Results for ' mechanicism'

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  1.  26
    Consistency, mechanicalness and incompleteness.Qiuen Yu - unknown
    Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, Department of Philosophy.
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  2. Mechanicism in Newton.J. Ladriere - 1988 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 86 (72):538-562.
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    Consistency, mechanicalness, and the logic of the mind.Qiuen Yu - 1992 - Synthese 90 (1):145-79.
    G. Priest's anti-consistency argument (Priest 1979, 1984, 1987) and J. R. Lucas's anti-mechanist argument (Lucas 1961, 1968, 1970, 1984) both appeal to Gödel incompleteness. By way of refuting them, this paper defends the thesis of quartet compatibility, viz., that the logic of the mind can simultaneously be Gödel incomplete, consistent, mechanical, and recursion complete (capable of all means of recursion). A representational approach is pursued, which owes its origin to works by, among others, J. Myhill (1964), P. Benacerraf (1967), J. (...)
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    Descartes' Mechanicism and the Medieval Doctrine of Causes, Qualities, and Forms.Murray Miles - 1988 - Modern Schoolman 65 (2):97-117.
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    Indeterminizm w mechanice kwantowej a zasada przyczynowości w świetle filozofii św. Tomasza.Leopold Regner - 1961 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 9 (3):65-84.
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  6. Mechanicism and autonomy: What can robotics teach us about human cognition and action? [REVIEW]Willem F. G. Haselager & Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (3):407-412.
  7.  10
    Czas w mechanice kwantowej.Stanisław Szpikowski - 1977 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 25 (3):11-24.
  8.  22
    Beyond Cartesian Mechanicism: Robert Boyle's Mechanical Philosophy.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2022 - Jargonium.
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    Jaka teoria działania? O Mechanice działań Michała Barcza.Maciej Tarnowski - 2020 - Filozofia Nauki 28 (4):83-102.
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    The Android and the Machine: Materialism, Mechanicism, and Industrialism in the Early and Late Modern Ages.Adelheid Voskuhl - 2018 - Substance 47 (3):7-26.
    Ideas surrounding mechanicism and materialism are so prevalent and fundamental in early modern and modern philosophy and critical theory that almost all key intellectual, political, and theological questions have been cast in their terms. From the 1730s onward, such questions were increasingly connected to the idea of the "man-machine" – the mechanical android. This was not least due to Jacques de Vaucanson's work from the 1730s, and the work of other artisans in the following decades, whose mechanical androids quickly (...)
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    Idee relatywistyczne w mechanice kwantowej.Stanisław Szpikowski - 1980 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 28 (3):15-25.
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    Evolutionism as a Modern Form of Mechanicism.Horst-Heino von Borzeszkowski & Renate Wahsner - 1988 - Science in Context 2 (2):287-306.
    The ArgumentThe idea of evolution doubtlessly marks a revolution in our way of thinking. It is the most recent achievement of philosophy and forms the basis of the modern world picture. Current discussions concerning the status of science now convey the impression that any scientific discipline that wants to satisfy modern requirements must also become a theory of evolution. These discussions ignore the reasons which once induced Kant to desist from reformulating classical mechanics as a theory of evolution and instead (...)
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    Einstein’s Theory of Theories and Mechanicism.Diego Maltrana, Manuel Herrera & Federico Benitez - 2022 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 35 (2):153-170.
    One of the most important contributions of Einstein to the philosophy of science is the distinction between two types of scientific theories: ‘principle’ and ‘constructive’ theories. More recently, Flores proposed a more general distinction, classifying scientific theories by their functional role into ‘framework’ and ‘interaction’ theories, attempting to solve some inadequacies in Einstein’s proposal. Here, based on an epistemic criterion, we present a generalised distinction which is an improvement over Flores approach. In this work (i) we evaluate the shortcomings related (...)
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    Zasada Leibniza w mechanice kwantowej (Tomasz Bigaj, Identity and Indiscernibility in Quantum Mechanics, Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham 2022, 260 s.). [REVIEW]Marek Kuś - 2022 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:89-93.
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    O pewnej probie przezwyciężenia kauzalnych anomalii w mechanice kwantowej.Stanisław Kiczuk - 1978 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 26 (3):53-64.
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  16. Rogera Penrose\'a obiektywizacja obserwatora w mechanice kwantowej'.Wojciech P. Grygiel - 2009 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 45:45-61.
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    Maupertuis' Earthly Venus: old ideas about generation reformed by newtonian mechanicism.Maurício de Carvalho Ramos - 2005 - Scientiae Studia 3 (1):79-101.
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    (1 other version)Haeckel and Nietzsche: aspects of the criticism of mechanicism in nineteenth century.Wilson Antonio Frezzatti Jr - 2003 - Scientiae Studia 1 (4):435-461.
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    Call-for-Papers: Third special issue in the series Cognition and Technology: Mechanicism and autonomy: What can robotics teach us about human cognition and action?Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez, Willem Ed Haselager & Itiel Ed Dror - forthcoming - Pragmatics and Cognition.
  20.  28
    The Chemical Philosophy of Robert Boyle: Mechanicism, Chymical Atoms, and Emergence by Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino.Laura S. Keating - 2022 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (3):508-510.
    The past thirty years have seen substantive debate on the nature of Robert Boyle’s self-described “Mechanical” or “Corpuscularian” philosophy, its treatment of kinds and qualities, its relation to his experimental studies, its relation to other sixteenth- and seventeenth-century matter theories, and its role in the development of chemistry. Using several different strands from this literature, Marina Banchetti-Robino aims to show how Boyle addresses issues relevant to philosophy of chemistry today: the emergent nature of chemical properties, the mereology of fundamental chemical (...)
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  21. The Chemical Philosophy of Robert Boyle: Mechanicism, Chymical Atoms, and Emergence.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the way in which Robert Boyle seeks to accommodate his complex chemical philosophy within the framework of a mechanistic theory of matter. More specifically, the book proposes that Boyle regards chemical qualities as properties that emerged from the mechanistic structure of chymical atoms. Within Boyle’s chemical ontology, chymical atoms are structured concretions of particles that Boyle regards as chemically elementary entities, that is, as chemical wholes that resist experimental analysis. Although this interpretation of Boyle’s chemical philosophy has (...)
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  22. Uwagi o zagadnieniu tożsamości i indywiduów czasoprzestrzennych w mechanice kwantowej.Andrzej Łukasik - 2000 - Colloquia Communia 70 (3):217-226.
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    Review of Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino: The Chemical Philosophy of Robert Boyle: Mechanicism, Chymical Atoms, and Emergence[REVIEW]William Eaton - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (2):415-419.
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    Boyle’s chemical properties: Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino: The chemical philosophy of Robert Boyle: mechanicism, chymical atoms, and emergence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, x + 196 pp, $85 HB. [REVIEW]Victor Boantza - 2023 - Metascience 32 (3):355-357.
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    Review of Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino, The chemical philosophy of Robert Boyle: mechanicism, chymical atoms and emergence. Pp. x + 196, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. [REVIEW]Alan Chalmers - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (2):289-291.
  26. The Concept of Mechanism in Biology.Daniel J. Nicholson - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):152-163.
    The concept of mechanism in biology has three distinct meanings. It may refer to a philosophical thesis about the nature of life and biology (‘mechanicism’), to the internal workings of a machine-like structure (‘machine mechanism’), or to the causal explanation of a particular phenomenon (‘causal mechanism’). In this paper I trace the conceptual evolution of ‘mechanism’ in the history of biology, and I examine how the three meanings of this term have come to be featured in the philosophy of (...)
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    Zasada teleologiczna w metodologii Kanta.Jerzy Sawicki - 2005 - Filo-Sofija 5 (1(5)):281-292.
    Author: Sawicki Jerzy Title: THELEOGICAL PRINCIPLE IN KANT’S METHODOLOGY (Zasada teleologiczna w metodologii Kanta) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2005, vol:.5, number: 2005/1, pages: 281-292 Keywords: KANT, THELEOGICAL PRINCIPLE, FINALISM, MECHANICISM Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The work contains a concise of I. Kant’s views on the problem of the laws of nature and the theleological principle presented in this context, which Kant proposes in the character of a regulative methodological postulate. (...)
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    Derrida’s animalism.Mauro Senatore - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (5):35-49.
    This article focuses on Jacques Derrida’s deconstructive re-elaboration of the tradition of mechanicism, from the Cartesian animal–machine to contemporary scientism. It shows that Derrida does not counter this tradition by resorting to the metaphysical presupposition of Freedom – as sovereign independence from the machine – which secures the traditional oppositions of Man and the Machine and of the biological and the psychical. Rather, since his interpretation of the cybernetic concept of programme, he had been concerned with a conception of (...)
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  29. La découverte du domain mental. Descartes et la naturalisation de la conscience.Han Van Ruler - 2016 - Noctua 3 (2):239-294.
    Although Descartes’ characterization of the mind has sometimes been seen as too ‘moral’ and too ‘intellectualist’ to serve as a modern notion of consciousness, this article re-establishes the idea that Descartes’ way of doing metaphysics contributed to a novel delineation of the sphere of the mental. Earlier traditions in moral philosophy and religion certainly emphasized both a dualism of mind and body and a contrast between free intellectual activities and forcibly induced passions. Recent scholastic and neo-Stoic philosophical traditions, moreover, drew (...)
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  30. On the relation between quantum mechanical and neo-mechanistic ontologies and explanatory strategies.Meinard Kuhlmann & Stuart Glennan - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 4 (3):337-359.
    Advocates of the New Mechanicism in philosophy of science argue that scientific explanation often consists in describing mechanisms responsible for natural phenomena. Despite its successes, one might think that this approach does not square with the ontological strictures of quantum mechanics. New Mechanists suppose that mechanisms are composed of objects with definite properties, which are interconnected via local causal interactions. Quantum mechanics calls these suppositions into question. Since mechanisms are hierarchical it appears that even macroscopic mechanisms must supervene on (...)
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  31. A Manifesto for a Processual Philosophy of Biology.John A. Dupre & Daniel J. Nicholson - 2018 - In Daniel J. Nicholson & John Dupré (eds.), Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter argues that scientific and philosophical progress in our understanding of the living world requires that we abandon a metaphysics of things in favour of one centred on processes. We identify three main empirical motivations for adopting a process ontology in biology: metabolic turnover, life cycles, and ecological interdependence. We show how taking a processual stance in the philosophy of biology enables us to ground existing critiques of essentialism, reductionism, and mechanicism, all of which have traditionally been associated (...)
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  32. Explaining the behaviour of random ecological networks: the stability of the microbiome as a case of integrative pluralism.Roger Deulofeu, Javier Suárez & Alberto Pérez-Cervera - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2003-2025.
    Explaining the behaviour of ecosystems is one of the key challenges for the biological sciences. Since 2000, new-mechanicism has been the main model to account for the nature of scientific explanation in biology. The universality of the new-mechanist view in biology has been however put into question due to the existence of explanations that account for some biological phenomena in terms of their mathematical properties (mathematical explanations). Supporters of mathematical explanation have argued that the explanation of the behaviour of (...)
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    El Aporte de Jakob von Uexküll a Los conceptos fundamentales de la metafísica. Mundo, finitud, soledad de Martin Heidegger.Enrique V. Muñoz Pérez - 2015 - Dianoia 60 (75):85-103.
    Resumen: En este artículo sostengo que los planteamientos de Jakob von Uexküll constituyen un apoyo científico decisivo para las reflexiones metafísicas de Martin Heidegger sobre el mundo, más allá de lo que el mismo Heidegger reconoce explícitamente. En particular, los estudios de Jakob von Uexküll enfatizan, de mejor manera que el mecanicismo y el vitalismo, la relación que existe entre el medio ambiente y el mundo interior del animal, lo que es fundamental para que Heidegger sostenga en su lección de (...)
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    Koncepcja systematyczności nauki Paula Hoyningena-Huene a psychologiczny kryzys teoretyczny.Filip Stawski - 2023 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 18 (2):77-90.
    The purpose of this paper is to address the problem of the theoretical crisis in psychology from the perspective of the concept of systematicity of science proposed by German philosopher Paul Hoyningen-Huene. In the first part, I analyse the main assumptions of the idea of systematicity and outline the problem of theoretical crisis in psychology. According to the assumptions, the crisis in psychology may be related to problems with systematicity in some dimensions of psychology. Finally, I consider whether in psychology, (...)
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    Making Knowledge in Synthetic Biology: Design Meets Kludge.Maureen A. O’Malley - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (4):378-389.
    Synthetic biology is an umbrella term that covers a range of aims, approaches, and techniques. They are all brought together by common practices of analogizing, synthesizing, mechanicizing, and kludging. With a focus on kludging as the connection point between biology, engineering, and evolution, I show how synthetic biology’s successes depend on custom-built kludges and a creative, “make-it-work” attitude to the construction of biological systems. Such practices do not fit neatly, however, into synthetic biology’s celebration of rational design. Nor do they (...)
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  36. Conceptual Reconstruction and Epistemic Import: Allosteric Mechanistic Explanations as a Unified Theory-Net.Karina Alleva, José Díez & Lucía Federico - 2017 - Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía 49 (146):5-36.
    The goal of this article is to show that formal analysis and reconstructions may be useful to discuss and shed light on substantive meta-theoretical issues. We proceed here by exemplification, analysing and reconstructing as a case study a paradigmatic biochemical theory, the Monod-Wyman-Changeux theory of allosterism, and applying the reconstruction to the discussion of some issues raised by prominent representatives of the new mechanist philosophy. We conclude that our study shows that at least in this case mechanicism and more (...)
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    Neither metaphysical dichotomy nor pure identity: Clarifying the emergentist creed.Olivier Sartenaer - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (3):365-373.
    Emergentism is often misleadingly described as a monolithic “third way” between radical monism and pluralism. In the particular case of biology, for example, emergentism is perceived as a middle course between mechanicism and vitalism. In the present paper I propose to show that the conceptual landscape between monism and pluralism is more complex than this classical picture suggests. On the basis of two successive analyses—distinguishing three forms of tension between monism and pluralism and a distinction between derivational and functional (...)
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  38.  4
    Whither Natural Magic? Science, Witchcraft, and the Decline of Magic in Henry More.Jacques Joseph - 2023 - Isis 114 (2):299-316.
    For Henry More, witchcraft served as an empirical confirmation of the existence of immaterial substances. Yet while he takes great care to make his reports as trustworthy as possible and argues against the claim that the effects of witchcraft are only the illusions of people suffering from melancholy, he almost completely ignores the possibility that such effects may be caused by natural magic. In More’s natural philosophical writings, discussions of magic are very much downplayed, as well. This may seem surprising, (...)
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    Breviario de ética.Francisco García Gibson - 2012 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 38 (2):286-288.
    En este trabajo me propongo desarrollar un estudio crítico de la concepción mecanicista de la explicación científica. En primer lugar, argumento que la caracterización mecanicista de los modelos fenoménicos (no explicativos) es inadecuada, pues no ofrece un análisis aceptable de los conceptos de modelo científico y similitud, que son fundamentales para la propuesta. En segundo lugar, sostengo que la caracterización de los modelos mecanicistas (explicativos) es igualmente inadecuada, pues los análisis disponibles de la relación explicativa de relevancia constitutiva implican una (...)
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    Una relectura leibniziana al mecanicismo.Javier Kasahara - 2015 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 22:35-48.
    El propósito de este artículo es desarrollar una relectura al mecanicismo moderno. Esto implica que una adecuada comprensión de este consiste, ante todo, en considerarlo como un proyecto antes que un sistema doctrinal consolidado. Para ello se toma como eje la filosofía de Leibniz, la cual, a diferencia del cartesianismo, identifica las inconsistencias que implica concebir el mecanicismo como un sistema filosófico completo, principalmente al pretender justificar mecánicamente el mundo natural, esto es, a partir de la figura, el tamaño y (...)
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  41. O Tempo Na Narrativa Platônica Da Criação: O Timeu.José Santos - 2007 - Hypnos. Revista Do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade 18:42-55.
    A cosmologia proposta no Timeu visa a dupla finalidade de criticar o naturalismo grego e compatibilizar o mundo visível com a teoria das Formas, introduzindo uma série de conceitos reformuladores da tradição. Assente no pressuposto dualista de que a mutabilidade sensível nasceu do modelo eterno, perfeito e imutável, das Formas inteligíveis , a narrativa platónica harmoniza os mundos opostos e coexistentes, dominados pelo teleologismo da Inteligência e mecanicismo da “causa errante”. É o que este texto pretende expor.The cosmology presented in (...)
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    Epistemology and the Physicist.Isabelle Stengers - 1988 - Science in Context 2 (2):307-316.
    The ArgumentIn this answer to “Evolutionism as a Modern Form of Mechanicism”: 287–306) I discuss the strange double use the authors make of their reference to Kant in order to deny the relevance of far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics, and more generally, of the physical irreversibility question in the problem of evolution.On the one hand, the authors quite legitimately use a materialist version of Kantian apriorism in the guise of “means of cognition” presupposed by any physical theory. But on the other hand, (...)
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    Un análisis crítico de la concepción mecanicista de la explicación.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2012 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 38 (2):233-265.
    En este trabajo me propongo desarrollar un estudio crítico de la concepción mecanicista de la explicación científica. En primer lugar, argumento que la caracterización mecanicista de los modelos fenoménicos (no explicativos) es inadecuada, pues no ofrece un análisis aceptable de los conceptos de modelo científico y similitud, que son fundamentales para la propuesta. En segundo lugar, sostengo que la caracterización de los modelos mecanicistas (explicativos) es igualmente inadecuada, pues los análisis disponibles de la relación explicativa de relevancia constitutiva implican una (...)
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    George Berkeley langage visuel, communication universelle.Denis Forest - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (4):429 - 446.
    Le motif du langage visuel, qui traverse l'ensemble de l'oeuvre de Berkeley, n'est pas seulement le noyau de sa philosophie de la perception. Il est aussi le préréquisit d'une preuve originale de l'existence de Dieu, une évaluation spécifique de la nature de l'expérience commune et de la portée de l'explication scientifique, et il a des conséquences singulières quant à la doctrine de la création du monde. La première conclusion de l'article est qu'en dépit du rejet berkeleyen du mécanisme, on peut (...)
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    (2 other versions)Estructura Y comportamiento en teoría de sistemas.Javier Aracil - 1986 - Theoria 2 (1):121-141.
    New results have been obtained by dynamical systems theory which allow an ammendment of the narrow vision of mechanicism. Forms of behavior richer than the ones considered by classicalmechanicism can be exhibited by the new structures studied by system theory (feedback, reaction-diffusion, hierarchical structures, multiple timescales...). In this paper a critical presentation of these ideas is developed.
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    Mecanismo y teleología en la Lógica de Hegel.Edgar Maraguat - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (70):59-87.
    ¿Cómo hay que entender la tesis de Hegel en la Lógica de que "la teleología es la verdad del mecanismo"? La afirmó contra Kant, desde luego; a saber, contra la posibilidad de que lo que parece teleológico sea sólo mecánico; pero no en el sentido de un compromiso dogmático con la realidad de fines naturales y tampoco en el de una refutación del mecanicismo como la que Fichte busca con su radicalización de la filosofía trascendental. Aquí se examina qué posibilidades (...)
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  47. Fast-Collapsing Theories.Samuel A. Alexander - 2013 - Studia Logica (1):1-21.
    Reinhardt’s conjecture, a formalization of the statement that a truthful knowing machine can know its own truthfulness and mechanicalness, was proved by Carlson using sophisticated structural results about the ordinals and transfinite induction just beyond the first epsilon number. We prove a weaker version of the conjecture, by elementary methods and transfinite induction up to a smaller ordinal.
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    Translation of Jan Patočka’s “Galileo Galilei and the end of the ancient cosmos”.Martin Pokorný - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (3):367-375.
    Jan Patočka's “Galileo Galilei and the End of the Ancient Cosmos” was initially published in the popular science journal Vesmír, 33 (1954), no. 1, pp. 27–29. The year before, there had been published in the same journal, under the general heading “On the Development of the Ideas of Natural Science,” a series of Patočka’s articles, including “The First Critics of Aristotelianism” [Vesmír 32 (1953), no. 7, pp. 254–256]; “The Breakdown of Aristotle’s Dynamics and the Prelude to Modern Mechanicism” (ibid., (...)
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    Biological Reductionism and World View.R. S. Karpinskaia - 1980 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 19 (1):49-68.
    The timeliness of the problem of reduction is due above all to the successes of application of the techniques of the exact sciences in biology. To the extent that molecular biology "gets down to" the initial, fundamental mechanisms of the processes of life, it is impossible for it to remain purely in the realm of statement of facts; it cannot but affect methodological principles of the study of life. "The history of biology clearly demonstrates the striking regularity with which the (...)
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    A produção social da linguagem: uma leitura do texto de Mikhail Bakhtin , Marxismo e filosofia da linguagem.Lauro Frederico Barbosa da Silveira - 1981 - Trans/Form/Ação 4:15-39.
    Diante do problema de fundamentar criticamente a produção semiótica no interior da formação econômica e social capitalista e mesmo da fase inicial de implantação do socialismo, BAKHTIN, ou seu discípulo VOLOCHINOV, discute as proposições da lingüística de tradição saussuriana e do subjetivismo individualista dos vosslerianos e, evitando o mecanicismo pretensamente marxista, propõe o estabelecimento da instância social e ideológica da formação do discurso. Após elaborar os fundamentos gerais da produção social dos signos, detém-se na análise dos discursos indiretos progressivamente elaborados (...)
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