Results for ' mediation instructions'

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  1.  28
    Mediation instructions versus unlearning instructions in the A-B, A-C paradigm.Kent M. Dallett & Lester D'Andrea - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (5):460.
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    Mediational instruction, stage of practice, presentation rate, and retrieval cue in paired-associate learning.Tannis Y. Arbuckle - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 88 (3):396.
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    Imagery, mediational instructions, and noun position in free recall of noun-verb pairs.Tec Gupton & Gerald Frincke - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (3):461.
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    Imagery and verbal mediation instructions in paired-associate learning.John C. Yuille & Allan Paivio - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (3p1):436.
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    Instructions to use verbal mediators in paired-associate learning.Marian Schwartz - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (1p1):1.
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    Instructions to use verbal mediators in learning a mixed paired-associate list.Marian Schwartz, Dennis C. Bunde, Richard W. Knitter & Paul D. Kottler - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (2):245.
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    Instructions to mediate, recall time, and type of paired-associate list.Marian Schwartz - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):398.
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    Investigating How Parental Instructions and Protective Responses Mediate the Relationship Between Parental Psychological Flexibility and Pain-Related Behavior in Adolescents With Chronic Pain: A Daily Diary Study.Melanie Beeckman, Laura E. Simons, Sean Hughes, Tom Loeys & Liesbet Goubert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Provided visual mediators, imagery instructions, and concreteness in paired associate learning.Eleanor Jordan, Jerrold Ackerman & Frank W. Wicker - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (2):124-126.
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    ZPD-based mediation of L2 learners’ comprehension of implicatures: An educational praxis framework.Zohreh Eslami, Aliakbar Jafarpour, Farshad Naseri & Azizullah Mirzaei - 2021 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 17 (1-2):127-152.
    Conversational implicatures (CIMs) are implied by the speaker in context rather than being linguistically encoded, and learners’ inability to infer the intended meaning, if not remedied through instruction (or mediation), leads to communication breakdowns. Given this premise, the current study aimed to examine effects of classroom praxis-based instruction adjusted to EFL learners’ Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) on their comprehension of CIMs. Participants were 36 Iranian high school students in 2 classrooms, assigned to experimental and comparison groups. A 20-item (...)
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    Mediation: Framing a Clil Course.Elena Vyushkina - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 53 (1):213-222.
    Mediation in a legal sense is a means of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Having evolved in the USA in the last half of 20th century the procedure is growing in popularity and proliferation all over the world. Many countries enacted particular legislation, and others included relevant articles into Civil and/or Criminal Procedure Codes. Howbeit, lawyers are to be aware of mediation and roles they may play within the process. Law school curriculum drafters face the challenge of including a (...)
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  12. Knowledge mediates the timeframe of covariation assessment in human causal induction.Marc J. Buehner & Jon May - 2002 - Thinking and Reasoning 8 (4):269 – 295.
    How do humans discover causal relations when the effect is not immediately observable? Previous experiments have uniformly demonstrated detrimental effects of outcome delays on causal induction. These findings seem to conflict with everyday causal cognition, where humans can apparently identify long-term causal relations with relative ease. Three experiments investigated whether the influence of delay on adult human causal judgements is mediated by experimentally induced assumptions about the timeframe of the causal relation in question, as suggested by Einhorn and Hogarth (1986). (...)
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    Enhanced Instructed Fear Learning in Delusion-Proneness.Anaïs Louzolo, Rita Almeida, Marc Guitart-Masip, Malin Björnsdotter, Alexander Lebedev, Martin Ingvar, Andreas Olsson & Predrag Petrovic - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Psychosis is associated with distorted perceptions and deficient bottom-up learning such as classical fear conditioning. This has been interpreted as reflecting imprecise priors in low-level predictive coding systems. Paradoxically, overly strong beliefs, such as overvalued beliefs and delusions, are also present in psychosis-associated states. In line with this, research has suggested that patients with psychosis and associated phenotypes rely more on high-order priors to interpret perceptual input. In this behavioural and fMRI study we studied two types of fear learning, i.e., (...)
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    Technology-Mediated Collaborative Learning Environments for Young Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children: Vygotsky Revisited.Mi Song Kim - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Studies 61 (2):221-246.
    Given the instructional challenges posed by the influx of minority-language children in North America, this article attempts to examine early childhood bi- or multilingualism in one of the fastest growing ethnic minority groups in Canada, Korean-Canadians. By drawing on a Vygotskian perspective, the article focuses on the affective and social aspects of learning for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) children and their families. With an emphasis on the integration of language and thought, this article first identifies the instructional applications of (...)
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    Mediated Critical Communication Pedagogy.Ahmet Atay & Deanna L. Fassett (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book theorizes and applies critical communication pedagogy in mediated contexts, including social justice-oriented approaches, to the use of both traditional and new media in the classroom.
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    Examining Instruction in MIDI-based Composition Through a Critical Theory Lens.Paul Louth - 2013 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 21 (2):136.
    This paper considers the issue of computer-assisted composition in formal music education settings from the perspective of critical theory. The author examines the case of MIDI-based software applications and suggests that the greatest danger from the standpoint of ideology critique is not the potential for circumventing a traditional understanding of theoretical knowledge and notation when composing. Instead, it is false subjectivity, or the potential belief that what one creates is free from the mediation of tacit musical conventions and the (...)
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    Mediated intimacy and postfeminism: a discourse analytic examination of sex and relationships advice in a women’s magazine.Rosalind Gill - 2009 - Discourse and Communication 3 (4):345-369.
    This article uses a discourse analytic perspective to analyse sex and relationship advice in a best-selling women’s magazine. It identifies three different interpretative repertoires which together structure constructions of sexual relationships: the intimate entrepreneurship repertoire, organized around plans, goals and the scientific management of relationships; men-ology, in which women are instructed in how to learn to please men; and transforming the self, which calls on women to remodel their interior lives in order to construct a desirable subjectivity. The article considers (...)
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  18.  21
    Prediction of mediated paired-associate learning.Stuart Miller - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (1):131.
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    Attentional inhibition mediates inattentional blindness.Preston P. Thakral & Scott D. Slotnick - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2):636-643.
    Salient stimuli presented at unattended locations are not always perceived, a phenomenon termed inattentional blindness. We hypothesized that inattentional blindness may be mediated by attentional inhibition. It has been shown that attentional inhibition effects are maximal near an attended location. If our hypothesis is correct, inattentional blindness effects should similarly be maximal near an attended location. During central fixation, participants viewed rapidly presented colored digits at a peripheral location. An unexpected black circle was concurrently presented. Participants were instructed to maintain (...)
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  20.  30
    Effects of instructional set and materials upon forward and backward learning.Keith A. Wollen - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (2):275.
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    What Matters in Online Education: Exploring the Impacts of Instructional Interactions on Learning Outcomes.Xing Li, Xinyue Lin, Fan Zhang & Yuan Tian - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Instructional interactions, which includes student–student interaction, student–teacher interaction, and student–content interaction, are crucial factors affecting the learning outcomes in online education. The current study aims to explore the effects of instructional interactions on individuals’ learning outcomes based on the Interactive Equivalence Theory by conducting two empirical studies. In Study 1, we explored the direct relationships between instructional interactions and learning outcomes. A quasi-experimental design was used to manipulate the two groups of subjects, and the results show that not all of (...)
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    Hope for Common Ground: Mediating the Personal and the Political in a Divided Church by Julie Hanlon Rubio.Brian Stiltner - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):195-197.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hope for Common Ground: Mediating the Personal and the Political in a Divided Church by Julie Hanlon RubioBrian StiltnerHope for Common Ground: Mediating the Personal and the Political in a Divided Church Julie Hanlon Rubio washington, dc: georgetown university press, 2016. 264 pp. $89.95 / $29.95Julie Hanlon Rubio wrote Hope for Common Ground to address divisions over ethical and political issues within the Catholic Church. Rubio writes in (...)
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  23. Effects of technology-mediated professional development on special education teacher collective efficacy.Shantanu Tilak, Mindy Gumpert & Taryn Myers - 2025 - Education and Information Technologies.
    This mixed methods study investigates whether technology mediated collaborative practices during a professional development (PD) session led to growth in the collective efficacy of 21 special education teachers at an independent 1-12 school in Southeastern Virginia. This school specializes in individualized instruction for students with learning differences not limited to Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Specific Learning Disability, and their comorbidities. Teacher collective efficacy, which subsumes cohesive perceptions of classroom learning and behavior management, has been shown as strongly (...)
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  24. Employees Adhere More to Unethical Instructions from Human Than AI Supervisors: Complementing Experimental Evidence with Machine Learning.Lukas Lanz, Roman Briker & Fabiola H. Gerpott - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (3):625-646.
    The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in organizations has fundamentally changed from performing routine tasks to supervising human employees. While prior studies focused on normative perceptions of such AI supervisors, employees’ behavioral reactions towards them remained largely unexplored. We draw from theories on AI aversion and appreciation to tackle the ambiguity within this field and investigate if and why employees might adhere to unethical instructions either from a human or an AI supervisor. In addition, we identify employee characteristics affecting (...)
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  25. The effect of teacher- and peer-assisted evaluative mediation on EFL learners’ metacognitive awareness development.Enayat A. Shabani - 2020 - Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities 8 (1):58-78.
    Rooted in the heart of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, mediation has recently received considerable attention in the field of TEFL. The existing literature suggests that mediation can play an essential role in language learners’ performance development. In addition, learners need to know about their thinking process which is interpreted as metacognition. This study aimed to investigate the effect of teacher- and peer-assisted evaluative mediation on learners’ metacognitive awareness development. To this end, 40 homogenized intermediate EFL learners were selected (...)
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    The Mediating Self. [REVIEW]Tyler Thompson - 1989 - Idealistic Studies 19 (3):274-275.
    The title of this work suggests its substance very well. The author expounds and criticizes the views of George Herbert Mead, as found in Mind, Self, and Society and The Philosophy of the Present, and Jean-Paul Sartre, as set forth in Transcendence of the Ego and Being and Nothingness. He finds that Mead’s account of the self as a social object in which reflective consciousness arises and Sartre’s emphasis upon existential spontaneity provide an instructive study in contrasts but are not (...)
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    Anxiety, Boredom, and Burnout Among EFL Teachers: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation.Guorong Shen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teachers’ emotions are explicitly and conceptually presented as part of an educational system that affects and is affected by learner upshots, namely, learners’ self-emotions, behaviors, and cognition since educators and learners are involved in the outcomes of the school setting. English as a foreign language educators recurrently experience emotional damages during involvement in their profession as burnout, stress, boredom, and anxiety. EFL teachers need to regulate their emotions when facing a multivariate class environment that provides each learner with undeniable uniqueness. (...)
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    Does Representational Understanding Enhance Fluency – Or Vice Versa? Searching for Mediation Models.Martina A. Rau, Richard Scheines, Vincent Aleven & Nikol Rummel - unknown
    Conceptual understanding of representations and fluency in using representations are important aspects of expertise. However, little is known about how these competencies interact: does representational understanding facilitate learning of fluency, or does fluency enhance learning of representational understanding? We analyze log data obtained from an experiment that investigates the effects of intelligent tutoring systems support for understanding and fluency in connection-making between fractions representations. The experiment shows that instructional support for both representational understanding and fluency are needed for students to (...)
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    Why expressive suppression does not pay? Cognitive costs of negative emotion suppression: The mediating role of subjective tense-arousal.Tomasz Maruszewski & Dorota Szczygieł - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (3):336-349.
    The aim of this paper was to contribute to a broader understanding of the cognitive consequences of expressive suppression. Specifically, we examined whether the deteriorating effect of expressive suppression on cognitive functioning is caused by tense arousal enhanced by suppression. Two experiments were performed in order to test this prediction. In both studies we tested the effect of expressive suppression on working memory, as measured with a backwards digit-span task and anagram problem-solving task. In addition, in Study 2 we tested (...)
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    Saints as the 'Living Gospel': Von Balthasar's Revealers of the Revealer, Rahner's Mediators of the Mediator.Patricia A. Sullivan - 2014 - Heythrop Journal 55 (2):270-285.
    The theologies of the saints of Hans Urs Von Balthasar and Karl Rahner are grounded in the theologians' distinct articulations of the relationship between nature and grace, Rahner's shaped by his response to the Nouvelle Théologie and Von Balthasar's influenced by his engagement with Henri De Lubac and Karl Barth. It is a generalization, but one useful for drawing contrasts, that for Rahner the saints are mediators of the Mediator and that for Von Balthasar they are revealers of the Revealer. (...)
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    Longitudinal Performance in Basic Numerical Skills Mediates the Relationship Between Socio-Economic Status and Mathematics Anxiety: Evidence From Chile.Bárbara Guzmán, Cristina Rodríguez & Roberto A. Ferreira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Socio-economic status and mathematical performance seem to be risk factors of mathematics anxiety in both children and adults. However, there is little evidence about how exactly these three constructs are related, especially during early stages of mathematical learning. In the present study, we assessed longitudinal performance in symbolic and non-symbolic basic numerical skills in pre-school and second grade students, as well as MA in second grade students. Participants were 451 children from 12 schools in Chile, which differed in school vulnerability (...)
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    A mirror for the crowds: the mediated terrain of political leadership in post-revolutionary Iran.Naveed Mansoori - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (2):249-268.
    This article examines crowds, leaders, and media after the 1979 Revolution of Iran. It focuses on media that contests hegemonic power by acting as a “guide” for an otherwise “leaderless movement,” especially in contexts where conventional “guides” are illegitimate or absent. It argues that such media reveals the partisan reality of political order obscured by the myth of leadership, the idea that the presence of a leader implies a political order. I focus on International Women’s Day 1979 when crowds protesting (...)
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    ‘The Genome Is the Brain of the Cell!’ How Japanese English Learners Mediate Understanding of Academic Content through Metaphor.Dennis Lindenberg - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (1):23-49.
    This study investigates metaphor in its role to mediate concepts in academic textbooks and promote content understanding in the English-medium instruction (EMI) context. Of particular interest is how the language of the discourse affected and possibly hindered metaphor comprehension. Drawing on the theoretical insights found in sociocultural theory and cognitive linguistics, a stance was assumed in which language is treated as embodied and contextual, and verbalizing thoughts (languaging) assists understanding. Three pairs of Japanese students with varying English proficiency levels were (...)
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    The Affective Bases of Risk Perception: Negative Feelings and Stress Mediate the Relationship between Mental Imagery and Risk Perception.Agata Sobkow, Jakub Traczyk & Tomasz Zaleskiewicz - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:190271.
    Recent research has documented that affect plays a crucial role in risk perception. When no information about numerical risk estimates is available (e.g., probability of loss or magnitude of consequences), people may rely on positive and negative affect toward perceived risk. However, determinants of affective reactions to risks are poorly understood. In a series of three experiments, we addressed the question of whether and to what degree mental imagery eliciting negative affect and stress influences risk perception. In each experiment, participants (...)
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    Militarising the body politic: New media as weapons of mass instruction.P. W. Graham & A. Luke - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (4):149-168.
    As militarization of bodies politic continues apace the world over, as military organizations again reveal themselves as primary political, economic and cultural forces in many societies, we argue that the emergent and potentially dominant form of political economic organization is a species of neo-feudal corporatism. Drawing upon Bourdieu, we theorize bodies politic as living habitus. Bodies politic are prepared for war and peace through new mediations, powerful means of public pedagogy. The process of militarization requires the generation of new, antagonistic (...)
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    The mindful gaze: trait mindful people under an instructed emotion regulation goal selectively attend to positive stimuli.Hannah Raila, Annabel Bouwer, Cole A. Moran, Elizabeth T. Kneeland, Rhea Modi & Jutta Joormann - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (2):256-266.
    Trait mindfulness confers emotional benefits and encourages skillful emotion regulation, in part because it helps people more deliberately attend to internal experiences and external surroundings. Such heightened attentional control might help skillfully deploy one’s attention towards certain kinds of stimuli, which may in turn help regulate emotions, but this remains unknown. Testing how trait mindful people deploy attention when regulating their emotions could help uncover the specific mechanisms of mindfulness that confer its emotional benefits. The present study aimed to determine (...)
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  37.  22
    The impact of teacher attitude and teaching approaches on student demotivation: Disappointment as a mediator.Yeyao Tang & Jifan Hu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Student demotivation with English as a medium of instruction has attracted increased attention of scholars, particularly in those countries where it is taught as a second or foreign language. While there is a consensus that proficiency in English brings several benefits, it is found that students are demotivated to learn in English. As a result, many studies have tried to investigate the factors that reduce the motivation to learn in English. Drawing on disappointment theory, this study aims to investigate why (...)
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    Hegel’s Relational Organicism: The Mediation of Individualism and Holism.Philip A. Quadrio - 2012 - Critical Horizons 13 (3):317 - 336.
    This paper is concerned with organic conceptions of socio-political life and is concerned with the rehabilitation of organicism as a positive social ontology. It demonstrates that: organicism does not necessarily imply the negation of individuality by a monolithic society, and; that G. W. F. Hegel’s references to the state as organic do not imply social holism. With Hegel’s organicism, as with Idealist organicism generally, what is found is a relational rather than a holistic social ontology. This relational ontology is one (...)
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    Further test of the use of images as mediators.Geoffrey Keppel & Bonnie Zavortink - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (1p1):190.
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    English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Well-Being, Their Apprehension, and Stress: The Mediating Role of Hope and Optimism.Hui-min Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:855282.
    Studies have shown that teachers’ wellbeing has a positive effect on teachers’ learning quality and learners’ performance. Nevertheless, teaching is a stressful and exhausting profession at all academic level with special difficulties about the nature of language education. Tension and fear are still classic challenges in learning, though the concepts such as hope and optimism are core issues in assisting teachers to feel happy during instruction and work longer. The present review makes efforts to provide the most current confirmation on (...)
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    Towards a conversational culture? How participants establish strategies for co-ordinating chat postings in the context of in-service training.Åsa Mäkitalo & Mona Nilsen - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (1):90-105.
    Within the research field of computer-mediated communication, extensive attention has been paid to the differences between CMC and spoken conversation, particularly in terms of sequential structure. In this study, the aim is to analyse how participants maintain continuity and handle discontinuities in institutionally arranged, computer-mediated communication. The empirical material consists of chat log files from in-service training courses for professionals in the food production industry. In the chat sessions we analysed, participants initially had some problems in co-ordinating their postings, that (...)
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  42. Assessing the Satisfaction and Acceptability of an Online Parent Coaching Intervention: A Mixed-Methods Approach.Lu Qu, Huiying Chen, Haylie Miller, Alison Miller, Costanza Colombi, Weiyun Chen & Dale A. Ulrich - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundParent-mediated intervention has been studied in promoting skill acquisition or behavior change in the children with autism spectrum disorder. Most studies emphasize on the improvement of child’s core symptoms or maladaptive behaviors, making parental perceived competence and self-efficacy secondary. Yet, the evaluations of intervention implementation are under-reported, especially when translating such interventions into a new population or context. This research investigated the intervention implementation of a 12-week parent coaching intervention which was delivered through telehealth and tailored to Chinese population. The (...)
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    Le chœur entre spectacle et spectateurs.Rocco Marseglia - 2023 - Hermes 151 (3):267-285.
    The vocabulary of seeing shows three types of “mediation” provided by the chorus between spectacle and spectators. As persona spectans, i. e. internal spectator, the chorus mirrors the figure of the spectator; as persona sentiens, it shows its own emotional response, which operates like instructions for use of tragic spectacle for spectators; as persona monstrans, the chorus focuses public attention on spectacle and involves it in the representation. These three choral modalities act as a catalyst of public emotional (...)
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    “How every Black man should be”: Historical narrative construction as identity rearticulation.Eliana Castro - 2023 - Journal of Social Studies Research 47 (1):40-55.
    This case study is a sociocultural analysis of how Kareem, a young Black man, both constructed a historical narrative and rearticulated two of his racialized identities. Kareem carried out two mediated actions. In the first, he incorporated cultural tools from the classroom—the schematic narrative template of racial progress and the specific narrative of the Movement—to support his thesis that NBA legend Bill Russell advanced the Civil Rights Movement. In the second, he positioned Bill Russell as a model Black man, drawing (...)
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    The influence of the order and congruency of correct and erroneous worked examples on learning and (meta-)cognitive load.Lukas Wesenberg, Felix Krieglstein, Sebastian Jansen, Günter Daniel Rey, Maik Beege & Sascha Schneider - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Several studies highlight the importance of the order of different instructional methods when designing learning environments. Correct but also erroneous worked examples are frequently used methods to foster students’ learning performance, especially in problem-solving. However, so far no study examined how the order of these example types affects learning. While the expertise reversal effect would suggest presenting correct examples first, the productive failure approach hypothesizes the reversed order to be learning-facilitating. In addition, congruency of subsequent exemplified problems was tested as (...)
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    The Invisible Children.Maureen Kelley - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):4-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Invisible ChildrenMaureen KelleyИсчезаю в весне,в толпе,в лужах,в синеве.И не ищите.Мне так хорошо...I fade into spring,or into a crowd,or into a puddle,sometimes into the blue.There's no sense in looking for me.I feel fine...—¾"Absentee" by Arvo Mets"You have to go through Lesha to get to Danil," Alexandra told me. Lesha was a small but unmoving dog with matted hair and a fierce growl. The dog was pressed against the little (...)
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    Do Self-Regulated Learning Practices and Intervention Mitigate the Impact of Academic Challenges and COVID-19 Distress on Academic Performance During Online Learning?Allyson F. Hadwin, Paweena Sukhawathanakul, Ramin Rostampour & Leslie Michelle Bahena-Olivares - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic introduced significant disruptions and challenges to the learning environment for many post-secondary students with many shifting entirely to remote online learning. Barriers to academic success already experienced in traditional face-to-face classes may be compounded in the online environment and exacerbated by stressors related to the pandemic. In 2020–2021, post-secondary institutions were faced with the reality of rolling out fully online instruction with limited access to resources for assisting students in this transition. Instructional interventions that target students’ ability (...)
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    Behavioral and Neural Effects of Familiarization on Object-Background Associations.Oliver Baumann, Jessica McFadyen & Michael S. Humphreys - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Associative memory is the ability to link together components of stimuli. Previous evidence suggests that prior familiarization with study items affects the nature of the association between stimuli. More specifically, novel stimuli are learned in a more context-dependent fashion than stimuli that have been encountered previously without the current context. In the current study, we first acquired behavioral data from 62 human participants to conceptually replicate this effect. Participants were instructed to memorize multiple object-scene pairs and were then tested on (...)
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    Affect and action: Towards an event-coding account.Tristan Lavender & Bernhard Hommel - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (6):1270-1296.
    Viewing emotion from an evolutionary perspective, researchers have argued that simple responses to affective stimuli can be triggered without mediation of cognitive processes. Indeed, findings suggest that positively and negatively valenced stimuli trigger approach and avoidance movements automatically. However, affective stimulus–response compatibility phenomena share so many central characteristics with nonaffective stimulus–response compatibility phenomena that one may doubt whether the underlying mechanisms differ. We suggest an “affectively enriched” version of the theory of event coding (TEC) that is able to account (...)
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    Human Social Evolution: Self-Domestication or Self-Control?Dor Shilton, Mati Breski, Daniel Dor & Eva Jablonka - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:505032.
    The self-domestication hypothesis suggests that, like mammalian domesticates, humans have gone through a process of selection against aggression – a process that in the case of humans was self-induced. Here, we extend previous proposals and suggest that what underlies human social evolution is selection for socially mediated emotional control and plasticity. In the first part of the paper we highlight general features of human social evolution, which, we argue, is more similar to that of other social mammals than to that (...)
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