Results for 'Capital Lawyers'

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  1.  31
    Advertising Legal Services in NSW.Capital Lawyers, Daniel D. Steiner & Mr Daniel Steiner - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Golf Day 2005@ Federal Golf Club, Red Hill.Longest Drive Women’S.-Lyn McGuinness, Longest Drive Men’S.-Bill Williams, Best Callaway Score-Njegosh Popvich, Best Accountant-Michael Slaven, Best Lawyer-Les Klekner, Overall Women’S. Ivana Joseph, Overall Mens-Andy Colquhoun, Kow Chen & Abel Ong - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Golf day 2005 @ federal golf club, red hill." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (196), pp. 7.
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    Young Lawyer of the Year.W. End-Of-LaW - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "End-Of-Law week drinkS @ ACT Magistrates Court: Friday 20 May 2005." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (198), pp. 24.
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  4. An Australian lawyer's response.L. Skene - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):408-409.
    Dr Boyle is right in drawing attention to the apparent inconsistency between laws that allow a fetus in utero to be aborted at the mother’s will but give the law’s full protection to a newborn infant, perhaps of the same gestation as the aborted fetus. It makes no difference how disabled the infant is, or how poor the prognosis. The reason for the inconsistency is that the two stages of the infant’s development—before birth and after birth—are governed by different legal (...)
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    Book Review 'Catching capital: The ethics of tax competition'. [REVIEW]Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (2).
    In today’s globalised economy, characterised by high capital mobility but largely domestic tax policy, individuals and corporations can pick and choose between different tax regimes. In Catching Capital: The Ethics of Tax Competition, Peter Dietsch offers a commanding analysis covering the moral assessment and an institutional solution to the problem of tax competition. This book will prove useful to political philosophers and legal theorists seeking a thorough approach to global justice that proceeds from real-world practice. And, more importantly, (...)
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    Accounting Ratio Analyses of Inequality of Minority Lawyers.KiKyung Song & EunYoung Whang - 2018 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 37 (2-3):237-264.
    With the expansion of clientele’s demographics and international transactions, many law firms began to open doors to non-mainstreamers—minority lawyers to join the legal workforce. Decades have passed and the inequality in compensation between minority and non-minority attorneys is still one of the most controversial issues in the legal profession. Based on human capital and labor discrimination theory, we examine the productivity and compensation differences between minority attorneys and non-minority counterparts. The sample consists of 554 firm-year observations of the (...)
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    Trial Consulting: Capital Markets, Corporate Control, and Economic Performance.Amy J. Posey & Lawrence S. Wrightsman - 2005 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In its roughly 25 years of existence, the trial consulting profession has grown dramatically in membership, recognition, and breadth of practice. What began as a small activist group of social scientists volunteering their expertise to assist in the defense of Vietnam War protestors has evolved into a diverse set of professionals from a range of educational and professional backgrounds. In spite of such enormous growth, the work of trial consultants has gone largely unexamined. Trial Consulting takes an in-depth look at (...)
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    The World's Trader, the World's Lawyer: Europe and Global Processes.Göran Therborn - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (4):403-417.
    Europe's position in the world is analyzed in relation to a specification of globalization into five global processes, whereby Europe stands out as the central node of global flows of trade and capital and as the region of uniquely high transnational entanglements, as an area of transnational normativity. The historical background and inter-relation of foreign trade and trans-polity law within Europe, both in early modern social theory and in post-Second World War institution-building, are highlighted, as well as the spread (...)
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  9. Obiter dictum: News from the act law society's young lawyers' committee.Kavina Mistry - 2013 - Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory 228:30.
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  10. Традиційне та новаційне в протидії злочинним проявам у радянській україні за умов лібералізації суспільства хрущовської доби.Oksana Mikheieva - 2013 - Схід 6 (126):232-237.
    State policy in the field of law enforcement during the Khrushchev's period wasn't a stabile. The first wave of changes was associated with the abolition of some legislative acts of the Stalinist period, a significant softening of punitive line, narrowing of the scope of capital punishment, empowerment convicted people etc. On the one hand, these steps are partially rehabilitating the Soviet law enforcement. On the other hand, government actions were unreasoned and populist, designed for quick political effect. The next (...)
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    Pour une théorie de l'échange dans les réseaux sociaux.Michel Ferrary - 2001 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 111 (2):261-290.
    À partir de l’analyse des réseaux sociaux qui sous-tendent les réseaux industriels de la Silicon Valley, cette recherche montre que la nature des biens échangés et le degré d’interdépendance des acteurs économiques font de l’échange par le don le principe dominant d’échange dans les réseaux. Dans la Silicon Valley, les échanges d’information entre les capital-risqueurs, les juristes, les entrepreneurs, les dirigeants d’entreprises, les journalistes, les professeurs d’université... se font pour l’essentiel au sein de réseaux d’acteurs interdépendants et complémentaires qui (...)
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    Twilight of the Vampires: History and the Myth of the Undead.Matthew Kratter - 1998 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 5 (1):30-45.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TWILIGHT OF THE VAMPIRES: HISTORY AND THE MYTH OF THE UNDEAD Matthew Kratter University ofCalifornia Berkeley "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster." (Nietzsche, Beyond Good andEvil, IV, 146) One ofthe most satisfying parts ofan extended engagement with the mimetic theory is the bird's-eye view of history that it affords one—that magnificently coherent panorama which stretches from proto-hominids through (...)
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  13. Ethics and Criminal Justice: An Introduction.John Kleinig (ed.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    This textbook looks at the main ethical questions that confront the criminal justice system - legislature, law enforcement, courts, and corrections - and those who work within that system, especially police officers, prosecutors, defence lawyers, judges, juries, and prison officers. John Kleinig sets the issues in the context of a liberal democratic society and its ethical and legislative underpinnings, and illustrates them with a wide and international range of real-life case studies. Topics covered include discretion, capital punishment, terrorism, (...)
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  14.  31
    Litigation Risk Transfer and Law Firm Financial Arrangements.Vicki Waye - 2014 - Legal Ethics 17 (1):107-131.
    By promoting greater alignment between law and capital, litigation financing has the potential to further escalate the substantial restructuring that is occurring throughout the legal profession. This article examines regulation of the relationship between litigation funders and lawyers in three common law jurisdictions: the United Kingdom; the United States; and Australia, against the backdrop of a sea change in the way in which legal services are being delivered. It argues that a broad prescriptive approach rather than proscriptive prohibitions (...)
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    Paul the Silentiary and Claudian.Mary Whitby - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):507-.
    The extent to which Latin was familiar to the inhabitants of late sixth- and early seventh-century Constantinople is a topic of current discussion and interest. While there is little evidence to suggest a significant knowledge of Latin even among the educated in the seventh century, it is clear that in the late sixth century the language was still familiar to a section of the upper classes. Among native easterners, the degree of this familiarity would certainly have varied considerably, from those (...)
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    Introduction to morality, justice and the law.M. Katherine B. Darmer & Robert M. Baird - manuscript
    MORALITY, JUSTICE AND THE LAW is a co-edited volume pulling together selections on theories of the moral underpinnings of law, morality and lawyering (including the religious lawyering movement), civil disobedience, capital punishment and immigration. The book was published by Prometheus Books in 2007.
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    Law for Elites.Markéta Štěpáníková & Terezie Smejkalová - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 59 (1):47-68.
    It has been claimed that to fully understand the law, one must know the language of normative texts and the relevant rules governing its use. It usually means that normative texts do not seem to be comprehensible enough to persons without formal legal training. In an on-going research project, we are focusing on the process of writing texts of legal regulations, conducting semi-structured interviews with those involved in drafting normative texts. In this paper, we focus on lawyers as a (...)
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  18. Markets, Information, and Benevolence.Timothy J. Brennan - 1994 - Economics and Philosophy 10 (2):151-168.
    In the January 6, 1991, issue of theWashington Post Magazine, reporter Walt Harrington wrote a profile of Bryan Stevenson. Mr. Stevenson is a 31-year-old working-class African-American from Delaware who graduated from Harvard Law School and the Kennedy School of Government. Like the typical graduate of Harvard Law School, Mr. Stevenson had the opportunity to join the worlds of six-figure corporate law or high-visibility politics. Rather than follow his colleagues, however, Mr. Stevenson works seven-day, eighty-hour weeks as director of the Alabama (...)
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    The Private Origins of the Private Company: Britain 1862–1907.Ron Harris - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (2):339-378.
    This article recalls the fact that until the mid-19th century neither company legislation, nor jurists, nor economists, envisioned companies to be private or small. Nevertheless, once freedom of incorporation and general limited liability were enacted, a new practice was set in motion in Britain. Smaller companies were formed in growing numbers, replacing partnerships, family firms and even sole proprietorships. They operated in sectors in which corporations had not been found before. These companies did not seek access to the stock markets. (...)
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  20.  53
    Government spending and the budget deficit.Stephen G. Peitchinis - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (7):591 - 594.
    The business community of Canada manifests questionable moral and ethical standards in its criticism of government spending, since it itself bears considerable responsibility for the increase in government spending and budget deficits. The contradiction arises from the failure of the business community to recognize the liberalization of society at large and the associated social responsibility for the well-being of its citizens; a well-being manifested in income maintenance programmes, in access to education and training, in health care, and others. The failure (...)
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  21. Forensic neuropsychiatric ethics: balancing competing duties in and out of court.William Connor Darby & Robert Weinstock (eds.) - 2025 - Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
    Mental health clinicians and evaluators of a person's mental health for legal purposes must address highly nuanced and possibly conflicting goals that arise in their work. Forensic Neuropsychiatric Ethics reviews real-life dilemmas facing practitioners who work in the field of mental health. The first two chapters ground the reader in the modern history and evolution of forensic ethics. Subsequent chapters provide practical direction on a range of important topics, including maintaining robust professionalism, writing an ethical report, testifying ethically, participating in (...)
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  22.  16
    Global Political Theory.David Held & Pietro Maffettone (eds.) - 2016 - Polity.
    Philosophers have never shied away from interrogating the nature of our obligations beyond borders. From Hobbes to the international lawyers Grotius, Pufendorf, Vattel, and of course Kant, modern philosophy has always attempted to define the nature and shape of a just international order, and the types of mutual obligations members of different political communities might share. In today's hyper-connected world, these issues are more important than ever and have been an impetus to a political theory with global scope and (...)
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  23.  27
    Historical Materialism.John Kilcullen - unknown
    Marx was born in 1818, Engels in 1820, both in Germany. Marx's father was a lawyer, and he went to Bonn and Berlin universities, at first to study law, then philosophy (a flourishing subject in German universities at the time). Engels was not a university man. He went into business. From 1850 to 1870 he managed his family's firm's cotton mill in Manchester. Engels had first-hand knowledge of the English capitalists: he was one. After retiring from the cotton industry he (...)
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    Valuing diverse students: an ethical response to building success in first-year law students and broadening the legal profession.Anna Cody & Sandy Noakes - 2023 - Legal Ethics 25 (1):64-87.
    Currently, most legal professions are not representative of the communities which they serve. They do not proportionally include diverse members of the community, nor ensure there are diverse practitioners represented in all areas of practice and at senior levels. This impacts on access to justice, a key premise of the law and legal system. One step to make the legal profession more diverse is for law schools to ensure that diverse law students are both admitted and enabled to succeed in (...)
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  25. An Exploratory Analysis, 1 Geo J.Lawyer Relationships - 1987 - Legal Ethics 15.
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  26. 82 Readings in jurisprudence law and morals.Charles C. Miltner & Notre Dame Lawyer - 1938 - In Jerome Hall, Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt. pp. 82.
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  27. July Members' Lunch.Young Lawyers Winter Ball - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  28. Li̓llicite..René Capitant - 1928 - Paris,: Dalloz.
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    A Matter of Memory? Age‐Invariant Relative Clause Disambiguation and Memory Interference in Older Adults.Willem S. van Boxtel & Laurel A. Lawyer - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Past research suggests that Working Memory plays a role in determining relative clause attachment bias. Disambiguation preferences may further depend on Processing Speed and explicit memory demands in linguistic tasks. Given that Working Memory and Processing Speed decline with age, older adults offer a way of investigating the factors underlying disambiguation preferences. Additionally, older adults might be subject to more severe similarity-based memory interference given their larger vocabularies and slower lexical access. Nevertheless, memory interference and sentence disambiguation have not been (...)
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    How to Find Joy in the Practice of Holistic Law: Edited Version of an Address.John Kelly & International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers - 1999 - Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory.
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  31. Costs Law Expertise.Dgt Costs Lawyers Approachable Efficient Progressive - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  32. Entre el apoyo y el enfrentamiento: El diario El Tribuno frente a la candidatura de Miguel Ragone.Guillermo Salvador Marinaro & Capital Federal-Argentina - 2013 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (6).
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    Acknowledgment of external reviewers for 2001.Steven Best, El Paso, James Bohman, Randall Collins, Mark Cooney, Diane Davis, Maria Epele, Capital Federal, Argentina Steven Epstein & Jennifer Jordan - 2002 - Theory and Society 31 (149):149-149.
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    AGM Members Lunch.Michael Flynn, Carolyn Pope, Councillor Jayne Reece, Richard Refshauge Sc, Bill Redpath, Peter Romano, Athol Opas, Jo Clay, Tim Sharman & Higgins Lawyers - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Law Week Launch.Michael Blyth, Andrew Cunich, Christine Lowe, Ben Caddaye, Bill Redpath, Elenore Eriksson, A. C. T. Women Lawyers Dinner, Mary O’Connor, Sonia Hay & President Bill Redpath Contemplating Ethos - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    CPD Program February—March 2012.Richard Thomas, Silk Chambers, Paul Edmonds, Canberra Criminal Lawyers, Keith Bradley, Bradley Allen Lawyers, Marcus Hassall, Henry Parkes Chambers, Q. C. Ben Salmon & Blackburn Chambers - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Capital social y humano en convergencia. Asentamientos irregulares de Milpa Alta.Gardy Augusto Bolívar Espinoza & Óscar Rogelio Caloca Osorio - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 33.
    El capital social, si bien corresponde a una categoría nacida de la economía política clásica y, en particular, empleada por Karl Marx, en su versión contemporánea se muestra en la combinación del capital físico y el capital humano en el contexto de la teoría de la economía de bienestar. En la primera parte se expone la cuestión conceptual y en la segunda se expone el capital humano en un modelo de crecimiento de Convergencia. Se consideran los (...)
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    Lawyers are not algorithms: sustainability, corruption, and the role of the lawyer in institutional frameworks and corporate transactions.Larry Catá Backer - 2021 - Legal Ethics 24 (1):4-23.
    Among key emerging societal principles to which a lawyer owes a high degree of fidelity are those that advance sustainability and that combat corruption. This essay considers the character of those...
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    Ethical lawyering in the Anthropocene.Australia Canberra - 2024 - Legal Ethics 26 (2):201-218.
    Law must evolve to play its part in addressing the anthropogenic threats of climate change and biodiversity loss. Lawyers have a key role to play in assisting that evolution, and the ethics that govern lawyers’ work will play a large part in determining its success. This article explains how four core approaches to legal ethics support lawyers in their work to address climate change and to facilitate more sustainable ways of living.
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    Lawyers' Professional Ethics—Do They Exist?Aulis Aarnio - 2001 - Ratio Juris 14 (1):1-9.
    The author's aim is to prove that certain moral principles will always be etched into laws when the interest of society demands it and when morality as a set of norms guiding behavior no longer functions in an expected manner outside the system of law. In this paper, it is argued that morality is constituted within the law in a more profound way as well as in a way which is also much more difficult to identify than, for example, conventional (...)
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    The Lawyer and the Lightning Rod.Jessica Riskin - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (1):61-99.
    The ArgumentIn the summer of 1783, a trial took place in the French city of Arras. One M. de Vissery, a resident of the nearby village of St. Omer, was appealing a decision by his local aldermen, who required him to remove a lightning rod he had put on his chimney. His young defense lawyer was Maximilien Robespierre, who made a name for himself by winning the case. In preparation, Robespierre and his senior colleague corresponded with natural philosophers and jurisconsultants. (...)
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    Lawyers' Business: Conflicts of Duties Arising from Lawyers' Business Models.Joanne Stagg-Taylor - 2011 - Legal Ethics 14 (2):173-192.
    In Australia, since 2004, there has been a move to expand the range of models for legal practice. Lawyers may now incorporate a legal practice, which may have non-legal directors and shareholders. They may also enter into a partnership with a range of non-legal professional partners. This change is happening at the same time that legal practice culture is moving from a professional service model to a business-oriented model. Increased pressures have been thrown into the mix by the global (...)
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  43.  23
    Lawyers and Fidelity to Law.W. Bradley Wendel - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    Even lawyers who obey the law often seem to act unethically--interfering with the discovery of truth, subverting justice, and inflicting harm on innocent people. Standard arguments within legal ethics attempt to show why it is permissible to do something as a lawyer that it would be wrong to do as an ordinary person. But in the view of most critics these arguments fail to turn wrongs into rights. Even many lawyers think legal ethics is flawed because it does (...)
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  44. Semantic capital: its nature, value, and curation.Luciano Floridi - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):481-497.
    There is a wealth of resources— ideas, insights, discoveries, inventions, traditions, cultures, languages, arts, religions, sciences, narratives, stories, poems, customs and norms, music and songs, games and personal experiences, and advertisements—that we produce, curate, consume, transmit, and inherit as humans. This wealth, which I define as semantic capital, gives meaning to, and makes sense of, our own existence and the world surrounding us. It defines who we are and enables humans to develop an individual and social life. This paper (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Lawyers and Justice: An Ethical Study.David Luban - 1988 - Princeton University Press.
    This is a book about the ethics of the legal profession proceeding from one basic premise: our nation is so dependent on its lawyers that their ethical problems transform themselves into public difficulties.
  46. Against Capital Punishment.Benjamin Schertz Yost - 2019 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    _Against Capital Punishment_ offers an innovative proceduralist argument against the death penalty. Worries about procedural injustice animate many popular and scholarly objections to capital punishment. Philosophers and legal theorists are attracted to procedural abolitionism because it sidesteps controversies over whether murderers deserve death, holding out a promise of gaining rational purchase among death penalty retentionists. Following in this path, the book remains agnostic on the substantive immorality of execution; in fact, it takes pains to reconstruct the best arguments (...)
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    Lawyers in Chinese Culture.Xing Xu - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):269-288.
    After more than 40 years of development, China has established a relatively complete system of lawyers, including laws and regulations, a unified qualification examination, and lawyers associations. Today, there are nearly 600,000 lawyers working in various fields. However, the Communist regime in China has never adopted the so-called Western values of freedom and equality, the guarantee of human rights, and the rule of law, while the socialist ideology emphasizes the obedience of the individual to the collective and (...)
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    Australian Lawyers as Public Citizens.Lillian Corbin - 2013 - Legal Ethics 16 (1):57-72.
    While debate continues over the role of the lawyer in society, this article notes that the recently amended professional conduct rules of both barristers and solicitors and the proposed draft National Law prioritise the duty to the court and the administration of justice. In addition, the Australian Learning and Teaching Council's threshold learning outcomes for legal education corroborate these obligations when they assert that the role of a lawyer includes a professional responsibility to promote justice in service to the community. (...)
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    Intellectual Capital and Innovation through Market Orientation in the Indonesian Film Industry.Marwan Effendi, Suryana Suryana, Eeng Ahman, Sobandi Sobandi & Andi Primafira Bumandava Eka - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:497-507.
    This article aims to analyze the relationship between intellectual capital and innovation through market orientation in the Indonesian film Industry as a creative economy in the new economic age based on information intensification and creativity with superior ideas, knowledge and competencies of human resources. To collect data, a questionnaire was used. Out of 65 populations of film companies, by random sampling, 56 were selected as representative samples. The Partial Least Square Structural Path-Modeling (PLS-PM) was used to test the hypotheses. (...)
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  50. Capital Punishment as a Response to Evil.Peter Brian Barry - 2015 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 9 (2):245-264.
    Some jurisdictions acknowledge, as a matter of positive law, the relevance of evil to capital punishment. At one point, the state of Florida counted that the fact that a murderer’s crime was “especially wicked, evil, atrocious or cruel” as an aggravating factor for purposes of capital sentencing. I submit that Florida may be onto something. I consider a thesis about capital punishment that strikes me as plausible on its face: if capital punishment is ever morally permissible, (...)
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