Results for ' internal criticism in socialist countries'

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  1.  35
    (1 other version)Learn Chairman Mao's Great Theory of the Fundamental Contradictions of Socialist Society.Yuan Shih - 1978 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 10 (2):76-91.
    Twenty years ago our great teacher and leader Chairman Mao published "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People," an epoch-making piece of Marxist literature. In this brilliant piece, Chairman Mao applied the fundamental law of the universe, the law of the unity of opposites, to sum up comprehensively the historical experience of China's socialist revolution and construction and the international Communist movement and to analyze profoundly the nature, peculiarities and laws of socialist society. He was the (...)
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    (1 other version)La langue de bois au pilori : Hongrie 1954.Paul Gradvohl - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 58 (3):, [ p.].
    En 1954, à Budapest, Iván Fónagy et Katalin Soltész publiaient A mozgalmi nyelvről . En 2006, un an après le décès de Fónagy, paraissait son Dynamique et changement. Ce grand linguiste et sa collègue d’alors, dès 1954, avaient non seulement décrit les caractéristiques de la langue de bois des écrits et manifestations officielles, mais aussi montré comment elle viciait la communication au sein de la société de façon plus large. Ils en décrivaient des causes, en particulier l’inculture de nombre de (...)
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    Peaceful Coexistence and International Cooperation.Iu A. Krasin - 1963 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 1 (4):36-44.
    The persistent struggle waged by the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries for peaceful coexistence among states with differing social systems has greatly increased the authority of this humanitarian policy in the eyes of the peoples of the world. Belligerent appeals for an outright rejection of peaceful coexistence are heard less and less frequently, even among the ideologists of imperialism. They are compelled to adapt themselves to the situation and to camouflage themselves with the masks of the (...)
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    G. Lukács, “Techeniye” and Stalinism.Vladimir Y. Bystrov & Vladimir M. Kamnev - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (7):110-123.
    The article discusses the attitude of Georg Lukács and his adherents who formed a circle “Techeniye” toward the phenomenon of Stalinism. Despite the political nature of the topic, the authors are aspired to provide an unbiased research. G. Lukács’ views on the theory and practice of Stalinism evolved over time. In the 1920s Lukács welcomes the idea of creation of socialism in one country and abandons the former revolutionary ideas expressed in his bookHistory and Class Consciousness. This turn is grounded (...)
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    One Country, Two Systems: Understand the Paradox of the Last Hong Kong Crisis.António dos Santos Queirós - 2022 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):239-260.
    This essay analyses the Historical Evolution of Hong Kong, from the colonial period to the return to China sovereignty in 1997, according to the political philosophy of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and the principle “one country, two systems”, which means that Hong Kong is part of China and enjoys a high degree of autonomy, except in foreign and defence policy, as stipulated by the Basic Law of The Hong Kong Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. The political system (...)
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    International Development Ethics.David Crocker - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 14:17-23.
    I discuss the nature and genesis of international development ethics as well as its current areas of consensus, controversies, challenges, and agenda. A relatively new field of applied ethics, international development ethics is ethical reflection on the ends and means of socioeconomic change in poor countries and regions. It has several sources: criticism of colonialism and post-World War II developmental strategies; Denis Goulet's writings; Anglo-American philosophical debates about the ethics of famine relief; and Paul Streeten's and Amartya Sen's (...)
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    The International Monetary Fund (IMF), Policy Conditionality and Human Rights, 2001–2021.Martin Tarkpor & Gerard Clarke - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (3):339-363.
    The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have been criticised for their weak commitment to human rights, with the World Bank subject to greater scrutiny and criticism than the IMF and despite significant progress since 2015 in linking its policies and operations to international human rights law. In this light, we explore the extent to which the IMF meets its responsibilities under international human rights law. We focus on IMF conditionality, on the conditions attached to IMF loans to (...)
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    International Academy of Freedom of Religion and Belief.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & V. Kolomytsev - 1998 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 8:73-74.
    The International Academy of Freedom of Religion and Belief was formed in July 1985 in England as a result of the meeting of the International Working Group on Religious Freedom in UNESCO with representatives of various religious traditions from different countries. The composition of MASRP includes, in the first place, experts and scientists from the departments of state-church relations of universities of different denominations and from different countries of the world - the USA, England, Italy, Spain, Greece, Belgium, (...)
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  9. Review of New Feminist Art Criticism by Katy Deepwell. [REVIEW]Peg Brand - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (3):344-345.
    Katy Deepwell calls for a vital and visible "new" feminist criticism in 1997 amidst a pessimistic overview of the state of feminist art and criticism in Britain, Canada, and the U.S. As an update to this review, I note that Deepwell took decisive and effective action on her pessimism and for the past twenty years (as of this writing in July 2017) created an online feminist journal--n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal--that has published over 550 articles by 400 writers (...)
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    The 12th International Conference of the Editors of Philosophical and Sociological Periodicals from the European Socialist Countries Held in Sofia.Józef Borgosz - 1976 - Dialectics and Humanism 3 (1):205-209.
  11.  13
    Philosophy: National and International.Alešs Erjavec - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (4):329-345.
    The recent upsurge of national sentiments in the former socialist countries has also brought about the desire to create “national”philosophies. Such attempts are bound to be unsuccessful, partly because of the increasingly internationalized contexts of philosphical inquiry. What is possible instead and is actually taking place in many countries, cultures, and even cities are philosophical “schools” In smaller countries frequently the most productive position for philosophy is to be simultaneously national and international, facilitating in this way (...)
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  12. Constitutive Rules and Internal Criticism of Assertion.Jaakko Reinikainen - 2023 - In Panu Raatikainen, _Essays in the Philosophy of Language._ Acta Philosophica Fennica Vol. 100. Helsinki: Societas Philosophica Fennica. pp. 301-315.
    Timothy Williamson famously argued that assertion is constituted either by the knowledge rule or some similar epistemic rule. If true, the proposal has important implications for criticism of assertions. If assertions are analogical to other rule-constituted kinds like games, we can criticize assertions either on external or internal grounds, depending on whether the criticism draws from the necessary norms of assertion or some contingent ones. More recently, authors like Goldberg and MacFarlane have argued against other theories of (...)
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  13. Thinking about the Needy, Justice, and International Organizations.Larry S. Temkin - 2004 - The Journal of Ethics 8 (4):349-395.
    This article has three main parts, Section 2 considers the nature and extent to which individuals who are well-off have a moral obligation to aid the worlds needy. Drawing on a pluralistic approach to morality, which includes consequentialist, virtue-based, and deontological elements, it is contended that most who are well-off should do much more than they do to aid the needy, and that they are open to serious moral criticism if they simply ignore the needy. Part one also focuses (...)
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    Who Can Govern from a House on Fire? International Order, State Responsibility, and the Problem of Solar Radiation Modification.Danielle N. Young - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (3):243-254.
    This essay argues that the possibility of governing the development and deployment of solar radiation modification (SRM) technology is predicated on the assumption of a liberal international order informed by an understanding of state responsibility. However, this order is experiencing a period of disruption that has placed stress on extant and emerging global governance regimes and brought the assumption of their efficacy and viability into doubt. In addition, international order and existing global governance of technologies with planetary implications, such as (...)
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  15.  55
    What Is Wrong with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s Definition of Antisemitism?Jan Deckers & Jonathan Coulter - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (4):733-752.
    The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) developed a ‘Working Definition of Antisemitism’ in 2016. Whilst the definition has received a significant amount of media attention, we are not aware of any comprehensive philosophical analysis. This article analyses this definition. We conclude that the definition and its list of examples ought to be rejected. The urgency to do so stems from the fact that pro-Israel activists can and have mobilised the IHRA document for political goals unrelated to tackling antisemitism, notably to (...)
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  16.  46
    Scientific socialism and democracy: A response to Femia.John O'Neill - 1986 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 29 (1-4):345-353.
    In a recent article, ?Marxism and Radical Democracy?,1 Femia argues that Marxism is incompatible with radical democracy. In so doing he specifically reiterates2 a now common claim that the notion of scientific socialism defended by Marx and Engels and prevalent in the Second International is anti?democratic. This claim has not only been made by critics of Marxism.3 It has been a major criticism of classical Marxism within the Western Marxist tradition, in particular? in the work of the Frankfurt School.4 (...)
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  17. The solution of the relationship between international and national in the strengthening of the unity of the countries of socialist-society.B. Nemec - 1975 - Filosoficky Casopis 23 (6):805-818.
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    Economic Interdependence and Third-Party International Interactions: A 30-Country Third-Party Bloc Case Study.Yuan-Ching Chang - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 9 (1):63-87.
    The tradeactortargetconflict model to garner implications concerning trade and conflict interactions where third-party blocs are involved. The theoretical propositions supported by proofs are: (1) if the actor increases trade with a third-party who is a friend of the target, then the actor will decrease conflict toward the target; (2) if the actor increases trade with a third-party who is a rival of the target, then the actor will increase conflict toward the target. A 30-country sample from the Conflict and Peace (...)
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    Rudi Dutschke and György Lukács on the Problems of the Bolshevik Type Socialism.Sviatoslav V. Shachin, Шачин Святослав Вячеславович, László G. Szücs & Сюч Ласло Сергели - 2024 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):181-198.
    The study examines the original work An Attempt to Get Lenin Back on His Feet (Berlin, 1974) by Rudi Dutschke, the well-known German political philosopher and leader of the youth movement in 1968, as well as the influence of the famous Hungarian philosopher György Lukács on the ideas of Dutschke. Dutschke revealed the reasons for the impossibility of socialist ideals being feasible in the 20th century, despite the heroic attempts of the Bolsheviks and Western radical socialists to realize them. (...)
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  20.  23
    Maxim Gorky and Socialist Culture.D. F. Kozlov - 1969 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 8 (2):123-147.
    The name of A. M. Gorky is known to the broad masses of the people of our country, to the laboring population of the countries of the socialist camp, and to all advanced and progressive mankind as that of one of the greatest builders of the new socialist culture and a tireless fighter for the bright ideals of mankind. By his writings of genius, his brilliant articles of literary criticism, his speeches and public affairs writing, and (...)
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  21. Life the Human Quest for an Ideal.Marlies Kronegger, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & International Phenomenology Conference - 1996
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    Lenin on Peaceful and Nonpeaceful Paths of the Socialist Revolution.V. G. Afanas'ev - 1979 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 17 (4):21-43.
    The question of peaceful and nonpeaceful paths of the socialist revolution and the building of socialism is now the subject of the lively discussion in the international Communist and workers' movement. It is sometimes asserted that V. I. Lenin raised violence to an absolute, that he saw armed insurrection and civil war as virtually the only means of carrying out the socialist revolution. Inasmuch as under today's conditions, particularly in developed capitalist countries, seizure of power by the (...)
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    The Legitimacy of Business.George C. Lodge - 2005 - Philosophy of Management 5 (3):3-21.
    As the world moves into the 21st century, business managers face new and daunting challenges to their legitimacy. Those who run the world’s 72,0000 multinational firms and their 828,000 subsidiaries face special difficulties.1 These firms constitute a global economy that has produced much that is useful, including wondrous technologies and great wealth for many. Nevertheless, one in five of the world’s six billion people lives in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1 a day. Half the world lives on less (...)
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    Enhancing Countries’ Fitness with Recommender Systems on the International Trade Network.Hao Liao, Xiao-Min Huang, Xing-Tong Wu, Ming-Kai Liu, Alexandre Vidmer, Ming-Yang Zhou & Yi-Cheng Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
    Prediction is one of the major challenges in complex systems. The prediction methods have shown to be effective predictors of the evolution of networks. These methods can help policy makers to solve practical problems successfully and make better strategy for the future. In this work, we focus on exporting countries’ data of the International Trade Network. A recommendation system is then used to identify the products that correspond to the production capacity of each individual country but are somehow overlooked (...)
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  25. A Criticism of the International Harm Principle.Massimo Renzo - 2010 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 4 (3):267-282.
    According to the received view crimes like torture, rape, enslavement or enforced prostitution are domestic crimes if they are committed as isolated or sporadic events, but become crimes against humanity when they are committed as part of a ‘widespread or systematic attack’ against a civilian population. Only in the latter case can these crimes be prosecuted by the international community. One of the most influential accounts of this idea is Larry May’s International Harm Principle, which states that crimes against humanity (...)
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    International mobility of bioscientists: trends and perceptions, country by country.Charles V. Kidd - 1986 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 29 (3 Pt 2):S21.
  27. Beyond satisfaction: Desire, consumption, and the future of socialism.Robert Meister - 1996 - Topoi 15 (2):189-210.
    Anti-capitalist thinkers in the West have long argued that the expansion of markets creates new wants faster than it can satisfy them, and that consumption under capitalism is a form of addictive behavior. Recently, however, the relentless expansion of desire has come to be seen as a strength rather than a weakness of capitalist regimes. To understand this change socialists must consider whether there is a point to consumer spending that goes beyond satisfaction with what one gets. Freud's notion of (...)
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    Paul Lafargue and the Flowering of French Socialism, 1882–1911.Leslie Derfler - 1998 - Harvard University Press.
    Paul Lafargue, the disciple and son-in-law of Karl Marx, helped to found the first French Marxist party in 1882. Over the next three decades, he served as the chief theoretician and propagandist for Marxism in France. During these years - which ended with the dramatic suicides of Lafargue and his wife - French socialism, and the Marxist party within it, became a significant political force. Leslie Derfler explores Lafargue's political strategies, specifically his break with party co-founder Jules Guesde in the (...)
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    Do International Business Professionals’ Ethical Perceptions Associate with Their Prior Education, Country, or Gender?Haseena Niazi, Richard A. Bernardi & Susan M. Bosco - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 14:41-68.
    While most ethics studies use student samples, the participants in our research were 306 business professionals from Afghanistan, Germany, Philippines and the United States. Our sample included 168 male business professionals and 138 female business professionals. Our research examined whether factors such as taking a college ethics course, gender, or being from a specific country significantly associate to being sensitive to ethical dilemmas. Our data indicate that individuals who had taken an ethics course in college were more sensitive to two (...)
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  30. Rethinking Social Criticism: Rules, Logic and Internal Critique.Stephen Kemp - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (4):61-84.
    The ‘cultural turn’ in social thought, and the rise of interpretive modes of social analysis, have raised the issue of how social criticism can legitimately be undertaken given the central role of actors’ understandings in constituting social reality. In this article I examine this issue by exploring debates around Winch’s interpretive approach. I suggest that Winch’s arguments usefully identify problems with external criticism, that is, criticism that attempts to contrast actors’ beliefs with the social world as it (...)
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    International migration of doctors from developing countries: need to follow the Commonwealth Code.A. A. Muhammad Gadit - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (2):67-68.
    There is an ongoing debate on the migration of doctors, especially psychiatrists, from developing countries. It is argued that these countries, which are already running short of psychiatrists, will further be jeopardised and their health systems will collapse if this migration and subsequent recruitment continue. In this paper the author presents a personal view of the ethics and human rights of this matter. He emphasises the importance of migration of doctors in view of the current situation in developing (...)
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    Claims of Massacre and Persecution Attributed to Khurāsān Governor Qutayba Ibn Muslim al-Bāhilī.Yunus Akyürek - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):515-542.
    Qutayba ibn Muslim al-Bāhilī is one of the leading soldier-bureaucrats of the Umayyads period. During the time he served as the governor of Khurāsān, he consolidated the Umayyad’s rule in Tokharistan and Transoxiana provinces, and expanded the borders of the state to China by conquering the Kashgar region. His activities for conversion of the people of the conquered regions have great importance in the history of Islam since the intense relations of the Turkish people with Islam fell upon the time (...)
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  33.  21
    Criticism and Transcendence of Marx and Engels’ Thought of Common Prosperity to Utopian Socialism. 李梦佳 - 2023 - Advances in Philosophy 12 (1):147.
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    Research partnerships between high and low-income countries: are international partnerships always a good thing?John D. Chetwood, Nimzing G. Ladep & Simon D. Taylor-Robinson - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-5.
    BackgroundInternational partnerships in research are receiving ever greater attention, given that technology has diminished the restriction of geographical barriers with the effects of globalisation becoming more evident, and populations increasingly more mobile.DiscussionIn this article, we examine the merits and risks of such collaboration even when strict universal ethical guidelines are maintained. There has been widespread examples of outcomes beneficial and detrimental for both high and low –income countries which are often initially unintended.SummaryThe authors feel that extreme care and forethought (...)
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    Improving the Quality of Host Country Ethical Oversight of International Research: The Use of a Collaborative ‘Pre‐Review’ Mechanism for a Study of Fexinidazole for Human A frican Trypanosomiasis.Carl H. Coleman, Chantal Ardiot, Séverine Blesson, Yves Bonnin, Francois Bompart, Pierre Colonna, Ames Dhai, Julius Ecuru, Andrew Edielu, Christian Hervé, François Hirsch, Bocar Kouyaté, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel, Dionko Maoundé, Eric Martinent, Honoré Ntsiba, Gérard Pelé, Gilles Quéva, Marie-Christine Reinmund, Samba Cor Sarr, Abdoulaye Sepou, Antoine Tarral, Djetodjide Tetimian, Olaf Valverde, Simon Van Nieuwenhove & Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):241-247.
    Developing countries face numerous barriers to conducting effective and efficient ethics reviews of international collaborative research. In addition to potentially overlooking important scientific and ethical considerations, inadequate or insufficiently trained ethics committees may insist on unwarranted changes to protocols that can impair a study's scientific or ethical validity. Moreover, poorly functioning review systems can impose substantial delays on the commencement of research, which needlessly undermine the development of new interventions for urgent medical needs. In response to these concerns, the (...)
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    The Integration of Developing Countries into International Financial Markets.Bernhard Emunds - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (3):337-359.
    In this paper the co-responsibility of the North for the development of the South, the chance of an authentic developmentand Rawls’s maximin rule are indicated as the ethical perspectives from which the financial integration of developing countries will beevaluated. It follows a brief economic analysis of possible problems of high inflows of portfolio investments for developing countries. They become more vulnerable to financial and monetary crises and their domestic banking systems are weakened by a higher risk of devaluation. (...)
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  37.  28
    Not just a liberal – Social philosophy as antiauthoritarian and utopian social criticism: Richard Rorty’s Achieving Our Country today.Hauke Brunkhorst - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (10):1353-1368.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 10, Page 1353-1368, December 2022. Rorty understands pragmatism in philosophy and social science, literature and art, to be intertwined with the political project of changing the world. Achieving Our Country, together with a lecture on the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto, has become Rorty’s political testament. Rorty understands the leftist American project as the incomplete one of all those who fight for a classless society of boundless diversity. At the centre of (...)
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  38.  38
    Report of an International Conference on the Medical and Ethical Management of the Neonate at the Edge of Viability: A Review of Approaches from Five Countries[REVIEW]William R. Sexson, Deborah K. Cruze, Marilyn B. Escobedo & Alfred W. Brann - 2011 - HEC Forum 23 (1):31-42.
    Current United States guidelines for neonatal resuscitation note that there is no mandate to resuscitate infants in all situations. For example, the fetus that at the time of delivery is determined to be so premature as to be non-viable need not be aggressively resuscitated. The hypothetical case of an extremely premature infant was presented to neonatologists from the United States and four other European countries at a September 2006 international meeting sponsored by the World Health Organization Collaborating Center in (...)
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    Marx and Engels’ Criticism of Feudal Socialism and Its Modern Enlightenment. 杨彤彤 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (5):1180.
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    What Deters Crime? Comparing the Effectiveness of Legal, Social, and Internal Sanctions Across Countries.Heather Mann, Ximena Garcia-Rada, Lars Hornuf & Juan Tafurt - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  41. Developing Normative Consensus: How the ‘International Scene’ Reshapes the Debate over the Internal and External Criticism of Harmful Social Practices.Ericka Tucker - 2012 - Journal of East-West Thought 2 (1):107-121.
    Can we ever justly critique the norms and practices of another culture? When activists or policy-makers decide that one culture’s traditional practice is harmful and needs to be eradicated, does it matter whether they are members of that culture? Given the history of imperialism, many argue that any critique of another culture’s practices must be internal. Others argue that we can appeal to a universal standard of human wellbeing to determine whether or not a particular practice is legitimate or (...)
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    Literature, Criticism, and Factual Reporting.Alan Collett - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (2):282-296.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Alan Collett LITERATURE, CRITICISM, AND FACTUAL REPORTING Novels frequently deal with real events. How is it that some theorists have been able to argue that, regarded as literature, such novels are always fictional? The answer is that it is usually possible to show that a work which we are prepared to call "literary" creates an imaginary world possessing its own properties. Itcan then be maintained that this imaginary (...)
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    Psychoanalysis International, V.1: A Guide to Psychoanalysis Throughout the World.Peter Kutter (ed.) - 1992 - Routledge.
    It is well known that the cradle of psychoanalysis was in Vienna, the scene of Sigmund Freud's activities at the beginning of the century. But how and when did psychoanalysis reach the other countries of Europe? What development did it undergo there? How did the different mentalities, political and cultural backgrounds as well as the personal particularities of its respective advocates affect psychoanalysis? What was its position in the past and what is its position today? These and other questions (...)
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    Developing Normative Consensus: How the "International Scene" Reshapes the Debate over Internal and External Criticism.Ericka L. Tucker - unknown
    Can we ever justly critique the norms and practices of another culture? When activists or policy-makers decide that one culture’s traditional practice is harmful and needs to be eradicated, does it matter whether they are members of that culture? Given the history of imperialism, many argue that any critique of another culture’s practices must be internal. Others argue that we can appeal to a universal standard of human well-being to determine whether or not a particular practice is legitimate or (...)
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    International Perspectives on Veteran Teachers.Miriam Ben-Peretz & Gary McCulloch (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    What is a veteran teacher, and how do veteran teachers contribute to schools and education? This international volume contributes to our understanding of veteran teachers with new conceptual studies and empirical research from different countries around the world. It is explores what we mean by a ‘veteran teacher’; the factors that encourage teachers to remain in the profession; the characteristics of a successful veteran teacher; and the values with which veteran teachers associate themselves. Rather than supporting stereotypes about teachers (...)
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    The Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century British Philosophers (review).Heiner Klemme - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (2):282-283.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century British PhilosophersHeiner F. KlemmeJohn W. Yolton, John Valdimir Price, John Stephens, general editors. The Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century British Philosophers. Vols. 1, 2. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1999. Pp. xxiii + 1,013. Cloth, $550.00.Good dictionaries are like good maps of a city: they indicate the main and minor quarters, give you an impression of its internal developments, and they indicate to where its highways eventually (...)
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    Country Institutional Context as an Antecedent of Female Board Representation: An Empirical Study.Johanne Grosvold & Stephen Brammer - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:395-408.
    In this study, we set out to examine the role played by country institutional environments in explaining cross-country variation in the prevalence of women on corporate boards of directors. In order to address this question, we compare the predictive power and substantive implications of four existing typologies of national institutional environments due to Hall and Soskice (2001), La Porta et al., (1999), Weimar and Pape’s (1999), and Whitley (1991, 1996, 1999). These frameworks encapsulate a variety of national institutionalcharacteristics and provide (...)
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    International AID From the Moral Case, to Everyday Life Experiences.Ana-Maria Pascal - 2005 - Cultura 2 (2):154-171.
    As its title is meant to suggest, this paper is a reply to Sir Tim Lankester’s article “International Aid: Experience, Prospects and the Moral Case”, published in the World Economics last year 1 . Therefore, I would like to begin by expressing my gratitude for the author’s responsiveness to my interest and queries in the area of development economics. The main point of Sir Lankester’s article was, I believe, to strengthen the case for international aid by showing first, that it (...)
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    Clustering Countries, Changing Climates: an NGO Review to Close the Ambition Gap.Ewan Kingston - 2016 - Ethics and International Affairs:N/A.
    One of the missing elements in the Paris Agreement is a formal mechanism by which reputational effects on countries can be generated and amplified, a mechanism analogous to, for example, the Universal Periodic Review in the international human rights legal regime. While the Paris Agreement provides a basic expectation on countries to submit increasingly ambitious NDCs every five years, there is no forum in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) through which the ambition of (...)’ NDCs can be directly compared. (shrink)
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  50.  20
    Internal Deliberation Defending Climate-Harmful Behavior.Maria Wolrath Söderberg & Nina Wormbs - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (2):203-228.
    Most people in countries with the highest climate impact per capita are well aware of the climate crisis and do not deny the science. They worry about climate and have climate engaged attitudes. Still, their greenhouse-gas emissions are often high. How can we understand acting contrary to our knowledge? A simple answer is that we do not want to give up on benefits or compromise our quality of life. However, it is painful to live with discrepancies between knowledge and (...)
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