Results for ' grâce, jansénisme, thomisme, molinisme, augustinisme, direction spirituelle, pur amour, delectatio victrix, plaisir sensible'

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  1.  13
    La correspondance de Fénelon. Une œuvre dans l’œuvre.Laurence Devillairs & Patricia Touboul - 2018 - ThéoRèmes 12 (12).
    This research file’s object is Fénelon’s correspondence, the complete edition of which, achieved in 2007, has considerably enriched our knowledge of both the life and works of the archbishop of Cambrai, by shedding new lights on its multiple facets. Mirror and memory of the published body of work, when it is not in itself an essential and constitutive part of it, the correspondence enhances Fénelon’s published body of work’s understanding through the discovery of its process of elaboration, the obstacles it (...)
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  2. Le jansénisme face à la tentation thomiste. Antoine Arnauld et le thomisme de gratia après les cinq Articles de 1663.Sylvio De Franceschi - 2009 - Revue Thomiste 109 (1).
    À partir des années 1650, la querelle catholique de la grâce voit l'affrontement de trois partis théologiques, celui des jésuites, acquis au molinisme, celui des dominicains, défenseurs du thomisme, et celui des jansénistes, partisans d'un retour au strict augustinisme mais soucieux également de se défendre des accusations d'hérésie en mettant en avant leur conformité au thomisme. Le présent article tente de suivre l'évolution philothomiste d'Antoine Arnauld (1612-1694) en exil après la rupture de la Paix de l'Église. À l'évidence, le docteur (...)
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    L’art du portrait dans la correspondance spirituelle de Fénelon.Pauline Chaduc - 2018 - ThéoRèmes 12 (12).
    This article is about the art of portrait in Fénelon's spiritual correspondence. It distinguishes two categories of portraits: some are generic, others are from the inside, individual and detailed. The article also analyses some exemplary personalities such as the Contesses de Gramont, de Montberon or Madame Guyon. Divergences between "high society portraits" and "spiritual portraits" are outlined. The spiritual portrait is being analysed based on main character studies (Madame de Maintenon and the Duc de Bourgogne), as well as deep speech (...)
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    Sénèque: direction spirituelle et pratique de la philosophie.Ilsetraut Hadot - 2014 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    English summary: The idea of spiritual guidance as a philosophical practice lies at the center of Senecas thought, and can provide us with a new perspective on our own moral conduct, as well as the meaning of philosophy itself. Through a close philological, historical, and philosophical study, Ilsetraut Hadot breathes new life into Senecas work and restores it to its place at the heart of western philosophy. French description: Seneque et la philosophie du present : la distance qui les separe (...)
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  5.  44
    Le Moment Pascalien dans la Querelle de la Gr'ceThe Pascalian moment in the quarrel on gracePascals Moment in der Debatte um die Gnade.Sylvia Hermann De Franceschi - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (4):595-635.
    À partir de 1643, la querelle catholique de la grâce voit l’affrontement de trois partis théologiques, celui des jésuites, acquis au molinisme, celui des dominicains, défenseurs du thomisme, et celui des jansénistes, partisans d’un retour au strict augustinisme mais soucieux également de se défendre des accusations d’hérésie en mettant en avant leur conformité au thomisme. Le présent article tente de suivre l’évolution des différents courants au temps de la crise de 1655–1657 en utilisant les textes contemporains de Blaise Pascal comme (...)
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  6. Le thomisme au secours du jansénisme dans la querelle de la grâce: Vrais et faux thomistes au temps de la bulle Unigenitus (1713).Sylvio Hermann de Franceschi - 2007 - Revue Thomiste 107 (3):375-418.
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    Siewerth "après" Siewerth: le lien idéal de l'amour dans le thomisme spéculatif de Gustav Siewerth et la visée d'un réalisme transcendantal.Emmanuel Tourpe - 1998 - Louvain: Peeters Publishers.
    Le thomisme allemand a pour caracteristique sa force speculative. Gustav Siewerth est sans aucun doute le meilleur representant de cette ecole. Profondement impregne de Hegel et de Heidegger, il a offert une lecture incomparablement puissante de la metaphysique thomiste. Le present ouvrage offre une presentation detaillee de la philosophie siewerthienne. Nourrie d'abondantes citations, cette etude complete la these de M. Cabada Castro (L'etre et Dieu chez Gustav Siewerth, chez le meme editeur). Elle va plus loin aussi, en proposant de comprendre (...)
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    Етимологія та смислові ознаки терміну «художньо-творча активність» в контексті розвитку особистості.Т. С Житнік - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 72:137-145.
    Urgency of the research is considered on the evolution of society and personality. The contradictions between the directions of development in the educational system and the personal need to be artistic and creative actualize the topic of our research. The purpose of the study is to clarify the etymology and semantic definition of the term «artistic and creative activity» in the context of personal development. The tasks are to consider the meaning of the term and to systematize definition of «artistic (...)
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  9. Circles, Ladders and Stars: Nietzsche on friendship.Ruth Abbey - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (4):50-73.
    One of the major purposes of this article is to show that friendship was one of Nietzsche's central concerns and that he shared Aristotle's belief that it takes higher and lower forms. Yet Nietzsche's interest in friendship is overlooked in much of the secondary literature. An important reason for this is that this interest is most evident in the works of his middle period, and these tend to be neglected in commentaries on Nietzsche. In the works of the middle period, (...)
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  10.  65
    Causal Powers. A Theory of Natural Necessity. [REVIEW]B. W. A. - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (4):735-736.
    This provocative but persuasive book is essentially a radical attack upon the Humean conception of causality and the presentation and defense of a counter-theory, closer to everyday experience and pre-Humean traditional views. As formulated by empiricist philosophers, the Humean approach depends on two basic postulates. The philosophical analysis of any non-empirical concept must be a formal explication; any residue elements have to be accounted for in terms of their psychological origins. The world as experienced can be conceived adequately as a (...)
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  11.  66
    Missing Voices of Ecofeminism in Environmental Governance: Consequences and Future Directions.Jared M. Adams - 2023 - Ethics and the Environment 28 (1):55-74.
    Abstract:Ecofeminism refers to a broad range philosophical and political movements that call attention to the link between social oppression and environmental destruction. Despite their relevance and potential theoretical and practical utility, ecofeminisms are largely absent from extant approaches to environmental governance (E-Governance). In addition to calling attention to the absence of ecofeminist voices in this arena, this paper explores the consequences of said exclusion and assesses the potential for ecofeminism to inform and ultimately improve E-Governance initiatives. I find that E-Governance (...)
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  12. Berkeley on Action.A. D. Woozley - 1985 - Philosophy 60 (233):293 - 307.
    At the risk of proving myself such a caviller, I want to ask a question which I have seldom heard raised, and which I have never seen discussed in anything that I have read about Berkeley. If I am right, it poses a problem for his immaterialism, not only different, but coming from a different direction, from those objections that are commonly levelled against him. If I am wrong, it will show how right Berkeley was to stress the difficulty (...)
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  13.  12
    Organised crime in pakistan: A criminological study of money laundering.Tahseen Ahmed Shaikh & Fateh Muhammad Burfat - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):29-44.
    Organised crime is chameleonic in nature. It is transnational, dynamic, overlapped criminal activities and pervasive in nature. In the same way, money laundering is the predicate offence and it is naturally linked to other organised crimes. After the cold war, this nexus culminated during the occurrence of 9/11 in particular which was a lethal combination of money laundering and terrorist financing. This combination is currently being experienced by Pakistan; where various terrorist groups are involved with direct and indirect support of (...)
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  14. Alief or belief? A contextual approach to belief ascription.Miri Albahari - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (3):701-720.
    There has been a surge of interest over cases where a subject sincerely endorses P while displaying discordant strains of not-P in her behaviour and emotion. Cases like this are telling because they bear directly upon conditions under which belief should be ascribed. Are beliefs to be aligned with what we sincerely endorse or with what we do and feel? If belief doesn’t explain the discordant strains, what does? T.S. Gendler has recently attempted to explain all the discordances by introducing (...)
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  15.  25
    Raíces estoicas de la noción de fantasía en Ireneo de Lyon.Juan Carlos Alby - 2023 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 27 (1):101-112.
    Entre las lecciones extraídas por Ireneo de la tercera tentación de Jesús en el desierto ( _ Adv. haer _ _._ 5. 22. 2), se destacan la del carácter falaz de los sentidos y la necesidad de no dejarse sorprender por las riquezas, por la gloria mundana y por la fantasía presente ( _ praesenti phantasia _ ). El término griego φαντασία que tiene su equivalente latino en _ imaginatio _, había sido ampliamente analizado en la lógica estoica, antes de (...)
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  16.  7
    When the Morally "Right" Thing to Do Is Difficult: Reflections on a True "Pastoral" Approach in John Paul II's Veritatis Splendor.Irene Alexander - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (2):333-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When the Morally "Right" Thing to Do Is Difficult:Reflections on a True "Pastoral" Approach in John Paul II's Veritatis SplendorIrene AlexanderIn the moral life, there are situations in which it is difficult to know what is the right thing to do. On the other hand, there are types of moral actions in which no such intellectual difficulty exists, where the right thing to do is very clear, yet hesitation (...)
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  17.  11
    « [L]’ars poetica en tant que tel » : de quelques enjeux philosophiques de la poésie pour elle-même.Isabelle Alfandary - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 42:199-213.
    Cet article tente d’appréhender le rapport que la philosophie de Nancy entretient avec la littérature et la poésie en tant que telles. Nancy a théorisé les conditions de production du sens poétique comme protension du sens en avance sur soi par opposition au récit de fiction structurellement en retard sur son origine. Ces temporalités littéraires marquées au sceau de la non-concordance des temps renvoient à une origine sans contenu, ni forme. La sensibilité nancyenne au dire du poème, au faire de (...)
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  18. Absolutism vs. Relativism in Contemporary Ontology.Robert F. Allen - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Research 23:343-352.
    In this paper, I examine Emest Sosa’s defense of Conceptual Relativism: the view that what exists is a function of human thought. My examination reveals that his defense entails an ontology that is indistinguishable from that of the altemative he labels less “sensible,” viz., Absolutism: the view that reality exists independently of our thinking. I conclude by defending Absolutism against Sosa’s objections.
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  19. Plato's Forgotten Four Pages of the Seventh Epistle.Robert E. Allinson - 1998 - Philosophical Inquiry 20 (1-2):49-61.
    This essay sheds light on Plato’s Seventh Epistle. The five elements of Plato’s epistemological structure in the Epistle are the name, the definition, the image, the resultant knowledge itself (the Fourth) and the proper object of knowledge (the Form, or the Fifth). Much of contemporary Western philosophy has obsessed over Plato’s Fifth, relegating its existence to Plato’s faulty imagination after skillful linguistic analyses of the First (name) and the Second (definition). However, this essay argues against this reduction of knowledge to (...)
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  20.  29
    van Steenbergen, Fernand, Directives pour la confection d’une monographie scientifique. Avec applications concrètes aux recherches sur la philosophie médiévale. [REVIEW]C. Alonso - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (1):235-235.
  21.  21
    In Defense of Plato's Intermediates.William Henry Furness Altman - 2020 - Plato Journal 20:151-166.
    Once we realize that the indivisible and infinitely repeatable One of the arithmetic lesson in Republic7 is generated by διάνοια at Parmenides 143a6-9, it becomes possible to revisit the Divided Line’s Second Part and see that Aristotle’s error was not to claim that Plato placed Intermediates between the Ideas and sensible things but to restrict that class to the mathematical objects Socrates used to explain it. All of the One-Over-Many Forms of Republic10 that Aristotle, following Plato, attacked with the (...)
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  22.  24
    Foucault E o primado Das resistências.Davis Moreira Alvim - 2012 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 20:22-30.
    Is it possible to find resistance in the thought of Michel Foucault? Amid the diversity of his ideas, would he have left us clues to think the resisting act? By directing his intellectual production to power dispositfs, by invoking the figure of the "specific intellectual", and, also, in the later years of his life, then turning towards the constitution of subjectivities, Foucault provides us with unique ways to conceive and operate resistances. In this article we explore two directions of the (...)
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  23. Existence and Thought: Exploring the Complementarity of Existentialism and Intellectualism in the Works of Soren Kierkegaard and Bernard Lonergan.Paul St Amour - 1998 - Dissertation, Fordham University
    This dissertation explores the dialectic of thought and existence implicit in the human person's task of self-constitution as both a knower and a chooser. By way of comparative interpretation and critical analysis of the thought of Soren Kierkegaard and Bernard Lonergan, it argues for the complementarity of cognitional and existential praxis and adumbrates the possibility of an intellectualist existentialism. ;The Kierkegaardian polarization of thought and existence is situated within the context of a polemic against Hegelian holism and its totalizing aspirations. (...)
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  24.  35
    TIEPOLO An Artist without Gravity?Wayne Andersen - 2013 - Common Knowledge 19 (1):164-170.
    This review essay emphasizes the distinction between academic art history, based ultimately on the model of scientific research, and the sort that Roberto Calasso practices in his 2009 study Tiepolo in Pink. It is difficult to locate the book's genre, and the reviewer rejects identifying it as a biography (of the sort practiced by Irving Stone, Somerset Maugham, and Dimitri Merejkovski), since Calasso, like most other writers on Tiepolo, stresses how little we know about his personality, which was elusive, and (...)
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  25.  8
    Contrastive Linguistic and Cultural Backgrounds of the Two Latin Translators of the Life of Antony.Aleksandar Anđelović & György Geréby - 2021 - Clotho 3 (2):5-28.
    The paper focuses on the direct Bible quotations that the anonymous translator and Evagrius of Antioch rendered from Greek into Latin as part of their versions of the Life of Antony, each in his own way. Did the anonymous translator use any of the existing fourth-century Latin translations of the Bible to translate the biblical quotations he found in the Greek original, or did he translate them himself, without recourse to translations already available? Which version of the Bible did he (...)
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  26.  45
    Three instances of Church and anti-communist opposition: Hungary, Poland and Romania.Daniela Angi - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (28):21-64.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} The article analyzes the relationship between the dominant Churches from Hungary, Poland and Romania and the opposition to Communist regimes. The Churches – seen as institutional actors of civil society – are analyzed in terms of their material and symbolic resources which may act as prerequisites for the (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Powers as causal truthmakers.Rani Lill Anjum & Stephen Mumford - 2014 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 3 (4):5--31.
    [EN]Most theories of causation assume that it must involve some kind of necessity, or that the cause must be entirely sufficient for the effect. Others have already suggested that it should be possible to get a theory of causation from a theory of powers or dispositions. Such a project is far from complete but even here we find that the key point in a dispositional theory of causation has been lacking. This paper attempts to establish some of the most important (...)
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  28.  57
    Plato on law-abidance and a path to natural law.Julia Annas - 2018 - Jurisprudence 9 (1):19-30.
    In his later depiction of an ideal city, the Laws, Plato does not move from rule by experts to the rule of law, as often claimed, since law is also basic to the Republic. Rather, he now sees educated law-abidance as part of civic virtue: the laws are to be obeyed strictly, but also to be understood so that they are obeyed in the right spirit. Plato introduces original means to encourage this, and is led to make some moves in (...)
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  29.  22
    Knowledge and postmodernism in historical perspective.Joyce Appleby (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Knowledge and Postmodernism in Historical Perspective offers answers to the questions, what is postmodernism? and what exactly are the characteristics of the modernism that postmodernism supercedes? This comprehensive reader chronicles the western engagement with the nature of knowledge during the past four centuries while providing the historical context for the postmodernist thought of Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Richard Rorty and Hayden White, and the challenges their ideas have posed to our conventional ways of thinking, writing and knowing. From the science (...)
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  30.  20
    Byzantinism and Rationality: Julien Benda and Constantine Tsatsos.George Arabatzis - 2017 - Peitho 8 (1):423-446.
    This article examines the concept of Byzantinism that Julien Benda employed in his book La France Byzantine. In the fin-de-siècle European sensibility, Byzantinism was transferred from political to literary level, but Benda created an epistemological break when he asserted in his book that Byzantinism is literature in its normal function. Furthermore, of Byzantinist character is especially the modern literature. Thus, labeling modern literati as Byzantinist writers served as a critical tool for Benda, who condemned the degradation of modern intellectuals into (...)
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  31. Précis de philosophie de la logique et des mathématiques, Volume 2, philosophie des mathématiques.Andrew Arana & Marco Panza (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Editions de la Sorbonne.
    The project of this Précis de philosophie de la logique et des mathématiques (vol. 1 under the direction of F. Poggiolesi and P. Wagner, vol. 2 under the direction of A. Arana and M. Panza) aims to offer a rich, systematic and clear introduction to the main contemporary debates in the philosophy of mathematics and logic. The two volumes bring together the contributions of thirty researchers (twelve for the philosophy of logic and eighteen for the philosophy of mathematics), (...)
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  32.  55
    Organizing the brain's diversities.Michael A. Arbib & Peter Érdi - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):551-565.
    We clarify the arguments in Neural organization: Structure, function, and dynamics, acknowledge important contributions cited by our critics, and respond to their criticisms by charting directions for further development of our integrated approach to theoretical and empirical studies of neural organization. We first discuss functional organization in general (behavior versus cognitive functioning, the need to study body and brain together, function in ontogeny and phylogeny) and then focus on schema theory (noting that schema theory is not just a top-down theory (...)
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  33.  28
    The Indirect Ethics of AIG’s ‘Backdoor Bailout’.Daniel G. Arce & Laura Razzolini - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (1):37-51.
    We experimentally assess the ethics of the U.S. government’s indirect bailout of the bank counterparties of American International Group during the 2008 financial crisis. When the indirect bailout is jointly compared with a counterfactual where the government directly bails out the banks, subjects judge the indirect bailout to be far more unethical. On the other hand, when the two scenarios are judged separately, subjects consider a direct bailout of banks to be more unethical. This suggests that ethical judgments of indirect (...)
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  34.  62
    The Marxist Ethic of Self-realization: Individuality and Community.David Archard - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 22:19-34.
    If, for Marx and Marxists, communism would be the most ideal of human societies, this is because it would make possible the maximum use of human and natural resources to the equal benefit of all. This means that, under communism, human beings would ‘realize themselves’. In direct and pointed contrast to capitalism wherein all individuals lead alienated, stunted, and fragmented lives, communism for Marx would provide the preconditions for a flowering, a full and final development of all human potentialities.
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    Consciousness, Dreams, and Self: A Transdisciplinary Approach.John Boghosian Arden - 1996 - Psychosocial Press.
    In this much-needed contribution toward an understanding of the complexity of human consciousness, John Boghosian Arden, Ph.D., demonstrates that within the three broad subsystems - biophysiology, sociocultural dynamics, and intrapsychic aspects - not only do further subsystems exist, but so does a great degree of interconnectivity. Biophysiological processes cannot be conceptualized without considering individual psychological and sociocultural factors. To understand the evolution of human consciousness, one must take into account the systemic co-evolutionary nature of all aspects of consciousness. In this (...)
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  36. Fidelity to disagreement: Jacques Rancière's politics without ontology.Benjamin Arditi - 2019 - In Scott Durham, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar & Jacques Rancière (eds.), Distributions of the sensible: Rancière, between aesthetics and politics. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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  37. Being with unknowing : spiritual direction and Bion's idea of O.Mark Argent - 2021 - In Russell Re Manning (ed.), Mutual enrichment between psychology and theology. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Humans in the land: the ethics and aesthetics of the cultural landscape.Sven Arntzen & Emily Brady (eds.) - 2008 - Oslo: Unipub.
    The concept of cultural landscape was first put to use by the German geographer Friedrich Ratzel in 1895. The American geographer Carl Sauer was probably the first to use the concept in the English language in 1925. In recent years, the concept of cultural landscape has become significant in social and political decision-making, and in environmental management and preservation. Cultural landscape has also become the object of extensive consideration and discussion within diverse academic disciplines and areas of research, such as (...)
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  39. On techniques of expert systems on the example of the Akinator program.Zhangozha A. R. - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 25 (2):7-13.
    On the example of the online game Akinator, the basic principles on which programs of this type are built are considered. Effective technics have been proposed by which artificial intelligence systems can build logical inferences that allow to identify an unknown subject from its description. To confirm the considered hypotheses, the terminological analysis of definition of the program "Akinator" offered by the author is carried out. Starting from the assumptions given by the author's definition, the article complements their definitions presented (...)
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  40. For l'amour : love and friendship in The office (US).Robert Arp & Jamie Watson - 2008 - In Jeremy Wisnewski (ed.), The Office and Philosophy: Scenes From the Unexamined Life. Blackwell.
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    What the Humean Theory of Motivation Gets Wrong.Caroline T. Arruda - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Research 44:157-178.
    I show that defenses of the Humean theory of motivation often rely on a mistaken assumption. They assume that desires are necessary conditions for being motivated to act because desires themselves have a special, essential, necessary feature, such as their world-to-mind direction of fit, that enables them to motivate. Call this the Desire-Necessity Claim. Beliefs cannot have this feature, so they cannot motivate. Or so the story goes. I show that: when pressed, a proponent of HTM encounters a series (...)
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    Knowledge and Faith in Thomas Aquinas (review).E. J. Ashworth - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):673-675.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Knowledge and Faıth in Thomas Aquinas by John I. JenkinsE.J. AshworthJohn I. Jenkins. Knowledge and Faıth in Thomas Aquinas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp. xv + 267. Cloth, $59.95.There is a strong tension in the thought of Thomas Aquinas. On the one hand, he is strongly naturalist. He insists that our cognition is rooted in sense-perception and that [End Page 673] it is normally reliable. He insists (...)
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  43.  65
    Much Ado about a Point of View.Lance Ashdown - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (4):685-706.
    RésuméQue voulait dire Wittgenstein lorsqu'ilaremarqué: «Je ne suispas un homme religieux, maisje nepuis m'empecher de voir tout problème d'un point de me religieux»? La thèse de Malcom, c'est que cette remarque pointe du doigt les analogies entre la perspective philosophique de Wittgenstein et une vision religieuse de la vie. En revanche, Winch fait valoir que la remarque de Wittgenstein peut être interprétée comme ne faisant pas référence aux problèmes exclusivement philosophiques; Wittgenstein exprimait plutôt sa propre perspective quasi religieuse sur la (...)
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  44. Brussels-Austin nonequilibrium statistical mechanics: Large poincar´e systems and rigged Hilbert space.Harald Atmanspacher - manuscript
    The fundamental problem on which Ilya Prigogine and the Brussels- Austin Group have focused can be stated briefly as follows. Our observations indicate that there is an arrow of time in our experience of the world (e.g., decay of unstable radioactive atoms like Uranium, or the mixing of cream in coffee). Most of the fundamental equations of physics are time reversible, however, presenting an apparent conflict between our theoretical descriptions and experimental observations. Many have thought that the observed arrow of (...)
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  45.  24
    Complementary Sustainability of the Inner and Outer Worlds: TNS and MHV.Sven G. Atterhed - 1996 - Journal of Human Values 2 (2):137-147.
    This essay is an exposition of a profound sustainable linkage for the survival of the earth—the linkage between sustainability from within and sustainability from without. The author, writing from direct experience of both, makes an eloquent plea to seize and work upon the complementarity between the Swedish 'The Natural Step' (TNS) movement regarding the 'outer', and the Indian 'Management by Human Values' (MHV) movement about the 'inner'. Building on the best and most well-tested spiritual and scientific traditions and principles—MHV from (...)
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  46.  18
    New Approach for Writer Verification Based on Segments of Handwritten Graphemes.Verónica Aubin, Marco Mora & Matilde Santos - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (6):965-978.
    Traditional literature considers complex biometric sources such as words, letters and signatures for writer verification/identification. In this work the use of small segments of the handwritten stroke for writer verification is proposed. A grapheme is defined as the concatenation of smaller segments or fragments. Two models of grapheme are developed based on the idea that the segments are parts of a circle with or without direction. The average of Gray Level of the Perpendicular Line to the Skeleton and Local (...)
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  47. Kierkegaard, Paraphrase, and the Unity of Form and Content.Antony Aumann - 2013 - Philosophy Today 57 (4):376-387.
    On one standard view, paraphrasing Kierkegaard requires no special literary talent. It demands no particular flair for the poetic. However, Kierkegaard himself rejects this view. He says we cannot paraphrase in a straightforward fashion some of the ideas he expresses in a literary format. To use the words of Johannes Climacus, these ideas defy direct communication. In this paper, I piece together and defend the justification Kierkegaard offers for this position. I trace its origins to concerns raised by Lessing and (...)
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    Meaning and Being in Myth.Norman Austin - 1990 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Norman Austin has organized his analysis of classical Greek myths around Lacan's dichotomy between Being and the meanings imposed upon Being by culturally determined signifiers. The primary signifiers in myth, as projections of contradictory meanings, impel human consciousness in contradictory directions: toward heroic self-realization, on the one hand, and into the fear, guilt, and despair resulting from failure, on the other. The gods both reveal and occlude that which they signify—the signified; ultimately, Being itself. Austin includes one chapter on the (...)
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    La Bible revisitée.J. -M. Auwers - 2001 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 32 (4):529-536.
    Présentation d'une nouvelle traduction de la Bible publiée chez Bayard, sous la direction de Frédéric Boyer, Jean-Pierre Prévost et Marc Sevin, et réalisée conjointement par vingt écrivains et vingt-sept exégètes. Ecrite dans une langue résolument contemporaine, elle rend des couleurs aux mots de la Bible et cherche à honorer les différents styles qui y sont représentés. On regrette cependant que les droits de l'intertextualité biblique y soient souvent méconnus et que la traduction des synoptiques soit si disparate. Le travail (...)
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    Beyond a gut feeling: How the immune system impacts the effect of gut microbiota in neurodevelopment.Atiqah Azhari, Farouq Azizan & Gianluca Esposito - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Hooks et al. posit that gastrointestinal microbes alter the end state of development indirectly. Here, we present the immune system as the link that facilitates communication between the gut and the brain. Illustrating the case of autism spectrum disorder, we explicate the role of the immune system in responding to microbial dysbiosis by inducing an inflammatory state that affects neurodevelopment. We propose two models: directly, within the infant, and indirectly, via maternal and infant systems.
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