Results for 'woman lawyer'

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  1.  28
    Clare McGlynn, The Woman Lawyer – Making the Difference.Erika Rackley - 1999 - Feminist Legal Studies 7 (3):343-346.
  2.  46
    Barbara Babcock: Woman Lawyer: The Trials of Clara Foltz: Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 2011, 371 pp, $45, ISBN 978-0-8047-4358-7. [REVIEW]Rosemary Auchmuty - 2011 - Feminist Legal Studies 19 (3):289-291.
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    Reassessing Portia: The Iconic Potential ofShakespeare's Woman Lawyer[REVIEW]Erika Rackley - 2003 - Feminist Legal Studies 11 (1):25-44.
    This paper considers the adoption ofPortia, the heroine of The Merchant ofVenice, by feminist legal scholars as ametaphor for the woman lawyer. It suggests thatPortia has both captured and is captured by thefeminist legal scholar's imagination, becomingat once an idol, myth and icon. She is to somethe personification of the woman lawyer'sperceived difference, a mouthpiece for mercyand `the different voice' and to others, a shamor myth, her idolised reputation sullied, her`difference' rejected. Yet ultimately thisconstant and simultaneous (...)
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  4. Lawyers, Ethics, and To Kill a Mockingbird.Tim Dare - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (1):127-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.1 (2001) 127-141 [Access article in PDF] Lawyers, Ethics, and To Kill a Mockingbird Tim Dare I Lawyers are widely thought to be callous, self-serving, devious, and indifferent to justice, truth, and the public good. The law profession could do with a hero, and some think Atticus Finch of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird fits the bill. 1 Claudia Carver, for instance, urging lawyers to (...)
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    The Less Noble Sex: Scientific, Religious, and Philosophical Conceptions of Woman's Nature.Nancy Tuana & Mildred Jeanne Peterson - 1989 - Indiana University Press.
    Physically frail, badly educated girls, brought up to lead useless lives as idle gentlewomen, married to dominant husbands, and relegated to "separate spheres" of life—these phrases have often been used to describe Victorian upper-middle-class women. M. Jeanne Peterson rejects such formulations and the received wisdom they embody in favor of a careful examination of Victorian ladies and their lives. Focusing on a network of urban professional families over three generations, this book examines the scope and quality of gentlewomen's education, their (...)
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    Reframing Conscientious Care: Providing Abortion Care When Law and Conscience Collide.Mara Buchbinder, Dragana Lassiter, Rebecca Mercier, Amy Bryant & Anne Drapkin Lyerly - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (2):22-30.
    “It's almost like putting salt in a wound, for this person who's already made a very difficult decision,” suggested Meghan Patterson, a licensed obstetrician-gynecologist whom we interviewed in our qualitative study of the experiences of North Carolina abortion providers practicing under the state's Woman's Right to Know Act. The act requires that women receive counseling with state-mandated information at least twenty-four hours prior to obtaining an abortion. After the law was passed, Patterson worked with clinic administrators, in consultation with (...)
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    Potential conflicts in midwifery practice regarding conscientious objection to abortions in Scotland.Valerie Fleming & Yvonne Robb - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (2):564-575.
    Background: This study was developed as a result of a court case involving conflicts between midwives’ professional practice and their faith when caring for women undergoing abortions in Scotland. Research questions: What are practising Roman Catholics’ perspectives of potential conflicts between midwives’ professional practice in Scotland with regard to involvement in abortions and their faith? How relevant is the ‘conscience clause’ to midwifery practice today? and What are participants’ understandings of Canon 1398 in relation to midwifery practice? Research design: The (...)
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    Law, seduction, and the sentimental heroine: The case of Amelia Norman.John T. Parry & Andrea L. Hibbard - manuscript
    This article examines the notorious mid-nineteenth-century American trial of Amelia Norman, who was acquitted - very much against the weight of the evidence - of attempting to kill the man who seduced her. In particular, we explore the role in the trial and its aftermath of the affective energies and cultural expectations set in motion by best-selling American sentimental novels like Hannah Foster's "The Coquette" and Susanna Rowson's "Charlotte Temple." In Norman's case, once newspapers, defense lawyers, and reformers such as (...)
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    The descent of the doves: Camus’s Fall, Derrida’s ethics?Matthew Sharpe - 2002 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 (2):173-189.
    This essay is a critique of Derrida's ethical works, using Camus's last novella The Fall as a critical sounding board. It argues that a danger pertains to any such highly self-reflexive position as Derrida's: a danger that Camus identified in The Fall, and staged in his character, Jean-Baptiste Clamence. Clamence is a successful Parisian lawyer, on top of his personal and professional life, whose equanimity is troubled after he is the unwitting passer-by as a young woman suicides one (...)
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    A Tale of Two Disciplines: Law and Bioethics.Rebecca Dresser - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (1):47-59.
    Karen Quinlan played a big part in my decision to become a lawyer. When this nation's first high-profile right-to-die case was litigated in the 1970s, I was a college graduate who wasn't sure what to do next. I had majored in psychology and sociology and had thought about graduate study in one of those fields. But In re Quinlan ) pointed me in a different direction.Karen Quinlan was a young woman who had temporarily stopped breathing after taking tranquilizers (...)
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    Gildersleeve and M. Carey Thomas.Ward W. Briggs - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (4):629-635.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.4 (2000) 629-635 [Access article in PDF] Brief Mention Gildersleeve and M. Carey Thomas Ward W. Briggs IN A RECENT COLUMN on the dismissal of Professor Mary Daly of Boston College, who for decades has not permitted men in her women's studies classes, Garry Wills recalled two stories about Basil L. Gildersleeve: When women were admitted to the graduate school at the Hopkins, much to (...)
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    Will the circle be unbroken?: reflections on death, rebirth, and hunger for a faith.Studs Terkel - 2001 - New York: W.W. Norton.
    Machine generated contents note: Part I -- Doctors -- Dr. Joseph Messer -- Dr. Sharon Sandell -- ER -- Dr. John Barrett -- Marc and Noreen Levison, a paramedic and a nurse -- Lloyd (Pete) Haywood, a former gangbanger -- Claire Hellstern, a nurse -- Ed Reardon, a paramedic -- Law and Order -- Robert Soreghan, a homicide detective -- Delbert Lee Tibbs, a former death-row inmate -- War -- Dr. Frank Raila -- Haskell Wexler, a cinematographer -- Tammy Snider, (...)
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  13. Countability shifts in the normative dimension.Kurt Erbach & Leda Berio - 2022 - Proceedings of Sinn Und Beduetung 26.
    In this paper, we discuss what we argue is a newly observed use of nouns like woman, man, and lawyer, in the sort of morphosyntax characteristic of count nouns. We argue that the relevant data constitutes normative uses of the relevant nouns, and we build an analysis on the assumption that such nouns are polysemous between descriptive and normative senses (Leslie 2015), using the formal account of polysemy in Pustejovsky (1998), and the analysis of count- ability in Rothstein (...)
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    The Importance of Incorporating Religious, Cultural and Linguistic Evidence in UK Immigration Procedures: An Analysis of the Semiotic Codes of Asylum Seekers.Imranali Panjwani - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (4):1351-1368.
    Asylum seekers who claim asylum in the United Kingdom flee from a diverse range of threats of persecution, particularly in the MENA (Middle East & North African) region. These threats may comprise of war, tribal violence and trafficking to honour-killings, female genital mutilation and witchcraft. Some of these threats may be alien to Western immigration tribunals as they either do not occur in their respective countries or are not understood, particularly because of the intricate religious and cultural nature of the (...)
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    The occasional triumph of the moral sentiments over legal technicalities: Law, seduction, and the sentimental heroine.Andrea L. Hibbard & John T. Parry - manuscript
    Our paper explores how the affective energies and cultural expectations set in motion by best-selling American sentimental novels like Hannah Foster's The Coquette and Susanna Rowson's Charlotte Temple informed the notorious mid-nineteenth-century American trial of Amelia Norman, who attempted to kill the man who seduced her. Once newspapers, defense lawyers, and reformers such as Lydia Maria Child recast the defendant as a sentimental heroine, the trial became about seduction, and Norman was acquitted against the weight of the evidence. Sentimental novels (...)
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    Instinct of Nature: Natural Law, Synderesis, and the Moral Sense.Robert A. Greene - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (2):173-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Instinct of Nature: Natural Law, Synderesis, and the Moral SenseRobert A. Greene“Instinct is a great matter.”—Sir John FalstaffThis essay traces the evolution of the meaning of the expression instinctus naturae in the discussion of the natural law from Justinian’s Digest through its association with synderesis to Francis Hutcheson’s theory of the moral sense. The introduction of instinctus naturae into Ulpian’s definition of the natural law by Isidore of Seville (...)
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  17. Reproductive autonomy and the ethics of abortion.Barbara Hewson - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (suppl 2):10-14.
    Abortion is one of the most controversial issues in today's world. People tend to turn to the law when trying to decide what is the best possible solution to an unwanted pregnancy. Here the author's views on abortion are discussed from a lawyer's and a woman's point of view. By taking into consideration the rights of the fetus an “antagonistic relationship” between the woman and her unborn child may occur. Therefore, women should have more autonomy in the (...)
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    Fetal Sentience and Women’s Rights.Bonnie Steinbock - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (6):3-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fetal Sentience and Women’s RightsBonnie Steinbock (bio)A growing number of states have banned abortion after twenty weeks on the grounds that the fetus at that stage experiences pain. Such laws run contrary to current abortion law, and so are almost certain to be challenged in court. In Roe v. Wade the Supreme Court said that the constitutional right to abortion extends until the fetus is viable, between twenty-four and (...)
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  19.  43
    Enemies of patients.Ruth Macklin - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A young man, terminally ill and in extreme suffering, asks to be removed from life support, requesting morphine first so he'll be asleep when the machine stops. His physician agrees, but the hospital's chief administrator intervenes, arguing that the morphine might itself cause death, leaving the physician open to criminal indictment for murder. To placate the administrator, the doctor and patient reach a grim compromise: life support will be disconnected first, and only after manifest signs of suffering appear will the (...)
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  20.  50
    Royal College of Nursing (Rcn) code of professional conduct: a discussion document.J. D. Dawson, A. T. Altschul, C. Sampson & A. M. Smith - 1977 - Journal of Medical Ethics 3 (3):115-123.
    We are printing in its entirety the discussion document which sets out a code of professional conduct for nurses published by the Royal College of Nursing in November 1976 together with commentaries by the Assistant Secretary of the British Medical Association, a professor of nursing studies, student nurses and a lawyer. The image of the nurse is still that of one of Florence Nightingale's young ladies or of a member of a religious order who is wholly dedicated to caring (...)
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  21.  83
    Breaking the Silence: Gender Mainstreaming and the Composition of the European Court of Justice. [REVIEW]Sally J. Kenney - 2002 - Feminist Legal Studies 10 (3):257-270.
    Why has it taken so long for member states to appoint women to the Court of Justice? Despite having won relatively significant policy instruments for equal treatment at work and high levels of legislative representation, women in the European Union have been slow to extend the demand for gender mainstreaming to courts. Prior to 1999, the Court of Justice had had one woman member until Ireland appointed Fidelma Macken in late 1999, and Germany appointed Ninon Colneric and Austria appointed (...)
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  22.  21
    (1 other version)This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women.Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick (eds.) - 2006 - New York: H. Holt.
    An inspiring collection of the personal philosophies of a fascinating group of individuals Based on the NPR series of the same name, This I Believe features eighty essays penned by the famous and the unknown—completing the thought that the book’s title begins. Each piece compels readers to rethink not only how they have arrived at their own personal beliefs but also the extent to which they share them with others. Featuring a star-studded list of contributors—including Isabel Allende, John Updike, William (...)
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    The case of Terri Schiavo: ethics, politics, and death in the 21st century.Kenneth Goodman (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The case of Terri Schiavo, a young woman who spent 15 years in a persistent vegetative state, has emerged as a watershed in debates over end-of-life care. While many observers had thought the right to refuse medical treatment was well established, this case split a family, divided a nation, and counfounded physicians, legislators, and many of the people they treated or represented. In renewing debates over the importance of advance directives, the appropriate role of artificial hydration and nutrition, and (...)
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  24.  7
    The justice of mercy.Linda Ross Meyer - 2010 - Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
    "The Justice of Mercy is exhilarating reading. Teeming with intelligence and insight, this study immediately establishes itself as the unequaled philosophical and legal exploration of mercy. But Linda Meyer's book reaches beyond mercy to offer reconceptualizations of justice and punishment themselves. Meyer's ambition is to rethink the failed retributivist paradigm of criminal justice and to replace it with an ideal of merciful punishment grounded in a Heideggerian insight into the gift of being-with-others. The readings of criminal law, Heideggerian and Levinasian (...)
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    Advertising Legal Services in NSW.Capital Lawyers, Daniel D. Steiner & Mr Daniel Steiner - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  26. An Exploratory Analysis, 1 Geo J.Lawyer Relationships - 1987 - Legal Ethics 15.
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  27. Costs Law Expertise.Dgt Costs Lawyers Approachable Efficient Progressive - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    How to Find Joy in the Practice of Holistic Law: Edited Version of an Address.John Kelly & International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers - 1999 - Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory.
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  29. 82 Readings in jurisprudence law and morals.Charles C. Miltner & Notre Dame Lawyer - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt. pp. 82.
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    A Matter of Memory? Age‐Invariant Relative Clause Disambiguation and Memory Interference in Older Adults.Willem S. van Boxtel & Laurel A. Lawyer - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Past research suggests that Working Memory plays a role in determining relative clause attachment bias. Disambiguation preferences may further depend on Processing Speed and explicit memory demands in linguistic tasks. Given that Working Memory and Processing Speed decline with age, older adults offer a way of investigating the factors underlying disambiguation preferences. Additionally, older adults might be subject to more severe similarity-based memory interference given their larger vocabularies and slower lexical access. Nevertheless, memory interference and sentence disambiguation have not been (...)
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  31. July Members' Lunch.Young Lawyers Winter Ball - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    AGM Members Lunch.Michael Flynn, Carolyn Pope, Councillor Jayne Reece, Richard Refshauge Sc, Bill Redpath, Peter Romano, Athol Opas, Jo Clay, Tim Sharman & Higgins Lawyers - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    CPD Program February—March 2012.Richard Thomas, Silk Chambers, Paul Edmonds, Canberra Criminal Lawyers, Keith Bradley, Bradley Allen Lawyers, Marcus Hassall, Henry Parkes Chambers, Q. C. Ben Salmon & Blackburn Chambers - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Law Week Launch.Michael Blyth, Andrew Cunich, Christine Lowe, Ben Caddaye, Bill Redpath, Elenore Eriksson, A. C. T. Women Lawyers Dinner, Mary O’Connor, Sonia Hay & President Bill Redpath Contemplating Ethos - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Golf Day 2005@ Federal Golf Club, Red Hill.Longest Drive Women’S.-Lyn McGuinness, Longest Drive Men’S.-Bill Williams, Best Callaway Score-Njegosh Popvich, Best Accountant-Michael Slaven, Best Lawyer-Les Klekner, Overall Women’S. Ivana Joseph, Overall Mens-Andy Colquhoun, Kow Chen & Abel Ong - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Golf day 2005 @ federal golf club, red hill." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (196), pp. 7.
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  36. The Good Lawyer: Lawyers' Roles and Lawyers' Ethics.David Luban - 1984 - Law and Philosophy 3 (3):431-436.
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    III. [The Woman Who Was a Sinner].Edna H. Hong - 2009 - In Kierkegaard's Writings, Xviii: Without Authority. Princeton University Press. pp. 135-144.
  38. The hadith about woman's lacking intellectuality and it correlation onto testimony law for woman. Bambang - 2009 - In Ahmad Syukri Saleh, Ahmad Syukri Baharuddin & A. A. Miftah (eds.), Islam and contemporary issues on Islamic education, law, philosophy, and economy. Jambi: PPs IAIN STS Jambi.
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    Ethics, Professional Responsibility and the Lawyer by Duncan Webb.Andy Boon - 2001 - Legal Ethics 4 (1):77-84.
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    Spirituality, Tradition and Gender: Judith Montefiore, the Very Model of a Modern Jewish Woman.Abigail Green - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (6):747-760.
    SummaryJudith Montefiore's life has attracted attention principally by association with that of her husband Sir Moses Montefiore (1784–1885), the pre-eminent Jewish figure of his age. This article emphasises instead Judith's pioneering role as a Jewish woman travel-writer and influential female voice in the world of Jewish letters and international Jewish politics. To Jews in the Holy Cities of Palestine and the ghettos and shtetls of Eastern Europe, Judith was—like her husband—a beacon of hope, an example to follow and an (...)
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  41. Person as Lawyer: How Having a Guilty Mind Explains Attributions of Intentional Agency.Frank Hindriks - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):339-340.
    In criminal law, foresight betrays a guilty mind as much as intent does: both reveal that the agent is not properly motivated to avoid an illegal state of affairs. This commonality warrants our judgment that the state is brought about intentionally, even when unintended. In contrast to Knobe, I thus retain the idea that acting intentionally is acting with a certain frame of mind.
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  42. Feminist Aims and a Trans-Inclusive Definition of “Woman”.Katie L. Kirkland - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (1).
    In "Amelioration and Inclusion: Gender Identity and the Concept of Woman," Katharine Jenkins argues that Sally Haslanger's focal analysis of gender problematically excludes nonpassing trans women from the category "woman." However, Jenkins does not explain why this exclusion contradicts the feminist aims of Haslanger's account. In this paper, I advance two arguments that suggest that a trans-inclusive account of "woman" is crucial to the aims of feminism. I claim that the aims of feminism are to understand and (...)
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    The Little Brown Woman: Gender Discrimination in American Medicine.Wasudha Bhatt - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (5):659-680.
    Drawing on 121 in-depth interviews with first- and second-generation women and men physicians of Indian origin in the U.S. Southwest, I examine the incidence and nature of gender-based discrimination in American medicine. I focus on two aspects: gender discrimination by employers and colleagues against women physicians of Indian origin and the interaction of gender discrimination with race in the professional lives of first- and second-generation physicians. U.S. healthcare has become increasingly dependent on immigrants, in particular women physicians, from the developing (...)
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    ‘Gorilla exceptions’ and the ethically apathetic corporate lawyer.Steven Vaughan & Emma Oakley - 2016 - Legal Ethics 19 (1):50-75.
    ABSTRACTThis paper draws on interviews with 57 corporate finance lawyers working from global law firms based in the City of London. Drawing on this data, we highlight common themes of taking deals at ‘face value’, being the lawyer-technician who uses the law to effect his client’s wishes, and not ‘pushing’ ethics. We suggest that there is an apathy – a lack of concern or interest – about ethics on the part of corporate lawyers. This apathy stems from various sources. (...)
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  45.  51
    Reflections on US Policies Regarding ‘Effective Regulation and Discipline’ and Foreign Lawyer Mobility: Has the Time Come to Talk About the Elephant in the Room?Laurel S. Terry - 2013 - Legal Ethics 16 (2):284-305.
    The ABA has adopted four model policies that address, in one way or another, the issue of foreign lawyer mobility. These policies are the ABA Model Foreign Legal Consultant Rule, which is commonly known as the FLC rule, the ABA Model Rule for Temporary Practice by Foreign Lawyers, which is commonly known as the FIFO rule, ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct 5.5, which permits foreign lawyers to serve as in-house counsel, and the ABA Model Rule on Pro Hac (...)
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  46. Being a Black Woman Philosopher: Reflections on Founding the Collegium of Black Women Philosophers.Kathryn T. Gines - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (2):429-437.
    Although the American Philosophical Association has more than 11,000 members, there are still fewer than 125 Black philosophers in the United States, including fewer than thirty Black women holding a PhD in philosophy and working in a philosophy department in the academy.1The following is a “musing” about how I became one of them and how I have sought to create a positive philosophical space for all of us.
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    The Vindications: The Rights of Men and the Rights of Woman.Mary Wollstonecraft - 1997 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    The works of Mary Wollstonecraft ranged from the early Thoughts on the Education of Daughters to The Female Reader, a selection of texts for girls, and included two novels. But her reputation is founded on A Vindication of the Rights of Woman of 1792. This treatise is the first great document of feminism—and is now accepted as a core text in western tradition. It is not widely known that the germ of Wollstonecraft's great work came out of an earlier (...)
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  48. 2. Locating Morality in Legal Practice: Lawyer?: Client?: The Law?Stephen Pepper - 2010 - Legal Ethics 13 (2):174.
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  49. Mistake of Law and Obstruction of Justice: A 'Bad Excuse' ... Even for a Lawyer!Lucinda Vandervort - 2001 - University of New Brunswick Law Journal 50: 171-186.
    In Regina v. Murray, (2000, Ont S.Ct.J.) the learned trial judge, Justice Gravely, errs in his interpretation and application of the law of mens rea in the offense of willfully attempting to obstruct justice under section 139(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada. In view of his findings of fact and law, including the determination that the accused knowingly and intentionally committed the actus reus of the offense and the absence of any suggestion that he lacked awareness of any relevant (...)
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  50. The fragility of legal ethics : on the role of theory, lawyerly virtues, and moral remainders in the life of a good lawyer.Iris van Domselaar - 2023 - In Julian S. Webb (ed.), Leading works in legal ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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