Results for ' imperceptible difference problem'

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  1. A Kantian solution to the problem of imperceptible differences.Maike Albertzart - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):837-851.
    There are cases such as climate change where the cumulative effects of the actions of several agents lead to grave harm but where no individual agent can make a perceptible difference for the better or worse. According to Derek Parfit, dealing with such imperceptible difference cases requires substantial changes to the way we think about morality. InOn What Matters, Parfit builds on Kantian Ethics to address the problem of imperceptible differences, but the transformation that Kant's (...)
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  2. Deleuze/derrida: Towards an almost imperceptible difference.Kir Kuiken - 2005 - Research in Phenomenology 35 (1):290-310.
    This paper approaches the problem of the relation between Deleuze and Derrida by focusing on their respective readings of Heidegger's interpretation of Nietzsche's eternal return. It argues that the difference between Deleuze and Derrida cannot be measured in terms of their explicit statements about Heidegger, but in terms of how they relate their own readings of Nietzsche to Heidegger's positioning of him as the last metaphysician. The paper focuses on Deleuze's brief analyses of Heidegger in Difference and (...)
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    Making a vague difference: Kagan, Nefsky and the Sorites Paradox.Mattias Gunnemyr - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):3501-3526.
    In collective harm cases, bad consequences follow if enough people act in a certain way even though no such individual act makes a difference for the worse. Global warming, overfishing and Derek Parfit’s famous case of the harmless torturers are some examples of such harm. Shelly Kagan argues that there is a threshold such that one single act might trigger harm in all collective harm cases. Julia Nefsky points to serious shortcomings in Kagan’s argument, but does not show that (...)
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  4. Against the no-difference argument.Adam Elga - 2023 - Analysis 84 (3):476-482.
    There are 1,000 of us and one victim. We each increase the level at which a ‘discomfort machine’ operates on the victim – leading to great discomfort. Suppose that consecutive levels of the machine are so similar that the victim cannot distinguish them. Have we acted permissibly? According to the ‘no-difference argument’ the answer is ‘yes’ because each of our actions was guaranteed to make the victim no worse off. This argument is of interest because, if it is sound, (...)
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    Essentially Aggregative Harm, Restraint, and Collectivization.Elizabeth Kahn - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (1):34-59.
    Some of the most pressing contemporary social problems result from the amalgamation of a mass of actions that are not intentionally coordinated. Although these essentially aggregative harms are foreseeable, it is unclear what moral duties individuals have with regards to them. This paper offers a new analysis of these problems and uses a nonideal contractualist approach to argue in favour of two kinds of duties for individuals. Collectivization duties that require individuals to act responsively with a view to ensuring that (...)
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    Cotidianidad: Trazos para Una conceptualización filosófica.José Santos Herceg - 2014 - Alpha (Osorno) 38:173-196.
    En el presente estudio se busca superar la sensación que existe entre los autores de que la “cotidianidad” es un concepto vago, problemático, polisémico y que, por lo mismo, es inasible o incluso imperceptible. Esta tarea se vuelve aún más apremiante actualmente, al constatar la importancia central que ha ido tomando la categoría de cotidianidad en los estudios contemporáneos. Es así como hemos abordado este trabajo a partir de diferentes problemas: primero, desde la pregunta por la universalidad del concepto; (...)
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  7. The psychological basis of collective action.James Fanciullo - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (2):427-444.
    Sometimes, a group of people can produce a morally bad outcome despite each person’s individual act making no difference to whether the outcome is produced. Since each person’s act makes no difference, it seems the effects of the act cannot provide a reason not to perform it. This is problematic, because if each person acts in accordance with their reasons, each will presumably perform the act—and thus, the bad outcome will be brought about. I suggest that the key (...)
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    1. The Submedial Subject and the Flux of Signs.Boris Groys - 2012 - In Under Suspicion. A Phenomenology of Media. Columbia University Press. pp. 19-31.
    This chapter explores the imperceptible foundation of the play of signs that takes place on the medial surface. It begins by discussing submedial space as the space of suspicion as well as the space of subjectivity, suggesting that something invisible must be hidden behind the visible in the space beneath the medial surface. It then considers the poststructuralist philosophy of flux in relation to the problem of signification and how signification determines the relationship of the archive to the (...)
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  9. No free lunch: The significance of tiny contributions.Zach Barnett - 2018 - Analysis 78 (1):3-13.
    There is a well-known moral quandary concerning how to account for the rightness or wrongness of acts that clearly contribute to some morally significant outcome – but which each seem too small, individually, to make any meaningful difference. One consequentialist-friendly response to this problem is to deny that there could ever be a case of this type. This paper pursues this general strategy, but in an unusual way. Existing arguments for the consequentialist-friendly position are sorites-style arguments. Such arguments (...)
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  10. Abstract Entities.Sam Cowling - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Think of a number, any number, or properties like fragility and humanity. These and other abstract entities are radically different from concrete entities like electrons and elbows. While concrete entities are located in space and time, have causes and effects, and are known through empirical means, abstract entities like meanings and possibilities are remarkably different. They seem to be immutable and imperceptible and to exist "outside" of space and time. This book provides a comprehensive critical assessment of the problems (...)
  11. Co-responsibility and Causal Involvement.Björn Petersson - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (3):847-866.
    In discussions of moral responsibility for collectively produced effects, it is not uncommon to assume that we have to abandon the view that causal involvement is a necessary condition for individual co-responsibility. In general, considerations of cases where there is “a mismatch between the wrong a group commits and the apparent causal contributions for which we can hold individuals responsible” motivate this move. According to Brian Lawson, “solving this problem requires an approach that deemphasizes the importance of causal contributions”. (...)
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    A defense of fundamental principles and human rights: A reply to Robert Baker.Ruth Macklin - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (4):403-422.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Defense of Fundamental Principles and Human Rights: A Reply to Robert Baker *Ruth Macklin (bio)AbstractThis article seeks to rebut Robert Baker’s contention that attempts to ground international bioethics in fundamental principles cannot withstand the challenges posed by multiculturalism and postmodernism. First, several corrections are provided of Baker’s account of the conclusions reached by the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. Second, a rebuttal is offered to Baker’s claim (...)
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    Whitehead and Continental Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: Dislocations.Tom James - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (2-3):141-144.
    Among the reasons that Whitehead is such an interesting philosopher is that his work resonates across philosophical traditions. This collection develops connections between Whiteheadian concepts and recent European thinkers. The purpose is not simply to compare, however, but, as editor Jeremy Fackenthal suggests, to develop a Whiteheadian thinking “in tandem” with European philosophers in order to create disruptions or “dislocations” in thought that can engender creative approaches to contemporary problems.One general feature of the book deserves mention at the outset, though (...)
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    Hume's Hurdle.Stanley G. French - 1963 - Dialogue 1 (4):390-399.
    The subject of this paper is the relationship between factual beliefs and moral beliefs, between is-statements and ought-statements. Hume recognizes that a problem exists concerning this relationship. He states the problem in an oft-quoted passage from his Treatise. In their writings, moral philosophers pass imperceptibly from is-statements to ought-statements; and this change is “of the last consequence. For as this ought, or ought not, expresses some new relation or affirmation, 'tis necessary that it shou'd be observ'd and explain'd; (...)
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  15. Idea and Intuition: On the Perceptibility of the Platonic Ideas in Arthur Schopenhauer.Jason Costanzo - 2009 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    In this thesis, I examine the perceptibility of the Platonic Ideas in the thought of Arthur Schopenhauer. The work is divided into four chapters, each focusing and building upon a specific aspect related to this question. The first chapter (“"Plato and the Primacy of Intellect"”) deals with Schopenhauer’s interpretation specific to Platonic thought. I there address the question of why it is that Schopenhauer should consider Plato to have interpreted the Ideas as 'perceptible', particularly in view of evidence which seems (...)
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    Writing Illness and Affirmation.Jeremiah Dyehouse - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (3):208-222.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.3 (2002) 208-222 [Access article in PDF] Writing, Illness and Affirmation Jeremiah Dyehouse My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely to bear what is necessary, still less conceal it—all idealism is mendaciousness in the face of what is necessary—but love it. —Friedrich Nietzsche In her (...)
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    The Subjunctive Mood of Morality.A. A. Guseinov - 2002 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 41 (1):5-45.
    In his time, D. Hume made an observation that essentially predetermined the nature of subsequent ethics research. "In every system of morality that I have hitherto met with, I have always remarked," he wrote in A Treatise of Human Nature, "that the author proceeds for some time in the ordinary way of reasoning, and establishes the being of a God, or makes observations concerning human affairs; when of a sudden I am surprised to find that instead of the usual copulations (...)
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  18. The Goodman Paradox: Three Different Problems and a Naturalistic Solution to Two of Them.Nathan Stemmer - 2004 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 35 (2):351-370.
    It is now more than 50 years that the Goodman paradox has been discussed, and many different solutions have been proposed. But so far no agreement has been reached about which is the correct solution to the paradox. In this paper, I present the naturalistic solutions to the paradox that were proposed in Quine (1969, 1974), Quine and Ullian (1970/1978), and Stemmer (1971). At the same time, I introduce a number of modifications and improvements that are needed for overcoming shortcomings (...)
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  19. The Imperceptibility of Style in Danto's Theory of Art: Metaphor and the Artist's Knowledge.Stephen Snyder - 2015 - CounterText 1 (3).
    Arthur Danto’s analytic theory of art relies on a form of artistic interpretation that requires access to the art theoretical concepts of the artworld, ‘an atmosphere of artistic theory, a knowledge of the history of art: an artworld’. Art, in what Danto refers to as post-history, has become theoretical, yet it is here contended that his explanation of the artist’s creative style lacks a theoretical dimension. This article examines Danto’s account of style in light of the role the artistic metaphor (...)
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    Simple views on different problems in physics: from drag friction to tough biological materials.Ko Okumura - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (7-9):828-841.
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    The Way of Becoming-Imperceptible: Daoism, Deleuze, and Inner Transformation.Brian Schroeder - 2022 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 14 (1):8-29.
    This essay brings together the discourses of Daoism and Deleuze and Guattari to elucidate the convergence among them on a fundamental metaphysical level that can open, for the receptive mind, a deeper intuitive insight and understanding of what a person is capable of doing and becoming, and how such a person can enter into a different relation with spacetime beyond the conventional understanding of it. After examining how vital energy (qi 氣) is transformed in internal alchemy (neidan 内丹), the focus (...)
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  22. Cultural differences in responses to real-life and hypothetical trolley problems.Natalie Gold, Andrew Colman & Briony Pulford - 2015 - Judgment and Decision Making 9 (1):65-76.
    Trolley problems have been used in the development of moral theory and the psychological study of moral judgments and behavior. Most of this research has focused on people from the West, with implicit assumptions that moral intuitions should generalize and that moral psychology is universal. However, cultural differences may be associated with differences in moral judgments and behavior. We operationalized a trolley problem in the laboratory, with economic incentives and real-life consequences, and compared British and Chinese samples on moral (...)
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    Mothers in “Good” and “Bad” Part-time Jobs: Different Problems, Same Results.Christine Williams & Gretchen Webber - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (6):752-777.
    Part-time work schedules are a popular option for many women struggling to reconcile the competing demands of employment and motherhood. They are controversial among feminists because they are associated with job penalties that promote gender inequality. Previous research on this topic has focused on issues confronting women workers in professional and managerial jobs. In this article, we compare and contrast the experiences of women in professional and secondary part-time jobs, drawing on 60 in-depth interviews with mothers working in such “good” (...)
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    Differences Between town and Country in Light of the Development of the Socialist Way of Life.P. I. Simush - 1975 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 14 (3):44-66.
    The problem of overcoming the significant social differences between town and country is primarily a problem of socialist transformation of the village, a problem of raising various aspects of rural life to urban standards, whether this pertains to improving the basis of production in materials and equipment, the forms of property, the gradual transformation of agricultural into industrial labor, elevation of the level of organization of rural work forces and voluntary organizations and of the level of people's (...)
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    Planning differences for chromaticity- and luminance-defined stimuli: A possible problem for Glover's planning–control model.Charles E. Wright & Charles Chubb - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):55-56.
    We report data from an experiment using stimuli designed to differ in their availability for processing by the dorsal visual pathway, but which were equivalent in tasks mediated by the ventral pathway. When movements are made to these stimuli as targets, there are clear effects early in the movement. These effects appear at odds with the planning–control model of Glover.
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    Moral Hazard and Transparency in Pediatrics: A Different Problem Requiring a Different Solution.Armand H. Matheny Antommaria & Ron King - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (7):39-40.
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  27. Cm and aid: The real difference problem.Selling Babies - 1992 - In Helen B. Holmes & Laura Martha Purdy, Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics. Indiana University Press. pp. 4--695.
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    Different species problems and their resolution.Kevin de Queiroz - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (12):1263-1269.
    At least three different issues are commonly referred to by the term “the species problem”: one concerns the necessary properties of species, a second the processes responsible for the existence of species, and a third methods for inferring species limits. Solutions have recently been proposed to the first two problems, which are conceptual in nature (the third is methodological). The first equates species with metapopulation lineages and proposes that existence as a separately evolving metapopulation lineage be considered the only (...)
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    Difference.Claire Colebrook - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor, A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 57–71.
    There are four ways in which one might approach the concept of difference in the work of Jacques Derrida: difference as a poststructuralist critique of the supposedly post‐metaphysical attention to meaning as generated through systems; difference as the post‐phenomenological problem of time; sexual difference; and the difference between humans and non‐humans. This chapter deals with each of these problems of difference and the concept; but it is also important to begin by saying that (...)
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    Différance as Temporization and Its Problems.Eddo Evink - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (3):433-451.
    Derrida’s philosophy is usually known as a form of critique of metaphysics. This article, however, argues that Derrida’s deconstructions do not only dismantle metaphysics from within, but also remain in themselves thoroughly, and problematically, metaphysical. Its goal is to determine exactly where the metaphysical features of Derrida’s work can be found. The article starts with an analysis of Derrida’s understanding of metaphysics, as well as its deconstruction, by explaining the working of différance, mainly focusing on its temporality. Further, it will (...)
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    The difference principle is not action-guiding.Rupert Read - 2011 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 14 (4):487-503.
    Utilitarianism would allow any degree of inequality whatsoever productive of the greatest happiness of the greatest number. But it does not guide political action, because determining what level of inequality would produce the greatest happiness of the greatest number is opaque due to well-known psychological coordination problems. Does Rawlsian liberalism, as is generally assumed, have some superiority to Utilitarianism in this regard? This paper argues not; for Rawls’s ‘difference principle’ would allow any degree of inequality whatsoever that best raises (...)
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    Antiracism, difference and xenologica.Franklin Hugh Adler - 1999 - Cultural Values 3 (4):492-502.
    This essay attempts to confront one of the major problems associated with multiculturalism, namely the hostile divisiveness stemming from newly articulated constructs of difference. Synthesizing hermeneutic concepts derived from Gadamer and Rorty, I develop an approach called xenologica which, unlike the problematic universalism associated with the Enlightenment, values difference but, at the same time, promotes mutual recognition, tolerance and solidarity. Xenologica, for illustrative purposes, is applied to one of the most contentious domains of difference, race, with the (...)
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    Are there cross-cultural differences in emotional processing and social problem-solving?Roger Baker, Kevin Thomas & Aneta Kwaśniewska - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (2):205-210.
    Emotional processing and social problem-solving are important for mental well-being. For example, impaired emotional processing is linked with depression and psychosomatic problems. However, little is known about crosscultural differences in emotional processing and social problem-solving and whether these constructs are linked. This study examines whether emotional processing and social problem-solving differs between Western and Eastern European cultures. Participants completed questionnaires assessing both constructs. Emotional processing did not differ according to culture, but Polish participants reported more effective social (...)
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    Del caballero de la fe al devenir-imperceptible. Derivas del mito de Abraham entre Kierkegaard y Deleuze.Rafael Mc Namara - 2015 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 27 (2):85-108.
    This article aims to comprehend Kierkegaard’s theory of the movement of faith through Deleuze’s theory of becoming. At the same time, it aims to understand Deleuze’s theory of becoming in the light of Kierkegaard’s thought, mainly through his reflections on Abraham and the concept of anxiety. It will show the way in which the conceptual character of the knight of faith works as a possible variation of one of the most original concepts of Deleuze’s work: the becoming-imperceptible. This crossing (...)
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    Differences Between High vs. Low Performance Chess Players in Heart Rate Variability During Chess Problems.Juan P. Fuentes-García, Santos Villafaina, Daniel Collado-Mateo, Ricardo de la Vega, Pedro R. Olivares & Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) has been considered as a measure of heart-brain interaction and autonomic modulation, and it is modified by cognitive and attentional tasks. In cognitive tasks, HRV was reduced in participants who achieved worse results. This could indicate the possibility of HRV predicting cognitive performance, but this association is still unclear in a high cognitive load sport such as chess Objective: To analyse modifications on HRV and subjective perception of stress, difficulty and complexity in different chess (...) tasks. Design: HRV was assessed at baseline. During the chess problems, HRV was also monitored, and immediately after chess problems the subjective stress, difficulty and complexity were also registered. Method: A total of 16 male chess players, age: 35.19 (13.44) and ELO: 1927.69 (167.78) were analysed while six chess problem solving tasks with different level of difficulty were conducted (two low level, two medium level and two high level chess problems). Participants were classified according to their results into two groups: high performance or low performance. Results: Friedman test showed a significant effect of tasks in HRV indexes and perceived difficulty, stress and complexity in both high and low performance groups. A decrease in HRV was observed in both groups when chess problems difficulty increased. In addition, HRV was significantly higher in the high performance group than in the low performance group during chess problems. Conclusions: An increase in autonomic modulation was observed to meet the cognitive demands of the problems, being higher while the difficulty of the tasks increased. Non-linear HRV indexes seem to be more reactive to tasks difficulty, being an interesting and useful tool in chess training. (shrink)
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    (2 other versions)Age differences and images of robots.Tatsuya Nomura, Takayuki Kanda, Tomohiro Suzuki & Kensuke Kato - 2009 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 10 (3):374-391.
    In order to investigate the influence of participants’ age on their image of robots in Japan, a pilot research was completed by 371 visitors at a robot exhibition held at a commercial facility in Japan, based on the questionnaire consisting of four open-ended questions. The comparison of younger, adult, and elderly groups, found that: in the younger age group, images of robots are ambiguous about near future assumptions, preferences, and antipathy, the adult group assumes that communication robots will appear in (...)
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    Different methods and metaphysics in early molecular genetics - A case of disparity of research?U. Deichmann - 2008 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 30 (1):53-78.
    The encounter between two fundamentally different approaches in seminal research in molecular biology-the problems, aims, methods and metaphysics - is delineated and analyzed. They are exemplified by the microbiologist Oswald T. Avery who, in line with the reductionist mechanistic metaphysics of Jacques Loeb, attempted to explain basic life phenomena through chemistry; and the theoretical physicist Max Delbrück who, influenced by Bohr’s antimechanistic views, preferred to explain these phenomena without chemistry. Avery’s and Delbrück’s most important studies took place concurrently. Thus analysis (...)
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    Microcultural Differences and Perceived Ethical Problems: An International Business Perspective.Slamet S. Sarwono & Robert W. Armstrong - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (1):41-56.
    This study examines the importance of microcultural differences on perceived ethical problems. This study also sought to identify the relationship between perceived ethical problems and value orientations as shown in the Hunt and Vitell's (1993) General Theory of Marketing Ethics. The data was collected from 173 Javanese, 128 Batak, and 170 Indonesian-Chinese marketing managers in Indonesia. The results indicate that, (1) Religious Value Orientation is positively related to the perceived ethical problems scores, and (2) there are significant differences among the (...)
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    Disciplinary differences in the experience of online education among teachers and students in Chinese universities during COVID-19.Shuo Yu, Ying Liu, Bingqing Yang & Zhiwei Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Online education has advantages during COVID-19, but it also has problems related to hardware support and user experience. Focusing on teaching quality by discipline is an effective way to improve teaching quality in universities. To investigate the online education experience from the perspective of different academic disciplines, we evaluated 251,929 student questionnaires and 13,695 teacher questionnaires from 334 universities in China. The main finding was a difference in teaching preparation, experience, feedback, and improvement processes by disciplines. Teachers and students (...)
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    The problem of difference examined through Merleau-Ponty's ‘Body-Flesh Ontology’. 심귀연 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 85:167-187.
    The purpose of this article is to find out the possibility of overcoming the problem of modern philosophy which is represented by the identity philosophy by the problem of 'difference' in Merleau - Ponty 's ‘Body - Flesh Ontology’. In particular, we will note that although Merleau-Ponty's philosophy is still phenomenology, it is distinguished from Husserl's phenomenology and very important. So Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology is the phenomenology of phenomenology and the ‘Body-Flesh Ontology’. Therefore, the problem of 'subject' (...)
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  41. Difference-Making and Individuals' Climate-Related Obligations.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2016 - In Clare Heyward & Dominic Roser, Climate Justice in a Non-Ideal World. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 64-82.
    Climate change appears to be a classic aggregation problem, in which billions of individuals perform actions none of which seem to be morally wrong taken in isolation, and yet which combine to drive the global concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) ever higher toward environmental (and humanitarian) catastrophe. When an individual can choose between actions that will emit differing amounts of GHGs―such as to choose a vegan rather than carnivorous meal, to ride a bike to work rather than drive a (...)
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  42. Difference-making in context.Peter Menzies - 2004 - In John Collins, Ned Hall & Laurie Paul, Causation and Counterfactuals. MIT Press.
    Several different approaches to the conceptual analysis of causation are guided by the idea that a cause is something that makes a difference to its effects. These approaches seek to elucidate the concept of causation by explicating the concept of a difference-maker in terms of better-understood concepts. There is no better example of such an approach than David Lewis’ analysis of causation, in which he seeks to explain the concept of a difference-maker in counterfactual terms. Lewis introduced (...)
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    On the Significance of Difference‐Making Principles.Hamid Vahid - 2015 - Metaphilosophy 46 (4-5):564-574.
    It has been claimed that difference-making plays important roles in both metaphysics and epistemology. The idea is that facts often make a difference to other facts. Thus, causes are said to make a difference to their effects, and the world is thought to make a difference to what is believed. One way to cash out this idea is in terms of the notion of counterfactual dependence between the facts in question. It has recently been objected by (...)
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  44. Categorizing Different Approaches to the Cosmological Constant Problem.Stefan Nobbenhuis - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (5):613-680.
    We have found that proposals addressing the old cosmological constant problem come in various categories. The aim of this paper is to identify as many different, credible mechanisms as possible and to provide them with a code for future reference. We find that they all can be classified into five different schemes of which we indicate the advantages and drawbacks.
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    The Problem of Affective Nihilism in Nietzsche: Thinking Differently, Feeling Differently.Kaitlyn Creasy - 2020 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    Nietzsche is perhaps best known for his diagnosis of the problem of nihilism. Though his elaborations on this diagnosis often include descriptions of certain beliefs characteristic of the nihilist (such as beliefs in the meaninglessness or worthlessness of existence), he just as frequently specifies a variety of affective symptoms experienced by the nihilist that weaken their will and diminish their agency. This affective dimension to nihilism, however, remains drastically underexplored. In this book, Kaitlyn Creasy offers a comprehensive account of (...)
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    Felix Culpa, Dialectic and Becoming-Imperceptible.Claire Colebrook - 2023 - In Tilottama Rajan & Daniel Whistler, The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Poststructuralism. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 449-464.
    Deleuze’s sense of the history of philosophy in Difference and Repetition is manifestly agonistic and counter-dialectic. Against a history of philosophy that has only considered difference as a relation between or among competing terms, Deleuze affirms a philosophy of immanence where the task of philosophy is to think difference in itself. This ‘overcoming’ of Hegel (and Plato) nevertheless intensifies rather than vanquishes Hegel’s own demand for immanence: philosophy is not one event among others, but the necessary means (...)
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  47.  30
    Un problème interne à la Théorie de la justice : comment concilier les différents arguments de Rawls pour le principe de différence?Philippe Mongin - 2020 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 135 (4):29-41.
    L’ambiguïté qui existe entre l’interprétation du principe de différence par le maximin ou par le leximin est reconsidérée. Le maximin satisfait seulement le principe de Pareto-faible (x>y ssi chaque composante de x > la composante correspondante de y), tandis que le leximin satisfait le principe de Pareto-fort. À la différence du maximin, le leximin n’est pas représentable par des courbes d’indifférence. Dans la position originelle, le choix leximin l’emporterait sur le choix maximin ((2, 4) > (2,3)), qui semble plus proche (...)
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    Gender Differences in the Distribution of Creativity Scores: Domain-Specific Patterns in Divergent Thinking and Creative Problem Solving.Wu-Jing He & Wan-chi Wong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study examined gender differences in the distribution of creative abilities through the lens of the greater male variability hypothesis, which postulated that men showed greater interindividual variability than women in both physical and psychological attributes. Two hundred and six undergraduate students in Hong Kong completed two creativity measures that evaluated different aspects of creativity, including: a divergent thinking test that aimed to assess idea generation and a creative problem-solving test that aimed to assess restructuring ability. The present (...)
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    Differences in Children’s Social Development: How Migration Background Impacts the Effect of Early Institutional Childcare Upon Children’s Prosocial Behavior and Peer Problems.Kira Konrad-Ristau & Lars Burghardt - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article focuses on the early years of children from immigrant families in Germany. Research has documented disparities in young children’s development correlating with their family background, making clear the importance of early intervention. Institutional childcare—as an early intervention for children at risk—plays an important role in Germany, as 34.3% of children below the age of three and 93% of children above that age are in external childcare. This paper focuses on the extent to which children from families with a (...)
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    Different incubation tasks in insight problem solving: evidence for unconscious analytic thought.Laura Caravona & Laura Macchi - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (4):559-593.
    This paper explores the effect of different types of incubation task (visual, numerical and verbal) with various levels of attentional focus and cognitive effort (non-demanding, low-demanding and high-demanding) on the resolution of insight problems. The most effective was found to be the low-demanding task (regardless of its nature), which although requiring attentional focus, leaves resources available for the unconscious analytical restructuring process, obtaining a high percentage of success in solving the problem shortly after completion of the incubation task. Overall (...)
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