Results for ' Hui-us'

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  1.  26
    Changes in Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Performance.Hui-Ju Tsai & Yangru Wu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):735-755.
    We study the relationship between corporate social performance and financial performance by comparing the portfolio returns of firms with changes in corporate social responsibility (CSR) intensity. Using an extensive US sample from the MSCI ESG database, we find that improvement in the overall CSR is generally value enhancing. The relationship varies with CSR dimensions. More importantly, the relationship shifts differently for various CSR dimensions during the crisis period when trust in the society is low and financial resource is limited. Improvement (...)
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    Knowledge and Information.Hui-Min Lin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 53:183-189.
    Obviously, “To know” is different to “be informed”. For “to know”, we have a motivation to reach certain proposition we thought is meaningful to us; however, for “be informed”, we just passively receive propositions or we gain certain propositions without much deliberation in which these propositions may be useful to us. The proposition “Wang collected 19 wins in both MLB 2006 and 2007” seems information but not knowledge to us, in the sense that we just be given this proposition and (...)
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  3.  11
    Robots among us: ordinary but significant human–robot interactions in the city.Jeffrey Kok Hui Chan & Yixiao Wang - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  4. On the Argument for Jian’ai.Hui-Chieh Loy - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (4):487-504.
    In all three versions of the “Jian’ai” 兼愛 Chapter in the Mozi 墨子, variations of a central argument may be found. This argument proceeds by advancing a diagnosis for what causes the various evils that beset the world, and it is on this basis that the Mohists propose jian’ai as the solution. The study examines this main argument in some detail, with the aim of improving both our understanding of the Mohist ethical doctrine and also our appreciation of their argumentative (...)
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    What we bet on is not only tangible money, but also good mood.Hui-Fang Guo, Rui Tao, Ning Zhao, Hai-Ping Chen, Rui Zheng & L. I. Shu - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (7):1404-1419.
    A surprisingly large number of lottery prizes go unclaimed every year. This leads us to suspect that what people bet on is not only money, but also good mood. We conducted three studies to explain, from an emotional perspective, why people play lottery games. We first conducted two survey studies to assess mood state reported by online (Study 1a) and offline lottery buyers (Study 1b) at different stages of lottery play. The results revealed that participants’ highest mood appeared before knowing (...)
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    The Confucian Canon’s Pivotal and Problematic Middle Era: Reflecting on the Northern Song Masters and Zhu Xi.Hui Yin & Hoyt Tillman - 2015 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14 (1):95-105.
    Zhu Xi’s 朱熹 interpretations systematized the Five Classics; moreover, he elevated the “Four Books” to such a supra-canonical status that these texts along with his commentaries became the core curriculum for civil service examinations from the early 13th century to the 20th century. Inquiring into what was the essential and unique Song 宋 character of Classical scholarship, we will highlight the canonical Ritual Classics because these texts were crucial for centuries, especially during the Han 漢 through Tang 唐 dynasties. We (...)
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    Corporate governance, compliance and valuation effects of Sarbanes-Oxley on US and foreign firms.Lorne N. Switzer & Hui Lin - 2009 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 4 (4):400.
  8.  48
    Patient privacy and autonomy: a comparative analysis of cases of ethical dilemmas in China and the United States.Hui Zhang, Hongmei Zhang, Zhenxiang Zhang & Yuming Wang - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-8.
    Background Respect for patients’ autonomy is usually considered to be an important ethical principle in Western countries; privacy is one of the implications of such respect. Healthcare professionals frequently encounter ethical dilemmas during their practice. The past few decades have seen an increased use of courts to resolve intractable ethical dilemmas across both the developed and the developing world. However, Chinese and American bioethics differ largely due to the influence of Chinese Confucianism and Western religions, respectively, and there is a (...)
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    On the Varieties of Experience of Art.Yuk Hui - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (4-5):131-144.
    This essay takes up the line of critique of François Jullien in The Great Image Has No Form, that Chinese landscape painting ( shanshui) provides a counter-example to Western painting. The opposition, namely that the former undermines form and the latter focuses on form, provides two kinds of access to ‘truth’ and demonstrates two different philosophical temperaments between China and Europe. The article attempts to reflect on Jullien’s comparison and the varieties of experience of art that Jullien has opened up (...)
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  10. The Crystal order that is most concrete: The Wittgenstein house.Hui Zou - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):22-32.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Crystal Order That Is Most Concrete:The Wittgenstein HouseHui Zou (bio)IntroductionIn the instruction of architectural history, some historical references have to be mentioned in terms of the relationship between building and language. In Chapter I, Book II, of The Ten Books on Architecture, the ancient Roman theorist Vitruvius discussed the "origin of the dwelling house." According to him, the "primitive hut" originated from the gathering of men around a (...)
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    Net-munity, or the Space between Us … Will Open the Future.Wendy Hui Kyong Chun - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):104-109.
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    Thoughts about Lloyd's Multidimensionality of Reality.Hui-Chieh Loy - 2017 - Australasian Philosophical Review 1 (3):277-280.
    ABSTRACTThe response comments upon the idea of there being a multidimensionality to reality that G.E.R. Lloyd introduced in recent works. The idea is that while different equally intelligent perceivers might inhabit one and the same world, there can be a plurality of equally valid accounts. In putting forward the idea, Lloyd sought to strike a balance between ‘realism’ and ‘relativism.’ The response proposes two main points. First, the most interesting version of the thesis will have to be about how otherwise (...)
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  13.  51
    Crisis, Crisis, Crisis, or Sovereignty and Networks.Wendy Hui Kyong Chun - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (6):91-112.
    This article addresses the seemingly paradoxical proliferation of coded systems designed to guarantee our safety and crises that endanger us. These two phenomena, it argues, are not opposites but rather complements; crises are not accidental to a culture focused on safety, they are its raison d'être. Mapping out the temporality of networks, it argues that crises are new media's critical difference: its exception and its norm. Although crises promise to disrupt memory – to disturb the usual programmability of our machines (...)
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  14.  21
    Care Robots for the Elderly: Legal, Ethical Considerations and Regulatory Strategies.Hui Yun Chan & Anantharaman Muralidharan - 2024 - In Nadia Naim (ed.), Developments in Intellectual Property Strategy: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and New Technologies. Springer Verlag. pp. 129-156.
    Ageing populations are increasing across the world. Many countries are exploring new ways to provide care for the elderly in hospitals, community care and family household settings. Scientific progress in robotics, artificial intelligence integrated systems and increasingly sophisticated software engineering have contributed to innovative developments in care robots in the Asia Pacific regions, Europe and the US. Whilst the use of care robots is not widespread, research is already occurring to integrate wider use of care robots in the elderly population (...)
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  15. Cybernetics for the 21st Century Vol.1 Epistemological Reconstruction.Yuk Hui (ed.) - 2024 - Hong Kong: Hanart Press.
    Cybernetics for the 21st Century Vol.1 is dedicated to the epistemological reconstruction of cybernetics, consisting of a series of historical and critical reflections on the subject – which according to Martin Heidegger marked the completion of Western metaphysics. In this anthology, historians, philosophers, sociologists and media studies scholars explore the history of cybernetics from Leibniz to artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as the development of twentieth-century cybernetics in various geographical regions in the world, from the USA to the (...)
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  16. Internet Addiction and Well-Being: Daoist and Stoic Reflections.Hui Jin & Edward H. Spence - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (2):209-225.
    This article explores the phenomenon of Internet addiction and its possible amelioration, from both Eastern and Western philosophical perspectives. Internet addiction is caused by the excessive use of the Internet and its resulting dependence, having negative effects on human well-being. The ideas of a key ancient Chinese Daoist thinker Zhuangzi 莊子 and his Western contemporaries, the Stoics, as viewed through the world, the things and beings in it, and their relationships, offer insights which may be used to alleviate these effects. (...)
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    Macroeconomic Fluctuations as Sources of Luck in CEO Compensation.Hsin-Hui Chiu, Lars Oxelheim, Clas Wihlborg & Jianhua Zhang - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (2):371-384.
    Macroeconomic fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, and inflation can be considered sources of good or bad “luck” for corporate performance if management is unable to adjust operations to these fluctuations. Based on a sample of 2,091 US firms, we decompose the impacts of macroeconomic fluctuations on three measures of CEO compensation. Our study provides empirical support for the importance of considering macroeconomic fluctuations in designing CEO incentive schemes. It adds to the managerial power literature on moral hazard and CEO (...)
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  18. Introducing “The Sustainable Port”: A Serious Game to Study Decision-Making in Port-Related Environments.Gianluca Guglielmo, Michal Klincewicz, Elisabeth Huis in 'T. Veld & Pieter Spronck - 2024 - 2024 Ieee Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (Gem) 1:1-6.
    In this paper, we report on the development of The Sustainable Port video game, which aims to simulate the complex dynamics and decisions occurring in the present and future development of a port area considering environmental aspects (CO2 emissions) and profit. To evaluate if this game fulfills its purpose, we asked 75 students and 34 employees at the Port of Rotterdam (PoR) to play The Sustainable Port. Our results show that PoR employees score higher than students suggesting a transfer between (...)
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  19.  19
    What Can We Learn from COVID-19 Drug Development and Access for Non-Pandemic Diseases? A Chinese Perspective.Hui Zhang, Zhiping Guo, Lijun Shen, Yongguang Yang, Zhenxiang Zhang & Yuming Wang - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (12):42-45.
    The target article by Lynch et al. offers approaches for improving trial availability and Expanded Access for non-pandemic diseases based on the analysis of the COVID-19 experience in the US...
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    The Neural Basis of Individual Face and Object Perception.Rebecca Watson, Elisabeth M. J. Huis in ’T. Veld & Beatrice de Gelder - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:171072.
    We routinely need to process the identity of many faces around us, and how the brain achieves this is still the subject of much research in cognitive neuroscience. To date, insights on face identity processing have come from both healthy and clinical populations. However, in order to directly compare results across and within participant groups, and across different studies, it is crucial that a standard task is utilised which includes different exemplars (for example, non-face stimuli along with faces), is memory-neutral, (...)
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  21.  85
    The Digital Sublime: Lessons from Kelli Connell's Double Life.Yi-Hui Huang - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (4):70-79.
    The concept of the “sublime” has been discussed by a few philosophers. According to German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), the sublime refers to something “absolutely great,”1 such as the vast Sahara Desert or an earthquake, that surpasses one’s ability to comprehend with one’s reason. The sublime brings a mixture of anxiety and pleasure to those experiencing it: anxiety from the conflict between reason and imagination, and pleasure from the awareness of the supremacy of human reason. While Kant focuses on sublime (...)
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  22. Makesi yu wo men tong xing: xin shi ji Zhongguo de Makesi zhe xue yan jiu = Marx is still guiding us forward.Ruxian Ye & Hui Sun (eds.) - 2003 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Know Your Game, From in-Real Life Experts to Video Game Experts: Discriminating in-Real Life Experts From Non-Experts Using Blinks and EAR-Derived Features.Gianluca Guglielmo, Michal Klincewicz, Elisabeth Huis in'T. Veld & Pieter Spronck - 2024 - IEEE Transactions on Games 1:1-12.
    Serious games are an effective method of reproducing aspects of the complex interplay between environments and stakeholders in business situations. In the game we describe here, The Sustainable Port, players experience what it is like to make decisions in such a complex environment. Their aim in the game is to grow the Port of Rotterdam while keeping economic growth in balance with sustainability goals. In this study, we assessed whether experienced Port of Rotterdam employees (PoR employees) show different psychophysiological patterns, (...)
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    Historiographies of science and labor: From past perspectives to future possibilities.Lissa Roberts, Seth Rockman & Alexandra Hui - 2023 - History of Science 61 (4):448-474.
    This article offers suggestions for what a labor history of science might look like and what it might accomplish. It does so by first reviewing how historians of science have analyzed the history of both “science as labor” and “science and labor” since the 1930s. It then moves on to discuss recent historiographical developments in both the history of science and labor history that together provide an analytical frame for further research. The article ends by projecting into the future, considering (...)
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  25. The Original Purpose of Truth and Method and the Development of a Philosophical Hermeneutics from Dilthey through Heidegger to Gadamer.Richard Palmer & Hui-mei Lee - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):109-119.
    In reviewing the contents of the first to five speakers, we back up to the United States in writing "real and reasonable method" when the issues faced in: scientific research methods than in the general concept Concept in humanities research methods; and people in the academic literature on the low-order. We first consider how the amount of Dilthey and Heidegger deal with these issues. Ⅰ. Natural sciences and humanities approach argue Dilthey tried to explain the expression of human literature, there (...)
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    Animals and Human Society in Asia: Historical, Cultural and Ethical Perspectives.Chien-hui Li - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (2):203-205.
    From a largely Western phenomenon, the “animal turn” has, in recent years, gone global. Animals and Human Society in Asia: Historical, Cultural and Ethical Perspectives is just such a timely product that testifies to this trend.But why Asia? The editors, in their very helpful overview essay, have from the outset justified the volume's focus on Asia and ensured that this is not simply a matter of lacuna filling. The reasons they set out include: the fact that Asia is the cradle (...)
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    The retail brand personality—Behavioral outcomes framework: Applications to identity and social identity theories.Ya-Hui Kuo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study applies identity and social identity theories to develop and test a framework in which retail brand personality influences consumer outcomes [i.e., positive word-of-mouth about and patronage intention toward the retailer] through public and/or private self-congruity, strengthened by shopping conspicuousness situation, and retail brand identification. This is the first study to include social shopping situations to study brand personality and self-congruity. A questionnaire with a 2 × 2 between-subjects design was conducted on a sample of US consumers. Structural equation (...)
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    “Understanding” Asians: Anti-Asian Racism, Sentimentality, Sentiment Analysis, and Digital Surveillance.Lisa Nakamura, Grace Kyungwon Hong & Wendy Hui Kyong Chun - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (3):425-451.
    This article addresses how Asian racialization grounds contemporary social media experimentation on—and comprehensive surveillance of—users. To make this point, we focus on the relationship between the sentimentality of white benevolence as an expression of US empire and the social scientific history of sentiment analysis, which derives from early twentieth-century analyses of women workers and Japanese internment camps. The drive to “read” the inscrutable other—framed as a benevolent alternative to direct coercion—underlies methods to better capture and control individuals by understanding their (...)
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  29. Ethical reflection of Chinese scientists on the dual-use concerns of emerging medical biotechnology.Xiaonan Wang, Mingtao Huang, Hui Shao, Kun Li & Xiaomei Zhai - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Emerging medical biotechnology typically exhibits a ‘dual-use’ nature, which, while promoting human well-being, concurrently presents potential risks of misuse or abuse, thereby posing significant threats. Globally, including in China, emerging medical biotechnology is developing rapidly. To understand the views and perspectives of Chinese scientists on dual-use concerns, this empirical study conducted semistructured qualitative interviews with researchers (n=14) from various specialties within the Chinese medical field, analysing their perspectives and ethical considerations regarding dual-use concerns. The findings of this study reveal a (...)
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  30.  22
    Abnormal Fractional Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuation Changes in Patients With Dry Eye Disease: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.Rong-Bin Liang, Li-Qi Liu, Wen-Qing Shi, Tie Sun, Qian-Min Ge, Qiu-Yu Li, Hui-Ye Shu, Li-Juan Zhang & Yi Shao - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    PurposeTo investigate spontaneous brain activity in patients with dry eye and healthy control using the fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuation technique with the aim of elucidating the relationship between the clinical symptoms of DE and changes in brain function.Material and MethodsA total of 28 patients with DE and 28 matched healthy volunteers were enrolled. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans were performed in both groups. Then all subjects were required to complete a comprehensive Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Receiver (...)
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    L'exégèse critique aujourd'hui.Jacques Descreux - 2011 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 99 (2):185-194.
    Dans Let the Reader Understand, R. M. Fowler applique à la communication textuelle dont relève l’écriture biblique le modèle par lequel R. Jakobson décrivait la communication verbale. Ce modèle permet d’articuler les principales méthodes exégétiques. Après la querelle des méthodes, une complémentarité se dessine donc sans que toute tension dans leurs résultats ne soit pleinement dissipée. Le débat exégétique est néanmoins relancé aujourd’hui par la critique que la pensée postmoderne adresse aux fondements mêmes des méthodes exégétiques qui se sont développées (...)
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    L'héritage hégélien aujourd'hui.Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron - 2010 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 135 (2):223-234.
    Quatre recueils récents comportant des contributions de philosophes allemands et américains permettent de préciser et discuter les grandes questions soulevées aujourd ' hui par diverses traditions de lecture de Hegel, en particulier, la question d ' une lecture morale de la « reconnaissance » dans la Phénoménologie de l ' esprit, la théorie de la connaissance, le statut de la beauté. Four recent collections offering contributions by German and American philoso ­ phers allow us to discuss with greater precision the (...)
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    Yi wei lao jiao shou ding ning de ping shi zhi hui: su zao jing cai ren sheng de jiang yi = Life wisdom for us.Zhonghe Ping - 2009 - [Taibei Shi]: Yu shu fang chu ban you xian gong si.
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    La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit aujourd'hui.Jean-Michel Buée - 2007 - Archives de Philosophie 3 (3):455-470.
    Qu’en est-il pour nous aujourd’hui de la prétention au savoir absolu dont la Phénoménologie de l’Esprit se voulait la justification ? Renvoie-t-elle encore à la clôture sur soi du discours dont ont parlé tant d’interprètes ? L’analyse de la représentation religieuse, celle de la belle âme, ne peuvent-elles au contraire être comprises comme une mise en question de toute métaphysique de la subjectivité ? En sorte que, loin d’être le comble du dogmatisme métaphysique, la Phénoménologie chercherait à nous en libérer, (...)
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    La théologie sacramentaire aujourd'hui : quelques axes de recherche à promouvoir.Louis-Marie Chauvet - 2009 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 97 (4):491-514.
    Il s’avère nécessaire d’élaborer une théologie fondamentale de la sacramentalité qui implique une réévaluation de notre rapport à la théologie sacramentaire scolastique et invite à la fois à en mesurer les limites et à s’alimenter de ce qu’elle a de meilleur . Parmi les points qui requièrent une vigilance particulière, l’auteur aborde les sacrements en tant qu’actions de l’Église , le lien intime entre Parole et Sacrement . Il évoque également l’anamnèse eucharistique , l’épiclèse sacramentelle et la dimension eschatologique des (...)
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    Nihilism, Neonihilism, Hypernihilism: ‘Nietzsche aujourd’hui’ Today?Ashley Woodward - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):244-264.
    The ‘French reading’ of Nietzsche crystallized almost 50 years ago at the 1972 conference at Cerisy-la-Salle, Nietzsche aujourd’hui. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual conference of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society, with the theme of ‘The Politics of Difference’, Newcastle University, 20–21 September 2018. Nietzsche’s fortunes have since undergone some dramatic shifts in France, but there are signs that he is once again on the ascendency, in particular the 2016 edited collection Pourquoi nous sommes Nietzschéens (a (...)
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  37. Lire Ernst Troeltsch en France aujourd'hui: Science des religions ou théologie?C. Froidevaux - 2000 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 88 (2):213-222.
    La réception tardive de l'oeuvre de Ernst Troeltsch en France nous a privés d'une analyse du christianisme originale et féconde. Elle nuance et enrichit ce que nous savons, au travers de la réflexion wébérienne notamment, des relations de la religion chrétienne à la modernité. Contre les interprétations usuelles qui datent l'émergence de cette dernière de la Renaissance et de la Réforme, Troeltsch insiste sur la centralité des Lumières comme marquant la fin de la civilisation ecclésiastique ; c'es l'évanouissement de la (...)
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    Mondialisation et dialogue des cultures : l'Ubuntu d'Afrique du Sud.Nicole Koulayan - 2008 - Hermes 51:183.
    Aujourd'hui, chacun d'entre nous se retrouve pris dans l'engrenage de la mondialisation; par conséquent, la société civile estime que les valeurs fondamentales de liberté, égalité, solidarité, tolérance, respect de la nature ou partage des responsabilités doivent sous-tendre les relations internationales de ce troisième millénaire. Il faut donc chercher à donner un « sens humain » à la mondialisation en l'impliquant, comme nous le proposons, dans un humanisme de notre temps, qui relève d'une philosophie-idéologie venue d'Afrique du Sud, connue sous le (...)
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    Cosmotechnics from an anthropotechnological perspective.Marco Pavanini - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (4):26-38.
    Yuk Hui’s concept of cosmotechnics provides us with an excellent theoretical device to investigate the role of technology in relation to a culture’s self-understanding. This paper, in the first pla...
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    Sudden Music: Improvisation, Sound, Nature.David Rothenberg (ed.) - 2016 - University of Georgia Press.
    Music, said Zen patriarch Hui Neng, "is a means of rapid transformation." It takes us home to a natural world that functions outside of logic, where harmony and dissonance, tension and release work in surprising ways. Weaving memoir, travelogue, and philosophical reflection, Sudden Music presents a musical way of knowing that can closely engage us with the world and open us to its spontaneity.Improvisation is everywhere, says David Rothenberg, and his book is a testament to its creative, surprising power. Linking (...)
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    Le traitement logique de ľexistence et les présupposés de ľontologie.Par Denis Vernant - 1983 - Dialectica 37 (2):111-132.
    RésuméLa question traditionnelle de ľexistence fait aujour?on;hui ľobjet ?on;un traitement logique rigoureux.Adoptant une perspective historique, nous proposons de rappeler les analyses inaugurales des Principia Mathematica qui, en plus de leur richesse intrinsèque, nous permettront ?on;apprécier la valeur de la doctrine quinéenne de 1'engagement ontologique.Ce faisant, nous montrerons que la théorie logique classique, loin de clore le débat, s'avère finalement tributaire de présupposés qui, tels ceux relatifs au rejet des entités possibles ou àľinterprétation de la signification, relèvent de choix philosophiques irréductibles.SummaryNowadays, (...)
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    L'invention d'une nouvelle sequence rituelle de mariage.Martine Segalen - 2005 - Hermes 43:159.
    Reconnaissant l'importance des rites dans les sociétés contemporaines, l'article s'efforce de comprendre pourquoi s'est développée une nouvelle séquence rituelle inscrite dans le processus du mariage. L'enterrement de vie de jeune fille, attesté depuis la fin des années 1980, est associé à la transformation de la place de la femme, dans ses rapports avec la famille, la société et la sexualité. Comme autrefois l'enterrement de vie de garçon, celui de la jeune fille marque symboliquement l'abandon du vagabondage sexuel et amoureux. Cette (...)
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    Educação como prática real de liberdade a partir de István Mészáros.Leandro Assis Santos - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (76):377-404.
    O presente trabalho expõe algumas investigações acerca da mercantilização da educação brasileira e a perda (ao nosso ver) do caráter emancipatório que a educação deve possuir. A proposta atual de captura da educação pelo capital ocasiona o distanciamento das esferas públicas, quando não a sua condescendência, na deterioração de uma proposta formativa contrária aos projetos de conformação, passividade e de hedonismo que orientam a educação especialmente escolar no mundo atual. Para acompanhar essa crítica, nos valemos da economia conceitual aberta por (...)
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    The relatively happy fish revisited.Norman Y. Teng - 2006 - Asian Philosophy 16 (1):39 – 47.
    The anecdote of Zhuangzi and Hui Shi's brief discussion on a bridge above the Hao river gives us a nice piece of reasoning in ancient Chinese texts that may serve as a platform for a productive philosophical exchange between the East and the West. The present study examines Hansen's inferential analysis of Zhuangzi and Hui Shi's discussion in this spirit. It is argued that Hansen's analysis founders. To do justice to both Hui Shi and Zhuangzi, the present study proposes that (...)
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    The Woodcutter As the Living Force of a Homer’s Cyber-Brain, Still Incognito.Nicolas Abry - 2015 - Iris 36:121-138.
    Il est assez commun de se représenter le bûcheron comme un être plutôt fruste, qualifié avant tout par sa force au service d’une tâche peu valorisée. Or cette représentation se révèle tronquée, car l’équation qui associe la force à l’outil ne peut se réaliser sans le contrôle du geste. Plus encore, l’écoute des témoignages recueillis auprès des forestiers nous apprend que ce travail réclame d’efficaces systèmes de précision. C’est là une qualification oubliée, pourtant reconnue à part entière dès l’Iliade, qui (...)
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    Ma fille et mon chat, du droit d’avoir des enfants et un animal de compagnie.Bertrand Cassegrain - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):89-113.
    Bertrand Cassegrain | : Les injustices dont sont victimes aujourd’hui les animaux domestiques ont mené certains partisans des droits des animaux à défendre l’idée selon laquelle la relation entre humains et animaux domestiques était intrinsèquement injuste et qu’il ne fallait pas permettre à ces derniers de se reproduire. Tout en s’inscrivant dans une théorie des droits des animaux « abolitionniste », cet article entend montrer que, sous réserve du respect de certaines conditions, il n’est pas nécessairement condamnable sur le plan (...)
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    Pour une approche des processus d’innovation religieuse : quelques réflexions conceptuelles et théoriques.Steeve Bélanger & Frédérique Bonenfant - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (3):393-417.
    Steeve Bélanger,Frédérique Bonenfant | : Le concept d’« innovation religieuse » est rarement, mais surtout particulièrement mal défini dans la recherche actuelle. De plus, il est souvent associé aux nouveaux mouvements religieux qui ont émergé à l’époque contemporaine, ce qui limite indéniablement son utilisation comme outil et catégorie d’analyse des phénomènes de changement, de nouveauté, de transformation et de mutation religieux d’hier comme d’aujourd’hui. Afin de la distinguer d’une nouveauté, d’une mode ou d’une tendance religieuse passagère, nous proposons de considérer (...)
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    La fondation augustinienne de la personne.Philippe Cormier - 2007 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 81 (2):147.
    Le dépassement phénoménologique du substantialisme métaphysique devrait permettre aujourd’hui d’envisager une refondation de la notion de personne, laquelle s’était quelque peu immobilisée depuis Boèce. Sur ce nouvel horizon, le retour à la fondation première, celle d’Augustin, s’impose. Celui-ci est le premier en effet, pour l’essentiel dans son traité de la Trinité, à avoir clairement pensé la personne comme relation et non comme substance. La réduction augustinienne de la personne à l’ego ou à « l’homme intérieur » ouvre la possibilité d’ (...)
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    Hegel et la matière : le philosophe allemand a-t-il encore quelque chose à nous dire?Bertrand Quentin - 2006 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 79 (4):537.
    Après avoir rappelé les catégories qui dans la Science de la logique et la Philosophie de la nature aident à penser de façon hégélienne la notion de matière , nous indiquons ici à quel point Hegel peut sembler un précurseur de la science du XXe siècle. Est alors analysé en quoi ce genre d’affirmation peut être soutenu mais aussi relativisé. Il apparaît en tout cas que la position de Hegel par rapport à la matière n’est, à bien des égards, pas (...)
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    Réalité et physique.Bernard D'Espagnat - 1989 - Dialectica 43 (1‐2):157-172.
    ResumeLes avancées que la physique a effectuées au cours de notre siècle rendent intertables beaucoup des vues de la philosophie réaliste traditionnelle. Mais ce n'est pas à dire que la position réaliste, conçue au sens large, doive, ou même puisse, être abandonée. Le texte vise à montrer qu'il n'en est rien. Plus précisément il cherche àétablir que l'idée ? une réalité dont l'existence ne relève pas de l'esprit humain demeure une idée nécessaire, qu'il est même légitime de concevoir une telle (...)
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