Results for ' ARS NOVA'

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  1.  11
    Adrian Bremenkamp, Ars nova translata. Altniederländische Malerei in Neapel und der Krone Aragon .Frédéric Elsig - 2022 - Convivium 9 (2):130-132.
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    From dialectics to the diabolical: Adorno’s “new music” and blanchot’s “ars nova”.Vivian Liska - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (3):14-27.
    In “Ars Nova,” a short essay written in 1963, Blanchot defends the “new music” of Arnold Schönberg and his school against its critics and hails it as an exemplary contestation of culture conceived as an attempt to conceal the groundlessness of human existence. The fragmentary and dissonant nature of the “new music” has the power to unmask culture’s pretence of order, meaning and harmony. It embodies the potential of modernist art to unsettle all established conventions standing in the way (...)
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  3. Islam: tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡ i ėtika: mezhdunarodnai︠a︡ nauchno-prakticheskai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡, Kair--Aleksandrii︠a︡, 18--25 mai︠a︡ 2007 g. = Islam: tradition and ethics international conference, Cairo-Alexandria, May 18--25 2007.Nadezhda Emelʹi︠a︡nova (ed.) - 2007 - Moskva: In-t vostokovedenii︠a︡ RAN.
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  4. Logica, Sive Ars Cogitandi. In Qua Praeter Vulgares Regulas Plura Nova Habentur Ad Rationem Dirigendam Utilia.Antoine Arnauld & Pierre Nicole - 1674 - Typis Andr. Clark, Impensis Joh. Martyn Sub Signo Campanae in D. Pauli Coemeterio..
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  5. Logica,, Sive, Ars Cogitandi in Qua Præer Vulgares Regulas Plura Nova Habentur Ad Rationem Dirigendam Utilia. E Tertia Apud Gallos Editione Recognita & Aucta in Latinum Versa.Pierre Nicole, Antoine Arnauld & Richard Green - 1687 - Impensis Richardi Green, Bibliopolæcantabrigiensis.
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    Logica sive ars cogitandi in qua praeter vulgares regulas plurima nova habentur circa mentis operationes, et methodum cogitationes suas ordine optima dirigendi.Antoine Arnauld, Pierre Nicole & Wetstein en Smith - 1736 - Apud J. Wetstenium Et G. Smith.
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    Perspektiven zum Sterben: Auf dem Weg zu einer Ars moriendi nova?Daniel Schäfer, Andreas Frewer & Christof Muller-Büsch (eds.) - 2012 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.
    Wie wollen wir sterben? Diese Frage steht im Mittelpunkt zahlreicher Diskurse und Publikationen: Was ist ein 'guter Tod' fuer den individuellen Patienten, was versteht unsere Gesellschaft darunter? Welche 'Sterbekultur' hat die Gegenwart? Autoren aus Medizin, Philosophie, Theologie, Psychologie, Soziologie, Geschichte, Ethik, Palliativmedizin, Hospizbewegung und weiteren Gebieten diskutieren im vorliegenden Band eine sinnvolle und menschenwuerdige Gestaltung am Lebensende. Der Vorschlag der Herausgeber zu einer "Ars moriendi nova" als neue Sterbekultur wird interdisziplinär eingebettet und mit Bezug zur gesellschaftlichen Praxis erörtert.
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  8. El uso de k en el Ars Iuliani Toletani Episcopi: un pasaje contradictorio.José Antonio Puentes Romay - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Quomodo Stemma Gladiatoris Pelliculae More Philologico sit Constituendum.Martin M. Winkler - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (1):137-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.1 (2003) 137-141 [Access article in PDF] Qvomodo Stemma Gladiatoris Pellicvlae More Philologico Sit Constitvendvm Martin M. Winklersive Martinvs Satiricvs Philocinematographicvs [Figures]Poetae rervmqve scriptores et antiqui et recentiores lectoribus fabulas suas sententiis vel versibus bene textis soliti sunt adferre. Sed hodie novum exstat narrandi genus, quod fabulas hominibus adfert praecipue picturis eo modo compositis et inter se coniunctis ut oculi humani imagines singulares celerrime et (...)
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    Simondon e o construtivismo: uma contribuição recursiva à teoria da concretização.Andrew Feenberg - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (2):263-281.
    ResumoEste artigo defende que a teoria da concretização de Gilbert Simondon é útil tanto para os estudos sobre ciência e tecnologia quanto para a teoria política. Por "concretização", Simondon compreende o processo de multiplicação de funções propiciadas pelas estruturas de um dispositivo. Ele oferece o exemplo do motor com resfriamento a ar, que combina resfriamento e contenção em uma única estrutura, a caixa do motor. A concretização contrasta com projetos "abstratos", que acrescentam estruturas para cada função, complicando o dispositivo e (...)
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    O rádio que respira e floresce nas bordas das indústrias midiáticas.Marcelo Kischinhevsky & Sonia Virgínia Moreira - 2017 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 24 (1).
    A ideia de uma crise do rádio consolidou-se no imaginário coletivo nas últimas décadas, a despeito de não haver ancoragem na realidade. Se muitas rádios tradicionais AM e FM saem do ar, vendidas a igrejas eletrônicas ou novos grupos empresariais, multiplica-se a oferta de conteúdos no contexto de um rádio expandido, que transborda para novas plataformas e é consumido nos mais diversos dispositivos. O rádio vai bem, obrigado, embora algumas emissoras de rádio em ondas hertzianas estejam mal das pernas, lamentando-se (...)
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    Das Buch vom heiden und den drei weisen.Alexander Fidora - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (3):733-734.
    No início deste ano, contemporânea a uma edição comemorativa dos quarenta anos deexistência do lnstitutus-Rainnmdus-Lullus em Freiburg i. Br., um tanto atrasada, mas nem por isso menos importante, apareceu a tradução alemã do Liber de gentili et tribus sapientibus,. Duas circunstâncias tornaram importante o aparecimento deste livro para todos os que se interessam por Ramon Llull e pela cultura catalã. Em primeiro lugar, por ser esta não somente a primeira edição completa desta obra em alemão, que substitui a edição selecionada, (...)
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    The Spiritual Logic of Ramon Llull (review).Amador Vega - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):127-128.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 127 from Adam, and inheriting "real sins" with real "guilt." From his De libero arbitrio onward, Augustine sees that if Adam's is the sin of someone "other" than ourselves, then it is alienum to us, is simply not "our" sin, and we cannot be held "guilty" of it. On the other hand, he is willing to accept that God might fittingly decree that Adam's descendants "inherit" the (...)
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    Menschliches Leben zwischen Therapie und Technik.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2006 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51 (2):159-173.
    Certamente, desde que o ser humano existe, a vida nunca esteve isenta de manipulação técnica. Todavia, formas recentes de biotecnologia vão mais longe, tendendo a tornar indiscernível as distinções clássicas entre crescimento natural e produção artificial. Ars sive natura, este poderia ser o novo slogan. Neste sentido, em oposição à bioética corrente que tenta compensar o monismo tecnológico através de um dualismo prático, discutiremos a idéia de que, quando age sobre o Outro (Fremdeneinwirkung), a biotecnologia nunca é puramente técnica, sendo (...)
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    Unidade em Peirce e relações com estética e ecologia.Gabriela Lima Mascarenhas Moreira & Eluiza Bortolotto Ghizzi - 2023 - Cognitio 24 (1):e64611.
    Interessamo-nos, neste trabalho, em refletir acerca de uma aproximação entre estética e ecologia por meio do conceito de unidade, tal como anteriormente indicada por Freitas (2005). Diante de um contexto contemporâneo de crise ambiental, propomos lançar um olhar para o campo da arquitetura e do urbanismo, em que observamos uma crescente busca por modelos estéticos e epistemológicos que se caracterizem como ecológicos. Tomamos como referencial teórico a filosofia pragmatista de Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), considerando, em especial, a afinidade apontada por (...)
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    Formal Languages in Logic: A Philosophical and Cognitive Analysis.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Formal languages are widely regarded as being above all mathematical objects and as producing a greater level of precision and technical complexity in logical investigations because of this. Yet defining formal languages exclusively in this way offers only a partial and limited explanation of the impact which their use actually has. In this book, Catarina Dutilh Novaes adopts a much wider conception of formal languages so as to investigate more broadly what exactly is going on when theorists put these tools (...)
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  17. Novas normas de transliteração.Novas Normas - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 12:193-194.
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  18. Is Fake News Old News?Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Jeroen de Ridder - 2021 - In Sven Bernecker, Amy K. Flowerree & Thomas Grundmann (eds.), The Epistemology of Fake News. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Opportunism is in the Eye of the Beholder: Antecedents of Subjective Opportunism Judgments.Andaç T. Arıkan - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (3):573-589.
    Contractualist work in business ethics as well as in economic organization theory views opportunistic behaviors as problematic since they create economic harm and are often considered to violate ethical norms. Yet, much of the empirical literature on opportunism has adopted a rather simplistic definition of opportunistic behaviors as behaviors that violate formal and/or relational contracts and assumed that instances of opportunism can be unequivocally defined by simply referring to the content of contracts. The consequence of this assumption has been a (...)
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    Formalizing Medieval Logical Theories: Suppositio, Consequentiae and Obligationes.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2007 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book presents novel formalizations of three of the most important medieval logical theories: supposition, consequence and obligations. In an additional fourth part, an in-depth analysis of the concept of formalization is presented - a crucial concept in the current logical panorama, which as such receives surprisingly little attention.Although formalizations of medieval logical theories have been proposed earlier in the literature, the formalizations presented here are all based on innovative vantage points: supposition theories as algorithmic hermeneutics, theories of consequence analyzed (...)
  21. The Different Ways in which Logic is (said to be) Formal.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (4):303 - 332.
    What does it mean to say that logic is formal? The short answer is: it means (or can mean) several different things. In this paper, I argue that there are (at least) eight main variations of the notion of the formal that are relevant for current discussions in philosophy and logic, and that they are structured in two main clusters, namely the formal as pertaining to forms, and the formal as pertaining to rules. To the first cluster belong the formal (...)
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  22. Einführung in die Musikästhetik.Zdeněk Nováček - 1956 - Berlin: Henschelverlag.
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    The (higher-order) evidential significance of attention and trust—comments on Levy’s Bad Beliefs.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (4):792-807.
    In Bad Beliefs, Levy presents a picture of belief-forming processes according to which, on most matters of significance, we defer to reliable sources by relying extensively on cultural and social cues. Levy conceptualizes the kind of evidence provided by socio-cultural environments as higher-order evidence. But his notion of higher-order evidence seems to differ from those available in the epistemological literature on higher-order evidence, and this calls for a reflection on how exactly social and cultural cues are/count as/provide higher-order evidence. In (...)
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  24. A Idéia de uma "Nova Ordem" ou o Remapeamento do Caos: Ensaio Sobre a Sistematização do "Mundo Vital".Antônio Basí­lio Novaes Thomaz de Menezes - 1995 - Princípios 2 (3):09-12.
    o presente ensaio traz uma breve reflexao sobre a perspectiva habermasiana de sistematlzacao do "mundo vital", examinada no quadro histórico da questao da "pós-modernidade". Esta trata da relacao, apontada por HABERMAS (03:t II), entre as esferas do "sistema" e do "mundo vital", aplicada em termos de uma teoria da sociedade que se coloca frente a ideia de uma "nova ordem mundial".
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  25. Carnapian explication and ameliorative analysis: a systematic comparison.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1011-1034.
    A distinction often drawn is one between conservative versus revisionary conceptions of philosophical analysis with respect to commonsensical beliefs and intuitions. This paper offers a comparative investigation of two revisionary methods: Carnapian explication and ameliorative analysis as developed by S. Haslanger. It is argued that they have a number of common features, and in particular that they share a crucial political dimension: they both have the potential to serve as instrument for social reform. Indeed, they may produce improved versions of (...)
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  26. Reassessing different conceptions of argumentation.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2020 - In Alessandra Tanesini & Michael P. Lynch (eds.), Polarisation, Arrogance, and Dogmatism: Philosophical Perspectives. London, UK: Routledge.
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    Talisse’s Overdoing Democracy and the Inevitability of Conflict.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Research 46:155-171.
    Overdoing Democracy is an important contribution to the literature on (deliberative) democracy, as it offers a sobering diagnosis of the risks and pitfalls of (overdoing) democracy in the form of internal critique. But the book does not go far enough in its diagnosis because it is not sufficiently critical towards some of the basic assumptions of deliberative conceptions of democracy. In particular, Talisse does not sufficiently attend to the inevitable power struggles in a society, where different groups and individuals must (...)
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  28. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation.Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Henrike Jansen, Jan Albert Van Laar & Bart Verheij (eds.) - 2020 - College Publications.
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  29. Reason to Dissent. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation.Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Henrike Jansen, Jan Albert Van Laar & Bart Verheij (eds.) - 2020 - College Publications.
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  30. Carnapian explication, formalisms as cognitive tools, and the paradox of adequate formalization.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Erich Reck - 2017 - Synthese 194 (1):195-215.
    Explication is the conceptual cornerstone of Carnap’s approach to the methodology of scientific analysis. From a philosophical point of view, it gives rise to a number of questions that need to be addressed, but which do not seem to have been fully addressed by Carnap himself. This paper reconsiders Carnapian explication by comparing it to a different approach: the ‘formalisms as cognitive tools’ conception. The comparison allows us to discuss a number of aspects of the Carnapian methodology, as well as (...)
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    Two Types of Refutation in Philosophical Argumentation.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (4):493-510.
    In this paper, I highlight the significance of practices of _refutation_ in philosophical inquiry, that is, practices of showing that a claim, person or theory is wrong. I present and contrast two prominent approaches to philosophical refutation: refutation in ancient Greek dialectic (_elenchus_), in its Socratic variant as described in Plato’s dialogues, and as described in Aristotle’s logical texts; and the practice of providing counterexamples to putative definitions familiar from twentieth century analytic philosophy, focusing on the so-called Gettier problem. Moreover, (...)
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    The Dialogical Roots of Deduction: Historical, Cognitive, and Philosophical Perspectives on Reasoning.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This comprehensive account of the concept and practices of deduction is the first to bring together perspectives from philosophy, history, psychology and cognitive science, and mathematical practice. Catarina Dutilh Novaes draws on all of these perspectives to argue for an overarching conceptualization of deduction as a dialogical practice: deduction has dialogical roots, and these dialogical roots are still largely present both in theories and in practices of deduction. Dutilh Novaes' account also highlights the deeply human and in fact social nature (...)
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    Numerosities are not ersatz numbers.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & César Frederico dos Santos - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    In describing numerosity as “a kind of ersatz number,” Clarke and Beck fail to consider a familiar and compelling definition of numerosity, which conceptualizes numerosity as the cognitive counterpart of the mathematical concept of cardinality; numerosity is the magnitude, whereas number is a scale through which numerosity/cardinality is measured. We argue that these distinctions should be considered.
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  34. A Dialogical, Multi‐Agent Account of the Normativity of Logic.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (4):587-609.
    The paper argues that much of the difficulty with making progress on the issue of the normativity of logic for thought, as discussed in the literature, stems from a misapprehension of what logic is normative for. The claim is that, rather than mono-agent mental processes, logic in fact comprises norms for quite specific situations of multi-agent dialogical interactions, in particular special forms of debates. This reconceptualization is inspired by historical developments in logic and mathematics, in particular the pervasiveness of such (...)
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    Logical gaps.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2017 - Forum for European Philosophy Blog.
    Catarina Dutilh Novaes on why we should dig into the cosmopolitan roots of logic.
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    El acontecimiento de una verdadera vida: la filosofía de François Jullien y el recurso cristiano.David Solís-Nova - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e0240086.
    The thought of François Jullien has made valuable contributions to contemporary philosophy, primarily by enriching the interpretation of certain classic themes through the uniqueness of ancient Chinese wisdom. This approach has revealed aspects that Western philosophy, with its metaphysics focused on being, has overlooked. Among these aspects, Jullien has drawn attention to how a series of resources of what could be called ‘Christian thought’ have remained unthought-of, at least from a philosophical perspective. The central question of this research is whether (...)
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    El encuentro como categoría metafísica en la filosofía de François Jullien.David Solís-Nova - 2024 - Perseitas 12:93-115.
    La propuesta de Jullien se caracteriza por poner de relieve análisis sobre la existencia cotidiana que la tradición filosófica había tomado por demasiado contingentes y, por lo mismo, había dejado al tratamiento del arte, la poesía y la literatura. En este sentido, el filósofo ha tenido como una de sus líneas de trabajo la temática del encuentro y la intimidad entre sujetos. El objetivo de esta investigación es buscar si la noción de "encuentro" tiene consecuencias metafísicas y no sólo antropológicas (...)
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  38. Embedding the embryo.Simone Bateman Novaes & Tania Salem - 1998 - In John Harris & Søren Holm (eds.), The future of human reproduction : ethics, choice, and regulation. Oxford University Press.
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    ¿Puede ser el segundo argumento de Z13 defendible por tesis universalista? Consideración de algunos argumentos universalistas.Saint Valentino Cabezas Nova - 2022 - Humanitas Hodie 5 (1):H51a4.
    El propósito del presente escrito es hacer un análisis de algunas defensas universalistas sobre el segundo argumento de Z13 el cual niega que el universal pueda ser forma y, de esta manera, que pueda ser substancia primera. El análisis tiene dos momentos: en el primero se sostiene que, basado en la evidencia textual de Z, hay una premisa falsa y esto conduce a que la estructura general de uno de los principales argumentos universalistas sea inconsistente. El segundo momento del análisis (...)
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  40. The Adventure of Reason, by Paolo Mancosu.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2013 - Mind 122 (486):fzt034.
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  41. “He doesn't want to prove this or that”-on the very young Wittgenstein.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2010 - Philosophical Books 51 (2):102-116.
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    Mutações: o futuro não é mais o que era.Adauto Novaes & Antonio Cicero (eds.) - 2013 - São Paulo, SP: Edições Sesc SP.
    This work proposes an investigation on the perception of time in contemporary times from the philosophical inspirations of classical thinkers. The essays present a brief foray into the nature of time, analyze the relationships men have established with the future throughout history, and those that we can establish today with the future when revolutionary ideals and the very idea of hope are down when and technoscience, biotechnology and the digital revolution are intended to give an answer to everything and to (...)
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    Para acabar con las psicopatologías parmenídeas. Reflexiones filosóficoteológicas.David Solís Nova & Agostino Molteni - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 20 (1):53-79.
    La naciente filosofía tuvo en Parménides a uno de sus precursores más célebres y, sin duda, a uno de los que más influyó a todo el pensamiento posterior. En este trabajo, después de presentar sintéticamente nuestra lectura del pensamiento parmenídeo, por un lado, se quieren mostrar las consecuencias que implica esta propuesta filosófica acerca de lo que es el ser y de qué significa pensar Consecuencias que influyen no sólo en el ámbito filosófico, sino que también en el teológico. Por (...)
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    Who’s Afraid of Adversariality? Conflict and Cooperation in Argumentation.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2020 - Topoi 40 (5):873-886.
    Since at least the 1980s, the role of adversariality in argumentation has been extensively discussed within different domains. Prima facie, there seem to be two extreme positions on this issue: argumentation should never be adversarial, as we should always aim for cooperative argumentative engagement; argumentation should be and in fact is always adversarial, given that adversariality is an intrinsic property of argumentation. I here defend the view that specific instances of argumentation are adversarial or cooperative to different degrees. What determines (...)
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    Pornography, ideology, and propaganda: Cutting both ways.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (4):1417-1426.
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    A Comparative Taxonomy of Medieval and Modern Approaches to Liar Sentences.C. Dutilh Novaes - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (3):227-261.
    Two periods in the history of logic and philosophy are characterized notably by vivid interest in self-referential paradoxical sentences in general, and Liar sentences in particular: the later medieval period (roughly from the 12th to the 15th century) and the last 100 years. In this paper, I undertake a comparative taxonomy of these two traditions. I outline and discuss eight main approaches to Liar sentences in the medieval tradition, and compare them to the most influential modern approaches to such sentences. (...)
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    The Role of Trust in Argumentation.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2020 - Informal Logic 40 (2):205-236.
    Argumentation is important for sharing knowledge and information. Given that the receiver of an argument purportedly engages first and foremost with its content, one might expect trust to play a negligible epistemic role, as opposed to its crucial role in testimony. I argue on the contrary that trust plays a fundamental role in argumentative engagement. I present a realistic social epistemological account of argumentation inspired by social exchange theory. Here, argumentation is a form of epistemic exchange. I illustrate my argument (...)
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    Epistemic Options in the Face of Epistemic Barriers.Murat Arıcı - 2015 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):17.
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  49. Insolubilia and the fallacy secundum quid et simpliciter.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Stephen Read - 2008 - Vivarium 46 (2):175-191.
    Thomas Bradwardine makes much of the fact that his solution to the insolubles is in accordance with Aristotle's diagnosis of the fallacy in the Liar paradox as that of secundum quid et simpliciter. Paul Spade, however, claims that this invocation of Aristotle by Bradwardine is purely "honorary" in order to confer specious respectability on his analysis and give it a spurious weight of authority. Our answer to Spade follows Bradwardine's response to the problem of revenge: any proposition saying of itself (...)
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  50. The Undergeneration of Permutation Invariance as a Criterion for Logicality.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (1):81-97.
    Permutation invariance is often presented as the correct criterion for logicality. The basic idea is that one can demarcate the realm of logic by isolating specific entities—logical notions or constants—and that permutation invariance would provide a philosophically motivated and technically sophisticated criterion for what counts as a logical notion. The thesis of permutation invariance as a criterion for logicality has received considerable attention in the literature in recent decades, and much of the debate is developed against the background of ideas (...)
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