Results for ' Aristotelian causes and effects, connected by a universal empirical regularity'

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  1.  23
    An Empirical Research on the Effects of the Education Levels of Theology Faculty Students on their Hope Levels (Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Theology Faculty Case).Fatih Kandemi̇r - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1403-1418.
    The current study aims to examine the hope levels of theology students in the context of their education level. The correlational (relational) screening method was used in this study. The sample of the study consists of a total of 429 students (328 girls, 101 boys) studying at the Faculty of Theology at Erzincan Binali Yildirim University. Hope levels of the students were determined by Karaca-Kandemir Hope Scale developed by Karaca and Kandemir. The scale consists of three sub-dimensions: goal-oriented, hope and (...)
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    Aristotle's Logic and Theory of Science.Wolfgang Detel - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday, A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. pp. 245–269.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Knowledge and Analysis The Relation Between Prior and Posterior Analytics Syllogistic Interpretations of Aristotle's Syllogistic Logic Knowledge of Facts Aristotelian Causes Demonstration Principles Definitions and Demonstrations Necessity Science and Dialectic Fallibility Applicability Readings of Aristotle's Theory of Science Epistemological Status of the Analytics Bibliography.
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    Про підвищення якості сучасної вищої освіти і духовно-морального виховання молоді: Німецький та інший європейський досвід.S. V. Blaginina, S. P. Pylypenko & O. M. Osnatch - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 75:90-104.
    The relevance of the study has two sides — individual and general. In its essential aspect, it is the development of achievements of predecessors by consistently taking into account the latest data on trends and changes in the interconnected spheres of education, economics and culture. In the individual aspect, it is about improving the professional means of improving the efficiency of teaching foreign languages in order to form students with a high level of linguistic-professional competence. Public relevance is the goal (...)
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    Cause or Effect? The Role of Prognostic Uncertainty in the Fear of Cancer Recurrence.Paul K. J. Han, Caitlin Gutheil, Rebecca N. Hutchinson & Jason A. LaChance - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundFear of cancer recurrence is an important cause of suffering for cancer survivors, and both empirical evidence and theoretical models suggest that prognostic uncertainty plays a causal role in its development. However, the relationship between prognostic uncertainty and FCR is incompletely understood.ObjectiveTo explore the relationship between prognostic uncertainty and FCR among patients with ovarian cancer.DesignA qualitative study was conducted utilizing individual in-depth interviews with a convenience sample of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer who had completed first-line treatment with surgery (...)
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    Aristotelian Explorations (review).Rosamond Kent Sprague - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):126-128.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aristotelian Explorations by G. E. R. LloydRosamond Kent SpragueG. E. R. Lloyd. Aristotelian Explorations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. ix + 242. Cloth, $49.95.Although the essays in this richly rewarding book were given as lectures and seminars in a variety of places over a period of eight years, they possess a unity of theme that welds them into a satisfying whole. Furthermore, by the judicious (...)
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  6. The geographic principle of connection to front "universal primary education" in Brazil - the case transamazon highway (the state of Pará).Wallace Wagner Rodrigues Pantoja - 2015 - Geosul 30 (60):165-189.
    This article discusses the process of universalization of education in Brazil the count from a specific spatiality - the places on the edge of the Transmazonica highway. There being no need toquestion the scope and effectiveness of expanding access to basic education, given its wide acceptance in the country - we start from the principle of geographical connectivity/connection to problematize such educational universalization. We aim to reflect on the scope of basic education, its conditions and ability to potentiate or not (...)
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  7. Regularities all the way down: Thomas Brown's Philosophy of Causation∗.Stathis Psillos - unknown
    Thomas Brown was one of the tail-enders of the Scottish Enlightenment. He shared with Dugald Stewart the chair of Moral Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh from 1810 until his premature death in 1820. He is sometimes classed with the Scottish common-sense philosophers and, to some extent at least, his basic philosophical principles were akin to those of the common-sense philosophy. He did, for instance, forfeit the issue of the justification of some of our most basic beliefs and rested them, (...)
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  8.  20
    Sur l’intellect comme cause.Marco Zingano - 2016 - Philosophie Antique 16 (16):103-129.
    The main target of this paper is to provide a basis for the thesis that the core of Aristotle’s theory of human agency lies in the fact that the agent is in a relevant sense able to do otherwise. To this effect, a distinction is drawn between Aristotelian theory of action, and his moral psychology. The former is taken to be governed by the notion of a power to choose between contraries when the agent is about to do something, (...)
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    The Emancipatory Effect of Deliberation: Empirical Lessons from Mini-Publics.Simon Niemeyer - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (1):103-140.
    This article investigates the prospects of deliberative democracy through the analysis of small-scale deliberative events, or mini-publics, using empirical methods to understand the process of preference transformation. Evidence from two case studies suggests that deliberation corrects preexisting distortions of public will caused by either active manipulation or passive overemphasis on symbolically potent issues. Deliberation corrected these distortions by reconnecting participants’ expressed preferences to their underlying “will” as well as shaping a shared understanding of the issue.The article concludes by using (...)
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  10.  47
    The Universality of Aesthetic Effects.Jane Boddy, Hanna Brinkmann, Eva Specker, Michael Forster, Helmut Leder & Raphael Rosenberg - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 68 (2):148-170.
    This paper challenges the assumption that lines, colors, and shapes have aesthetic effects that are the same for everyone. From an interdisciplinary perspective of art history and empirical aesthetics, we argue that assigning aesthetic effects to specific lines or colors may well be a valid theory for some aesthetic encounters, it falls short of explaining universal aesthetic effects. Our analysis proceeds in four steps: We begin by reconsidering the notion of aesthetic effect as defined in the tradition of (...)
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    Necessity in Hume's Causal Theory.Leonard Greenberg - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 8 (4):612 - 623.
    Thus the radical character of Hume's causal theory lies far more in its denial of externality to necessary causal connection than in any change he made in the character or status of the connection. It is obvious Hume did not mean his sceptical denial of the "reality" of the causal connection to imply that there is no association or connection between causes and effects. For to him the anarchy of chance, or "liberty," was the only alternative to the truth (...)
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  12.  34
    Re-examining Empirical Data on Conflicts of Interest Through the Lens of Personal Narratives.Emily E. Anderson & Elena M. Kraus - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (2):91-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Re-examining Empirical Data on Conflicts of Interest Through the Lens of Personal NarrativesEmily E. Anderson and Elena M. KrausIntroductionThe personal stories submitted by physicians and researchers for this symposium add much–needed dimension to conversations on conflicts of interest in medicine and research. Narratives from individuals living with conflicts of interest can serve as a unique lens through which to consider psychological and economic theories and survey data on (...)
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  13. Hume's Ideas about Necessary Connection.Janet Broughton - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (2):217-244.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:217 HUME'S IDEAS ABOUT NECESSARY CONNECTION 1. Introduction Hume asks, "What is our idea of necessity, when we say that two objects are necessarily connected together"? He later says that he has answered this question, but it is difficult to see what his answer is, or even to see precisely what the question was. Currently there are two main ways of understanding Hume's views about our idea of (...)
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  14.  41
    The Issue of the Unchangeability of Sunnatullah.Yaşar Ünal - 2023 - Kader 21 (2):763-794.
    From the earliest moments in human history, the relationship between God, the universe, and humanity has been a subject of discussion, not only among followers of divine religions but also among representatives of positive sciences. Various theories have been put forth, and numerous evaluations have been made regarding the details of this relationship. The discussions around this topic continue to be relevant today From the perspective of divine religions, one of the most notable and fundamental aspects of the Quran-centered revelation (...)
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  15.  22
    Evidence for Mixed Rationalities in Preference Formation.Alexandru-Ionuț Băbeanu & Diego Garlaschelli - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-19.
    Understanding the mechanisms underlying the formation of cultural traits is an open challenge. This is intimately connected to cultural dynamics, which has been the focus of a variety of quantitative models. Recent studies have emphasized the importance of connecting those models to empirically accessible snapshots of cultural dynamics. In particular, it has been suggested that empirical cultural states, which differ systematically from randomized counterparts, exhibit properties that are universally present. Hence, a question about the mechanism responsible for the (...)
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  16.  11
    From Effects of Governance to Causes of Epistemic Change.Jochen Gläser - 2024 - Minerva 62 (3):309-337.
    In this paper I argue that the attempts by science studies to identify epistemic effects of new governance instruments have largely failed. I suggest two main reasons for this failure. The first reason is that neither quantitative nor qualitative studies of effects of governance instruments meet the respective methodological standards for establishing causality. While much of this could be repaired, the second reason is more severe: given the complex causal web between governance and knowledge production and the multi-level nature of (...)
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    Does Shari ’ah Screening Cause Abnormal Returns? Empirical Evidence from Islamic Equity Indices‘.Dawood Ashraf - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (2):209-228.
    Islamic equity funds are subject to the screening criteria for stock selection imposed by the principles of Islamic jurisprudence. Equities must pass three basic screens: revenue source, business activity, and financial factors to be included in an Islamic fund. However, screening criteria are not universal especially for the financial factors. One can use financial ratios based on either the book-value of total assets or the market-value of equity for screening of stocks. This may not only result in a different (...)
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  18.  96
    Altered effective connectivity in the emotional network induced by immersive virtual reality rehabilitation for post-stroke depression.Jia-Jia Wu, Mou-Xiong Zheng, Xu-Yun Hua, Dong Wei, Xin Xue, Yu-Lin Li, Xiang-Xin Xing, Jie Ma, Chun-Lei Shan & Jian-Guang Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Post-stroke depression is a serious complication of stroke that significantly restricts rehabilitation. The use of immersive virtual reality for stroke survivors is promising. Herein, we investigated the effects of a novel immersive virtual reality training system on PSD and explored induced effective connectivity alterations in emotional networks using multivariate Granger causality analysis. Forty-four patients with PSD were equally allocated into an immersive-virtual reality group and a control group. In addition to their usual rehabilitation treatments, the participants in the immersive-virtual reality (...)
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  19.  30
    Natural selection according to Darwin: cause or effect?Ben Bradley - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-26.
    In the 1940s, the ‘modern synthesis’ (MS) of Darwinism and genetics cast genetic mutation and recombination as the source of variability from which environmental events naturally select the fittest, such ‘natural selection’ constituting the cause of evolution. Recent biology increasingly challenges this view by casting genes as followers and awarding the leading role in the genesis of adaptations to the agency and plasticity of developing phenotypes—making natural selection a consequence of other causal processes. Both views of natural selection claim to (...)
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    Empirical questions deserve empirical answers.Colin Martindale - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):347-361.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Empirical Questions Deserve Empirical AnswersColin MartindaleWhat is wrong with the current state of humanistic literary studies? On the theoretical level, we find various types of postmodernism, none of which makes much sense. On the other hand, there are approaches such as Marxism, Feminism, and the New Historicism. One can at least understand the contentions of such theorists, but these contentions are generally quite implausible. If poetry were (...)
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  21.  25
    “Dangerous Connections”. The Problem of Closeness in the Contemporary Debate on the Principle of Double Effect.Barbara Chyrowicz - 2023 - Diametros 20 (78):133-164.
    The problem of closeness was posed by Philippa Foot in the article “The Problem of Abortion and the Doctrine of Double Effect”. Foot criticizes the classic version of the principle of double effect which distinguishes direct from indirect intention. On this basis, she considers it justified to cause bad effects which were foreseen but not intended. She believes that if we consider causing a bad effect to be justified then the way we do it is irrelevant, while the reference to (...)
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  22.  14
    The Namaste effect: expressing universal love through the chakras.Nischala Joy Devi - 2019 - Angel Fire, NM: Lotus Flower Books, an imprint of Columbine Publishing Group LLC.
    In The Namaste Effect, we are guided to such connection by tapping into our higher consciousness through the subtle energy centers known as chakras, to spark the release of love from our hearts and send it to others. With that action, we affect each other and eventually the entire globe. This book offers a way to live in this world by expressing love and compassion as our primary actions. Told through a series of examples and heartwarming stories, Nischala Devi navigates (...)
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    The Empirical Author: Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses.Anthony Close - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):248-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anthony Close THE EMPIRICAL AUTHOR: SALMAN RUSHDIE'S THE SATANIC VERSES HOBBES, comparing the author ofan action to the owner ofgoods, asserts, "And as the right of possession, is called dominion; so the right of doing any action, is called authority" (Leviathan, Book I, chap. 16). My purpose in this essay is to apply this Hobbesian maxim to the relation Author/Text, expanding somewhat Hobbes's notion of authority. I presuppose (...)
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  24.  17
    Influence of anxiety on university students’ academic involution behavior during COVID-19 pandemic: Mediating effect of cognitive closure needs.Dongdong Yan, Huanzhe Zhang, Shili Guo & Wen Zeng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant negative effect on university students’ mental health worldwide. The pandemic has resulted in individuals experiencing increased levels of anxiety and stress as well as intensified concerns about the future due to a rise in uncertainty. To eliminate the anxiety and stress caused by uncertainty, individuals who have high cognitive closure needs are strongly motivated to achieve certainty and seek answers, even if the decisions they make in the process are inappropriate or even irrational. (...)
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  25.  95
    (1 other version)Research on the influence mechanism of university-enterprise collaboration: Evidence From five southern coastal provinces in China.Ximeng Chen, Yan Chen, Dongxue Li & Hao Dong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Taking university-enterprise collaborative innovation in five southern coastal provinces of China as subjects, empirical research is implemented by constructing a theoretical model of the effects of interface resource integration, interface conflict management, interface connection mechanisms, and enterprise absorptive capacity on the university-enterprise collaborative innovation performance with the partial least squares structural equation modeling and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. A total of 245 valid questionnaires were collected from five coastal provinces in south China. The research results show that the interface (...)
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  26.  30
    The Universal Treatise of Nicholas of Autrecourt. [REVIEW]F. W. J. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (1):168-169.
    No. 20 in the Marquette series "Mediaecal [[sic]] Philosophical Texts in Translation," this translation is based on J. R. O’Donnell’s edition of the only extant manuscript of the Universal Treatise, and is preceded by a helpful introduction of 28 pp. plus a selected bibliography. An English version of this work should be welcomed by scholars not versed in Latin who are nonetheless interested in Nicholas’ thought, whether because of his highly critical reactions to Aristotle and Averroes or because of (...)
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    Causation in Collisions - An Empiricist but Non-Humean Account.Lars-göran Johansson - 2007 - Theoria 73 (4):317-333.
    Hume's regularity theory of causation was partly motivated by a criticism of Descartes' causal account of collisions. According to Descartes, bodies are things with extension, and since having extension does not entail any ability to cause changes of motion in other bodies, such changes must be explained by attributing a ‘causal power’ to bodies, logically independent of their extension. Hume's point is that we can't observe any such causal power and we should not use ideas about such unobserved qualities (...)
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  28. Can Causal Powers Cause Their Effects?Andrea Raimondi - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (2):455-473.
    Causal Dispositionalism provides an account of causation based on an ontology of causal powers, properties with causal essence. According to the account, causation can be analysed in terms of the interaction of powers and its subsequent production of their effect. Recently, Baltimore, J. A. has raised a challenge against two competing approaches, the compositional view and the mutual manifestation view, to explain what makes powers interactive – the interaction gap. In this paper, we raise the challenge of explaining what makes (...)
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  29.  13
    Lost powers: reclaiming our inner connection: the search to reestablish our innate ability to tap into the Universal Fountain of Understanding.J. Douglas Kenyon (ed.) - 2016 - [Place of publication not identified]: Atlantis Rising.
    Every soul has an unconscious knowledge of the ultimate truth of things, a premise long taught by all great spiritual teachers, East and West, regularly experienced by those who follow the spiritual path. In the quest to help reestablish that universal connection, editor J. Douglas Kenyon has culled from the pages of Atlantis rising magazine this compilation of concise and well-illustrated articles by world-class researchers and theoreticians."--Back cover.
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  30.  9
    Boundaries of competence: how social studies make feeble science.Gwynn Nettler - 2003 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction.
    The term "social science" promises more than its practitioners can deliver: it promises knowledge. This knowledge is to consist of statements of empirical regularities of such quality as will enhance predictive power and inform public and private policy. Boundaries of Competence illuminates obstacles to this aspiration. Chapter 1 grounds knowledge in perception. Chapter 2 challenges the assumption that ordinary language necessarily describes reality and reveals the mischief words can do. Chapter 3 proposes a continuum of perceiving-conceiving involved in different (...)
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    Body–drug assemblages: theorizing the experience of side effects in the context of HIV treatment.Marilou Gagnon & Dave Holmes - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (4):250-261.
    Each of the antiretroviral drugs that are currently used to stop the progression of HIV infection causes its own specific side effects. Despite the expansion, multiplication, and simplification of treatment options over the past decade, side effects continue to affect people living with HIV. Yet, we see a clear disconnect between the way side effects are normalized, routinized, and framed in clinical practice and the way they are experienced by people living with HIV. This paper builds on the premise (...)
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    Hume’s Third Cause.Peter Dalton - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Research 28:169-190.
    It is widely believed that Hume recognizes only two types of causality-one equivalent to a constant conjunction between two "objects," the other involving somesort of necessary connection between them. I will refer to these types, respectively, as "conjunction" and "necessity." I believe that Hume relies on a third type of causality-a process by which a constant conjunction of perceptions causes someone to acquire a mental habit. To remain close to Hume's terminology, I will refer to the process as "repetition." (...)
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  33.  28
    Consciousness in a multilevel architecture: What causes the lateralization of effective connectivity under resting state?Boris M. Velichkovsky, Vadim L. Ushakov & Maxim G. Sharaev - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 73:102755.
  34. Hume's Account of Causation.Sun Demirli - 1999 - Dissertation, Syracuse University
    Hume begins his discussion of causation with the promise that he will explain fully the relation of cause and effect, and argues strenuously that there is no impression from which the idea of necessary connection is derived. At the end of his discussion, he summarizes his views by offering his "two definitions of cause" where he asserts that the causal relation can be nothing but the regular succession of cause and effect. This is traditionally thought to be evidence for the (...)
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  35. Genetically caused trait is an interactive kind.Riin Kõiv - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (3):1-25.
    In this paper I argue that the extent to which a human trait is genetically caused can causally depend upon whether the trait is categorized within human genetics as genetically caused. This makes the kindgenetically caused traitan interactive kind. I demonstrate that this thesis is both conceptually coherent and empirically plausible. I outline the core rationale of this thesis and demonstrate its conceptual coherence by drawing upon Waters’ (2007) analysis of genetic causation. I add empirical plausibility to the thesis (...)
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    Effects of different exercise intensities of race-walking on brain functional connectivity as assessed by functional near-infrared spectroscopy.Qianqian Song, Xiaodong Cheng, Rongna Zheng, Jie Yang & Hao Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1002793.
    IntroductionRace-walking is a sport that mimics normal walking and running. Previous studies on sports science mainly focused on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. However, there is still a lack of research on the central nervous system, especially the real-time changes in brain network characteristics during race-walking exercise. This study aimed to use a network perspective to investigate the effects of different exercise intensities on brain functional connectivity.Materials and methodsA total of 16 right-handed healthy young athletes were recruited as participants in (...)
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  37. Objects as Temporary Autonomous Zones.Tim Morton - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):149-155.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 149-155. The world is teeming. Anything can happen. John Cage, “Silence” 1 Autonomy means that although something is part of something else, or related to it in some way, it has its own “law” or “tendency” (Greek, nomos ). In their book on life sciences, Medawar and Medawar state, “Organs and tissues…are composed of cells which…have a high measure of autonomy.”2 Autonomy also has ethical and political valences. De Grazia writes, “In Kant's enormously influential moral philosophy, autonomy (...)
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  38.  18
    Software Bug Detection Causes a Shift From Bottom-Up to Top-Down Effective Connectivity Involving the Insula Within the Error-Monitoring Network.Joao Castelhano, Isabel C. Duarte, Ricardo Couceiro, Julio Medeiros, Joao Duraes, Sónia Afonso, Henrique Madeira & Miguel Castelo-Branco - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The neural correlates of software programming skills have been the target of an increasing number of studies in the past few years. Those studies focused on error-monitoring during software code inspection. Others have studied task-related cognitive load as measured by distinct neurophysiological measures. Most studies addressed only syntax errors. However, a recent functional MRI study suggested a pivotal role of the insula during error-monitoring when challenging deep-level analysis of code inspection was required. This raised the hypothesis that the insula is (...)
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  39. Kissing in the Shadow.Paul Thomas & Tim Morton - 2012 - Continent 2 (4):289-334.
    In late August 2012, artist Paul Thomas and philosopher Timothy Morton took a stroll up and down King Street in Newtown, Sydney. They took photographs. If you walk too slowly down the street, you find yourself caught in the honey of aesthetic zones emitted by thousands and thousands of beings. If you want to get from A to B, you had better hurry up. Is there any space between anything? Do we not, when we look for such a space, encounter (...)
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    Teaching Academic Words With Digital Flashcards: Investigating the Effectiveness of Mobile-Assisted Vocabulary Learning for University Students.Ismail Xodabande, Yasaman Iravi, Behzad Mansouri & Hoda Matinparsa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The current study explored the effects of using digital flashcards and mobile devices on learning academic vocabulary. The participants were 86 university students majoring in Psychology in two experimental conditions and one control group. A list of 361 core academic words frequently used in Psychology was taught to the participants using different materials, and the learning outcomes were compared across the three groups. Accordingly, the participants in the experimental group 1 used a DF application, participants in the experimental group 2 (...)
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  41. Framing Effects in Object Perception.Spencer Ivy & Aleksandra Mroczko-Wąsowicz - 2025 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1:1-28.
    In this paper we argue that object perception may be affected by what we call “perceptual frames.” Perceptual frames are adaptations of the perceptual system that guide how perceptual objects are singled out from a sensory environment. These adaptations are caused by perceptual learning and realized through bottom-up functional processes such that sensory information is organized in a subject-dependent way leading to idiosyncratic perceptual object representations. Through domain-specific training, perceptual learning, and the acquisition of object-knowledge, it is possible to modulate (...)
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    The Invisible Hand: Toddlers Connect Probabilistic Events With Agentive Causes.Yang Wu, Paul Muentener & Laura E. Schulz - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):1854-1876.
    Children posit unobserved causes when events appear to occur spontaneously. What about when events appear to occur probabilistically? Here toddlers saw arbitrary causal relationships in a fixed, alternating order. The relationships were then changed in one of two ways. In the Deterministic condition, the event order changed ; in the Probabilistic condition, the causal relationships changed. As intended, toddlers looked equally long at both changes. We then introduced a previously unseen candidate cause. Toddlers looked longer at the appearance of (...)
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  43. Causes of causes.Alex Broadbent - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (3):457-476.
    When is a cause of a cause of an effect also a cause of that effect? The right answer is either Sometimes or Always . In favour of Always , transitivity is considered by some to be necessary for distinguishing causes from redundant non-causal events. Moreover transitivity may be motivated by an interest in an unselective notion of causation, untroubled by principles of invidious discrimination. And causal relations appear to add up like transitive relations, so that the obtaining of (...)
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  44. Empirical regularities in Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics.Mark Steiner - 2009 - Philosophia Mathematica 17 (1):1-34.
    During the course of about ten years, Wittgenstein revised some of his most basic views in philosophy of mathematics, for example that a mathematical theorem can have only one proof. This essay argues that these changes are rooted in his growing belief that mathematical theorems are ‘internally’ connected to their canonical applications, i.e. , that mathematical theorems are ‘hardened’ empirical regularities, upon which the former are supervenient. The central role Wittgenstein increasingly assigns to empirical regularities had profound (...)
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    On the role of regular phonological variation in lexical access: Evidence from voice assimilation in French.Natalie D. Snoeren, Juan Seguí & Pierre André Hallé - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):512-521.
    The present study investigated whether lexical access is affected by a regular phonological variation in connected speech: voice assimilation in French. Two associative priming experiments were conducted to determine whether strongly assimilated, potentially ambiguous word forms activate the conceptual representation of the underlying word. Would the ambiguous word form [sud] (either assimilated soute 'hold' or soude 'soda') facilitate 'bagage' 'luggage', which is semantically related to soute but not to soude? In Experiment 1, words in either canonical or strongly assimilated (...)
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    Effect of moral empowerment program on moral distress in intensive care unit nurses.Safura Abbasi, Somayeh Ghafari, Mohsen Shahriari & Nahid Shahgholian - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1494-1504.
    Background: Moral distress has been experienced by about 67% of critical care nurses which causes many complications such as job dissatisfaction, loss of capacity for caring, and turnover for nurses and poor quality of care for patients as well as health system. Objective: The purpose of this research was to provide a moral empowerment program to nursing directors, school of nursing, and the heads of hospitals to reduce moral distress in nurses and improve the quality of care. Methods: This (...)
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  47.  28
    On the Effect of the IO-Substitution on the Parikh Image of Semilinear Full AFLs.Pierre Bourreau - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (1):1-26.
    Back in the 1980’s, the class of mildly context-sensitive formalisms was introduced so as to capture the syntax of natural languages. While the languages generated by such formalisms are constrained by the constant-growth property, the most well-known and used ones—like tree-adjoining grammars or multiple context-free grammars—generate languages which verify the stronger property of being semilinear. In, the operation of IO-substitution was created so as to exhibit mildly-context sensitive classes of languages which are not semilinear. In the present article, we extend (...)
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    Psychoanalysis as the jurisprudence of freedom.Jeanne L. Schroeder & David Gray Carlson - 2009 - In Francis J. Mootz, On Philosophy in American Law. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    What is the future of legal philosophy? No doubt it has many. But we are betting that jurisprudence will gravitate towards freedom. Freedom, the attribute of the human subject, has largely been absent from legal philosophy. This is a lack that psychoanalytic jurisprudence aims to correct. In this essay, drafted as chapter in "On Philosophy in American Law" (Francis Jay Mootz III, ed.) to be published by the Cambridge University Press, we set forth what we think are the primary differences (...)
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    Normal Causes for Normal Effects: Reinvigorating the Correspondence Hypothesis About Judgments of Actual Causation.Totte Harinen - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (6):1299-1320.
    There have been several recent attempts to model ordinary intuitions about actual causation by combining a counterfactual definition of the causal relation with an abnormality-based account of causal judgments. In these models, the underlying psychological theory is that people automatically focus on abnormal events when judging the actual causes of an effect. This approach has enabled authors such as Halpern and Hitchcock to capture an impressive array of ordinary causal intuitions. However, in this paper I demonstrate how these abnormality-based (...)
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    The Object of Aristotelian Induction: Formal Cause or Composite Individual?Christopher Byrne - 2014 - In Paolo C. Biondi & Louis F. Groarke, Shifting the Paradigm: Alternative Perspectives on Induction. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 251-268.
    According to a long interpretative tradition, Aristotle holds that the formal cause is the ultimate object of induction when investigating perceptible substances. For, the job of induction is to find the essential nature common to a set of individuals, and that nature is captured solely by their shared formal cause. Against this view, I argue that Aristotle understands perceptible individuals as irreducibly composite objects whose nature is constituted by both their formal and their material cause. As a result, when investigating (...)
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