Results for ' Technical writing'

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  1.  56
    Rhetoric, technical writing, and ethics.Michael Davis - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (4):463-478.
    Many outside science and engineering, especially social scientists and “rhetoricians”, claim that rhetoric, “the art of persuasion”, is an important part of technical communication. This claim is either trivial or false. If “persuasion” simply means “effective communication”, then, of course, rhetoric is an important part of technical communication. But, if “persuasion” has anything like its traditional meaning (a specific art of winning conviction), rhetoric is not an important part of technical communication; indeed, its use in technical (...)
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    Philosophy’s Relevance to Technical Writing.T. R. Girill - 1984 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 2 (2):89-95.
    This paper inventories the skills needed for success as a technical writer. I argue that while some of these are undeniably vocational, others are general and analytic. With specific examples, I show the relevance of four mainstream philosophical skills to the problem of document design (making distinctions, extracting important patterns, detecting logical structure, and assessing alternatives) and I contend that truly effective technical writing presupposes such skills.
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    Commentary on “Rhetoric, Technical Writing and Ethics” (michael davis).Paul B. Thompson - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (4):484-486.
  4.  43
    Some steps towards the recovery of technical writing as a democratic art: An historicist plea for rhetoric: Commentary on “Rhetoric, technical writing and ethics”.S. Fuller - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (4):479-483.
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    Greek Technical Writings - Asper Griechische Wissenschaftstexte. Formen, Funktionen, Differenzierungsgeschichten. Pp. 453. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007. Cased, €66. ISBN: 978-3-515-08959-3. [REVIEW]Philip van der Eijk - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):69-71.
  6.  43
    Are scientific papers examples of rhetoric?: Commentary on “Rhetoric, technical writing, and ethics”.Frederick Grinnell - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (4):487-488.
  7. A text grammar foundation for analysis of chunking in technical writing.I. Bramley - 1991 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 24 (2):235-254.
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    Re-Thinking Thinking in the Technical Writing Curriculum.Christine Skolnik - 1998 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 17 (4):73-83.
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    Structures and strategies in ancient Greek and Roman technical writing: An Introduction.Aude Doody, Sabine Föllinger & Liba Taub - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (2):233-236.
  10.  19
    Bernadette Longo. Spurious Coin: A History of Science, Management, and Technical Writing. xviii + 204 pp., bibl., index. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000. $19.95. [REVIEW]Bev Sauer - 2005 - Isis 96 (2):292-293.
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    The ethological constitution of animals as natural objects: The technical writings of Konrad Lorenz and Nikolaas Tinbergen. [REVIEW]Eileen Crist - 1998 - Biology and Philosophy 13 (1):61-102.
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  12. Inopes verborum sunt Latini. Technical language and technical terms in the writings of saint Anselm and some commentators of the mid-twelfth century.G. R. Evans - 1976 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 43.
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    The format of technical philosophical writing in ancient india: Inadequacies of conventional translations.Gerald James Larson - 1980 - Philosophy East and West 30 (3):375-380.
  14.  61
    Writing performance and moral reasoning in business education?J. Lynn Johnson, Robert Insley, Jaideep Motwani & Imad Zbib - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (5):397 - 406.
    This study investigates the connection of moral reasoning to demographic and performance variables in business education, especially business and technical writing. The moral reasoning construct serves as the foundation for one''s decision making when confronted with moral dilemmas. Significant relationships are reported between subjects'' writing skill and their moral reasoning scores. This research serves as a foundation for questions about writers'' moral reasoning and the ethical decisions each writer makes in written communication. In addition, this study supports (...)
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  15.  44
    Writing and Cosmotechnics.Yuk Hui - 2020 - Derrida Today 13 (1):17-32.
    This paper aims to approach the notion of writing in the digital age in order to reflect on the question of technodiversity, or the multiplicity of cosmotechnics. It takes off with what seems to be two criticisms against each other: one from Derrida's Of Grammatology, where he claims that ‘the notion of technics can never simply clarify the notion of writing’; and the other from Stiegler's Discretising Time, where he openly criticized Derrida, ‘I think that Derrida unfortunately has (...)
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    Thinking technicity.Richard Beardsworth - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (1):70-86.
    The evermore explicit technicization of the world, together with the immeasurable nature of the political and ethical questions that it poses, explicitly defy the syntheses of human imagination and invention. In response to this challenge, how can philosophy, in its relation of nonrelation with politics, help in orienting present and future negotiation with the processes of complexification that this technicization implies? The article argues that one important way to do this is to think and develop our understanding of technicity from (...)
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  17.  9
    Technics and Time, 2: Disorientation.Stephen Barker (ed.) - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    _Disorientation_ is the first publication in English of the second volume of _Technics and Time_, in which French philosopher Bernard Stiegler engages in a close dialogue with Husserl, Derrida, and other philosophers who have devoted their energies to technics, such as Heidegger and Simondon.The author's broad intent is to respond to Western philosophy's historical exclusion of technics and techniques from its metaphysical questionings, and in so doing to rescue critical and philosophical thinking. For many years, Stiegler has explored the origins (...)
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  18. Technical Methods in the Prehistoric Age.Jean Cazeneuve & Wells F. Chamberlin - 1959 - Diogenes 7 (27):102-124.
    There has often been criticism of the use which was made by certain sociologists toward the beginning of the century (Lévy-Bruhl in particular) of the adjective “primitive” to characterize the level of culture of peoples whom we formerly called “savage.” The term “archaic” perhaps creates fewer difficulties, but its etymology nevertheless involves the inconvenience of intimating that the societies in question might be closer to the origins than ours. Certain anthropologists, attempting to find an objective criterion which would permit us (...)
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  19.  32
    The Technical Ob-ject at Its Limit: Derrida, Reader of Husserl.Elise Lamy-Rested - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (1):1-15.
    Bernard Stiegler was the first distinguished critic to have recognized that Derrida’s deconstruction is, concurrently, a philosophy of techniques. Stiegler’s perceptive thesis is widely endorsed by Derrida's recent commentators. It is possible to locate in Derrida’s earliest writings a reflection on the genesis of the “technical supplement,” which allows us to situate Derridan philosophy in a specific tradition concerned with the philosophy of techniques. By thinking of Life—and not Man—as a producer of “technical objects,” Derrida joins a well-established (...)
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  20.  21
    Technically Nothing: Enframing Life and the Properties of Nature.James Dutton - 2022 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 30 (1):39-57.
    This essay will examine what it takes to be two foundational aspects of traditional metaphysics—the “concepts” of nothingness and nature—to offer a critical reading of how they enframe our understanding of “life.” It asserts that these two concepts are the limit point for metaphysical thought: the tangle that emerges when trying to overcome or reimagine them is an impasse encountered in pressing humanist concerns like ecological collapse, nihilism, alienation, and extinction. Readers of this journal may value a detailed, technical (...)
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  21.  45
    Philosophical Writing[REVIEW]James T. King - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (4):902-903.
    Richetti finds Locke, Berkeley, and Hume to be appropriate for a literary study on his claim that for these three philosophers writing was itself a special problem. Since their works were still addressed to a general, not a professional audience, each gave much consideration to the manner of the presentation of his thought, attempting to close the emerging gap between literary creation and technical writing. Further, because these authors dealt in the abstruse, sometimes in the paradoxical, finding (...)
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  22.  42
    Writing Faith.Timothy Stanley - 2017 - Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
    This book provides a novel reevaluation of Jacques Derrida’s deconstructive account of writing. Derrida’s various essays on writing's materiality in books, scrolls, typewriters and digital displays, briefly touched on the question of religion. At times he directed his attention to the mediatic nature of Christianity. However, such comments have rarely been applied to formal aspects of religious texts. In response, this book investigates the rise of the Christian codex in its second-to-fifth-century-CE Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts. By better understanding (...)
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  23. Improving Academic Writing.Jonathan Bennett & Samuel Gorovitz - 1997 - Teaching Philosophy 20 (2):105-120.
    Academic writing, even in prestigious journals, is frequently ugly and arduous. The writing in academic philosophy is no exception, especially given philosophers’ tendency to overlook prose and to focus exclusively on philosophical content. This paper argues that good prose matters for moral, prudential, and philosophical reasons. After glossing these reasons, the authors offer advice, born of experience, to academic writers who want to achieve clear, effective prose. Their advice includes how to improve sentence structure (e.g. eliminate undue repetition (...)
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  24.  61
    Logic and sin in the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein.Philip R. Shields - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Philip R. Shields shows that ethical and religious concerns inform even the most technical writings on logic and language, and that, for Wittgenstein, the need to establish clear limitations is both a logical and an ethical demand. Rather than merely saying specific things about theology and religion, major texts from the Tractatus to the Philosophical Investigations express their fundamentally religious nature by showing that there are powers which bear down upon and sustain us. Shields finds a religious view of (...)
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  25.  21
    Technical Chronology and Computus Naturalis in Twelfth-Century Lotharingia: A New Source.C. Philipp E. Nothaft - 2024 - Isis 115 (1):65-83.
    Recent research has shown that the use of astronomy as a chronological problem-solving tool has deep roots in the scholarly practices of the Latin Middle Ages, as is manifest from the writings of Marianus Scotus, Gerland, and other “critical computists” of the eleventh and twelfth centuries. This essay enlarges the existing picture by introducing a hitherto unknown epistolary treatise of the mid-twelfth century. Written in Lotharingia in 1144, this poorly preserved work documents an attempt to reconstruct the timeline of world (...)
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  26. Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms by.Stephen Palmquist - unknown
    The following Glossary lists Kant's most important technical terms, toÂgether with a simple definition of each. (The terms 'judicial', 'perspective' and 'standpoint' are the only ones Kant himself does not use as technical terms.) It was originally written as a study aide to help make the intricate web of Kant's termiÂnology comprehensible to students who had little or no faÂmilÂiarÂiÂty with Kant's writings. Where relevant, the opposite term is given in curved brackets at the end of the definition. (...)
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  27.  28
    Technics, Time and the Internation: Bernard Stiegler’s Thought – A Dialogue with Daniel Ross.Ryan Bishop & Daniel Ross - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (4):111-133.
    This interview with Bernard Stiegler’s long-time translator and collaborator, Daniel Ross, examines the connections between different periods of Stiegler’s work, thought, writing and activism. Moving from the three volumes of Technics and Time to the final large-scale collaborative project of The Internation, the discussion concentrates on Stiegler’s conceptualization of ‘protentionality’, hope and care for a world confronted by climate crises, entropy and computational economic reconfigurations of work, economy and imaginations for futural possibilities. The interview foreshadows the special issue on (...)
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  28.  35
    Artwork as Technics.Mark Jackson - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (13).
    ‘Artwork as technics’ opens discussion on activating aesthetics in educational contexts by arguing that we require some fundamental revision in understanding relations between aesthetics and technology in contexts where education is primarily encountered instrumentally and technologically. The paper addresses this through the writing of the French theorist of technology, Bernard Stiegler, as well as extending Stiegler’s own discussion on the work of Martin Heidegger concerning the work of art and technology. Crucial to this discussion is recognition of the thinking (...)
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    Basic Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas.Anton C. Pegis (ed.) - 1997 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Includes substantial selections from the Second Part of the Summa Theologica and the Summa Contra Gentiles. Pegis's revision and correction of the English Dominican Translation renders Aquinas' technical terminology consistently as it conveys the directness and simplicity of Aquinas' writing; the Introduction, notes, and index aim at giving the text its proper historical setting, and the reader the means of studying St. Thomas within that setting.
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    (1 other version)The technical object and somatic thought.Barbara Grespi - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (2):63-75.
    This essay explores the lines of thought focused on the relationship between gesture and technique, examining the theories which have conceptualized the transfer of gestural matrices into inert matter, and understood technique as a result of this process. Although associated mainly with the writings of the palaeontologist André Leroi-Gourhan, this thought actually predates his work, and consists of multiple branches: having first taken root at the end of the nineteenth century, it became diffused throughout the following decades in different forms. (...)
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  31.  13
    How to Write (Science) Better. Simplified English Principles in a Skill-Oriented ESP Course.Monika Śleszyńska - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (1):115-133.
    Teaching writing to doctoral students or academics at a technical university is a challenging task. Because they need to publish their research findings in English to pursue academic careers, they are usually highly motivated and expect a lot of the class. Their language competences, however, very often lack enough proficiency and may contribute to manuscript rejection. The paper focuses on language issues based on the rules of controlled natural languages and guidelines of Plain English. It shows how employing (...)
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    Technical Analysis of Latifa az-Zayyat’s Story “al-Mamarru’l-Dayyik” in the Context of Sociological and Psychological Elements.Cengiz Parlak - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1009-1047.
    Latifa ez-Zeyyat is among the leading women writers of Egypt in the twentieth century. She has many works in different fields such as novels, stories, critical articles and translations. The period when she started her writing career was a period when Socialism and Marxism movements peaked in the Arab world. These movements influenced many writers of that period and this situation was also reflected in their works. Since Zeyyat has a Marxist view of life, traces of these movements can (...)
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    Technical and Thematic Review of Mourid Barghouti's Novel I Saw Ramallah.Ahmet Yildiz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):23-47.
    Novel, as a literary genre, is described as the expression of events and emotions by using unconventional methods and techniques; beyond this, novek is also a subject of sociology. For this reason, writers have used the art of the novel as a way of expressing the pain experienced by the individual and its social dimensions. One of these writers is Mourid Barghouti (d. 2021), who was born in Palestine in 1944 and studied English Language and Literature at Cairo University. Banned (...)
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  34.  5
    Basic Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas: (Volume 2).Anton C. Pegis (ed.) - 1997 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Includes substantial selections from the Second Part of the Summa Theologica and the Summa Contra Gentiles. Pegis's revision and correction of the English Dominican Translation renders Aquinas' technical terminology consistently as it conveys the directness and simplicity of Aquinas' writing; the Introduction, notes, and index aim at giving the text its proper historical setting, and the reader the means of studying St. Thomas within that setting.
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    The challenges and writing practices of communicating artificial intelligence and machine learning in an era of hype.John R. Gallagher, Rebecca E. Avgoustopoulos, Antonio Hamilton & Togzhan Seilkhanova - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    Given the undeniable hype around artificial intelligence (AI), it is imperative to investigate both how researchers of AI negotiate this hype as well as wrestle with it in their research. To do so, we study the perspectives of these scientists actively transforming contemporary life via machine learning (ML). Using qualitative interviews with 108 researchers, we explore communication challenges: addressing the hype surrounding AI and ML, communicating technical knowledge, and publication pressures. We report how these unique conditions shape this population’s (...)
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  36.  44
    Reading and Writing the Weather.Bronislaw Szerszynski - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (2-3):9-30.
    In this article I argue that an adequate response to climate change requires an overcoming of the metaphysics of presence that is structuring our relationship with the weather. I trace the links between this metaphysics and the dominant way that the topic of climate change is being narrated, which is structured around the transition from diagnosis to cure, from the scientific reading to the technological writing of the weather. Against this narrative I develop a rather different account of the (...)
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  37.  7
    The Complete Writing Guide to Nih Behavioral Science Grants.Lawrence M. Scheier & William L. Dewey (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press USA.
    A veritable cookbook for individuals or corporations seeking funding from the federal government, The Complete Writing Guide to NIH Behavioral Science Grants contains the latest in technical information on NIH grants, including the new electronic submission process. Some of the most successful grant writers in history have contributed to this volume, offering key strategies as well as tips and suggestions in areas that are normally hard to find in grant writing guides, such as budgeting, human subjects, and (...)
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  38.  95
    Ventriloquising the voice: Writing in the university.Amanda Fulford - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (2):223-237.
    In this paper I consider one aspect of how student writing is supported in the university. I focus on the use of the 'writing frame', questioning its status as a vehicle for facilitating student voice, and in the process questioning how that notion is itself understood. I illustrate this by using examples from the story of the 1944 Hollywood film Gaslight and show that apparent means of facilitating voice can actually contribute to a state of voicelessness. The paper (...)
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  39.  19
    Response—An Extreme Ordeal: Writing Emotion in Qualitative Research.Siun Gallagher - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1):101-108.
    Responding to the stimulus afforded by Little et al.’s “Pragmatic pluralism: Mutual tolerance of contested understandings between orthodox and alternative practitioners in autologous stem cell transplantation,” this paper explores how the norms of qualitative inquiry affect the representation of emotion in research reports. It describes a conflict between the construction of emotion in qualitative research accounts and its application to analysis and theorization, whose origins may lie in researchers’ reticence when it comes to conveying or using the emotional features of (...)
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  40.  32
    Dialectic, rhetoric and writing: The problem of method. [REVIEW]Carlo Sini - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (1):101-108.
    The problem of method is the problem of knowledge itself. As it is known, method (méthodos) also means way (odós). Philosophy is at the same time a form of knowledge and a technique of argumentation. In this second meaning, philosophy is mainly an art of both logical and rhetorical word. Consequently a profane voice reveals itself in the signs of philosophic knowledge, which on the one hand establishes the “logistic” (logistiké) soul, on the other the totalizing view of truth. Then (...)
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  41.  42
    Writing the history of the relations between medicine, gender and the body in the 20th century.Delphine Gardey - 2013 - Clio 37:143-162.
    Rendant compte des travaux récents dans le champ de l’étude sociales des sciences (Social Studies of Knowledge), de la critique féministe des sciences et des cultural studies, cet article revient sur leurs apports et sur la façon dont ils lisent l’histoire des transformations biomédicales (très) contemporaines, notamment dans les domaines de la reproduction et de la sexualité. Les SSK, en particulier, proposent une lecture complexe et riche des relations humains/techniques et de la façon dont les relations sociales et de genre (...)
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  42. The Road to Necropolis: Technics and Death in the Philosophy of Lewis Mumford.Gregory Morgan Swer - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (4):39-59.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the close link between technology and death in the philosophical writings of Lewis Mumford. Mumford famously argued that throughout the history of western civilization we find intertwined two competing forms of technics; the democratic biotechnic form and the authoritarian monotechnic form. The former technics were said to be strongly compatible with an organic form of life while the latter were said to be allied to a mechanical power complex. What is perhaps less (...)
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  43.  10
    De Re Geometrica: Writing, Drawing, and Preaching Mathematics in Early Modern Mines.Thomas Morel - 2020 - Isis 111 (1):22-45.
    Georg Agricola’s De Re Metallica (1556) is an impressive work about mining arts and sciences, still used as a reference work to understand the mining world of his time and to analyze the relationships between scholars and practitioners. This essay begins by studying how Agricola presents the underground surveying, also known as geometria subterranea. How does the author’s mathematics relate to contemporary geometry or to actual surveying practices? Second, the essay contrasts his scholarly approach with sixteenth-century administrative and technical (...)
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  44.  14
    The seven deadly sins of argumentative writing.Kyle Stanford - unknown
    You will typically write a paper or an essay in answer to a prompt or a question. The sin of the Minimal Answer is to write the absolute minimum that could possibly be considered a complete answer to the question you have been asked. This strategy might be perfectly appropriate for exams that test factual recall, for example, because providing extra information is just an extra opportunity to be wrong about something, but essay writing (in papers or exams) is (...)
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  45. Technics and (para)praxis: the Freudian dimensions of Lewis Mumford’s theories of technology.Gregory Morgan Swer - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (4):45-68.
    The purpose of this article is to establish that Lewis Mumford’s historical and philosophical writings were heavily influenced by the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud. It is argued that Freudian ideas and concepts played a foundational role in the construction of Mumford’s views on the nature and function of mind, culture and history, which in turn founded his views on the relationship between technology and society. Indeed, it is argued that a full understanding of Mumford’s technological writings cannot be achieved (...)
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    Basic Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas: (Volume 1).Anton C. Pegis (ed.) - 1997 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Includes the whole of the First Part of the Summa Theologica. Pegis's revision and correction of the English Dominican Translation renders Aquinas' technical terminology consistently as it conveys the directness and simplicity of Aquinas' writing; the Introduction, notes, and index aim at giving the text its proper historical setting, and the reader the means of studying St. Thomas within that setting.
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    The Uses of Maurice Blanchot in Bernard Stiegler's Technics and Time.Calum Watt - 2016 - Paragraph 39 (3):305-318.
    This article argues that Maurice Blanchot is a significant presence in Bernard Stiegler's Technics and Time series. The article first sets out Stiegler's invocation of the Blanchotian ‘change of epoch’ in the first volume, which attempts to situate Blanchot within the horizon of technics. I argue Blanchot's disaster is a hidden element in Stiegler's play on the motifs of the star and catastrophe. The article then traces how these motifs emerge in the second and third volumes, in which the (...) forms of photography and cinema become more important and where the motifs are woven together through reference to works by Roland Barthes, D. W. Winnicott and Federico Fellini. Stiegler filters these references to apparently disparate figures through Blanchot's analyses of writing and temporality. Tracing both overt and unacknowledged references to Blanchot in Stiegler's text, I conclude that Stiegler's use of Blanchot destabilizes his conceptions of time and epochality. (shrink)
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    Teaching and learning the nature of technical artifacts.I. Frederik, W. Sonneveld & M. J. De Vries - unknown
    Artifacts are probably our most obvious everyday encounter with technology. Therefore, a good understanding of the nature of technical artifacts is a relevant part of technological literacy. In this article we draw from the philosophy of technology to develop a conceptualization of technical artifacts that can be used for educational purposes. Furthermore we report a small exploratory empirical study to see to what extent teachers’ intuitive ideas about artifacts match with the way philosophers write about the nature of (...)
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    How Technology Tools Impact Writing Performance, Lexical Complexity, and Perceived Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in EFL Academic Writing: A Comparative Study.Yangxi Han, Shuo Zhao & Lee-Luan Ng - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Students experience different levels of autonomy based on the mediation of self-regulated learning, but little is known about the effects of different mediation technologies on students' perceived SRL strategies. This mixed explanatory study compared two technology mediation models, Icourse and Icourse+Pigai, with a control group that did not use technology. A quasi-experimental design was used, which involved a pre and post-intervention academic writing test, an SRL questionnaire, and one-to-one semi-structured student interviews. The aim was to investigate 280 Chinese undergraduate (...)
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    Writing and Authority in Early China (review).Lothar Falkenhausevonn - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (1):127-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Writing and Authority in Early ChinaLothar von FalkenhausenWriting and Authority in Early China. By Mark Edward Lewis. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999. Pp. vii + 544. Hardcover $92.50. Paper $31.95.Writing and Authority in Early China is a forceful and sparklingly original work in which Mark Edward Lewis explores the role of writing and texts in the transformation of political authority during the (...)
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