Results for 'transformative relations'

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  1. Transforming Relations: Essays on Jews and Christians Throughout History in Honor of Michael A. Signer. [REVIEW]Daniel Lasker - 2011 - The Medieval Review 5.
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    Relation Between Relativistic and Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics as Integral Transformation.R. M. Mir-Kasimov - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (4):607-626.
    A formulation of quantum mechanics (QM) in the relativistic configurational space (RCS) is considered. A transformation connecting the non-relativistic QM and relativistic QM (RQM) has been found in an explicit form. This transformation is a direct generalization of the Kontorovich–Lebedev transformation. It is shown also that RCS gives an example of non-commutative geometry over the commutative algebra of functions.
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    Relational Spirituality and Transformation: Risking Intimacy and Alterity.Daniel Jass, Mary L. Jensen & Steven J. Sandage - 2008 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 1 (2):182-206.
    We extend a relational model of spirituality and transformation based on Shuts’ and Sandage's previous interdisciplinary work in Transforming Spirituality. Spirituality is conceptualized based on a relational framework, and transformation is understood as emerging through an intensification of relational anxiety. Spiritual maturity is related to differentiation of self, based on theology and social science. The risks and challenges of relational intimacy and alterity are proposed as two relational pathways toward differentiation and spiritual transformation. Practical relational strategies to enhance spiritual formation (...)
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    Transformations of state-church relations in independent Ukraine.Valeriy Klymov - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 35:279-299.
    The more than thirteen-year co-existence of the Ukrainian state and the Church in the qualitatively new conditions prevailing in the post-Soviet space together with the formation of an independent Ukraine, functioning during this period of state-church relations give reasonably reliable grounds for scientific analysis, a number of generalizations and conclusions regarding the results and conclusions conditions of state policy on religion, church and religious organizations, ensuring in Ukraine the right of everyone to freedom of world view and religion - (...)
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    Polish-Russian Economic Relations Under the Conditions of System Transformation.Paweł Bożyk - 2011 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 13 (1):19-26.
    Polish-Russian Economic Relations Under the Conditions of System Transformation The rapid economic transformation in Central and Eastern Europe, modelled on Western economies and based, in some aspects, on neoliberal principles, has found the region's countries to a bigger or lesser degree unprepared. The resulting economic recession, especially in Russia, has had an adverse effect on mutual trade between Poland and Russia. In order to improve economic relations with Russia and increase the trade volume, Poland, remaining within the bounds (...)
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  6. Transformative Values: Human-Environment Relations in Theory and Practice.Emily Brady & Pauline Phemister (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
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  7. The transformation of relations in Spinoza's metaphysics.Simon B. Duffy - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond (eds.), Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Connecting relational wellbeing and participatory action research: reflections on ‘unlikely’ transformations among women caring for disabled children in South Africa.Elise J. van der Mark, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, Christine W. M. Dedding, Ina M. Conradie & Jacqueline E. W. Broerse - 2023 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (1):80-104.
    Participatory action research (PAR) is a form of community-driven qualitative research which aims to collaboratively take action to improve participants’ lives. This is generally achieved through cognitive, reflexive learning cycles, whereby people ultimately enhance their wellbeing. This approach builds on two assumptions: (1) participants are able to reflect on and prioritize difficulties they face; (2) collective impetus and action are progressively achieved, ultimately leading to increased wellbeing. This article complicates these assumptions by analyzing a two-year PAR project with mothers of (...)
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    Transforming Scientists’ Understanding of Science–Society Relations. Stimulating Double-Loop Learning when Teaching RRI.Maria Bårdsen Hesjedal, Heidrun Åm, Knut H. Sørensen & Roger Strand - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1633-1653.
    The problem of developing research and innovation in accordance with society’s general needs and values has received increasing attention in research policy. In the last 7 years, the concept of “Responsible Research and Innovation” has gained prominence in this regard, along with the resulting question of how best to integrate awareness about science–society relations into daily practices in research and higher education. In this context, post-graduate training has been seen as a promising entrance point, but tool-kit approaches more frequently (...)
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    Quantum Instruments and Related Transformation Valued Functions.Kari Ylinen - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (6):656-675.
    The notion of an instrument in the quantum theory of measurement is studied in the context of transformation valued linear maps on von Neumann algebras and their *-subalgebras. An extension theorem is proved which yields among other things characterizations of the Fourier transforms of instruments and their noncommutative analogues. As an application, an ergodic type theorem for a general class of transformation valued functions on a locally compact group is obtained.
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    Tyranny, Despotism, and Consent in Marsiglio of Padua’s Defensor pacis.has Published in Excess of 100 Journal Articles, Guillaume Bogiaris, Edward Elgar, The Rope, the Chains: Machiavelli’S. Early Thought, Its Transformations Books/Rowman & Littlefield - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-18.
    Within the political lexicon of the European Middle Ages, tyranny (along with related terms such as tyrant and tyrannical) constituted one of its most ubiquitous and flexibly applied discursive fields. Moreover, once Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics began to circulate in the West after their translation into Latin in the mid-1200s, a closely related term for tyranny emerged: despotism. Yet when we turn to Marsiglio of Padua, the fourteenth-century political theorist who is often regarded to be the quintessential medieval exponent of (...)
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  12. Collaborative relations and irresponsible purity: Herbert Mehrtens’ transformation of the historiography of science, medicine, technology and National Socialism.Mark Walker - 2022 - Science in Context 35 (4):326-335.
    ArgumentBy breaking decisively with the predominantly apologetic and hagiographic literature on science during National Socialism and employing compelling terms such as “irresponsible purity” and “collaborative relations,” Herbert Mehrtens profoundly influenced both his contemporaries and the subsequent generation of historians working in this field.
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    The Transformation of French Industrial Relations: Labor Representation and the State in a Post-Dirigiste Era.Chris Howell - 2009 - Politics and Society 37 (2):229-256.
    Despite continued social protest, something quite fundamental has changed in the regulation of class relations in France. This article explores two paradoxes of this transformation. First, a dense network of institutions of social dialogue and worker representation has become implanted in French firms at the same time as trade union strength has declined. Second, the transformation has involved a relaxation of centralized labor market regulation on the part of the state, yet the French state remains a central actor in (...)
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    Analogy is priming, but relations are not transformations.Fintan J. Costello - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):382-383.
    Leech et al. make two proposals: that relational priming is central to analogy, and that relations between objects are best represented as transformations of those objects. Although their account of analogy as relational priming is a useful contribution to our understanding of analogical development, in this commentary I show that relations in general cannot be represented by transformations.
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    Human-Environment Relations: Transformative Values in Theory and Practice.Emily Brady & Pauline Phemister (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
    This fresh and innovative approach to human-environmental relations will revolutionise our understanding of the boundaries between ourselves and the environment we inhabit. The anthology is predicated on the notion that values shift back and forth between humans and the world around them in an ethical communicative zone called ‘value-space’. The contributors examine the transformative interplay between external environments and human values, and identify concrete ways in which these norms, residing in and derived from self and society, are projected (...)
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    Intergenerational Relations and Social Transformations: The Case of North Caucasus.I. V. Starodubrovskaya - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (1):92-113.
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    Transformations of the Notion of Landscape in the Context of Nature–Culture Relation.Beata Trochimska-Kubacka - 2024 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 19 (2):63-75.
    The landscape has been of particular interest since the 1970s, and this is largely due to the threats to nature resulting from the climate crisis. The axis of the argument is the assumption of a significant relationship between the concept of landscape and the nature-culture relationship in the modern era and today. The text reflects on the meaning of the concept of landscape in aesthetic and cultural terms and within the framework of contemporary environmental aesthetics and the philosophy of natural (...)
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    Conflict-Related Violence against Women: Transforming Transition, Aisling Swaine , 332 pp., $99.99 cloth, $34.99 paper.Eleanor Gordon - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (3):377-379.
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    Coarticulation: Mutual Transformation in Human and Nonhuman Relations.Iwona Janicka - 2024 - Substance 53 (2):38-58.
    “Representation” and “articulation” are important terms in discussions of multispecies relations. In this article, I propose the term “coarticulation” that describes a process of mutual intelligibility between a human and a nonhuman and of rendering each other capable in new ways. This article argues that the concept of “coarticulation” offers a way to enrich our understanding of our human-nonhuman relations and give ontological consistency to various types of nonhumans that matter to us. It traces the reciprocal imprints that (...)
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    From a Sociological Given Context to Changing Practice: Transforming Problematic Power Relations in Educational Organizations to Overcome Social Inequalities.Yannick Lémonie, Vincent Grosstephan & Jean-Luc Tomás - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:608502.
    In 2012, the international PISA survey reinforced the observation that the French educational system is one of the most unequal among OECD countries. The observation of serious inequalities in access to educational success for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds could lead to a pessimistic vision suggesting that any possibility of transformation of the system is doomed to failure. Thus, the fight against inequalities in access to educational success is a form of runaway object which constitutes a challenge for research which treats (...)
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    Agri-food system transformations and diet-related chronic disease in Australia: a nutrition-oriented value chain approach.Libby Hattersley - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (2):299-309.
    Attention has become increasingly focused in recent years on the role agri-food system transformations have played in driving the global diet-related chronic disease burden. Identifying the role played by the food-consuming industries (predominantly large manufacturers, processors, distributors, and retailers) in particular, and identifying possibilities to facilitate healthier diets through intervening in these industries, have been identified as a research priority. This paper explores the potential for one promising analytic framework—the nutrition-oriented value chain approach—to contribute to this area, drawing on recent (...)
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  22. “The Relation of Culture to History: A Review of Marshall Sahlins’s Apologies to Thucydides and William Sewell’s Logics of History” Review of Apologies to Thucydides: Understanding History as Culture and Vice Versa by Marshall Sahlins and Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation by William H. Sewell, Jr. [REVIEW]Edward Lipuma - 2006 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 36 (1):59-68.
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  23. Higher education-Inter-faith relations for transformation (Religion).Jesudason Baskar Jeyaraj - 2006 - Journal of Dharma 31 (2):199-218.
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    Center-periphery relations and transformation of post-soviet science.Gennady Nesvetailov - 1995 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 8 (2):53-67.
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    The metalanguage of transformational syntax: Relations between jargon and theory.Kathryn Riley - 1987 - Semiotica 67 (3-4):173-194.
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    Internal friction related to viscous motion of phase interfaces during thermoelastic martensitic transformation.C. L. Gong, F. S. Han, Z. Li & M. P. Wang - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (16):2281-2297.
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    Corporate Community Relations in the 1990s: A Study in Transformation.Barbara Weinberg Altman - 1998 - Business and Society 37 (2):221-227.
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    Transformative unlearning: safety, discernment and communities of learning.Geraldine Macdonald - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (3):170-178.
    Transformative unlearning: safety, discernment and communities of learningThis paper aims to stimulate awareness about the intellectual and emotional work of ‘unlearning’ in knowledge workers in the emerging learning age. The importance of providing a safe space for dialogue to promote transformative learning, through building ‘communities of learning’, is highlighted. Unlearning is conceptualized within a transformative education paradigm, one whose primary orientation is discernment, a personal growth process involving the activities of receptivity, recognition and grieving. The author utilizes (...)
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    The impact of follower leadership position on transformational leadership as moderator of the association between work-related ambiguity and job satisfaction.Morten Birkeland Nielsen, Jørn Hetland, Anette Harris, Guy Notelaers, Johannes Gjerstad & Ståle Valvatne Einarsern - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This two-part study examined if the buffering effect of transformational leadership on the association between work-related ambiguity and job satisfaction is contingent upon whether a follower holds a formal leadership position him/herself. Data from two separate surveys were employed: Study 1: A sample of 845 respondents from Belgium. Study 2: A national probability sample of 1,608 Norwegian employees. Study 1 showed that task ambiguity had a significant negative relation with job satisfaction, but that transformational leadership did only buffer the association (...)
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  30. Features of the Transformation of Political and Institutional Communication Relations with the Internal and External Environment Under the Influence of the Digitalization Process.Павло ПЕТРОВ - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (2):160-166.
    The rapid development of digital technologies has fundamentally changed political-institutional communication relations, changing the dynamics between internal and external environments. As part of the research, based on classical methodology, a theoretical analysis of the transformation of political-institutional communication relations with the internal and external environment under the influence of the digitalization process is carried out. The study examines the specifics of such transformations in the context of digitalization, emphasizing the institutional challenges for political institutions, internal and external environments, (...)
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    Operationalizing the Relation Between Affect and Cognition With the Somatic Transform.Neil J. MacKinnon & Jesse Hoey - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (3):245-256.
    This article introduces the somatic transform that operationalizes the relation between affect and cognition at the psychological level of analysis by capitalizing on the relation between the cogni...
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    A terminator, a transformer, and job meet: Creator–created relations in film and scripture.E. Allen Jones - 2017 - Zygon 52 (1):172-185.
    In this essay, I set the book of Job in dialogue with a number of films from the robot science fiction subgenre. It is my intention to show that both sets of literature are deeply engaged with questions related to how creators and created things can interact, and that they deal with these questions in ways that illuminate and complement each other. The study proceeds in three phases. First, I develop a typology of robot science fiction as I see it (...)
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  33. The transformation of relations in Spinoza's metaphysics.Simon B. Duffy - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond (eds.), Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    The digital transformation of work: A relational view.Carlos Rodriguez-Lluesma, Pablo García-Ruiz & Javier Pinto-Garay - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 30 (1):157-167.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Bayesian analogy with relational transformations.Hongjing Lu, Dawn Chen & Keith J. Holyoak - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (3):617-648.
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    Portraying the Other in International Relations: Cases of Othering, Their Dynamics and the Potential for Transformation.Sybille Reinke de Buitrago (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Presents an analysis by international scholars on othering processes and self-other constructions within international relations, attempting to fill a gap in the debate on this topic and its socio-political implications.
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    Transformed Corporate Community Relations: A Management Tool for Achieving Corporate Citizenship 1.Barbara W. Altman - 1999 - Business and Society Review 102-103 (1):43-51.
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  38. Affectual Relations Reconsidered: The Primal Bond as a Lens for Social Transformation.Ian Raymond Pacquing - 2025 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 26 (1).
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    Motivations, changes and challenges of participating in food-related social innovations and their transformative potential: three cases from Berlin (Germany).Felix Zoll, Alexandra Harder, Lerato Nyaradzo Manatsa & Jonathan Friedrich - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1481-1502.
    Dominant agri-food systems are increasingly seen as unsustainable in terms of environmental degradation, mass production or high food waste. In an attempt to counteract these developments and foster sustainability transitions in agri-food systems, a variety of actors are engaging in socially innovative models of food production and consumption. Using a multiple case study approach, our study examines three contrasting alternative economic models in the city of Berlin: community gardens, the app Too Good To Go (TGTG), and a cooperative supermarket. Based (...)
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    Regenerative agriculture and a more-than-human ethic of care: a relational approach to understanding transformation.Madison Seymour & Sean Connelly - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):231-244.
    A growing body of literature argues that achieving radical change in the agri-food system requires a radical renegotiation of our relationship with the environment alongside a change in our thinking and approach to transformational food politics. This paper argues that relational approaches such as a more-than-human ethic of care (MTH EoC) can offer a different and constructive perspective to analyse agri-food system transformation because it emphasises social structures and relationships as the basis of environmental change. A MTH EoC has not (...)
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    Transformative Education Through International Service-Learning: Realising an Ethical Ecology of Learning.Phil Bamber - 2016 - Routledge.
    Transformative learning is a compelling approach to learning that is becoming increasingly popular in a diverse range of educational settings and encounters. This book reconceptualises transformative learning through an investigation of the learning process and outcomes of International Service-Learning, a pedagogical approach that blends student learning with community engagement overseas and the development of a more just society. Drawing upon key philosophers and theorists, Bamber offers an integrated, multi-dimensional approach, linking transformative learning to the development of the (...)
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    Transformation of the Constitutional System of the Slovak Republic.Boris Balog - 2011 - Creative and Knowledge Society 1 (2):70-82.
    Transformation of the Constitutional System of the Slovak Republic Purpose of the article is to analyze the Constitutional Act No. 356/2011 Z. Coll. amending the Constitution of the Slovak Republic in terms of its compatibility of the constitutional system of the Slovak Republic. The article analyzes the potential impact of amendment to the Constitution of the Slovak Republic on the Parliamentary form of the government of the Slovak Republic and examine the consistency of Art. 115 Para 3 of the Constitution (...)
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    Somatic Transformations in the Context of Antropotechnogynesis at the Modern Stage.І. Р Pecheranskyi - 2021 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 19:52-60.
    Purpose. The main purpose of the article is the analysis of the phenomenon and manifestations of the somatic transformations in the context of anthropo-technological evolution at the beginning of the XXI century. Theoretical basis. The author determines the understanding of the concept "somatic transformations" in the frames of anthropotechnogynesis is possible only on the base of integrative approach and combination of post-non-classical scientific paradigm methodology, theory of the technological development, ideas of trans-humanism, informative society concepts, and net technologies influence on (...)
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    A modern model of state-church relations as a result of social transformations.Valeriy Klymov - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 12:52-63.
    Using the term "model" for such a specific sphere of social existence as state-church relations, we will have in mind, firstly, the logical and legal analogy of the real system of state-church relations in Ukraine, and secondly, the social and legal system that results both self-development and the assimilation of world experience in the regulation of relations between the institutions of the state and religious-church organizations.
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    Crystallographic aspects related to the high pressure–high temperature phase transformation of boron nitride.L. C. Nistor *, G. Van Tendeloo & G. Dinca - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (11):1145-1158.
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  46. Persons transformed by political solidarity.Sally Scholz - 2010 - Appraisal 8.
    The unity with others in collective action to achieve a particular goal, known as political solidarity, transforms the individual. I examine the dual nature of that personal transformation — the motivational transformation and the normative transformation — and offer a study of the relation between political solidarity and empathy. While empathy may be part of the normative transformation, I argue that it is not a necessary element of the motivational transformation. I conclude with a discussion of epistemic empathy.
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    Work in progress: power in transformation to postcapitalist work relations in community–supported agriculture.Guilherme Raj, Giuseppe Feola & Hens Runhaar - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):269-291.
    Community-supported agriculture (CSA) initiatives are spaces where diverse work relations are performed. From a postcapitalist perspective, these initiatives attempt to create alternative-capitalist and non-capitalist work relations next to capitalist ones. While analyses of work relations in CSA abound, it remains uncertain how such diversification is made possible and how it is shaped by the micro-politics of and power relations in these initiatives. This paper addresses this gap by analysing how power shapes transformations to postcapitalist work (...) in CSA. It provides substantial empirical evidence of multiple manifestations of power enabling or constraining postcapitalist work relations through a comparative case study of three CSA initiatives in Portugal. Results show that while CSA creates postcapitalist work relations that are non-alienated, non-monetised and full of care, they insufficiently unmake unbalanced power relations established in capitalist work relations. This paper argues that, when establishing postcapitalist work relations, the selected CSA initiatives could benefit from actively deconstructing internal hierarchies, de-centralising decision-making power from farm owners and addressing oppressive power relations that are ossified in their local and cultural context. (shrink)
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    A Relational Ontological Theory of Emergence and a new Nonlinear Quantum Physics.Gil Santos - 2015 - Quantum Matter 4 (3):267-273.
    In the present article, I propose to give a positive characterization of ontological emergence from a relational perspective that, in opposition both to atomism and to holism, defends that the existence-conditions, the identity and the behavior or causal role of any emergent entity are to be conceived, and explained, as constructed by diverse systems of qualitatively transformative relations. I argue that from this relational perspective, the notion of emergence can be seen as ontologically and epistemologically coherent and significant. (...)
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    Global Citizens – Global Jet Setters? The Relation Between Global Identity, Sufficiency Orientation, Travelling, and a Socio-Ecological Transformation of the Mobility System.Laura S. Loy, Josephine Tröger, Paula Prior & Gerhard Reese - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Global crises such as the climate crisis require fast concerted action, but individual and structural barriers prevent a socio-ecological transformation in crucial areas such as the mobility sector. An identification with people all over the world and an openness toward less consumption may represent psychological drivers of a socio-ecological transformation. We examined the compatibility of both concepts as well as their relation to people’s support of a decarbonised mobility system and their flight mobility behaviour – a CO2-intensive behaviour that may (...)
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    Awakening – Transformation, agency and virtue from three contemporary philosophical inspirations: Bhaskar, Segal and Slote.Dudley Schreiber - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    For some, ‘transformation’ is the new non-reductive and non-normative ‘development’, attracting attention from interdisciplinary array, but of particular theoretical and practical interest to Spirituality scholars. In philosophical context, transformation theory has suffered greatly from ’agency-structure’ dualism and suspension of ontology in body-mind dualism and rationalist virtue controversy. Drawing on the work of Bhaskar, Segal and Slote, a renegotiated and more meaningful sense of transformation emerges from their cumulative analytical and conceptual enrichment. In the complexity of possible relations between self, (...)
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