders.Suleman Lazarus, Hughes Mariata, Button Mark & Garba Kaina Habila - 2025 - Deviant Behavior 38 (2):1-24.
    This qualitative research examines the phenomenon of online romance fraud, exploring it from contrasting perspectives. The study engaged two distinct groups of participants: (1) fraudsters actively involved in online romance scams (commonly referred to as “Sakawa Boys”) and (2) police officers with experience in investigating and policing internet crimes. We explore the usefulness of neutralization techniques in interpreting data within the cultural context of individuals’ subjective experiences. Thematic analysis of data reveals that both offenders and police officers employ certain (...)
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  46. Multiplying obstetrics: Techniques of surveillance and forms of coordination.Madeleine Akrich & Bernike Pasveer - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (1):63-83.
    The article argues against the common notion ofdisciplinary medical traditions, i.e. Obstetrics, asmacro-structures that quite unilinearily structure thepractices associated with the discipline. It shows that the various existences of Obstetrics, their relations with practices and vice versa, the entities these obstetrical practices render present and related, and the ways they are connected to experiences, are more complex than the unilinear model suggests. What allows participants to go from one topos to another – from Obstetrics to practice, from practice to politics, (...)
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  47. Models of data and theoretical hypotheses: a case-study in classical genetics.Marion Vorms - 2010 - Synthese 190 (2):293-319.
    Linkage (or genetic) maps are graphs, which are intended to represent the linear ordering of genes on the chromosomes. They are constructed on the basis of statistical data concerning the transmission of genes. The invention of this technique in 1913 was driven by Morgan's group's adoption of a set of hypotheses concerning the physical mechanism of heredity. These hypotheses were themselves grounded in Morgan's defense of the chromosome theory of heredity, according to which chromosomes are the physical basis of genes. (...)
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    Affect/Emotion and Securitising Education: Re-Orienting the Methodological and Theoretical Framework for the Study of Securitisation in Education.Michalinos Zembylas - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (4):487-506.
    This article shows how theorising the entanglement of securitisation and education can be enhanced by attending to the power of affect and emotion. The author proposes a methodological and theoretical framework that offers the potential of a rich and promising research agenda which includes the role of affects and emotions in exploring securitisation in education. It is argued that this framework would have to do two important things. First, it would have to show how biopolitical techniques emerge from (...)
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    The Proof-Theoretic Analysis of Transfinitely Iterated Quasi Least Fixed Points.Dieter Probst - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):721 - 746.
    The starting point of this article is an old question asked by Feferman in his paper on Hancock's conjecture [6] about the strength of ${\rm ID}_{1}^{\ast}$. This theory is obtained from the well-known theory ID₁ by restricting fixed point induction to formulas that contain fixed point constants only positively. The techniques used to perform the proof-theoretic analysis of ${\rm ID}_{1}^{\ast}$ also permit to analyze its transfinitely iterated variants ${\rm ID}_{\alpha}^{\ast}$. Thus, we eventually know that $|\widehat{{\rm ID}}_{\alpha}|=|{\rm ID}_{\alpha}^{\ast}|$.
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    The Power of Small Gestures: On the Cultural Technique of Service.Markus Krajewski - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):94-109.
    Focusing on a subject the author has extensively engaged with over the years (most notably in his 2010 study Der Diener), the article develops the notion of service as a cultural technique, and the media-theoretical figure of the servant as its servomechanism. The analysis follows three distinct scenarios that highlight, via different channels of perception (acoustic, optic and haptic), the interplay between corporeal practices and media objects in the production of specific cultural effects. In each of the examples chosen, (...)
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