Results for 'zakon o zaštiti životinja'

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  1.  35
    Ethical, Legal and Linguistic Reflections about the Status of Captive Animals in ZOOs.Boris Bakota & Lidija Bakota - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (2):229-250.
    There are many examples of human speciesism prejudice toward their specie and neglect toward members of other species. This article will consider one example of speciesism, the keeping of animals in captivity in ZOOs. Legal norms concerning animal protection in ZOOs are described, emphasising criminal and misdemeanour charges brought up for animal negligence and/or animal torture and their euthanasia. Although the ZOO establishment and functioning, as well as animal protection within ZOO, is legally prescribed, the article affirmed Visković’s thought that (...)
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    Zakon o registraciji istospolne partnerske skupnosti (ZRIPS, UR. l. RS, 65/2005). Zakon o zakonski zvezi in druinskih razmerjih (ZZZDR, Ur. l. RS, 69/2004). [REVIEW]H. O. Andreja - 2009 - Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies 60 (4).
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  3. Ko je ljubezen zakon: O Prevzetosti Lol V. Stein.Dominiek Hoens - 2012 - Problemi 3.
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  4. Slovo o Zakone Bozhʹem.Petr Fedotovich Kolonit︠s︡kiĭ - 1966
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  5. Husserlova nauka o celku a části a její význam pro fenomenologii.Hynek Janousek - 2009 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 36:57-75.
    Ve své studii se pokouším zdůvodnit význam Husserlova základního rozlišení mezi samostatnými a nesamostatnými částmi v celku jeho filosofování. K tomu je potřeba popsat, jak toto rozlišení vyrůstá z obecné systematiky Logických zkoumání a jak je touto systematikou jakožto nástroj jejího vypracování předpokládáno. Abychom tento rozdíl pochopili musíme jej nejdříve zasadit do kontextu Husserlovy čisté logiky. V ní tento rozdíl patří zprvu do oblasti čisté logiky, která se nazývá formální ontologií, neboť každý předmět může být chápán jako aktuální nebo možná (...)
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    Religije i crkve pred izazovom globalizacije.Josip Šimić - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):745-761.
    Procesi globalizacije događali su se mnogo puta u povijesti, daleko prije pojave riječi ‘globalizacija’ u drugoj polovici 20. st. Suvremena globalizacija podrazumijeva društvene, gospodarske i političke procese usmjerene na prelaženje državnih granica i stvaranje globalnog svjetskog poretka. No ona se ne smije svesti samo na to, budući da njeni procesi pogađaju sva područja ljudskog života i djelovanja: medije i komunikacije, gospodarstvo, politiku, pravo, kulturu, ekologiju, etiku, religije i crkve. Posljedice globalizacije jesu nova iskustva na društvenoj, političkoj i gospodarskoj razini – (...)
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  7.  12
    The Beginnings of Environmental Protection Awareness in the European Union.Bruno Raguž - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (2):367-382.
    Environmental issues are very relevant today, so this Paper analyses the very beginning of the formation of environmental awareness, questioning its basic determinants – both in time and space and in the causes and consequences of human action on the environment as one of the fundamental elements for any historical research. The paper also offers a brief comparative review of the situation in the Republic of Croatia and finally opens ground for future discussions primarily in the evaluation of progress and (...)
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    Hume, Masaryk, Brentano: skepticismus vs pravděpodobnost I.Ján Pavlík - 2013 - E-Logos 20 (1):1-30.
    Masarykovy a Brentanovy snahy o překonání Humova skepticismu prostřednictvím počtu pravděpodobnosti lze chápat jako svého druhu "třetí cestu" mezi kantovským apriorismem a kapitulací před subtilními Humovými argumenty. U Masaryka je ono snažení součástí jeho projektu nové induktivní logiky, která (v návaznosti na Leibnize) by měla být logickým základem pro "umění vynalézat" (ars inveniendi). Masaryk akceptuje Humovu koncepci analytických soudů, ale zároveň inklinuje i ke koncepci Adolfa Ficka, v souladu s níž mají věty počtu pravděpodobnosti charakter syntetických soudů a priori; kromě (...)
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  9.  42
    Biopolitics: Animals, meat, food.Nikola Janovic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):41-58.
    The general idea of this text is to reflect biopolitical constitution of the society and its implications related to the issues of animal welfare. Since animal in biopolitical formation is technically reduced to an object - commodity for contentment of the industry and of the people needs - critical public advisories are calling from moral, ethical and legal standpoint for attention to the fact that is necessary to protect animals from the unnecessary exploitation. It is obvious that animal protection is (...)
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  10.  32
    Freedom and the principles of morality.Zagorka Golubovic - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (21):97-106.
    Freedom as an authentic and willed process, characteristic of man as a human rational being, enables the individual to act in accordance with the principles of morality, since the individual can choose between good and evil, and in this way to get out of the sphere of the given to which the rest of the living world is limited. We should recall the forgotten Marx and his famous text on the essential difference between the animal world and humanity as a (...)
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    Bioethical issues in the development of biopharmaceuticals.Zoran Todorovic & Dragana Protic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (4):49-56.
    Razvoj biofarmaceutika predstavlja izazov u bioetici. Za razliku od uobicajenih lekova male molekulske mase, biofarmaceutici su proteini kompleksne trodimenzionalne strukture koji se dobijaju tehnologijom rekombinantne DNK i tehnikom hibridoma. Imunogenost biofarmaceutika treba uvek proveriti u klinickim studijama zbog male prediktivne prednosti pretklinickih animalnih modela. Medjutim, primati i transgeni sojevi miseva mogu se upotrebiti da bi se naznacili neki aspekti imunogenosti. Znacajni napori su ucinjeni u cilju smanjenja upotrebe primata u razvoju biofarmaceutika, npr. poboljsanja dizajna istrazivanja i promene u zakonskoj regulativi. (...)
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  12.  25
    „Moralischer Status“ von Pflanzen in einer bioethischen Bewertung der Pflanzengentechnik.Katica Knezović - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (2):323-333.
    U antropocentričkim se pristupima čovjekovim potrebama i interesima u vegetativnoj prirodi pripisuje moralna vrijednost. Imaju li i druga živa bića interese koje bi čovjek u svom ophođenju s njima trebao uzimati u obzir? To se pitanje ovdje obrađuje raspravom o interesima , intrinzičkoj vrijednosti i o »moralnim pravima« biljaka kao mogućim nositeljima njihova moralnoga statusa. Analogno osjetilnoj sposobnosti životinja, pokušava se u sposobnosti biljke da uspijeva prepoznati onu sposobnost koja bi mogla utemeljiti njezin moralni status .Mogu li se ljudi (...)
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    Animals and philosophers: Preface to my critics.Predrag Krstic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):3-9.
    U ovom radu autor nastoji da svoju knjigu Filozofska zivotinja: zoografski nagovor na filozofiju izlozi vlastitoj bespostednoj analizi ne bi li je preventivno odbranio od potencijalnih kritika drugih. Na taj nacin, s druge strane, on veruje da upravo otvara prostor za takav govor o knjizi i temama koje ona provocira koji ne bi bio tek nakanadno uredno registrovanje i/ili prigodna pohvala, vec njome inspirisan samosvojni prilog koji joj nazad odjekuje.
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  14. Javni um i produžetak trajanja života.Elvio Baccarini - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (1):73-92.
    Tekst se bavi problemom može li produžetak trajanja ljudskog života biti uključen u ustavna temeljna pitanja dobro uređenog društva, bilo kao pravo koje treba biti zaštićeno, ili kao zabrana. Kada govorimo o mogućoj zabrani, pitanje je postoje li razlozi na koje je moguće pozvati se u temeljnim zakonodavnim ustanovama društva, kao osnovu za zabranu istraživanja, ili tehnološke prakse, u cilju značajnog produžetka trajanja ljudskog života. Može se činiti očitim da, ako ne postoji pozitivan odgovor na to pitanje, zabrana ovih aktivnosti (...)
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    Proměny kosmologie a (sebe)pojetí logiky.Karel Šebela - 2014 - Pro-Fil 15 (1):82.
    Příspěvek je zamyšlením nad proměnami sebepojetí logiky v závislosti na proměnách obrazu světa a kosmologii. Pro Platóna jde o uspořádání bludných cest v nitru, přičemž vzorem jsou zde dokonalé dráhy planet – mikrokosmos se má uspořádat podle vzoru makrokosmu. Jistým vrcholem tohoto pojetí je Aristotelés, pro něhož je zákon vyloučeného třetího základním principem vůbec a platí tedy nejen pro dokonalý nadměsíční, ale je východiskem i pro zkoumání podměsíčního světa. Proměny sebepojetí logiky v novověku lze chápat i na základě toho, že (...)
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    K pojmu "přirozeného zákona" (bytí lidsky jsoucího) v Hobbesově filosofii.Vladimír Kyprý - 2011 - E-Logos 18 (1):1-41.
    Tato studie ("K pojmu "přirozeného zákona" - bytí lidsky jsoucího - v Hobbesově filosofii") je dodatkem k mým studiím o vývoji pojmu zákona (bytí jsoucího) v klasické novověké filosofii. Jaké je místo pojmu "přirozeného zákona" (bytí lidsky jsoucího) v Hobbesově filosofii ve vývoji pojmu zákona (bytí jsoucího) v klasické novověké filosofii? Jestliže Hobbesův pojem "přirozeného zákona" (bytí lidsky jsoucího) je pojmem mravního zákona (bytí lidsky jsoucího), jak Hobbes sám tvrdí, neznamená to např., že Hobbesův pojem "přirozeného zákona" (bytí lidsky jsoucího) (...)
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  17.  47
    Američka eugenika.Darko Polsek - 2002 - Prolegomena 1 (2):163-186.
    U članku se opisuje burna povijest eugenike u Sjedinjenim Državama tijekom cijelog 20. stoljeća. Premda je nacistička eugenika notornija po svojim groznim posljedicama, činjenica je da je većina američkih saveznih država imala zakone koji su dopuštali sterilizaciju “nesposobnih” i da je golem broj ljudi prisilno steriliziran. Neki su zakoni ukinuti tek 1967. ali postoje i naznake zakonodavstva o sterilizaciji koje bi mogle dopustiti zloupotrebe karakteristične za rane godine 20. stoljeća. Međutim, glavnina članka opisuje ideološke izjave najvećih američkih eugeničara poput Davenporta, (...)
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  18. Izabrana dela u 10 knjiga.Nikolaj Velimiroviâc & Lj Rankoviâc - 1996 - Valjevo: Glas crkve. Edited by Lj Ranković.
    v. 1. Religija Njegoša. Besede pod gorom -- v. 2. Reči o svečoveku. Indijska pisma. Iznad istoka i zapada. Srednji sistem. Niče i Dostojevski. Šekspir--svečovek -- v. 3. Homilogija. Simboli i signali. Rat i biblija. Carev zavet. Vasionik. Rahabilitacija tela. U harmoniji sa beskrajnim. Pravoslavna crkva u uzročost u svetu -- v 4. Omilije -- v. 5. Omilije -- v. 6. Nove besede pod gorom. Iznad greha i smrti. Oče Naš. Rajska piramida. Ljubostinjski stoslov. Misli o dobru i zlu -- (...)
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    »Pravda« – korektiv narušenog modusa egzistiranja.Željko Kaluđerović - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (4):861-877.
    Istraživanje demonstriranja »pravde« u Homerovoj Odiseji od strane kraljeva ili sudaca u stvarnim situacijama toga doba, pokazalo je da je riječ o postupcima u partikularnoj formi, a ne o apstraktno pojmljenim principima. Ovi su postupci rješavali uvijek konkretne i specifične ad hoc situacije, a nisu primjenjivali depersonalizirane i općevažeće zakone, te se njihova uloga iscrpljivala u pregovaračkom postupku i nagodbi rivalskih strana. Namjera im je bila da nanovo uspostave destabiliziranu ustaljenost življenja običajnosne zajednice, pa se može reći da je spomenuta (...)
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    The problem of evil in Hinduism.Zoran Kindjic - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (1):209-224.
    Nakon ukazivanja na razlicite religijske koncepcije porekla zla, autor se usredsredjuje na razmatranje hinduizma kao tipicnog primera monizma. Buduci da su indijska bozanstva zapravo manifestacije vecnog pranacela, ona u sebi sadrze jedinstvo suprotnosti, tj. imaju i svetlu i mracnu stranu. Zlo koje pogadja pojedinca tumaci se kao ogresenje o univerzalni kosmicki i moralni poredak. Ucenje da covekovu sudbinu odredjuju njegova dela iz prethodnih inkarnacija gotovo je opsteprihvaceno u Indiji. Ideja karme u isti mah obezbedjuje kosmicku pravdu i lisava Boga odgovornosti (...)
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    Hobbesova philosophia prima.Zdravko Perić - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):129-145.
    Ovim se radom želi prikazati polazna osnova Hobbesovog filozofskog mišljenja. Ona je važna jer je prisutna u svim segmentima njegove filozofije – negdje eksplicitno, a negdje implicitno. Tematizirajući o prvoj filozofiji, Hobbes je pokazao svoja osnovna gledišta kojim želi pokazati znatno razlikovanje od Aristotela i skolastike. Inspiriran dostignućima moderne znanosti svoju filozofiju usmjerava prema mehanicizmu i materijalizmu. Napuštajući tradicionalnu metafiziku, koja je u centar zbivanja stavljala bitak, Hobbes pokazuje privrženost logici i epistemologiji. Taj način filozofiranja omogućuje mu drugačije sagleda realnost (...)
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    Oświeceniowa kultura naukowa w kontekście filozoficznym. Z dziejów Komisji Edukacji Narodowej.Stanisław Janeczek - 2015 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 63 (4):67-114.
    Artykuł przestawia dydaktykę KEN, koncentrując się na ukazaniu reform oświatowych charakterystycznych dla epoki oświecenia. W szczególności ukazuje specyfikę styku ówczesnej filozofii i nowożytnej nauki, stopniowo wyzwalającej się z hegemonii filozofii. Wskazuje na dominujący podówczas duch utylitaryzmu, a w warstwie metodologicznej - programowy eklektyzm. Postawa ta ujawniła się w całym szkolnictwie europejskim, a więc nie tylko we Francji, przodującej przynajmniej w zakresie deklaracji programowych, ale zwłaszcza w centralistycznie reformowanej oświacie w monarchii habsburskiej. Jest ona także właściwa tak reprezentacyjnemu świadectwu ówczesnej kultury (...)
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    Pojam biološkog napretka te informacija kao pokazatelj i mjera ontičkog (pri)rasta.Tonci Kokic & Josip Balabanic - 2004 - Prolegomena 3 (2):119-134.
    The history of the idea of biological progress shows that it is not a selfexplanatory category, so a clear definition is required. Biological progress exists if: “more progressive” is defined as “more complex” – in that case evolution is synonymous with progress, i.e. development from simple to complex, from homogeneous to heterogeneous; we perceive the expression “more progressive” as more successful in relation to the environment, in these terms some groups in the history of life were more progressive because/so that (...)
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    Understanding the Role of the Laws in Plato's "Statesman".Sandrine Berges - 2010 - Prolegomena 9 (1):5-23.
    In the Statesman, Plato seems to be advocating that in the absence of a true king who will rule independently of laws, the next best thing as far as just rule is concerned is to ad here rigidly to existing laws, whatever they are. The rule of the true king is given as an example of virtuous rule in the sense that virtue politics or jurisprudence holds that laws cannot always deal justly with particular cases. But Plato’s view of what (...)
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  25. Ethical reasoning and ideological pluralism.Onora O'Neill - 1988 - Ethics 98 (4):705-722.
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    Plastic Resilience: Rethinking Resilience in Illness with Catherine Malabou.Cillian Ó Fathaigh - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (6):576-589.
    Drawing on Catherine Malabou’s notion of plasticity, this article argues for a conception of resilience as plastic. Resilience has proven an important concept in health care, describing how we manage life-changing illnesses. Yet, resilience is not without its critics, who suggest it neglects a political, social, or personal dimension in illness. In this article, I propose that a concept of plastic resilience can address these criticisms. On this account, success should not be based on a return to function, but rather (...)
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    Über die Radikalität Rousseaus: Freiheit, Gleichheit, Ereignis der Politik.Srdjan Nikolic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):119-134.
    U radu se artikulisu i razvijaju ontoloske postavke i posledice Rusoovih razmatranja o slobodi, koje su u njegovim spisima cesto ostajale u drugom planu. Posebno se naznacuje jedan ontoloski bitan aspekt Rusoove radikalnosti, u kojem je raskidanje veza s prirodom, takozvani izlazak iz prirodnog stanja i sklapanje drustvenog ugovora, neodvojivo od njegovog razumevanja slobode, jednakosti i politicke delatnosti. Pokazuje se kako totalna alijenacija dovodi do radikalnog raskida s prirodom, a nenuzno iskrsavanje opste volje i uspostavljanje slobode kao samozakonodavstva tumaci se (...)
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  28. A Philosopher Looks at Digital Communication.Onora O'Neill - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Communication is complicated, and so is the ethics of communication. We communicate about innumerable topics, to varied audiences, using a gamut of technologies. The ethics of communication, therefore, has to address a wide range of technical, ethical and epistemic requirements. In this book, Onora O'Neill shows how digital technologies have made communication more demanding: they can support communication with huge numbers of distant and dispersed recipients; they can amplify or suppress selected content; and they can target or ignore selected audiences. (...)
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  29. Generation Y attitudes towards e-ethics and internet-related misbehaviours.O. Freestone & V. Mitchell - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (2):121 - 128.
    Aberrant consumer behaviour costs firms millions of pounds a year, and the Internet has provided young techno-literate consumers with a new medium to exploit businesses. This paper addresses Internet related ethics and describes the ways in which young consumers misdemean on the Internet and their attitudes towards these. Using a sample of 219 generation Y consumers, the study identified 24 aberrant behaviours which grouped into five factors; illegal, questionable activities, hacking related, human Internet trade and downloading. Those perceived as least (...)
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    Content and Comportment: On Embodiment and the Epistemic Availability of the World.Michael O'Donovan-Anderson - 1997 - Lanham: Rowman &Amp; Littlefield.
    "Content and Comportment argues persuasively that the answer to some long-standing questions in epistemology and metaphysics lies in taking up the neglected question of the role of our bodily activity in establishing connections between representational states—knowledge and belief in particular—and their objects in the world. It takes up these ideas from both current mainstream analytic philosophy—Frege, Dummett, Davidson, Evans—and from mainstream continental work—Heidegger and his commentators and critics—and bings them together successfully in a way that should surprise only those who (...)
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    Used Forms of Latin Incohative Verbs.O. A. W. Dilke - 1967 - Classical Quarterly 17 (2):400-402.
    The grammarian Caesellius Vindex, writing under Trajan, criticized Furius Antias for his newly coined verbs lutescere, noctescere, opulescere and vīrescere. Their meanings in classical Latin are classified by Nicolaie as follows: becoming, the intensification of a quality, the acquisition of a quality. Their number increases in post-classical Latin, in which we also find them used causatively as transitive verbs, e.g. innotescere ‘make known’; Gellius' causative use of inolesco is mentioned below. Incohative verbs descend to Romance languages, where forms in -o (...)
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  32. Degrees of freedom.Timothy O'Connor - 2009 - Philosophical Explorations 12 (2):119 – 125.
    I propose a theory of freedom of choice on which it is a variable quality of individual conscious choices that has several dimensions that admit of degrees, even though - as many theorists have traditionally supposed - it also has as a necessary condition the possession of a capacity that is all or nothing. I argue that the proposed account better fits the phenomenology of ostensibly free actions, as well as empirical findings in the human sciences.
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  33. An Easy Road to Nominalism.O. Bueno - 2012 - Mind 121 (484):967-982.
    In this paper, I provide an easy road to nominalism which does not rely on a Field-type nominalization strategy for mathematics. According to this proposal, applications of mathematics to science, and alleged mathematical explanations of physical phenomena, only emerge when suitable physical interpretations of the mathematical formalism are advanced. And since these interpretations are rarely distinguished from the mathematical formalism, the impression arises that mathematical explanations derive from the mathematical formalism alone. I correct this misimpression by pointing out, in the (...)
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    Conservatism Reconsidered.David O'brien - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (1):149-168.
    G. A. Cohen has argued that there is a surprising truth in conservatism—namely, that there is a reason for some valuable things to be preserved, even if they could be replaced with other, more valuable things. This conservative thesis is motivated, Cohen suggests, by our judgments about a range of hypothetical cases. After reconstructing Cohen's conservative thesis, I argue that the relevant judgments about these cases do not favor the conservative thesis over standard, nonconservative axiological views. But I then argue (...)
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    Moran on Agency and Self‐Knowledge.Lucy O'Brien - 2003 - European Journal of Philosophy 11 (3):375-390.
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  36. The mystery of time (or, the man who did not know what time is).O. K. Bouwsma - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (12):341-363.
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  37. The expression of emotion.O. Harvey Green - 1970 - Mind 79 (October):551-568.
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    Sounds.Casey O'Callaghan - 2009 - In Patrick Wilken, Timothy J. Bayne & Axel Cleeremans (eds.), The Oxford Companion to Consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    VIII—Things Known Without Observation.O. R. Jones - 1961 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 61 (1):129-150.
    O. R. Jones; VIII—Things Known Without Observation, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 61, Issue 1, 1 June 1961, Pages 129–150,
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  40. Seduction: Men, Masculinity and Mediated Intimacy.Rachel O’Neill - unknown
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    Deliberative disagreement and compromise.Ian O’Flynn & Maija Setälä - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (7):899-919.
    Deliberative democracy entails a commitment to deciding political questions on their merits. To that end, people engage in an exchange of reasons in a shared endeavour to arrive at the right answer or the best judgement they can make in the circumstances. Of course, in practice a shared judgement may be impossible to reach. Yet while compromise may seem a natural way of dealing with the disagreement that deliberation leaves unresolved – for example, some deliberative theorists argue that a willingness (...)
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    Myth-Science and the Fictioning of Reality.Simon O’Sullivan - 2016 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 25 (2):80-93.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Paragrana Jahrgang: 25 Heft: 2 Seiten: 80-93.
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    Comparative Perspectives on the Ethical Orientations of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance Functional Managers.Eleanor O’Higgins & Bairbre Kelleher - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (3):275-288.
    The human resources profession emphasizes the personal and interpersonal aspects of work, that make it conscious of complex ethical issues in relationships in the workplace, while finance specialists are conversant with routine compliance with regulations. Marketing professionals are under pressure to produce revenue results. Thus, this research hypothesized that human resources managers would be more disapproving of unethical conduct than both finance and marketing functional managers, and that finance managers would be more disapproving than marketing managers. When asked to evaluate (...)
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    The Powerlessness of Dispositions.Brian O'Shaughnessy - 1970 - Analysis 31 (1):1 - 15.
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    Finite random sums.O. B. Sheynin - 1973 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 9 (4-5):275-305.
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    Dispensing with the dynamic unconscious.Gerard O'Brien & Jon Jureidini - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (2):141-153.
    In recent years, a number of contemporary proponents of psychoanalysis have sought to derive support for their conjectures about the _dynamic_ unconscious from the empirical evidence in favor of the _cognitive_ unconscious. It is our contention, however, that far from supporting the dynamic unconscious, recent work in cognitive science suggests that the time has come to dispense with this concept altogether. In this paper we defend this claim in two ways. First, we argue that any attempt to shore up the (...)
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    Quantum State Teleportation Understood Through the Bohm Interpretation.O. Maroney & B. J. Hiley - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (9):1403-1415.
    Quantum state teleportation has focused attention on the role of quantum information. Here we examine quantum teleportation through the Bohm interpretation. This interpretation introduced the notion of active information and we show that it is this information that is exchanged during teleportation. We discuss the relation between our notion of active information and the notion of quantum information introduced by Schumacher.
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    Case for persuasion in parental informed consent to promote rational vaccine choices.Jennifer O'Neill - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):106-111.
    There have been calls for mandatory vaccination legislation to be introduced into the UK in order to tackle the national and international rise of vaccine-preventable disease. While some countries have had some success associated with mandatory vaccination programmes, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health insist this is not a suitable option for the UK, a country which has seen historical opposition to vaccine mandates. There is a lack of comprehensive data to demonstrate a direct link between mandatory vaccination (...)
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  49. Deliberating about the public interest.Ian O’Flynn - 2010 - Res Publica 16 (3):299-315.
    Although the idea of the public interest features prominently in many accounts of deliberative democracy, the relationship between deliberative democracy and the public interest is rarely spelt out with any degree of precision. In this article, I identify and defend one particular way of framing this relationship. I begin by arguing that people can deliberate about the public interest only if the public interest is, in principle, identifiable independently of their deliberations. Of course, some pluralists claim that the public interest (...)
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    Digital cultural heritage standards: from silo to semantic web.Brenda O’Neill & Larry Stapleton - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):891-903.
    This paper is a survey of standards being used in the domain of digital cultural heritage with focus on the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard created by the Library of Congress in the United States of America. The process of digitization of cultural heritage requires silo breaking in a number of areas—one area is that of academic disciplines to enable the performance of rich interdisciplinary work. This lays the foundation for the emancipation of the second form of silo which are (...)
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