Results for ' Internet, and boring websites ‐ boring writing, boring ‘blogging’, boring ‘interactive’ games'

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  1.  4
    Now getting Really Rather Dangerous….Martin Cohen - 2010 - In Mind Games: 31 Days to Rediscover Your Brain. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 43–44.
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    Reflective Writing about Near-Peer Blogs: A Novel Method for Introducing the Medical Humanities in Premedical Education.Rachel Conrad Bracken, Ajay Major, Aleena Paul & Kirsten Ostherr - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (4):535-569.
    Narrative analysis, creative writing, and interactive reflective writing have been identified as valuable for professional identity formation and resilience among medical and premedical students alike. This study proposes that medical student blogs are novel pedagogical tools for fostering peer-to-peer learning in academic medicine and are currently underutilized as a near-peer resource for premedical students to learn about the medical profession. To evaluate the pedagogical utility of medical student blogs for introducing core themes in the medical humanities, the authors conducted qualitative (...)
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    The perception of a robot partner’s effort elicits a sense of commitment to human-robot interaction.Marcell Székely, Henry Powell, Fabio Vannucci, Francesco Rea, Alessandra Sciutti & John Michael - 2019 - Interaction Studies 20 (2):234-255.
    Previous research has shown that the perception that one’s partner is investing effort in a joint action can generate a sense of commitment, leading participants to persist longer despite increasing boredom. The current research extends this finding to human-robot interaction. We implemented a 2-player version of the classic snake game which became increasingly boring over the course of each round, and operationalized commitment in terms of how long participants persisted before pressing a ‘finish’ button to conclude each round. Participants (...)
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    The same but different: A social semiotic analysis of website interactivity as discourse.Søren Vigild Poulsen - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (2):249-268.
    The aim of this article is to explore website interactivity as discourse. Whereas the use of writing, images and layout in web design has been explored extensively, interactivity, that is, interactions between a web user and the website system, remains an underdeveloped area of discourse studies. To analyze interactivity as discourse, the article uses data from a research project on offline and online shopping for electronics, viewing the offline-online relationship as recontextualization in the sense that webshop interactivity represents and transforms (...)
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    Throughout history, education has always been essential for humanity's justice and fundamental for the creation of a free and satisfying society with the dissemination of knowledge. Hence, in addition to the life occurrences educating people, traditional higher education methods have played an important role for a long period. However, the age of technology has changed the educational system along with the people's lifestyles to meet the continuously changing conditions. During the past twenty years, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) led (...)
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    A dynamic game analysis of Internet services with network externalities.Tatsuhiro Shichijo & Emiko Fukuda - 2019 - Theory and Decision 86 (3-4):361-388.
    Internet services, such as review sites, FAQ sites, online auction sites, online flea markets, and social networking services, are essential to our daily lives. Each Internet service aims to promote information exchange among people who share common interests, activities, or goods. Internet service providers aim to have users of their services actively communicate through their services. Without active interaction, the service falls into disuse. In this study, we consider that an Internet service has a network externality as its main feature, (...)
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    God's blogs: insights from His sight.Lanny Donoho - 2005 - Sisters, Or.: Multnomah Publishers.
    How would you feel if you thought God wrote a personal note to you...on His website...and it was about some of the stuff that makes you wonder if He really exists at all? This book does make you feel...while it makes you think. Maybe God isn't who we thought He was. Maybe His thoughts aren't what we have been taught. God's Blogs contains some insightful, fresh thoughts that help us see more of God's character, His love, and His grace as (...)
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  8. Ever Since the World Began: A Reading & Interview with Masha Tupitsyn.Masha Tupitsyn & The Editors - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):7-12.
    "Ever Since This World Began" from Love Dog (Penny-Ante Editions, 2013) by Masha Tupitsyn continent. The audio-essay you've recorded yourself reading for continent. , “Ever Since the World Began,” is a compelling entrance into your new multi-media book, Love Dog (Success and Failure) , because it speaks to the very form of the book itself: vacillating and finding the long way around the question of love by using different genres and media. In your discussion of the face, one of the (...)
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    The Pursuit of Empowerment through Social Media: Structural Social Capital Dynamics in CSR-Blogging.Christian Fieseler & Matthes Fleck - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4):759-775.
    With the emergence of participative social media, the ways in which stakeholders may interact with companies are changing. Social media and Web 2.0 technologies change gatekeeping mechanisms and the distribution of information. In consequence, organizations must realize that they are structurally embedded in online networks of interconnected and equitable actors. In this paper, we analyze how this change in today’s information and communication technologies may affect Corporate Social Responsibility action. We utilize social network analysis to investigate the CSR blogs of (...)
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    The Emergence of Trust Networks under Uncertainty – Implications for Internet Interactions.Coye Cheshire & Karen S. Cook - 2004 - Analyse & Kritik 26 (1):220-240.
    Computer-mediated interaction on the Internet provides new opportunities to examine the links between reputation, risk, and the development of trust between individuals who engage in various types of exchange. In this article, we comment on the application of experimental sociological research to different types of computer-mediated social interactions, with particular attention to the emergence of what we call ‘trust networks’ (networks of those one views as trustworthy). Drawing on the existing categorization systems that have been used in experimental social psychology, (...)
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    Disciplining the Ethical Couponer: A Foucauldian Analysis of Online Interactions.Stephanie Gonzalez Guittar & Shannon K. Carter - 2014 - Foucault Studies 18:131-153.
    As the internet becomes increasingly important in establishing identities and social networks, it becomes a mechanism for social control. We apply the components of Foucault’s means of corrective training—hierarchical observation, normalizing judgment, and examination—to the comments section of a popular couponing blog to analyze tactics participants use to discipline each other’s couponing behaviors. We find Foucault’s framework applicable with some modification. Participants use discursive techniques to establish hierarchical surveillance however hierarchies are not upheld throughout the interactions, making lateral surveillance more (...)
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    What’s mine is mine; what’s yours is mine: private ownership of ICTs as a threat to transparency. [REVIEW]Ronnie Cohen & Janine S. Hiller - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (2):123-131.
    In the face of ubiquitous information communication technology, the presence of blogs, personal websites, and public message boards give the illusion of uncensored criticism and discussion of the ethical implications of business activities. However, little attention has been paid to the limitations on free speech posed by the control of access to the Internet by private entities, enabling them to censor content that is deemed critical of corporate or public policy. The premise of this research is that transparency alone (...)
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  13.  19
    Patterns of frequent user interactions in blogosphere.Krzysztof Rudek & Jarosław Koźlak - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):138-150.
    The aim of the paper is to identify and categorize frequent patterns describing interactions between users in social networks. We analyze a social network with relationships between users that evolve in time already identified. In our research, we discover patterns based on frequent interactions between groups of users. The patterns are described by the characteristics of these interactions, such as their reciprocity, or the relative difference between estimations of global influences of the users participating in the discussions. The modification of (...)
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  14. This paper took too long to write: A puzzle about overcoming weakness of will.Rachel McKinnon & Mathieu Doucet - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (1):49-69.
    The most discussed puzzle about weakness of will (WoW) is how it is possible: how can a person freely and intentionally perform actions that she judges she ought not perform, or that she has resolved not to perform? In this paper, we are concerned with a much less discussed puzzle about WoW?how is overcoming it possible? We explain some of the ways in which previously weak-willed agents manage to overcome their weakness. Some of these are relatively straightforward?as agents learn of (...)
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    New Images for Old Symbols: Meanings That Children Give to a Traditional Game.Alfonso García-Monge, Henar Rodríguez-Navarro & Daniel Bores-García - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Traditional games are considered agents of enculturation. This article explores the procedure to access the cultural meanings transmitted in a traditional game. The goal is to understand what children aged 6–11 make of the game called ‘the chained bear’ and to compare the meanings retrieved with those of different traditional versions of the game. For such a purpose, through an exploratory cross-sectional study, cartoons depicting people playing the game were exhibited and viewers were asked to interpret them as a (...)
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    Revisiting ingarden’s theoretical biological accountof the literary work of art: Is the computer game an “organism”?Matthew E. Gladden - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (2):640-661.
    From his earliest published writings to his last, Roman Ingarden displayed an interest in theoretical biology and its efforts to clarify what distinguishes living organisms from other types of entities. However, many of his explorations of such issues are easily overlooked, because they don’t appear in works that are primarily ontological, metaphysical, or anthropological in nature but are “hidden” within his works on literary aesthetics, where Ingarden sought to define the nature of living organisms in order to compare literary works (...)
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  17. (4 other versions)Ethical Choices: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy with Cases.Richard Burnor & Yvonne Raley - 2010 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press USA. Edited by Yvonne Raley.
    Ideal for students with little or no background in philosophy, Ethical Choices: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy with Cases provides a concise, balanced, and highly accessible introduction to ethics. Featuring an especially lucid and engaging writing style, the text surveys a wide range of ethical theories and perspectives including consequentialist ethics, deontological ethics, natural and virtue ethics, the ethics of care, and ethics and religion.Each chapter of Ethical Choices also includes compelling case studies that are carefully matched with the theoretical (...)
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    Metamorphosen des Autors im Internet.Julia Genz - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2018 (1):75-84.
    Digital media transform social options of access with regard to producers, recipients, and literary works of art themselves. New labels for new roles such as »prosumers « and »wreaders« attest to this. The »blogger« provides another interesting new social figure of literary authorship. Here, some old desiderata of Dadaism appear to find a belated realization. On the one hand, many web 2.0 formats of authorship amplify and widen the freedom of literary productivity while at the same time subjecting such production (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Video Games as Self‐Involving Interactive Fictions.Jon Robson & Aaron Meskin - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (2):165-177.
    This article explores the nature and theoretical import of a hitherto neglected class of fictions which we term ‘self-involving interactive fictions’. SIIFs are interactive fictions, but they differ from standard examples of interactive fictions by being, in some important sense, about those who consume them. In order to better understand the nature of SIIFs, and the ways in which they differ from other fictions, we focus primarily on the most prominent example of the category: video-game fictions. We argue that appreciating (...)
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  20.  97
    Markov interactions in a class of dynamic games.Charles Figuières - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (1):39-68.
    This paper contributes to the understanding of economic strategic behaviors in inter-temporal settings. Comparing the MPE and the OLNE of a widely used class of differential games it is shown: (i) what qualifications on behaviors a markov (dynamic) information structure brings about compared with an open-loop (static) information structure, (ii) what is the reason leading to intensified or reduced competition between the agents in the long run. It depends on whether agents’ interactions are characterized by markov substitutability or markov (...)
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  21.  66
    ‘In the Beginning is Relation’: Martin Buber’s Alternative to Binary Oppositions. [REVIEW]Andrew Metcalfe & Ann Game - 2012 - Sophia 51 (3):351-363.
    Abstract In this article we develop a relational understanding of sociality, that is, an account of social life that takes relation as primary. This stands in contrast to the common assumption that relations arise when subjects interact, an account that gives logical priority to separation. We will develop this relational understanding through a reading of the work of Martin Buber, a social philosopher primarily interested in dialogue, meeting, relationship, and the irreducibility and incomparability of reality. In particular, the article contrasts (...)
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    Reworking research: Interactions in academic articles and blogs.Ken Hyland & Hang Zou - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (6):713-733.
    The blog is an increasingly familiar newcomer to the panoply of academic genres, offering researchers the opportunity to disseminate their work to new and wider audiences of experts and interested lay people. This digital medium, however, also brings challenges to writers in the form of a relatively unpredictable readership and the potential for immediate, public and potentially hostile criticism. To understand how academics in the social sciences respond to this novel rhetorical situation, we explore how they discoursally recontextualize in blogs (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophie des sites de rencontres.Marc Parmentier - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 59 (1):, [ p.].
    L’objectif de cet article est de recenser quelques problématiques de philosophie morale susceptibles d’éclairer la nature des interactions sur les sites de rencontres. L’abondance du possible pose la question du rôle de l’imagination. Mais le virtuel n’est pas réductible au fictif et au fantasme, car les échanges à distance sont bien réels. Les témoignages et les enquêtes sociologiques révèlent qu’ils instaurent une sorte d’état de nature où domine la défiance suscitée par la mauvaise foi généralisée. La communication s’oriente donc vers (...)
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    Dialogue‐Games: Metacommunication Structures for Natural Language Interaction.James A. Levin & James A. Moore - 1977 - Cognitive Science 1 (4):395-420.
    Our studies of naturally occurring human dialogue have led to the recognition of a class of regularities which characterize impoltant aspects of communication. People appear to interact according to established patterns which span several turns in a dialogue and which recur frequently. These patterns appear to be organized around the goals which the dialogue serves for each participant. Many things which are said later in a dialogue can only be interpreted as pursuit of these goals, established by earlier dialogue.These patterns (...)
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  25.  50
    Dialogue games: Conventions of human interaction. [REVIEW]William C. Mann - 1988 - Argumentation 2 (4):511-532.
    Natural dialogue does not proceed haphazardly; it has an easily recognized “episodic” structure and coherence which conform to a well developed set of conventions. This paper represents these conventions formally in terms related to speech act theory and to a theory of action.The major formal unit, the dialogue game, specifies aspects of the communication of both participants in a dialogue. We define the formal notion of dialogue games, and describe some of the important games of English. Dialogue (...) are conventions of interactive goal pursuit. Using them, each participant pursues his own goals in a way which sometimes serves the goals of the other. The idea of dialogue games can thus be seen as a part of a broader theoretical perspective which characterizes virtually all communication as goal pursuit activity.We also define and exemplify the property of Motivational Coherence of dialogues. Motivational Coherence can be used as an interpretive principle in explaining language comprehension.Actual dialogue games have a kind of causal connectedness which is not a consequence of their formal properties. This is explained in terms of a theory of action, which is also seen to explain a similar attribute of speech acts. (shrink)
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    The level of enjoyment in participating in sports activities is one component that causes young athletes to decide to stop or become more motivated to pursue sports activities. Practicing and participating in competitions are the main activities in sports coaching interactions towards optimal performance. This study aims to determine the effect of modifying the match rules implemented in youth soccer competitions on the level of enjoyment of players. Using an experimental method with 20 soccer schools participating in a competition with (...)
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    The interaction of three facets of concrete thinking in a game of chance.Rosemary Pacini & Seymour Epstein - 1999 - Thinking and Reasoning 5 (4):303 – 325.
    The ratio-bias (RB) phenomenon refers to the perceived likelihood of a low-probability event as greater when it is presented in the form of larger (e.g. 10-in-100) rather than smaller (e.g. 1-in-10) numbers. According to cognitive-experiential self-theory (CEST), the RB effect in a game of chance in a win condition, in which drawing a red jellybean is rewarded, can be accounted for by two facets of concrete thinking, the greater comprehension (at the intuitive-experiential level) of single numbers than of ratios, and (...)
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  28.  23
    Call for Papers: The Game, a Gamified Tool for Teaching Scientific Writing in Engineering Students.Rosa Núñez-Pacheco, Elizabeth Vidal Duarte, Osbaldo Turpo-Gebera & Eveling Castro-Gutiérrez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):299-310.
    This paper presents the evaluation of the alpha version of a gamified tool called Call for Papers: The Game (CfP:TG), specially designed for teaching scientific writing in the training of future engineers. A non-probabilistic convenience sampling was carried out with the participation of engineering students from a Peruvian public university. The short version of the user experience questionnaire (UEQ) was applied, and usability was qualitatively evaluated. The main results indicate that the Pragmatic Quality of CfP:TG is in the neutral range (...)
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    Assessing young children's national identity through human-computer interaction: A game-based assessment task.Xiumin Hong & Qianqian Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As a way of human-computer interaction, game-based assessment is more suitable for young children because it is situational, interesting, and effective. National identity is an important factor affecting the overall development of young children and the future development of a country, which has attracted extensive attention from researchers. Nevertheless, the assessment of young children's national identity is still based on traditional evaluation, including questionnaires and interviews, which have the limitations of being inaccurate, dull, and time-consuming. To understand the characteristics of (...)
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    Free Words to Free Manifesta: Some Experiments in Art as Gift.Sal Randolph - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (1):61-73.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.1 (2003) 61-73 [Access article in PDF] Free Words to Free ManifestaSome Experiments in Art as Gift Sal Randolph Free Words It began this way. Standing nervously in a bookstore, in front of the section on literary theory, hidden from the eyes of the staff, I reached my hand into my bag like a thief and pulled out a hot pink book. I looked up (...)
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  31. Self-enforceable paths in games in extensive form: a behavior approach based on interactivity.J. P. Ponssard - 1990 - Theory and Decision 19.
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  32. Los Blogs y la Narratividad de la Experiencia.José Ángel García Landa - 2009 - In Rosario González & Azucena Penas, Estudios sobre el Texto: Nuevos enfoques y propuestas. pp. 303-322.
    This paper undertakes an analysis of the narrativity of a form of discourse which has appeared recently (blogs) within the framework of an emergentist theory of narrativity and its discursive modes. The narrative/discursive characteristics of blogs emerge from a preexistent ground of more basic or less specific communicative practices; and narrative discursivity itself is an emergent phenomenon with respect to other cognitive and experiential phenomena. A number of formal and communicative characteristics of blog writing and of the blogosphere are discussed (...)
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    Partial-order Boolean games: informational independence in a logic-based model of strategic interaction.Julian Bradfield, Julian Gutierrez & Michael Wooldridge - 2016 - Synthese 193 (3):781-811.
    As they are conventionally formulated, Boolean games assume that players make their choices in ignorance of the choices being made by other players – they are games of simultaneous moves. For many settings, this is clearly unrealistic. In this paper, we show how Boolean games can be enriched by dependency graphs which explicitly represent the informational dependencies between variables in a game. More precisely, dependency graphs play two roles. First, when we say that variable x depends on (...)
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    Human–computer interaction tools with gameful design for critical thinking the media ecosystem: a classification framework.Elena Musi, Lorenzo Federico & Gianni Riotta - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    In response to the ever-increasing spread of online disinformation and misinformation, several human–computer interaction tools to enhance data literacy have been developed. Among them, many employ elements of gamification to increase user engagement and reach out to a broader audience. However, there are no systematic criteria to analyze their relevance and impact for building fake news resilience, partly due to the lack of a common understanding of data literacy. In this paper we put forward an operationalizable definition of data literacy (...)
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    Game Theory: Nash Equilibrium.Cristina Bicchieri - 2003 - In Luciano Floridi, The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information. Blackwell. pp. 289–304.
    The prelims comprise: Strategic Interaction Nash Equilibrium Normal‐form Refinements Games in Extensive Form Extensive‐form Refinements Selection by Evolution Notes.
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    Infamous Gaming: The Intergroup Bias of Non-gamers in the Chinese Marriage Market.Shuguang Zhao & Wenjian Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:682372.
    The link between gaming and negative outcomes has been explored by previous research and has led to the widespread adverse attitude toward gaming (ATG) and gamers, especially from those who are unfamiliar with this activity. By implementing an audit study with gamers and non-gamers as participants (N = 1,280), we found that non-gamer participants rated gamers less as similar to their ideal marriage partners compared to non-gamers, while gamer participants did not differentiate between gamers and non-gamers in the ideal marriage (...)
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  37. Extensive games as process models.Johan van Benthem - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (3):289-313.
    We analyze extensive games as interactive process models, using modallanguages plus matching notions of bisimulation as varieties of gameequivalences. Our technical results show how to fit existing modalnotions into this new setting.
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    The Aesthetics of Human-Machine Interaction: Generative Textuality in Hello Games’s No Man’s Sky.Justin Carpenter - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 9 (2):173-190.
    Generative art theory involves any artistic practice where an artist uses external systems (rules, algorithms, organic processes) to complete an artwork. Commonly utilized in video game design, gen...
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    An Ultra-Refined Grammar for Interactions: Thoughts on Robert Aumann's Philosophy of Game Theory.Alexander Linsbichler - 2023 - Revue Economique 74 (4):635-650.
    This note identifies and comments on selected crucial traits of Robert Aumann’s philosophy of game theory. In doing so, it aims at carving out and expressing some notions tacitly held by many working game theorists and ideally even at triggering subsequent reflection on the philosophy of game theory in general. According to my reconstruction of Aumann’s position, sophisticated, relatively precise rules of language—an ultra-refined grammar for interactions—constitute the heart of game theory. Consequently, the heart of game theory is devoid, or (...)
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    Situational game design.Brian Upton - 2017 - Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis, CRC Press.
    Situational Design lays out a new methodology for designing and critiquing videogames. While most game design books focus on games as formal systems, Situational Design concentrates squarely on player experience. It looks at how playfulness is not a property of a game considered in isolation, but rather the result of the intersection of a game with an appropriate player. Starting from simple concepts, the book advances step-by-step to build up a set of practical tools for designing player-centric playful situations. (...)
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    Internet Gaming Disorder Increases Mind-Wandering in Young Adults.Jiawen Zhang, Hui Zhou, Fengji Geng, Xiaolan Song & Yuzheng Hu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    As a primary symptom defining Internet gaming disorder, preoccupation indicates a mind state in which gamers think about a gaming activity so much that other things appear less important and/or interesting to them. Previous studies have examined the negative impacts of IGD on both cognitive and affective functions, yet no study has investigated the influence of IGD on daily mind state changes that interfere with ongoing tasks. The current study hypothesized that more IGD symptoms lead to a higher frequency of (...)
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  42. Games: Agency as Art.C. Thi Nguyen - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Games occupy a unique and valuable place in our lives. Game designers do not simply create worlds; they design temporary selves. Game designers set what our motivations are in the game and what our abilities will be. Thus: games are the art form of agency. By working in the artistic medium of agency, games can offer a distinctive aesthetic value. They support aesthetic experiences of deciding and doing. -/- And the fact that we play games shows (...)
  43. The effects of feelings of guilt on the behaviour of uncooperative individuals in repeated social bargaining games: An affect-as-information interpretation of the role of emotion in social interaction.Timothy Ketelaar & Wing Tung Au - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (3):429-453.
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    Graphical Language Games: Interactional Constraints on Representational Form.Patrick G. T. Healey, Nik Swoboda, Ichiro Umata & James King - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (2):285-309.
    The emergence of shared symbol systems is considered to be a pivotal moment in human evolution and human development. These changes are normally explained by reference to changes in people's internal cognitive processes. We present 2 experiments which provide evidence that changes in the external, collaborative processes that people use to communicate can also affect the structure and organization of symbol systems independently of cognitive change. We propose that mutual‐modifiability—opportunities for people to edit or manipulate each other's contributions—is a key (...)
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  45. The effects of guilt on the behavior of uncooperative individuals in repeated social bargaining games: An affect-as-information interpretation of the role of emotion in social interaction.T. Katelaar & W. T. Au - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17:429-453.
  46. Explaining Games: The Epistemic Programme in Game Theory.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Contents. Introduction. 1. Preliminaries. 2. Normal Form Games. 3. Extensive Games. 4. Applications of Game Theory. 5. The Methodology of Game Theory. Conclusion. Appendix. Bibliography. Index. Does game theory—the mathematical theory of strategic interaction—provide genuine explanations of human behaviour? Can game theory be used in economic consultancy or other normative contexts? Explaining Games: The Epistemic Programme in Game Theory—the first monograph on the philosophy of game theory—is an attempt to combine insights from epistemic logic and the philosophy (...)
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    Blogging as Practice in Applied Philosophy.Aidan Kestigian - 2017 - Teaching Philosophy 40 (2):181-200.
    In the past decade, several professors have advocated for the use of blogs in undergraduate courses in philosophy, arguing that blogs are beneficial for student learning, as blogs are forums for student collaboration and engagement with course material outside the classroom. In this paper I argue that blogging assignments can be beneficial for introductory-level undergraduate courses in philosophy for two reasons yet to be fully explored in the pedagogical literature. First, blogging assignments can act as low-stakes practice for paper writing. (...)
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    Infinite baseball: notes from a philosopher at the ballpark.Alva Noë - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Almost more than any other sport, baseball has long attracted the interest of writers and intellectuals. Relatively few of them have been philosophers however. Alva Noe, a celebrated philosopher, here proposes to collect and rework his short articles and blog posts (many of which first appeared on on baseball into a cohesive and accessible book that tries to tease out its deeper meanings - and to advance a view of what baseball ultimately is all about. A basic theme will (...)
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    Doing philosophy: a practical guide for students.Clare Saunders - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Julie Closs.
    Doing Philosophy provides a practical guide to studying philosophy for undergraduate students. The book presents strategies for developing the necessary skills that will allow students to get the most out of this fascinating subject. It examines what it means to think, read, discuss and write philosophically, giving advice on: Reading and analysing philosophical texts Preparing for and participating in seminars Choosing essay topics Constructing arguments and avoiding plagiarism Using libraries, the internet and other resources Technical terms, forms of expression and (...)
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  50.  9
    Blogging: How Our Private Thoughts Went Public.Kristin Roeschenthaler Wolfe - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    Public versus private is an ongoing concern in communication. This book examines this phenomenon through self-representational writing and the philosophical lens of Hannah Arendt’s public versus private theory, the Boundary Management theory, and the Parasocial Framework theory to examine the first social networking platform: personal blogs.
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