Results for ' interactivity'

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  1. George L. Gerstein.Interactions Within Neuronal - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch (eds.), Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press.
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  2. Hitman: Blood Money.[XBOX360].I. O. Interactive - forthcoming - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte.
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    Vocal interactivity in-and-between humans, animals and robots.Mohamed Chetouani, Elodie F. Briefer, Angela Dassow, Ricard Marxer, Roger K. Moore, Nicolas Obin & Dan Stowell - 2023 - Interaction Studies 24 (1):1-4.
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  4. Interactivity in the light of dialogismo.L. Santaella - forthcoming - Semiotica.
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    Introduction to the Special Issue: “Expertise, Semiotics and Interactivity”.Charles Lassiter & Sarah Bro Trasmundi - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (1):1-12.
    In this article, we offer an overview of the philosophical and psychological literatures on expertise. Work so far has failed to engage with recent work in embodied and encultured cognition--in particular the notions of interactivity and semiosis. We suggest how bringing these concepts on board reveals new areas of research concerning the philosophy and psychology of expertise. We conclude with a brief synopsis of each paper.
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    Metaphorizing as Embodied Interactivity: What Gesturing and Film Viewing Can Tell Us About an Ecological View on Metaphor.Cornelia Müller - 2019 - Metaphor and Symbol 34 (1):61-79.
    Ecological-cognition approaches share the overall assumption that cognition is enacted, extended, embedded, and embodied. In this article, these basic assumptions are illustrated and critically evaluated from the point of view of gesture and film studies. In a theoretical introduction, the idea of metaphorizing as embodied interactivity is developed and connected with these basic assumptions of an ecological cognition approach to metaphor. Four case studies illustrate how metaphoricity in face-to-face contexts and in film viewing is enacted, extended, embedded, and embodied. (...)
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    Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies/Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique.Meaning In Motion & Interaction In Cars - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (191).
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    Discreteness and interactivity in spoken word production.Brenda Rapp & Matthew Goldrick - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (3):460-499.
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    Interactivity in the light of dialogism.Lucia Santaella-Braga - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (148):119-135.
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  10. Toward combining autonomy and interactivity for social robots.Yasser Mohammad & Toyoaki Nishida - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (1):35-49.
    The success of social robots in achieving natural coexistence with humans depends on both their level of autonomy and their interactive abilities. Although a lot of robotic architectures have been suggested and many researchers have focused on human–robot interaction, a robotic architecture that can effectively combine interactivity and autonomy is still unavailable. This paper contributes to the research efforts toward this architecture in the following ways. First a theoretical analysis is provided that leads to the notion of co-evolution between (...)
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  11. Impact of Perceived Influence, Virtual Interactivity on Consumer Purchase Intentions Through the Path of Brand Image and Brand Expected Value.Xinzhong Jia, Abdul Khaliq Alvi, Muhammad Aamir Nadeem, Nadeem Akhtar & Hafiz Muhammad Fakhar Zaman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:947916.
    Many researchers are currently showing interest in researching consumers who are purchasing the products with the help of new tools, and new kinds of markets are emerging rapidly. M-commerce is a prevalent mode of marketing and is famous among young people of Pakistan. Current research is planned to check the status of consumer purchase intentions (PIs) using perceived influence, virtual interactivity, brand image, and brand expected value among customers who purchase their products with the help of m-commerce. Data was (...)
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  12. Virtual reality and metastable interactivity.Nebojsa Kujundzic - 2001 - Ends and Means 5 (1):25.
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    Vox populi, vox neminis: Crowds, Interactivity and the Fate of Communication.Bernardo Ferro - 2022 - Critical Horizons 23 (4):330-345.
    Philosophy’s engagement with mass media has often been ambiguous: many critical theorists, from Benjamin to Bourdieu, recognised the emancipatory potential of modern communication technologies, but they also denounced the economic, political and ideological forces at work in the creation and dissemination of public opinion. Looking at different media, these authors emphasised the dialectical tension between the plurality of the public sphere and different forms of control and manipulation. In the present paper, I argue that this line of criticism, albeit important, (...)
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  14. Phenomenological Teleology and Human Interactivity.R. Gahrn-Andersen & M. I. Harvey - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):224-226.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Lived Experience and Cognitive Science Reappraising Enactivism’s Jonasian Turn” by Mario Villalobos & Dave Ward. Upshot: We argue that Villalobos and Ward’s criticism misses two crucial aspects of Varelian enactivism. These are, first, that enactivism attempts to offer a rigorous scientific justification for its teleological claims, and second, that enactivism in fact pays too little attention to the nature of human phenomenology and intentionality, rather than anthropomorphically over-valuing it.
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  15. What Is at Stake in the Disagreement Between Interactivity and Enaction?N. F. Barrett - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):249-251.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Interactivity and Enaction in Human Cognition” by Matthew Isaac Harvey, Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen & Sune Vork Steffensen. Upshot: To sort out their differences with enactive theory, interactivity theorists would do better to focus on operational closure only insofar as it constitutes a condition of intrinsic normativity or self-regulated coupling.
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    The similarity of characteristics between cybernetics and interactivity: How to identify interactive systems/artworks using cybernetic thinking.Jun Li - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (1):31-40.
    Cybernetic theory and interactivity have much in common, including human interrelationships between modern technology and how they define and reveal the whole interactive process. Most of the key notions in both can be described as the system in conversation about the system, talking to each other through the information passed back and forth between the particular relationship in audiences and artworks. These similar languages are feedback, control, conversation and system thinking in the field of cybernetic theory and interactive artworks. (...)
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  17. The art of interaction: Interactivity, performativity, and computers.David Z. Saltz - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (2):117-127.
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    Medicalization of the Post-Museum: Interactivity and Diagnosis at the Brain and Cognition Exhibit.David R. Gruber - 2016 - Journal of Medical Humanities 37 (1):65-80.
    The introduction of digital games and simulations into science museums has prompted excitement about a new "post-museum" pedagogy emphasizing egalitarianism, interactivity, and personalized approaches to learning. However, many post-museums of science, this article aims to show, enact rhetorical performances that lead visitors to narrowly targeted answers and hide the authority of the expert in a play of tactile and affective activities, thus operating in opposition to many of the basic ideals of the post-museum. The Brain and Cognition Exhibit at (...)
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  19. Immersion vs. Interactivity: Virtual Reality and Literary Theory.Marie-Laure Ryan - 1999 - Substance 28 (2):110-137.
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    The Internet and Public Participation: State Legislature Web Sites and the Many Definitions of Interactivity.Rudy Pugliese, Franz Foltz & Paul Ferber - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (1):85-93.
    The interactive nature of the Internet is seen by some as a technological innovation that might boost participation in politics and civic affairs. That potential, however, is clouded by imprecise definitions of interactivity found among scholars and practitioners alike. Evaluation of state legislature Web sites found them to not be very interactive under most definitions of the term. Chief technology officers of the legislatures appear to differ as to which site features promote interactivity. The current state of these (...)
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    Cyberdemocracy and Online Politics: A New Model of Interactivity.Rudy Pugliese, Franz Foltz & Paul Ferber - 2007 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 27 (5):391-400.
    Building on McMillan's two-way model of interactivity, this study presents a three-way model of interactive communication, which is used to assess political Web sites' progress toward the ideals of cyberdemocracy and the fostering of public deliberation. Results of a 3-year study of state legislature Web sites, an analysis of the community networks, and a review of purely political sites such as,, and are reported. Little deliberation was found on the legislature sites, but opportunities for such were (...)
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  22. The Role of Allostasis in Sense-Making: A Better Fit for Interactivity than Cybernetic-Enactivism?R. Lowe - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):251-254.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Interactivity and Enaction in Human Cognition” by Matthew Isaac Harvey, Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen & Sune Vork Steffensen. Upshot: In contrasting an interactivity account alternative to variants on the enactive approach, the authors discuss the role of sense-making. They claim that their interactivity perspective, unlike enactive approaches, accounts for a dependency on “non-local” resources characteristic of many organisms. I draw attention to the cybernetic-enactivist perspective on homeostatic sense-making, which may fundamentally fail to explain (...)
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    Immersion Versus Interactivity.Marie-Laure Ryan - 1994 - Semiotics:392-401.
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    Studying the interpretive and physical aspects of interactivity: Revisiting interactivity as a situated interplay of structure and agencies.CarrieLynn D. Reinhard - 2011 - Communications 36 (3):353-374.
    The concept of “interactivity” has routinely been used to differentiate older analogue media and newer digital media. In this usage, interactivity has come to be defined as primarily a physical behavior from the person, as dictated by the media product, which has technological and/or content features that enable, promote, and require specific types and amounts of such activity. However, physical behaviors are only part of the processes involved in engaging with a media product. These also involve cognitive, affective (...)
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    Talking to each other and talking together: Joint language tasks and degrees of interactivity.Chiara Gambi & Martin J. Pickering - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):423-424.
    A second-person perspective in neuroscience is particularly appropriate for the study of communication. We describe how the investigation of joint language tasks can contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying interaction.
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  26. Self-enforceable paths in games in extensive form: a behavior approach based on interactivity.J. P. Ponssard - 1990 - Theory and Decision 19.
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    The same but different: A social semiotic analysis of website interactivity as discourse.Søren Vigild Poulsen - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (2):249-268.
    The aim of this article is to explore website interactivity as discourse. Whereas the use of writing, images and layout in web design has been explored extensively, interactivity, that is, interactions between a web user and the website system, remains an underdeveloped area of discourse studies. To analyze interactivity as discourse, the article uses data from a research project on offline and online shopping for electronics, viewing the offline-online relationship as recontextualization in the sense that webshop (...) represents and transforms in-store shopping actions. Using a methodology that combines analytical framework for interactive sites and approach to discourse analysis, the article maps cursor resources and interactive webshop features as actions and compares them to the actions that constitute in-store shopping. On this basis, the article offers reflections on how interactivity plays a defining role in the digital resemiotization of social practices. (shrink)
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    The importance of chance and interactivity in creativity.David Kirsh - 2014 - Pragmatics and Cognition 22 (1):5-26.
    Individual creativity is standardly treated as an ‘internalist’ process occurring solely in the head. An alternative, more interactionist view is presented here, where working with objects, media and other external things is seen as a fundamental component of creative thought. The value of chance interaction and chance cueing — practices widely used in the creative arts — is explored briefly in an account of the creative method of choreographer Wayne McGregor and then more narrowly in an experimental study that compared (...)
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    The Problem of the Task. Pseudo-Interactivity as an Experimental Paradigm of Phenomenological Psychology.Alexander Nicolai Wendt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Phantasm of Subjectivity in the Key of Interactivity. The Case of Computer Screen.Hajrudin Hromadžić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (1):127-142.
    Simboličko ishodište za tekst predstavlja Malevičev »Crni kvadrat«, odnosno epistemološki prijelaz u teorijskom razumijevanju spomenutog umjetničkog djela: iz fenomenološko-ontološke perspektive ka psihoanalitičkoj interpretaciji istog. Putem aplikacije Lacanovog koncepta pogleda, povlačimo paralelu između simbolike Malevičevog kvadrata i primjera ekrana kroz opozicijsko sučeljavanje televizijskog i kompjutorskog ekrana. Definiranjem razlika između televizijskog i kompjutorskog ekrana reaktualiziramo i spomenuti Lacanov koncept, te ga u redefiniranoj verziji apliciramo na primjere kompjutorskog virtualnog prostora i identitet tzv. virtualnog subjekta. Tako uspostavljen problemski motiv obrađujemo i preko razmatranja (...)
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    Reply to reviewers: Reuse, embodied interactivity, and the emerging paradigm shift in the human neurosciences.Michael L. Anderson - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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  32. Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media.Marie-Laure Ryan - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (2):206-207.
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    Cognition Beyond the Brain: Computation, Interactivity, and Human Artifice.Charles Lassiter - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (8):1245-1249.
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    “Well, that's one way”: Interactivity in parsing and production.Christine Howes, Patrick Gt Healey, Arash Eshghi & Julian Hough - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):359-359.
    We present empirical evidence from dialogue that challenges some of the key assumptions in the Pickering & Garrod (P&G) model of speaker-hearer coordination in dialogue. The P&G model also invokes an unnecessarily complex set of mechanisms. We show that a computational implementation, currently in development and based on a simpler model, can account for more of this type of dialogue data.
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    Interobjectivity and Interactivity: Material Objects and Discourse in Class. [REVIEW]Herbert Kalthoff & Tobias Roehl - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (4):451-469.
    In classroom teaching, material objects like the blackboard play an important role. Yet qualitative research on education has largely ignored this material dimension of education and focused on interaction and discourse. Both dimensions are, however, closely related to each other. Material objects are embedded in classroom discourse and are transformed into knowledge objects by speech acts, and in turn structure discussions and constitute a point of reference for school lessons. Drawing on ethnographic research on classroom lessons in mathematics and science (...)
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    Feedback by Any Other Name Is Still Interactivity: A Reply to Roelofs (2004).Brenda Rapp & Matthew Goldrick - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (2):573-578.
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    The Collapse and Reconstitution of the Cinematic Narrative: Interactivity vs. Immersion in Game Worlds.Otto Lehto - 2009 - Ec - Rivista Dell'associazione Italiana Studi Semiotici:21-28.
    This article analyses the phenomenology and ontology of videogames through the lens of semiotics. The difference between games and more traditional narrative models (such as those found in books and movies) lies on the structural level. The game narrative needs to be ‘written’ (played) before it can be ‘read’ (interpreted). Games provide fluidity of interactive immersion: the interface as the place of the merger between the player and the game. A connection, without delay, is established between the movement of the (...)
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    GeoPartitura: Collective concert with music, image, technology and interactivity.Suzete Venturelli, Claudia Loch, Francisco de Paula Barretto, Gustavo Soares, Juliana Hilário de Sousa, Leonardo Guilherme de Freitas, Ronaldo Ribeiro & Victor Valentim - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):225-231.
    The text describes the research Geopartitura executed by the team MidiaLab Computer art research laboratory, that raises the thought about social artists and urban space. As a work of art it can be considered activist action. As a system, it is composed by software, database, locative media and mobile devices. The work was created to be performed as urban interactive cyberintervention, in order to interact with passers-by, a bias of social inclusion, transforming the urban landscape and its noises, at a (...)
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    Is YouTube being used to its full potential? Proposal for an indicator of interactivity for the top YouTuber content in Spanish.María-José González-Río & Victoria Tur-Viñes - 2021 - Communications 46 (4):469-491.
    The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between views and social interaction generated by YouTuber videos in Spanish. A quali-quantitative analysis is conducted on a sample of 100 videos, 10 YouTube channels, 997 minutes of video, with 116,934,321 views, 12,297,021 likes/dislikes, and 1,041,191 comments on YT, 306,000 retweets/favorites on TW and 140,852 comments, shares, and reactions on FB. The existence of social media tools on YouTube does not in itself guarantee interaction by users who prefer to watch (...)
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    From text to culture through corpus: Interactivity as an argumentative keyword of contemporary cyberculture.Márcio Wariss Monteiro - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (198):359-377.
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  41. The Millennial's Museum: 21st century Interactivity at Smithsonian National Museums.Caitlyn Young - forthcoming - Quaestio.
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  42. L’Interaction En Didactique du « Fle »: Du Concept Reliant aux Défis Méthodologiques.Manon Boucharechas - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:11-27.
    Interaction in French as a Foreign Language: From the Concept Itself to Methodological Challenges. This paper proposes a theorisation of interaction anchored in the framework of sociodidactics, as a ‘linking concept’, and the different issues that arise from this position. This epistemological reflection focuses on interaction as a concept that allows to bring together several aspects of research. Thus, interaction as a concept allows us to weave links between different disciplinary traditions, between different theories and ways of analysing human interactions. (...)
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    The interaction between enhancer variants and environmental factors as an overlooked aetiological paradigm in human complex disease.Sarah Robert & Alvaro Rada-Iglesias - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (10):2300038.
    The interactions between genetic and environmental risk factors contribute to the aetiology of complex human diseases. Genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) have revealed that most of the genetic variants associated with complex diseases are located in the non‐coding part of the genome, preferentially within enhancers. Enhancers are distal cis‐regulatory elements composed of clusters of transcription factors binding sites that positively regulate the expression of their target genes. The generation of genome‐wide maps for histone marks (e.g., H3K27ac), chromatin accessibility and transcription factor (...)
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  44. Interactive Team Cognition.Nancy J. Cooke, Jamie C. Gorman, Christopher W. Myers & Jasmine L. Duran - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (2):255-285.
    Cognition in work teams has been predominantly understood and explained in terms of shared cognition with a focus on the similarity of static knowledge structures across individual team members. Inspired by the current zeitgeist in cognitive science, as well as by empirical data and pragmatic concerns, we offer an alternative theory of team cognition. Interactive Team Cognition (ITC) theory posits that (1) team cognition is an activity, not a property or a product; (2) team cognition should be measured and studied (...)
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  45. Interactional expertise as a third kind of knowledge.Harry Collins - 2004 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3 (2):125-143.
    Between formal propositional knowledge and embodied skill lies ‘interactional expertise’—the ability to converse expertly about a practical skill or expertise, but without being able to practice it, learned through linguistic socialisation among the practitioners. Interactional expertise is exhibited by sociologists of scientific knowledge, by scientists themselves and by a large range of other actors. Attention is drawn to the distinction between the social and the individual embodiment theses: a language does depend on the form of the bodies of its members (...)
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    Pratiques interactives et immersives; pratiques spatiales critiques. La réalité augmentée de l'espace d'exposition (with an abstract in English).Alessandra Mariani - 2012 - Mediatropes 3 (2):52-81.
    [Interactive and Immersive Practices; Critical Spatial Practices. The Augmented Reality of the Exhibition Space] The rise of installations, as well as immersive and interactive spaces, in both art and science museums has accustomed the public to heightened interactivity, leading to a better understanding of social, natural and scientific phenomena. These spatial systems have also paved the way for the production of innovative environments within exhibition design. This article aims to present a brief overview of the origins of immersive and (...)
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    Interactive Democracy: The Social Roots of Global Justice.Carol C. Gould - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How can we confront the problems of diminished democracy, pervasive economic inequality, and persistent global poverty? Is it possible to fulfill the dual aims of deepening democratic participation and achieving economic justice, not only locally but also globally? Carol C. Gould proposes an integrative and interactive approach to the core values of democracy, justice, and human rights, looking beyond traditional politics to the social conditions that would enable us to realize these aims. Her innovative philosophical framework sheds new light on (...)
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    Interaction effects and subgroup analyses in clinical trials: more than meets the eye?Nick Sevdalis & Rosamond Jacklin - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):919-922.
    In clinical trials, it is common practice to follow up significant interactions between the factors under investigation with subgroup analyses. Such analyses pose at least two analytical and interpretational challenges. The first challenge is that performing multiple subgroup analyses increases the likelihood of obtaining spuriously significant results. This has been acknowledged and relevant guidance exists in the medical literature. The second challenge is that the effects that are obtained at the level of subgroup are composite. This has yet to be (...)
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    Interactive Time-Travel: On the intersubjective Retro-modulation of Intentions.E. Di Paolo - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (1-2):49-74.
    The temporality of intentions and actions in situations of social interaction can sometimes be paradoxical. I argue that in these situations it may sometimes be possible to conceive of individual acts that can, in a strong sense, be intended retroactively. This could happen when the relational patterns in social interaction literally alter the virtual structure of a participant's past corporeal intentions resulting in an odd experience of having intended something all along without knowing it. I propose that this possibility should (...)
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    Modelling interactive computing systems: Do we have a good theory of what computers are?Alice Martin, Mathieu Magnaudet & Stéphane Conversy - 2022 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 73:77-119.
    Computers are increasingly interactive. They are no more transformational systems producing a final output after a finite execution. Instead, they continuously react in time to external events that modify the course of computing execution. While philosophers have been interested in conceptualizing computers for a long time, they seem to have paid little attention to the specificities of interactive computing. We propose to tackle this issue by surveying the literature in theoretical computer science, where one can find explicit proposals for a (...)
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