Results for 'transcendental values'

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  1.  42
    The system of transcendental values.Jared S. Moore - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (9):244-248.
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  2. The divine as ground of existence and of transcendental values : an exploration.Willem B. Drees - 2016 - In Andrei A. Buckareff & Yujin Nagasawa (eds.), Alternative Concepts of God: Essays on the Metaphysics of the Divine. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Transcendental Arguments and the Sources of Value: Constitutivism as Critical Realism.Linda Lovelli - 2022 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 3 (2):171-192.
    In this paper, I present different ways in which transcendental argumentation has been used in contemporary debates in moral philosophy to justify the normative authority of morality. My aim is to defend strong “retorsive” transcendental argumentation as a way to ground a sort of critical realism in metaethics, comparing transcendental arguments proposed by Karl-Otto Apel, Christine Korsgaard and Alan Gewirth – which are sometimes referred to as “constitutivist” arguments. In particular, I endorse an argumentative strategy that considers (...)
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  4. Valuing Humanity: Kierkegaardian Worries about Korsgaardian Transcendental Arguments.Daniel Watts & Robert Stern - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 80 (4-5):424-442.
    This paper draws out from Kierkegaard’s work a distinctive critical perspective on an influential contemporary approach in moral philosophy: namely, Christine Korsgaard’s transcendental argument for the value of humanity. From Kierkegaard’s perspective, we argue, Korsgaard argument goes too far, in attributing absolute value to humanity – but also that she is required to make this claim if her transcendental argument is to work. From a Kierkegaardian perspective, to place this sort of value in humanity is problematic since it (...)
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  5. The Value of Humanity: Reflections on Korsgaard's Transcendental Argument.Robert Stern - 2011 - In Joel Smith & Peter Sullivan (eds.), Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 74.
    This article considers Christine Korsgaard's argument for the value of humanity, and the role that her transcendental argument plays in this, to the effect that an agent must value her own humanity. Two forms of that argument are considered, and the second is defended. The analysis of her position is also put in the context of debates about transcendental arguments more generally.
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  6. Transcendental Idealism and the Fact/Value Dichotomy.Kent Baldner - 1995 - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 3:1-13.
  7.  19
    Realism, Value, and Transcendental Arguments between Neopragmatism and Analytic Philosophy.Sami Pihlström - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    The essays collected in this volume and authored by Sami Pihlström emphasize that our relation to the world we live in and seek to represent and get to know better through our practices of conceptualization and inquiry is irreducibly valuational. There is no way of even approaching, let alone resolving, the philosophical issue of realism without drawing due attention to the ways in which human values are inextricably entangled with even the most purely “factual” projects of inquiry we engage (...)
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    Transcendental Arguments in Favour of Absolute Values.Gerhard Schönrich - 2017 - In Jens Peter Brune, Robert Stern & Micha H. Werner (eds.), Transcendental Arguments in Moral Theory. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 179-194.
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  9. Transcendental ground of all values.Algis MickŪnas - 2008 - Filosofija. Sociologija 19 (3).
    The essay explicates the essence and the limits of the life world of enlightenment in terms of its basic notion of primacy of the will and constructed values to be realized in and through instrumental reason. It shows that at the level of values, all events, including humans, are equivalent to the extent that they can be treated as means for the sake of better life, security, greed, production, technical progress, genetic manipulation, and even social functioning. This leveling (...)
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    Transcendentals and Values.Wladyslaw Stróżewski - 1984 - New Scholasticism 58 (2):187-206.
  11. Creativity as a value and creativity as a transcendental category.Charles Hartshorne - 1985 - In Michael H. Mitias (ed.), Creativity in art, religion, and culture. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Distributed in the U.S.A. by Humanities Press.
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    The transcendental and the mundane: Chinese cultural values in everyday life.Zhuoyun Xu - 2021 - Hong Kong: Chinese university of Hong Kong press. Edited by David Ownby.
    Through investigation of Chinese cultural ideals and life practices, Prof. Cho-yun Hsu constructs an original portrait of Chinese spiritual life. Apart from focusing on the exalted subtleties of the scholarly elite, Prof. Hsu pays more attention to the everyday people's cultural idea. By examining their daily practices (including eating, living, medical practices, poems, songs, art, and literature) and "collective memory" such as legends, he seeks to clarify Chinese ideas concerning the universe, human life and nature, from traditional times down to (...)
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    Libertad transcendental y educación.José María Barrio - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (2):527-540.
    The "transcendental freedom" is proper of the personal being, free and intelligent. This key concept of Heidegger ("transzendentalen Freiheit") is reelaborated by Millán-Puelles with Thomas Aquinas' contributions, mainly Aquinas' theory on the properties of transcendental being ("ens transcendentale"). This reelaboration is relevant for the discussion about the importance of educational paradigms. A human person is something "open" to the being and value and consequently, to educate is to communicate values through personal paradigms.
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    The Role of Contextual Values in the Formation of Ecological Behaviours.Camila Horst Toigo, Neil Ravenscroft & Ely José De Mattos - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (4):385-409.
    It is commonly understood that over-arching transcendental values (TVs) play a major role in directly influencing individual and group behaviours, including those relating to the environment. This paper challenges this approach, by arguing that there is good evidence to indicate that personal contexts – rather than TVs – inform many decisions that individuals need to make. As such, the paper argues that individuals use their TVs as a guide to forming contextual values, in a way that TVs (...)
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    Social Values in Economic Environmental Valuation: A Conceptual Framework.Julian R. Massenberg, Bernd Hansjürgens & Nele Lienhoop - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (5):611-643.
    Economic environmental valuation remains a much debated and contested issue. Concerns have been voiced that it is unable to capture the manifold immaterial values of ecosystems due to conceptual and methodological issues. Thus, additional value categories (social values) as well as novel valuation approaches like deliberative (monetary) valuation are areas of growing interest, yet the theoretical foundations are rather weak. Against this background, this article aims to develop a consistent conceptual framework for making sense of social values (...)
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  16. The Transcendental Argument of the Novel.Gilbert Plumer - 2017 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 3 (2):148-167.
    Can fictional narration yield knowledge in a way that depends crucially on its being fictional? This is the hard question of literary cognitivism. It is unexceptional that knowledge can be gained from fictional literature in ways that are not dependent on its fictionality (e.g., the science in science fiction). Sometimes fictional narratives are taken to exhibit the structure of suppositional argument, sometimes analogical argument. Of course, neither structure is unique to narratives. The thesis of literary cognitivism would be supported if (...)
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    On Robert Paul Wolff's Transcendental Interpretation of Marx's Labor Theory of Value.David Schweickart - 1984 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 14 (3):359 - 367.
    In a recent article Robert Paul Wolff has argued that Marx's theory of capitalist exploitation is incorrect, in that its ground is the premiss that labor is the source of all value.1 This, of course, is a well-rehearsed objection to Marx, but Wolff gives it a novel twist. He notes that the defense of this premise in the opening pages of Capital is inadequate, but he is not troubled by this ‘bad argument,’ for he sees Marx's real argument as something (...)
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    New Directions for Transcendental Claims.Paul Giladi - 2016 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 93 (2):212-231.
    This article aims to provide an account of the relationship between transcendental claims and the project of using transcendental argumentation that differs from the mainstream literature. In much of the literature, such claims are said to have as their primary value the overcoming of various sceptical positions. The author argues that, whilst transcendental arguments may be narrowly characterised as anti-sceptical, transcendental claims do not have to be used in only this way, and in fact can be (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Transcendental Philosophy and Quantum Theory.Patricia Kauark-Leite - 2010 - Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil 33 (1):243-267.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason Kant argues that the empirical knowledge of the world depends on a priori conditions of human sensibility and understanding, i. e., our capacities of sense experience and concept formation. The objective knowledge presupposes, on one hand, space and time as a priori conditions of sensibility and, on another hand, a priori judgments, like the principle of causality, as constitutive conditions of understanding. The problem is that in the XX century the physical science completely changed (...)
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  20. Transcendental Arguments: Problems and Prospects.Robert Stern (ed.) - 1999 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Fourteen new essays by a distinguished team of authors offer a broad and stimulating re-examination of transcendental arguments. This is the philosophical method of arguing that what is doubted or denied by the opponent must be the case, as a condition for the possibility of experience, language, or thought.The line-up of contributors features leading figures in the field from both sides of the Atlantic; they discuss the nature of transcendental arguments, and consider their role and value. In particular, (...)
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  21. Transcendental Sentimentalism.Aaron Franklin - manuscript
    Broadly construed, moral sentimentalism is the position that human emotions or sentiments play a crucial role in our best normative or descriptive accounts of moral value or judgments thereof. In this paper, I introduce and sketch a defense of a new form of moral sentimentalism I call “Transcendental Sentimentalism”. According to transcendental sentimentalism, having a sentimental response to an object is a necessary condition of the possibility of a subject counting as having non-inferential evaluative knowledge about that object. (...)
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  22. Ontological-Transcendental Defence of Metanormative Realism.Michael Kowalik - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (2):573-586.
    If there is something (P) that every possible agent is committed to value, and certain actions or attitudes either enhance or diminish P, then normative claims about a range of intentional actions can be objectively and non-trivially evaluated. I argue that the degree of existence as an agent depends on the consistency of reflexive-relating with other individuals of the agent-kind: the ontological thesis. I then show that in intending to act on a reason, every agent is rationally committed to value (...)
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    Value orientation and the secularization of post-Enlightenment social science.Sven Eliaeson - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (3):3-31.
    A full representation of all events in society is not possible. The Weber–Rickert solution to the establishing of transparent concept formation requires both theoretical and practical value relevance, that is, our fashions of today shape our selections from the past which, though, also have to be valid for the period studied. Max Weber’s tools for the selection of relevant information without risking uncontrolled value intrusion are influenced by Rickert’s historical relativism, which, however, is not free from lingering ‘objectivism’, transcendental (...)
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    Hans Wagner’s Transcendental Argument for the Idea of Human Dignity.Alicja Pietras - 2022 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 27 (2):261-272.
    Hans Wagner (1917–2000), using the achievements of German transcendental philosophy, gives a transcendental argument for the idea of human dignity. He claims that to ground the validity of human thinking and all its products (e.g. culture), we must accept the validity of the idea of human dignity. The structure of my paper is as follows: First, I consider what it means to give a transcendental justification of something. I reconstruct the neo-Kantian’s understanding of transcendental method. Then (...)
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  25. Value, Transcendence and Analogy.Gabriele De Anna - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (2):105-129.
    Current naturalistic accounts of value face the problem of explaining the normative constraints that value impose on agents. Attempts to solve this problem have progressively relaxed the strictness of naturalistic requirements, up to the point of seeking theistic solutions. However, appeals to God are also problematic, since it is questionable that a relevant notion of God is conceivable at all: if God is wholly other He cannot matter for our choices and if He is a being among natural beings He (...)
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  26. The value of humanity and Kant's conception of evil.Matthew Caswell - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (4):635-663.
    Matthew Caswell - The Value of Humanity and Kant's Conception of Evil - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.4 635-663 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents The Value of Humanity and Kant's Conception of Evil Matthew Caswell Recent years have seen the development of a powerful reinterpretation of Kant's basic approach in ethical thought. Kant, it is argued, should not be read as defending the stark, metaphysics-laden formalism for which his theory is (...)
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    Transcendental institutionalism and global justice.Darrel Moellendorf - 2013 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16 (2):162-178.
    In The Idea of Justice (2009), Amartya Sen distinguishes between ?transcendental institutional? approaches to justice and ?realization-focused comparisons,? rejecting the former and recommending the latter as a normative approach to global justice. I argue that Sen?s project fails for three principal reasons. First, he misdiagnoses the problem with accounts that he refers to as transcendental-institutionalist. The problem is not with these kinds of accounts per se, but with particular features of prominent approaches. Second, Sen?s realization-focus does not account (...)
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    Analogy, Supposition, and Transcendentality in Narrative Argument.Gilbert Plumer - 2017 - In Paula Olmos (ed.), Narration as Argument. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 63-81.
    Rodden writes, “How do stories persuade us? How do they ‘move’—and move us? The short answer: by analogies.” Rodden’s claim is a natural first view, also held by others. This chapter considers the extent to which this view is true and helpful in understanding how fictional narratives, taken as wholes, may be argumentative, comparing it to the two principal (though not necessarily exclusive) alternatives that have been proposed: understanding fictional narratives as exhibiting the structure of suppositional argument, or the structure (...)
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    Ethics vindicated: Kant's transcendental legitimation of moral discourse.Ermanno Bencivenga - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Can we regard ourselves as having free will? What is the place of values in a world of facts? What grounds the authority of moral injunctions, and why should we care about them? Unless we provide satisfactory answers to these questions, ethics has no credible status and is likely to be subsumed by psychology, history, or rational decision theory. According to Ermanno Bencivenga, this outcome is both common and regrettable. Bencivenga points to Immanuel Kant for the solution. Kant's philosophy (...)
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    The transcendental argument in Kant's.Robert J. Benton - 1978 - Journal of Value Inquiry 12 (3):225-237.
    From this summary account of the deduction we can draw a number of conclusions: In the first place, the guiding thesis used to make sense of the argument was that the argument needed to ground not just the moral law but a cognitive framework within which the moral law is the highest law. This distinction is important since it allows us to distinguish in the practical philosophy (as in the theoretical) a level of transcendental argumentation from a level of (...)
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  31. Transcendental Theology for Non-Believers.Michael Kowalik - 2022 - African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (1):30-37.
    Pope Benedict XVI argued that it is "necessary and reasonable to raise the question of God through the use of reason" and to understand "theology, as inquiry into the rationality of faith." (Ratzinger 2006) The idea that faith per se can be reconciled with rationality per se presents a delicate analytical task for philosophy of religion, to consistently ground a belief system which is regarded by nonbelievers as inherently ungrounded and inconsistent, without negating any grounding postulates internal to the dogma. (...)
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  32. The transcendental argument in Kant's Groundwork.Robert J. Benton - 1978 - Journal of Value Inquiry 12 (3).
  33. Historical and transcendental factors in the construction of the sciences.Hervé Barreau - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 96 (1):33-47.
    The hermeneutic context of scientific activity requires that scientific discovery be attributed not only to historical factors but also to transcendental factors (in the sense exemplified by Kant and Husserl, but without their respective idealism). Together these factors can account for a scientific discovery. This is manifest in the invention of Relativity by Einstein. Thomas Kuhn considered the first factors and neglected the seconds. As a consequence the "paradigms" are, for him, incommensurable. But this negligence is the effect of (...)
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    Transcendental Ground of Intrinsic Worth in Russian Literature.Algis Mickunas - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:477.
    The essay is a phenomenological study of Russian literature as a point of critique of two lifeworlds: the traditional Russian Feudalism with its “decadent” aristocracy, and the modern Western Enlightenment with its values, specifically the “subjective” construction of val-uations of all environment and human activities. Russian writers, from Turgenev all the way to Gogol found themselves between those two worlds and sought an answer which of them answers the existential question of human self-worth as an “eidetic” criterion of all (...)
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  35. Toward Pragmatically Naturalized Transcendental Philosophy of Scientific Inquiry And Pragmatic Scientific Realism.Sami Pihlström - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 5 (2):79-94.
    This paper seeks to show that the turn toward local scientific practices in the philosophy of science is not a turn away from transcendental investigations. On the contrary, a pragmatist approach can very well be (re)connected with Kantian transcendental examination of the necessary conditions for the possibility of scientific representation and cognition, insofar as the a priori conditions that transcendental philosophy of science examines are understood as historically relative and thus potentially changing. The issue of scientific realism (...)
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    Instantiating a Transcendental Vision: Recontextualizing Tractarian Ethics.Michael Hall - 2023 - In Ines Skelac & Ante Belić (eds.), What Cannot Be Shown Cannot Be Said: Proceedings of the International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Zagreb, Croatia, 2021. Lit Verlag. pp. 41-52.
    This article proposes to recontextualize Tractarian ethics within the anthropological frame that develops through Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Grammar to the Philosophical Investigations. The Tractarian vision of absolute value, ethical propositions as nonsense, and the transcendentality of ethics seems incapable of being instantiated within the particulars that surround human action. This difficulty is resolved by showing that the Tractarian theme of the coextension of ethics and language (and of ethics and life) combined with Wittgenstein’s later ideas of language-games, rule-following, and forms of (...)
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    Nietzsche and transcendental argument.John Richardson - 2013 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 54 (128):287-305.
    My plan is to examine Nietzsche's view of (what is I think) the most characteristically Kantian kind of argument, what's now often called 'transcendental argument'. I understand this as an argument in which a concept or principle or value is justified as a 'condition of the possibility' of something indisputable (or indispensable). I will look at Nietzsche's critique of this pattern of argument in Kant, but also at the ways he still uses such arguments himself, in all three of (...)
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    Values and Intentions: A Study in Value-Theory and Philosophy of Mind.J. N. Findlay - 1961 - New York,: Routledge.
    Professor Findlay in this book, originally published in 1961, set out to justify, and to some extent carry out, a ‘material value-ethic’, ie. A systematic setting forth of the ends of rational action. The book is in the tradition of Moore, Rashfall, Ross, Scheler and Hartmann though it avoids altogether dogmatic intuitive methods. It argues that an organised framework of ends of action follows from the attitude underlying our moral pronouncements, and that this framework, while allowing personal elaboration, is not (...)
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  39.  29
    The living body and transcendental subjectivity in the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl.Rubén Sánchez Muñoz & Jorge Medina Delgadillo - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 40:9-28.
    Resumen En este trabajo se explora el problema del cuerpo vivo en la fenomenología trascendental de Edmund Husserl y el entrelazamiento que tiene con la conciencia trascendental. Para ello se exploran diversas capas o momentos del tema. Primero: la justificación de la ausencia de un tratamiento del cuerpo en Ideas I debido a su enfoque estático. Segundo: el problema propiamente dicho de la constitución del cuerpo vivo en Ideas II desde una fenomenología genética. Tercero: la posibilidad de una ética de (...)
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  40. VARGA v. KIBÉD, M. The Unity of Logic, Ethics, and Aesthetics as Transcendental Unity of the Tractatus.A. Ule - 1998 - Acta Analytica 13:31-47.
    We deal with five aspects of the intrinsic connection of logic, ethics, and aesthetics in Wittgenstein's Tractatus: (a) the indication of what Wittgenstein called the "higher" of the world and language; (b) the conveyance of values through an intuition "sub specie aeternitatis"; (c) the discussion of internal properties of volitional totalities; (d) the reference to the metaphysical subject as the subject of volition (the will) (e) the indication of a "happy life". This intrinsic connection supplements the idea of the (...)
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    Ultimate grounding in transcendental philosophy: main complications and ways to overcome them. Article 2 (The transformation of Kant's transcendentalism in the discursive ethics of Apel and Habermas).Mikola Tur - 2005 - Sententiae 12 (1):93-103.
    The author examines the role of discourse in a democratically organized society, where socially significant issues are resolved through collective discussion and criticism of the parties' claims. Discourse is considered as a practice of communicative relations aimed at achieving social harmony. It appears as the highest instance of social life, which determines norms, values and individual aspects of social life. However, there are also difficulties that Karl Otto Apel faces in justifying democracy, in particular in the context of the (...)
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    Culture and freedom in transcendental and speculative idealism.Christian Krijnen - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (2):407-419.
    The founding fathers of modern philosophy of culture, the neo-Kantians, and especially the Southwest school, brought the concept of culture into play as a counter concept to that of nature. Taking Heinrich Rickert?s conception of culture as a starting point, the article shows how culture is conceived of as a self-formation of the subject. It leads to transcendental idealism of freedom, typical of a Kantian type of transcendental philosophy. However, in this self and world formation of the subject (...)
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    Manipulation and the Value of Rational Agency.Micha H. Werner - 2022 - In Christoph Horn & Robinson dos Santos (eds.), Kant’s Theory of Value. De Gruyter. pp. 241-262.
    Recent contributions to the philosophy of manipulation have challenged assumptions explicitly understood as “Kantian”; especially the assumption that the concept and the negative value of manipulation could be explained by regarding it as a subversion of rational agency. This paper examines Robert Noggle’s concerns about Kantian accounts of manipulation and confronts them with Kant’s considerations about the “moral illusion”. It argues that, while the original framework of transcendental idealism makes it hard to understand the value and vulnerability of rational (...)
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    Value and idealism.Sebastian Gardner - 2000 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 47:1-18.
    This paper is concerned with the attempt to base a general theory of value on an idealist metaphysics. The most explicit and fully developed instance of this approach is, of course, found in Kant, on whom I shall concentrate, though I will also suggest that the account I offer of Kant has application to the later German idealists. While the core of the paper is devoted to commentary on Kant, what I thereby wish to make plausible is the idea that (...)
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    The grounds of ethical judgement: new transcendental arguments in moral philosophy.Christian Illies - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is it merely a matter of taste or convention to consider something right or wrong? Or can we find good reasons for our values and judgements that are independent of culture and tradition? The problem is as old as philosophy itself; and after more than two millennia of scholarly debate, there seems no end to the controversy. But Christian Illies suggests that powerful new forms of transcendental argument (a philosophical tool known since antiquity) may offer a long-sought cornerstone (...)
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  46. The Aesthetic Value of Literary Works in Roman Ingarden’s Philosophy.Hicham Jakha - 2022 - Kultura I Wartości (32):165-185.
    In this paper, I attempt to formulate an Ingardenian conception of the literary work’s aesthetic value. Following Mitscherling’s lead, I attempt to place Ingarden’s aesthetics within his overall phenomenological-ontological project. That is, I argue that Ingarden’s aesthetics can only be properly fathomed in the context of his ontological deliberations, since, as he himself often enunciated, all his philosophical investigations constitute a realist rejoinder to Husserl’s turn toward transcendental idealism. To this end, I bring together insights from his aesthetics and (...)
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    Transcendental Aristotelianism: Can the “Fresh Start” of Ethics Find a Happy End?Christian Illies - 2018 - Journal of Value Inquiry 52 (3):327-346.
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  48. The Value of Perception.Keith Allen - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (3):633-656.
    This paper develops a form of transcendental naïve realism. According to naïve realism, veridical perceptual experiences are essentially relational. According to transcendental naïve realism, the naïve realist theory of perception is not just one theory of perception amongst others, to be established as an inference to the best explanation and assessed on the basis of a cost-benefit analysis that weighs performance along a number of different dimensions: for instance, fidelity to appearances, simplicity, systematicity, fit with scientific theories, and (...)
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    On Kant's Transcendental Account of Newtonian Mechanics.Pierre Kerszberg - unknown
    Kant's account of Newtonian science in terms of a priori structures of the mind has been generally interpreted as too restrictive. If Newtonian science is an instantiation of the system of categories, then, in order to retain any value, they need to be dynamized in accordance with the development of science beyond Newton. This paper suggests that the restriction in best understood as Kant attempt to provide a primary matrix of sense for any possible natural science, inasmuch as it reflects (...)
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  50. A transcendental defense of speciesism.Michael Goldman - 2001 - Journal of Value Inquiry 35 (1):59-69.
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