Results for ' government censorship'

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  1.  29
    The Governing of Opinions: Hobbes on How Civic Education and Censorship Impact Subjects’ Deliberation.Mariana Kuhn de Oliveira - 2022 - Disputatio 14 (67):395-410.
    Thomas Hobbes’s most important recommendations for a sovereign reader concerned the governing of opinion. Due to the spread of false doctrines and their powerful champions, Hobbes was afraid that subjects would have opinions contrary to the maintenance of peace. His solution comprehended a combination of civic education and censorship. This text explains how Hobbes justifies his recommendations from the perspective of individual deliberation. It argues that Hobbes conceived censoring circulating doctrines as a way of keeping subjects’ minds like clean (...)
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    Censorship, models and self-government.Avrum Stroll - 1967 - Journal of Value Inquiry 1 (2):81-95.
  3.  91
    Censorship as Catalyst for Artistic Innovation.Aili Bresnahan - 2013 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 23 (2):98-116.
    One kind of government-supported censorship of the arts targets not the expressive content of any particular artwork but instead seeks to suppress the activity of a group of people based on some feature of the group’s human identity such as race, gender or class. Using examples from the history of the development of black music in the United States that followed from the legal oppression of slavery and from evidence of changes in the Punjabi theatre in Pakistan following (...)
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    Censorship and Subsidy.Brian Soucek - 2021 - In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore (eds.), A Companion to Arthur C. Danto. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 292–300.
    In an important series of essays published in his early years as an art critic, Arthur Danto seemingly claimed: 1) that art should be subsidized but not censored; 2) that refusing to subsidize art constitutes censorship; 3) that public art is subsidized, not least by its placement in public spaces; and 4) that public art can be removed from those spaces when the public doesn't like it. Yet these claims seem inconsistent. This chapter tries to solve this puzzle, addressing (...)
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    Media, Censorship and the Church in the People’s Republic of Poland.Roman Jankowski - 2016 - History of Communism in Europe 7:63-80.
    During the Communist regime, after Poland was officially proclaimed the People’s Republic of Poland, the aim of the Polish Communist government was to control all aspects of society. Communist ideals were enforced in books and other publications; censorship was introduced on all published materials. This paper aims to present the situation of media in People’s Poland, as well as to provide a background and description of Polish censorship. Additionally, this paper will exposit and examine the socio-political role (...)
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    Delegated Censorship: The Dynamic, Layered, and Multistage Information Control Regime in China.Quansheng Zhao & Taiyi Sun - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (2):191-221.
    How does internet censorship work in China, and how does it reflect the Chinese state’s logic of governing society? An online political publication, Global China, was created by the authors, and the pattern and record of articles being censored was analyzed. Using results from A/b tests on the articles and interviews with relevant officials, the article shows that the state employs delegated censorship, outsourcing significant responsibility to private internet companies and applying levels of scrutiny based on timing, targets, (...)
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  7. Censorship, Logocracy and Democracy.Mark Walker - 2008 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence (1):199-226.
    This paper argues: Canadian “Hate Speech Laws”, and similar laws in other jurisdictions, are instances of ‘unilateral censorship’, the suppression of a single political viewpoint. Unilateral censorship infringes upon the democratic commitment to free and fair elections. The legislated exclusion of some from the political process through the control of speech means that Canadian governance is best described as ‘logocratic’. It may be possible to mount a new “Charter Challenge” to Hate Speech laws invoking Section 3 of the (...)
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  8. Just Judgment: Censorship of and in Canadian Literature.Mark Cohen - 1999 - Dissertation, Mcgill University (Canada)
    This thesis is the first major study of censorship of and in English Canadian literature. While there are several reasons scholars have focused on censorship in Europe and the United States, it is the ascendancy in quality and quantity of Canadian writing leading to its further use in institutions where censorship takes place---such as schools and libraries---that necessitates a study of censorship in Canadian literature now. This rise in censorship has prompted Canadian authors increasingly to (...)
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    THE CONCEPTS OF CENSORSHIP AND SAFETY IN LIBYAN CINEMA: BEFORE AND AFTER THE LIBYAN UPRISING.Abdulhamid Abuaniza - forthcoming - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
    This research examines the problem of censorship in the Libyan context from a historical and ideological standpoint. Libyan cinema has not gotten as much academic attention as Middle Eastern nations like Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine. In addition to providing a historical overview of Libyan cinema, this study carefully investigates the settings that influenced Libyan national cinema from the perspectives of people who work in this industry there. To learn more about the problems with censorship in Libyan cinema (...)
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    Art and Censorship.Richard Serra - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (3):574-581.
    In the United States, property rights are afforded protection, but moral rights are not. Up until 1989, the United States adamantly refused to join the Berne Copyright Convention, the first multilateral copyright treaty, now ratified by seventy-eight countries. The American government refused to comply because the Berne Convention grants moral rights to authors. This international policy was—and is—incompatible with United States copyright law, which recognizes only economic rights. Although ten states have enacted some form of moral rights legislation, federal (...)
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    Governance of Dual Use Research in the Life Sciences: Advancing Global Consensus on Research Oversight: proceedings of a workshop.James Revill, Jo L. Husbands & Katherine Bowman (eds.) - 2018 - Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
    Continuing rapid developments in the life sciences offer the promise of providing tools to meet global challenges in health, agriculture, the environment, and economic development; some of the benefits are already being realized. However, such advances also bring with them new social, ethical, legal, and security challenges. Governance questions form an increasingly important part of the discussions about these advances--whether the particular issue under debate is the development of ethical principles for human genome editing, how to establish regulatory systems for (...)
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    Governance Vs Abolition of Nuclear Weapons: The Peace Studies Approach.Biljana Vankovska - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):227-257.
    This article explores how peace studies deal with two interrelated issues: nuclearismand militarism. Nuclearism assumes the practice of spreading nuclear threatsalong with the security thinking and power structures that surround the doomsdayweapons. Militarism is about the deeply embedded belief that military power (includingthe nuclear one) is the only way to preserve one’s national security. In short, today’sworld deals not only with stockpiles of existing weapons but also with the way of thinkingabout their use, reduction or abolition. The general hypothesis is (...)
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    The Invention of Free Press: Writers and Censorship in Eighteenth Century Europe.Edoardo Tortarolo - 2016 - Springer Verlag.
    Tracking the relationship between the theory of press control and the realities of practicing daily press censorship prior to publication, this volume on the suppression of dissent in early modern Europe tackles a topic with many elusive and under-researched characteristics. Pre-publication censorship was common in absolutist regimes in Catholic and Protestant countries alike, but how effective it was in practice remains open to debate. The Netherlands and England, where critical content segued into outright lampoonery, were unusual for hard-wired (...)
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    A tale of two studies: Ethics, bioterrorism, and the censorship of science.Michael J. Selgedid - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (3):35-43.
    : Some scientific research should not be published. The risks to national security and public health override the social benefits of disseminating scientific results openly. Unfortunately, scientists themselves are not in a position to know which studies to withhold from public view, as the National Research Council has proposed. Yet neither can government alone be trusted to balance the competing interests at stake.
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    Between God and the President: Literature and Censorship in North Africa.Hafid Gafaïti - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (2):59-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Between God and the President: Literature and Censorship in North AfricaHafid Gafaiti (bio)Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.—George Bernard ShawThose who fight with the pen will perish by the sword.—Slogan of the Algerian Muslim fundamentalistsIf you speak up, you die. If you don’t speak up, you die. So, speak up and die!—Tahar Djaout, the first writer assassinated in the context of the current Algerian political crisisIn (...)
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    Restrictions on the Press under King Mohammed VI and Morocco's Obligations under International and Domestic Laws on Freedom of Expression.Agatha Koprowski - 2011 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 7 (2).
    Over the last eight years, there has been a sharp increase in government censorship and officially sponsored persecution of the Moroccan free press. The Moroccan press still enjoys greater freedoms now than under the late King Hassan II, thanks to the liberalization efforts he facilitated toward the end of his life, which were also continued in the early years of his son’s reign. However, the freedoms media activists worked so hard to obtain at the end of the last (...)
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  17. The benevolent health worm : Comparing western human rights-based ethics and confucian duty-based moral philosophy. [REVIEW]Alana Maurushat - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (1):11-25.
    Censorship in the area of public health has become increasingly important in many parts of the world for a number of reasons. Groups with vested interest in public health policy are motivated to censor material. As governments, corporations, and organizations champion competing visions of public health issues, the more incentive there may be to censor. This is true in a number of circumstances: curtailing access to information regarding the health and welfare of soldiers in the Kuwait and Iraq wars, (...)
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    Supreme Court Impacts in Public Health Law: 2023-2024.James G. Hodge Jr, Jennifer L. Piatt, Erica N. White, Leila F. Barraza & Kyrah M. Berthiaume - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):484-487.
    In a “mixed bag” 2023-2024 session, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a series of decisions both favorable and antithetical to public health and safety. Taking on tough constitutional issues implicating gun control, misinformation, and homelessness, the Court also avoided substantive reviews in favor of procedural dismissals in key cases involving reproductive rights and government censorship.
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    ‘Out of Whose Hive the Quakers Swarm’d’: Polemics and the Justification of Infant Baptism in the Early Restoration.Jonathan Warren - 2015 - Perichoresis 13 (1):99-115.
    The English Civil War brought an end to government censorship of nonconformist texts. The resulting exegetical and hermeneutical battles waged over baptism among paedobaptists and Baptists continued well into the Restoration period. A survey of the post-Restoration polemical literature reveals the following themes: 1) the polemical ‘slippery slope’ is a major feature of these tracts. Dissenting paedobaptists believed that Baptists would inevitably become Quakers, despising baptism altogether, and that the resulting social instability would allow the tyranny of Roman (...)
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  20. Adding Insult to Injury.Sebastien Bishop - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 27 (2).
    Should the government censor dangerous anti-vaccination propoganda? Should it restrict the praise of terrorist groups, or speech intended to promote discriminatory attitudes? In other words, should the government curb the advocacy of dangerous ideas and actions (i.e. 'harmful advocacy'), or should the government take a more permissive approach? Strong free speech supporters argue that citizens should be free to engage in and to hear harmful advocacy, arguing that restrictions are deeply objectionable at best, and, at worst, wholly (...)
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  21.  16
    Friction, snake oil, and weird countries: Cybersecurity systems could deepen global inequality through regional blocking.Jenna Burrell & Anne Jonas - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    In this moment of rising nationalism worldwide, governments, civil society groups, transnational companies, and web users all complain of increasing regional fragmentation online. While prior work in this area has primarily focused on issues of government censorship and regulatory compliance, we use an inductive and qualitative approach to examine targeted blocking by corporate entities of entire regions motivated by concerns about fraud, abuse, and theft. Through participant-observation at relevant events and intensive interviews with experts, we document the quest (...)
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  22. Cover Up the Dirty Parts!Dena Shottenkirk - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This is a book about the culture wars, particularly those in the U.S. To gain a more complete view of what they are and what is at stake, I examine the relationships between funding, censorship, and democracy by looking closely at particular examples where the government at least wanted to refuse funding (it sometimes in fact succeeded) and to then look at the issues that arise. The main examples I have chosen is Andres Serrano, whose Piss Christ helped (...)
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    John Dewey: prophet of an educated democracy.Philip B. Moore - 2024 - New York, NY: Routeldge.
    This concise biography tells the story of John Dewey, a pioneer of pragmatism and the first original school of philosophy created in America. The school was born out of a specific historical context, in the wake of a country at war with itself, and in response to the rapid changes of industrialization. Dewey's pragmatism celebrated human intelligence and agency and the promise that tomorrow could be better than today. For Dewey, pragmatism was the philosophy of democracy. Dewey lived from just (...)
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  24. YouTube, WeCensor: The Pandemic of Information Control in times of Covid-19.Martin A. M. Gansinger - manuscript
    This work is focused on the rise of institutionalized information control exercised by governments in times of the Covid-19 crisis and the systematic removal or demonetization of content that contradicts or challenges the defined official narrative on influencial platforms like YouTube. With national authorities fragmenting reality into contradicitng national narratives of confinement/no confinement, masks/no masks, ibuprofen/no ibuprofen, chloroquin/no chloroquin etc. the illusion of objective reality in the perpection of the world and even in the context of scientific discourse become more (...)
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  25. Kant's religion and Prussian religious policy.Ian Hunter - 2005 - Modern Intellectual History 2 (1):1-27.
    Since Dilthey’s template study of 1890, the Prussian state’s attempt to censor Kant’s religious writings has typically been seen as the work of a reactionary politics bent on imposing religious orthodoxy as a bulwark against the spread of Aufklärung. This paper offers a revisionist interpretation, arguing that the attempted censoring was a by-product of a set of a longstanding Religionspolitik designed to achieve religious toleration through a system of regulated public confessions. Reaffirmed in the Religious Edict (1788) and the (...) Edict (1788), Prussian policy required acceptance of a plurality of public confessions whose stability was preserved through the restriction of public proselytising and the acceptance of private religious freedom. In breaking with this religious settlement, through their public advocacy of a true ‘religion of reason’, the religious rationalists of the theological Aufklärung breached the embargo on public proselytising, leading eventually to government’s attempt to censor Kant’s own ‘pure religion of reason’. (shrink)
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  26. The conflict of the faculties =.Immanuel Kant - 1979 - Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Edited by Mary J. Gregor.
    It is in the interest of the totalitarian state that subjects not think for themselves, much less confer about their thinking. Writing under the hostile watch of the Prussian censorship, Immanuel Kant dared to argue the need for open argument, in the university if nowhere else. In this heroic criticism of repression, first published in 1798, he anticipated the crises that endanger the free expression of ideas in the name of national policy. Composed of three sections written at different (...)
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    Speech Imperialization? Situating American Parrhesia in an Isegoria World.Harrison Michael Rosenthal - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (2):1-21.
    This article explores the ideological origins of the American free-speech tradition. It analyzes the two principal categorizations of free speech in classical antiquity: isegoria, the right to voice one’s opinion, and parrhesia, the license to say what one pleases often through provocative discourse, thus grounding modern free-speech epistemology and jurisprudential philosophy in a sociohistorical context. Part 1 reviews the First Amendment corpus juris. A progression of incrementally absolute judicial holdings promotes parrhesia, highlighting democratic utility over individual self-actualization; thus, Americans no (...)
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    PEPFAR's Antiprostitution “Loyalty Oath”: Politicizing Public Health.Lawrence O. Gostin - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (3):11-12.
    Can Congress require AIDS service organizations to pledge fidelity to the government's view opposing prostitution as a condition of receiving funding? This term, the Supreme Court will decide whether the First Amendment permits such censorship in USAID v. Alliance for Open Society International (AOSI). The 2008 legislation reauthorizing the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) requires host countries to support “activities promoting abstinence, delay of sexual début, monogamy, and fidelity.” PEPFAR's “conscience clause” allows organizations with a moral (...)
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    Techniques to Pass on: Technology and Euthanasia.Brian Martin - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (1):54-59.
    Proponents and opponents of euthanasia have argued passionately about whether it should be legalized. In Australia in the mid-1990s, following the world’s first legal euthanasia deaths, Dr. Philip Nitschke initiated a different approach: a search for do-it-yourself technological means of dying with dignity. The Australian government has opposed this effort, especially through heavy censorship. The citizen efforts led by Nitschke have the potential to move the euthanasia issue from a debate about legalization to a struggle over technology.
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    Plato's republic and ours.John Halverson - 1991 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 5 (4):453-473.
    The politics of Plato's Republic has been all but universally condemned by modern liberal readers as totally and odiously inimical to democratic ideals. Plato's proposals for government by an unelected elite class of guardians, for censorship and indoctrination, for occupational restrictions, etc., are seen at best as stifling freedom and individual initiative and at worst as totalitarian. It has seldom or never been noticed, however, how much his polity resembles our own, for better or worse. American democracy, present (...)
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    Rules and Community.Jeffrey Bedrick - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (4):381-383.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rules and CommunityJeffrey Bedrick, MDThe paper, “The Dilemma of Compliance: Roles and Rules in Schizophrenia, Censorship, and Life,” by Riley Paterson raises a number of interesting issues. I am only able to address a few of these issues here, and I do so in the hope of broadening our consideration of some of the basic concerns.Paterson focuses his attention on the potentially repressive side of rules, even while (...)
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    Lone Star State of Mind: A Former Political Theorist Explores Real World Issues.Don Erler & George Anastaplo - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    Unifying themes on the need for a vigorous defense of popular government and the benefits of capitalism are interwoven with discussions of censorship, abortion, terrorism, capital punishment, and education.
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    The emancipatory role of information and communication technology.Farid Shirazi - 2010 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 8 (1):57-84.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of internet filtering, and its impact on marginalized groups including non‐governmental organizations, female activists, ethnic, and religious minorities, the younger generation and the increase of the digital divide in Iran.Design/methodology/approachThe paper raises two main questions: to what extent do information and communications technologies and in particular, the internet, promote freedom of speech, and gender equality in Iran? What is the impact of state censorship and ICT filtering on these activities? (...)
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  34. Burqas in Back Alleys: Street Art, hijab, and the Reterritorialization of Public Space.John A. Sweeney - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):253-278.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 253—278. A Sense of French Politics Politics itself is not the exercise of power or struggle for power. Politics is first of all the configuration of a space as political, the framing of a specific sphere of experience, the setting of objects posed as "common" and of subjects to whom the capacity is recognized to designate these objects and discuss about them.(1) On April 14, 2011, France implemented its controversial ban of the niqab and burqa , commonly (...)
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    Librarianship and human rights: a twenty-first century guide.Toni Samek - 2007 - Oxford, England: Chandos.
    This is a direct challenge to the notion of library neutrality, especially in the present context of war, revolution, and social change. This book locates library and information workers as participants and interventionists in social conflicts. The strategies for social action worldwide were chosen because of their connection to elements of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) that relate particularly to core library values, information ethics, and global information justice. This book also encourages readers to pay attention to links (...)
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    Dancing in the streets: Rousseau, the genealogy of vice, and the practice of freedom.Sid Simpson - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Only recently has Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Discourse on Inequality begun to be read as a genealogy rather than a variation on the social contract tradition. This article argues that reading Rousseau as a genealogist not only clarifies his analysis of amour-propre’s inflammation, but also illuminates a conception of freedom achieved through the continuous political practice of shaping of amour-propre. In the first section of this article, I situate this conception of freedom against two separate but relevant bodies of Rousseau scholarship: those (...)
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    Corporate Control of Information: Business and the Freedom of Expression.George G. Brenkert - 2010 - Business and Society Review 115 (1):121-145.
    ABSTRACTControl over information is essential to business. This has become increasingly true in an era in which technological advances have enabled the rapid globalization of business. This article explores the implications of this control of information for freedom of speech and information. Four different situations are considered: censorship of the Internet by search engines albeit at the direction of a government; restrictions on Internet content by Internet Services Providers acting on their own; decisions by retail businesses not to (...)
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    Poet and Poetry Composition.Varanasi Ramabrahmam - manuscript
    A poet, his mission, his making and evolution and various definitions of purposes of composition of poetry will be delineated. -/- The spiritual, philosophical and social conditions and their influence in the making and evolution of poet and writer and their craft will be dealt with. -/- The duty of poets, critics and readers in the celebration of composition of poetry and literature as part of culture and civilization will be presented. The committed and free-lance poets will be compared and (...)
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    Business Under Threat, Technology Under Attack, Ethics Under Fire: The Experience of Google in China.Justin Tan & Anna E. Tan - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (4):469-479.
    Although not frequently regarded as controversial, digital communications industries continue to be sites of CSR conflicts, particularly internationally. Investigating CSR issues in the digital communications industry is pertinent because in addition to being one of the fastest growing industries, it has created a host of new CSR issues that require further attention. This case study examines an incident in early 2010, when Google Inc. China and the Chinese government reached an impasse that produced a large-scale, transnational conflict that reached (...)
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    Privacy for the weak, transparency for the powerful: the cypherpunk ethics of Julian Assange.Patrick D. Anderson - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):295-308.
    WikiLeaks is among the most controversial institutions of the last decade, and this essay contributes to an understanding of WikiLeaks by revealing the philosophical paradigm at the foundation of Julian Assange’s worldview: cypherpunk ethics. The cypherpunk movement emerged in the early-1990s, advocating the widespread use of strong cryptography as the best means for defending individual privacy and resisting authoritarian governments in the digital age. For the cypherpunks, censorship and surveillance were the twin evils of the computer age, but they (...)
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    The ethics of memory in a digital age: interrogating the right to be forgotten.Ângela Guimarães Pereira - 2014 - Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Alessia Ghezzi & Lucia Vesnić-Alujević.
    Following the trend of sharing, and associating being on-line with being 'on-life', many people are now demanding the ownership and control of their data across all processing phases, including the erasure of their presence on the web. In Europe, recent proposals for regulation include an explicit 'Right to be Forgotten'; this right stated in the European Commission Proposal for Regulation COM 2011/12 does not emerge without controversy. It is being criticised on several grounds, including clashing with other rights, such as (...)
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    Molecular Detector (Non)Technology in Mexico.Luis Reyes-Galindo - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (1):86-115.
    This paper discusses the introduction of fraudulent “molecular detector” technology into Mexico. The case is used to argue that contemporary science and technology studies’ approaches to scientific policy-making make basic assumptions about the societies they operate in that are inconsistent with the Mexican context. This paper also argues that contrary to what happens in the so-called Global North, the relative power of Mexican science in government and policy circles is as much limited by its relatively weak position as much (...)
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    An Immoderate Taste for Truth": Censoring History in Baudelaire's "Les Bijoux.E. S. Burt - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (2):19-43.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“An Immoderate Taste for Truth”: Censoring History in Baudelaire’s “Les bijoux”E. S. Burt (bio)In May 1949, a French Court of Appeals reversed an 1857 decision condemning six poems from Les fleurs du mal for obscenity, in a signal case of a public lifting of a ban against some lyric poems. 1 Among the several interesting features of this case not the least is the decision to proceed against the (...)
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    Trans-Planckian Philosophy of Cosmology.Mike D. Schneider - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 90:184-193.
    I provide some philosophical groundwork for the recently proposed ‘trans-Planckian censorship’ conjecture in theoretical physics. In particular, I argue that structure formation in early universe cosmology is, at least as we typically understand it, autonomous with regards to quantum gravity, the high energy physics that governs the Planck regime in our universe. Trans-Planckian censorship is then seen as a means of rendering this autonomy an empirical constraint within ongoing quantum gravity research.
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    Censura y periodismo de oposición en América Latina: los casos de México y Colombia, 1880-1910.Shirley Tatiana Pérez Robles - 2022 - Escritos 30 (64):103-120.
    This article analyzes the opposition press during the Regeneration in Colombia and the Porfiriato in Mexico. To do this, two publications were chosen that illustrate the problem that opposition journalism faced during these governments: El Relator and Regeneración. It is shown that, despite facing persecution and censorship, the opposition press contributed to the formation of the nation and democracy from alternative discourses.
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    No amount of “AI” in content moderation will solve filtering’s prior-restraint problem.Emma J. Llansó - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    Contemporary policy debates about managing the enormous volume of online content have taken a renewed focus on upload filtering, automated detection of potentially illegal content, and other “proactive measures”. Often, policymakers and tech industry players invoke artificial intelligence as the solution to complex challenges around online content, promising that AI is a scant few years away from resolving everything from hate speech to harassment to the spread of terrorist propaganda. Missing from these promises, however, is an acknowledgement that proactive identification (...)
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    50 Ethics Ideas You Really Need to Know.Ben Dupré - 2013 - London: Quercus.
    Questions of ethics - about how we should act, our responsibilities to one another, the difference between right and wrong - have long been debated by philosophers the world over and form the foundations of government, culture and religion. Here, in concise, easy-to-read chapters, Ben Dupré explains the fundamentals of this discipline and how it is relevant to our lives today. Covering essential ethical concepts, including relativism, the golden rule and utilitarianism, as well as high-profile issues such as terrorism, (...)
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    ‘Hidden in plain sight’: Expressing political criticism on Chinese social media.Richard Fitzgerald & Xiaoping Wu - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (3):365-385.
    While the proliferation of social media technologies in China has empowered the public with new opportunities for public expression and political engagement in a ‘virtual public sphere’, Chinese Internet censorship has meant that users have to develop creative ways to engage in political criticism. In a context where both mechanical and human censors are employed, Chinese users have become adept at utilizing the affordances of technology, Chinese language and cultural resources to express their opinions through social media. Drawing upon (...)
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    Governmentality, Science and the Media. Examining the “Pandemic Reality” with Foucault, Lyotard and Baudrillard.Jean-Paul Sarrazin & Fabián Aguirre - 2023 - Foucault Studies 35:21-45.
    This article examines the legitimization process of the public health preventive measures implemented in many Western countries following the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Through concepts such as governmentality, disciplinarization and security mechanisms proposed by Foucault, we trace some of the basic principles and implications of the relationship between biopower and medicine, as well as the media dissemination of an official narrative on scientific truth. These reflections are complemented by the contributions of Francois Lyotard and Jean Baudrillard. Lyotard reflects on the relationship between (...)
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    Your Post has Been Removed: Tech Giants and Freedom of Speech.Frederik Stjernfelt & Anne Mette Lauritzen - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access monograph argues established democratic norms for freedom of expression should be implemented on the internet. Moderating policies of tech companies as Facebook, Twitter and Google have resulted in posts being removed on an industrial scale. While this moderation is often encouraged by governments - on the pretext that terrorism, bullying, pornography, “hate speech” and “fake news” will slowly disappear from the internet - it enables tech companies to censure our society. It is the social media companies who (...)
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