Results for ' postphenomenology and Ihde'

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  1.  95
    H omo faber revisited: Postphenomenology and material engagement theory.Don Ihde & Lambros Malafouris - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (2):195-214.
    Humans, more than any other species, have been altering their paths of development by creating new material forms and by opening up to new possibilities of material engagement. That is, we become constituted through making and using technologies that shape our minds and extend our bodies. We make things which in turn make us. This ongoing dialectic has long been recognised from a deep-time perspective. It also seems natural in the present in view of the ways new materialities and digital (...)
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  2. Postphenomenology and Technoscience: The Peking University Lectures.Don Ihde - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    Maps the future of phenomenological thought, accounting for how technology expands our means of experiencing the world.
  3. Heidegger's technologies: postphenomenological perspectives.Don Ihde - 2010 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Introduction: situating Heidegger and the philosophy of technology -- Heidegger's philosophy of technology -- The historical-ontological priority of technology over science -- Deromanticizing Heidegger -- Interlude: the earth inherited -- Was Heidegger prescient concerning technoscience? -- Heidegger's technologies: one size fits all -- Concluding postphenomenological postscript: writing technologies.
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    Postphenomenology, the Empirical Turn and “Transcendentality”.Don Ihde - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):851-854.
    Ever since Achterhuis designated American philosophy of technology “empirical” there has been a Continental “push-back” defending the first generation of European—mostly Heidegger’s essentialistic “transcendental”—philosophy of technology. While I prefer a “concrete” turn—to avoid confusing with British “empiricism”—in a belief that particular technologies are different from others—this is a quibble. I admit I was very taken by Richard Rorty’s “anti-essentialism” and “non-foundationalism” in his version of pragmatism, and have adapted much of that stance into postphenomenology. In this contribution I reply (...)
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  5. Postphenomenological Investigations: Essays on Human–Technology Relations.Don Ihde, Lenore Langsdorf, Kirk M. Besmer, Aud Sissel Hoel, Annamaria Carusi, Marie-Christine Nizzi, Fernando Secomandi, Asle Kiran, Yoni Van Den Eede, Frances Bottenberg, Chris Kaposy, Adam Rosenfeld, Jan Kyrre Berg O. Friis, Andrew Feenberg, Diane Michelfelder & Albert Borgmann - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book provides an introduction to postphenomenology, an emerging school of thought in the philosophy of technology and science and technology studies, which addresses the relationships users develop with the devices they use.
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  6. Postphenomenological Re-embodiment.Don Ihde - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (4):373-377.
    The phenomenological tradition has had a long interest in embodiment, and bodily experience beyond the confines of the “skinbag” body. Here I respond to Helena De Preester’s analysis of different types of protheses: limb, perceptual, cognitive. In her paper “Technology and the body: the (im)possibilities of re-embodiment”, she wants to make finer distinctions between extensions and incorporations . Today’s hi-tech developments make this refinement necessary and possible. I respond to the three levels or types of prostheses taking note of the (...)
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  7. Introduction: Postphenomenological research. [REVIEW]Don Ihde - 2008 - Human Studies 31 (1):1-9.
    This introduction to the special issue of Human Studies on postphenomenology outlines specific developments which have led to this style of phenomenology. Postphenomenology adapts aspects of pragmatism, including its anti-Cartesian program against early modern subject/object epistemology. Postphenomenology retains and emphasizes the use of phenomenological variations as an analytic tool, and in practice postphenomenology takes what is commonly now called “an empirical turn,” which deeply analyzes case studies or concrete issues under its purview.
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    Postphenomenological methodologies: new ways in mediating techno-human relationships.Jesper Aagaard & Don Ihde (eds.) - 2018 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    This volume contributes to postphenomenological research into human-technology relations with essays reflecting on methodological issues through empirical studies of education, digital media, biohacking, health, robotics, and skateboarding. This work provides new perspectives that call for a comprehensive postphenomenological research methodology.
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    ‘Cartesianism’ Redux or Situated Knowledges.Don Ihde - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (4):369-372.
    Postphenomenology, in a complementary role with other science studies disciplines, remains within the trajectory of those theories which reject early modern epistemology and metaphysics, including rejection of ‘subject’–‘object’ distinctions, and holds, instead, to an inter-relational, co-constitutive ontology. Here the critiques which sometimes echo vestiges of such early modern epistemology are counter-challenged.
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  10.  27
    Digital Media: Human–Technology Connection.Stacey O'Neal Irwin & Don Ihde - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    Digital Media: Human–Technology Connection examines the technologically textured world through case studies that illustrate the way humans and technology connect with each other and the world. An interdisciplinary array of sources from philosophy, postphenomenology, philosophy of technology, media studies, media ecology, and film studies shows that digital media and its content are not neutral. This technology textures the world in multiple and varied ways that transform human abilities, augment experience, and pattern the world.
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    Postphenomenology and Pragmatism.Larry A. Hickman - 2008 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 12 (2):99-104.
    In this commentary on Evan Selinger’s book Postphenomenology: A Critical Companion to Ihde, I begin with Carl Mitcham’s claim that with respect to Don Ihde’s “postphenomenology” there are “challenges both to and from pragmatism.” I discuss four points on which postphenomenology and pragmatism seem to be in agreement, and then two points on which I believe pragmatism offers a program that socially thicker.
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  12.  60
    Opening up the in-between: Ihde’s Postphenomenology and Beyond. [REVIEW]Gert Goeminne & Erik Paredis - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (2-3):101-107.
    Opening up the in-between: Ihde’s Postphenomenology and Beyond Content Type Journal Article Pages 101-107 DOI 10.1007/s10699-011-9229-8 Authors Gert Goeminne, Centre Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Krijgskundestraat 33, 1160 Brussels, Belgium Erik Paredis, Centre for Sustainable Development, Ghent University, Poel 16, 9000 Ghent, Belgium Journal Foundations of Science Online ISSN 1572-8471 Print ISSN 1233-1821 Journal Volume Volume 16 Journal Issue Volume 16, Numbers 2-3.
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  13.  74
    Postphenomenology and the Politics of Sustainable Technology.Gert Goeminne - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (2-3):173-194.
    In this paper I argue that Don Ihde’s ‘postphenomenology’ may constitute a proper access to the question concerning sustainable technology and I do so in three steps. First, I lay bare how a modern framework that systematically separates facts and instruments from values, choices and responsibilities yields no space for engaged decisions and responsible action towards more sustainable societies. In a second step, I elaborate how postphenomenology’s ‘in-between’ perspective opens up the possibility of questioning science and technology (...)
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  14. Stretching the In-between: Embodiment and Beyond. [REVIEW]Don Ihde - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (2-3):109-118.
    Today’s scientific imaging technologies are able to detect and image emissions and radiations from a much wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum than ever before. Such phenomena lie beyond the horizons of ordinary human perceptibility. I examine here the implications of such translation mediations for the production of scientific knowledge and show how human embodiment is implicit for all perceptual observational possibilities. The framework is that of a postphenomenology which is able to relate these new phenomena to human embodiment.
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    Review of Don Ihde, (Book 1) Ironic Technics; (Book 2) Postphenomenology and Technoscience: The Peking University Lectures[REVIEW]David R. Cerbone - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (10).
  16. Integrating pragmatism and phenomenology with science and technology studies: Don Ihde: Postphenomenology and technoscience: The Peking University lectures. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2009, ix+92pp, $24.95 PB.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2010 - Metascience 20 (3):557-559.
    Integrating pragmatism and phenomenology with science and technology studies Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9484-2 Authors Hans -Jörg Rheinberger, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    (1 other version)Technological Capital: Bourdieu, Postphenomenology, and the Philosophy of Technology Beyond the Empirical Turn.Alberto Romele - forthcoming - Philosophy.
    This article builds on the hypothesis that theoretical approaches to philosophy of technology are currently stuck in a false alternative: either embrace the “empirical turn” or jump back into the determinism, pessimism, and general ignorance towards specific technologies that characterized the “humanities philosophy of technology.” A third path is however possible, which consists of articulating an empirical point of view with an interest in the symbolic dimension in which technologies and technological mediations are always already embedded. Bourdieu’s sociology of the (...)
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  18.  66
    Technoperformances: using metaphors from the performance arts for a postphenomenology and posthermeneutics of technology use.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (3):557-568.
    Postphenomenology and posthermeneutics as initiated by Ihde have made important contributions to conceptualizing understanding human–technology relations. However, their focus on individual perception, artifacts, and static embodiment has its limitations when it comes to understanding the embodied use of technology as involving bodily movement, social, and taking place within, and configuring, a temporal horizon. To account for these dimensions of experience, action, and existence with technology, this paper proposes to use a conceptual framework based on performance metaphors. Drawing on (...)
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  19. Ihde’s Missing Sciences: Postphenomenology, Big Data, and the Human Sciences.Daniel Susser - 2016 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 20 (2):137-152.
    In Husserl’s Missing Technologies, Don Ihde urges us to think deeply and critically about the ways in which the technologies utilized in contemporary science structure the way we perceive and understand the natural world. In this paper, I argue that we ought to extend Ihde’s analysis to consider how such technologies are changing the way we perceive and understand ourselves too. For it is not only the natural or “hard” sciences which are turning to advanced technologies for help (...)
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  20.  99
    Don Ihde: Heidegger’s Technologies: Postphenomenological Perspectives: Fordham University Press, New York, 2010, xii+155, $65.00 , ISBN 978-0-8232-3377-9. [REVIEW]Soraj Hongladarom - 2013 - Minds and Machines 23 (2):269-272.
  21.  58
    Machine hermeneutics, postphenomenology, and facial recognition technology.Soraj Hongladarom - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2151-2158.
    I would like to introduce the notion of machine hermeneutics in this paper. The notion refers to hermeneutical activity performed by machines. Machines are now capable of making the very interpretive tasks, using artificial intelligence algorithms based on the technology of machine learning that used to be the exclusive domain of human beings. In making this claim, I am not talking about possible conscious machines of the future, but those existing here and now. With facial recognition algorithms, for example, machines (...)
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  22.  56
    Heidegger's Technologies: Postphenomenological Perspectives (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy) - By D. Ihde.Robert Shaw - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (S1):135-135.
  23. Review essay: Postphenomenology: 'Festschrift' for Don Ihde (under consideration: Evan Selinger's postphenomenology: A critical companion to Ihde).Søren Riis - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (4):449-457.
  24.  44
    Multistability and Derrida’s Différance: Investigating the Relations Between Postphenomenology and Stiegler’s General Organology.Marco Pavanini - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (1):1-22.
    In this paper, in the first place, I aim to enquire into Bernard Stiegler’s critical appropriation of his mentor Jacques Derrida’s notion of différance, emphasizing how Stiegler’s philosophy of technology stems from an original interpretation of the main tenets of deconstruction. From this perspective, I will investigate Stiegler’s definition of technology as tertiary retention, i.e., exosomatized, artificial memory interrelating with biological memory, testing its hermeneutic strengths as well as possible weaknesses. In the second place, I aim to contrast Stiegler’s understanding (...)
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    Upgrading postphenomenological relationships in terms of the UML modelling.Tahani Al-Khatib - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    Postphenomenology emerged as a new philosophical discipline within the contemporary studies in philosophy of technology by Don Ihde and was further upgraded by Verbeek in his philosophical theory of mediation. This paper 1) compares the Human–Technology mediation relation in Ihde’s Postphenomenology to the Human–Technology alienation relation in Heidegger’s classical Phenomenology, 2) explores the schematic diagrams of Human–Technology–-World relationships of Ihde and Verbeek, and 3) argues that Postphenomenological relationships can be upgraded to a new version if (...)
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  26.  52
    Technoscience and Postphenomenology: The Manhattan Papers.Jan Kyrre Berg Friis (ed.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    Friis and Crease illustrate the diversity of content and styles in postphenomenology, a burgeoning field that has attracted attention among scholars engaged in technology studies. Contributors to this edited collection seek to analyze, clarify, and develop postphenomenological language and concepts, expand the work of Don Ihde, the field's founder, and delve into areas that Ihde never tackled.
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  27.  67
    Institutions and other things: critical hermeneutics, postphenomenology and material engagement theory.Tailer G. Ransom & Shaun Gallagher - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2189-2196.
    Don Ihde and Lambros Malafouris (Philosophy and Technology 32:195–214, 2019) have argued that “we are homo faber not just because we make things but also because we are made by them.” The emphasis falls on the idea that the things that we create, use, rely on—that is, those things with which we engage—have a recursive effect on human existence. We make things, but we also make arrangements, many of which are long-standing, material, social, normative, economic, institutional, and/or political, and (...)
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    Rewriting the Constitution: A Critique of ‘Postphenomenology’.Dominic Smith - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (4):533-551.
    This paper builds a three-part argument in favour of a more transcendentally focused form of ‘postphenomenology’ than is currently practised in philosophy of technology. It does so by problematising two key terms, ‘constitution’ and ‘postphenomenology’, then by arguing in favour of a ‘transcendental empiricist’ approach that draws on the work of Foucault, Derrida, and, in particular, Deleuze. Part one examines ‘constitution’, as it moves from the context of Husserl’s phenomenology to Ihde and Verbeek’s ‘postphenomenology’. I argue (...)
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  29.  8
    Reconsidering Alterity of Ihde’s Garden: A Conceptual Critique.Anna Penttilä & Mikko Mertanen - forthcoming - Human Studies.
    Don Ihde’s postphenomenological theory of technological relations has proven its value for understanding the role material artifacts play in our lives. However influential it may be, some of his key concepts have remained ambiguous. In this paper, we analyze and critically evaluate how Ihde describes one of these concepts, namely, alterity relation (Alterity). Alterity describes how technologies appear to subjects as humanlike others, or, as Ihde calls them, quasi-others. We identify and discuss three key problems with (...)’s account of Alterity, namely, objectness, focality, and continuum. We argue that an overarching issue is prevalent in his account of Alterity: a subtle and possibly unintended emphasis on the subject’s role in constituting technological otherness. This emphasis runs counter to the interrelational ontological foundations of postphenomenology. Moreover, it hinders postphenomenological research from fully addressing the ethical and moral dimensions of its framework. By clarifying these problems, we aim to provide a fruitful groundwork for further reconsiderations of the framework’s key concepts and for the improvement of postphenomenological investigations concerning the nature of artifacts: our multifaceted engagements with, in and through them. (shrink)
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  30. Ihde, Technoscience, and the Resilience of Phenomenology.Shannon Vallor - 2016 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 20 (2):90-94.
    My review of Don Ihde’s new book, Husserl’s Missing Technologies begins by identifying a thematic link binding its chapters: specifically, the exploration of alternative histories for the trajectory of classical Husserlian phenomenology. Ihde’s book can be seen as a meditation on questions like the following: “What might phenomenology have been had Husserl paid more attention to the essential role of instrumentation and experiment in science, or to the mediating role of technologies in perception? What road might phenomenology have (...)
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    Scientific Objectivity and Postphenomenological Perception.Finn Olesen - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (4):357-362.
    Don Ihde’s paper “Stretching the in-between: Embodiment and beyond” appears to me as a stimulating, topical text with a number of important arguments about human embodiment as a dynamic and epistemically relevant dimension to scientific knowledge production. But, indirectly, the text also raises some basic questions about how to describe the (current) scope of technoscientific knowledge, and the potentials of postphenomenology to deal with this complicated, multi-stable issue.
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  32. Obstetric Ultrasound and the Technological Mediation of Morality: A Postphenomenological Analysis.Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2008 - Human Studies 31 (1):11-26.
    This article analyzes the moral relevance of technological artifacts and its possible role in ethical theory, by taking the postphenomenological approach that has developed around the work of Don Ihde into the domain of ethics. By elaborating a postphenomenological analysis of the mediating role of ultrasound in moral decisions about abortion, the article argues that technologies embody morality and help to constitute moral subjectivity. This technological mediation of the moral subject is subsequently addressed in terms of Michel Foucault’s ethical (...)
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  33.  42
    Philosophical Potencies of Postphenomenology.Martin Ritter - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1501-1516.
    As a distinctive voice in the current philosophy of technology, postphenomenology elucidates various ways of how technologies “shape” both the world and humans in it. Distancing itself from more speculative approaches, postphenomenology advocates the so-called empirical turn in philosophy of technology: It focuses on diverse effects of particular technologies instead of speculating on the essence of technology and its general impact. Critics of postphenomenology argue that by turning to particularities and emphasizing that technologies are always open to (...)
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  34.  23
    The Critical Ihde.Robert Rosenberger (ed.) - 2023 - SUNY Press.
    Don Ihde is one of the world's foremost thinkers on the place of technologies in our lives. Over the course of a long career, he has built a unique and useful perspective by expanding on phenomenological and American pragmatist philosophy and has developed wide-ranging insights and conceptual tools for describing the details of our experience across the various areas of human activity, including scientific practice, anthropological history, computer interface, design, art history, and the technologies of everyday life. The Critical (...)
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    Beyond Postphenomenolgy: Ihde’s Heidegger and the Problem of Authenticity.Wessel Reijers - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (4):601-619.
    The quickening pace of technological development on a global scale and its increasing impact on the relation between human beings and their lifeworld has led to a surge in philosophical discussions concerning technology. Philosophy of technology after the “empirical turn” has been dominated by three approaches: actor-network theory, critical theory of technology and postphenomenology. Recently, scholars have started to question the philosophical roots of these approaches. This paper critically questions Ihde’s early adoption of Heidegger’s philosophy of technology in (...)
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  36.  50
    Variations upon Ihde’s Husserl’s Missing Technologies.Yoni Van Den Eede - 2016 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 20 (2):105-111.
    In his new book, Husserl’s Missing Technologies, Don Ihde provides yet another, and highly enriching, iteration of postphenomenology. My comments here concern a couple of observations that he makes along the way with regard to the “scientific” status of philosophy and the question of whether philosophies, like technologies, have “use-lifes.” These remarks actually pierce through to the core of the postphenomenological theoretical corpus. In particular, there are consequences for the concept of multistability that need to be discussed: Are (...)
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  37. Rethinking Ihde's relations pedagogically. On learning and becoming who we are in relations to things.Anne Pesch - 2025 - In Markus Bohlmann & Patrizia Breil (eds.), Postphenomenology and technologies within educational settings. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    There is no "I" in Postphenomenology.Kristy Claassen - 2024 - Human Studies 47 (4):749-769.
    Human beings are embedded in diverse social, cultural and political groups through which we make sense of our technologically mediated lived experience. This article seeks to reaffirm the postphenomenological subject as a primarily social subject. Critics maintain that the current postphenomenological framework does not adequately address the social, cultural and political context in which human-technology relations take place. In recent years, various additions to postphenomenology have been suggested in order to address this contextual deficit. In this article, I argue (...)
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    Membaca Materialitas Ilmu Berdasarkan Filsafat Teknologi Don Ihde.Budi Hartanto - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 13 (2):193-221.
    Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas relevansi teknologi dalam diskursus filsafat ilmu. Saya merujuk pada fenomenologi instrumentasi Don Ihde yang berfokus pada pemikiran tentang intensionalitas instrumental. Instrumen bersifat non-netral yang menentukan bagaimana kita menggapai pengetahuan. Menurut Ihde, ilmu menubuh dengan teknologi. Ia berargumen filsafat ilmu mesti mempertimbangkan pentingnya praksis dan instrumentasi alih-alih teoritisasi. Selain itu akan dibahas problem persepsi dalam ilmu dengan berpijak pada pemikiran Ihde tentang hermeneutika material. Dengan hermeneutika ini, kita menyadari bahwa materialitas ilmu bersifat reduktif terhadap (...)
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    Postphenomenology: essays in the postmodern context.Don Ihde - 1993 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    He adds, "I show my worries to be less about the loss of subjects or authors, than I do about (there) not being bodies or perceivers". The book has two parts.
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    The critical Ihde.Don Ihde - 2023 - Albany: State University of New York Press. Edited by Robert Rosenberger.
    This critical reader brings together both essential as well as under-recognized writings from the work of Don Ihde, one of the most important contemporary thinkers on technology and human experience.
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  42. What is Postphenomenology? A controversy.Don Ihde, Andreas Kaminski, Alexander Friedrich, Petra Gehring, Christoph Hubig & Alfred Nordmann - 2020 - In Don Ihde, Andreas Kaminski, Alexander Friedrich, Petra Gehring, Christoph Hubig & Alfred Nordmann (eds.), Unheimlichkeit und Autonomie. Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie 6. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 261-287.
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    Expanding Hermeneutics: Visualism in Science.Don Ihde - 1998 - Northwestern University Press.
    _Expanding Hermeneutics_ examines the development of interpretation theory, emphasizing how science in practice involves and implicates interpretive processes. Ihde argues that the sciences have developed a sophisticated visual hermeneutics that produces evidence by means of imaging, visual displays, and visualizations. From this vantage point, Ihde demonstrates how interpretation is built into technologies and instruments.
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  44. Hermeneutic Phenomenology: The Philosopher of Paul Ricoeur.Don Ihde - 1971 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    Hermeneutic Phenomenology serves to introduce the philosophy of Paul Ricœur and give new perspectives to the philosophy of language.
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  45. (1 other version)Expanding Hermeneutics: Visualism in Science (Drew Christie).D. Ihde - 2000 - Continental Philosophy Review 33 (2):218-224.
    _Expanding Hermeneutics _examines the development of interpretation theory, emphasizing how science in practice involves and implicates interpretive processes. Ihde argues that the sciences have developed a sophisticated visual hermeneutics that produces evidence by means of imaging, visual displays, and visualizations. From this vantage point, Ihde demonstrates how interpretation is built into technologies and instruments.
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  46. (1 other version)Technics and Praxis.Don Ihde - 1979 - Studies in Soviet Thought 23 (4):337-339.
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    Almost a Critical Theorist... in advance.Don Ihde - 2020 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 24 (1-2):15-26.
    This article starts with an autobiographical reflection in which I first trace how close I came to doing my Ph.D. studies with Herbert Marcuse when he was at Brandeis University; then follows my early post-Ph.D. work which continued to use critical theorists in teaching, later following a growing disillusionment with the implicit elitism of many critical theory authors. Then I turn to deeper philosophical reasons for my divergence from critical theory by introducing the notion of “shelf-life,” and argue that much (...)
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  48.  31
    Sense and significance.Don Ihde - 1973 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press; distributed by Humanities Press, New York.
  49. Postphenomenology : sound beyond sound.Don Ihde - 2017 - In Marcel Cobussen, Vincent Meelberg & Barry Truax (eds.), The Routledge companion to sounding art. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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  50. Technics and Praxis.D. Ihde - 1979 - D. Reidel.
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